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Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) in human exists in GLUD1 and GLUD2 gene-encoded isoforms (hGDH1 and hGDH2, respectively), differing in their regulation and tissue expression pattern. Whereas hGDH1 is subject to GTP control, hGDH2 uses for its regulation, a novel molecular mechanism not requiring GTP. This is based on the ability of hGDH2 to maintain a baseline activity of <10% of its capacity subject to full activation by rising ADP/ l -leucine levels. Here we studied further the molecular mechanisms regulating hGDH2 function by creating and analyzing hGDH2 mutants harboring single amino acid substitutions in the regulatory domain (antenna, pivot helix) of the protein. Five hGDH2 mutants were obtained: two with an amino acid change (Gln441Arg, Ser445Leu) in the antenna, two (Lys450Glu, His454Tyr) in the pivot helix, and one (Ser448Pro) in the junction between the two structures. Functional analyses revealed that, while the antenna mutations increased basal enzyme activity without affecting its allosteric properties, the pivot helix mutations drastically reduced basal activity and impaired enzyme regulation. On the other hand, the Ser448Pro mutation reduced basal activity but did not alter allosteric regulation. Also, compared with wild-type hGDH2, the antenna mutants were relatively thermostable, whereas the pivot helix mutants were extremely heat labile. Hence, the present data further our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the function and stability of hGDH2, an enzyme thought to be of importance for nerve tissue biology.  相似文献   

Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) from Thermotoga maritima (TmGAPDH) is a thermostable enzyme (T (m) = 102 degrees C), which is fully active at temperatures near 80 degrees C but has very low activity at room temperature. In search for an explanation of this behavior, we measured the conformational flexibility of the protein by hydrogen-deuterium exchange and compared the results with those obtained with GAPDH from rabbit muscle (RmGAPDH). At room temperature, the conformational flexibility of TmGAPDH is much less than that of RmGAPDH, but increases with increasing temperature and becomes comparable to that of RmGAPDH near the physiological temperature of Thermotoga maritima. Using the available three-dimensional structures of the two enzymes, we compared the B factors that reflect the local mobility of protein atoms. The largest differences in B factors are seen in the coenzyme and NAD binding regions. The likely reason for the low activity of TmGAPDH at room temperature is that the motions required for enzyme functions are restricted. The findings support the idea of "corresponding states" which claims that over the time span of evolution, the overall conformational flexibility of proteins has been preserved at their corresponding physiological temperatures.  相似文献   

Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GDH) is central to the metabolism of glutamate, a major excitatory transmitter in mammalian central nervous system (CNS). hGDH1 is activated by ADP and L‐leucine and powerfully inhibited by GTP. Besides this housekeeping hGDH1, duplication led to an hGDH2 isoform that is expressed in the human brain dissociating its function from GTP control. The novel enzyme has reduced basal activity (4–6% of capacity) while remaining remarkably responsive to ADP/L‐leucine activation. While the molecular basis of this evolutionary adaptation remains unclear, substitution of Ser for Arg443 in hGDH1 is shown to diminish basal activity (< 2% of capacity) and abrogate L‐leucine activation. To explore whether the Arg443Ser mutation disrupts hydrogen bonding between Arg443 and Ser409 of adjacent monomers in the regulatory domain (‘antenna’), we replaced Ser409 by Arg or Asp in hGDH1. The Ser409Arg‐1 change essentially replicated the Arg443Ser‐1 mutation effects. Molecular dynamics simulation predicted that Ser409 and Arg443 of neighboring monomers come in close proximity in the open conformation and that introduction of Ser443‐1 or Arg409‐1 causes them to separate with the swap mutation (Arg409/Ser443) reinstating their proximity. A swapped Ser409Arg/Arg443Ser‐1 mutant protein, obtained in recombinant form, regained most of the wild‐type hGDH1 properties. Also, when Ser443 was replaced by Arg443 in hGDH2 (as occurs in hGDH1), the Ser443Arg‐2 mutant acquired most of the hGDH1 properties. Hence, side‐chain interactions between 409 and 443 positions in the ‘antenna’ region of hGDHs are crucial for basal catalytic activity, allosteric regulation, and relative resistance to thermal inactivation.


