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1. Diel diet and vertical distribution patterns of the larval instars of Chaoborus edulis were studied in deep water near the central part of Lake Malawi, Africa.
2. First instar larvae contained very little food in their crops and probably depended on reserves from the egg. Second, third and fourth instars fed on zooplankton and were size-selective in their feeding. The mean size of prey eaten by the three instars was significantly different from each other, with larger instars feeding on larger prey. Smallest available prey was selected against and the upper size of prey was probably constrained by larval gape. Nauplii were not found in any of several thousand larvae examined. Phytoplankton did not form a significant part of the diet.
3. There was a progressive and related increase in diel periodicity in feeding and vertical migrations of successive instar stages. Fourth instars migrated particularly large distances. Such migrations removed them from their zooplankton food supply but avoided predators. A refuge from predators is probably found in or near the permanent zero oxygen boundary, at depths greater than 200 m.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Three species of Tanypodinae (Chironomidae) were found in an acid and iron-rich stream in southern England. Maximum abundance was achieved in summer and they were sparse at other times. Individuals were aggregated on the stream bed and were overrepresented in accumulations of leaf litter.
2. The diets of all three species consisted of a mixture of prey (prominently detritivorous chironomid larvae) and detritus. More detritus and fewer prey were taken in winter than in summer.
3. When comparing large tanypod species with small and, intraspecifically, late instars with early, the proportion of guts containing prey increased with increasing body size.
4. Stonefly larvae were more prominent in the diet of Zavrelimyia barbatipes (Kieffer) in summer than in winter but for the other two species the reverse was true. A bigger proportion of Trissopelopia longimana (Staeger) guts contained prey in early summer than in August whereas more Macropelopia goetghebueri (Kieffer) guts contained prey in August. This was apparently a consequence of seasonal differences in the distribution of body size among the populations of these two species.
5. The stream contains two further common predators, Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curtis) and Sialis fuliginosa Pict. These are important predators of tanypod larvae but might also compete with them since they severely deplete populations of prey taken in common.
6. Analysis of the food-web in Broadstone Stream reveals remarkably high values of connectance (C and Cmax) and of species richness times connectance (SCmax). Such characteristics are theoretically associated with fragile and dynamically unstable food webs, and may be found in 'constant' environments. There is also an apparently unusual prevalence of omnivory in the community.  相似文献   

The digestive enzymes of two stoneflies species, Hemimelaena flaviventris and Isoperla morenica, were studied for the first time. These species are temporary water inhabitants and exhibit great feeding plasticity. Although they are traditionally referred to as predators, a previous study revealed that H. flaviventris incorporates some diatoms into its diet in addition to feeding usually on several prey, and I. morenica (in that study under the name of I. curtata) only feeds on animals occasionally. The enzymatic activities of digestive amylase, lipase, protease, trypsin and chymotrypsin were determined for each species at the same developmental stage. The results show that H. flaviventris has a greater digestive enzymatic pool and higher relative and absolute protease, lipase and trypsin activities than I. morenica. The latter has a relative higher amylase activity. As higher amylase activity is typical of phytophagous species and higher protease activity typical of carnivorous species; these results reveal that H. flaviventris is a more efficient zoophagous species than I. morenica. The ecological implications of these findings, including the higher secondary production of H. flaviventris in its habitat, are discussed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The microdistribution of three species of insect predators in a Swedish stream was assessed using a multivariate statistical approach. Both abiotic factors and factors pertaining to the prey community were included in the analysis.
2. The factors most strongly correlated to the distribution of large Dinocras cephalotes were the densities of case less caddis larvae ( Wormaldia sp. and Hydropsyche siltalai ) and the median weight of stonefly prey. For small D. cephalotes , the density of H. siltalai and the percentage of moss cover were most important. Isoperla grammatica showed a significant correlation to blackfly density. Rhyacophila nubila occurred predominantly in patches with high prey biomass and with high densities and median weight of case less caddis larvae.
3. It was concluded that the quantity and quality of the prey, such as size, availability and species, influenced the predators'microdistribution. The distributional pattern differed between species of predators and was probably related to their different hunting strategies.  相似文献   

