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Young JC  Hoogenraad NJ  Hartl FU 《Cell》2003,112(1):41-50
The role of cytosolic factors in protein targeting to mitochondria is poorly understood. Here, we show that in mammals, the cytosolic chaperones Hsp90 and Hsp70 dock onto a specialized TPR domain in the import receptor Tom70 at the outer mitochondrial membrane. This interaction serves to deliver a set of preproteins to the receptor for subsequent membrane translocation dependent on the Hsp90 ATPase. Disruption of the chaperone/Tom70 recognition inhibits the import of these preproteins into mitochondria. In yeast, Hsp70 rather than Hsp90 is used in import, and Hsp70 docking is required for the formation of a productive preprotein/Tom70 complex. We outline a novel mechanism in which chaperones are recruited for a specific targeting event by a membrane-bound receptor.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial heat shock protein Hsp70 is essential for import of nuclear-encoded proteins, involved in both unfolding and membrane translocation of preproteins. mtHsp70 interacts reversibly with Tim44 of the mitochondrial inner membrane, yet the role of this interaction is unknown. We analysed this role by using two yeast mutants of mtHsp70 that differentially influenced its interaction with Tim44. One mutant mtHsp70 (Ssc1-2p) efficiently bound preproteins, but did not show a detectable complex formation with Tim44; the mitochondria imported loosely folded preproteins with wild-type kinetics, yet were impaired in unfolding of preproteins. The other mutant Hsp70 (Ssc1-3p') bound both Tim44 and preproteins, but the mitochondria did not import folded polypeptides and were impaired in import of unfolded preproteins; Ssc1-3p' was defective in its ATPase domain and did not undergo a nucleotide-dependent conformational change, resulting in permanent binding to Tim44. The following conclusions are suggested. (i) The import of loosely folded polypeptides (translocase function of mtHsp70) does not depend on formation of a detectable Hsp70-Tim44 complex. Two explanations are possible: a trapping mechanism by soluble mtHsp70, or a weak/very transient interaction of Ssc1-2p with Tim44 that leads to a weak force generation sufficient for import of loosely folded, but not folded, polypeptides. (ii) Import of folded preproteins (unfoldase function of mtHsp70) involves a reversible nucleotide-dependent interaction of mtHsp70 with Tim44, including a conformational change in mtHsp70. This is consistent with a model that the dynamic interaction of mtHsp70 with Tim44 generates a pulling force on preproteins which supports unfolding during translocation.  相似文献   

The Tom70 import receptor on the mitochondrial outer membrane specifically recognizes Hsp90 and Hsc70, a critical step for the import of mitochondrial preproteins, the targeting of which depends on these cytosolic chaperones. To analyze the role of Hsp90 in mitochondrial import, the effects of the Hsp90 inhibitors geldanamycin and novobiocin were compared. Geldanamycin occludes the N-terminal ATP-binding site of Hsp90, whereas novobiocin targets the C-terminal region of the chaperone. Here, novobiocin was found to inhibit preprotein import and, in particular, targeting to the purified cytosolic fragment of Tom70. Hsp90 cross-linking to preprotein and coprecipitation of Hsp90 with Tom70 were both impaired by novobiocin. Overall, novobiocin treatment increased preprotein aggregation, contributing to reduced import competence. In contrast, geldanamycin had no apparent effect on preprotein interactions with Hsp90, formation of preprotein-chaperone complexes, Hsp90 docking onto Tom70, or preprotein association with the outer membrane. Instead, geldanamycin impaired formation of preprotein import intermediates at the outer membrane. This suggests a novel active role for Hsp90 in import steps subsequent to Tom70 targeting. Our results outline the mechanisms of Hsp90 function in preprotein targeting and transport.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial heat shock protein Hsp70 (mtHsp70) is essential for driving translocation of preproteins into the matrix. Two models, trapping and pulling by mtHsp70, are discussed, but positive evidence for either model has not been found so far. We have analyzed a mutant mtHsp70, Ssc1-2, that shows a reduced interaction with the membrane anchor Tim44, but an enhanced trapping of preproteins. Unexpectedly, at a low inner membrane potential, ssc1-2 mitochondria imported loosely folded preproteins more efficiently than wild-type mitochondria. The import of a tightly folded preprotein, however, was not increased in ssc1-2 mitochondria. Thus, enhanced trapping by mtHsp70 stimulates the import of loosely folded preproteins and reduces the dependence on the import-driving activity of the membrane potential, directly demonstrating that trapping is one of the molecular mechanisms of mtHsp70 action.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial GrpE (Mge1p) is a mitochondrial cochaperone essential for viability of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To study the role of Mge1p in the biogenesis of mitochondrial proteins, we isolated a conditional mutant allele of MGE1 which conferred a temperature-sensitive growth phenotype and led to the accumulation of mitochondrial preproteins after shifting of the cells to the restrictive temperature. The mutant Mge1 protein was impaired in its interaction with the matrix heat shock protein mt-Hsp70. The mutant mitochondria showed a delayed membrane translocation of preproteins, and the maturation of imported proteins was impaired, as evidenced by the retarded second proteolytic processing of a preprotein in the matrix. Moreover, the aggregation of imported proteins was decreased in the mutant mitochondria. The mutant Mge1p differentially modulated the interaction of mt-Hsp70 with preproteins compared with the wild type, resulting in decreased binding to preproteins in membrane transit and enhanced binding to fully imported proteins. We conclude that the interaction of Mge1p with mt-Hsp70 promotes the progress of the Hsp70 reaction cycle, which is essential for import and maturation of mitochondrial proteins.  相似文献   

