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A version of rapid gel sequencing procedure based on the analysis of partial endonuclease hydrolizates of chemically modified 5'-32P-labelled RNA is suggested. Complete and selective modification of cytidilic residues by a methoxyamine-bisulfite mixture leads to the unfolding of the RNA secondary structure and, due to this effect, to the generation of a more uniform set of fragments after partial RNAase hydrolysis. The position of cytidines in an RNA sequence can be determined by restricting the hydrolysis of phosphodiester bonds between the modified CMP residues and their 3'-neighbours with T2 and A RNAases. The method was verified with tRNATrp (yeast) and 5S RNA (rat liver and yeast).  相似文献   

Accurate quantification of pure peptides and proteins is essential for biotechnology, clinical chemistry, proteomics, and systems biology. The reference method to quantify peptides and proteins is amino acid analysis (AAA). This consists of an acidic hydrolysis followed by chromatographic separation and spectrophotometric detection of amino acids. Although widely used, this method displays some limitations, in particular the need for large amounts of starting material. Driven by the need to quantify isotope-dilution standards used for absolute quantitative proteomics, particularly stable isotope-labeled (SIL) peptides and PSAQ proteins, we developed a new AAA assay (AAA-MS). This method requires neither derivatization nor chromatographic separation of amino acids. It is based on rapid microwave-assisted acidic hydrolysis followed by high-resolution mass spectrometry analysis of amino acids. Quantification is performed by comparing MS signals from labeled amino acids (SIL peptide- and PSAQ-derived) with those of unlabeled amino acids originating from co-hydrolyzed NIST standard reference materials. For both SIL peptides and PSAQ standards, AAA-MS quantification results were consistent with classical AAA measurements. Compared to AAA assay, AAA-MS was much faster and was 100-fold more sensitive for peptide and protein quantification. Finally, thanks to the development of a labeled protein standard, we also extended AAA-MS analysis to the quantification of unlabeled proteins.  相似文献   

The conjugated bile acid hydrolase gene from the silage isolate Lactobacillus plantarum 80 was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli MC1061. For the screening of this hydrolase gene within the gene bank, a direct plate assay developed by Dashkevicz and Feighner (M. P. Dashkevicz and S. D. Feighner, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 53:331-336, 1989) was adapted to the growth requirements of E. coli. Because of hydrolysis and medium acidification, hydrolase-active colonies were surrounded with big halos of precipitated, free bile acids. This phenomenon was also obtained when the gene was cloned into a multicopy shuttle vector and subsequently reintroduced into the parental Lactobacillus strain. The cbh gene and surrounding regions were characterized by nucleotide sequence analysis. The deduced amino acid sequence was shown to have 52% similarity with a penicillin V amidase from Bacillus sphaericus. Preliminary characterization of the gene product showed that it is a cholylglycine hydrolase (EC with only slight activity against taurine conjugates. The optimum pH was between 4.7 and 5.5. Optimum temperature ranged from 30 to 45 degrees C. Southern blot analysis indicated that the cloned gene has similarity with genomic DNA of bile acid hydrolase-active Lactobacillus spp. of intestinal origin.  相似文献   

The conjugated bile acid hydrolase gene from the silage isolate Lactobacillus plantarum 80 was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli MC1061. For the screening of this hydrolase gene within the gene bank, a direct plate assay developed by Dashkevicz and Feighner (M. P. Dashkevicz and S. D. Feighner, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 53:331-336, 1989) was adapted to the growth requirements of E. coli. Because of hydrolysis and medium acidification, hydrolase-active colonies were surrounded with big halos of precipitated, free bile acids. This phenomenon was also obtained when the gene was cloned into a multicopy shuttle vector and subsequently reintroduced into the parental Lactobacillus strain. The cbh gene and surrounding regions were characterized by nucleotide sequence analysis. The deduced amino acid sequence was shown to have 52% similarity with a penicillin V amidase from Bacillus sphaericus. Preliminary characterization of the gene product showed that it is a cholylglycine hydrolase (EC with only slight activity against taurine conjugates. The optimum pH was between 4.7 and 5.5. Optimum temperature ranged from 30 to 45 degrees C. Southern blot analysis indicated that the cloned gene has similarity with genomic DNA of bile acid hydrolase-active Lactobacillus spp. of intestinal origin.  相似文献   

Francis R  Friedman SH 《BioTechniques》2002,32(5):1154-6, 1158, 1160
We have developed a high-throughput direct assay methodfor the assay of telomerase activity that improves on previous direct telomerase assays in two ways that allow larger numbers of samples to be conveniently processed: (i) 96-well streptavidin coated plates are used to bind and wash biotinylated primer extension products from the telomerase assay, as opposed to tubes containing streptavidin-coated magnetic beads; and (ii) storage phosphor-imagery is used instead of film autoradiography to detect telomerase products after being washed and released from the streptavidin-derivatized matrix. This method improves on previous direct assay methods using magnetic beads by allowing larger numbers of samples to be conveniently assayed. Also, the total activity of the radiolabeled nucleotides used in this procedure is significantly lower than that used in standard direct telomerase assays, lowering costs and exposure to radioactivity. We have validated the assay by repeating, in triplicate, the IC50 determination of rivanol, our previously identified telomerase inhibitor.  相似文献   

An HPLC approach for purification and sequencing of double-stranded DNA obtained directly from a PCR is described. This simple and reliable procedure has several advantages; the DNA fragment is rapidly eluted (less than 7 minutes), requires no organic cleanup, produces several hundred bases of sequence and is sensitive enough to obtain DNA sequence from a single 100-microliters PCR. This method is demonstrated by sequencing tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) gene amplified from mouse tail DNA.  相似文献   

