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Type IV pili (T4Ps) are long cell surface filaments, essential for microcolony formation, tissue adherence, motility, transformation, and virulence by human pathogens. The enteropathogenic Escherichia coli bundle-forming pilus is a prototypic T4P assembled and powered by BfpD, a conserved GspE secretion superfamily ATPase held by inner-membrane proteins BfpC and BfpE, a GspF-family membrane protein. Although the T4P assembly machinery shares similarity with type II secretion (T2S) systems, the structural biochemistry of the T4P machine has been obscure. Here, we report the crystal structure of the two-domain BfpC cytoplasmic region (N-BfpC), responsible for binding to ATPase BfpD and membrane protein BfpE. The N-BfpC structure reveals a prominent central cleft between two α/β-domains. Despite negligible sequence similarity, N-BfpC resembles PilM, a cytoplasmic T4P biogenesis protein. Yet surprisingly, N-BfpC has far greater structural similarity to T2S component EpsL, with which it also shares virtually no sequence identity. The C-terminus of the cytoplasmic domain, which leads to the transmembrane segment not present in the crystal structure, exits N-BfpC at a positively charged surface that most likely interacts with the inner membrane, positioning its central cleft for interactions with other Bfp components. Point mutations in surface-exposed N-BfpC residues predicted to be critical for interactions among BfpC, BfpE, and BfpD disrupt pilus biogenesis without precluding interactions with BfpE and BfpD and without affecting BfpD ATPase activity. These results illuminate the relationships between T4P biogenesis and T2S systems, imply that subtle changes in component residue interactions can have profound effects on function and pathogenesis, and suggest that T4P systems may be disrupted by inhibitors that do not preclude component assembly.  相似文献   

Aeromonas virulence is thought to depend on multigenic functions. The gene for an extracellular protease from Aeromonas hydrophila SO2/2 was cloned in Escherichia coli C600-1 by using pIJ860, bifunctional plasmid, as a vector. The gene encodes for a temperature-labile serine protease (P2) with a molecular mass of approx. 68 kDa which is highly inhibited by PMSF. The gene was expressed in Streptomyces lividans 1326 by transforming protoplasts with the original clone pPA2. We were also able to transfer and express the prt P2 gene in Pseudomonas putida by mating experiments. The protein P2 was secreted into the periplasms of both P. putida and E. coli C600-1 being identical in properties to one of the proteases secreted into the culture supernatant by A. hydrophila SO2/2.  相似文献   

Strain C5.84 is a Tn5-751 insertion mutant of Aeromonas hydrophila which is unable to secrete extracellular proteins, instead accumulating them in the periplasm (B. Jiang and S.P. Howard, J. Bacteriol. 173:1241-1249, 1991). A 3.5-kb BglII fragment which complements this mutation was isolated from the chromosome of the parent strain. Analysis of this fragment revealed an operon-like structure with two complete genes, exeA and exeB, a functional promoter 5' to the exeA gene, and a 13-bp inverted repeat immediately 3' to the exeB gene. Although the transposon had inserted in exeA, provision of a wild-type copy of this gene alone in trans did not restore competence for export to C5.84. Complementation required the presence of both exeA and exeB, and marker exchange mutagenesis confirmed the requirement for both gene products for secretion. In vitro expression as well as analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of ExeA indicated that it is a hydrophilic 60-kDa protein with a consensus ATP binding site. ExeB is a 25-kDa basic protein which shares limited homology with PulB, a protein of unknown function associated with the maltose regulon of Klebsiella oxytoca, and OutB, a protein which has been shown to be required for efficient secretion in Erwinia chrysanthemi. The hydrophilic character of these proteins and preliminary localization studies suggested that they are anchored to the inner membrane. These results demonstrate the involvement of a second operon encoding a putative ATP-binding protein in the secretion of extracellular proteins from gram-negative bacteria and further suggest that the cytoplasmic compartment may play a greater role in protein translocation across the outer membrane from the periplasm than previously thought.  相似文献   