Feeding habits of the Euholognathan stoneflies Nemoura hesperiae and Amphinemura sulcicollis are studied in a little stream located in northern Italy. The former fed mainly on coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM), together with detritus, while the latter fed principally on detritus and, in a lower concern, on CPOM. Thus they can be catalogued fundamentally as shredder and collector‐gatherer, respectively. Shifts in diet composition were detected in relation to size in both taxa. Probably niche overlapping does not exist despite both species having similar size and nymphal development duration, and coinciding in time. This work supports that, though functional feeding groups are very useful, they should not be inferred from related species or higher taxonomical levels. Even intra‐population differences and ontogenetic shifts should be considered in fine scale studies.  相似文献   

Omnivory can have profound effects on the trophic dynamics of communities and ecosystems, as they may interact with multiple trophic levels simultaneously. Some species of large-bodied stoneflies may be viewed as omnivores rather than true carnivores even at later nymphal stages. We evaluated the seasonal change in the diet of stonefly predators by analyzing their stable isotope ratio, gut contents, physiological activity, and food availability. A two-source-based mixing model based on stable isotope analysis revealed that stoneflies shifted their diet between carnivory in summer and omnivory in winter—despite the higher availability of animal prey in winter. The gut content analysis showed that swift prey (mayflies) were consumed in the summer, whereas sluggish prey (Chironomidae) were consumed in the winter. The physiological activity of stoneflies also declined markedly in winter. These results suggest that, in winter, stoneflies foraged on a mixture of Chironomidae and algae. It appears that omnivory in some stream consumers is related to the seasonal change in temperature-dependent physiological activity, rather than prey availability.  相似文献   

Leuctridae is the richest stonefly family on the European continent, with many species of Leuctra often coexisting in sympatry in the same lotic environment. In this work we studied the life cycle and feeding habits of two species, Leuctra fusca and L. hippopus, coexisting in a small Italian Apennine stream. The life cycles of the two species are non‐overlapping, i.e., periods of nymphal growth and adult emergence are separated. Nymphs of both species feed mainly on detritus, but quantities of coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) and diatoms are also ingested. Larger nymphs of both species ingest more CPOM and fewer diatoms. This suggests a similar trophic behaviour through their development. For example, they act as collector‐gatherers in their earlier instars and as collector‐gatherers or as shredders in their later instars (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of three piscivorous fish species (perch (Perca fluviatilis), pike (Esox lucius) and burbot (Lota lota)), was studied in the subarctic Pasvik watercourse (69 °N), northern Norway and Russia. All three species primarily occupied the benthic habitats in the watercourse. Perch and burbot exhibited distinct ontogenetic niche shifts in food resource use, perch changing from a dominance of zooplankton to zoobenthos to fish, and burbot from zoobenthos to fish. Fish prey dominated the diet of all the investigated size-classes of pike, but small-sized pike (<20 cm) were not represented in the sample. Fish prey size was positively related to predator size in all three species. Whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) was the dominant prey of pike and large-sized burbot and perch. Nine-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius) was also an important prey and appeared to be a dietary stepping-stone enhancing the transition from invertebrate feeding to consumption of large-sized whitefish prey for all three predators. A cluster analysis separated the different size groups of the three predator species into five functional feeding groups, most of them containing two or all three species. Within these feeding groups, and especially among the piscivorous size-classes, there was a strong and significant interspecific overlap in prey selection, and the dietary similarities between the species were in general much larger than the intraspecific similarities between ontogenetic stages. All three piscivorous species are important top predators in the aquatic food web of the watercourse, and their ontogenetic diet shifts and resource partitioning patterns generate a substantial food web complexity in this subarctic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. A new top predator, the dragonfly Cordulegaster boltonii, invaded Broadstone Stream (U.K.) in the mid‐1990s. This provided a rare opportunity to assess the impact of a new, large carnivore on a community that has been studied since the 1970s and has one of the most detailed food webs yet published. The vulnerability of the resident species to the invader was assessed by integrating experiments, which examined discrete stages in the predation sequence, with empirical survey data. 2. Although the new predator preyed on nearly every macro‐invertebrate in the food web, vulnerability varied considerably among prey species. Size‐related handling constraints initially set the predator's diet, resulting in strong ontogenetic shifts, with progressively larger prey being added while small prey were retained in the diet, as predators grew. Within the size range of vulnerable prey, encounter rate limited the strength of predation, with mobile, epibenthic species being most at risk. Contrary to most studies of interactions between freshwater predators (usually stoneflies) and prey (usually mayflies), the new predator did not elicit avoidance responses from its prey, probably because it combined a highly cryptic feeding posture with an extremely rapid attack response. 3. The invader exploited its prey heavily in experiments, even at prey densities orders of magnitude above ambient. In the field, electivity reflected prey availability, as determined by mobility and microhabitat use, rather than prey abundance or active predator choice. Consequently, the invader had skewed effects within the prey assemblage, with sedentary, interstitial species being far less vulnerable than more active, epibenthic species, some of which, including a previous top predator, have declined markedly since the invasion. 4. By examining the predation sequence in detail and integrating surveys with experiments, species traits and system characteristics that determine the strength of trophic interactions may be identified, and their potential importance in natural food webs assessed. In so doing, greater insight can be gained into which species (and systems) will be most vulnerable to invading or exotic predators, an imperative in both pure and applied ecology.  相似文献   