The role of mitochondrial 70-kD heat shock protein (mt-hsp70) in protein translocation across both the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes was studied using two temperature-sensitive yeast mutants. The degree of polypeptide translocation into the matrix of mutant mitochondria was analyzed using a matrix-targeted preprotein that was cleaved twice by the processing peptidase. A short amino-terminal segment of the preprotein (40-60 amino acids) was driven into the matrix by the membrane potential, independent of hsp70 function, allowing a single cleavage of the presequence. Artificial unfolding of the preprotein allowed complete translocation into the matrix in the case where mutant mt-hsp70 had detectable binding activity. However, in the mutant mitochondria in which binding to mt-hsp70 could not be detected the mature part of the preprotein was only translocated to the intermembrane space. We propose that mt-hsp70 fulfills a dual role in membrane translocation of preproteins. (a) Mt-hsp70 facilitates unfolding of the polypeptide chain for translocation across the mitochondrial membranes. (b) Binding of mt-hsp70 to the polypeptide chain is essential for driving the completion of transport of a matrix- targeted preprotein across the inner membrane. This second role is independent of the folding state of the preprotein, thus identifying mt- hsp70 as a genuine component of the inner membrane translocation machinery. Furthermore we determined the sites of the mutations and show that both a functional ATPase domain and ATP are needed for mt- hsp70 to bind to the polypeptide chain and drive its translocation into the matrix.  相似文献   

Preprotein import into mitochondria is mediated by translocases located in the outer and inner membranes (Tom and Tim) and a matrix Hsp70-Tim44 driving system. By blue native electrophoresis, we identify an approximately 90K complex with assembled Tim23 and Tim17 as the core of the inner membrane import site for presequence-containing preproteins. Preproteins spanning the two membranes link virtually all Tim core complexes with one in four Tom complexes in a stable 600K supercomplex. Neither mtHsp70 nor Tim44 are present in stoichiometric amounts in the 600K complex. Preproteins in transit stabilize the Tim core complex, preventing an exchange of subunits. Our studies define a central role for the Tim core complexes in mitochondrial protein import; they are not passive diffusion channels, but can stably interact with preproteins and determine the number of translocation contact sites. We propose the hypothesis that mtHsp70 functions in protein import not only by direct interaction with preproteins, but also by exerting a regulatory effect on the Tim channel.  相似文献   

In order for proteins to be imported into subcellular compartments, they must first traverse the organellar membranes. In mitochondria, hydrophilic protein channels in both the outer and inner membranes serve such a purpose. Recently, the channel protein of the outer mitochondrial membrane was identified to be Tom40. Tom40 is found in a high molecular weight complex termed the general import pore (GIP) complex where it is tightly associated with the receptor protein Tom22 along with Tom7, Tom6 and Tom5. Tom7 and Tom6 seem to modulate the dynamics of the GIP complex while Tom5 is involved in preprotein transfer from receptors to Tom40. The receptor proteins Tom70 and Tom20 associate with this complex in a weaker manner where they are involved in the initial recognition of preproteins. This review focuses on the identification and characterisation of the transport machinery of the outer mitochondrial membrane and how they are involved in the co-ordination and regulation of events required for the translocation of preproteins into mitochondria.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 (mtHsp70) functions in unfolding, translocation, and folding of imported proteins. Controversial models of mtHsp70 action have been discussed: (1) physical trapping of preproteins is sufficient to explain the various mtHsp70 functions, and (2) unfolding of preproteins requires an active motor function of mtHsp70 ("pulling"). Intragenic suppressors of a mutant mtHsp70 separate two functions: a nonlethal folding defect caused by enhanced trapping of preproteins, and a conditionally lethal unfolding defect caused by an impaired interaction of mtHsp70 with the membrane anchor Tim44. Even enhanced trapping in wild-type mitochondria does not generate a pulling force. The motor function of mtHsp70 cannot be explained by passive trapping alone but includes an essential ATP-dependent interaction with Tim44 to generate a pulling force and unfold preproteins.  相似文献   