The Aeromonas hydrophila Tn5-751 insertion mutant L1.97 is unable to secrete extracellular proteins, and is fragile because of defective assembly of its outer membrane. A KpnI 4.1 kb fragment, which complements this mutant when supplied with an exogenous promoter, was isolated and sequenced. It contains two complete genes, exeE and exeF, plus fragments of two others and may form part of an operon. The exeE and exeF open reading frames encode 501-residue M(r) 55,882 and 388-residue M(r) 43,431 proteins, respectively. These genes were expressed in vitro and their initiation codons verified by deletion analysis. Tn5-751 had inserted near the centre of the exeE gene in the L1.97 strain. Subclones of the KpnI 4.1 kb fragment which contained only the exeE gene fully complemented the mutation, indicating that its function is required both for extracellular secretion and outer membrane assembly. ExeE and ExeF are highly similar to other proteins which have been shown to be involved in extracellular secretion, suggesting that an additional export apparatus beyond that required for inner membrane translocation may be part of the physiology of many Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Citrobacter rodentium is used as an in vivo model system for clinically significant enteric pathogens such as enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC). These pathogens all colonize the lumen side of the host gastrointestinal tract via attaching and effacing (A/E) lesion formation. In order to identify genes required for the colonization of A/E-forming pathogens, a library of signature-tagged transposon mutants of C. rodentium was constructed and screened in mice. Of the 576 mutants tested, 14 were attenuated in their ability to colonize the descending colon. Of these, eight mapped to the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE), which is required for the formation of A/E lesions, underlying the importance of this mechanism for pathogenesis. Another mutant, P5H2, was found to have a transposon insertion in an open reading frame that has strong similarity to type IV pilus nucleotide-binding proteins. The region flanking the transposon insertion was sequenced, identifying a cluster of 12 genes that encode the first described pilus of C. rodentium (named colonization factor Citrobacter, CFC). The proteins encoded by cfc genes have identity to proteins of the type IV COF pilus of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), the toxin co-regulated pilus of Vibrio cholerae and the bundle-forming pilus of EPEC. A non-polar mutation in cfcI, complementation of this strain with wild-type cfcI and complementation of strain P5H2 with wild-type cfcH confirmed that these genes are required for colonization of the gastrointestinal tract by C. rodentium. Thus, CFC provides a convenient model to study type IV pilus-mediated pathogen-host interactions under physiological conditions in the natural colonic environment.  相似文献   

A structural gene which codes for an extracellular protease in Aeromonas hydrophilia SO2/2 and D13 was cloned in Escherichia coli C600-1 by using pBR322 as a vector. The gene codes for a temperature-stable protease with a molecular mass of approximately 38,000 daltons. The protein was secreted to the periplasm of E. coli C600-1 and purified by osmotic shock. Cloned protease (P3) was identical in molecular mass and properties to the one purified from A. hydrophila SO2/2 culture supernatant as an extracellular product.  相似文献   

Type IV pilus genes have been shown to be required for social gliding motility in Myxococcus xanthus . We report the discovery of four additional pil genes: pilD , a homologue of type IV prepilin leader peptidases; and pilG , pilH and pilI , which have no known homologues in other type IV pilus systems. pilH encodes an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter homologue, the first such homologue to be required for the biogenesis of any bacterial pilus type. pilG and pilI are co-transcribed with pilH and appear to be functionally related to pilH . Null mutants of pilG , pilH and pilI all lack social motility, are deficient in pilus production, have elevated sporulation efficiencies and display similar developmental abnormalities. In addition, all three mutations reduced the amount of PilA found in the supernatant after cells were sedimented from liquid culture. We suggest that the products of these three genes form a single ABC exporter complex, in which pilI is an integral membrane protein with membrane-spanning domains, and pilG is an accessory factor. The complex may participate in pilus assembly and/or the export of PilA pilin.  相似文献   

The last gene (pulO) of the pulC-O pullulanase secretion gene operon of Klebsiella oxytoca codes for a protein that is 52% identical to the product of the pilD/xcpA gene required for extracellular protein secretion and type IV pilus biogenesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The PilD/XcpA protein is known to remove the first six amino acids of the signal sequence of the type IV pilin precursor by cleaving after the glycine residue in the conserved sequence GF(M)XXXE (where X represents hydrophobic amino acids). This prepilin peptidase cleavage site is present in the products of four genes in the pulC-O operon (PulG, PulH, Pull and PulJ proteins). It is shown here that PulO processes the pulG gene product in vivo. Processing was maximal within 15 seconds, but experiments in which the expression of pulO was uncoupled from that of the other genes in the secretion operon suggest that processing can also occur post-translationally. The products of two pulG derivatives with internal inframe deletions were also processed by PulO, but the three PulG-PhoA hybrids, two PulJ-PhoA hybrids and the single PulH-PhoA hybrid tested did not appear to be processed. Sucrose gradient fraction experiments showed that both precursor and mature forms of PulG appear to be associated with low-density, outer membrane vesicles prepared by osmotic lysis of sphaeroplasts. Neither the xcpA gene nor the Bacillus subtilis gene comC, which is also homologous to pulO and codes for a protein with type IV prepilin peptidase activity, can correct the pullulanase secretion defect in an Escherichia coli strain carrying all of the genes required for secretion except pulO. Furthermore, neither XcpA nor ComC is able to process prePulG protein in vivo.  相似文献   

