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Plant invasions have the potential to significantly alter soil microbial communities, given their often considerable aboveground effects. We examined how plant invasions altered the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of native plant roots in a grassland site in California and one in Utah. In the California site, we used experimentally created plant communities composed of exotic (Avena barbata, Bromus hordeaceus) and native (Nassella pulchra, Lupinus bicolor) monocultures and mixtures. In the Utah semi-arid grassland, we took advantage of invasion by Bromus tectorum into long-term plots dominated by either of two native grasses, Hilaria jamesii or Stipa hymenoides. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonizing roots were characterized with PCR amplification of the ITS region, cloning, and sequencing. We saw a significant effect of the presence of exotic grasses on the diversity of mycorrhizal fungi colonizing native plant roots. In the three native grasses, richness of mycorrhizal fungi decreased; in the native forb at the California site, the number of fungal RFLP patterns increased in the presence of exotics. The exotic grasses also caused the composition of the mycorrhizal community in native roots to shift dramatically both in California, with turnover of Glomus spp., and Utah, with replacement of Glomus spp. by apparently non-mycorrhizal fungi. Invading plants may be able to influence the network of mycorrhizal fungi in soil that is available to natives through either earlier root activity or differential carbon provision compared to natives. Alteration of the soil microbial community by plant invasion can provide a mechanism for both successful invasion and the resulting effects of invaders on the ecosystem.  相似文献   

One common problem encountered when restoring grasslands is the prominence of non-native plant species. It is unclear what effect non-native plants have on habitat quality of grassland passerines, which are among the most imperiled groups of birds. In 2004 and 2005, we compared patterns of avian reproduction and the mechanisms that might influence those patterns across a gradient of 13 grasslands in the Zumwalt Prairie in northeastern Oregon that vary in the degree of non-native plant cover (0.9–53.4%). We monitored the fate of 201 nests of all the breeding species in these pastures and found no association of percent non-native cover with nest densities, clutch size, productivity, nest survival, and nestling size. Regardless of the degree of non-native cover, birds primarily fed on Coleoptera, Orthoptera, and Araneae. But as percent non-native cover in the pastures increased, Orthoptera made up a greater proportion of diet and Coleoptera made up a smaller proportion. These diet switches were not the result of changes in terrestrial invertebrate abundance but may be related to decreases in percent bare ground associated with increasing cover of non-native vegetation. Measures of nest crypticity were not associated with cover of non-native vegetation, suggesting that predation risk may not increase with increased cover of non-native vegetation. Thus, the study results show that increased non-native cover is not associated with reduced food supplies or increased predation risk for nesting birds, supporting the growing body of evidence that grasslands with a mix of native and non-native vegetation can provide suitable habitat for native grassland breeding birds.  相似文献   

The methods employed in a restoration can impact the resulting plant community. This study investigated the effect of restoration method on several indices of plant community structure by comparing two restoration methods conducted over an 8‐year period to a naturally colonized postagricultural field and a remnant grassland. The restoration methods included (1) distributing seed over fallow fields and (2) planting established seedlings in combination with seeding a fallow field. We found greater plant community resemblance (i.e., floristic quality, native species richness, and native diversity) to remnant grasslands with the introduction of seedlings during the first 4 years of restoration. There was also a negative correlation between the native plant diversity and the density of exotic plants in the restoration. This relationship suggests that introducing native plants in postagricultural fields may represent an effective management strategy to reduce exotic plant density.  相似文献   

Flow diversion and invasive species are two major threats to freshwater ecosystems, threats that restoration efforts attempt to redress. Yet, few restoration projects monitor whether removal of these threats improve target characteristics of the ecosystem. Fewer still have an appropriate experimental design from which causal inferences can be drawn as to the relative merits of removing exotic fish, restoring flow, or both. We used a dam decommissioning in Fossil Creek, Arizona, to compare responses of native fish to exotic fish removal and flow restoration, using a before‐after‐control‐impact design with three impact treatments: flow restoration alone where exotics had not been present, flow restoration and exotic fish removal, and flow restoration where exotics remain and a control reach that was unaffected by restoration actions. We show that removal of exotic fish dramatically increased native fish abundance. Flow restoration also increased native fish abundance, but the effect was smaller than that from removing exotics. Flow restoration had no effect where exotic fish remained, although it may have had other benefits to the ecosystem. The cost to restore flow ($12 million) was considerably higher than that to eradicate exotics ($1.1 million). The long‐term influence of flow restoration could increase, as travertine dams grow and re‐shape the creek increasing habitat for native fish. But in the 2‐year period considered here, the return on investment for extirpating exotics far exceeded that from flow restoration. Projects aimed to restore native fish by restoring flow should also consider the additional investment required to eradicate exotic fish.  相似文献   

