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Summary l-Galactose,d-arabinose, andl-fucose form six-membered rings with identical stereoconfigurations. However, onlyl-fucose can serve as the sole carbon and energy source of wild-typeEscherichia coli K-12. A mutant that can grow onl-galactose andd-arabinose was isolated by alternate selection on the two sugars. Thel-fucose pathway became inducible by all three sugars. Transduction into the mutant of the wild-type fuc+ region containing both the regulatory and structural genes abolished the novel growth abilities onl-galactose andd-arabinose, whereas transduction into the mutant of a fuc deletion abolished the growth abilities on all three sugars. Introduction of the wild-type fucR+ (which encodes the activator protein for the fuc regulon) on a multicopy plasmid depressed the growth abilities of the mutant onl-galactose andd-arabinose, but not onl-fucose. The results suggest that the effector specificity of the activator protein in the mutant was broadened. It is proposed that an adaptive response of an activator-controlled system is more likely than that of a repressor-controlled system to achieve fixation in a population, because the first variant to emerge in response to a novel metabolic demand has a good chance of having an altered specificity of regulation. Such a change entails little or no metabolic liability during the absence of the novel substrate. In contrast, the first variant of a negatively controlled system to emerge has an overwhelming chance of being the result of a random mutation that destroys repressor function. Although negatively controlled systems can be more opportunistic in exploiting new conditions than positively controlled systems, an adaptive change is less likely to become fixed because of the cost associated with gratuitous constitutive gene expression in the absence of the substrate.  相似文献   

The alcohol-acetaldehyde dehydrogenase complex of Clostridium kluyveri has been separated from contaminating -hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase by repeated precipitation with manganese and ammonium sulfate. Mn++ was required for maximum alcohol dehydrogenase activity.The molecular weight of the enzyme complex was 194,000 as determined by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The enzyme complex has been shown to contain two types of subunits with molecular weights of 55,000±2,600 and 42,000±1,200, respectively which are arranged in H-shaped particles.In solutions with an ionic strength above 25 mM the enzyme complex precipitated in the form of lumps as has been shown with specific ferritin-conjugated antibodies. These lumps are assumed to be aggregated polygonal bodies present in C. kluyveri.  相似文献   

The effects of iron limitation on growth, the composition and function of the respiratory chains, and gallium uptake inEscherichia coli have been studied. Decreasing the iron concentration in a defined medium using Chelex resin gave lower growth yields in both continuous culture and prolonged batch culture. In the former, ironlimited (entering [Fe]2.0 M) cells exhibited diminished respiration rates, respiration-driven proton translocation quotients, and levels of non-haem iron and cytochromes. The cellular concentration of haemoproteinb-590 (a cytochromea 1-like hydroperoxidase) decreased 20-fold on iron limitation, whilst a CO-binding pigment with an absorption maximum in the dithionite-treated form near 500 nm appeared. Gallium(III) (9 M) added to iron-limited, but not iron-sufficient, cultures diminished growth yields further; cells grown with low entering concentrations of iron took up less gallium than iron-sufficient cells. These results are attributed to the interference by gallium(III) with siderophore-mediated metal uptake. Gallium also stimulated iron uptake and was itself accumulated by iron-sufficient cells, suggesting that gallium(III) also affects the iron transport system(s) of low affinity.  相似文献   

Treatment with 16 μM K2Cr2O7 results is a time-dependent loss of the clonogenicity ofE. coli cells. Under the same experimental conditions, optical density values do not change significantly, since cells have the ability to replicate but not to septate. In fact, microscopic analysis of samples taken over 240 min of exposure to the toxin has revealed the formation of filaments. The filamentous response appears similar to that generated by mitomycin C.  相似文献   

