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Leukocyte recruitment to the airway lumen is a central feature of inflammatory conditions such as asthma and respiratory viral infection. Characterization of mediators that regulate leukocyte recruitment in these conditions revealed increased IL-12 p40 homodimer (p80) levels were associated with enhanced airway macrophage accumulation. To examine this association, we used in vivo and in vitro assays to demonstrate p80, but not IL-12 or p40, provided a macrophage chemoattractant signal. Macrophages from genetically deficient mice indicated p80-dependent chemotaxis was independent of IL-12 and required IL-12Rbeta1 (Rbeta1) expression. Furthermore, analysis of murine cell lines and primary culture macrophages revealed Rbeta1 expression, with an intact cytoplasmic tail, was necessary and sufficient to mediate p80-dependent chemotaxis. To examine the role for Rbeta1 in mediating macrophage accumulation in vivo, we contrasted Sendai virus-driven airway inflammation in wild-type and Rbeta1-deficient mice. Despite similar viral burden and production of the macrophage chemoattractant p80, the Rbeta1-deficient mice displayed a selective decrease in airway macrophage accumulation and resistance to viral-dependent mortality. Thus, Rbeta1 mediates p80-dependent macrophage chemotaxis and inhibition of the p80-Rbeta1 interaction may provide a novel anti-inflammatory strategy to manipulate the inflammation associated with asthma and respiratory viral infection.  相似文献   

Defects in IL-12 production or IL-12 responsiveness result in a vulnerability to infection with non-viral intracellular organisms, but the immunological mechanisms responsible for this susceptibility remain poorly understood. We present an immunological analysis of a patient with disseminated Salmonella enteritidis and a homozygous splice acceptor mutation in the IL-12Rbeta1-chain gene. This mutation resulted in the absence of IL-12Rbeta1 protein on PBMC and an inability of T cells to specifically bind IL-12 or produce IFN-gamma in response to either IL-12 or IL-23. The accumulation of memory (CD45R0(high)) CD4 T cells that were CCR7(high) (putative central memory cells) was normal or increased for age. Central memory CD4 T cells of the patient and age-matched controls were similar in having a low to undetectable capacity to produce IFN-gamma after polyclonal stimulation. In contrast, the patient had a substantial decrease in the number of CCR7(neg/dull) CD45R0(high) memory CD4 T cells (putative effector memory cells), and these differed from control cells in having a minimal ability to produce IFN-gamma after polyclonal stimulation. Importantly, tetanus toxoid-specific IFN-gamma production by PBMC from the patient was also significantly reduced compared with that in age-matched controls, indicating that signaling via the IL-12Rbeta1-chain is generally necessary for the in vivo accumulation of human memory CD4 T cells with Th1 function. These results are also consistent with a model in which the IL-12Rbeta1 subunit is necessary for the conversion of central memory CD4 T cells into effector memory cells.  相似文献   

Two key events occur during the differentiation of IFN-gamma-secreting Th1 cells: up-regulation of IL-12Rbeta2 and IL-12-driven up-regulation of IL-18Ralpha. We previously demonstrated that IL-12-driven up-regulation of IL-18Ralpha expression is severely impaired in IFN-gamma(-/-) mice. However, it was unclear from these studies how IFN-gamma influenced IL-18Ralpha since IFN-gamma alone had no direct effect on IL-18Ralpha expression. In the absence of IL-4, IL-12-dependent up-regulation of IL-18Ralpha/IL-12Rbeta2 was independent of IFN-gamma. However, in the presence of IL-4, IFN-gamma functions to limit the negative effects of IL-4 on both IL-18Ralpha and IL-12Rbeta2. Neutralization of IL-4 restored IL-12-driven up-regulation of IL-18Ralpha/IL-12Rbeta2 in an IFN-gamma-independent fashion. In the absence of both IL-12 and IL-4, IFN-gamma up-regulates IL-12beta2 expression and primes IFN-gamma-producing Th1 cells. When T cells were primed in the presence of IL-4, no correlation was found between the levels of expression of the IL-18Ralpha or the IL-12Rbeta2 and the capacity of these cells to produce IFN-gamma, suggesting that IL-4 may also negatively affect IL-12-mediated signal transduction and thus Th1 differentiation. These data clarify the role of IFN-gamma in regulation of IL-18Ralpha/IL-12Rbeta2 during both IL-12-dependent and IL-12-independent Th1 differentiation.  相似文献   

