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Macrhybopsis reproduction and propagule traits were studied in the laboratory using two temperature regimes and three hormone treatments to determine which methods produced the most spawns. Only sicklefin chub Macrhybopsis meeki spawned successfully although sturgeon chub Macrhybopsis gelida released unfertilized eggs. All temperature and hormone treatments produced M. meeki spawns, but two treatments had similar success rates at 44 and 43%, consisting of a constant daily temperature with no hormone added, or daily temperature fluctuations with hormone added to the water. Spawns consisted of multiple successful demersal circular swimming spawning embraces interspersed with circular swims without embraces. The most spawns observed for one female was four and on average, 327 eggs were collected after each spawn. The water‐hardened eggs were semi‐buoyant and non‐adhesive, the first confirmation of this type of reproductive guild in the Missouri River Macrhybopsis sp. From spawn, larvae swam vertically until 123 accumulated degree days (° D) and 167° D for consumption of first food. Using average water speed and laboratory development time, the predicted drift distance for eggs and larvae could be 468–592 km in the lower Missouri River. Results from this study determined the reproductive biology and early life history of Macrhybopsis spp. and provided insight into their population dynamics in the Missouri River.  相似文献   

M. Yoda    M. Yoneda 《Journal of fish biology》2009,74(10):2338-2354
This study examined the spawning season, spawning frequency and batch fecundity of yellow sea bream Dentex hypselosomus in the East China Sea to reassess the previously reported reproductive characteristics of the species. Time-course sampling showed that this species had a diurnal ovarian maturation rhythm. Late tertiary yolk-stage oocytes appeared 2 days before spawning, starting the process of germinal vesicle movement and breakdown. On the day of spawning, ovulation and subsequent spawning occurred in the early morning (0400–0800 hours). Postovulatory follicles disappeared from the ovaries within c. 24 h of ovulation. Seasonal changes in the ovarian conditions indicated that this species spawned more or less throughout the year, with the peak ranging from spring to autumn. The compositions of the developing oocytes and degenerating postovulatory follicles in the ovaries suggested that most females spawned repeatedly over 2 to 3 consecutive days during the peak of the spawning season. Somatic body condition did not have a significant effect on batch fecundity, but there was a significant relationship between batch fecundity and fork length according to spawning status. Females spawning on consecutive days were more fecund than those spawning every other day. The findings show that this species has much greater reproductive potential than previously estimated.  相似文献   

This study presents the first histology‐based assessment of the reproductive dynamics of south‐west Pacific striped marlin Kajikia audax. Maturity and reproductive status were assessed from histological sections of ovaries (n = 234) and testes (n = 243) of fish caught in commercial longline and recreational fisheries between 2006 and 2009. Spawning peaked in the Coral Sea during November and December at sea surface temperatures between 24·8 and 28·3° C. Lower jaw fork length (LLJF) at 50% maturity (LLJF50), a key variable for stock assessment, was estimated to be 2100 ± 102 mm (mean + s.e .) for females and 1668 ± 18 mm for males. Unlike large pelagic tunas Thunnus spp., the proportion of females increased with length and spawning fish formed multiple large‐scale aggregations within a broad latitudinal band. This study provides a starting point for biological parameters needed for stock assessment and conservation of K. audax and introduces the multiple aggregation spawning concept as a reproductive mechanism to explain genetic heterogeneity observed in some highly migratory species.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the white grunt Haemulon plumierii was studied from 360 individuals obtained from artisanal fisheries landings in the Abrolhos Bank, Brazil, between August 2010 and March 2012. The overall sex‐ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1, although males predominated in larger size classes. β‐Binomial modelling of historical sex‐ratio data indicated that the catch rate of females has increased in recent years. Females reached maturity at a smaller total length (LT; 214 mm) than males (235 mm LT) and the LT at which 50% of all individuals are mature (L50) was 220 mm, corresponding to 41·5% of the maximum recorded LT. Variation in the gonado‐somatic index and in the relative frequency of reproductive stages indicates that reproduction occurs year round, with increased activity during the austral spring and summer. Fecundity was not size dependent. The reproductive parameters provided here can support management measures focussed on seasonal closures during spawning peaks (September to November and February to March) and minimum sizes (>L50) for the capture of this important artisanal fisheries resource in Abrolhos, the region with the largest and most biodiverse coralline reefs in the South Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

