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In contrast with the model Escherichia coli Clp protease, the ATP-dependent Clp protease in higher plants has a remarkably diverse proteolytic core consisting of multiple ClpP and ClpR paralogs, presumably arranged within a dual heptameric ring structure. Using antisense lines for the nucleus-encoded ClpP subunit, ClpP6, we show that the Arabidopsis thaliana Clp protease is vital for chloroplast development and function. Repression of ClpP6 produced a proportional decrease in the Clp proteolytic core, causing a chlorotic phenotype in young leaves that lessened upon maturity. Structural analysis of the proteolytic core revealed two distinct subcomplexes that likely correspond to single heptameric rings, one containing the ClpP1 and ClpR1-4 proteins, the other containing ClpP3-6. Proteomic analysis revealed several stromal proteins more abundant in clpP6 antisense lines, suggesting that some are substrates for the Clp protease. A proteolytic assay developed for intact chloroplasts identified potential substrates for the stromal Clp protease in higher plants, most of which were more abundant in young Arabidopsis leaves, consistent with the severity of the chlorotic phenotype observed in the clpP6 antisense lines. The identified substrates all function in more general housekeeping roles such as plastid protein synthesis, folding, and quality control, rather than in metabolic activities such as photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The ATP-dependent Clp protease in plant chloroplasts consists of a heterogeneous proteolytic core containing multiple ClpP and ClpR paralogues. In this study, we have examined in detail the only viable knockout mutant to date of one of these subunits in Arabidopsis thaliana, ClpR1. Loss of ClpR1 caused a slow-growth phenotype, with chlorotic leaves during early development that later partially recovered upon maturity. Analysis of the Clp proteolytic core in the clpR1 mutant (clpR1-1) revealed approx. 10% of the wild-type levels remaining, probably due to a relative increase in the closely related ClpR3 protein and its partial substitution of ClpR1 in the core complex. A proteomic approach using an in organello proteolytic assay revealed 19 new potential substrates for the chloroplast Clp protease. Many of these substrates were constitutive enzymes involved in different metabolic pathways, including photosynthetic carbon fixation, nitrogen metabolism and chlorophyll/haem biosynthesis, whereas others function in housekeeping roles such as RNA maturation, protein synthesis and maturation, and recycling processes. In contrast, degradation of the stress-related chloroplast proteins Hsp21 (heat-shock protein 21) and lipoxygenase 2 was unaffected in the clpR1-1 line and thus not facilitated by the Clp protease. Overall, we show that the chloroplast Clp protease is principally a constitutive enzyme that degrades numerous stromal proteins, a feature that almost certainly underlies its vital importance for chloroplast function and plant viability.  相似文献   

The ATP-dependent Clp protease is by far the most intricate protease in chloroplasts of vascular plants. Structurally, it is particularly complex with a proteolytic core complex containing 11 distinct subunits along with three potential chaperone partners. The Clp protease is also essential for chloroplast development and overall plant viability. Over the past decade, many of the important characteristics of this crucial protease have been revealed in the model plant species Arabidopsis thaliana. Despite this, challenges still remain in fully resolving certain key features, in particular, how the assembly of this multisubunit protease is regulated, the full range of native protein substrates and how they are targeted for degradation and how this complicated enzyme might have developed from simpler bacterial forms. This article focuses upon the recent advances in revealing the details underlying these important features. It also take the opportunity to speculate upon many of these findings in the hope of stimulating further investigation.  相似文献   

Plastid ClpT1 and ClpT2 are plant-specific proteins that associate with the ClpPR protease. However, their physiological significance and structures are not understood. Arabidopsis thaliana loss-of-function single clpt1 and clpt2 mutants showed no visible phenotypes, whereas clpt1 clpt2 double mutants showed delayed development, reduced plant growth, and virescent, serrated leaves but were viable and produced seed. The clpt1 and clpt1 clpt2 mutants showed partial destabilization of the ClpPR complex, whereas clpt2 null mutants showed only marginal destabilization. Comparative proteomics of clpt1 clpt2 plants showed a proteostasis phenotype similar to viable mutants in ClpPR core subunits, indicating reduced Clp protease capacity. In vivo and in vitro assays showed that ClpT1 and ClpT2 can independently interact with the single ClpP ring and ClpPR core, but not with the single ClpR ring. We determined ClpT1 and ClpT2 structures (2.4- and 2.0-Å resolution) and detailed the similarities to the N-domains of bacterial ClpA/C chaperones. The ClpT structures suggested a conserved MYFF motif for interaction with the ClpPR core near the interface between the P- and R-rings. In vivo complementation showed that ClpT function and ClpPR core stabilization require the MYFF motif. Several models are presented that may explain how ClpT1,2 contribute to ClpPR protease activity.  相似文献   