Land managers require landscape-scale information on where exotic plant species have successfully established, to better guide research, control, and restoration efforts. We evaluated the vulnerability of various habitats to invasion by exotic plant species in a 100,000 ha area in the southeast corner of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah. For the 97 0.1-ha plots in 11 vegetation types, exotic species richness (log10) was strongly negatively correlated to the cover of cryptobiotic soil crusts (r = −0.47, P < 0.001), and positively correlated to native species richness (r = 0.22, P < 0.03), native species cover (r = 0.23, P < 0.05), and total nitrogen in the soil (r = 0.40, P < 0.001). Exotic species cover was strongly positively correlated to exotic species richness (r = 0.68, P < 0.001). Only 6 of 97 plots did not contain at least one exotic species. Exotic species richness was particularly high in locally rare, mesic vegetation types and nitrogen rich soils. Dry, upland plots (n = 51) had less than half of the exotic species richness and cover compared to plots (n = 45) in washes and lowland depressions that collect water intermittently. Plots dominated by trees had significantly greater native and exotic species richness compared to plots dominated by shrubs. For the 97 plots combined, 33% of the variance in exotic species richness could be explained by a positive relationship with total plant cover, and negative relationships with the cover of cryptobiotic crusts and bare ground. There are several reasons for concern: (1) Exotic plant species are invading hot spots of native plant diversity and rare/unique habitats. (2) The foliar cover of exotic species was greatest in habitats that had been invaded by several exotic species.(3) Continued disturbance of fragile cryptobiotic crusts by livestock, people, and vehicles may facilitate the further invasion of exotic plant species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Recently, many studies have focused on the possibility of restoring mangrove ecosystems by introducing fast‐growing mangroves. However, methods for managing an exotic fast‐growing species to restore mangrove ecosystems and at the same time preventing invasion by introduced species remains unclear. Sonneratia apetala Buch‐Ham is one example of an exotic mangrove with both high ecological value and potential risk for invasion after introduction. To investigate the possibility of reducing the potential for invasion by altering light availability, we simulated different irradiances of S. apetala understory in the greenhouse. For each irradiance treatment, three levels of competition between S. apetala and native mangroves Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) were used: no competition, intraspecific competition and interspecific competition. Compared with A. corniculatum, S. apetala showed a significantly higher growth rate for both height and biomass accumulation under full irradiation. Compared to the full irradiation treatment, the shading treatment significantly reduced the height, total biomass and biomass allocation to leaves of S. apetala by 61.31, 71.0, and 76.2%, respectively, whereas the growth of A. corniculatum was not affected. The results suggested that lowering light availability could inhibit the growth of S. apetala and increase the competitiveness of A. corniculatum. Planting introduced fast‐growing mangroves at a density of approximately 2,000 plants/hm2 is an effective strategy for preventing potential invasion and restoring wetland habitats. By taking advantage of the differences in shade tolerance between fast‐growing exotic mangroves and native mangroves, introduction of fast‐growing mangroves in coastal areas could have huge potential for reforesting mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

To resist establishment by an invasive plant, a community may require one or more species functionally similar to the invader in their resource acquisition pattern. In this study, communities consisting of native winter annual forbs, non‐native annual grasses, native perennials, or a combination of the two native communities were established with and without Centaurea solstitialis to determine the effect of soil moisture and light availability on plant community invasion resistance. The annual plant communities were unable to resist invasion by C. solstitialis. In the native winter annual forb community, senescence in late spring increased light penetration (>75%) to the soil surface, allowing seeded C. solstitialis to quickly establish and dominate the plots. In addition, native annual forbs utilized only shallow soil moisture, whereas C. solstitialis used shallow and deep soil moisture. In communities containing native perennials, only Elymus glaucus established well and eventually dominated the plots. During the first 2 years of establishment, water use pattern of perennial communities was similar to native annual forbs and resistance to invasion was associated with reduced light availability during the critical stages of C. solstitialis establishment. In later years, however, water use pattern of perennial grass communities was similar or greater than C. solstitialis‐dominated plots. These results show that Central Valley grasslands that include E. glaucus resist C. solstitialis invasion by a combination of light suppression and soil water competition. Spatiotemporal resource utilization patterns, and not just functional similarity, should be considered when developing restoration strategies to resist invasion by many non‐native species.  相似文献   