The structural gene for excreted amylase from Aeromonas hydrophila JMP636 has been cloned within a 2.1-kilobase SmaI fragment of DNA. The amylase gene is transcribed from its own promoter in Escherichia coli, producing a gene product of Mr 49,000. The amylase gene product is secreted to the periplasm of E. coli; however, it is not excreted. Nucleotide sequencing revealed an open reading frame of 1,392 base pairs corresponding to a protein of 464 amino acid residues. A potential signal peptide of 21 amino acid residues is present at the NH2 terminal of the predicted protein. Three regions of homology with other procaryotic and eucaryotic alpha-amylases were detected within the predicted amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) adhere to epithelial cells in microcolonies, a pattern termed localized adherence (LA). LA is dependent upon the presence of 50–70MDa plasmids, termed EPEC adherence factor (EAF) plasmids. Expression of an EAF plasm id-encoded type IV fimbria, the bundle-forming pilus (BFP), is associated with the LA phenotype. TnphoA insertions in bfpA, the gene encoding the major structural subunit of the BFP, abolish LA. While bfpA::TnphoA mutants cannot be complemented for LA by plasmids carrying the bfpA gene alone in trans, this work shows that they can be complemented by plasmids carrying the bfpA gene, as well as approximately 10kb of downstream sequence, suggesting that such mutations have polar effects on downstream genes. The identification and characterization of a cluster of 13 genes immediately downstream of bfpA are described. The introduction into a laboratory Escherichia coli strain of a plasmid containing these 14 bfp gene cluster genes, along with pJPN14, a plasmid containing another fragment derived from the EAF plasmid, confers LA ability and BFP biogenesis. However, when a mutation is introduced into the last gene of the bfp cluster, neither LA nor BFP biogenesis is conferred. This work also provides evidence to show that the fragment cloned in pJPN14 encodes a factor(s) which results in increased levels of the pilin protein. Finally, it is shown that expression of the 14 genes in the bfp cluster from an IPTG-inducible promoter, in the absence of pJPN14, is sufficient to reconstitute BFP biogenesis in a laboratory E. cob strain, but is insufficient for LA. This is the first report demonstrating the reconstitution of a type IV pilus in a laboratory E. coli strain with a defined set of genes. The 8FP system should prove to be a useful model for studying the molecular mechanisms of type IV pilus biogenesis.  相似文献   