The ATP-dependent Clp protease in chloroplasts of higher plants   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
The best-known proteases in plastids are those that belong to families common to eubacteria. One of the first identified was the ATP-dependent caseinolytic protease (Clp), whose structure and function have been well characterized in Escherichia coli . Plastid Clp proteins in higher plants are surprisingly numerous and diverse, with at least 16 distinct Clp proteins in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana . Multiple paralogues exist for several of the different types of plastid Clp protein, with the most extreme being five for the proteolytic subunit ClpP. Both biochemical and genetic studies have recently begun to reveal the intricate structural interactions between the various Clp proteins, and their importance for chloroplast function and plant development. Much of the recent data suggests that the function of many of the Clp proteins probably affects more specific processes within chloroplasts, in addition to the more general 'housekeeping' role previously assumed.  相似文献   

Halperin T  Ostersetzer O  Adam Z 《Planta》2001,213(4):614-619
The chloroplast ATP-dependent Clp protease (EC is composed of the proteolytic subunit ClpP and the regulatory ATPase, ClpC. Although both subunits are found in the stroma, the interaction between the two is dynamic. When immunoprecipitation with antibodies against ClpC was performed on stroma from dark-adapted pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) chloroplasts, ClpC but not ClpP was precipitated. However, when stroma was supplemented with ATP, both ClpC and ClpP were precipitated. Co-immunoprecipitation was even more efficient in the presence of ATP-gamma-S, suggesting that the association between regulatory and proteolytic subunits is dependent on binding of ATP to ClpC, but not its hydrolysis. To further test this association, stroma was fractionated by column chromatography, and the presence of Clp subunits in the different fractions was monitored immunologically. When stroma depleted of ATP was fractionated on an ion-exchange column, ClpP and ClpC migrated separately, whereas in the presence of ATP-gamma-S both subunits co-migrated. Similar results were observed in size-exclusion chromatography. To further characterize the precipitated enzyme, its proteolytic activity was assayed by testing its ability to degrade beta-casein. No degradation was observed in the absence of ATP, and degradation was inhibited in the presence of phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, consistent with Clp being an ATP-dependent serine protease. The activity of the isolated enzyme was further tested using chimeric OE33 as a model substrate. This protein was also degraded in an ATP-dependent manner, supporting the suggested role of Clp protease as a major housekeeping protease in the stroma.  相似文献   

Intra-plastid proteases play crucial and diverse roles in the development and maintenance of non-photosynthetic plastids and chloroplasts. Formation and maintenance of a functional thylakoid electron transport chain requires various protease activities, operating in parallel, as well as in series. This review first provides a short, referenced overview of all experimentally identified plastid proteases in Arabidopsis thaliana. We then focus on the Clp protease system which constitutes the most abundant and complex soluble protease system in the plastid, consisting of 15 nuclear-encoded members and one plastid-encoded member in Arabidopsis. Comparisons to the simpler Clp system in photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic bacteria will be made and the role of Clp proteases in the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii will be briefly reviewed. Extensive molecular genetics has shown that the Clp system plays an essential role in Arabidopsis chloroplast development in the embryo as well as in leaves. Molecular characterization of the various Clp mutants has elucidated many of the consequences of loss of Clp activities. We summarize and discuss the structural and functional aspects of the Clp machinery, including progress on substrate identification and recognition. Finally, the Clp system will be evaluated in the context of the chloroplast protease network. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Regulation of Electron Transport in Chloroplasts.  相似文献   

