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The energetics of the Sox-5 HMG box interaction with DNA duplexes, containing the recognition sequence AACAAT, were studied by fluorescence spectroscopy, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Fluorescence titration showed that the association constant of this HMG box with the duplexes is of the order 4x10(7) M(-1), increasing somewhat with temperature rise, i.e. the Gibbs energy is -40 kJ mol(-1) at 5 degrees C, decreasing to -48 kJ mol(-1) at 32 degrees C. ITC measurements of the enthalpy of association over this temperature range showed an endothermic effect below 17 degrees C and an exothermic effect above, suggesting a heat capacity change on binding of about -4 kJ K(-1) mol(-1), a value twice larger than expected from structural considerations. A straightforward interpretation of ITC data in heat capacity terms assumes, however, that the heat capacities of all participants in the association reaction do not change over the considered temperature range. Our previous studies showed that over the temperature range of the ITC experiments the HMG box of Sox-5 starts to unfold, absorbing heat and the heat capacities of the DNA duplexes also increase significantly. These heat capacity effects differ from that of the DNA/Sox-5 complex. Correcting the ITC measured binding enthalpies for the heat capacity changes of the components and complex yielded the net enthalpies which exhibit a temperature dependence of about -2 kJ K(-1) mol(-1), in good agreement with that predicted on the basis of dehydration of the protein-DNA interface. Using the derived heat capacity change and the enthalpy and Gibbs energy of association measured at 5 degrees C, the net enthalpy and entropy of association of the fully folded HMG box with the target DNA duplexes was determined over a broad temperature range. These functions were compared with those for other known cases of sequence specific DNA/protein association. It appears that the enthalpy and entropy of association of minor groove binding proteins are more positive than for proteins binding in the major groove. The observed thermodynamic characteristics of protein binding to the A+T-rich minor groove of DNA might result from dehydration of both polar and non-polar groups at the interface and release of counterions. The expected entropy of dehydration was calculated and found to be too large to be compensated by the negative entropy of reduction of translational/rotational freedom. This implies that DNA/HMG box association proceeds with significant decrease of conformational entropy, i.e. reduction in conformational mobility.  相似文献   

Nonhistone protein HMG2, like HMG1, binds with B-DNA in a sequence-nonspecific manner and causes structural alterations in DNA such as bending, kinking and unwinding. Here, we studied the functions of HMG2 domains in the DNA structural alteration and modulation by using various HMG2 peptides, and we demonstrated several new findings. The HMG box itself as a DNA-binding motif may have the basic function of inducing curvature, resulting in the apparent DNA bending in the DNA cyclization assay, but not of abruptly kinking DNA. The DNA-binding activity of HMG box B, which is enhanced by the presence of box A, together with the flanking regions of box B, causes DNA bending accompanying the kinking of the DNA main chain. The DNA unwinding accompanied by DNA kinking diminishes cruciform structures in supercoiled DNA. Analysis using mutant peptides for box A confirmed that box A in HMG2 functions as a mediator of DNA structural alteration together with box B. The present studies on the functional properties of the respective regions of HMG2 may help to elucidate the protein function.  相似文献   

Effects of adducts of [PtCl(NH3)3]Cl or chlorodiethylenetriamineplatinum(II) on DNA stability were studied with emphasis on thermodynamic origins of that stability. Oligodeoxyribonucleotide duplexes (15-bp) containing the single, site-specific monofunctional adduct at G-residues of the central sequences TGT/ACA or 5'-AGT/5'-ACT were prepared and analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry, temperature-dependent ultraviolet absorption and circular dichroism. The unfolding of the platinated duplexes was accompanied by relatively small unfavorable free energy terms. This destabilization was enthalpic in origin. On the other hand, a relatively large reduction of melting temperature (T(m)) was observed as a consequence of the monofunctional adduct in the TGT sequence, whereas T(m) due to the adduct in the AGT sequence was reduced only slightly. We also examined the efficiency of the mammalian nucleotide excision repair system to remove from DNA the monofunctional adducts and found that these lesions were not recognized by this repair system. Thus, rather thermodynamic than thermal characterization of DNA adducts of monofunctional platinum compounds is a property implicated in the modulation of downstream effects such as protein recognition and repair.  相似文献   

