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Endocytosis mediates the uptake of extracellular proteins, micronutrients and transmembrane cell surface proteins. Importantly, many viruses, toxins and bacteria hijack endocytosis to infect cells. The canonical pathway is clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) and is active in all eukaryotic cells to support critical house-keeping functions. Unconventional mechanisms of endocytosis exit in parallel of CME, to internalize specific cargoes and support various cellular functions. These clathrin-independent endocytic (CIE) routes use three distinct mechanisms: acute signaling-induced membrane remodeling drives macropinocytosis, activity-dependent bulk endocytosis (ADBE), massive endocytosis (MEND) and EGFR non-clathrin endocytosis (EGFR-NCE). Cargo capture and local membrane deformation by cytosolic proteins is used by fast endophilin-mediated endocytosis (FEME), IL-2Rβ endocytosis and ultrafast endocytosis at synapses. Finally, the formation of endocytic pits by clustering of extracellular lipids or cargoes according to the Glycolipid-Lectin (GL-Lect) hypothesis mediates the uptake of SV40 virus, Shiga and cholera toxins, and galectin-clustered receptors by the CLIC/GEEC and the endophilin-A3-mediated CIE.  相似文献   

Activity-dependent bulk endocytosis (ADBE) is the dominant SV endocytosis mode during intense neuronal activity. The dephosphorylation of Ser774 on dynamin I is essential for triggering of ADBE, as is its subsequent rephosphorylation by glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3). We show that in primary cultures of cerebellar granule neurons the protein kinase Akt phosphorylates GSK3 during intense neuronal activity, ensuring that GSK3 is inactive during intense stimulation to aid dynamin I dephosphorylation. Furthermore, when a constitutively active form of Akt was overexpressed in primary neuronal cultures, ADBE was inhibited with no effect on clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Thus Akt has two major regulatory roles (i) to ensure efficient dynamin I dephosphorylation via acute activity-dependent inhibition of GSK3 and (ii) to negatively regulate ADBE when activated in the longer term. This is the first demonstration of a role for Akt in SV recycling and suggests a key role for this protein kinase in modulating synaptic strength during elevated neuronal activity.  相似文献   

To maintain neurotransmission in central neurons, several mechanisms are employed to retrieve synaptically exocytosed membrane. The two major modes of synaptic vesicle (SV) retrieval are clathrin-mediated endocytosis and activity-dependent bulk endocytosis (ADBE). ADBE is the dominant SV retrieval mode during intense stimulation, however the precise physiological conditions that trigger this mode are not resolved. To determine these parameters we manipulated rat hippocampal neurons using a wide spectrum of stimuli by varying both the pattern and duration of stimulation. Using live-cell fluorescence imaging and electron microscopy approaches, we established that stimulation frequency, rather than the stimulation load, was critical in the triggering of ADBE. Thus two hundred action potentials, when delivered at high frequency, were sufficient to induce near maximal bulk formation. Furthermore we observed a strong correlation between SV pool size and ability to perform ADBE. We also identified that inhibitory nerve terminals were more likely to utilize ADBE and had a larger SV recycling pool. Thus ADBE in hippocampal synaptic terminals is tightly coupled to stimulation frequency and is more likely to occur in terminals with large SV pools. These results implicate ADBE as a key modulator of both hippocampal neurotransmission and plasticity.  相似文献   

Central nerve terminals release neurotransmitter in response to a wide variety of stimuli. Because maintenance of neurotransmitter release is dependent on the continual supply of synaptic vesicles (SVs), nerve terminals possess an array of endocytosis modes to retrieve and recycle SV membrane and proteins. During mild stimulation conditions, single SV retrieval modes such as clathrin-mediated endocytosis predominate. However, during increased neuronal activity, additional SV retrieval capacity is required, which is provided by activity-dependent bulk endocytosis (ADBE). ADBE is the dominant SV retrieval mechanism during elevated neuronal activity. It is a high capacity SV retrieval mode that is immediately triggered during such stimulation conditions. This review will summarize the current knowledge regarding the molecular mechanism of ADBE, including molecules required for its triggering and subsequent steps, including SV budding from bulk endosomes. The molecular relationship between ADBE and the SV reserve pool will also be discussed. It is becoming clear that an understanding of the molecular physiology of ADBE will be of critical importance in attempts to modulate both normal and abnormal synaptic function during intense neuronal activity.  相似文献   

The regulation of activity-dependent bulk endocytosis, the dominant mode of membrane retrieval in response to intense neuronal activity, is poorly understood. In this JCB issue, Peng et al. (2021. J. Cell. Biol. https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.202011028) propose a novel molecular mechanism for the coordination of activity-dependent bulk endocytosis that builds on Minibrain kinase and its presynaptic substrate synaptojanin-1.