The synthesis of glutamate from α-oxoglutarate and NH4+ by pea seedling mitochondria has been demonstrated under certain defined but non-physiological conditions. Malate acts as a hydrogen donor for the synthesis of glutamate but isocitrate is more effective, whilst succinate, in the presence or absence of ATP, is a poor donor of hydrogen. Glutamate dehydrogenase has been purified from pea mitochondria and from the cytosol. The similarities between the two preparations are interpreted to mean that the soluble glutamate dehydrogenase is released from the mitochondria during isolation. The kinetics of the mitochondrial enzyme and the effect of various metabolites on its activity have been examined. The results are discussed in relation to the proposed role of this enzyme and it is suggested that the ratio NADH-NAD+ may play a role in the control of glutamate metabolism.  相似文献   

It is now widely recognized that the flexibility of both partners has to be considered in molecular docking studies. However, the question how to handle the best the huge computational complexity of exploring the protein binding site landscape is still a matter of debate. Here we investigate the flexibility of c-Met kinase as a test case for comparing several simulation methods. The c-Met kinase catalytic site is an interesting target for anticancer drug design. In particular, it harbors an unusual plasticity compared with other kinases ATP binding sites. Exploiting this feature may eventually lead to the discovery of new anticancer agents with exquisite specificity. We present in this article an extensive investigation of c-Met kinase conformational space using large-scale computational simulations in order to extend the knowledge already gathered from available X-ray structures. In the process, we compare the relevance of different strategies for modeling and injecting receptor flexibility information into early stage in silico structure-based drug discovery pipeline. The results presented here are currently being exploited in on-going virtual screening investigations on c-Met.  相似文献   

The present study reports on the retention of conformational flexibility of a model allosteric protein upon immobilization on self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on gold. Organothiolated SAMs of different compositions were utilized for adsorptive and covalent attachment of bovine liver glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), a well-characterized allosteric enzyme. Sensitive fluorimetric assays were developed to determine immobilization capacity, specific activity, and allosteric properties of the immobilized preparations as well as the potential for repeated use and continuous catalytic transformations. The allosteric response of the free and immobilized forms towards ADP, L-leucine and high concentrations of NAD(+), some of the well-known activators for this enzyme, were determined and compared. The enzyme immobilized by adsorption or chemical binding responded similarly to the activators with a greater degree of activation, as compared to the free form. Also loss of activity involving the two immobilization procedures were similar, suggesting that residues essential for catalytic activity or allosteric properties of GDH remained unchanged in the course of chemical modification. A recently established method was used to predict GDH orientation upon immobilization, which was found to explain some of the experimental results presented. The general significance of these observations in connection with retention of native properties of protein structures upon immobilization on SAMs is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to investigate systematically substrate and cofactor-induced conformational changes in the enzyme dehydroquinate synthase (DHQS), eight structures representing a series of differently liganded states have been determined in a total of six crystal forms. DHQS in the absence of the substrate analogue carbaphosphonate, either unliganded or in the presence of NAD or ADP, is in an open form where a relative rotation of 11-13 degrees between N and C-terminal domains occurs.Analysis of torsion angle difference plots between sets of structures reveals eight rearrangements that appear relevant to domain closure and a further six related to crystal packing. Overlapping 21 different copies of the individual N and C-terminal DHQS domains further reveals a series of pivot points about which these movements occur and illustrates the way in which widely separated secondary structure elements are mechanically inter-linked to form "composite elements", which propagate structural changes across large distances.This analysis has provided insight into the basis of DHQS ligand-initiated domain closure and gives rise to the proposal of an ordered sequence of events involving substrate binding, and local rearrangements within the active site that are propagated to the hinge regions, leading to closure of the active-site cleft.  相似文献   

