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This study investigated associations between pre-treatment cytokine expression and infection patterns, before and after de-worming, in humans exposed to two gastrointestinal nematode species. Quantitative measures of Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura infection (based on faecal egg counts) were estimated immediately before and 8-9 months after treatment in a Cameroonian population. Whole blood cytokine responses to parasite-derived antigens were assayed immediately pre-treatment. An overall measure of the tendency towards species-specific infection (increasing with A. lumbricoides faecal egg counts and decreasing with T. trichiura faecal egg counts) was significantly positively related to IL-10 levels in older (14-57 year) hosts. There was a significant negative influence of IL-5 on reinfection probability in T. trichiura but not A. lumbricoides. This effect coincided with reduced reinfection success in T. trichiura compared to A. lumbricoides. T(H)2 cytokine expression by younger hosts (4-13 year) was negatively associated with contemporary A. lumbricoides faecal egg counts before treatment. Following treatment, the pre-treatment T(H)2 cytokine expression data for younger hosts (now reflecting responsiveness 8-9 months in the past) were negatively associated with T. trichiura faecal egg counts. Taken together, these observations suggest a successional interaction between T(H)2-driven immune responses and species infection over time. However, any differential effects of the measured immune responses on species-specific recruitment, maturation and mortality were superimposed upon (and outweighed by) the effects of other factors favouring coinfection.  相似文献   

The present authors investigated intestinal parasitic infections among North Korean residents and refugees in China in 2003. The Kato-Katz method was applied to 236 residents and soldiers in a town on the North Korea-China border and to 46 people at a refugee camp in China. Only eggs of Ascaris and Trichuris were detected, with egg positive rates of 41.1% and 37.6%, respectively. The total egg positive rate was 55.0% and most of those who were egg positive were only lightly infected. Women of 61.2% and men of 53.1% were egg positive. The refugees from rural areas showed higher egg positive rates than those from urban areas. The present investigation confirmed high prevalence of soil-transmitted intestinal helminths in rural borderline areas of North Korea.  相似文献   

Hookworm infection is one of the most important parasitic infections of humans, possibly outranked only by malaria as a cause of misery and suffering. An estimated 1.2 billion people are infected with hookworm in areas of rural poverty in the tropics and subtropics. Epidemiological data collected in China, Southeast Asia and Brazil indicate that, unlike other soil-transmitted helminth infections, the highest hookworm burdens typically occur in adult populations, including the elderly. Emerging data on the host cellular immune responses of chronically infected populations suggest that hookworms induce a state of host anergy and immune hyporesponsiveness. These features account for the high rates of hookworm reinfection following treatment with anthelminthic drugs and therefore, the failure of anthelminthics to control hookworm. Despite the inability of the human host to develop naturally acquired immune responses to hookworm, there is evidence for the feasibility of developing a vaccine based on the successes of immunising laboratory animals with either attenuated larval vaccines or antigens extracted from the alimentary canal of adult blood-feeding stages. The major antigens associated with each of these larval and adult hookworm vaccines have been cloned and expressed in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. However, only eukaryotic expression systems (e.g., yeast, baculovirus, and insect cells) produce recombinant proteins that immunologically resemble the corresponding native antigens. A challenge for vaccinologists is to formulate selected eukaryotic antigens with appropriate adjuvants in order to elicit high antibody titres. In some cases, antigen-specific IgE responses are required to mediate protection. Another challenge will be to produce anti-hookworm vaccine antigens at high yield low cost suitable for immunising large impoverished populations living in the developing nations of the tropics.  相似文献   