Following a shift to medium with acetate as the carbon source, a parental yeast strain exhibited a transient moderate 20% reduction in total cellular [NAD+ + NADH] but showed a ∼10-fold increase in the ratio of [NAD+]:[NADH] after 36 h. A mutant strain (idhΔ) lacking the tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme isocitrate dehydrogenase had 50% higher cellular levels of [NAD+ + NADH] relative to the parental strain but exhibited similar changes in cofactor concentrations following a shift to acetate medium, despite an inability to grow on that carbon source; essentially all of the cofactor was in the oxidized form within 36 h. The salvage pathway for NAD(H) biosynthesis was found to be particularly important for viability during early transition of the parental strain to stationary phase in acetate medium. However, oxygen consumption was not affected, suggesting that the NAD(H) produced during this time may support other cellular functions. The idhΔ mutant exhibited increased flux through the salvage pathway in acetate medium but was dependent on the de novo pathway for viability. Long-term chronological lifespans of the parental and idhΔ strains were similar, but viability of the mutant strain was dependent on both pathways for NAD(H) biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Three strains ofFusarium supporting aerobic growth onl-threonine as the sole source of energy and carbon and nitrogen, initially metabolised threonine to acetyl-CoA and glycine via induciblel-threonine:NAD+ dehydrogenase plus 2-amino-3-oxobutyrate:CoA ligase activities. Comparative enzyme induction patterns after growth of the three strains on a wide range of carbon sources indicated that the glycine produced by the NAD+ plus CoASH-dependent cleavage of threonine was subsequently utilised as an energy source and biosynthetic precursor via the glycine-serine pathway, pyruvate carboxylase, and ultimately the TCA cycle. Acetyl-CoA, the second initial C2 threonine catabolism product, was subsequently assimilated via a combined TCA plus glyoxylate cycle.  相似文献   

Growth of most Rhizobium strains is inhibited by mimosine, a toxin found in large quantities in the seeds, foliage and roots of plants of the genera Leucaena and Mimosa. Some Leucaena-nodulating strains of Rhizobium can degrade mimosine (Mid+) and are less inhibited by mimosine in the growth medium than the mimosine-nondegrading (Mid-) strains. Ten Mid+ strains were identified that did not degrade 3-hydroxy-4-pyridone (HP), a toxic intermediate of mimosine degradation. However, mimosine was completely degraded by these strains and HP was not accumulated in the cells when these strains were grown in a medium containing mimosine as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen. The mimosine-degrading ability of rhizobia is not essential for nodulation of Leucaena species, but it provides growth advantages to Rhizobium strains that can utilize mimosine, and it suppresses the growth of other strains that are sensitive to this toxin.  相似文献   

The magnitudes of Yo (grams [dry weight] formed per gram of atom O) and mo, the maintenance respiration (milligram-atoms of O per gram [dry weight] per hour), of Escherichia coli B have been determined by growing the organism in aerobic continuous culture limited by a number of different substrates. The value found were as follows: glucose--tyo = 12.5, mo = 0.9; glucose plus 2.7 mM cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP)--Yo = 31.2, mo = 9.3; galactose--Yo = 13.2, mo = 1.8; mannitol--Yo = 20.1, mo = 6.1; L-glutamate--Yo = 25.5, mo = 17.7; glycerol--Yo = 14.9, mo = 10.0; succinate--Yo = 11.2, mo = 12.1; and acetate--Yo = 14.7, mo = 25.4. During growth in anaerobic continuous culture with limiting glucose YATP was found to be 10.3 g (dry weight)/mol of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) and m ATP was 18.9 mmol of ATP/g (dry weight) per h. The aerobic growth yields of cells growing on glucose, glucose plus cAMP, mannitol, and glutamate were consistent with the hypothesis that carbohydrates partially repress oxidative phosphorylation, but the yields of cells growing on glycerol, succinate, acetate, and galactose were all lower than expected. We conclude that, like the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation, both the maintenance respiration and the amount of ATP necessary to serve maintenance processes are determined by the identity of the growth substrates. Yields smaller than expected may be explained by the absence of respiratory control exerted by phosphate acceptors.  相似文献   

The nature of resistance to phage T2 in Escherichia coli K-12 was investigated by analyzing a known phage T2-resistant mutant and by isolating new T2-resistant mutants. It was found that mutational alterations at two loci, ompF (encoding the outer membrane protein OmpF) and ttr (T-two resistance), are needed to give full resistance to phage T2. A ttr::Tn10 mutation was isolated and was mapped between aroC and dsdA, where the fadL gene (required for long-chain fatty acid transport) is located. The receptor affected by ttr was the major receptor used by phage T2 and was located in the outer membrane. Phage T2 was thus able to use two outer membrane proteins as receptors. All strains having a ttr::Tn10 allele and most of the independently isolated phage T2-resistant mutants were unable to grow on oleate as the sole carbon and energy source, i.e., they had the phenotype of fadL mutants. The gene fadL is known to encode an inner membrane protein. The most likely explanation is that fadL and ttr are in an operon and that ttr encodes an outer membrane protein which functions in translocating long-chain fatty acids across the outer membrane and also as a receptor for phage T2.  相似文献   