Abstract Electron microscopic cytochemistry shows that following transfer of mycelium from nitrogen-rich to nitrogen-free medium, the NADP-linked glutamate dehydrogenase activity, which is known to be derepressed by such treatment, is localised in the vicinity of the cell membrane and the nucleus. Detection of similar cytochemical reaction products in material subjected to lengthened incubation in the original medium, rather than to transfer (which showed no significant change in the level of spectrophotometrically-detectable enzyme activity) implies that regulation of the enzyme may include an activation process which is mimicked by the preparation methods employed for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The non-phosphorylating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPN) of the hyperthermophilic Archaeum Thermoproteus tenax is a member of the superfamily of aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDH). GAPN catalyses the irreversible oxidation of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (GAP) to 3-phosphoglycerate in the modified glycolytic pathway of this organism. In contrast to other members of the ALDH superfamily, GAPN from T.tenax (Tt-GAPN) is regulated by a number of intermediates and metabolites. In the NAD-dependent oxidation of GAP, glucose 1-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, AMP and ADP increase the affinity for the cosubstrate, whereas ATP, NADP, NADPH and NADH decrease it leaving, however, the catalytic rate virtually unaltered. As we show here, the enzyme also uses NADP as a cosubstrate, displaying, however, unusual discontinuous saturation kinetics indicating different cosubstrate affinities and/or reactivities of the four active sites of the protein tetramer caused by cooperative effects. Furthermore, in the NADP-dependent reaction the presence of activators decreases the overall S0.5 and increases Vmax by a factor of 3. To explore the structural basis for the different effects of both pyridine nucleotides we solved the crystal structure of Tt-GAPN in complex with NAD at 2.2 A resolution and compared it to the binary Tt-GAPN-NADPH structure. Although both pyridine nucleotides show a similar binding mode, NADPH appears to be more tightly bound to the protein via the 2' phosphate moiety. Moreover, we present four co-crystal structures with the activating molecules glucose 1-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, AMP and ADP determined at resolutions ranging from 2.3 A to 2.6 A. These crystal structures reveal a common regulatory site able to accommodate the different activators. A phosphate-binding pocket serves as an anchor point ensuring similar binding geometry. The observed conformational changes upon activator binding are discussed in terms of allosteric regulation. Furthermore, we present a crystal structure of Tt-GAPN in complex with the substrate D-GAP at 2.3 A resolution, which allows us to analyse the structural basis for substrate binding, the mechanism of catalysis as well as the stereoselectivity of the enzymatic reaction.  相似文献   

The active site of glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase from Escherichia coli (GlcN6P deaminase, EC has a complex lid formed by two antiparallel beta-strands connected by a helix-loop segment (158-187). This motif contains Arg172, which is a residue involved in binding the substrate in the active-site, and three residues that are part of the allosteric site, Arg158, Lys160 and Thr161. This dual binding role of the motif forming the lid suggests that it plays a key role in the functional coupling between active and allosteric sites. Previous crystallographic work showed that the temperature coefficients of the active-site lid are very large when the enzyme is in its T allosteric state. These coefficients decrease in the R state, thus suggesting that this motif changes its conformational flexibility as a consequence of the allosteric transition. In order to explore the possible connection between the conformational flexibility of the lid and the function of the deaminase, we constructed the site-directed mutant Phe174-Ala. Phe174 is located at the C-end of the lid helix and its side-chain establishes hydrophobic interactions with the remainder of the enzyme. The crystallographic structure of the T state of Phe174-Ala deaminase, determined at 2.02 A resolution, shows no density for the segment 162-181, which is part of the active-site lid (PDB 1JT9). This mutant form of the enzyme is essentially inactive in the absence of the allosteric activator, N-acetylglucosamine-6-P although it recovers its activity up to the wild-type level in the presence of this ligand. Spectrometric and binding studies show that inactivity is due to the inability of the active-site to bind ligands when the allosteric site is empty. These data indicate that the conformational flexibility of the active-site lid critically alters the binding properties of the active site, and that the occupation of the allosteric site restores the lid conformational flexibility to a functional state.  相似文献   

The alpha(2)beta(2) tetrameric E1 component of the branched-chain 2-oxo acid (BCOA) dehydrogenase multienzyme complex is a thiamin diphosphate (ThDP)-dependent enzyme. E1 catalyzes the decarboxylation of a BCOA concomitant with the formation of the alpha-carbanion/enamine intermediate, 2-(1-hydroxyalkyl)-ThDP, followed by transfer of the 1-hydroxyalkyl group to the distal sulfur atom on the lipoamide of the E2 component. In order to elucidate the catalytic mechanism of E1, the alpha- and beta-subunits of E1 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 have been co-expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and crystallized as a stable complex, and the following crystal structures have been analyzed: the apoenzyme (E1(apo)), the holoenzyme (E1(holo)), E1(holo) in complex with the substrate analogue 4-methylpentanoate (MPA) as an ES complex model, and E1(holo) in complex with 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate (MOPA) as the alpha-carbanion/enamine intermediate (E1(ceim)). Binding of cofactors to E1(apo) induces a disorder-order transition in two loops adjacent to the active site. Furthermore, upon binding of MPA to E1(holo), the loop comprised of Gly121beta-Gln131beta moves close to the active site and interacts with MPA. The carboxylate group of MPA is recognized mainly by Tyr86beta and N4' of ThDP. The hydrophobic moiety of MPA is recognized by Phe66alpha, Tyr95alpha, Met128alpha and His131alpha. As an intermediate, MOPA is decarboxylated and covalently linked to ThDP, and the conformation of the protein loop is almost the same as in the substrate-free (holoenzyme) form. These results suggest that E1 undergoes an open-closed conformational change upon formation of the ES complex with a BCOA, and the mobile region participates in the recognition of the carboxylate group of the BCOA. ES complex models of E1(holo).MOPA and of E1(ceim).lipoamide built from the above structures suggest that His273alpha and His129beta' are potential proton donors to the carbonyl group of a BCOA and to the proximal sulfur atom on the lipoamide, respectively.  相似文献   