Two subunits of the IL-12 receptor (IL-12R), IL-12R beta 1 and IL-12R beta 2, have been identified and cloned. Previous studies demonstrated that the IL-12R beta 1 subunit was required for mouse T and NK cells to respond to IL-12 in vivo. To investigate the role of IL-12R beta 2 in IL-12 signaling, we have generated IL-12R beta 2-deficient (IL-12R beta 2(-/-)) mice by targeted mutation in embryonic stem (ES) cells. Although Con A-activated splenocytes from IL-12R beta 2(-/-) mice still bind IL-12 with both high and low affinity, no IL-12-induced biological functions can be detected. Con A-activated splenocytes of IL-12R beta 2(-/-) mice failed to produce IFN-gamma or proliferate in response to IL-12 stimulation. NK lytic activity of IL-12R beta 2(-/-) splenocytes was not induced when incubated with IL-12. IL-12R beta 2(-/-) splenocytes were deficient in IFN-gamma secretion when stimulated with either Con A or anti-CD3 mAb in vitro. Furthermore, IL-12R beta 2(-/-) mice were deficient in vivo in their ability to produce IFN-gamma following endotoxin administration and to generate a type 1 cytokine response. IL-12-mediated signal transduction was also defective as measured by phosphorylation of STAT4. These results demonstrate that although mouse IL-12R beta 1 is the subunit primarily responsible for binding IL-12, IL-12R beta 2 plays an essential role in mediating the biological functions of IL-12 in mice.  相似文献   

Aluminum hydroxide (Alum) is the only adjuvant approved for routine use in humans, although the basis for its adjuvanticity remains poorly understood. In this study, we show that Alum activates caspase-1 and induce secretion of mature IL-1beta and IL-18. Human PBMC or dendritic cells stimulated with pure TLR4 and TLR2 agonists released only traces of IL-1beta or IL-18, despite the fact that the IL-1beta mRNA was readily induced by both TLR agonists. In contrast, cells costimulated with TLR agonists plus Alum released large amount of IL-1beta and IL-18. Alum-induced IL-1beta and IL-18 production was not due to enhancement of TLR signaling but rather reflected caspase-1 activation and in mouse dendritic cells occurred in a MyD88-independent fashion. Secretion of other proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-8 was not affected by Alum treatments. However, TLR-induced production of IL-10 was increased and that of IFN-gamma-inducible protein decreased by Alum cotreatment. Considering the immunostimulatory activities of these cytokines and the ability of IL-1beta to act as adjuvant, our results suggest a mechanism for the adjuvanticity of Alum.  相似文献   

Complement and complement receptors (CR) play a central role in immune defense by initiating the rapid destruction of invading microorganisms, amplifying the innate and adaptive immune responses, and mediating solubilization and clearance of immune complexes. Defects in the expression of C or CR have been associated with loss of tolerance to self proteins and the development of immune complex-mediated autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus. In this study, we examined the role of CR on coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3)-induced myocarditis using mice deficient in CR1/2. We found that CR1/2 deficiency significantly increased acute CVB3 myocarditis and pericardial fibrosis resulting in early progression to dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure. The increase in inflammation was not due to increased viral replication, which was not significantly altered in the hearts of CR1/2-deficient mice, but was associated with increased numbers of macrophages, IL-1beta levels, and immune complex deposition in the heart. The complement regulatory protein, CR1-related gene/protein Y (Crry), was increased on cardiac macrophage populations, while immature B220(low) B cells were increased in the spleen of CR1/2-deficient mice during acute CVB3-induced myocarditis. These results show that expression of CR1/2 is not necessary for effective clearance of CVB3 infection, but prevents immune-mediated damage to the heart.  相似文献   

