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A Basin-wide Index of Benthic Integrity (B-IBI) was developed to uniformly assess aquatic ecosystem health of non-tidal, wadeable streams in the multi-jurisdictional Potomac River basin (US). Multiple datasets were merged and used to identify stream classes and discriminating biological metrics. The index (aggregated metric scores) accurately identified 95% of impaired sites. A jackknife cross-validation procedure confirmed the accuracy of the B-IBI. B-IBI assessments generally compare favorably to basin states’ assessments derived from the same data. A habitat quality matrix which includes an indicator of anthropogenic alterations and disturbances is recommended. The Potomac B-IBI is more useful than existing state-specific indexes for stream health comparisons across jurisdictional boundaries and basin-wide. The Potomac B-IBI can improve understanding of water quality issues in the basin and enhance the abilities of water quality managers to make well-informed decisions concerning the basin's non-tidal waters.  相似文献   

This paper presents an advanced version of the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI), a multimetric index to indicate ecosystem health. The multimetric index has been adapted in such a way that it not only indicates overall condition but also specific causes of environmental disturbance. The newly developed index (a) uses data of tolerant as well as intolerant species in a single metric to indicate environmental disturbance, (b) does not require knowledge about species from the literature, and (c) can be applied to artificial landscapes.The metrics proposed here consist of indicator species assemblages that are selected directly for their relationship with an environmental component or specific type of environmental degradation. Thus, each metric indicates a type of environmental concern, which enables conservation practices to be targeted more effectively. Species assemblages for each single metric consist of a combination of species that can be negatively and positively related to environmental disturbances, providing a better indication of stream ecosystem health.The area studied was assumed to be too diverse for one single index. Canonical Indirect-Gradient Principal Component Analysis indicated that the optimal division of subindices based on stream typology was for streams with drainage basin sizes <10 km2 and >10 km2. Pearson Product-Moment Correlations were used to identify relationships between anthropogenic disturbances and the composition and abundance of fish species at impacted as well as undisturbed sites. This index proved to be useful for indicating overall stream ecosystem health as well as local onsite environmental disturbances or the environmental components of greatest concern. This index does require extensive information about measured levels of anthropogenic disturbances with the accompanying composition and abundance of fish species.  相似文献   

Vegetation indices are widely employed to evaluate wetland ecological condition, and are expected to provide sensitive and specific detection of environmental change. Most studies evaluate the performance of condition assessment metrics in the context of the data used to calibrate them. Here we examined the temporal stability of the Florida Wetland Condition Index (FWCI) for vegetation of depressional forested wetlands by resampling sites in 2008 that were previously sampled to develop the FWCI in 2001. Our objective was to determine if FWCI, a composite of six vegetation-based metrics, provides a robust measure of condition given inter-annual variation in environmental conditions (i.e., rainfall) between sampling periods. To that end, we sampled 22 geographically isolated wetlands in north Florida that spanned a wide land use/land cover intensity gradient. Our results suggested the FWCI is robust. We observed no significant paired difference in FWCI across or within land use categories, and the relationship between FWCI in 2001 and 2008 was strong (r2 = 0.88, p < 0.001). This was despite surprisingly high composition change. Mean Jaccard community similarity within sites between years was 0.30, suggesting that most of the herbaceous taxa were replaced, possibly because of different antecedent rainfall conditions or sampling during different phenological periods; both are contingencies to which condition indices must be robust. We did observe some evidence of convergence toward the mean in 2008, with the fitted slope relating 2001 and 2008 FWCI scores significantly below one (0.63, 95% CI = 0.53–0.73). The most variable FWCI component metric was the proportional representation of obligate wetland taxa, suggesting that systematic changes may have been induced by different hydrologic conditions prior to sampling; notably, however, FWCI computed without this component still exhibited a slope significantly less than 1 (0.72, 95% CI = 0.61–0.88). Moreover, there was evidence that species lost from reference sites (higher condition) were replaced by taxa of lower floristic quality, while species lost from agricultural sites (consistently the lowest condition land use category) were replaced by species of higher quality. A significant positive association between FWCI and the ratio of coefficients of conservatism (CC) of species lost to those gained suggests some overfitting in FWCI development. However, despite modest evidence of overfitting, FWCI provides temporally consistent estimates of wetland condition, even under conditions of substantial taxonomic turnover.  相似文献   

