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Summary Protoplasts isolated enzymatically from precultured cotyledonary leaves ofB. oleracea var.botrytis and cultured in KM8p medium (Kao andMichayluk 1975) underwent sustained divisions in about 0.1% population to eventually produce callus, whereas mesophyll protoplasts from either field grown orin vitro raised plants failed to divide. The callus readily differentiated on Murashige-Skoog medium as modified for shoot culture (Binding 1974) to give rise to shoot and roots.  相似文献   

The paper compares different approaches for the genetic transformation of cauliflower (Agrobacterium-mediated, PEG-mediated and/or electroporation). Transient expression of the neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPTII) gene could be detected after direct gene transfer. Stable transformation was achieved using both Agrobacterium-mediated and direct gene transfer. Expression as well as incorporation of the NPTII sequence could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Experiments on three autumn-heading cauliflower genotypes (2 hybrids and a genotype selected from a population) were conducted to study different factors affecting anther culture. Culture conditions of the donor plants proved to be important: the best results were obtained during spring in a greenhouse where the temperature was maintained between 10 and 20°C. Overall winter and spring seemed more suitable than summer and early autumn for culture establishment. The optimal bud development stage depended on the genotype: for the hybrid 702, the greatest number of embryos for 100 plated anthers was obtained at the uninucleate pollen stage of the microspores; for V23.2 and 703, the optimal stage of the buds corresponded to the first mitotic division. Sucrose proved to be the best carbon supply for embryogenesis with an optimal concentration of 140 g l-1. The addition of a cytokinin (BAP) in the medium led to lower embryo production, and this negative effect increased when the hormone concentration in the medium increased. The use of liquid medium and a dark incubation period immediately after the high temperature treatment were favourable for embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary. The Or mutation in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) leads to abnormal accumulations of -carotene in orange chromoplasts, in tissues in which leucoplasts are characteristic of wild-type plants. Or chromoplasts were investigated by light microscopy of fresh materials and electron microscopy of glutaraldehyde- and potassium permanganate-fixed materials. Carotenoid inclusions in Or chromoplasts resemble those found in carrot root chromoplasts in their optical activity and angular shape. Electron microscopy revealed that the inclusions are made up of parallel, membrane-bound compartments. These stacks of membranes are variously rolled and folded into three-dimensional objects. We classify Or chromoplasts as membranous chromoplasts. The Or mutation also limits plastid replication so that a single chromoplast constitutes the plastidome in most of the affected cells. There are one to two chromoplasts in each cell of a shoot apex. The ability of differentiated chromoplasts to divide in the apical meristems of Or mutant plants resembles the ability of proplastids to maintain plastid continuity from cell to cell in meristems of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants in which plastid replication is drastically limited. The findings are used to discuss the number of levels of regulation involved in plastid replication.  相似文献   

We have developed an efficient and simpler method for genetic transformation and regeneration of cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis plants. Explants from 4-day old seedlings were inoculated and cocultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harbouring a binary vector with the neomycin phosphotransferase-II gene under the regulatory control of nopaline synthase promoter and terminator sequences, permitting transformed shoots to be selected on kanamycin containing medium. After three months rooted transformed plantlets were successfully transferred and grown under glasshouse conditions. Higher numbers of transformed plants were obtained from cotyledon than hypocotyl explants, presumably indicating cotyledons of cauliflower are more amenable to genetic transformation. Integration and expression of the introduced transgene were analysed by DNA gel blot and PCR analysis and NPT-II expression assay. Factors influencing transformation efficiency include explant age, concentration of bacterium used for infection, duration of infection and cocultivation with Agrobacterium. Transgenic plants of three commercial genotypes of cauliflower were produced using this method. We also show that introduction of antisense Bcp1 (pollen-specific gene) linked to a pollen-specific promoter (Lat52) resulted in the expected sterility of 50% pollen carrying this transgenic construct.  相似文献   

Anther culture medium was prepared with different types and concentrations of cytokinins to gain greater insight into the control of embryo formation during Brassica oleracea L. var. italica (broccoli) anther culture. The independent addition of the four cytokinins tested had widely divergent effects dependent upon cytokinin concentration and the genetic background of the test plants. All cytokinins were generally inhibitory at high concentrations, however, individual plants showed significant stimulation of embyro formation at typical physiological levels. The influence of cytokinins was highly cultivar-specific, some lines were stimulated, others inhibited and still other test lines were largely unaffected. Although the addition of cytokinins was needed for embryo formation for some plants, in no instance were cytokinins able to replace the inductive effect of high-temperature treatments.  相似文献   