Th1-type immune responses, mediated by IL-12-induced IFN-gamma, are believed to exacerbate certain autoimmune diseases. We recently found that signaling via IL-12Rbeta1 increases coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3)-induced myocarditis. In this study, we examined the role of IL-12 on the development of CVB3-induced myocarditis using mice deficient in IL-12p35 that lack IL-12p70. We found that IL-12 deficiency did not prevent myocarditis, but viral replication was significantly increased. Although there were no changes in the total percentage of inflammatory cells in IL-12-deficient hearts compared with wild-type BALB/c controls by FACS analysis, macrophage and neutrophil populations were decreased. This decrease corresponded to reduced TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma levels in the heart, suggesting that macrophage and/or neutrophil populations may be a primary source of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma during acute CVB3 myocarditis. Increased viral replication in IL-12-deficient mice was not mediated by reduced TNFRp55 signaling, because viral replication was unaltered in TNFRp55-deficient mice. However, STAT4 or IFN-gamma deficiency resulted in significantly increased viral replication and significantly reduced TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma levels in the heart, similar to IL-12 deficiency, indicating that the IL-12/STAT4 pathway of IFN-gamma production is important in limiting CVB3 replication. Furthermore, STAT4 or IFN-gamma deficiency also increased chronic CVB3 myocarditis, indicating that therapeutic strategies aimed at reducing Th1-mediated autoimmune diseases may exacerbate common viral infections such as CVB3 and increase chronic inflammatory heart disease.  相似文献   

IL-1β plays a critical role in promoting IL-17 production by γδ and CD4 T cells. However, IL-1-targeted drugs, although effective against autoinflammatory diseases, are less effective against autoimmune diseases. Conversely, gain-of-function mutations in the NLRP3 inflammasome complex are associated with enhanced IL-1β and IL-18 production and Th17 responses. In this study, we examined the role of caspase-1-processed cytokines in IL-17 production and in induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Killed Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the immunostimulatory component in CFA used for inducing EAE, stimulated IL-1β and IL-18 production by dendritic cells through activation of the inflammasome complex and caspase-1. Dendritic cells stimulated with M. tuberculosis and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein promoted IL-17 production by T cells and induced EAE following transfer to naive mice, and this was suppressed by a caspase-1 inhibitor and reversed by administration of IL-1β or IL-18. Direct injection of the caspase-1 inhibitor suppressed IL-17 production by CD4 T cells and γδ T cells in vivo and attenuated the clinical signs of EAE. γδ T cells expressed high levels of IL-18R and the combination of IL-18 and IL-23, as with IL-1β and IL-23, stimulated IL-17 production by γδ T cells, but also from CD4 T cells, in the absence of TCR engagement. Our findings demonstrate that caspase-1-processed cytokines IL-1β and IL-18 not only promote autoimmunity by stimulating innate IL-17 production by T cells but also reveal redundancy in the functions of IL-1β and IL-18, suggesting that caspase-1 or the inflammasome may be an important drug target for autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Signal-regulatory proteins (SIRPs) are cell-surface glycoproteins expressed on myeloid and neural cells that have been shown to recruit SH2 domain-containing protein phosphatase 1 (SHP-1) and SHP-2 and to regulate receptor tyrosine kinase-coupled signaling. One SIRP of unknown function, designated SIRP beta 1, contains a short cytoplasmic domain that lacks sequence motifs capable of recruiting SHP-1 and SHP-2. Using a SIRP-specific mAb, we show that SIRP beta 1 is expressed in monocytes and dendritic cells and associates with the signal transduction molecule DAP12. SIRP beta 1/DAP12 complex formation was required for efficient cell-surface expression of SIRP beta 1. Stimulation of this complex induced tyrosine phosphorylation, mitogen-activated protein kinase activation, and cellular activation. Thus, SIRP beta 1 is a new DAP12-associated receptor involved in the activation of myeloid cells.  相似文献   