Arginine can be estimated spectrophotometrically by the oxidation of NADH using octopine dehydrogenase. The method is highly specific for this amino acid and is applicable to the estimation of arginine in the presence of mono- and disubstituted guanidino compounds.  相似文献   

Based on Hovenkamp’s ideas on historical biogeography, we present a method for analysis of taxon history, spatial analysis of vicariance, which uses observed distributions as data, thus requiring neither predefined areas nor assumptions of hierarchical relations between areas. The method is based on identifying sister nodes with disjunct (allopatric/vicariant) distributions. To do this across the tree, internal nodes are assigned distributions (as the sum of the distributions of the descendant nodes). When distributions are less than ideal, ignoring the distribution of the problematic node(s) when assigning a distribution to their ancestors may allow us to consider additional sister nodes (i.e. those resulting from splits basal to the problematic node) as having disjunct distributions. The optimality criterion seeks to find the best (possibly weighted) compromise between the maximum possible number of disjunct sister nodes and the minimum number of eliminated distributions. The method can also take overlap into account. The methodology presented is implemented in VIP, a computer program available at http://www.zmuc.dk/public/phylogeny/vip . © The Willi Hennig Society 2011.  相似文献   

H Igimi 《Life sciences》1976,18(9):993-999
Bile acid composition was investigated in normal gallbladder-bile collected from the Japanese patients suffering from the diseases other than hepatobiliary tracts.In addition to cholate, chenodeoxycholate, deoxycholate and lithocholate, ursodeoxycholate was detected as a predominant bile acid in all cases tested and its quantity was higher than that of lithocholate in most cases.A simplified method has been developed for the quantitative determination of bile acids. They were derived to their methyl ester-trimethylsilyl ethers and determined by gas-liquid chromatography on a column of 3% poly-phenyldiethanol amine succinate-80-100 mesh Chromosorb WHP. Average recoveries of added amounts of standard bile acids were found to range from 97 to 100%.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the occurrence of ciliatocholic acid in bovine gall bladder bile. Ciliatocholic acid was synthesized according to the method described by Bergstr?m and Norman for the synthesis of taurocholic acid. Elemental analysis, melting point, and the infrared spectrum of this substance were determined. An isolation procedure for ciliatocholic acid was established by stepwise elution with an HCl-ethanol solvent system using a Dowex-1 anion exchange resin column chromatographic technique. Ciliatocholic acid amounting to 158 mug (as ciliatine) per 100 ml of gall bladder bile was found in the fraction eluted with 0.01 N HCl in 50% ethanol. This coumpound was purified by preparative thin-layer chromatography and confirmed to be ciliatocholic acid from the hydrolytic stability, phosphorus determination, and chromatographic behavior. Thus, bovine gall bladder bile contains a small amount of ciliatocholic acid.  相似文献   

A relatively little time consuming simple method based on the treatment of bile with cholesterol oxidase and subsequent high performance liquid chromatography measurement of the 3-ketocholesterol produced in order to determine the level of the cholesterol concentration is described. The method avoids bilirubin interferences, has high reproducibility and recovery assays give 100% values. It is highly sensitive and suitable for use in the determination of cholesterol concentrations in bile and other bilirubin containing biological fluids.  相似文献   

A rapid gas chromatographic method for the determination of fatty acid compositions of Bacillus cereus and related bacteria is presented. By the use of a free fatty acid phase-coated glass capillary column, the complete separation of fatty acids, including the branched ones, was achieved. The method enables a more distinct differentiation of Bacillus species than can be obtained with packed columns.  相似文献   

A rapid gas chromatographic method for the determination of fatty acid compositions of Bacillus cereus and related bacteria is presented. By the use of a free fatty acid phase-coated glass capillary column, the complete separation of fatty acids, including the branched ones, was achieved. The method enables a more distinct differentiation of Bacillus species than can be obtained with packed columns.  相似文献   

Basolateral plasma membrane vesicles were prepared from rat liver by a new technique using self-generating Percoll gradients. The method is rapid (total spin time of 2.5 h) and protein yields were high (0.64 mg/g of liver). Transmission electron microscopy studies and measurements of marker enzyme activities indicated that the preparation was highly enriched in basolateral membranes and substantially free of contamination by canalicular membranes or subcellular organelles. High total recoveries for protein yield and marker enzyme activities during the fractionation procedure indicated that enzymatic activity was neither lost (inactivation) nor increased (activation). Thus, the pattern of marker enzyme activities found in the membrane preparation truly reflected substantial enrichment in membranes from the basolateral surface. Analysis of freeze-fracture electron micrographs suggested that approximately 75% of the vesicles were oriented "right-side-out." In order to assess the functional properties of the vesicles, the uptake of [3H]taurocholate was studied. In the presence of a Na+ gradient, taurocholate uptake was markedly stimulated and the bile acid was transiently accumulated at a concentration 1.5- to 2-fold higher than that at equilibrium ("overshoot"). In the absence of a gradient but in the presence of equimolar Na+ inside and outside of the vesicle, taurocholate uptake was faster than in the absence of Na+. These findings support a direct co-transport mechanism for the uptake of taurocholate and Na+. Kinetic studies demonstrated that Na+-dependent taurocholate uptake was saturable with a Km of 36.5 microM and a Vmax of 5.36 nmol mg-1 protein min-1. The high yield, enzymatic profile and retention of transport properties suggest that this membrane preparation is well suited for studies of basolateral transport.  相似文献   

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