1. Three predatory chironomid species constituted numerically 8.8% (± 95% CL 2.2) of the macro- and meiobenthic community at the sediment surface and in the hyporheic zone of Oberer Seebach, a gravel stream in Lower Austria. Larvae of Thienemannimyia geijskesi (Goetghebuer) and Nilotanypus dubius (Meigen) occurred in higher densities in sediment depths between 10 and 40 cm, whereas Conchapelopia pallidula (Meigen) achieved higher densities at the sediment surface. The three species completed one generation in a year. 2. A total of ninety-seven prey species and instars were identified by gut analyses, of which forty-one benthic rotifer species constituted 69.5% of individuals and twenty-three chironomid species and their instars, 22.9%. The three tanypod species showed shifts from mainly rotifer species in early instars to chironomids and diverse other meio- and macrofaunal taxa in later instars. Rather than shifting towards larger prey sizes, growing predators expanded their upper size thresholds and continued to include smaller prey species in their diet. The extent to which tanypod instars fed on similar prey size classes declined with increasing larval size. Predation by tanypods amounted to 2.2% (± 95% CL 0.1) of the combined prey densities and prey consumption averaged 1.32 (bootstrap 95% CL 1.26–1.39) individuals per predator individual. 3. Preferences for microhabitat flow differed between predator species and in the prey assemblage. Prey densities and densities of T. geijskesi and C. pallidula were highest in pool areas, whereas N. dubius achieved high densities in riffle sites. 4. Tanypod larvae fed non-selectively among prey types. To test the significance of observed size(instar)-specific spatial and dietary overlap values amongst tanypod species, simulations were generated from random models for pairs of intra- and interspecific associations of individuals and groups of prey and predator species. Groups and individuals of tanypod instars fed near randomly on groups of prey types and a high proportion (P > 0.60) of prey individuals are quasi-randomly chosen by tanypods in those patches. Tanypod instar-pairs did not show a sustained trophic resource partitioning in time, thus reducing the degree of competitive interactions for food in this predator guild. Spatially segregated and non-segregated tanypod instars formed random aggregations independent of each other at different flow microhabitats. 5. Species-rich prey assemblages such as benthic rotifers and larval chironomids increased the probability of non-selective feeding upon a wide spectrum of prey species by tanypods. Prey choice was governed by prey availability and tanypod individuals fed on many species at rather even proportions independent of each other.  相似文献   