Wnt5a participates in distal lung morphogenesis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Operational parallels in overall mechanisms of three-dimensional patterning of vertebrate organs are becoming increasingly apparent. Many key mediators, such as FGFs, BMPs, and sonic hedgehog, participate in organization of a number of organs, including the lungs, which exhibit a defined proximodistal (P-D) polarity. Recently, Wnt5a a member of the wingless family of signaling molecules involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, and organogenesis, was shown to underlie the outgrowth and P-D morphogenesis of the vertebrate limb. In the current study, we show that Wnt5a is expressed in the mouse lung and plays an important role in lung distal morphogenesis. Analysis of the mutant phenotype in mice carrying a targeted disruption of the Wnt5a locus shows distinct abnormalities in distal lung morphogenesis as manifested by distinct truncation of the trachea and overexpansion of the distal respiratory airways. In the face of deleted WNT5a activity, both epithelial and mesenchymal cell compartments of the Wnt5a(-/-) lungs exhibit increased cell proliferation. The overall architecture of the mutant lungs is characterized by overexpansion of the distal airways and inhibition of lung maturation as reflected by persistence of thickened intersaccular interstitium. Absence of WNT5a activity in the mutant lungs leads to increased expression of Fgf-10, Bmp4, Shh, and its receptor Ptc, raising the possibility that WNT5a, FGF-10, BMP4, and SHH signaling pathways are functionally interactive.  相似文献   

Fushi-tarazu factor 1a (Ftz-F1a, Ff1a, Nr5a2) is a nuclear receptor with diverse functions in many tissues. Here, we report the function of ff1a in zebrafish muscle differentiation. In situ hybridization revealed that ff1a mRNA was present in the adaxial and migrating slow muscle precursors and was down-regulated when slow muscle cells matured. This expression was under the control of hedgehog genes, expanded when hedgehog was increased and missing in mutants defective in genes in the Hedgehog pathway like you-too (yot), sonic you (syu), and u-boot (ubo). Blocking ff1a activity by injecting a deleted form of ff1a or an antisense ff1a morpholino oligo into fish embryos caused thinner and disorganized fibers of both slow and fast properties. Transient expression of ff1a in syu, ubo, and yot embryos led to more fibril bundles, even when slow myoblasts were transfated into fast properties. We showed that ff1a and prox1 complemented each other in slow myofibril assembly, but they did not affect the expression of each other. These results demonstrate that ff1a functions in both slow and fast muscle morphogenesis in response to Hedgehog signaling, and this function parallels the activity of another slow muscle gene, prox1.  相似文献   

Brazil has the third largest area of mangrove in the world, which is widely threatened by anthropogenic pressures. We carried out the first long-term phenological study investigating whether environment and competition for pollinators shape the reproduction of a western mangrove community in Brazil, and provide new information for mangrove conservation. We monitored monthly the flowering and fruiting of Avicennia schaueriana, Conocarpus erectus, Laguncularia racemosa and Rhizophora mangle, the only species composing this mangrove community. We applied circular statistics to detect seasonal trends, null models to test for aggregated, staggered or random flowering patterns, performed correlations between phenophases and climate, and calculated intra-specific phenological synchrony. Each species presented a different flowering pattern, from brief annual to continuous and from regular to irregular, resulting in a bimodal pattern at community level. Fruiting was annual or continuous and seasonally unimodal at community level. Precipitation showed the strongest correlation with reproduction for all species, except L. racemosa. Flowering was randomly distributed among species sharing pollinators and each species presented high intra-specific synchrony. The studied mangrove showed a diversity of flowering patterns despite the low number of species. Annual to sub-annual sequential flowering were prevalent, sustaining the pollinators of species all the year long, while the wind-pollinated species flowered continuously. We provide strong evidence that daylength, rainfall and temperature are driving the flowering and fruiting rhythm of these mangrove species.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved factor eIF5A is the only protein known to undergo hypusination, a unique posttranslational modification triggered by deoxyhypusine synthase (Dys1). Although eIF5A is essential for cell viability, the function of this putative translation initiation factor is still obscure. To identify eIF5A-binding proteins that could clarify its function, we screened a two-hybrid library and identified two eIF-5A partners in S. cerevisiae: Dys1 and the protein encoded by the gene YJR070C, named Lia1 (Ligand of eIF5A). The interactions were confirmed by GST pulldown. Mapping binding sites for these proteins revealed that both eIF5A domains can bind to Dys1, whereas the C-terminal domain is sufficient to bind Lia1. We demonstrate for the first time in vivo that the N-terminal alpha-helix of Dys1 can modulate enzyme activity by inhibiting eIF5A interaction. We suggest that this inhibition be abrogated in the cell when hypusinated and functional eIF5A is required.  相似文献   