The spawning periodicity of eight fish species was investigated in three English lowland rivers over a 6 year period from patterns in 0+ year fish standard length ( L S) distributions. A single cohort of 0+ year dace Leuciscus leuciscus , roach Rutilus rutilus and perch Perca fluviatilis was observed each year, suggesting that these species spawned only once annually. By contrast, populations of chub Leuciscus cephalus , bleak Alburnus alburnus , bream Abramis brama , gudgeon Gobio gobio and minnow Phoxinus phoxinus were inferred to spawn on more than one occasion each year. Annual and intercatchment variations occurred in the L S distribution patterns of some of the fish species. In chub, for example, although a minimum of two 0+ year cohorts occurred in all years in the River Trent, 'multiple' spawning (either at the individual or population level) was most apparent in 1999, 2003 and 2004. By contrast, 'multiple' spawning events were not evident in all years in the Warwickshire Avon and Yorkshire Ouse, with recruitment presumably based upon a single spawning event in some years. There is effectively a trade-off between early spawning (extended growing season), and the possibility that environmental conditions will impact upon recruitment success, and the potential for reduced overwinter survival of smaller individuals with lower lipid resources from later spawning events. Notwithstanding, fishes as small as 15 mm L S survived the winter in some years, suggesting that progeny from later spawning events may make important contributions to fish recruitment success.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition of eggs affects development, growth and ecological performance of fish embryos and larvae, with potential consequences for recruitment success. Essential fatty acids in eggs derive from the maternal diet, and the time between ingestion and deposition in eggs is ecologically important but unknown. We examined the dynamics of diet–egg transfer of arachidonic acid (ARA) in the batch-spawning fish, red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), by measuring ARA concentrations in eggs after a single diet shift and during a period of irregular variations in diet. ARA concentrations in eggs changed within 2–16 days of a diet shift. The rate of change was proportional to the magnitude of the shift, with no evidence of equilibration. These results are not consistent with eggs being assembled entirely from accumulated body stores. The immediate source of ARA in eggs appears to be the recent diet. We propose that batch spawning produces rapid diet–egg transfer of ARA because it removes large amounts of fatty acids from the body and prevents equilibration. The immediacy of the diet–egg connection suggests that spawning migration combined with short-interval batch spawning may have evolved to take advantage of nutrients critical for offspring survival that are available at the spawning site.  相似文献   

Propagation techniques for marine fish species, applicable to public aquariums, are reviewed based on work with ornamental tropicals and foodfish species. Adult conditioning, spawning procedures, incubation of eggs, larval rearing, larval food culture, and facilities are discussed with specific references to techniques used at Instant Ocean Hatcheries, Inc, for Anemonefish (Amphiprion spp) culture in synthetic seawater.  相似文献   


Gonadal maturation, spawning, fecundity and timing of reproduction of the snail Cerithidea cingulata in a brackish water pond in Molo, Iloilo, Philippines, are described. Snails 4–41 mm in shell length were sampled monthly from May 1997 to May 1998; 25% were <25 mm, 67% were 20–30 mm, and 8% were >30 mm. The sexes are separate and could first be distinguished at 15 mm. Males are aphallic, have narrower shells than females of the same length, and have bright yellow-orange testes overlying the digestive gland deep inside the shell. Females have more robust shells, an ovipositor at the right side of the foot, and yellow-green ovaries overlying the digestive gland. The sex ratio was one male to two females in the pond population studied. Gonadal maturation was monitored by means of gonadosomatic index (GSI, gonad weight as a percent of visceral weight); maturation stages were based on the gonad appearance (immature, developing, mature) and histology (immature, developing, mature, redeveloping). GSI increased with snail size, and reached 16% in a 33-mm female. The smallest mature males and females were 18–19 mm, and most snails >20 mm were mature, spawning, or redeveloping. Histological sections showed all stages of gametogenesis in mature male snails. The oocyte size-frequency distributions in mature females showed mostly mature oocytes and secondary oocytes, but also oogonia and primary oocytes. GSI and the frequency of snails at different maturation stages varied over the year. Both GSI and the frequency of mature snails were highest during the summer months, April to August. Nevertheless, mature snails occurred throughout the whole year, as did mating and egg-laying. Fecundity (= number of oocytes >70 pμ) increased with size in mature females 2041 mm; an average 25-mm female produced about 1,500 oocytes and larger females produced a maximum of about 2,500 oocytes. Eggs strings laid on the pond bottom were 45–75 mm long; an average 64-mm string contained 2,000 eggs 210+20 pm in diameter. The density of eggs strings was highest (80–120/m2) during March-September. Eggs hatched after 6–7 d into planktonic veligers, which in turn settle on the pond bottom 11–12 d later as juveniles. Juveniles 2–6-mm long were most abundant in the pond during August-October.  相似文献   

