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Locating sounds in realistic scenes is challenging because of distracting echoes and coarse spatial acoustic estimates. Fortunately, listeners can improve performance through several compensatory mechanisms. For instance, their brains perceptually suppress short latency (1-10 ms) echoes by constructing a representation of the acoustic environment in a process called the precedence effect. This remarkable ability depends on the spatial and spectral relationship between the first or precedent sound wave and subsequent echoes. In addition to using acoustics alone, the brain also improves sound localization by incorporating spatially precise visual information. Specifically, vision refines auditory spatial receptive fields and can capture auditory perception such that sound is localized toward a coincident visual stimulus. Although visual cues and the precedence effect are each known to improve performance independently, it is not clear whether these mechanisms can cooperate or interfere with each other. Here we demonstrate that echo suppression is enhanced when visual information spatially and temporally coincides with the precedent wave. Conversely, echo suppression is inhibited when vision coincides with the echo. These data show that echo suppression is a fundamentally multisensory process in everyday environments, where vision modulates even this largely automatic auditory mechanism to organize a coherent spatial experience.  相似文献   

Cerebral responses to change in spatial location of unattended sounds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The neural basis of spatial processing in the auditory cortex has been controversial. Human fMRI studies suggest that a part of the planum temporale (PT) is involved in auditory spatial processing, but it was recently argued that this region is active only when the task requires voluntary spatial localization. If this is the case, then this region cannot harbor an ongoing spatial representation of the acoustic environment. In contrast, we show in three fMRI experiments that a region in the human medial PT is sensitive to background auditory spatial changes, even when subjects are not engaged in a spatial localization task, and in fact attend the visual modality. During such times, this area responded to rare location shifts, and even more so when spatial variation increased, consistent with spatially selective adaptation. Thus, acoustic space is represented in the human PT even when sound processing is not required by the ongoing task.  相似文献   

Accurate auditory localization relies on neural computations based on spatial cues present in the sound waves at each ear. The values of these cues depend on the size, shape, and separation of the two ears and can therefore vary from one individual to another. As with other perceptual skills, the neural circuits involved in spatial hearing are shaped by experience during development and retain some capacity for plasticity in later life. However, the factors that enable and promote plasticity of auditory localization in the adult brain are unknown. Here we show that mature ferrets can rapidly relearn to localize sounds after having their spatial cues altered by reversibly occluding one ear, but only if they are trained to use these cues in a behaviorally relevant task, with greater and more rapid improvement occurring with more frequent training. We also found that auditory adaptation is possible in the absence of vision or error feedback. Finally, we show that this process involves a shift in sensitivity away from the abnormal auditory spatial cues to other cues that are less affected by the earplug. The mature auditory system is therefore capable of adapting to abnormal spatial information by reweighting different localization cues. These results suggest that training should facilitate acclimatization to hearing aids in the hearing impaired.  相似文献   

Zimmer U  Macaluso E 《Neuron》2005,47(6):893-905
Our brain continuously receives complex combinations of sounds originating from different sources and relating to different events in the external world. Timing differences between the two ears can be used to localize sounds in space, but only when the inputs to the two ears have similar spectrotemporal profiles (high binaural coherence). We used fMRI to investigate any modulation of auditory responses by binaural coherence. We assessed how processing of these cues depends on whether spatial information is task relevant and whether brain activity correlates with subjects' localization performance. We found that activity in Heschl's gyrus increased with increasing coherence, irrespective of whether localization was task relevant. Posterior auditory regions also showed increased activity for high coherence, primarily when sound localization was required and subjects successfully localized sounds. We conclude that binaural coherence cues are processed throughout the auditory cortex and that these cues are used in posterior regions for successful auditory localization.  相似文献   

Hearing protection devices (HPDs) such as earplugs offer to mitigate noise exposure and reduce the incidence of hearing loss among persons frequently exposed to intense sound. However, distortions of spatial acoustic information and reduced audibility of low-intensity sounds caused by many existing HPDs can make their use untenable in high-risk (e.g., military or law enforcement) environments where auditory situational awareness is imperative. Here we assessed (1) sound source localization accuracy using a head-turning paradigm, (2) speech-in-noise recognition using a modified version of the QuickSIN test, and (3) tone detection thresholds using a two-alternative forced-choice task. Subjects were 10 young normal-hearing males. Four different HPDs were tested (two active, two passive), including two new and previously untested devices. Relative to unoccluded (control) performance, all tested HPDs significantly degraded performance across tasks, although one active HPD slightly improved high-frequency tone detection thresholds and did not degrade speech recognition. Behavioral data were examined with respect to head-related transfer functions measured using a binaural manikin with and without tested HPDs in place. Data reinforce previous reports that HPDs significantly compromise a variety of auditory perceptual facilities, particularly sound localization due to distortions of high-frequency spectral cues that are important for the avoidance of front-back confusions.  相似文献   

Animals such as bats and dolphins exhibit impressive echolocation abilities in terms of ranging, resolution and imaging and therefore represent a valuable learning model for the study of spatial hearing and sound source localization leading to a better understanding of the hearing mechanism and further improvement of the existing localization strategies. This study aims to examine and understand the directional characteristics of a sonar receiver modeled upon the bat auditory system via measurements of the head-related transfer function (HRTF) in the horizontal plane. Four different models of the bat head were considered here and used to evaluate acoustic spectral characteristics of the sound received by the bat's ears – a sphere model, a sphere model with a pinna attached (two pinnae of different size were used in this study) and a bat-head cast. The performed HRTF measurements of the bat-head models were further analyzed and compared to identify monaural spectral localization cues in the horizontal plane defined by the bat's head and pinna shape and size. Our study suggests that the acoustical characteristics of a bio-inspired sonar head measured and specified in advance can potentially improve the performance of a receiver. Moreover, the generated auditory models may hold clues for the design of receiver characteristics in ultrasound imaging and navigation systems.  相似文献   