Brain function necessitates sustained synaptic transmission regardless of activity demands. The preservation of synaptic transmission depends on the efficient (re)formation of synaptic vesicles (SVs) by endocytosis after their insertion into the synaptic plasma membrane during neuronal stimulation (1). During mild and sparse stimulation, the dominant endocytosis modes are ultrafast endocytosis and clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME; 1). Both modes appear to have a fixed rate and limited capacity, and therefore cannot adapt to high frequency stimulations that accumulate inserted SV membranes at the presynaptic terminal. Under these conditions, a different endocytosis mode is predominantly used, termed activity-dependent bulk endocytosis (ADBE). ADBE retrieves large areas of the presynaptic plasma membrane to form bulk endosomes, from which new SVs are then generated (1). This form of endocytosis is particularly common in synapses that operate with high rates of neurotransmission, e.g., ribbon synapses of sensory neurons. ADBE contributes to presynaptic plasticity, having recently been demonstrated to control neurotransmitter release probability (2). Importantly, defects in ADBE and SV endocytosis in general have profound consequences on neuronal function and survival, with dysfunction linked to a series of neurodevelopmental disorders (3).Considering the importance of ADBE to brain physiology and pathology, it is essential to understand the molecular machinery that controls this process and synchronizes it with other synaptic events. Amazingly, despite the fact that ADBE was described in the early 1970s, its regulation remains mysterious. Several protein kinases and phosphatases that contribute to regulation of CME and other endocytosis modes (1) may also contribute to ADBE. For example, the calcium/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase calcineurin activates ADBE, working with glycogen synthase kinase-3 to provide bidirectional control via the phosphorylation of specific substrates (4). However, many presynaptic proteins are calcineurin substrates, suggesting other protein kinases may perform complementary roles.In a recent paper, Chang and colleagues (5) present data in support of calcineurin and Minibrain (Mnb) as coregulators of ADBE in fruit flies via bidirectional control of the phosphorylation status of synaptojanin (Synj)-1 phosphatase. The authors argue that the Synj-1 phosphorylation status coordinates the activity-dependent balance between CME versus ADBE (Fig. 1). Namely, during mild stimulation CME is promoted by Mnb, while ADBE is inhibited. During intense stimulation, dephosphorylation of Synj-1 by calcineurin is required to activate ADBE (Fig. 1). An interesting novel aspect arises from examination of domain-specific Synj-1 mutants: its 4′-phosphatase SAC1 activity supports ADBE, while its 5′-phosphatase (5′-PPase) domain suppresses it. The Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs domain protein endophilin-A has been implicated in ADBE (6); however, a Synj-1 mutant lacking the endophilin-A binding proline-rich domain (PRD) had no effect. Further studies may therefore be required to dissect synaptojanin-1–dependent and –independent roles of endophilin in ADBE.