S P Howard  J Critch    A Bedi 《Journal of bacteriology》1993,175(20):6695-6703
The exeE gene of Aeromonas hydrophila has been shown to be required for the secretion of most if not all of the extracellular proteins produced by this bacterium. In addition, an exeE::Tn5-751 insertion mutant of A. hydrophila was found to be deficient in the amounts of a number of its major outer membrane proteins (B. Jiang and S. P. Howard, J. Bacteriol. 173:1241-1249, 1991). The exeE gene and the exeF gene were previously isolated as part of a fragment which complemented this mutant. In this study, we have isolated and sequenced a further eight exe genes, exeG through exeN, which constitute the 3' end of the exe operon. These genes have a high degree of similarity with the extracellular secretion operons of a number of different gram-negative bacteria. Marker exchange mutagenesis was used to insert kanamycin resistance cassettes into three different regions of the exe operon. The phenotypes of these mutants showed that in A. hydrophila this operon is required not only for extracellular protein secretion but also for normal assembly of the outer membrane, in particular with respect to the quantities of the major porins. Five of the Exe proteins contain type IV prepilin signal sequences, although the prepilin peptidase gene does not appear to form part of the exe operon. Limited processing of the ExeG protein was observed when it was expressed in Escherichia coli, and this processing was greatly accelerated in the presence of the prepilin peptidase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Three gonococcal genes have been identified which encode proteins with substantial similarities to known components of the type IV pilus biogenesis pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Two of the genes were identified based on their hybridization with a DNA probe derived from the pilB gene of P. aeruginosa under conditions of reduced stringency. The product of the gonococcal pilF gene is most closely related to the pilus assembly protein PilB of P. aeruginosa while the product of the gonococcal pilT gene is most similar to the PilT protein of P. aeruginosa which is involved in pilus-associated twitching motility and colony morphology. The products of both of these genes display canonical nucleoside triphosphate binding sites and are predicted to be to cytoplasmically localized based on their overall hydrophilicity. The gonococcal pilD gene, identified by virtue of its linkage to the pilF gene, is homologous to a family of prepilin leader peptidase genes. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the gonococcal PilD protein functions to process gonococcal prepilin in a manner consistent with its being gonococcal prepilin peptidase. These results suggest that Neisseria gonorrhoeae is capable of expressing many of the essential elements of a highly conserved protein translocation system and that these gene products are probably involved in pilus biogenesis.  相似文献   

M C Chang  S Y Chang  S L Chen  S M Chuang 《Gene》1992,122(1):175-180
The gene encoding an extracellular DNase from Aeromonas hydrophila CHC-1 has been cloned and sequenced. Following expression of the dns in Escherichia coli, it was revealed that some of the cloned enzyme was present in the cell-free extracellular supernatant fluid, and there was no cell lysis and concurrent release of cytoplasmic or periplasmic proteins. Therefore, results suggest that E. coli cells were capable of secreting the DNase extracellularly, albeit very inefficiently. The dns is transcribed from its own promoter in E. coli, and expressed as a 25-kDa product, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of the culture supernatant preparations followed by a DNA-hydrolysis assay. Nucleotide sequence analysis predicted a single open reading frame of 690 bp encoding a 230-amino acid (aa) polypeptide, with a potential 20-aa signal peptide located at the N terminus of the predicted protein. The deduced aa sequence of the entire protein is highly homologous with that of the DNase of Vibrio cholerae.  相似文献   

Aeromonas hydrophila uses the type II secretion system (T2SS) to transport protein toxins across the outer membrane. The inner membrane complex ExeAB is required for assembly of the ExeD secretion channel multimer, called the secretin, into the outer membrane. A putative peptidoglycan‐binding domain (Pfam number PF01471) conserved in many peptidoglycan‐related proteins is present in the periplasmic region of ExeA (P‐ExeA). In this study, co‐sedimentation analysis revealed that P‐ExeA was able to bind to highly pure peptidoglycan. The protein assembled into large multimers in the presence of peptidoglycan fragments, as shown in native PAGE, gel filtration and cross‐linking experiments. The requirement of peptidoglycan for multimerization was abrogated when the protein was incubated at 30°C and above. These results provide evidence that the putative peptidoglycan‐binding domain of ExeA is involved in physical contact with peptidoglycan. The interactions facilitate the multimerization of ExeA, favouring a model in which the protein forms a multimeric structure on the peptidoglycan during the ExeAB‐dependent assembly of the secretin multimer in the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains produce a type IV pilus named Longus. We identified a 16-gene cluster involved in the biosynthesis of Longus that has 57 to 95% identity at the protein level to CFA/III, another type IV pilus of ETEC. Alleles of the Longus structural subunit gene lngA demonstrate a diversity of 12 to 19% at the protein level with strong positive selection for point replacements and horizontal transfer.  相似文献   

The functionally versatile type IV pili (Tfp) are one of the most widespread virulence factors in bacteria. However, despite generating much research interest for decades, the molecular mechanisms underpinning the various aspects of Tfp biology remain poorly understood, mainly because of the complexity of the system. In the human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis for example, 23 proteins are dedicated to Tfp biology, 15 of which are essential for pilus biogenesis. One of the important gaps in our knowledge concerns the topology of this multiprotein machinery. Here we have used a bacterial two-hybrid system to identify and quantify the interactions between 11 Pil proteins from N. meningitidis. We identified 20 different binary interactions, many of which are novel. This represents the most complex interaction network between Pil proteins reported to date and indicates, among other things, that PilE, PilM, PilN and PilO, which are involved in pilus assembly, indeed interact. We focused our efforts on this subset of proteins and used a battery of assays to determine the membrane topology of PilN and PilO, map the interaction domains between PilE, PilM, PilN and PilO, and show that a widely conserved N-terminal motif in PilN is essential for both PilM-PilN interactions and pilus assembly. Finally, we show that PilP (another protein involved in pilus assembly) forms a complex with PilM, PilN and PilO. Taken together, these findings have numerous implications for understanding Tfp biology and provide a useful blueprint for future studies.  相似文献   