The fimbriae of Bacteroides nodosus play a major role in protective immunity against ovine footrot and are an important determinant in the serological classification system that divides field isolates into at least eight serogroups and 16 serotypes. Purified fimbriae contain two polypeptide antigens, the structural subunit of the fimbrial strand (molecular weight about 17,000) and a basal protein (molecular weight about 80,000), both of which exhibit structural variation. Fimbriae were prepared from all prototype strains, as well as from a number of other isolates representative of each of the B. nodosus serotypes, and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Substantial variation was observed in the electrophoretic mobility of the fimbrial subunits from the prototypes of each of the eight serogroups. With the exception of serogroup H, which is an unusual case, the apparent molecular weights of the fimbrial subunits ranged from about 16,500 in serogroup D to 19,000 in serogroup F (serotype 1); in serogroup A, B, C and E, the apparent molecular weights were clustered in the range of 17,000 to 17,500, whereas serogroup G was about 18,500. Serogroup H fimbriae appeared to consist of two smaller polypeptides, which in the prototype (H1) had apparent molecular weights of about 6,000 and 10,000 and which seem to have arisen as a consequence of an internal proteolytic nick in the original subunit. Electrophoretic variation in the fimbrial subunit was also observed between different serotypes, although with the exceptions of serogroups F and H, this was not as pronounced as between the serogroups. Examination of a number of isolates classified within the same serotypes showed that some variation, although minor, also occurred at this level. The basal antigen exhibited significant variation at all levels of the serotypic hierarchy in a manner apparently unrelated to the classification system. Among the range of isolates examined, the apparent molecular weight of this antigen varied from about 77,000 to 88,000.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect and substrate properties of benzoic acid were estimated for 25 yeast strains belonging to generaCondida, Hansenula, Hypopichia, Rhodosporidium, Rhodotorula, Saitoella andTrichosporon. Benzoic acid can serve as a sole carbon source for growth of yeasts belong to generaRhodotorula, Rhodosporidium andSaitoella in synthetic mineral media. Specific growth rate is strongly dependent both on the concentration of benzoate and the pH value of the cultivation media. Maximum specific growth rate on benzoate is observed in alkaline cultivation media at pH 7.0–7.5 whereas those for growth on glucose in mildly acidic media at pH 5.0. Some of the strains showed weak growth on benzoate even at pH 8.5. Some carotenoid-containing yeasts of the generaRhodotorula andRhodosporidium lost their ability to synthesize carotenoid pigments during growth in alkaline benzoate media.  相似文献   

The dicarboxylate carrier (DIC) is an integral membrane protein that catalyses a dicarboxylate-phosphate exchange across the inner mitochondrial membrane. We generated a yeast mutant lacking the gene for the DIC. The deletion mutant failed to grow on acetate or ethanol as sole carbon source but was viable on glucose, galactose, pyruvate, lactate and glycerol. The growth on ethanol or acetate was largely restored by the addition of low concentrations of aspartate, glutamate, fumarate, citrate, oxoglutarate, oxaloacetate and glucose, but not of succinate, leucine and lysine. The expression of the DIC gene in wild-type yeast was repressed in media containing ethanol or acetate with or without glycerol. These results indicate that the primary function of DIC is to transport cytoplasmic dicarboxylates into the mitochondrial matrix rather than to direct carbon flux to gluconeogenesis by exporting malate from the mitochondria. The delta DIC mutant may serve as a convenient host for overexpression of DIC and for the demonstration of its correct targeting and assembly.  相似文献   

Mutations beneficial in one environment may cause costs in different environments, resulting in antagonistic pleiotropy. Here, we describe a novel form of antagonistic pleiotropy that operates even within the same environment, where benefits and deleterious effects exhibit themselves at different growth rates. The fitness of hfq mutations in Escherichia coli affecting the RNA chaperone involved in small-RNA regulation is remarkably sensitive to growth rate. E. coli populations evolving in chemostats under nutrient limitation acquired beneficial mutations in hfq during slow growth (0.1 h−1) but not in populations growing sixfold faster. Four identified hfq alleles from parallel populations were beneficial at 0.1 h−1 and deleterious at 0.6 h−1. The hfq mutations were beneficial, deleterious or neutral at an intermediate growth rate (0.5 h−1) and one changed from beneficial to deleterious within a 36 min difference in doubling time. The benefit of hfq mutations was due to the greater transport of limiting nutrient, which diminished at higher growth rates. The deleterious effects of hfq mutations at 0.6 h−1 were less clear, with decreased viability a contributing factor. The results demonstrate distinct pleiotropy characteristics in the alleles of the same gene, probably because the altered residues in Hfq affected the regulation of expression of different genes in distinct ways. In addition, these results point to a source of variation in experimental measurement of the selective advantage of a mutation; estimates of fitness need to consider variation in growth rate impacting on the magnitude of the benefit of mutations and on their fitness distributions.  相似文献   

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