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Control of CME and ADBE via Minibrain kinase and calcineurin phosphatase. Synj-1 is phosphorylated by Mnb kinase on Ser1029 on its PRD. This promotes the 5′-PPase activity of Synj-1 and inhibits association with the endocytosis protein endophilin-A. These events promote CME. During intense neuronal activity, calcineurin (CaN) is activated and dephosphorylates Synj-1. This reduces 5′-PPase activity and promotes association with endophilin. The dephosphorylation also promotes ADBE via inhibition of Synj-1 5′-PPase activity. This phospho-regulation of the endophilin interaction does not impact ADBE. The SAC activity of Synj-1 is essential for ADBE and is unaffected by phosphorylation.Collectively, the data by Chang and colleagues consolidate the key role played by calcineurin in ADBE and identify Mnb as a new ADBE protein kinase. Intriguingly, the number of synapses performing ADBE is increased in Mnb hypomorphs, suggesting there is additional endocytic capacity that can be recruited on demand. There also appears to be bidirectional control of ADBE via Mnb, since Mnb overexpression represses this pathway. Notably, the enzyme activities of Synj-1 are regulated by Mnb- and calcineurin-dependent turnover of phosphorylation of S1029 (Fig. 1; 7, 8). In mammals, cyclin-dependent kinase 5 is suggested to control Synj-1 activity (9); therefore, it important to confirm whether Synj-1 is also phosphorylated by the Mnb orthologue, dual specificity tyrosine-phosphorylation-regulated kinase (DYRK1A), in mammals. A key test of the causality of activity-dependent phosphorylation events is whether they occur to the same stimulation intensities as the biological event. In this study, activity-dependent dephosphorylation of S1029 on Synj-1 was not demonstrated; instead, an absence of activity-dependent Mnb phosphorylation was observed. In mitigation, the authors convincingly demonstrated that Synj-1 phosphorylation increased during prolonged stimulus in the absence of calcineurin function.This work also confirmed a key role for the phospholipid PI(4,5)P2 in ADBE (1). Interestingly, it further revealed a hitherto undiscovered role for the SAC domain, but not the 5′-PPase domain of Synj-1 in ADBE. This latter activity is essential for other forms of endocytosis, such as CME and ultrafast endocytosis, with SAC activity required for clathrin-dependent vesicle generation from endosomes (10, 11). In addition to potential roles for Synj-1 SAC activity discussed by Chang and colleagues, a more provocative (and simplistic) explanation is that the end product, phosphatidylinositol (PI) itself, is important for ADBE. In support, the neurons without diacylglycerol kinase (which generates the PI precursor phosphatidic acid) display SV endocytosis defects that are exacerbated during high activity (12).A lack of accurate assays that monitor ADBE in both time and space has limited research in small nerve terminals for decades. In this work, ADBE is evoked and monitored using multiple approaches. This is important, since there is no simple method to monitor ADBE; therefore, it requires cross corroboration wherever possible. This study was greatly assisted via the use of genetically tractable model organisms, allowing precise intervention to abate the function of key proteins and enzymes in vivo. Yet, the trade-off is the relative imprecision of stimulation to evoke SV turnover, with prolonged periods of stimulation (and parallel inhibition of CME) required to evoke and isolate ADBE.Since Peng et al. shed light on new aspects of ADBE regulation, further questions can now be envisioned. In particular, how localized production and degradation of membrane phospholipids coordinate the temporal and spatial triggering of specific endocytosis modes. The essential role for calcineurin in most forms of endocytosis suggests where and when dephosphorylation events occur at the presynapse may be critical in the recruitment of discrete SV reformation pathways. Furthermore, Mnb/DYRK1A is linked to brain pathologies, including Down’s syndrome and autism-spectrum disorders, which is yet to be explored. These and other questions will no doubt drive further studies of remarkable plasticity when it comes to formation of new SVs and synaptic transmission, and how they organize and govern our brain activity.  相似文献   