To improve knowledge of goosefish Lophius americanus' reproductive biology, females were collected during 2009–2012 from the Mid‐Atlantic Bight shelf region of the U.S. east coast. Batch fecundity increased with total length (LT), from 229 100 to 2 243 300 mature oocytes per female (LT range: 55·5–112 cm; n = 54). This estimate of fecundity at LT is lower than one derived from a sample collected during 1982–1985. Examination of whole oocyte diameters in different months indicated that L. americanus is a serial spawner, releasing more than one egg veil per spawning season, as suspected or observed for other Lophius species. Seasonality of spawning was evident from whole oocytes and gonad histology, and from larval fish surveys spanning the U.S. north‐east shelf, and confirmed a protracted (c. 6 months) spawning period. Peak spawning activity progressed northward from spring to autumn. The population‐level implications of these results were explored by estimating population reproductive potential (PRP), which considered the value of both current and future per capita reproduction using decade‐specific age structure and fecundity at length. PRP is now more than 50% lower compared with the historical period (1982–1985), a result of the lower proportions of large females and reduced fecundity across all sizes. Mechanisms that could explain this loss of stock productivity are fishing‐induced size–age truncation or regime shifts in egg production caused by changes in energy density of common forage species.  相似文献   

A histological and gravimetric analysis of oocyte development in Encrasicholina heteroloba (Ruppell, 1858) indicated that this species spawns serially and has a group-synchronous mode of ovarian development. A six stage maturity scale, based on both external morphology and oocyte composition, was proposed to classify ovarian development in E. heteroloba . The incidence of females with hydrated oocytes and post-ovulatory follicles in samples from two regions; the south Java Sea and Roviana lagoon, in the Solomon Islands were used to estimate spawning frequency. Estimates of mean inter-spawning intervals ranged from around 2 days in fish from Roviana lagoon to up to 16.7 days in fish from the south Java Sea. Batch fecundity was determined from the number of oocytes in the largest oocyte size class in ripe stage ovaries. Batch fecundity was related to size and was significantly greater for a given size in the Roviana lagoon population ( F = 0.081 × L 4.89, Roviana population; F = 1.682 × L 2.83, Jepara population).  相似文献   

王远坤  夏自强  王栋  李帆  李建 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6359-6365
通过对鱼类产卵场地形分析,认为水流能量损失是鱼类产卵场形成的重要原因之一,这种能量损失主要是由于特殊河道地貌形成的水流紊动而产生的.在此基础上探索性地推导了考虑这种河道水流能量损失的明渠非恒定流方程.以中华鲟为例,对产卵场河段进行了三维水流数值模拟,计算了产卵河段紊动能的分布,探讨了中华鲟产卵行为与水流紊动之间的关系,结果表明产卵区因紊动产生的能量损失明显大于非产卵区.以期为保护中华鲟和其他鱼类产卵场水力学环境提供参考.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic imaging was used to determine the spawning population structure and develop a fecundity estimation model for a red hind Epinephelus guttatus spawning aggregation within the Red Hind Bank Marine Conservation District, St Thomas, U.S.V.I. The spawning population showed considerable within‐month and between‐month variation in population size‐ and sex‐structure. In the spawning season studied, males appeared to arrive at the aggregation site first in December although females represented a large proportion of the catch early in the aggregation periods in January and February. Spawning occurred in January and February, and size frequency distributions suggested that an influx of small females occurred during the second spawning month. An overall sex ratio of 2·9 : 1 (female : male) was recorded for the whole reproductive season. The sex ratio, however, differed between months and days within months. More females per male were recorded in January than in February when the sex ratio was male biased. Fecundity estimates for this species predicted very high potential fecundities (2·4 × 105−2·4 × 106 oocytes). The ultrasound model also illustrated a rapid increase in potential female fecundity with total length. Ultrasonic imaging may prove a valuable tool in population assessment for many species and locations in which invasive fishing methods are clearly undesirable.  相似文献   