In our studies on the role of enzymes in plant DNA replication, recombination, and repair, we isolated from cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) inflorescences a single-stranded DNA-specific endonuclease that was inhibited by ATP. The endonuclease, designated cauliflower nuclease II, was purified to near homogeneity through six successive column chromatographies. The enzyme is a single polypeptide with a molecular mass of 70 kDa as judged by the results of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacry amide gel electrophoresis, activity gel, and gel-filtration column chromatography. The enzyme can cleave a linear or a circular single-stranded DNA but cannot cut or nick a double-stranded DNA. The mode of activity of the nuclease is endonucleolytic and non-processive. Interestingly, the endonuclease activity is strongly inhibited by less than 0.1 mM ATP, although the role of this inhibition is thus far unclear. While ATPγS and GTP can also inhibit the activity, other ribonucleoside triphosphates are much less effective. The optimum pH of the enzyme is 5.6. The enzyme requires an exceptionally high ionic strength, 0.2 M KCI for optimum activity, and without these ions no activity can be detected. The endonuclease activity is stimulated by Ca2+, which cannot be replaced by Mg2+ or Mn2+. The features of the enzyme and its relation to plant DNA metabolism are discussed. Received: 26 March 1998 / Accepted: 4 June 1998  相似文献   

Nearly 1000 plants have been regenerated from leaf protoplasts of two cauliflower (Brassica oleracea ssp.botrytis) alloplasmic inbred lines. One line (7642A) carried the Ogura (R1) cms cytoplasm derived from radish; the other line (7642B) carried a normalBrassica cytoplasm and was the fertile maintainer for the cms line. The majority of regenerated plants displayed normal vegetative morphology; they formed normal cauliflower heads and retained the floral characteristics of seed-grown plants from which they were derived. We found no change in either male sterility or in the low temperature-induced chlorosis associated with the 7642A line. Mitochondrial DNA analysis by hybridization with five cloned mtDNA probes revealed no apparent alteration in 75 regenerated plants of both lines. These results indicate that cytoplasmic traits inBrassica oleracea are stable after one cycle of in vitro culture and regeneration.  相似文献   

Summary Genetically transformed cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) roots were obtained after inoculation with two engineered Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains, each harbouring a plant selectable marker gene in their T-DNA. Axenic root clones resistant to kanamycin or hygromycin B were established, most of which did not exhibit the phenotypic characteristics of Ri-transformed roots. Shoot regeneration was induced from roots after treatment with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The resulting plants exhibited various phenotypes: some looked normal, while others showed the transformed phenotype observed in other species. Direct evidence for genetic transformation was obtained by molecular hybridization. The trait was transmitted to the progeny. Transformed cabbage plants can be obtained within 6 months using this approach.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybridization between Brassica oleracea ssp. botrytis (cauliflower, 2n=18), carrying the Ogura (R1) male-sterile cytoplasm and B. napus (2n= 38), carrying a male-fertile, atrazine-resistant (ATR) cytoplasm, yielded three hybrids (2n=56) and six cauliflower cybrids (2n=18), which were selected for resistance to the herbicide in vitro. The hybrids and cybrids were male fertile and self-compatible. They contained both chloroplasts and mitochondria from the ATR cytoplasm. We found no evidence for mtDNA recombination in any of the regenerated plants. Selfed progeny of the B. oleracea atrazine-resistant cybrids were evaluated for tolerance to the herbicide in the field. Resistant plants exposed to 0.56–4.48 kg/ha (0.5–4.0 pounds/acre) atrazine in the soil showed no damage at any herbicide level, whereas plants of a susceptible alloplasmic line were severely damaged at the lowest level of herbicide application and killed at all higher levels. These atrazine-resistant cauliflower may have potential horticultural use, especially in fields where atrazine carry over is a serious problem.  相似文献   

Peroxidases (EC; donor: hydrogen peroxide oxidoreductase) are part of a large group of enzymes. In this study, peroxidase, a primer antioxidant enzyme, was purified with 19.3 fold and 0.2% efficiency from cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.) by ammonium sulphate precipitation, dialysis, CM-Sephadex ion-exchange chromatography and Sephadex G-25 purification steps. The substrate specificity of peroxidase was investigated using 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenz-thiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS), 2-methoxyphenol (guaiacol), 1,2-dihydroxybenzene (catechol), 1,2,3-trihyidroxybenzene (pyrogallol) and 4-methylcatechol. Also, optimum pH, optimum temperature, optimum ionic strength, stable pH, stable temperature, thermal inactivation conditions were determined for guaiacol/H(2)O(2), pyrogallol/H(2)O(2), ABTS/H(2)O(2), catechol/H(2)O(2) and 4-methyl catechol/H(2)O(2) substrate patterns. The molecular weight (M(w)) of this enzyme was found to be 44 kDa by gel filtration chromatography method. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) was performed for isoenzyme determination and a single band was observed. K(m) and V(max) values were calculated from Lineweaver-Burk graph for each substrate patterns.  相似文献   