Neurons use multiple modes of endocytosis, including clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) and activity-dependent bulk endocytosis (ADBE), during mild and intense neuronal activity, respectively, to maintain stable neurotransmission. While molecular players modulating CME are well characterized, factors regulating ADBE and mechanisms coordinating CME and ADBE activations remain poorly understood. Here we report that Minibrain/DYRK1A (Mnb), a kinase mutated in autism and up-regulated in Down’s syndrome, plays a novel role in suppressing ADBE. We demonstrate that Mnb, together with calcineurin, delicately coordinates CME and ADBE by controlling the phosphoinositol phosphatase activity of synaptojanin (Synj) during varying synaptic demands. Functional domain analyses reveal that Synj’s 5′-phosphoinositol phosphatase activity suppresses ADBE, while SAC1 activity is required for efficient ADBE. Consequently, Parkinson’s disease mutation in Synj’s SAC1 domain impairs ADBE. These data identify Mnb and Synj as novel regulators of ADBE and further indicate that CME and ADBE are differentially governed by Synj’s dual phosphatase domains.  相似文献   

Alix/AIP1 regulates cell death in a way involving interactions with the calcium-binding protein ALG-2 and with proteins of ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport). Using mass spectrometry we identified caspase-8 among proteins co-immunoprecipitating with Alix in dying neurons. We next demonstrated that Alix and ALG-2 interact with pro-caspase-8 and that Alix forms a complex with the TNFalpha receptor-1 (TNF-R1), depending on its capacity to bind ESCRT proteins. Thus, Alix and ALG-2 may allow the recruitment of pro-caspase-8 onto endosomes containing TNF-R1, a step thought to be necessary for activation of the apical caspase. In line with this, expression of Alix deleted of its ALG-2-binding site (AlixDeltaALG-2) significantly reduced TNF-R1-induced cell death, without affecting endocytosis of the receptor. In a more physiological setting, we found that programmed cell death of motoneurons, which can be inhibited by AlixDeltaALG-2, is regulated by TNF-R1. Taken together, these results highlight Alix and ALG-2 as new actors of the TNF-R1 pathway.  相似文献   

Mammalian Alix is a multifunctional adaptor protein involved in cell death, receptor endocytosis, endosomal protein sorting and cell adhesion by associating with various proteins such as ALG-2, CIN85/Rukl/SETA, endophilins, CHMP4s and TSG101. HD-PTP is a paralog of Alix and a putative protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) that contains a Bro1 domain, coiled-coils, a proline-rich region (PRR) in addition to a PTP domain. We investigated interactions between HD-PTP and Alix-binding proteins. In the yeast two-hybrid assay, HD-PTP showed positive interactions with CHMP4b/Shax1, TSG101, endophilin A1 and ALG-2 but not with either RabGAPLP or CIN85. We confirmed the interactions in a mammalian system by Strep-pulldown assays in which pulldown products from the lysates of HEK293T cells expressing either Strep-tagged HD-PTP alone or co-expressing with epitope-tagged proteins were analyzed by Western blotting using specific antibodies. While Alix associated with both ALG-2 and TSG101 in a Ca2+-dependent manner, HD-PTP interacted with ALG-2 Ca2+-dependently but with TSG101 Ca2+-independently.  相似文献   



ALG-2 (a gene product of PDCD6) belongs to the penta-EF-hand (PEF) protein family and Ca2+-dependently interacts with various intracellular proteins including mammalian Alix, an adaptor protein in the ESCRT system. Our previous X-ray crystal structural analyses revealed that binding of Ca2+ to EF3 enables the side chain of R125 to move enough to make a primary hydrophobic pocket (Pocket 1) accessible to a short fragment of Alix. The side chain of F122, facing a secondary hydrophobic pocket (Pocket 2), interacts with the Alix peptide. An alternatively spliced shorter isoform, designated ALG-2ΔGF122, lacks Gly121Phe122 and does not bind Alix, but the structural basis of the incompetence has remained to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Alix/AIP1 (ALG-2-interacting protein X/apoptosis-linked-gene-2-interacting protein 1) is an adaptor protein that was first described for its capacity to bind to the calcium-binding protein ALG-2 (apoptosis-linked gene 2), the expression of which seemed necessary for cell death. Over-expression of truncated forms of Alix blocks caspase-dependent and -independent mechanisms of cell death. Numerous observations in yeast and in mammalian cells suggest that Alix controls the making of and trafficking through endosomes called MVBs (multivesicular bodies), which are crucial intermediates within the endolysosomal system. In particular, deletion of Bro1, one of the yeast homologues of Alix, leads to an impairment in the function of MVBs, leading to mis-sorting of proteins normally destined to the vacuole. Mammalian Alix may have a similar function and has been shown to bind to lyso(bis)phosphatidic acid, ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) proteins, endophilins and CIN85 (Cbl-interacting protein of 85 kDa), which are all main regulators of the endosomal system. EIAV (equine infectious anaemia virus) and HIV late domains use Alix to recruit the ESCRT machinery in order to bud from the cell surface, underscoring the crucial role of the protein in orchestrating membrane deformation. In this review I develop the hypothesis that the normal function of Alix in the endolysosomal system may be deviated by ALG-2 towards a destructive role during active cell death.  相似文献   

Alix and TSG101, known to physically interact with each other, have Pro-rich regions that are bound by ALG-2 Ca2+-dependently. We investigated the role of ALG-2 in the Alix-TSG101 association by pulldown assays using Strep-tagged Alix and its various mutants. The ALG-2-binding site was required for the Ca2+-dependent pulldown of TSG101 using HEK293T cells, whereas the PSAP sequence, a binding motif for the UEV domain of TSG101, was dispensable. Alix-TSG101 association was not observed using ALG-2-knockdown cells but became detectable by addition of the purified recombinant ALG-2 protein in the assay mixtures. Exogenous expression of mGFP-fused ALG-2 also restored the pulldown capability of Strep-Alix, but an alternatively spliced shorter ALG-2 isoform and a dimerization-defective mutant were incompetent. Based on the X-ray crystal structure model showing the presence of one ligand-binding site in each molecule of an ALG-2 dimer, we propose that Ca2+-loaded ALG-2 bridges Alix and TSG101 as an adaptor protein.  相似文献   