As part of an overall effort to map the energetic landscape of the base excision repair pathway, we report the first thermodynamic characterization of repair enzyme binding to lesion-containing duplexes. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) in conjunction with spectroscopic measurements and protease protection assays have been employed to characterize the binding of Escherichia coli formamidopyrimidine-glycosylase (Fpg), a bifunctional repair enzyme, to a series of 13-mer DNA duplexes. To resolve energetically the binding and the catalytic events, several of these duplexes are constructed with non-hydrolyzable lesion analogs that mimic the natural 8-oxo-dG substrate and the abasic-like intermediates. Specifically, one of the duplexes contains a central, non-hydrolyzable, tetrahydrofuran (THF) abasic site analog, while another duplex contains a central, carbocyclic substrate analog (carba-8-oxo-dG). ITC-binding studies conducted between 5.0 °C and 15.0 °C reveal that Fpg association with the THF-containing duplex is characterized by binding free energies that are relatively invariant to temperature (ΔG∼−9.5 kcal mol−1), in contrast to both the reaction enthalpy and entropy that are strongly temperature-dependent. Complex formation between Fpg and the THF-containing duplex at 15 °C exhibits an unfavorable association enthalpy that is compensated by a favorable association entropy (TΔS=+17.0 kcal mol−1). The entropic nature of the binding interaction, coupled with the large negative heat capacity is consistent with Fpg complexation to the THF-containing duplex involving significant burial of non-polar surface areas. By contrast, under the high ionic strength buffer conditions employed herein (200 mM NaCl), no appreciable Fpg affinity for the carba-8-oxo-dG substrate analog is detected. Our results suggest that initial Fpg recognition of a damaged DNA site is predominantly electrostatic in nature, and does not involve large contact interfaces. Subsequent base excision presumably facilitates accommodation of the resulting lesion site into the binding pocket, as the enzyme interaction with the THF-containing duplex is characterized by high affinity and a large negative heat capacity change. Our data are consistent with a pathway in which Fpg glycosylase activity renders the base excision product a preferred ligand relative to the natural substrate, thereby ensuring the fidelity of removing highly reactive and potentially mutagenic abasic-like intermediates through catalytic elimination reactions.  相似文献   

Oxidation of guanine or 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine can produce spiroiminodihydantoin (Sp) R and S stereoisomers. Both in vitro and in vivo experiments have shown that the Sp stereoisomers are highly mutagenic, causing G --> C and G --> T transversion mutations. Therefore, they are of interest as potential endogenous cancer causing lesions. However, their structural properties in DNA duplexes remain to be elucidated. We have employed computational methods to study the Sp lesions in 11-mer DNA duplexes with A, C, G, and T partners. Molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out to obtain ensembles of structures, and the trajectories were employed to analyze the structures and compute free energies. The structural and thermodynamic analyses reveal that the Sp stereoisomers energetically favor positioning in the B-DNA major groove, with minor groove conformers also low energy in some cases, depending on the partner base. The R and S stereoisomers adopt opposite orientations with respect to the 5' to 3' direction of the modified strand. Both syn and anti glycosidic bond conformations are energetically feasible, with partner base and stereochemistry determining the preference. The lesions adversely impact base stacking and Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding interactions in the duplex, and cause groove widening. The chemical nature of the partner base determines specific hydrogen bonding and stacking properties of the damaged duplexes. The structural characteristics may relate to observed mutagenic properties of the Sp stereoisomers, including possible stereoisomer-dependent differences.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) and UV-melting experiments were conducted with 16 oligodeoxynucleotides modified by the carcinogen 2-aminofluorene, whose sequence around the lesion was varied systematically [d(CTTCTNG[AF]NCCTC), N = G, A, C, T], to gain insight into the factors that determine the equilibrium between base-displaced stacked (S) and external B-type (B) duplex conformers. Differing stabilities among the duplexes can be attributed to different populations of S and B conformers. The AF modification always resulted in sequence-dependent thermal (Tm) and thermodynamic (−ΔG°) destabilization. The population of B-type conformers derived from eight selected duplexes (i.e. -AG*N- and -CG*N-) was inversely proportional to the −ΔG° and Tm values, which highlights the importance of carcinogen/base stacking in duplex stabilization even in the face of disrupted Watson–Crick base pairing in S-conformation. CD studies showed that the extent of the adduct-induced negative ellipticities in the 290–350 nm range is correlated linearly with −ΔG° and Tm, but inversely with the population of B-type conformations. Taken together, these results revealed a unique interplay between the extent of carcinogenic interaction with neighboring base pairs and the thermodynamic properties of the AF-modified duplexes. The sequence-dependent S/B heterogeneities have important implications in understanding how arylamine–DNA adducts are recognized in nucleotide excision repair.  相似文献   