Genes of the IL-1 family encode three different peptides, IL-1alpha, IL-1beta, and IL-1Ra, respectively. IL-1 operates through IL-1RI, and is involved in airway inflammation in asthmatic subjects, whereas IL-1Ra appears to be a specific competitive inhibitor of IL-1. All genes are on chromosome 2q12-21 where genomewide searches have identified linkage for asthma. To test whether variants of IL-1 relate to asthma, we conducted a genetic association study in a Japanese population. We show that the A2 allele of IL1RN (encoding IL-1Ra) associates with nonatopic asthma [OR = 5.71, 95% CI: 1.63-19. 8, Pc = 0.007]. Both atopic and nonatopic asthmatics with the A2 allele had significantly lower serum IL-1Ra levels in both types of asthmatics. Peripheral blood cells from asthmatics with A2 alleles, however, produced as much IL-1 as did those with A1 homozygotes. Since Th1 and Th2 cytokines differentially regulate the ratio between IL-1beta and IL-1Ra, these findings suggest that dysregulation of IL-1beta/IL-1Ra, probably due to interaction between epithelium and immuno-competent cells in the airway, is important in asthma inflammation.  相似文献   

IL-18 is a proinflammatory cytokine that enhances innate and specific Th1 immune responses. During microbial infections, IL-18 is produced by activated macrophages. IL-18 exerts its effects in synergy with IFN-alpha or IL-12 to induce IFN-gamma. Here we show that in human NK and T cells IFN-alpha and IL-12 strongly up-regulate mRNA expression of the IL-18R components, accessory protein-like (AcPL) and IL-1R-related protein (IL-1Rrp). In addition, IFN-alpha enhanced the expression of MyD88, an adaptor molecule involved in IL-18 signaling. Pretreatment of T cells with IFN-alpha or IL-12 enhanced IL-18-induced NF-kappaB activation and sensitized the cells to respond to lower concentrations of IL-18. AcPL and IL-1Rrp genes were strongly expressed in T cells polarized with IL-12, whereas in IL-4-polarized cells these genes were expressed at very low levels, indicating that AcPL and IL-1Rrp genes are preferentially expressed in Th1 cells. In conclusion, the results suggest that IFN-alpha and IL-12 enhance innate as well as Th1 immune response by inducing IL-18R expression.  相似文献   

Fatty acid-induced cytotoxicity is believed to recapitulate lipotoxicity seen in obese type-2 diabetes, and, thus, contribute to beta cell loss in the disease. These studies were initiated to determine whether the Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling pathway was involved in palmitate-induced beta cell death. Treatment of INS-1 beta cells with palmitate enhanced interaction between TLR and myeloid differentiation factor88 (MyD88). Concomitant with TLR/MyD88 interaction, the level of phospho-C-Jun N-terminal kinase (phospho-JNK) showed an increase; however, the level of inhibitory factor kappa B alpha (IκBα) showed a decrease. Gene knockdown of TLR4 prevented palmitate-induced INS-1 cell death, while knockdown of TLR2 did not. In addition, gene knockdown of TLR4 prevented palmitate-induced increase of phospho-JNK and decrease of IκBα. JNK inhibitor SP60125 significantly protected against palmitate-induced INS-1 cell death, while IκB kinase (IKK) inhibitor acetylsalicylate did not. These data suggest involvement of JNK activation through the TLR4 signaling pathway in palmitate-induced INS-1 beta cell death.  相似文献   