There is currently much interest in restoration ecology in identifying native vegetation that can decrease the invasibility by exotic species of environments undergoing restoration. However, uncertainty remains about restoration's ability to limit exotic species, particularly in deserts where facilitative interactions between plants are prevalent. Using candidate native species for restoration in the Mojave Desert of the southwestern U.S.A., we experimentally assembled a range of plant communities from early successional forbs to late‐successional shrubs and assessed which vegetation types reduced the establishment of the priority invasive annuals Bromus rubens (red brome) and Schismus spp. (Mediterranean grass) in control and N‐enriched soils. Compared to early successional grass and shrub and late‐successional shrub communities, an early forb community best resisted invasion, reducing exotic species biomass by 88% (N added) and 97% (no N added) relative to controls (no native plants). In native species monocultures, Sphaeralcea ambigua (desert globemallow), an early successional forb, was the least invasible, reducing exotic biomass by 91%. However, the least‐invaded vegetation types did not reduce soil N or P relative to other vegetation types nor was native plant cover linked to invasibility, suggesting that other traits influenced native‐exotic species interactions. This study provides experimental field evidence that native vegetation types exist that may reduce exotic grass establishment in the Mojave Desert, and that these candidates for restoration are not necessarily late‐successional communities. More generally, results indicate the importance of careful native species selection when exotic species invasions must be constrained for restoration to be successful.  相似文献   

Constraints to grassland and open forest restoration (e.g., poor seed sources, yearly variation in establishment, and the persistence of weeds) necessitate the development of innovative methods to restore bunchgrass communities. We assessed the use of two native bunchgrass transplants, Bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata) and Spreading needlegrass (Achnatherum richardsonii), for restoration within thinned montane forest communities of southeastern British Columbia, Canada. Fall and spring plantings were examined, either with or without glyphosate treatments to Pinegrass (Calamagrostis rubescens) neighbors. Calamagrostis rubescens is abundant in grassland affected by tree encroachment and may limit transplant establishment. Bunchgrass survival was positively associated (p < 0.05) with transplant size. Although P. spicata survival was greater (p < 0.01) with fall (81%) than with spring (44%) planting, survival of A. richardsonii was greater (p < 0.01) when planted in the spring (68 vs. 23%). Reduction of C. rubescens led to a relatively small but significant increase (p < 0.05) in bunchgrass survival by 7%. The summer after planting, changes in transplant tiller number varied by bunchgrass species, planting season, and treatment of neighboring C. rubescens. Removal of neighboring C. rubescens generally increased the number of tillers (or reduced tiller loss) but only within fall‐planted A. richardsonii and spring‐planted P. spicata. Both A. richardsonii and P. spicata transplants have potential for understory restoration within thinned montane forests, particularly using larger individuals, although to maximize survival, these species should be planted in the spring and fall, respectively. Reduction of C. rubescens may also enhance transplant survival and in some cases growth.  相似文献   

Native consumers and seed limitation may be particularly important in the restoration of native plants where they have been displaced by exotic plants. We used experimental exclosures and seed additions to examine the role of native mammalian consumers and seeding density (500 or 1,000 seeds/m2) in affecting the establishment of a native perennial grass, Purple needlegrass ( Nassella pulchra ), in the grasslands of California. To focus solely on consumers and propagule density, experimental areas were tilled and weeded. Consumers were important determinants of restoration success: averaged across propagule density, consumers reduced N. pulchra seedling recruitment by nearly 30%, reduced seedling height by 44%, reduced plant establishment by 52%, and reduced reproductive tiller length by 43%. Small rodents affected seedling establishment, especially where seeding density was high but did not affect seedling height. Plots accessible by squirrels and rabbits exhibited significantly decreased seedling height and plant establishment, whereas there was no additional impact of allowing large consumers (i.e., deer) access. Despite strong, spatially variable effects of consumers, doubling seed density led to nearly doubled N. pulchra establishment on average. Consumer effects were persistent, shaping N. pulchra abundance in the subsequent growing season and remaining evident over 18 months after the experiment was initiated. Our work suggests that, despite strong consumer effects, seed addition may be a viable strategy for restoration of N. pulchra in invaded areas where it has been displaced by exotic plants, especially when combined with restoration strategies that reduce competition with exotic plants.  相似文献   