'Stacking hybridization reactions' wherein two or more short DNA oligomers hybridize in a contiguous tandem orientation onto a longer complementary DNA single strand have been employed to enhance a variety of analytical oligonucleotide hybridization schemes. If the short oligomers anneal in perfect head-to-tail register the resulting duplex contains a nick at every boundary between hybridized oligomers. Alternatively, if the short oligomers do not hybridize precisely in register, i.e. single strand regions on the longer strand are left unbound, gaps are formed between regions where short oligomers bind. The resulting gapped DNA duplexes are considerably less stable than their nicked duplex analogs. Formation of base pair stacking interactions between neighboring oligomers at the nicks that do not occur in gapped duplexes has been proposed as the source of the observed added stability. However, quantitative evidence supporting this hypothesis for DNA has not been reported. Until now, a direct comparison of the thermodynamics of DNA nicks versus DNA gaps has not been performed. In this communication we report such a comparison. Analysis of optical melting experiments in a well defined molecular context enabled quantitative evaluations of the relative thermodynamic difference between nicked and gapped DNA duplexes. Results of the analysis reveal that a nick may be energetically favored over a gap by at least 1.4 kcal/mol and perhaps as much as 2.4 kcal/mol. The presence of a 5'phosphate at a nick or gap fails to significantly affect their stabilities.  相似文献   

We have examined quantitatively stabilities of PNA/DNA hybrid duplexes with identical nearest-neighbor base pairs and compared stabilities between PNA/DNA and DNA/DNA. The average difference of stabilization energy of the short PNA/DNA was 0.9 kcal mol(-1), which suggests that the stability of the hybrids with identical nearest-neighbor base pairs can be predicted with the nearest-neighbor model as well as those of nucleic acid duplexes.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) and ultraviolet absorption techniques were employed in characterizing the sequence-dependent thermodynamic stabilities of B-Z junction-forming DNA duplexes. The Watson strand of the duplexes has the general sequence (5meC-G)4-NXYG-ACTG (where N = A or G and XY represents all permutations of pyrimidine bases). Duplexes were generated by mixing stoichiometric amounts of the complementary strands. Circular dichroism studies indicate that each duplex is fully right-handed at low salt (e.g., 115 mM Na+) but undergoes a salt-induced conformational transition to a structure that possesses both left- and right-handed conformations at high salt (4.5 M Na+), and hence a B-Z junction. Optical melting studies of the DNA duplexes at fixed DNA concentration with total Na+ concentration ranging from 15 mM to 5.0 M were determined. A nonlinear dependence of the melting temperature (Tm) on [Na+] was observed. Thermodynamic parameters at Na+ concentrations of 115 mM and 4.5 M with a wide range of DNA concentrations were determined from UV optical melting studies via construction of van't Hoff plots. A change of a single dinucleotide within these duplexes significantly affected the helix stabilities. The experimentally obtained free energies for the duplex to single-strand transitions were in close agreement with predicted values obtained from two different methods.  相似文献   

Structure of the HMG box motif in the B-domain of HMG1.   总被引:31,自引:7,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
The conserved, abundant chromosomal protein HMG1 consists of two highly homologous, folded, basic DNA-binding domains, each of approximately 80 amino acid residues, and an acidic C-terminal tail. Each folded domain represents an 'HMG box', a sequence motif recently recognized in certain sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins and which also occurs in abundant HMG1-like proteins that bind to DNA without sequence specificity. The HMG box is defined by a set of highly conserved residues (most distinctively aromatic and basic) and appears to define a novel DNA-binding structural motif. We have expressed the HMG box region of the B-domain of rat HMG1 (residues 88-164 of the intact protein) in Escherichia coli and we describe here the determination of its structure by 2D 1H-NMR spectroscopy. There are three alpha-helices (residues 13-29, 34-48 and 50-74), which together account for approximately 75% of the total residues and contain many of the conserved basic and aromatic residues. Strikingly, the molecule is L-shaped, the angle of approximately 80 degrees between the two arms being defined by a cluster of conserved, predominantly aromatic, residues. The distinctive shape of the HMG box motif, which is distinct from hitherto characterized DNA-binding motifs, may be significant in relation to its recognition of four-way DNA junctions.  相似文献   