ClpP is the proteolytic subunit of the ATP-dependent Clp protease in eubacteria, mammals and plant chloroplasts. Cyanobacterial ClpP protein is encoded by a multigene family, producing up to four distinct isozymes. We have examined the importance of the first ClpP protein (ClpP1) isolated from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 for acclimation to ecologically relevant UV-B and low-temperature regimens. When the growth light of 50 μmol photons m?2 s?1 was supplemented with 0.5 W m?2 UV-B for 8 h, the constitutive level of ClpP1 rose eightfold after an initial lag of 1 h. Wild-type cells readily acclimated to this UV-B level, recovering after the initial stress to almost the same growth rate as that before UV-B exposure. Growth of a clpP1 null mutant (ΔclpP1), however, was severely inhibited by UV-B, being eight times slower than the wild type after 8 h. In comparison, ClpP1 content increased 15-fold in wild-type cultures shifted from 37°C to 25°C for 24 h. Wild-type cultures readily acclimated to 25°C after 24 h, whereas the ΔclpP1 strain did not and eventually lost viability with prolonged cold treatment. During acclimation to either UV-B or cold, photosynthesis in the wild type was initially inhibited upon the shift but then recovered. Photosynthesis in ΔclpP1 cultures, however, was more severely inhibited by the stress treatment and failed to recover. Acclimation was also monitored by examining the exchange of photosystem II reaction centre D1 proteins that occurs in wild-type Synechococcus during conditions of excitation stress. During both cold and UV-B shifts, wild-type cultures replaced the acclimative form of D1 (D1:1) with the alternative D1 form 2 (D1:2) within the first hours. Once acclimated to either 25°C or 0.5 W m?2 UV-B, D1:2 was exchanged back for D1:1. In ΔclpP1 cultures, this second exchange between D1 forms did not occur, with D1:2 remaining the predominant D1 form. Our results demonstrate that the ATP-dependent Clp protease is an essential component of the cold and UV-B acclimation processes of Synechococcus.  相似文献   

Proteolysis functions as a precise regulatory mechanism for a broad spectrum of cellular processes. Such control impacts not only on the stability of key metabolic enzymes but also on the effective removal of terminally damaged polypeptides. Much of this directed protein turnover is performed by proteases that require ATP and, of those in bacteria, the Clp protease from Escherichia coli is one of the best characterized to date. The Clp holoenzyme consists of two adjacent heptameric rings of the proteolytic subunit known as ClpP, which are flanked by a hexameric ring of a regulatory subunit from the Clp/Hsp100 chaperone family at one or both ends. The recently resolved three-dimensional structure of the E. coli ClpP protein has provided new insights into its interaction with the regulatory/chaperone subunits. In addition, an increasing number of studies over the last few years have recognized the added complexity and functional importance of ClpP proteins in other eubacteria and, in particular, in photosynthetic organisms ranging from cyanobacteria to higher plants. The goal of this review is to summarize these recent findings and to highlight those areas that remain unresolved.  相似文献   

The genes of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) encoding catalytic subunits (ClpP) and regulatory subunits (ClpX and ClpC) of the ATP-dependent protease family Clp were cloned, mapped and characterized. S. coelicolor contains at least two clpP genes, clpP1 and clpP2, located in tandem upstream from the clpX gene, and at least two unlinked clpC genes. Disruption of the clpP1 gene in S. lividans and S. coelicolor blocks differentiation at the substrate mycelium step. Overexpression of clpP1 and clpP2 accelerates aerial mycelium formation in S. lividans, S. albus and S. coelicolor. Overproduction of ClpX accelerates actinorhodin production in S. coelicolor and activates its production in S. lividans.  相似文献   

ClpP is a proteolytic subunit of the ATP-dependent Clp protease, which is found in chloroplasts in higher plants. Proteolytic subunits are encoded both by the chloroplast gene, clpP, and a nuclear multi gene family. We insertionally disrupted clpP by chloroplast transformation in tobacco. However, complete segregation was impossible, indicating that the chloroplast-encoded clpP gene has an indispensable function for cell survival. In the heteroplasmic clpP disruptant, the leaf surface was rough by clumping, and the lateral leaf expansion was irregularly arrested, which led to an asymmetric, slender leaf shape. Chloroplasts consisted of two populations: chloroplasts that were similar to the wild type, and small chloroplasts that emitted high chl fluorescence. Ultrastructural analysis of chloroplast development suggested that clpP disruption also induced swelling of the thylakoid lumen in the meristem plastids and inhibition of etioplast development in the dark. In mature leaves, thylakoid membranes of the smaller chloroplast population consisted exclusively of large stacks of tightly appressed membranes. These results indicate that chloroplast-encoded ClpP is involved in multiple processes of chloroplast development, including a housekeeping function that is indispensable for cell survival.  相似文献   