The branched chain aminotransferase enzymes (BCAT) serve as nitrogen donors for the production of 30% of de novo glutamate synthesis in rat brain. Despite the importance of this major metabolite and excitatory neurotransmitter, the distribution of BCAT proteins in the human brain (hBCAT) remains unreported. We have studied this and report, for the first time, that the mitochondrial isoform, hBCATm is largely confined to vascular endothelial cells, whereas the cytosolic hBCATc is restricted to neurons. The majority of hBCATc‐labelled neurons were either GABA‐ergic or glutamatergic showing both cell body and axonal staining indicating a role for hBCATc in both glutamate production and glutamate release during excitation. Strong staining in hormone secreting cells suggests a further role for the transaminases in hormone regulation potentially similar to that proposed for insulin secretion. Expression of hBCATm in the endothelial cells of the vasculature demonstrates for the first time that glutamate could be metabolized by aminotranferases in these cells. This has important implications given that the dysregulation of glutamate metabolism, leading to glutamate excitotoxicity, is an important contributor to the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative conditions, where the role of hBCATm in metabolizing excess glutamate may factor more prominently.  相似文献   

Kellogg EH  Leaver-Fay A  Baker D 《Proteins》2011,79(3):830-838
The prediction of changes in protein stability and structure resulting from single amino acid substitutions is both a fundamental test of macromolecular modeling methodology and an important current problem as high throughput sequencing reveals sequence polymorphisms at an increasing rate. In principle, given the structure of a wild-type protein and a point mutation whose effects are to be predicted, an accurate method should recapitulate both the structural changes and the change in the folding-free energy. Here, we explore the performance of protocols which sample an increasing diversity of conformations. We find that surprisingly similar performances in predicting changes in stability are achieved using protocols that involve very different amounts of conformational sampling, provided that the resolution of the force field is matched to the resolution of the sampling method. Methods involving backbone sampling can in some cases closely recapitulate the structural changes accompanying mutations but not surprisingly tend to do more harm than good in cases where structural changes are negligible. Analysis of the outliers in the stability change calculations suggests areas needing particular improvement; these include the balance between desolvation and the formation of favorable buried polar interactions, and unfolded state modeling.  相似文献   

The gdhA genes of IRC-3 GDH-strain and IRC-8 GDH+ strain were cloned,and they both successfully complemented the nutritional lesion of an E.coli glutamate auxotroph,Q100 GDH-.However,the gdhA gene from the mutant IRC-8 GDH+ strain failed to complement the glutamate deficiency of the wild type strain IRC-3.The gdhA genes of the wild type and mutant origin were sequenced separately.No nucleotide difference was detected between them.Further investigations indicated that the gdhA genes were actively expressed in both the wild type and the mutant.Additionally,no GDH inhibitor was found in the wild type strain IRC-3.It is thus proposed that the inactivity of GDH in wild type is the result of the deficiency at the post-translational level of the gdhA expression.Examination of the deduced amino acid sequence of Bacillus licheniformis GDH revealed the presence of the motifs characteristic of the familyⅠ-type hexameric protein,while the GDH of Bacillus subtilis belongs to family II.  相似文献   

The binding of L-serine to phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli displays elements of both positive and negative cooperativity. At pH 7.5, approximately 2 mol of serine are bound per mole of tetrameric enzyme. A substantial degree of positive cooperativity is seen for the binding of the second ligand, but the binding of the third and fourth ligand display substantial negative cooperativity. The data indicate a state of approximately 50% inhibition when only one serine is bound and approximately 80-90% inhibition when two serines are bound. This is consistent with the tethered domain hypothesis that has been presented previously. Comparison of the data derived directly from binding stoichiometry to the binding constants determined from the best fit to the Adair equation, produce a close agreement, and reinforce the general validity of the derived binding constants. The data also support the conclusion that the positive cooperativity between the binding to the first and second site involves binding sites at opposite interfaces over 110 A apart. Thus, an order of binding can be envisioned where the binding of the first ligand initiates a conformational transition that allows the second ligand to bind with much higher affinity at the opposite interface. This is followed by the third ligand, which binds with lesser affinity to one of the two already occupied interfaces, and in so doing, completes a global conformational transition that produces maximum inhibition of activity and an even lower affinity for the fourth ligand, excluding it completely. Thus, maximal inhibition is accomplished with less than maximal occupancy of effector sites through a mechanism that displays strong elements of both positive and negative cooperativity.  相似文献   