The indirect effects of native generalist insect herbivores on interactions between exotic and native grassland plants have received limited attention. Crested wheatgrass ( Agropyron cristatum ) is the most common exotic rangeland grass in western North America. Crested wheatgrass communities are resistant to colonization by native plant species and have strong competitive effects on native species, imposing problems for the restoration of native grasslands. Grasshoppers are generalist herbivores that are often abundant in Crested wheatgrass–dominated sites in the northern Great Plains. We conducted two experiments in a Crested wheatgrass–dominated grassland in western North Dakota to test the hypothesis that grasshopper herbivory influences local Crested wheatgrass community composition by impeding native seedlings. Grasshopper herbivory negatively affected the species richness, abundance, and Shannon diversity of native plants in 3 of 4 years. Although additional research is needed to determine if grasshoppers actively select native plants, the effects of grasshopper herbivory may be an important consideration in the restoration of Crested wheatgrass areas. Our findings illustrate the importance of understanding the impact of native generalist invertebrate herbivores on the relationships between exotic and native plants.  相似文献   

The limiting similarity hypothesis predicts that communities should be more resistant to invasion by non‐natives when they include natives with a diversity of traits from more than one functional group. In restoration, planting natives with a diversity of traits may result in competition between natives of different functional groups and may influence the efficacy of different seeding and maintenance methods, potentially impacting native establishment. We compare initial establishment and first‐year performance of natives and the effectiveness of maintenance techniques in uniform versus mixed functional group plantings. We seeded ruderal herbaceous natives, longer‐lived shrubby natives, or a mixture of the two functional groups using drill‐ and hand‐seeding methods. Non‐natives were left undisturbed, removed by hand‐weeding and mowing, or treated with herbicide to test maintenance methods in a factorial design. Native functional groups had highest establishment, growth, and reproduction when planted alone, and hand‐seeding resulted in more natives as well as more of the most common invasive, Brassica nigra. Wick herbicide removed more non‐natives and resulted in greater reproduction of natives, while hand‐weeding and mowing increased native density. Our results point to the importance of considering competition among native functional groups as well as between natives and invasives in restoration. Interactions among functional groups, seeding methods, and maintenance techniques indicate restoration will be easier to implement when natives with different traits are planted separately.  相似文献   

拉鲁湿地主要植物群落结构及物种多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李春  周刊社  李晖 《西北植物学报》2008,28(12):2514-2520
2002年6~9月对拉鲁湿地植物种类、群落结构、生物量以及物种多样性进行了调查研究.结果表明:(1)拉鲁湿地共有植物30科52属85种,主要有芦苇[Phragmites australis(Cav.)Trin.ex Steud.](A)、尼伯尔酸模(RumexnepalensisSpreng)(B)、水葱(Scirpus validusVahl)(C)、穗状狐尾藻(MyriophyllumspicatumL.)(D)、灯芯草(Juncus effususL.)(E)、针叶苔草(CarexonoeiFranch.et Sav.)和黑褐苔草(CarexatrofuscaSchkuhr)(F)、藏北嵩草(KobresialittledaleiC.B.Clarke)(G)、藏蓟[Cirsiumlanatum(Roxb.ex Willd.)Spreng.](H)等8个主要植物群落.(2)在8个主要植物群落中,嵩草群落所含物种数最多,为44种,穗状狐尾藻群落最少,仅8种;芦苇群落生物量最高,为124.5~1 027.0 g/m2,藏蓟群落生物量最低,为124.5~220.5 g/m2;优势种芦苇的生物量最高,为183.5~660.0 g/m2,藏蓟生物量最低,为43.1~76.3 g/m2.(3)各群落的垂直结构特点是:芦苇群落、水葱群落、穗状狐尾藻群落具有挺水层、浮叶层和沉水层,其他群落只具有可分为高、低两层的草本层.(4)在各群落的相似性方面,嵩草群落与藏蓟群落、水葱群落与芦苇群落和尼伯尔酸模群落的相似性要明显高于其他群落,其Jaccard系数分别为0.549 0、0.538 5、0.500 0;芦苇群落、尼伯尔酸模群落、水葱群落、穗状狐尾藻群落与藏蓟群落以及芦苇群落、穗状狐尾藻群落与嵩草群落在建群种上没有相似之处,Jaccard系数为0.  相似文献   