Long-term depression (LTD) is a long-lasting activity-dependent decrease in synaptic strength. NMDA receptor (NMDAR)–dependent LTD, an extensively studied form of LTD, involves the endocytosis of AMPA receptors (AMPARs) via protein dephosphorylation, but the underlying mechanism has remained unclear. We show here that a regulated interaction of the endocytic adaptor RalBP1 with two synaptic proteins, the small GTPase RalA and the postsynaptic scaffolding protein PSD-95, controls NMDAR-dependent AMPAR endocytosis during LTD. NMDAR activation stimulates RalA, which binds and translocates widespread RalBP1 to synapses. In addition, NMDAR activation dephosphorylates RalBP1, promoting the interaction of RalBP1 with PSD-95. These two regulated interactions are required for NMDAR-dependent AMPAR endocytosis and LTD and are sufficient to induce AMPAR endocytosis in the absence of NMDAR activation. RalA in the basal state, however, maintains surface AMPARs. We propose that NMDAR activation brings RalBP1 close to PSD-95 to promote the interaction of RalBP1-associated endocytic proteins with PSD-95-associated AMPARs. This suggests that scaffolding proteins at specialized cellular junctions can switch their function from maintenance to endocytosis of interacting membrane proteins in a regulated manner.  相似文献   

Alix/AIP1 is a cytoplasmic protein, which was first characterized as an interactor of ALG-2, a calcium-binding protein necessary for cell death. Alix has also recently been defined as a regulator of the endo-lysosomal system. Here we have used post-mitotic cerebellar neurons to test Alix function in caspase-dependent and -independent cell death. Indeed, these neurons survived when cultured in 25 mm potassium-containing medium but underwent apoptosis soon after the extracellular potassium was lowered to 5 mm. In agreement with other studies, we show that caspases are activated after K+ deprivation, but that inhibition of these proteases, using the pancaspase inhibitor boc-aspartyl(OMe)-fluoromethylketone, has no effect on cell survival. Transfection experiments demonstrated that Alix overexpression is sufficient to induce caspase activation, whereas overexpression of its C-terminal half, Alix-CT, blocks caspase activation and cell death after K+ deprivation. We also define a 12-amino acid PXY repeat of the C-terminal proline-rich domain necessary for binding ALG-2. Deletion of this domain in Alix or in Alix-CT abolished the effects of the overexpressed proteins on neuronal survival, demonstrating that the ALG-2-binding region is crucial for the death-modulating function of Alix. Overall, these findings define the Alix/ALG-2 complex as a regulator of cell death controlling both caspase-dependent and -independent pathways. They also suggest a molecular link between the endo-lysosomal system and the effectors of the cell death machinery.  相似文献   