Biotic indices based on soft-bottom macrozoobenthic communities are currently used throughout Europe to assess the ecological quality of coastal and transitional water bodies according to the European Water Framework Directive. However, the performance of the currently available biotic indices still has to be tested against a variety of different impact sources. In particular, physical perturbations have received much less attention than other kind of disturbances. This study consisted in testing the capacity of currently available uni- (BOPA, AMBI and BENTIX) and multivariate (M-AMBI) Biotic Indices to assess the ecological impact of the destruction of a Zostera noltii seagrass bed in Arcachon Bay (France) following sediment deposits. Changes of habitat after this physical perturbation were hardly assessed by any of these Biotic Indices whereas analysis of the benthic community showed drastic changes of structure following the perturbation and no recovery after 15 months. This study demonstrates that these Biotic Indices must be integrated into a multimetric approach which describes better the biological integrity of the benthic community by including a complementary set of metrics. A new multimetric approach, named MISS (Macrobenthic Index of Sheltered Systems) is proposed. MISS correctly highlighted the destruction of the seagrass beds, by using 16 metrics describing the biological integrity of the macrofauna.  相似文献   

Macro-invertebrate communities and environmental variables were assessed seasonally for two years in seven streams in North-Eastern of Buenos Aires province (Argentina) in order to analyse changes in their structure and composition in relation with the quality of the water. The study includes pristine streams and others affected by urban and industrial effluents with high conductivity, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates and low oxygen content. Organisms with well-known pollution tolerance were identified to assess biological water quality, using a new Biotic Index (IBPAMP: Biotic Index for PAMPean rivers and streams) in comparison with other existing biotic indices. The usefulness of principal component analysis (PCA) and correlation matrices were examined to evaluate the efficiency of the method to assess disturbances. In general IBPAMP did well correlate with several classical measures of biological water quality (taxon richness, diversity and several biotic indices). The El Gato stream was the most disturbed ecosystem among all studied sites. It was characterised by low dissolved oxygen levels, high turbidity in the middle course, high BOD5 (>30 mg l–1) and COD (>40 mg l–1) values. The Buñirigo stream has a bad quality in the industrial area, but varying according to the dry and wet periods. In general, in the mountainous areas the water quality of streams was good with the exception of the stations located downstream of cities like Ayacucho on the Tandileofú stream.  相似文献   

Benthic diatoms as indicators of eutrophication in tropical streams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diatoms are frequently used as indicators of eutrophication in temperate systems, but little is known about their application to impacted African tropical systems. Five streams located within Gombe Stream National Park and five streams supporting human settlements draining into Lake Tanganyika, East Africa, were investigated for species composition, richness and diversity of epilithic algae. In addition, a trophic diatom index (TDI) developed for monitoring European rivers was applied to these tropical systems. 54 specific and infraspecific diatom taxa representing 20 genera were identified for all sites with Achnanthes s.l., Gomphonema and Navicula s.l. being the most common genera. Species richness varied between 10 and 21 in disturbed streams and 13 and 19 in undisturbed streams. Nutrients were significantly enriched in streams draining the deforested watersheds but indices of diversity and evenness (Shannon H, J and Simpson–Yule D, E) did not show any significant differences between streams in forested and deforested watersheds. Significant differences were observed between pooled data for the TDI between forested and deforested watersheds. Analysis of percent pollution tolerant diatom taxa indicates that organic pollution of streams in deforested watersheds may be contributing to eutrophication. This study shows that African diatoms, cosmopolitan or resembling well-known North American and European taxa, allows for trophic indices tailored to the autecological preferences of species to be applied to new regions, although intensive studies on these African taxa will lead to more accurate results. Measures of species-richness and diversity, historically used to describe the state of an ecosystem, may not be suitable to evaluate streams which are not grossly polluted. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

The development of a multi‐metric fish index, the Estuarine Fish Community Index (EFCI), for assessing estuarine environments is described. The index comprises 14 metrics or measures that represent four broad fish community attributes: species diversity and composition, species abundance, nursery function and trophic integrity. The individual metrics were evaluated using data that were collected on a South African estuary that was degraded and in which rehabilitation measures were implemented. The evaluation suggested that the selected metrics adequately measure the condition of separate but related components of estuarine fish communities and that these reflect environmental condition. Reference conditions and metric thresholds were derived from fish community data collected during an extensive national study. The final multi‐metric index was then constructed and evaluated. The EFCI combines both structural and functional attributes of estuarine fish communities and integrates these to provide both a robust and sensitive method for assessing the ecological condition of estuarine systems. It is also an effective communication tool for converting ecological information into an easily understood format for managers, policy makers and the general public.  相似文献   