The vertebrate hindbrain is segmented into an array of rhombomeres (r), but it remains to be fully understood how segmentation is achieved. Here we report that reducing meis function transforms the caudal hindbrain to an r4-like fate, and we exploit this experimental state to explore how r4 versus r5-r6 segments are set aside. We demonstrate that r4 transformation of the caudal hindbrain is mediated by paralog group 1 (PG1) hox genes and can be repressed by vhnf1, a gene expressed in r5-r6. We further find that vhnf1 expression is regulated by PG1 hox genes in a meis-dependent manner. This implies that PG1 hox genes not only induce r4 fates throughout the caudal hindbrain, but also induce expression of vhnf1, which then represses r4 fates in the future r5-r6. Our results further indicate that r4 transformation of the caudal hindbrain occurs at intermediate levels of meis function, while extensive removal of meis function produces a hindbrain completely devoid of segments, suggesting that different hox-dependent processes may have distinct meis requirements. Notably, reductions in the function of another Hox cofactor, pbx, have not been reported to transform the caudal hindbrain, suggesting that Meis and Pbx proteins may also function differently in their roles as Hox cofactors.  相似文献   

Changes to host behaviour as a consequence of infection are common in many parasite-host associations, but their effects on the functional role hosts play within ecosystems are rarely quantified. This study reports that helminth parasites significantly decrease consumption of detritus by their isopod hosts in laboratory experiments. Natural host and parasite densities across eight contiguous seasons were used to estimate effects on the amount of stream detritus-energy processed. Extrapolations using mass-specific processing rates from laboratory results to field patterns suggest that the effects of the parasites occur year round but the greatest impact on the amount of detritus processed by isopods occurs in the autumn when the bulk of leaf detritus enters the stream, and when parasite prevalence in the isopod population is high. Parasites have a lesser impact on the amount of detritus processed in spring and summer when isopods are most abundant, when parasite prevalence is not high, and when fish predation on isopods is high. These results support the idea that parasites can affect the availability of resources critical to other species by altering behaviours related to the functional role hosts play in ecosystems, and suggest that seasonality may be an important factor to consider in the dynamics of these parasite-host interactions.  相似文献   

KHEYLRF-NH(2) (AF2) is a FMRFamide-related peptide (FaRP) present in parasitic and free-living nematodes. At concentrations as low as 10 pM, AF2 induces a biphasic tension response, consisting of a transient relaxation followed by profound excitation, in neuromuscular strips prepared from Ascaris suum. In the present study, the effects of AF2 on cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (IP(3)) levels were measured following muscle tension recordings from 2 cm neuromuscular strips prepared from adult A. suum. AF2 induced a concentration- and time-dependent increase in cAMP, beginning at 1 nM; cAMP levels increased by 84-fold following 1 h exposure to 1 microM AF2. cGMP and IP(3) levels were unaffected by AF2 at concentrations 相似文献   

Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are endemic in northern Viet Nam where the climate and agricultural practices, such as the use of human excreta as fertiliser and the use of wastewater for irrigation, favour transmission. An intervention was conducted in Yen Bai Province, north-west Viet Nam, to measure the effectiveness of single dose albendazole (400 mg) administered every 4 months for reducing the prevalence of STH infections in women of reproductive age. Stool samples were collected from women before the intervention and 3 and 12 months post-intervention. Information on a range of demographic and socio-economic variables was also collected to measure the major risk factors for high STH burden in this area. The prevalence of hookworm, Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura infection in the baseline sample of 366 women were 76.2%, 19.2% and 29.1%, respectively. In the women who were surveyed at baseline and again at 3 and 12 months after the intervention (n = 118) cure rates were 71.3% for hookworm, 87.0% for A. lumbricoides and 81.4% for T. trichiura by the end of the 12 month study period (i.e. after three doses of albendazole). The main risk factor for hookworm infection was if women worked outside (odds ratio (OR) = 3.2 (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 1.6-6.2), P = 0.001) and the major risk factor for A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infection was a lack of education. Low educational attainment was also the strongest risk factor for co-infection with all three species of STH (OR = 7.5 (95% CI 3.4-16.4), P < 0.001). The high rates of hookworm infection in this area of Viet Nam and the high cure rates for all three species of STH with 4 monthly albendazole treatment suggest that this programme should be expanded to all endemic areas in Viet Nam. The study also highlights the important contribution of education to women’s health.  相似文献   

Recruitment is an important process in regulating many marine benthic communities and many studies have examined factors controlling the dispersal and distribution of larval immigrants. However, benthic species also have early post-settlement life-stages that are dramatically different from adult and larval stages. Predation on these stages potentially impacts measured recruitment and the benthic populations and communities that ultimately develop.We examined the consequences of post-settlement predation on 1-day-old to 1-month-old recruits of sessile invertebrates at two field sites in southern New England. One site (Breakwater) was in a protected area with few predators and the other (Pine Island) was <1 km away in an open coast area with three different predator guilds: small and large invertebrates and fish. The Breakwater site had been dominated for >10 years by colonial and solitary ascidians. These species were absent from the Pine Island site which was dominated by bryozoans. Our goal was to examine whether post-settlement predation influenced the development and subsequent structure of the epifaunal community.Here we examine long-term changes in community development resulting from post-settlement predation, and contrast these results to those of earlier experiments examining the reductions in observed recruitment by post-settlement predation. Our first long-term experiment examined natural community development at the two sites and whether transplanted communities changed when exposed to the different levels of predation at these sites. The communities that developed at both sites were consistently different from each other and similar to resident communities at their respective sites. On panels transplanted from the Breakwater to Pine Island, solitary ascidians and the colonial ascidian, Botryllus schlosseri, suffered high mortalities on both caged and uncaged treatments, indicative of predation by small predators that could enter cages. Some solitary ascidians did survive inside cages and the colonial ascidian, Botrylloides violaceus, became dominant on all transplanted treatments. On panels transplanted from Pine Island to the Breakwater, ascidians invaded and dominated all treatments except those that were originally caged at Pine Island.In the second long-term experiment, natural communities were allowed to develop on panels exposed at the Breakwater for 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks. Each set was transplanted to three treatments at Pine Island: open uncaged pilings, caged pilings to exclude fish and large invertebrates, and racks suspended above the bottom to exclude all predators. When 1-week-old communities were transplanted, after 2-3 weeks only bryozoans were found on the open and caged pilings, while colonial ascidians dominated the suspended rack treatment. When older 2-week-old communities were transplanted, colonial ascidians also became dominant in the caged piling treatment and when 3- and 4-week-old communities were transplanted colonial ascidians dominated all three treatments. Solitary ascidians were never abundant on open pilings exposed to fish and large benthic invertebrate predators.Post-settlement predator-prey interactions involved newly settled and juvenile life-stages of a variety of prey species and many invertebrate and vertebrate predator species. The effects of these interactions on recruitment did result in differences in the development and eventual species composition of the communities, even though predators had little if any effect on the adults of the prey species.  相似文献   

Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi infection, is a zoonosis of humans, wild and domestic mammals, including dogs. In Panama, the main T. cruzi vector is hodnius pallescens, a triatomine bug whose main natural habitat is the royal palm, Attalea butyracea. In this paper, we present results from three T. cruzi serological tests (immunochromatographic dipstick, indirect immunofluorescence and ELISA) performed in 51 dogs from 24 houses in Trinidad de Las Minas, western Panama. We found that nine dogs were seropositive (17.6% prevalence). Dogs were 1.6 times more likely to become T. cruzi seropositive with each year of age and 11.6 times if royal palms where present in the peridomiciliary area of the dog''s household or its two nearest neighbours. Mouse-baited-adhesive traps were employed to evaluate 12 peridomestic royal palms. All palms were found infested with R. pallescens with an average of 25.50 triatomines captured per palm. Of 35 adult bugs analysed, 88.6% showed protozoa flagellates in their intestinal contents. In addition, dogs were five times more likely to be infected by the presence of an additional domestic animal species in the dog''s peridomiciliary environment. Our results suggest that interventions focused on royal palms might reduce the exposure to T. cruzi infection.  相似文献   

Surveillance for Cryptosporidium in the United States indicates that the reported incidence of infection has increased dramatically since 2004. The reasons for this increase are unclear but might be caused by an actual increase in incidence, improved surveillance, improved awareness about cryptosporidiosis, and/or increases in testing practices resulting from the licensing of the first-ever treatment for cryptosporidiosis. While regional differences remain, the incidence of cryptosporidiosis appears to be increasing across the United States. Onset of illness is most common during the summer, particularly among younger children.Cryptosporidiosis case reporting also influences outbreak detection and reporting; the recent rise in cases coincides with an increase in the number of reported cryptosporidiosis outbreaks, particularly in treated recreational water venues. Risk factors include ingesting contaminated recreational or drinking water, exposure to infected animals, having close contacts with cryptosporidiosis, travel to disease-endemic areas, and ingestion of contaminated food. Advances in molecular characterization of clinical specimens have improved our understanding of the changing epidemiology and risk factors.Prevention and control of cryptosporidiosis requires continued efforts to interrupt the transmission of Cryptosporidium through water, food, and contact with infected persons or animals. Of particular importance is continued improvement and monitoring of drinking water treatment and advances in the design, operation, and management of recreational water venues coupled with behavioral changes among the swimming public.  相似文献   

Body size differences can impact the strength and type of interaction among and within species. This study examines the effect of body size differences on intraguild predation (IGP) and cannibalism in regulating the relative abundance of two species of temperate marine amphipods throughout a season. Intraguild predation was asymmetrical, with primarily Jassa marmorata preying on Apocorophium acutum (with little predation by A. acutum on J. marmorata). Intraguild predation increased significantly as body size difference increased. Cannibalism in J. marmorata was only significant among individuals of different body sizes. Tube building by A. acutum was also found to be effective in protecting against IGP, especially in the presence of large J. marmorata. Experimental results suggest an ontogenetic niche shift occurs in J. marmorata, which may provide a potential explanation for observed patterns of abundance in a natural population.  相似文献   

A paleoparasitological survey to detect helminth eggs was performed in archaeological sites of Jeolla-do and Jeju-do, the Republic of Korea. Total 593 soil samples were collected in 12 sites of Jeolla-do and 5 sites of Jeju-do from April to November 2011, and examined by the methods of Pike and coworkers. A total of 4 helminth eggs, 2 eggs each for Trichuris trichiura and Ascaris sp., were found in soil samples from 1 site, in Hyangyang-ri, Jangheung-eup, Jangheung-gun, Jeollanam-do. The egg-recovery layer was presumed to represent a 19th century farm, which fact suggested the use of human manures. This is the third archaeological discovery of parasite eggs in Jeolla-do. Additionally, no helminth eggs in archaeological sites of Jeju-do is an interesting problem to be solved in the further investigations.  相似文献   