The life history, feeding relations and production of the stonefly Stenoperla prasina were studied for 16 months in the Selwyn River, South Island, New Zealand. Larval life is about 1 year with growth occurring in all months. Although emergence of adults was observed only from November to February, egg hatching probably occurred over an extended period as small larvae were present in most months. Larvae were mainly carnivorous except in early instars when most guts contained detritus. Larvae of a mayfly, Deleatidium sp. and a chironomid, Orthocladiinae sp. were the most important prey items. In April of two successive years the guts of most stoneflies examined were filled with diatoms (Gomphonema sp.) and filamentous algae which were abundant in the river only at these times. Algal feeding was not found in other months. Larvae of the main prey species, Deleatidium, were present in all months, being most abundant in summer and declining in numbers during winter. Maximum emergence occurred in March and April. The annual cycle of Deleatidium was diflicuit to interpret as larvae of all sizes were present in all months. Two generations probably occurred in a year, a fast-growing summer generation and a slower-growing and less synchronized winter generation. Mean annual standing biomass, annual production and turnover ratios (P/B) were calculated for both species. The latter were within the range of values given by Waters (1969) but may be subject to error from several sources. Shortcomings in the method used to estimate production are discussed.  相似文献   

New Zealand stream crayfish: functional omnivores but trophic predators?   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
1. The feeding ecology of the crayfish Paranephrops planifrons in streams draining catchments in native forest and pastoral land was investigated using analyses of both stomach contents and stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen. We aimed to (1) identify the energy sources of crayfish, (2) determine whether these were affected by ontogeny or land use change, and (3) assess the functional and trophic roles of crayfish in New Zealand hill-country streams.
2. In native forest streams, crayfish stomach contents were dominated volumetrically by leaf detritus (>60%), but in pasture streams aquatic invertebrates constituted more than 40% of stomach volumes and leaf detritus <30%. Stable isotope analyses revealed that crayfish from both native forest and pasture streams incorporated energy from aquatic invertebrates into their body tissue but did not appear to utilize detritus for growth. Therefore, deforestation had little impact on crayfish energy sources.
3. In native forest streams, adult crayfish (≥20 mm orbit-carapace length (OCL)) consumed greater amounts of leaf detritus than juvenile crayfish, but a corresponding change in stable isotope signatures was not detected. Ontogenetic shifts in diet were not consistent between land use suggesting that change in local habitat and food resources, as a result of land use change, affect crayfish food choice more than factors related solely to age or size.
4. Crayfish appear to occupy the trophic position of a predator, but by functioning as omnivores, they have dual roles as both predators and processors of organic matter. The use of gut content analysis in conjunction with stable isotope analyses revealed that the functional and trophic roles of P. planifrons differed, with implications for the interpretation of diet studies and understanding of the role of omnivores in food webs.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The effects of prey density and temperature on the feeding and development rates of several late instars of the larvae of three common European damselflies ( Lestes sponsa (Hansemann), Coenagrion puella (L.) and Ischnura elegans van der Linden) were investigated in a laboratory experiment.
2. Functional responses were used to estimate maximum feeding rates. Maximum feeding rates were compared between species, instars and temperatures by expressing prey consumption in terms of prey biomass consumed per unit predator biomass. Lestes was capable of feeding at almost twice the rate of either Coenagrion or Ischnura.
3. Higher feeding rates led to faster development rates and there was an interaction between species and temperature. With the exception of those with very low feeding rates, larvae maintained at higher temperatures, but similar feeding rates, developed faster. Under similar conditions of temperature and feeding rate, Lestes larvae developed faster than larvae of either Coenagrion or Ischnura.
4. Faster development rates at similar rates of food intake were achieved at the cost of reduced size-increases between instars.
5. The differences in the responses of the three species are discussed in the light of their respective life histories, and with reference to a recent model of population regulation in damselflies.  相似文献   

1. We conducted experiments in a Colorado Rocky Mountain stream to measure the effect of foraging by predatory stoneflies ( Megarcys signata ) on fine sediment deposition and removal.
2. Cages containing one of four treatments were placed in the stream substratum and removed 3 days after fine sediment load to the stream was experimentally increased. Cages containing a stonefly but no prey accumulated less sediment than cages initially with no benthic invertebrates. Although cages with Megarcys plus prey also tended to have less sediment than controls, sediments were not reduced in cages with prey only.
3. Distance from sediment source, depth and current velocity at cages, final prey density and numbers of prey per predator gut at the end of the experiment had no effects on sediment accumulation in cages.
4. To determine the mechanisms underlying this effect, behavioural tests were conducted in a stream-side artificial stream system. To simulate the different hunger levels of stoneflies in cages, Megarcys were fed or starved for 3 days before behavioural trials that were repeated during high (night) and low (day) stonefly feeding periods. During night trials, foraging movements by starved Megarcys were more prolonged and active than those of fed stoneflies, regardless of the presence of prey. However, neither hunger level nor prey presence affected stonefly foraging behaviour during day trials.
5. Results of field experiments suggest that the presence of stoneflies enhances sediment removal from interstitial spaces. Behavioural observations indicate that nocturnal searching for prey by hungry Megarcys dislodges fine sediments from interstitial spaces.
6. Future studies should explore beyond the direct impacts of predators on stream invertebrate communities, and investigate the potential impact of predators on benthic microhabitat quality.  相似文献   