The capacity of restored plant populations to adapt to new environmental challenges depends on within‐population genetic variation. We examined how much genetic and environmentally based variation for fitness‐associated traits exists within populations of two native grasses commonly used for restoration in California. We were also interested in understanding how phenotypic expression of genetic variation for these traits varies with growth environment. Thirty maternal families of Elymus glaucus (Blue wild rye) and Nassella pulchra (Purple needlegrass) were sampled from both coastal and interior populations and reciprocally transplanted into three replicated common gardens with and without interspecific competition at each site. Reproductive output of families differed both among years and with competition treatments. Phenotypic expression of genetic variation in culm production differed among populations and was very low when families were grown with interspecific competition. Without interspecific competition, the degree of genetic determination peaked in year two in both species (8.4 and 15.1% in E. glaucus and N. pulchra, respectively). Significant genetic differences in reproduction and phenotypic plasticity were found among N. pulchra subpopulations sampled less than 3 km apart, further highlighting the importance of thoroughly sampling available genetic variation in populations used for restoration. The variable and generally low expression of genetic variation indicates that rates of adaptation in restored populations of these native grasses may vary temporally and may be especially slow within competitive environments.  相似文献   

Given that many exotic plant species throughout the world are having large ecological and economic effects, it is vital to understand the forces that mediate their success in novel landscapes. Both native herbivores and recipient ecosystems can have substantial effects on the performance of exotic plant species, and may interact with each other or vary in their effects over time. Unfortunately, few studies have evaluated the importance of these kinds of context‐dependent effects. Here, we use a 17‐year‐old exclosure experiment stratified across a coastal grassland in northern California to address the relative importance of a reintroduced mammalian herbivore, tule elk (Cervus canadensis nannodes), and environmental heterogeneity in mediating the growth, abundance, and recruitment of a problematic grass invader, Holcus lanatus. We found that elk reduced Holcus abundance, aboveground biomass, percent cover, frequency, and seedling recruitment, but that these effects often varied among habitat types, with effects being greater in open grasslands than shrub‐dominated grasslands. The performance of Holcus populations also varied significantly among habitat types, with the invader usually having the greatest success in Baccharis‐dominated grasslands. Our results suggest that environmental heterogeneity had much greater influence on Holcus success than elk, and that these effects were due largely to soil pH and moisture. The negative effects of elk on Holcus appeared after 4 years and did not intensify after an additional 13 years. Furthermore, despite their negative effects, these prominent herbivores did not prevent the spread of Holcus into previously uninvaded areas. Our research highlights the importance of assessing the individual and interactive effects of native herbivores and environmental heterogeneity on the success of invasive, exotic plant species. It emphasizes the reality that the negative effects of herbivores on exotic plant species will often vary across heterogeneous landscapes and may be insufficient to prevent the expansion of these invaders.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of hand weeding of second‐year plants of the biennial garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) on first‐year plants (seedlings) and native ground layer vegetation. Garlic mustard is a Eurasian species that has invaded deciduous forest ground layers in eastern North America. Treatments consisted of a control and an early or late weeding of second‐year garlic mustard. The early treatment (early March) was applied before garlic mustard seeds had germinated and when most native species were dormant. The late treatment (mid‐May) occurred after plants had bolted, flowering was occurring, and most native species and new garlic mustard seedlings were actively growing. Pre‐treatment data were obtained in 2004 and treated and control plots were sampled in 2005, 2006, and 2007. No significant treatment effects were observed in 2004 or 2005. In 2006, mean cover of first‐year plants was higher in the early weeding treatment than in the late weeding treatment and control. In 2007, mean cover of first‐year garlic mustard was higher in the control than in either of the two weeding treatments. There were no significant treatment effects in any year on native vegetation cover, bare ground, or the five most abundant native species. Our data indicate that (1) late weeding of garlic mustard provided more effective control than early weeding because late weeding allows second‐year plants to compete with garlic mustard seedlings for a longer period of time and (2) competition between first‐ and second‐year plants is responsible for alternating dominance of first‐year and second‐year garlic mustard plants.  相似文献   