Depolarization of nerve terminals stimulates rapid dephosphorylation of two isoforms of dynamin I (dynI), mediated by the calcium-dependent phosphatase calcineurin (CaN). Dephosphorylation at the major phosphorylation sites Ser-774/778 promotes a dynI-syndapin I interaction for a specific mode of synaptic vesicle endocytosis called activity-dependent bulk endocytosis (ADBE). DynI has two main splice variants at its extreme C terminus, long or short (dynIxa and dynIxb) varying only by 20 (xa) or 7 (xb) residues. Recombinant GST fusion proteins of dynIxa and dynIxb proline-rich domains (PRDs) were used to pull down interacting proteins from rat brain nerve terminals. Both bound equally to syndapin, but dynIxb PRD exclusively bound to the catalytic subunit of CaNA, which recruited CaNB. Binding of CaN was increased in the presence of calcium and was accompanied by further recruitment of calmodulin. Point mutations showed that the entire C terminus of dynIxb is a CaN docking site related to a conserved CaN docking motif (PXIXI(T/S)). This sequence is unique to dynIxb among all other dynamin variants or genes. Peptide mimetics of the dynIxb tail blocked CaN binding in vitro and selectively inhibited depolarization-evoked dynI dephosphorylation in nerve terminals but not of other dephosphins. Therefore, docking to dynIxb is required for the regulation of both dynI splice variants, yet it does not regulate the phosphorylation cycle of other dephosphins. The peptide blocked ADBE, but not clathrin-mediated endocytosis of synaptic vesicles. Our results indicate that Ca(2+) influx regulates assembly of a fully active CaN-calmodulin complex selectively on the tail of dynIxb and that the complex is recruited to sites of ADBE in nerve terminals.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the field demonstrate the high diversity and complexity of endocytic pathways. In the current study, we focus on the endocytosis of L1CAM. This glycoprotein plays a major role in the development of the nervous system, and is involved in cancer development and is associated with metastases and poor prognosis. Two L1CAM isoforms are subject to endocytosis: isoform 1, described as a clathrin-mediated cargo; isoform 2, whose endocytosis has never been studied. Deciphering the molecular machinery of isoform 2 internalisation should contribute to a better understanding of its pathophysiological role. First, we demonstrated in our cellular context that both isoforms of L1CAM are mainly a clathrin-independent cargo, which was not expected for isoform 1. Second, the mechanism of L1CAM endocytosis is specifically mediated by the N-BAR domain protein endophilin-A3. Third, we discovered PSTPIP1, an F-BAR domain protein, as a novel actor in this endocytic process. Finally, we identified galectins as endocytic partners and negative regulators of L1CAM endocytosis. In summary, the interplay of the BAR proteins endophilin-A3 and PSTPIP1, and galectins fine tune the clathrin-independent endocytosis of L1CAM.  相似文献   

ALG-2 is a Ca(2+)-binding protein that belongs to the penta-EF-hand protein family and associates with several proteins, including annexin VII, annexin XI, and Alix/AIP1, in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. The yeast two-hybrid system and a biotin-tagged ALG-2 overlay assay were carried out to characterize the interaction between ALG-2 and Alix. The region corresponding to amino acid residues 794 to 827 in the carboxy-terminal proline-rich region of Alix was sufficient to confer the ability to interact directly with ALG-2. This region includes four-tandem PxY repeats. Alanine substitutions indicated that seven proline residues in this region, four in the PxY repeats, and four tyrosine residues in the PxY repeats are crucial for the binding affinity with ALG-2. Endogenous ALG-2 was co-immunoprecipitated in the presence of Ca(2+) with FLAG-tagged Alix or FLAG-tagged Alix Delta EBS, a deletion mutant lacking the endophilin binding consensus sequence, but not with FLAG-tagged Alix Delta ABS, another mutant lacking the region comprising amino acids 798-841, from the lysates of HEK293 cells transfected with each FLAG-tagged protein expression construct. FLAG-tagged ALG-2 overexpressed in HEK293 cells was also co-immunoprecipitated with Alix in a Ca(2+)-dependent fashion, whereas FLAG-tagged ALG-2(E47A/E114A), a Ca(2+)-binding deficient mutant of ALG-2, was not detected in the immunoprecipitates of Alix even in the presence of Ca(2+). Fluorescent microscopic analyses using the carboxy-terminal half of Alix fused with green fluorescent protein (GFP-AlixCT) revealed that endogenous ALG-2 in HeLa cells exhibits a dot-like pattern overlapping with exogenously expressed GFP-AlixCT, and the distribution of GFP-AlixCT Delta ABS is observed diffusely in the cytoplasm. These results indicate the requirement of ABS in Alix for the efficient accumulation of AlixCT and raise the possibility that ALG-2 participates in membrane trafficking through a Ca(2+)-dependent interaction with Alix.  相似文献   

The efficient retrieval of synaptic vesicle membrane and cargo in central nerve terminals is dependent on the efficient recruitment of a series of endocytosis modes by different patterns of neuronal activity. During intense neuronal activity the dominant endocytosis mode is activity-dependent endocytosis (ADBE). Triggering of ADBE is linked to calcineurin-mediated dynamin I dephosphorylation since the same stimulation intensities trigger both. Dynamin I dephosphorylation is maximised by a simultaneous inhibition of its kinase glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) by the protein kinase Akt, however it is unknown how increased neuronal activity is transduced into Akt activation. To address this question we determined how the activity-dependent increases in intracellular free calcium ([Ca2+]i) control activation of Akt. This was achieved using either trains of high frequency action potentials to evoke localised [Ca2+]i increases at active zones, or a calcium ionophore to raise [Ca2+]i uniformly across the nerve terminal. Through the use of either non-specific calcium channel antagonists or intracellular calcium chelators we found that Akt phosphorylation (and subsequent GSK3 phosphorylation) was dependent on localised [Ca2+]i increases at the active zone. In an attempt to determine mechanism, we antagonised either phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) or calmodulin. Activity-dependent phosphorylation of both Akt and GSK3 was arrested on inhibition of PI3K, but not calmodulin. Thus localised calcium influx in central nerve terminals activates PI3K via an unknown calcium sensor to trigger the activity-dependent phosphorylation of Akt and GSK3.  相似文献   