An existing version of a fish assemblage-basedindex of biotic integrity (IBI) for the streamsand rivers of west central Mexico was testedwith independent data to validate itsusefulness as a measure of ecosystem qualityand to determine the geographic area where itis effective. Fish assemblages from 63 uplandsites in 10 basins in central Mexico(Armería, Ameca, Coahuayana, Marabasco,Purificación, Grande de Morelia, Grande deSantiago, Lerma, Balsas and Pánuco) wereassessed using the metrics and scoring criteriafrom the existing IBI and then compared withindependent evaluations of habitat and waterquality. IBI scores were congruent withhabitat and water quality values in theArmería, Purificación and Marabascobasins, where the IBI was first developed, aswell as in the adjacent Ameca and Coahuayanabasins. We conclude that the IBI can be usedwithout modification to assess environmentalquality in non-coastal streams and riverswithin these five basins. Further data areneeded from the Grande de Morelia, Grande deSantiago and middle Lerma basins, but ourresults suggest that the existing IBI may alsobe effective here. However, the existing IBIdoes not consistently reflect habitat and waterquality conditions in the Balsas and Pánucobasins and must be modified before it can beapplied there. Necessary modifications in theBalsas basin appear to be small and relatedprimarily to changes in the scoring criteriafor metrics. However, in the Pánuco basinmore substantive changes in the nature of themetrics are required. Changes in the IBI forthese basins are proposed. The IBI is nowvalidated for use in river monitoring,conservation and restoration efforts in 5basins in west central Mexico and suggestionsfor its application in other basins areavailable here.  相似文献   

The EPT index (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera) may be skewed by the wide tolerance to multiple stressors of the Baetid, Caenid and Hydropsychid families, which affects the performance of the EPT index as an indicator of multiple stressors in aquatic ecosystems. The effect of the BCH families on the EPT index was evaluated and alternatives were considered to improve its performance. The hypothesis that the removal of the BCH families improves sensitivity of the EPT index to human-induced stressors in streams and rivers was tested. Macroinvertebrates were collected in January–March 2009 at 22 sites in the Nyando and Nzoia Rivers, Lake Victoria basin, Kenya. Nine derivatives and modifications of the EPT index were tested for responses to a disturbance gradient, ranked into three condition categories (reference, intermediate and impaired). The sensitivity of the proportionate abundance derivative of the EPT index improved when the BCH families were removed, whereas that of the richness derivative improved marginally. Other modifications considered performed poorly when compared with the EPT-BCH metrics. Wide distribution of the BCH across all sites, irrespective of the level of disturbance, reduced the sensitivity of the EPT index in the studied streams. The removal of the BCH families enhanced the sensitivity of the index to multiple stressors in Afrotropical streams and rivers.  相似文献   

The Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) is a measure of fish assemblage health that has been used to assess catchment and stream quality throughout North America. It reflects human perturbations on natural environmental structures and processes. While preserving the ecological foundation of the original North American metrics, we have modified and adapted the IBI to the mainstem Seine River and its major tributaries in France. This successful modification of the IBI to a considerably different fish fauna on a different continent further supports its wider use outside the midwestern United States. Using data collected in 1967, 1981, and 1988–1989 from a total of 46 sites, we show spatial and temporal variation in the Seine as indicated by IBI scores. Statistically significant relationships were found between IBI and catchment area but insignificant relationships existed between IBI and an independent Water Quality Index (WQI) based on water chemistry. Comparisons between the IBI and the WQI indicate that the former is a more sensitive and robust measure of water body quality. Our results demonstrate that the IBI, combined with a statistically designed national monitoring program, would offer a reliable means of assessing spatial patterns and temporal trends in water body improvement or degradation in France. The more primitive fish families in the Basin were affected first by perturbations. These families include all the diadromous species found in the Seine and suggest serious disruption of their life histories.  相似文献   