Newly synthesized mitochondrial precursor proteins have to become unfolded by the mitochondrial Hsp70 (mtHsp70) import motor to cross the mitochondrial membranes. To assess the mechanism of unfolding of precursor proteins by mtHsp70, we designed a system to measure step sizes of the mtHsp70 import motor, which are distances at which the motor system moves along polypeptide chains during a single turnover of ATP. We made a series of fusion proteins consisting of a mitochondrial presequence containing the first mtHsp70 binding site, a spacer sequence containing an Hsp70 avoidance segment followed by the second mtHsp70 binding site, and different folded mature domains. Analyses of the dependence of the import rates of those fusion proteins on the lengths of Hsp70 avoidance segments allowed us to estimate the step sizes, which differ for different mature domains and different lengths of the spacers. These results suggest that the mtHsp70 import motor functions at least as a molecular Brownian ratchet to unfold mitochondrial precursor proteins.  相似文献   

The mitochondrion depends upon the import of cytosolically synthesized preproteins for most of the proteins that comprise its structural elements and metabolic pathways. Here we have examined the influence of redox conditions on mitochondrial preprotein import and processing by mammalian mitochondria. Paraquat pretreatment of isolated mitochondria inhibited the subsequent import preornithine transcarbamylase (pOTC) in vitro. In intact cells oxidizing conditions led to decreased levels of mature OTC and accumulation of its preprotein. Implicating a mitochondrial import lesion, the fluorescence of pOTC-GFP (a protein in which the presequence of pOTC was fused to green fluorescent protein) transfected cells was decreased by paraquat treatment while cytosolic wild-type GFP remained largely unaffected. The accumulation of preproteins was enhanced by proteasome inhibitors. We observed that precursor proteins that failed to be imported, due to oxidizing conditions or an intrinsically slower import rate, are susceptible to degradation. Inhibition of the proteasome was also found to lead to higher levels of the translocase outer membrane protein 20 (Tom20) and to the perinuclear accumulation of mitochondria. These studies indicate that cellular redox conditions influence mitochondrial import, which, in turn, affects mitochondrial protein levels. A role for the proteasome in this process and in general mitochondrial function was also indicated.  相似文献   

The heat-shock protein 70 (Hsp70)-based import motor, associated with the translocon on the matrix side of the mitochondrial inner membrane, drives translocation of proteins via cycles of binding and release. Stimulation of Hsp70's ATPase activity by the translocon-associated J-protein Pam18 is critical for this process. Pam18 forms a heterodimer with the structurally related protein Pam16, via their J-type domains. This interaction has been proposed to perform a critical regulatory function, inhibiting the ATPase stimulatory activity of Pam18. Using biochemical and genetic assays, we tested this hypothesis by assessing the in vivo function of Pam18 variants having altered abilities to stimulate Hsp70's ATPase activity. The observed pattern of genetic interactions was opposite from that predicted if the heterodimer serves an inhibitory function; instead the pattern was consistent with that of mutations known to cause reduction in the stability of the heterodimer. Analysis of a previously uncharacterized region of Pam16 revealed its requirement for formation of an active Pam18:Pam16 complex able to stimulate Hsp70's ATPase activity. Together, our data are consistent with the idea that Pam18 and Pam16 form a stable heterodimer and that the critical role of the Pam18:Pam16 interaction is the physical tethering of Pam18 to the translocon via its interaction with Pam16.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial import receptor of 70 kDa, Tom70, preferentially recognizes precursors of membrane proteins with internal targeting signals. We report the identification of a stably folded 25 kDa core domain located in the middle portion of Tom70 that contains two of the seven tetratricopeptide repeat motifs of the receptor. The core domain binds non-cleavable and cleavable preproteins carrying internal targeting signals with a specificity indistinguishable from the full-length receptor. Competition studies indicate that both types of preproteins interact with overlapping binding sites of the core domain and that at least one additional interaction site is present in the full-length receptor. We suggest a model of Tom70 function in import of membrane proteins whereby a hydrophobic preprotein concomitantly interacts with several binding sites of the receptor.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that 70-kD mitochondrial heat shock protein (mt- hsp70) has a dual role in membrane translocation of preproteins we screened preproteins in an attempt to find examples which required either only the unfoldase or only the translocase function of mt-hsp70. We found that a series of fusion proteins containing amino-terminal portions of the intermembrane space protein cytochrome b2 (cyt. b2) fused to dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) were differentially imported into mitochondria containing mutant hsp70s. A fusion protein between the amino-terminal 167 residues of the precursor of cyt. b2 and DHFR was efficiently transported into mitochondria independently of both hsp70 functions. When the length of the cyt. b2 portion was increased and included the heme binding domain, the fusion protein became dependent on the unfoldase function of mt-hsp70, presumably caused by a conformational restriction of the heme-bound preprotein. In the absence of heme the noncovalent heme binding domain in the longer fusion proteins no longer conferred a dependence on the unfoldase function. When the cyt. b2 portion of the fusion protein was less than 167 residues, its import was still independent of mt-hsp70 function; however, deletion of the intermembrane space sorting signal resulted in preproteins that ended up in the matrix of wild-type mitochondria and whose translocation was strictly dependent on the translocase function of mt-hsp70. These findings provide strong evidence for a dual role of mt-hsp70 in membrane translocation and indicate that preproteins with an intermembrane space sorting signal can be correctly imported even in mutants with severely impaired hsp70 function.  相似文献   