The nutritional composition of prey is known to influence predator life histories, but how the life history strategies of predators affect their susceptibility to nutrient imbalance is less investigated. We used two wolf spider species with different life histories as model predators: Pardosa amentata, which have a fixed annual life cycle, and Pardosa prativaga, which reproduce later and can extend development across 2 years. We fed juvenile spiders of the two species ad libitum diets of one of six Drosophila melanogaster fly types varying in lipid:protein composition during three instars, from the start of the second instar until the fifth instar moult. We then tested for interactions between predator species and prey nutrient composition on several life history parameters. P. amentata completed the three instars faster and grew larger carapaces and heavier body masses than P. prativaga, but the two species responded differently to variation in prey lipid:protein ratio. Duration of the instars increased when feeding on protein-poor prey in P. amentata, but was unaffected by diet in P. prativaga. Likewise, the effect of diet on body composition was more pronounced in P. amentata than in P. prativaga. Prey nutrient composition thus affected the two species differently. During macronutrient imbalance P. amentata appear to prioritize high growth rates while experiencing highly variable body compositions, whereas P. prativaga maintain more constant body compositions and have slower growth. These can be seen as different consequences of a fixed annual and a plastic annual-biennial life cycle.  相似文献   

1. We conducted experiments in a Colorado Rocky Mountain stream to measure the effect of foraging by predatory stoneflies ( Megarcys signata ) on fine sediment deposition and removal.
2. Cages containing one of four treatments were placed in the stream substratum and removed 3 days after fine sediment load to the stream was experimentally increased. Cages containing a stonefly but no prey accumulated less sediment than cages initially with no benthic invertebrates. Although cages with Megarcys plus prey also tended to have less sediment than controls, sediments were not reduced in cages with prey only.
3. Distance from sediment source, depth and current velocity at cages, final prey density and numbers of prey per predator gut at the end of the experiment had no effects on sediment accumulation in cages.
4. To determine the mechanisms underlying this effect, behavioural tests were conducted in a stream-side artificial stream system. To simulate the different hunger levels of stoneflies in cages, Megarcys were fed or starved for 3 days before behavioural trials that were repeated during high (night) and low (day) stonefly feeding periods. During night trials, foraging movements by starved Megarcys were more prolonged and active than those of fed stoneflies, regardless of the presence of prey. However, neither hunger level nor prey presence affected stonefly foraging behaviour during day trials.
5. Results of field experiments suggest that the presence of stoneflies enhances sediment removal from interstitial spaces. Behavioural observations indicate that nocturnal searching for prey by hungry Megarcys dislodges fine sediments from interstitial spaces.
6. Future studies should explore beyond the direct impacts of predators on stream invertebrate communities, and investigate the potential impact of predators on benthic microhabitat quality.  相似文献   

Zoophytophagy is an omnivorous activity that occurs when a primarily carnivorous species feeds on plant material. Plant feeding by beneficial predators may have negative consequences if the plant material has been chemically treated, contains toxins, or was transgenically altered. Although common in predaceous Hemiptera, zoophytophagy has been rarely studied in aphidophagous coccinellids. This study examined the likelihood of feeding on Bt and non-Bt corn seedlings by third- and fourth-instar coccinellid larvae, the regularity of feeding events by fourth instars, and the effect of leaf feeding on development time and adult size. Both third- and fourth-instar Harmonia axyridis Pallas and Coleomegilla maculata DeGeer consume leaf tissue, with fourth instars being significantly more likely to feed on corn seedlings. C. maculata larvae ingested leaf tissue more frequently than H. axyridis. Furthermore, when given access to corn seedlings daily, development time of fourth-instar C. maculata increased after Bt hybrid corn treatments compared with non-Bt corn treatments. Zoophytophagous feeding behavior is thought to sustain predators during times of low prey availability, and leaf tissue feeding by coccinellids has typically been attributed to their need for water. However, in this study, tissue feeding regularly occurred even though coccinellid larvae had constant access to water and a daily ad libitum supply of aphids. We suggest that, in addition to environmental conditions, the physiological state of the zoophytophagous species will influence the probability of plant feeding.  相似文献   