为探索不同降雨年型及栽培方式下外来杂草与本地作物的竞争机制, 为未来全球变化背景下控制外来杂草提供理论依据, 本研究以广泛入侵东北农田生态系统的外来杂草反枝苋(Amaranthus retroflexus)和本地作物大豆(Glycine max)为研究对象, 在遮雨棚内人工模拟正常、欠缺、丰沛三种降雨年型, 采用盆栽实验的方法, 研究两种植物在单种和混种条件下的生长季节动态。结果表明, 降雨丰沛年两种植物的株高和总生物量均大于降雨正常年, 降雨欠缺年则均小于降雨正常年。生长季初期两种植物的根冠比均在降雨欠缺年最高, 说明两种植物均可通过增大根系的生物量分配, 减少地上生物量的分配来适应干旱环境。在三种降雨年型下, 混种时大豆的株高、相对生长速率及总生物量均显著小于单种大豆, 而反枝苋则相反, 尽管有时不显著, 说明种间竞争抑制大豆生长而促进反枝苋的生长, 两种植物之间的竞争是不对称竞争。总的来看, 降雨增加有利于提高大豆的竞争能力, 降雨减少有利于提高反枝苋的竞争能力, 随着生长发育的推移, 这种现象更明显。反枝苋可以在较广的降雨变化范围内保持较高的株高、相对生长速率及生物量, 这很可能是其成为全球范围成功入侵的外来杂草的重要原因之一; 干旱更有利于反枝苋入侵大豆田。  相似文献   

The tree Melaleuca quinquenervia invades all types of habitats of South Florida leading to up to 80% loss of aboveground diversity. To examine impacts on the belowground ecosystem, we investigated the composition and diversity of nematodes from soils dominated by the invasive tree and compared them with soils supporting native plant communities at six locations across the Florida Everglades over three years. Despite the significant differences in soil type, hydrology, and native plant composition of the sites, there were consistent differences in nematode communities between soil environments under the native and invaded plant communities. The total abundance and diversity of nematodes in soils dominated by M. quinquenervia was 60% and 80% of adjacent soils under native plants. Fungal-feeding and plant-parasitic nematodes were twice as abundant under native plants as under M. quinquenervia. Nematode communities under M. quinquenervia were bacterivore-dominated, while under native vegetation plant-parasite dominated. The overall diversity of nematodes was 20% lower under the exotic than under native plants, with plant parasites being 36% and fungivores being 30% less diverse. Soil moisture, % of Ca, Mg, and clay particles and total soil C and N were greater in M. quinquenervia soils, but plant-available concentrations of P, K, Ca, and Mg as well as CEC were reduced. Overall, data suggests that the invasion process may modify soil biotic and abiotic conditions that in turn promote the advancement of the exotic M. quinquenervia and displacement of the native plants.  相似文献   

外来植物紫茎泽兰18个种群的茎叶形态结构比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用石蜡切片法结合光学显微镜观察了紫茎泽兰18个种群的茎叶形态结构。结果表明:各种群间茎和叶的形态结构均表现出一定的变化,其中茎的维管束束数、叶表皮的部分特征变化较明显。应用SPSS统计软件对叶表皮的特征分析后,发现种群间的气孔器密度、气孔器指数、气孔器长度、气孔器宽度、上下表皮细胞数目均随地理条件的变化而表现出明显差异。相关分析表明气孔器密度、气孔器指数与海拔高度呈正相关。但紫茎泽兰各种群间的叶表皮细胞形状无明显变化,均为无规则型,垂周壁式样均为浅波状深波状;气孔器类型均为无规则型。  相似文献   

不同载畜率对荒漠草原群落结构和功能群生产力的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
采用随机区组试验研究了内蒙古高原荒漠草原亚带短花针茅(S tip a brev if lora)草原群落不同载畜率对草原群落结构和功能群生产力的影响。结果表明:随着载畜率的增加,群落的植物种数逐渐减少,在每个载畜率水平下,冷蒿(A rtem isia f rig id a)占有绝对优势地位,优势度为35.66%~41.95%;群落的地上生物量随载畜率的增加而降低,各功能群地上生物量组成中,灌木类处于主体地位,分别占据了群落68%(CK)、77.40%(LG)、73.25%(M G)、76.91%(HG)的生物量;在植物生活型功能组成中,灌木类和杂类草、多年生丛生禾草和杂类草功能群,在生物量上具有生态互补效应(n iche com p lem en tary effect)。  相似文献   

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