The gonad maturation cycle of Siganus sutor (Valenciennes, 1835) (Osteichthyes-Siganidae) is described for both males and females using macroscopic criteria for the testes and both macroscopic and microscopic ones for staging the ovaries. Siganus suror has two major spawning seasons: one in January/February and the other in May/June. The presence of these seasons is established by (a) the temporal variations in the condition factor and in the relative weight of the gonads, (b) the progression of peaks of maturity stages with seasonal occurrence of spent fish in the samples, and (c) the seasonal appearance ofjuveniles. This is a significant result for a tropical marine fish.  相似文献   

Histological examination of ovaries from European hake Merluccius merluccius from the Bay of Biscay sampled on a monthly basis from December 1996 to October 1997 demonstrated that European hake exhibit indeterminate fecundity. Oocyte development is asynchronous with a continuous oocyte size-frequency distribution in prespawning, spawning and postspawning females, and a gradual decrease in the mean diameter of advanced yolked oocytes as spawning proceeds. Spawning European hake were observed throughout the 11 month study period. The spawning fraction ranged from 0·085 to 0·207, which is equivalent to a batch interval of 5–12 days. The spawning fraction and proportion of spawning females were highest from January to March. Seasonal variation of atresia was inversely related to spawning fraction. Extensive atresia in individual fish was observed in September and October, when the spawning fraction was low.  相似文献   

Basic biological information was collected to assist in understanding the biology of selected small-bodied fishes for use in environmental monitoring programmes. Gonado-somatic index ( I G) and hepato-somatic index ( I H) profiles of female blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus , mummichog Fundulus heteroclitus and golden shiner Notemigonus crysoleucas were similar, decreasing gradually during the spawning season. I G and I H profiles of female northern redbelly dace Phoxinus eos peaked twice suggesting oocyte recruitment was continuous throughout the spawning season. Regressions of ovary mass to adjusted body mass ( M A) were more variable in dace relative to the other fish species. For female blacknose dace, variability in the relationship between ovary mass and M A was minimized by selecting either 2 year-old fish and fish that weighed 2–4 g.  相似文献   

G. Rakowitz    J. Kube&#;ka    C. Fesl    H. Keckeis 《Journal of fish biology》2009,75(6):1356-1370
Hydroacoustic counting and a three-year mark–recapture study with passive integrated transponders (PIT tags) were used to estimate the size of a spawning population of nase Chondrostoma nasus , a threatened potamodromous cyprinid that undertakes annual spawning migrations into a tributary of the Danube River. In 2005, the estimates of the size of the spawning population from the hydroacoustic counts ( N = 2234, 95% CL 1929–2538) and from the Jolly–Seber model ( N = 1198, 95% CL 461–5842) corresponded well. Estimates from the jackknife-estimator based on the hydroacoustic counts yielded slightly higher values ( N = 2783, 95% CL 2529–3037), but were still in the same order of magnitude as those from the hydroacoustic and mark–recapture approach. At low run-size, hydroacoustic counting was more time consuming and technically demanding than mark–recapture studies. At the same time, it was non-invasive, provided real-time data on a fine temporal scale, and estimates showed less variability than the Jolly–Seber model. Mark–recapture of fish in spawning streams involved substantial disturbance at a sensitive stage of the life cycle. Hence, hydroacoustics is highly suited for population estimates of threatened potamodromous fishes, where interference needs to be minimized.  相似文献   

We tested two hypotheses that describe previously untested assumptions about the appropriate stage(s) for use in determining clutch sizes in darters. Three sequential stages of clutch/ovarian development are recognized: mature oocyte/ovary, ripening oocytc/ovary, and ripe oocyte/ovary. Mean ratios of clutch size to female length (relative clutch size, RCS) were significantly smaller and variances of RCS were significantly greater in ripe females when compared to mature and ripening females. Correlation coefficients for the relationship between clutch size and standard length (S.L.) were significantly greater for mature and ripening females than for ripe females. Mean clutch size, adjusted for the S.L. covariate, was significantly greater in mature and ripening females than in ripe females. Thus, we conclude that counts of eggs from ripe females yield fecundity estimates that are lower and more variable than estimates from counts of oocytes from mature and ripening females collected at the same time. Based on this conclusion, we discuss methods for developing fecundity estimates in darters. Our results may be broadly applicable to other taxa of fishes with group-synchronous ovum development.  相似文献   