The seasonal change in gut contents of nymphs of Isoperla grammatica and I. difformis from six streams in southern Sweden was analysed. Both species had ingested a variety of benthic prey and vegetable matter, predominantly diatoms. Some seasonality was evident with high percentages of diatoms in spring in I. grammatica, and in autumn in I. difformis. The scope of food was larger in the latter species which contained about equal proportions of vegetable matter, chironomids, mayfly, stonefly, and black fly larvae. In I. grammatica plant matter and chironomids dominated strongly, comprising > 50% of the gut contents on an annual basis, > 90 % in spring. While small nymphs of I. difformis contained a low proportion of animal matter, only gradually increasing with size, the nymphs of I. grammatica were carnivorous from very early instars. Both species switched to a temporarily strong utilization of algae in spring. This differed among sites, and appeared to reflect differences in insolation and thus the availability of algae. There was a significant negative relationship between the mean densities of Isoperla nymphs and the proportion of animal material found in the guts of I. grammatica (R 2 = 0.86). Considering the density of I. grammatica alone, the relationship was weaker (R 2 = 0.56). A positive correlation between predator and prey size was observed. With chironomid prey the size range increased with predator size. With simuliid prey, however, prey size increased with predator size in such a way that it suggests selection rather than just an expanding prey size range. Correlations were stronger and regression coefficients significantly higher for I. grammatica than for I. difformis. We suggest that I. grammatica, which ingests a much wider size range of prey might choose prey of optimal sizes more readily than the more synchronously developing I. difformis. Although the life cycles of the two species are staggered, overlap in size distribution indicates that competition for food could be important in spring. However, observed differences in diet should facilitate coexistence. Gut content differences might in turn be accomplished through microhabitat segregation.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Microhabitat preferences of predatory stoneflies and four prey taxa were assessed by taking benthic samples along a hydraulic gradient in a Black Forest stream in West Germany. Densities of predator and prey species were estimated at twenty-one hydraulic regimes.
2. Enclosures containing the stonefly, Dinocras cephalotes , and control cages with no predators were placed in the substrate at hydraulic regimes favourable and unfavourable to predators. Cages received initial prey communities that were obtained from benthic samples taken at hydraulic regimes matching those intended for each cage.
3. Population densities of the two most numerically important prey taxa, the mayfly. Baetis rhodani , and the Chironomidae, were reduced in the presence of Dinocras , but only when enclosures were placed in the hydraulic regimes favourable to the predator. Thus, predation effects increased as the hydraulic regime became more benign to the predators.
4. Densities of two other prey species rare in the diets of Dinocras ( Hydropsyche instabilis and Gammarus fossarum ) were generally unaffected by predators regardless of the hydraulic regime.
5. These data provide support for the hypothesis that perception of the abiotic regime as harsh or benign to predators is a good predictor of predator impact on densities of preferred prey species. In harsher abiotic regimes, impact will be low, while impact will be high in benign abiotic regimes.  相似文献   

From analyses of monthly length frequency distributions of stonefly (Plecoptera) nymphs from stream riffles, two types of univoltine life cycles (Hynes 1961, classification) were observed: slow seasonal forIsoperla transmarina, Isoperla signata, Isogenoides olivaceus, andAllocapnia rickerii, and fast seasonal forProstoia similis. The Perlodidae stoneflies (Isoperla andIsogenoides) showed greatest propensities to drift near the end of their life cycles. Drift rates of the other two species of stoneflies were correlated to standing stock estimates.  相似文献   

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