Prior exposure to LPS induces a transient state of cell refractoriness to subsequent LPS restimulation, known as endotoxin tolerance. Induction of LPS tolerance has been reported to correlate with decreased cell surface expression of the LPS receptor complex, Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)/MD-2. However, other results have underscored the existence of mechanisms of LPS tolerance that operate downstream of TLR4/MD-2. In the present study we sought to delineate further the molecular basis of LPS tolerance by examining the TLR4 signaling pathway in endotoxin-tolerant cells. Pretreatment of human monocytes with LPS decreased LPS-mediated NF-kappaB activation, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, and TNF-alpha gene expression, documenting the induction of endotoxin tolerance. FACS and Western blot analyses of LPS-tolerant monocytes showed increased TLR2 expression, whereas TLR4 expression levels were not affected. Comparable levels of mRNA and protein for myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), IL-1R-associated kinase 1 (IRAK-1), and TNFR-associated factor-6 were found in normal and LPS-tolerant monocytes, while MD-2 mRNA expression was slightly increased in LPS-tolerant cells. LPS induced the association of MyD88 with TLR4 and increased IRAK-1 activity in medium-pretreated cells. In LPS-tolerant monocytes, however, MyD88 failed to be recruited to TLR4, and IRAK-1 was not activated in response to LPS stimulation. Moreover, endotoxin-tolerant CHO cells that overexpress human TLR4 and MD-2 also showed decreased IRAK-1 kinase activity in response to LPS despite the failure of LPS to inhibit cell surface expression of transfected TLR4 and MD-2 proteins. Thus, decreased TLR4-MyD88 complex formation with subsequent impairment of IRAK-1 activity may underlie the LPS-tolerant phenotype.  相似文献   

Mouse splenic dendritic cells (DCs) produce IFN-gamma in response to IL-12. In the present study, we analyzed effects of Th1 and Th2 cytokines on IFN-gamma production by DCs. IL-18 produced by DCs and macrophages acts in an autocrine manner and augments IL-12-induced IFN-gamma production by DCs as also observed in T and NK cells. Surprisingly, IL-4, a Th2 cytokine, also acts synergistically with IL-12 on IFN-gamma production by DCs. In addition, IL-4 markedly enhances IFN-gamma production when DCs are stimulated through CD40 or MHC class II. These results indicate that both Th1 and Th2 cytokines act on DCs during T cell-DC interaction upon Ag presentation. p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase is constitutively activated in mature DCs and is required for IFN-gamma production by DCs. IL-18 but not IL-4 or IL-12 further activates the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activity, suggesting that IL-4 and IL-18 enhance IFN-gamma production through distinct intracellular signal transduction pathways in DCs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize distinct pathogen-associated molecular patterns and trigger anti-microbial host defense responses. Several in vitro and in vivo studies in mice indicate that TLR2 and TLR4 are involved in the defense against Streptococcus pneumoniae. Studies have revealed associations between polymorphisms in TLRs and human diseases. The effect of polymorphisms in TLR2 and TLR4 in the human defense to S. pneumoniae has not been studied. METHODS: We genotyped 99 Caucasian patients with invasive pneumococcal disease and 178 Caucasian controls for the known R579H, P631H and R753Q polymorphisms in TLR2 and the D299G polymorphism in TLR4 with PCR-RFLP methods. RESULTS: The distribution of the TLR2 R579H, P631H and R753Q and TLR4 D299G variants was not significantly different between the patients and the controls. After stratification of the patient population by age, sex, diagnosis, and mortality no significant differences for the TLR2 R753Q genotype and TLR4 D299G genotype were found between various patient subgroups and between patient subgroups and the control population. It should be mentioned that for the TLR2 polymorphisms neither the control group nor the patient group contains homozygous mutant individuals. CONCLUSION: We found no association between TLR2 and TLR4 polymorphisms and invasive pneumococcal infection.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are key elements in the innate immune response, functioning as pattern-recognition receptors for the detection and response to endotoxins and other microbial ligands. Inflammatory cytokines play an important role in the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal HPA axis during inflammation and sepsis. The newly recognized major role of TLR2 and TLR4 and the adrenal stress response during critical illnesses such as inflammation and sepsis demand comprehensive analysis of their interactions. Therefore, we analyzed TLR2 and TLR4 expression in human adrenal glands. Western blot analysis demonstrated the expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in the human adrenocortical cell line NCI-H295. Immunohistochemical analysis of normal human adrenal glands revealed TLR2 and TLR4 expression in the adrenal cortex, but not in the adrenal medulla. Considering the crucial role of the HPA axis and the innate immune response during acute sepsis or septic shock, elucidating the functional interaction of these systems should be of great clinical relevance.  相似文献   

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