The UV-A/blue light photoreceptor crytochrome2 (cry2) plays a fundamental role in the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive phase in the facultative long-day plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The cry2 protein level strongly decreases when etiolated seedlings are exposed to blue light; cry2 is first phosphorylated, polyubiquitinated, and then degraded by the 26S proteasome. COP1 is involved in cry2 degradation, but several cop1 mutants show only reduced but not abolished cry2 degradation. SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA-105 (SPA) proteins are known to work in concert with COP1, and recently direct physical interaction between cry2 and SPA1 was demonstrated. Thus, we hypothesized that SPA proteins could also play a role in cry2 degradation. To this end, we analyzed cry2 protein levels in spa mutants. In all spa mutants analyzed, cry2 degradation under continuous blue light was alleviated in a fluence rate-dependent manner. Consistent with a role of SPA proteins in phytochrome A (phyA) signaling, a phyA mutant had enhanced cry2 levels, particularly under low fluence rate blue light. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer-fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy studies showed a robust physical interaction of cry2 with SPA1 in nuclei of living cells. Our results suggest that cry2 stability is controlled by SPA and phyA, thus providing more information on the molecular mechanisms of interaction between cryptochrome and phytochrome photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Distinctive types of ATP-dependent Clp proteases in cyanobacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cyanobacteria are the only prokaryotes that perform oxygenic photosynthesis and are thought to be ancestors to plant chloroplasts. Like chloroplasts, cyanobacteria possess a diverse array of proteolytic enzymes, with one of the most prominent being the ATP-dependent Ser-type Clp protease. The model Clp protease in Escherichia coli consists of a single ClpP proteolytic core flanked on one or both ends by a HSP100 chaperone partner. In comparison, cyanobacteria have multiple ClpP paralogs plus a ClpP variant (ClpR), which lacks the catalytic triad typical of Ser-type proteases. In this study, we reveal that two distinct soluble Clp proteases exist in the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus. Each protease consists of a unique proteolytic core comprised of two separate Clp subunits, one with ClpP1 and ClpP2, the other with ClpP3 and ClpR. Each core also associates with a particular HSP100 chaperone partner, ClpC in the case of the ClpP3/R core, and ClpX for the ClpP1/P2 core. The two adaptor proteins, ClpS1 and ClpS2 also interact with the ClpC chaperone protein, likely increasing the range of protein substrates targeted by the Clp protease in cyanobacteria. We also reveal the possible existence of a third Clp protease in Synechococcus, one which associates with the internal membrane network. Altogether, we show that presence of several distinctive Clp proteases in cyanobacteria, a feature which contrasts from that in most other organisms.  相似文献   

Clp protease is a high relative molecular mass, ATP-dependent protease found in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli. Clp protease is composed of two protein components, Clp A, which has ATPase activity, and Clp P, which has the proteolytic active site and is activated by Clp A in the presence of ATP. Clp P subunits (Mr = 21,500) are arranged in two hexagonal rings directly superimposed on each other, and under low salt conditions two dodecamers associate to form a particle with Mr approximately 440,000. Clp A (subunit Mr = 83,000) and Clp P do not associate in the absence of nucleotide, but Clp A with ATP bound associates with Clp P to form an active proteolytic complex with Mr approximately 700,000. Although adenosine 5'-[beta gamma-imido]triphosphate (AMPPNP) weakly promotes association between Clp A and Clp P, non-hydrolysable analogues of ATP do not activate proteolysis, indicating that association between the components is not sufficient to allow proteolysis. Association between Clp A and Clp P does not alter the basal ATPase activity of Clp A, but addition of protein substrates is accompanied by an increase in ATP hydrolysis by Clp A. Chemically-inactivated Clp P or inactive mutants of Clp P also associate with Clp A, but no increase in the ATPase activity of Clp A is observed, either in the presence or absence of protein substrates, when Clp P is inactive. Thus the increased ATP hydrolysis is dependent on active proteolysis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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