During zebrafish development, the thyroid primordium initiates expression of molecular markers such as hhex and nk2.1a in the endoderm prior to pharynx formation. As expected for an endodermally derived organ, initiation of thyroid development depends on Nodal signalling. We find that it also depends on three downstream effectors of Nodal activity, casanova (cas), bonnie and clyde (bon), and faust (fau)/gata5. Despite their early Nodal-dependent expression in the endoderm, both hhex and nk2.1a are only required relatively late during thyroid development. In hhex and nk2.1a loss-of-function phenotypes, thyroid development is initiated and arrests only after the primordium has evaginated from the pharyngeal epithelium. Thus, like pax2.1, both hhex and nk2.1a have similarly late roles in differentiation or growth of thyroid follicular cells, and here, we show that all three genes act in parallel rather than in a single pathway. Our functional analysis suggests that these genes have similar roles as in mammalian thyroid development, albeit in a different temporal mode of organogenesis.  相似文献   

花椒园节肢动物群落特征与气象因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高鑫  张晓明  杨洁  陈国华  石安宪  宋家雄  李强 《生态学报》2011,31(10):2788-2796
分析了云南永善县金沙江畔花椒园节肢动物群落特征与园内最低温度、平均温度、最高温度、最低湿度、平均湿度、最高湿度及月降雨量等7个气象因子的关系。结果表明:节肢动物群落个体数、物种数受最低湿度变化影响最大,表现为正相关的变化趋势;群落多样性、均匀度、丰富度指数变化与最高温度、最高湿度变化的关联度较大,表明节肢动物群落在相对较高的温、湿度环境下具有更高的群落多样性、丰富度及均匀度;优势集中性及优势度指数变化与最高温度、最低湿度变化的关联度较大,表明优势种类在高温或低湿环境下更易出现;稳定性Ss/SiSn/Sp指数与平均湿度的关联度较大,表明适度的湿度变化范围更利于增强群落物种间数量上的制约作用。降雨量对群落特征的影响最小,在月均降雨量小于99.3 mm的3-6月、9月-翌年2月,节肢动物群落特征指标与降雨量成正相关关系,7、8月份月均降雨量大于164.5 mm,群落特征与降雨量表现为负相关性。综合分析表明,气象因子对节肢动物群落特征的影响较大,而温、湿度及降雨量的测量和分析较为方便,研究气象因子与节肢动物群落特征的关系,对了解节肢动物群落特征变化规律和主要害虫种群数量的发生规律具有实际意义。  相似文献   

The effects of local nutrient loading, harvesting, regional temperature patterns and weather induced light conditions were assessed on the interannual dynamics of the commercially important loose-lying red algal community of Furcellaria lumbricalis and Coccotylus truncatus. Higher algal biomasses were due to higher temperatures and number of calm days (i.e. clear water phases) during the active growing season in spring and summer. In addition, higher biomasses were associated with a higher number of stormy days in November-February, which is linked to a reduced ice cover and longer growing season. Commercial harvesting and nutrient load did not appear to drive the interannual dynamics of these red algae. Thus, the dynamics of the loose-lying red algal community is constrained by regional rather than local environmental factors.  相似文献   

Necator americanus is a blood-sucking, intestinal nematode of major human health importance in many tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The aim of the present study was to compare the complete mitochondrial genome sequence from one N. americanus individual from Togo with another from China, in order to estimate the magnitude of genetic variability for different mitochondrial genes and non-coding regions. For the 12 protein genes, this comparison revealed sequence differences at both the nucleotide (3-7%) and amino acid (1-7%) levels. The most conserved of these was the nad4L gene, whereas the nad1 gene was least conserved at both the nucleotide and amino acid levels. Nucleotide differences were also detected in 14 of the 22 transfer RNAs (trns) (1-13%), the AT-rich region ( approximately 8%), non-coding regions (8-25%) and in the small (rrnS) and large (rrnL) subunits of mitochondrial ribosomal RNA (rrn) ( approximately 1%). Comparison of the rrnL sequences among multiple individual worms revealed nine unequivocal nucleotide differences between N. americanus from the two countries. Consistent with previous studies, these findings provide evidence for substantial genetic variation within N. americanus, which may have implications for the transmission and control of hookworm disease.  相似文献   

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