Most mitochondrial membrane proteins are synthesized in the cytosol and must be delivered to the organelle in an unfolded, import competent form. In mammalian cells, the cytosolic chaperones Hsp90 and Hsp70 are part of a large cytosolic complex that deliver the membrane protein to the mitochondrion by docking with the import receptor Tom70. These two abundant chaperones have other functions in the cell suggesting that the specificity for the targeting of mitochondrial proteins requires the addition of specific factors within the targeting complex. We identify Tom34 as a cochaperone of Hsp70/Hsp90 in mitochondrial protein import. We show that Tom34 is an integral component with Hsp70 and Hsp90 in the large complex. We also demonstrate the role of Tom34 in the mitochondrial import process, as the addition of an excess of Tom34 prevents efficient mitochondrial translocation of precursor proteins that have requirements for Hsp70/Hsp90. Tom34 exhibits an affinity for mitochondrial preproteins of the Tom70 translocation pathway as demonstrated by binding assays using in vitro translated proteins as baits. In addition, we examined the specificity and the size of different complex cytosolic machines. Separation of different radiolabeled cell-free translated proteins on Native-PAGE showed the presence of a high molecular weight complex which binds hydrophobic proteins. Importantly we show that the formation of the chaperone cytosolic complex that mediates the targeting of proteins to the mitochondria contains Tom34 and assembles in the presence of a fully translated substrate protein.  相似文献   

New steps in the reaction cycle that drives protein translocation into the mitochondrial matrix have been defined. The membrane potential (delta psi)- and the mtHsp70/MIM44-dependent import machinery cooperate in the transfer of the presequence across the inner membrane. Translocation intermediates, arrested at a stage where only the presequence could form a complex with mtHsp70, still required delta psi for further import. Delta psi at this stage prevented retrograde movement, since mtHsp70 did not bind to the presequence with sufficient affinity. In contrast, mature regions of incoming chains adjacent to the presequence were bound by mtHsp70 tightly enough to stabilize them in the matrix. Cycling of the mtHsp70 on and off incoming chains is a continuous process in the presence of matrix ATP. Both MIM44-bound and free forms of mtHsp70 were found in association with the incoming chains. These data are consistent with a reaction pathway in which the mtHsp70/MIM44 complex acts as a molecular ratchet on the cis side of the inner membrane to drive protein translocation into the matrix.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial proteins with N-terminal targeting signals are transported across the inner membrane via the presequence translocase, which consists of membrane-integrated channel proteins and the matrix Hsp70 import motor. It has not been known how preproteins are directed to the import channel. We have identified the essential protein Tim50, which exposes its major domain to the intermembrane space. Tim50 interacts with preproteins in transit and directs them to the channel protein Tim23. Inactivation of Tim50 strongly inhibits the import of preproteins with a classical matrix-targeting signal, while preproteins carrying an additional inner membrane-sorting signal do not strictly depend on Tim50. Thus, Tim50 is crucial for guiding the precursors of matrix proteins to their insertion site in the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Exposure to temperatures over a certain limit leads to massive protein aggregation in the cell. Disaggregation of such aggregates is largely dependent on the Hsp100 and Hsp70 chaperones. The exact role of the Hsp70 chaperone machine (composed of DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE) in the Hsp100-dependent process remains unknown. In this study we focused on the Hsp70 role at the initial step of the disaggregation process. Two different aggregated model substrates, green fluorescent protein (GFP) and firefly luciferase, were incubated with the Hsp70 machine resulting in efficient fragmentation of large aggregates into smaller ones. Our data suggest that the observed fragmentation is achieved first by extraction of polypeptides from aggregates in Hsp70 chaperone machine-dependent manner and not by direct fragmentation of large aggregates. In the absence of Hsp100 (ClpB) these "extracted" polypeptides were not able to fold properly and promptly reassociated into new aggregates. The extracted GFP molecules were efficiently recognized and sequestered by a molecular trap, the mutant GroEL D87K, which binds stably to unfolded but not to native polypeptides. The binding of extracted GFP molecules to the GroEL trap prevented their reaggregation. We propose that the Hsp70 machine disentangles polypeptides from protein aggregates prior to Hsp100 action.  相似文献   

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