ALG-2 is a EF hand calcium binding protein with sequence homologies to calmodulin. Vito et al have shown that ALG-2 expression is required for apoptosis following a number of death stimuli,1 although nothing is known about the effectors which underlie ALG-2 function. Here we have used ALG-2 as bait in a yeast two hybrid screen of a mouse brain cDNA library. We found that ALG-2 binds to itself and to a novel protein that we call ALG-2 interacting protein X, Alix. Using co-immunoprecipitation experiments, we confirmed ALG-2/ALG-2 binding and demonstrated that this interaction is calcium independent. ALG-2/Alix interaction was also validated by co-immunoprecipitation, but in this case, the binding was found to be strictly calcium dependent. Alix seems highly conserved throughout evolution since it shows significant homologies to a putative C. elegans protein (YNK-1) and to proteins of A. nidulans (PalA) and S. cerevisiae (BRO1). Alix is a potential regulator or downstream effector of ALG-2 action.  相似文献   

Endocytosis at ribbon synapses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unlike conventional synaptic terminals that release neurotransmitter episodically in response to action potentials, neurons of the visual, auditory and vestibular systems encode sensory information in graded signals that are transmitted at their synapses by modulating the rate of continuous release. The synaptic ribbon, a specialized structure found at the active zones of these neurons, is necessary to sustain the high rates of exocytosis required for continuous release. To maintain the fidelity of synaptic transmission, exocytosis must be balanced by high-capacity endocytosis, to retrieve excess membrane inserted during vesicle fusion. Capacitance measurements following vesicle release in ribbon-type neurons indicate two kinetically distinct phases of compensatory endocytosis, whose relative contributions vary with stimulus intensity. The two phases can be independently regulated and may reflect different underlying mechanisms operating on separate pools of recycling vesicles. Electron microscopy shows diversity among ribbon-type synapses in the relative importance of clathrin-mediated endocytosis versus bulk membrane retrieval as mechanisms of compensatory endocytosis. Ribbon synapses, like conventional synapses, make use of multiple endocytosis pathways to replenish synaptic vesicle pools, depending on the physiological needs of the particular cell type.  相似文献   

Aberrant amyloid β (Aβ) production plays a causal role in Alzheimer disease pathogenesis. A major cellular pathway for Aβ generation is the activity-dependent endocytosis and proteolytic cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). However, the molecules controlling activity-dependent APP trafficking in neurons are less defined. Mints are adaptor proteins that directly interact with the endocytic sorting motif of APP and are functionally important in regulating APP endocytosis and Aβ production. We analyzed neuronal cultures from control and Mint knockout neurons that were treated with either glutamate or tetrodotoxin to stimulate an increase or decrease in neuronal activity, respectively. We found that neuronal activation by glutamate increased APP endocytosis, followed by elevated APP insertion into the cell surface, stabilizing APP at the plasma membrane. Conversely, suppression of neuronal activity by tetrodotoxin decreased APP endocytosis and insertion. Interestingly, we found that activity-dependent APP trafficking and Aβ generation were blocked in Mint knockout neurons. We showed that wild-type Mint1 can rescue APP internalization and insertion in Mint knockout neurons. In addition, we found that Mint overexpression increased excitatory synaptic activity and that APP was internalized predominantly to endosomes associated with APP processing. We demonstrated that presenilin 1 (PS1) endocytosis requires interaction with the PDZ domains of Mint1 and that this interaction facilitates activity-dependent colocalization of APP and PS1. These findings demonstrate that Mints are necessary for activity-induced APP and PS1 trafficking and provide insight into the cellular fate of APP in endocytic pathways essential for Aβ production.  相似文献   

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