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ZUSAMMENFASSUNG. Die Reduktionsgeschwindigkeit künstlicher Elektronenakzeptoren wurde mittels einer modifizierten Thunbergtechnik in Gegenwart isolierter Mitochondrien des Protisten Acanthamoeba castellanii Neff photometrisch gemessen. Die mit verschiedenen Elektronenakzeptoren und Atmungsketteninhibitoren gewonnenen Meßergebnisse erlauben uns folgendes Bild von der Konstitution der Atmungskette zu entwerfen: a) Der Elektronentransport läuft mindestens bis zum Cytochrom b /Coenzym Q-Komplex auf zwei verschiedenen Wegen ab. b) Eine Stimulierung sowohl des Succinat-Jodnitrotetrazolium-chlorid als auch des NADH-Ferricyanid Reduktasekomplexes unter dem Einfluß von Antimycin A läßt vermuten, daß in der Atmungskette dieses Protisten gewisse Nebengleise des Elektronentransports besonders gangbar sind.
SYNOPSIS. The reduction of artificial electron acceptors by isolated mitochondria of Acanthamoeba castellanii was measured by a modified Thunberg technic. The results with different electron acceptors and respiratory chain inhibitors suggest the following scheme for the constitution of the respiratory chain: a) the chain is divided into 2 different sequences, at least up to the cytochrome b /coenzyme Q complex. b) As seen from the stimulation of the succinate-iodonitrotetrazolium chloride and NADH-ferricyanide reductase complexes by antimycin A, certain alternate pathways of electron transport become more important than the normal one.  相似文献   

Influence of Pythium ultimum and Cochliobolus sativus on growth and root efficiency of winter barley dependent on fertilizer level The colonization of barley roots by Pythium ultimum and Cochliobolus sativus can be symptomless or cause root rot. Disease severity of the root systems was increased at higher fertilizer level. Since root length growth was much more affected than shoot growth, the undamaged roots of an infected root systems had an increased efficiency per unit root length. Nevertheless the total root systems, when infected, were positively inferior to the healthy ones. Their utilization of additionaln, utrients was less efficient. This indicates the importance of root health in economical and ecological respect.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Aphiden rufen durch den Einstich bei ihren Wirtspflanzen Reaktionen mannigfaltiger Art hervor. So sind uns Auswirkungen auf den Wasserhaushalt und den Stoffwechsel pflanzlicher Gewebe bekannt, die auf die Einwirkung pflanzensaugender Insekten zurückzuführen sind. Diese Reaktionen werden durch das Zusammenwirken der mechanischen und chemischen Komponente des Stiches ausgelöst.
Summary The result of puncturing plant-cells by aphids was demonstrated as follows: The aphids, Myzus ascalonicus Donc., were allowed to pierce detached bulb scales of Allium cepa, in green light, and were then anaesthetized with CO2. The stylets were then severed using iridectomy scissors (Fig. 1). The epidermis was dissected off, mounted on a slide and observed under a phase-contrast microscope. The point of injection remained marked by the stylets which stuck in the epidermis. Intercellular and extracellular puncturing could be distinguished.It was possible to demonstrate a shortening of the time deplasmolysis in the cells lying close to the injection, and also an increase of streaming in the cell plasma. In cells which had been pierced directly, a saliva-sheath was formed (Fig. 2 and 3). The extent of the effect of the saliva was studied using radioactive aphids. After these radioactive aphids had pierced the epidermis the part containing the stylets was mounted on a slide. This preparation was kept in the dark for 14 days, with a special film (Kodak, Scientific Plates, Auto radiographic) covering it. The film was developed and fixed, and a preparation was thus obtained with the developed film covering the epidermis. Darkened spots on the film showed the parts of the cells which had been made radioactive by the saliva.Very fine needles made by galvanic etching were also stuck into the cells, to demonstrate the mechanical effects of aphid punctures. This mechanical stimulus by needles only a few in diameter caused streaming in the cell plasma and a shortening of deplasmolysis time. It is clear that the importance of these mechanical effects must not be underestimated. The increased plasma-streaming was apparently caused by amino-acids in aphid's saliva, and also by the amino-acids produced from proteins when the cells were injured. Kloft (1956) found 4 amino-acids in the saliva of M. ascalonicus. The effect of these amino-acids on deplasmolysis-time is being examined, but as yet no effect has been detected.Finally, when fine glass-capillaries are used to imitate piercing by plantsucking insects and when the glass-capillaries contain amino-acids, deplasmolysis-time is reduced.

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