The filamentous phage protein pIV is required for assembly and secretion of the virus and possesses regions homologous to those found in a number of Gram-negative bacterial proteins that are essential components of a widely distributed extracellular protein-export system. These proteins form multimers that may constitute an outer membrane channel that allows phage/protein egress. Three sets of f1 gene IV mutants were isolated at positions that are absolutely (G355 and P375) or largely (F381) conserved amongst the 16 currently known family members. The G355 mutants were non-functional, interfered with assembly of plV+ phage, and made Escherichia coli highly sensitive to deoxycholate. The P375 mutants were non-functional and defective in multimerization. Many of the F381 mutants retained substantial function, and even those in which charged residues had been introduced supported some phage assembly. Some inferences about the roles of these conserved amino acids are made from the mutant phenotypes.  相似文献   

Colonization of the human stomach by Helicobacter pylori is an important risk factor for development of gastric cancer. The H. pylori cag pathogenicity island (cag PAI) encodes components of a type IV secretion system (T4SS) that translocates the bacterial oncoprotein CagA into gastric epithelial cells, and CagL is a specialized component of the cag T4SS that binds the host receptor α5β1 integrin. Here, we utilized a mass spectrometry-based approach to reveal co-purification of CagL, CagI (another integrin-binding protein), and CagH (a protein with weak sequence similarity to CagL). These three proteins are encoded by contiguous genes in the cag PAI, and are detectable on the bacterial surface. All three proteins are required for CagA translocation into host cells and H. pylori-induced IL-8 secretion by gastric epithelial cells; however, these proteins are not homologous to components of T4SSs in other bacterial species. Scanning electron microscopy analysis reveals that these proteins are involved in the formation of pili at the interface between H. pylori and gastric epithelial cells. ΔcagI and ΔcagL mutant strains fail to form pili, whereas a ΔcagH mutant strain exhibits a hyperpiliated phenotype and produces pili that are elongated and thickened compared to those of the wild-type strain. This suggests that pilus dimensions are regulated by CagH. A conserved C-terminal hexapeptide motif is present in CagH, CagI, and CagL. Deletion of these motifs results in abrogation of CagA translocation and IL-8 induction, and the C-terminal motifs of CagI and CagL are required for formation of pili. In summary, these results indicate that CagH, CagI, and CagL are components of a T4SS subassembly involved in pilus biogenesis, and highlight the important role played by unique constituents of the H. pylori cag T4SS.  相似文献   

The biogenesis and maintenance of cellular organelles is of fundamental importance in all eukaryotic cells. One such organelle is the peroxisome. The establishment of a genetic system to study peroxisome biogenesis in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris has yielded many different complementation groups of peroxisomal assembly (pas) or peroxisome-deficient (per) mutants. Each appears to be deficient in functional peroxisomes. One of these mutants, pas5, has been characterized, complemented, and the gene sequenced. Ultrastructural studies show that normal peroxisomes are not present in pas5, but aberrant peroxisomal structures resembling "membranous ghosts" are frequently observed. The "peroxisome ghosts" appear to be induced and segregated to daughter cells normally. Biochemical fractionation analysis of organelles of the pas5 mutant reveals that peroxisomal matrix enzymes are induced normally but are found mostly in the cytosol. However, purification of peroxisome ghosts from the mutant shows that small amounts (< 5%) of matrix enzymes are imported. The PAS5 gene was cloned and found to encode a 127-kD protein, which contains a 200-amino acid-long region of homology with PAS1, NEM- sensitive factor (NSF), and other related ATPases. Weak homology to a yeast myosin was also observed. The gene is not essential for growth on glucose but is essential for growth on oleic acid and methanol. The role of PAS5 in peroxisome biogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

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