Risitano A  Fox KR 《Biochemistry》2003,42(21):6507-6513
We have determined the stability of intramolecular quadruplexes that are formed by a variety of G-rich sequences, using oligonucleotides containing appropriately placed fluorophores and quenchers. The stability of these quadruplexes is compared with that of the DNA duplexes that are formed on addition of complementary C-rich oligonucleotides. We find that the linkers joining the G-tracts are not essential for folding and can be replaced with nonnucleosidic moieties, though their sequence composition profoundly affects quadruplex stability. Although the human telomere repeat sequence d[G(3)(TTAG(3))(3)] folds into a quadruplex structure, this forms a duplex in the presence of the complementary C-rich strand at physiological conditions. The Tetrahymena sequence d[G(4)(T(2)G(4))(3)], the sequence d[G(3)(T(2)G(3))(3)], and sequences related to regions of the c-myc promoter d(G(4)AG(4)T)(2) and d(G(4)AG(3)T)(2) preferentially adopt the quadruplex form in potassium-containing buffers, even in the presence of a 50-fold excess of their complementary C-rich strands, though the duplex predominates in the presence of sodium. The HIV integrase inhibitor d[G(3)(TG(3))(3)] forms an extremely stable quadruplex which is not affected by addition of a 50-fold excess of the complementary C-rich strand in both potassium- and sodium-containing buffers. Replacing the TTA loops of the human telomeric repeat with AAA causes a large decrease in quadruplex stability, though a sequence with AAA in the first loop and TTT in the second and third loops is slightly more stable.  相似文献   

The interaction of the second and third AT-hooks of HMGA1 (formerly HMGI/Y), which bind selectively in the minor groove of an AT-rich DNA sequence, was studied at different temperatures and ionic strengths by spectropolarimetry, spectrofluorimetry, isothermal titration calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry. The data show that binding of the ten amino acid core element of the two AT-hooks, which penetrates deep into the minor groove, is entropically driven: both the entropy and enthalpy of association of the peptides to the target DNA are positive up to 50 degrees C. The seven amino acid extension of the core in the second AT-hook, which extends out from the minor groove and loops over the phosphodiester backbone, adds a substantial negative enthalpic component into the binding of the 17 residue DBD2 peptide to DNA that corresponds in magnitude to the enthalpy of formation of two hydrogen bonds. The ionic strength dependence of the association constant allowed an estimation of the electrostatic component of binding and, by subtraction, the contribution of the non-electrostatic component, which results from dehydration of the contacting surfaces and makes up almost 70% of the total energy of complex formation. The exceptionally large positive entropy and enthalpy of association of the core AT-hook peptides with target DNA suggest that the water, which is removed from the minor groove of DNA upon binding, is in a highly ordered state. Acetylation of the lysine residue in the second AT-hook, which corresponds to Lys65 of HMGA1, has little effect on the DNA binding; so it appears that repression of the hIFNbeta gene, which follows this modification, is not a direct result of the abrogation of DNA binding.  相似文献   

The Ku70/80 heterodimer is among the first responding proteins to recognize and bind the DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). Once Ku is loaded at the DSB, it works as a scaffold to recruit other repair factors in non-homologous end joining thereby facilitates the following repair processes. In this work, we characterized the detailed interactions and binding free energies between a Ku70 subunit and several DNA duplexes, by using some well-established computational methods. The results reveal that the structure of the protein may suffer certain contractions without the company of Ku80, and may experience large conformational changes in the presence of different DNA duplexes. Notably, we observe the closest interactions between Ku70 and DNA can be easily strengthened to form H-bonds with the bases in the minor groove, which is unexpected. However, this finding is supported by the presence of a similar bond between Ku80 and DNA in the published crystal structure (PDB code 1JEY). We suggest that these interactions are responsible for the observed pausing sites when Ku translocates along DNA and the subtle difference in binding with AT- and GC-rich DNA ends. Additionally, simulations indicate the inner surface of the ring encircling the DNA is not flat, but contains a delicate clamp like structure, which is ideal to grip the two strands of DNA in the minor groove and confine the movement of the duplex in a unique helical path.  相似文献   