Predicting the effect of missense variations on protein stability and dynamics is important for understanding their role in diseases, and the link between protein structure and function. Approaches to estimate these changes have been proposed, but most only consider single‐point missense variants and a static state of the protein, with those that incorporate dynamics are computationally expensive. Here we present DynaMut2, a web server that combines Normal Mode Analysis (NMA) methods to capture protein motion and our graph‐based signatures to represent the wildtype environment to investigate the effects of single and multiple point mutations on protein stability and dynamics. DynaMut2 was able to accurately predict the effects of missense mutations on protein stability, achieving Pearson's correlation of up to 0.72 (RMSE: 1.02 kcal/mol) on a single point and 0.64 (RMSE: 1.80 kcal/mol) on multiple‐point missense mutations across 10‐fold cross‐validation and independent blind tests. For single‐point mutations, DynaMut2 achieved comparable performance with other methods when predicting variations in Gibbs Free Energy (ΔΔG) and in melting temperature (ΔTm). We anticipate our tool to be a valuable suite for the study of protein flexibility analysis and the study of the role of variants in disease. DynaMut2 is freely available as a web server and API at http://biosig.unimelb.edu.au/dynamut2 .  相似文献   

The gdhA genes of IRC-3 GDH strain and IRC-8 GDH strain were cloned, and they both successfully complemented the nutritional lesion of an E. coli glutamate auxotroph, Q100 GDH". However, the gdhA gene from the mutant IRC-8 GDH strain failed to complement the glutamate deficiency of the wild type strain IRC-3. The gdhA genes of the wild type and mutant origin were sequenced separately. No nucleotide difference was detected between them. Further investigations indicated that the gdhA genes were actively expressed in both the wild type and the mutant. Additionally, no GDH inhibitor was found in the wild type strain IRC-3. It is thus proposed that the inactivity of GDH in wild type is the result of the deficiency at the post-translational level of the gdhA expression. Examination of the deduced amino acid sequence of Bacillus licheniformis GDH revealed the presence of the motifs characteristic of the family I -type hexameric protein, while the GDH of Bacillus subtilis belongs to family II.  相似文献   

In Corynebacterium glutamicum, the activity of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (ODH) complex is negatively regulated by the unphosphorylated form of OdhI protein, which is critical for L-glutamate overproduction. We examined the potential impact of protein acylation at lysine (K)-132 of OdhI in C. glutamicum ATCC13032. The K132E succinylation-mimic mutation reduced the ability of OdhI to bind OdhA, the catalytic subunit of the ODH complex, which reduced the inhibition of ODH activity. In vitro succinylation of OdhI protein also reduced the ability to inhibit ODH, and the K132R mutation blocked the effect. These results suggest that succinylation at K132 may attenuate the OdhI function. Consistent with these results, the C. glutamicum mutant strain with OdhI-K132E showed decreased L-glutamate production. Our results indicated that not only phosphorylation but also succinylation of OdhI protein may regulate L-glutamate production in C. glutamicum.  相似文献   

In this paper, elevated pressures up to 750 atm (1 atm = 101 kPa) were found to have a strong stabilizing effect on two extremely thermophilic glutamate dehydrogenases (GDHs): the native enzyme from the hyperthermophile Pyrococcus furiosus (Pf), and a recombinant GDH mutant containing an extra tetrapeptide at the C-terminus (rGDHt). The presence of the tetrapeptide greatly destabilized the recombinant mutant at ambient pressure; however, the destabilizing effect was largely reversed by the application of pressure. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy of a spin-label attached to the terminal cysteine of rGDHt revealed a high degree of mobility, suggesting that destabilization is due to weakened intersubunit ion-pair interactions induced by thermal fluctuations of the tetrapeptide. For both enzymes, the stabilizing effect of pressure increased with temperature as well as pressure, reaching 36-fold for rGDHt at 105 degrees C and 750 atm, the largest pressure-induced thermostabilization of an enzyme reported to date. Stabilization of both native GDH and rGDHt was also achieved by adding glycerol. Based on the kinetics of thermal inactivation and the known effects of glycerol on protein structure, a mechanism of pressure-induced thermostabilization is proposed.  相似文献   

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