Pectic substances are a major component of cell walls in vegetable plants and have an important influence on plant food texture. Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) stem sections at different regions of the mature plant stem have been monitored for tissue-related changes in the native pectic polysaccharides. Chemical analysis detected appreciable differences in the degree of methyl-esterification (ME) of pectic polysaccharides. About 65% of galacturonic acid (GalpA) residues were methyl-esterified in floret tissues. Relative ME showed a basipetal decrease, from 94% in the upper stem to 51% in the lower-stem vascular tissues. The decrease was not related to a basipetal increase in glucuronic acid (GlcpA) residues. The monoclonal antibodies, JIM 5 and JIM 7, produced distinct labelling patterns for the relatively low-methyl-esterified and high-methyl-esterified pectin epitopes, respectively. Labelling was related to cell type and tissue location in the stem. Floret cell walls contained epitopes for both JIM 5 and JIM 7 throughout the wall. Stem vascular tissues labelled more strongly with JIM 5. Whereas pith parenchyma in the upper stem labelled more strongly with JIM 7, in the lower-stem pith parenchyma, JIM 5 labelling predominated. Localization of pectic polysaccharide epitopes in cell walls provides an insight into how structural modifications might relate to the textural and nutritional properties of cell walls. Received: 16 August 1997 / Accepted: 20 December 1997  相似文献   

A protein with structure-specific endonuclease activity has been purified to near homogeneity from cauliflower ( Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) inflorescence through five successive column chromatographies. The protein is a single polypeptide with a molecular mass of 40 kDa. Using three different branched DNA structures (flap, pseudo-Y and stem-loop) we found that the enzyme, a cauliflower structure-specific endonuclease, cleaved the single-stranded tail in the 5'-flap and 5'-pseudo-Y structures, whereas it could not incise the 3'-flap and 3'-pseudo-Y structures. The incision points occur around the single strand-duplex junction in these DNA substrates and the enzyme leaves 5'-PO4 and 3'-OH termini on DNA. The protein also endonucleolytically cleaves on the 3'-side of the single-stranded region at the junction of unpaired and duplex DNA in the stem-loop structure. The structure-specific endonuclease activity is stimulated by Mg2+ and by Mn2+, but not by Ca2+. Like mammalian FEN-1, the protein has weak 5'-->3' double-stranded DNA-specific exonuclease activity. These results indicate that the cauliflower protein is a plant structure-specific endonuclease like mammalian FEN-1 or may be the plant alternative.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the secretory, binucleate tapetum of Brassica oleracea in the micro spore mother cell (MMC) stage through to the mature pollen stage is reported. The tapetal cells differentiate as highly specialized cells whose development is involved in lipid accumulation in their final stage. They start breaking down just before anther dehiscence. Nuclei with dispersed chromatin, large nucleoli and many ribosomes in the cytoplasm characterize the tapetal cells. The wall-bearing tapetum phase ends at the tetrade stage. The dissolution of tapetal walls begins from the inner tangential wall oriented towards the loculus and proceeds gradually along the radial walls to the outer tangential one. The plasmodesmata transversing the radial walls between tapetal cells persist until the mature microspore, long after loss of the inner tangential wall. After wall dissolution, the tapetal protoplasts retain their integrity and position within the anther locule. The tapetal cell membrane is in direct contact with the exine of the microspores/pollen grains and forms tubular evaginations that increase its surface area and appear to be involved in the translocation of solutes from the tapetal cells to the microspores/ pollen grains. The tapetal cells exhibit a polarity expressed by spatial differentiation in the radial direction.  相似文献   