Parallel thermodynamic analysis of the coaxial stacking effect of two bases localized in one strand of DNA duplexes has been performed. Oligonucleotides were immobilized in an array of three-dimensional polyacrylamide gel pads of microchips (MAGIChips‘). The stacking effect was studied for all combinations of two bases and assessed by measuring the increase in melting temperature and in the free energy of duplexes formed by 5mers stacked to microchip-immobilized 10mers. For any given interface, the effect was studied for perfectly paired bases, as well as terminal mismatches, single base overlaps, single and double gaps, and modified terminal bases. Thermodynamic parameters of contiguous stacking determined by using microchips closely correlated with data obtained in solution. The extension of immobilized oligonucleotides with 5,6-dihydroxyuridine, a urea derivative of deoxyribose, or by phosphate, decreased the stacking effect moderately, while extension with FITC or Texas Red virtually eliminated stacking. The extension of the immobilized oligonucleotides with either acridine or 5-nitroindole increased stacking to mispaired bases and in some GC-rich interfaces. The measurements of stacking parameters were performed in different melting buffers. Although melting temperatures of AT- and GC-rich oligonucleotides in 5 M tetramethylammonium chloride were equalized, the energy of stacking interaction was significantly diminished.  相似文献   

The DNA binding mechanism of box B in HMG1, a member of the sequence non-specific DNA binding HMG1/2-box family of proteins, has been examined by both mutation analyses and molecular modeling techniques. Substitution of the residue 102F, which is characteristically exposed to solvent, with a small hydrophobic amino acid affected its DNA binding activity. However, no additional effect was observed by the further mutation of flanking 101F. Molecular dynamics simulation and modeling studies revealed that 102F intercalates into DNA base-pairs, being supported by the flanking 101F. The mutants with a small hydrophobic residue at position 102 tolerated the substitution for 101F because the side chain at position 102 is too short to intercalate. Thus the intercalation of 102F and the positive effect of the flanking 101F residue are important for the sequence non-specific DNA binding of the HMG1/2-box. The conserved basic residues of 95K, 96R and 109R were also examined for their roles in DNA binding. These residues interacted with DNA mainly by electrostatic interaction and maintained the location of the box on the DNA, which prescribed the intercalation of 102F. The DNA intercalation by HMG1 consists of an ingenious mechanism which brings DNA conformational changes necessary for biological functions.  相似文献   

Ancestry and diversity of the HMG box superfamily.   总被引:26,自引:5,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文

Harry A. Saroff 《Biopolymers》1993,33(9):1327-1336
Individual-site isotherms for the binding of bacteriophage λ repressor to the left and right λ operators have been determined [D. F. Senear, M. Brenowitz, M. A. Shea, and G. K. Ackers (1986) Biochemistry, Vol. 25, pp. 7344–7354.] using the DNAse protection technique [ footprinting; D. J. Galas and A. Schmitz (1978) Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 5, pp. 3157–3170]. These extensive data have been interpreted with a quantitative model that emphasized cooperative interactions between adjacently bound ligands [occupied ? occupied interactions; G. K. Ackers, A. D. Johnson, and M. A. Shea (1982) Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, Vol. 79, pp. 1129–1133]. Overlooked in this model are the effects of cooperative interactions between a site containing a bound ligand and its neighboring unoccupied site (occupied ? unoccupied interactions). This paper reinterprets the existing data with a model that considers occupied ? unoccupied as well as occupied ? occupied interactions. The results yield parameters that differ substantially from those already reported. A discussion on the advisability of ignoring occupied ? unoccupied interactions is included. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Structural and synthetic model are given for (modified) parallel DNAs with non-Watson and Crick duplex formation.  相似文献   

The HMG box of human LEF-1 (hLEF-1, formerly TCF1alpha) has been expressed in four forms: a parent box of 81 amino acids and constructs having either a 10 amino acid C-terminal extension, a 9 amino acid N-terminal extension, or both. These four species have been compared for DNA binding and bending ability using a 28 bp recognition sequence from the TCR alpha-chain enhancer. In the bending assay, whereas the parent box and that with the N-terminal extension bent the DNA by 57/58 degrees, the box extended at the C-terminus bent the DNA by 77/78 degrees, irrespective of the presence or absence of the N-terminal extension. A 6- fold increase in DNA affinity also resulted from addition of both terminal extensions. These observations redefine the functional boundaries of the HMG box. The structure of a mouse LEF-1/DNA complex recently published [Love et al. (1995) Nature 376, 791-795] implies that the higher DNA affinity and in particular the increased bend angle observed are consequences, at least in part, of the C-terminal extension spanning the major groove on the inside of the DNA bend.  相似文献   

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