适应白洋淀湿地健康评价的IBI方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈展  林波  尚鹤  李勇 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6619-6627
IBI指数法是美国湿地生态系统健康评价的常用方法之一,在国内应用较少,目前为止只有少数学者尝试了底栖动物完整性指数(B-IBI)和鱼类完整性指数进行河流生态系统健康评价。试图建立适合白洋淀地区的生物完整性指数湿地健康状况评价的方法。在白洋淀的23个淀区进行土壤、水体、植物的实地调查与采样分析。根据已有研究所选择的植物属性,选择了30个植物属性作为备选参数。通过考察备选参数与人类干扰的相关性,最后确定了9个对人类干扰敏感的IBI参数。通过分析,建立了适合白洋淀湿地健康评价的标准:IBI,35-45,好;27-34,一般;19-26,差;<18,极差。评价结果表明,白洋淀23个淀区中,6个健康状况好,5个一般,7个差,5个很差。  相似文献   

The variability of macroinvertebrate assemblages was investigated at 27 upland reference sites in the south-western Cape, South Africa. Multivariate analyses showed that sites did not group on the basis of geomorphological zonation, i.e. mountain stream and foothill-cobble bed. When separate analyses were undertaken for mountain stream (n = 21) and foothill-cobble bed sites (n = 6), assemblages formed three and two groups, respectively. Similarity amongst groups ranged from 47% to 52%, while within-group similarity was between 54% and 67%. Environmental variables shown to contribute to this variability included distance from source, cation ratio ([Na+]+[K+]/([Na+]+[K+]+[Ca2+]+[Mg2+]), pH, longitude and stream width. Whilst overall variability in the metrics of the biotic index, SASS (South African Scoring System), is high at reference sites, the interpretation of monitoring-site data using biological bands derived from a range of reference sites, ensured that variability was taken into account and that detection of disturbance at a monitoring site was not impeded. A biological banding system has been developed for upland sites in the south-western Cape, together with a list of reference or expected SASS-taxa. This list includes details pertaining to seasonality and biotope preferences. The ability to define reference conditions that take intrinsic variability amongst reference sites into account is important for the accurate interpretation of bioassessment data. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if the accuracy and precision of wetland plant indices of biological integrity (IBIs) could be improved through the use of modeling techniques. To do this, we developed a modeled vegetation IBI (MVIBI) based on metrics previously used to develop vegetation indices of biological integrity (VIBIs) for Ohio wetlands (e.g. % invasive grass, % sensitive species, shrub richness). We selected 82 emergent, forested, and shrub-dominated reference sites distributed across the State of Ohio and built Random Forest models to predict plant metric scores at reference wetlands from naturally occurring environmental features related to climate, hydrology, geology, soils, and landscape position. The models explained between 14 and 52% of the variance in the scores of 21 metrics indicating that variation in wetland plant assemblages was significantly associated with naturally occurring environmental gradients. We used principal component analysis to identify ten groups of statistically independent metrics and selected one metric from each group that discriminated most strongly between reference and most degraded sites based on t-scores. Two axes did not contain discriminating metrics so we used eight metrics in the MVIBI. Analysis of variance of reference site MVIBI scores indicated that we could use one distribution of reference site scores to assess multiple wetland types, thus eliminating the need to separately designate wetland types. We used the MVIBI to assess 170 test sites and compared the accuracy, precision, responsiveness, and sensitivity of the MVIBI to those of the original VIBIs. The MVIBI was up to twice as accurate and precise as the original VIBIs, indicating that modeling can be used to improve the performance of vegetation-based IBIs. The use of model-based IBIs for wetland plants should reduce assessment errors associated with natural variation in plant metrics and should increase confidence in wetland assessments.  相似文献   