E类MADS-box基因SEPALLATA (SEP)-like在被子植物生殖生长特别是花器官发育方面具有重要作用。为分析羽衣甘蓝E功能MADS-box基因SEP-like基因的序列特征及其在花发育过程中的时空表达模式,以羽衣甘蓝品系‘14 line’为试材,利用cDNA末端快速扩增(Rapid amplification of cDNA ends,RACE)技术克隆了SEP直系同源基因BroaSEP1/2/3 (GenBank登录号:KC967957、KC967958、KC967960)。序列和系统进化树分析表明,这3个基因分别与野甘蓝(Brassica oleracea var. oleracea)、芜菁Brassica rapa、萝卜Raphanus sativus、甘蓝型油菜Brassica napus的SEP1、SEP2、SEP3基因具有很高的同源性。推导的氨基酸序列显示,这些基因编码的蛋白质都包含高度保守的MADS结构域、I结构域和K结构域,每一基因都有其亚家族特异的C-末端功能域SEPⅠ和SEPⅡ基序。BroaSEP1、BroaSEP2、BroaSEP3基因的开放阅读框长...  相似文献   

J. A. Chweya 《Plant and Soil》1990,124(2):261-263
An experiment was carried out to study the effect of nitrogen fertilizer application levels (0, 47, 94 and 188 kg N/ha) on thiocyanate contents of petioles and lamina of two Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala varieties (Thousand-headed kale and Georgia collards).The results showed that N application significantly decreased thiocyanate contents of both laminae and petioles. Applying 47, 94, 188 kg N/ha reduced thiocyanate of laminae and petioles by 26, 41 and 52% and 2, 9 and 39%, respectively. The results also showed that thiocyanate of leaves from Thousand-headed kale was significantly higher than that of Georgia collards. Lamina and petiole thiocyanates of Georgia collards were 79% and 83% of those of Thousand-headed kale, respectively.  相似文献   

An efficient in vitro screening method has been developed for cauliflower to create NEU and NMU induced mutant lines selected on hydroxyproline containing medium. Mutant lines and control plants were sub-cultured many times on maintenance medium and stored at 5°C for 2 years and then tested for salt and hydroxyproline resistance as in vitro and in vivo plants. In vitro shoot tips were also sub-cultured to media containing hydroxyproline and NaCl for 28 days and then assessed for their leaf proline content. Non-acclimated and acclimated in vivo plants were also assessed for resistance to freezing. Populations of control and selected lines were created by mass pollination and subsequently tested for their NaCl and frost resistance. Control plants had little or no NaCl or hydroxyproline resistance whilst selected plants showed varying degrees of resistance. In vitro and in vivo responses of selected lines were correlated. Leaf proline content was increased markedly in the mutant lines and the greatest proline contents occurred following NaCl stress with the most respondent line having 100-fold levels compared to the controls. Both non-acclimated and acclimated selected lines showed improved frost resistance over controls. Improvements in frost resistance were heritable but improvements in NaCl resistance were not. The results clearly demonstrated that NaCl, frost and hydroxyproline resistance were stable traits over repeated in vitro sub-cultures and prolonged low temperature storage. A complete range of mutants with single, double or triple resistance traits were produced. The level of resistance however was not necessarily correlated with the level of proline and some lines showed resistance without elevated proline. It is concluded that elevated proline is not essential for improved resistance to abiotic stress in cauliflower, but where it does occur it does improve resistance.  相似文献   

Embryo formation by cultured broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) anthers was best in the pH range of 5.5 to 5.8. Manipulation of the initial medium pH showed, however, that embryos could be recovered throughout the entire pH range tested. Experiments designed to test the influence of anther density on embryo production exhibited an apparent population effect. Comparison of anthers cultured with and without filaments showed a significantly lower level of embryo formation with filaments attached. The importance of anther orientation with the adaxial surface up was also demonstrated. Detailed studies of the effect of temperature on anther response showed the importance of 35°C treatments. Other temperatures and a variety of temperature manipulations were either comparatively ineffective or inhibitory. The duration of 35°C exposure required for optimal response varied widely between 18 and 48 h. Wide variation in plant to plant response was observed despite attempts to optimize the manipulation of physical parameters. Individual plants were identified that reliably formed many thousands of embryos, whereas other plants failed to form embryos under all tested conditions.  相似文献   

Embryo formation from microspores of Brassica oleracea var Italica (Broccoli) and other Brassica species is greatly enhanced by an initial incubation at elevated temperatures (eg 35°C) followed by continued incubation of 25°C. In the present study we observed that a three hour high temperature treatment induced the formation of heat shock proteins in cultured anthers. These were identified in two dimensional gels by silver staining, and labelled heat shock proteins were synthesised in vitro from isolated anther RNA. The appearance of heat shock proteins in anthers followed a similar pattern and displayed similar characteristics to that from leaves. Comparison of the heat shock proteins induced in isolated cultured anthers of known highly embryogenic and less embryogenic plans did not reveal obvious qualitative differences.  相似文献   

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