The influence of freshwater inflows and salinity on spawning success of black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri (Sparidae) was investigated over 2 years in a small estuary on the east coast of Tasmania, Australia. The individual spawning seasons experienced quite different freshwater inflows; 2004-2005 was characterized by low flows throughout the season whereas during 2005-2006 there were three relatively large discharge events in the first part of the season. Macroscopic gonad staging of adults was used to define the spawning season and daily increment analysis of otoliths from recently settled recruits was used to backcalculate spawning dates. Gonad staging indicated that adults were in spawning condition over a 3 to 4 month period during spring and summer. The timing and duration of successful spawning, however, differed markedly between years and was linked to the timing of freshwater inflows and salinity conditions, with successful spawning occurring during periods of low freshwater discharge and when salinities in the upper estuary were above c. 15. Growth rates of the recently settled recruits did not differ between years, nor did the timing of spawning within the season influence growth rates. While the latter finding was unexpected, especially given within season temperature variability, these results imply that by the onset of winter earlier spawned fish would be larger than later spawned individuals, potentially conferring advantages for survival and competition for food. Climate change predictions for eastern Tasmania indicate a decrease in river flows in spring and an increase during summer, potentially increasing environmental variability between and within years, with implications for spawning success and subsequent recruitment.  相似文献   

During June, August and October 2006, there were three multi-disciplinary surveys carried out in the Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent waters (122°00′–125°00′E, 27°50′–34°00′N) by R/V Beidou to study the species composition and abundance of ichthyoplankton (including fish eggs, larvae and juveniles), the spatial distribution of fish spawning ground and their relationship with habitat factors. There were 29, 29 and 25 grid stations sampled in the three cruises, respectively. The ichthyoplankton samples were collected by horizontally towing with a macro-plankton net (mouth diameter 80 cm, length 270 cm, mesh size 0.50 mm) at the sea surface, and the towing speed was 3.0 n mile/h at each sampling station. The towing lasted for 10 min. After hauling for each station, habitat factors including temperature and salinity were measured by Sea Bird-25 CTD. Samples were preserved in 5% formaldehyde solution immediately after sampling for analysis in laboratory. Since the trawl speed could not be accurately evaluated due to the effects of ocean currents and wind-induced wave, the amount of ichthyoplankton was evaluated by actual number of the sampling haul in each station. Ichthyoplankton collected were divided into three categories: dominant species, important species and main species by the index of relative importance (IRI). There are 71 species (including 1200 fish eggs and 2575 fish larvae and juveniles) collected during 3 cruises and 59 species have been correctly identified to species level, which belongs to 50 genera, 37 families and 9 orders; while 5 species can only be identified to genera level, 1 species only identified to family level and 6 species identified to order level. These 59 species identified to species level and 5 species identified to genera level are divided into three ecological patterns, i.e., brackish water species, neritic water species and coastal water species. Warm water species have 34 species in those 59 species identified to species level, accounting for 57.63%, warm temperature species have 25 species, accounting for 42.37%. According to the analysis of IRI, the dominant species are Engraulis japonicus (in June and August, that is important species in October), Scomber japonicus (in August), and Johnius grypotus (in October) during the survey; important species are Cynoglossus joyneri (in June and August), Trichiurus lepturus (in June, August and October), Gonorhynchus abbreviatus (in August), Stolephorus commersonii (in October), Saurida undosquamis (in October) and Saurida elongate (in October), and main species have 12 species in June, 9 species in August and 10 species in October, respectively. The amount of fish eggs and larvae of the dominant species, important species and main species (28 species) are 97.50% and 97.13% of the total amount of fish eggs and larvae, respectively, which are the important composition of fish eggs and larvae in the Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent waters.
In June and August of 2006, if compared with that in corresponding months in 1986, there are great changes in the habitat factors especially for temperature and salinity in the investigating areas: high salinity water from off-shelf is much closer to the coastal areas which results in the dramatic increase of sea surface salinity during all three surveys. Sea surface temperature, on the other hand, decreases distinctively in June, but significantly increases in August. The run-off of the Changjiang River greatly reduced due to the long-term drought in summer 2006, which is responsible for the great changes of habitat factors in the Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent waters. The habitat of the Changjiang River estuary is greatly changed, which consequently has significant influences on the spawning, breeding and the spatial distribution of spawning ground of neritic water species, such as Sardinella zunasi, Thryssa kammalensis, Thryssa mystax, Setipinna taty and S. commersonii ect, and coastal water species, such as Ilisha elongate and Konosirus punctatus ect.  相似文献   

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