Summary   Rapid, on-ground assessments of vegetation condition are frequently used as a basis for landholder education, development applications, distributing incentive funds, prescribing restoration treatments and monitoring change. We provide an overview of methods used to rapidly assess vegetation condition for these purposes. We encourage those developing new approaches to work through the steps we have presented here, namely define management objectives and operational constraints; develop an appropriate conceptual framework for the ecosystems under consideration; select an appropriate suite of indicators; and consider the options available for combining these into an index. We argue that information must be gained from broader scales to make decisions about the condition of individual sites. Remote sensing and spatial modelling might be more appropriate methods than on-ground assessments for obtaining this information. However, we believe that spatial prediction of vegetation condition will only add value to on-ground assessments rather than replace them. This is because the current techniques for spatially predicting vegetation condition cannot capture all of the information in a site assessment or at the required level of accuracy, and maps cannot replace the exchange of information between assessors and land managers that is an important component of on-ground assessment. There is scope for more sophistication in the way on-ground assessments of vegetation condition are undertaken, but the challenge will be to maintain the simplicity that makes rapid on-ground assessment a popular vehicle for informing natural resource management. We encourage greater peer review and publishing in this field to facilitate greater exchange of ideas and experiences.  相似文献   

The lakes of central Mexico have great cultural, economic, and biological value, but they are being degraded at an accelerating rate. We employed historical data on fish communities from 19 of these lakes and case studies of community responses to environmental degradation from four of the best-studied, Xochimilco, Cuitzeo, Chapala, and Pátzcuaro, to construct a preliminary index of biotic integrity (IBI). This IBI was designed to be an easily applied method for assessing lake ecosystem health and evaluating restoration efforts. The IBI had 10 metrics: number of total native species, number of common native species, number of native Goodeidae species, number of native Chirostoma species, number of native sensitive species, percent of biomass as tolerant species, percent of biomass as exotic species, percent of biomass as native carnivorous species, maximum standard length of native species, and percent of exotic invertebrate parasite species on or in native fishes. Initial applications of the index showed promise, accurately ranking the relative degradation of the four case-study lakes. Further tests of the index are warranted, and more data are needed to standardize sampling procedures, improve species classifications, and refine metric scoring criteria.  相似文献   

1. Terrestrial dispersal by aquatic insects increases population connectivity in some stream species by allowing individuals to move outside the structure of the stream network. In addition, individual survival and reproductive success (as well as dispersal) are tightly linked to the quality of the terrestrial habitat. 2. In historically forested catchments, deforestation and altered land use have the potential to interfere with mayfly dispersal or mating behaviours by degrading the quality of the terrestrial matrix among headwater streams. We hypothesised that loss of tree cover in first‐order catchments would be associated with an increase in population substructure and a decrease in genetic diversity of mayfly populations. 3. To test this hypothesis, we investigated spatial patterns of genetic variation in the common mayfly Ephemerella invaria across a gradient of deforestation in the central piedmont region of eastern United States. Intraspecific genetic diversity and population substructure were estimated from data obtained using fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. 4. We found that mayfly populations had low population substructure within headwater stream networks and that genetic diversity was strongly negatively correlated with mean deforestation of the first‐order catchments. The large‐scale pattern of population substructure followed a pattern of isolation by distance (IBD) in which genetic differentiation increases with geographical distance, but assignment tests placed a few individuals into populations 300 km away from the collection site. 5. Our results show that loss of genetic diversity in this widespread aquatic insect species is co‐occurring with deforestation of headwater streams. 6. Most arguments supporting protection of headwater streams in the United States have centred on the role of these streams as hydrological and biogeochemical conduits to downstream waters. Our work suggests that headwater stream land use, and specifically tree cover, may have a role in the maintenance of regional genetic diversity in some common aquatic insect species.  相似文献   

The Dongjiang River plays an important role in southern China, as a source for irrigation and potable water of Hongkong and the other parts of the Pearl River Delta (PRD). The water quality index (WQI) was calculated to assess the spatial and temporal variability and identify the classification of water quality in the river. In order to simplify the procedure and reduce the analytical costs of the water quality evaluation, a modified WQI (defined as WQImin) was introduced based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and correlations analyses of the water parameters detected in dry and wet seasons during 2011–2012. Compared with the previous index, similar spatial changing trend and classification of the water quality were obtained by WQImin, which was composed of pH, temperature, total suspended solid, NH4+-N, and NO3-N. The results showed an excellent water quality in the tributary site near the reservoir, a good water quality in the upstream of the river, and medium water quality in the downstream of the river, which suggested that the urban wastewater originated from increasing population size and industry development in the downstream mainly led to the deterioration of water quality along the river. Moreover, WQImin could more adequately reflect the seasonal changes of water quality which was slightly worse in dry season than wet season. Our results also suggest that continuous monitoring should be conducted to prevent pollution from industry and anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

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