The auditory systems of humans and many other species use the difference in the time of arrival of acoustic signals at the two ears to compute the lateral position of sound sources. This computation is assumed to initially occur in an assembly of neurons organized along a frequency-by-delay surface. Mathematically, the computations are equivalent to a two-dimensional cross-correlation of the input signals at the two ears, with the position of the peak activity along this surface designating the position of the source in space. In this study, partially correlated signals to the two ears are used to probe the mechanisms for encoding spatial cues in stationary or dynamic (moving) signals. It is demonstrated that a cross-correlation model of the auditory periphery coupled with statistical decision theory can predict the patterns of performance by human subjects for both stationary and motion stimuli as a function of stimulus decorrelation. Implications of these findings for the existence of a unique cortical motion system are discussed.  相似文献   

Integration of multiple sensory cues can improve performance in detection and estimation tasks. There is an open theoretical question of the conditions under which linear or nonlinear cue combination is Bayes-optimal. We demonstrate that a neural population decoded by a population vector requires nonlinear cue combination to approximate Bayesian inference. Specifically, if cues are conditionally independent, multiplicative cue combination is optimal for the population vector. The model was tested on neural and behavioral responses in the barn owl’s sound localization system where space-specific neurons owe their selectivity to multiplicative tuning to sound localization cues interaural phase (IPD) and level (ILD) differences. We found that IPD and ILD cues are approximately conditionally independent. As a result, the multiplicative combination selectivity to IPD and ILD of midbrain space-specific neurons permits a population vector to perform Bayesian cue combination. We further show that this model describes the owl’s localization behavior in azimuth and elevation. This work provides theoretical justification and experimental evidence supporting the optimality of nonlinear cue combination.  相似文献   

Lewald J  Getzmann S 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e25146
The modulation of brain activity as a function of auditory location was investigated using electro-encephalography in combination with standardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography. Auditory stimuli were presented at various positions under anechoic conditions in free-field space, thus providing the complete set of natural spatial cues. Variation of electrical activity in cortical areas depending on sound location was analyzed by contrasts between sound locations at the time of the N1 and P2 responses of the auditory evoked potential. A clear-cut double dissociation with respect to the cortical locations and the points in time was found, indicating spatial processing (1) in the primary auditory cortex and posterodorsal auditory cortical pathway at the time of the N1, and (2) in the anteroventral pathway regions about 100 ms later at the time of the P2. Thus, it seems as if both auditory pathways are involved in spatial analysis but at different points in time. It is possible that the late processing in the anteroventral auditory network reflected the sharing of this region by analysis of object-feature information and spectral localization cues or even the integration of spatial and non-spatial sound features.  相似文献   

How the human auditory system extracts perceptually relevant acoustic features of speech is unknown. To address this question, we used intracranial recordings from nonprimary auditory cortex in the human superior temporal gyrus to determine what acoustic information in speech sounds can be reconstructed from population neural activity. We found that slow and intermediate temporal fluctuations, such as those corresponding to syllable rate, were accurately reconstructed using a linear model based on the auditory spectrogram. However, reconstruction of fast temporal fluctuations, such as syllable onsets and offsets, required a nonlinear sound representation based on temporal modulation energy. Reconstruction accuracy was highest within the range of spectro-temporal fluctuations that have been found to be critical for speech intelligibility. The decoded speech representations allowed readout and identification of individual words directly from brain activity during single trial sound presentations. These findings reveal neural encoding mechanisms of speech acoustic parameters in higher order human auditory cortex.  相似文献   

The ability to determine one''s location is fundamental to spatial navigation. Here, it is shown that localization is theoretically possible without the use of external cues, and without knowledge of initial position or orientation. With only error-prone self-motion estimates as input, a fully disoriented agent can, in principle, determine its location in familiar spaces with 1-fold rotational symmetry. Surprisingly, localization does not require the sensing of any external cue, including the boundary. The combination of self-motion estimates and an internal map of the arena provide enough information for localization. This stands in conflict with the supposition that 2D arenas are analogous to open fields. Using a rodent error model, it is shown that the localization performance which can be achieved is enough to initiate and maintain stable firing patterns like those of grid cells, starting from full disorientation. Successful localization was achieved when the rotational asymmetry was due to the external boundary, an interior barrier or a void space within an arena. Optimal localization performance was found to depend on arena shape, arena size, local and global rotational asymmetry, and the structure of the path taken during localization. Since allothetic cues including visual and boundary contact cues were not present, localization necessarily relied on the fusion of idiothetic self-motion cues and memory of the boundary. Implications for spatial navigation mechanisms are discussed, including possible relationships with place field overdispersion and hippocampal reverse replay. Based on these results, experiments are suggested to identify if and where information fusion occurs in the mammalian spatial memory system.  相似文献   

Although the auditory cortex plays a necessary role in sound localization, physiological investigations in the cortex reveal inhomogeneous sampling of auditory space that is difficult to reconcile with localization behavior under the assumption of local spatial coding. Most neurons respond maximally to sounds located far to the left or right side, with few neurons tuned to the frontal midline. Paradoxically, psychophysical studies show optimal spatial acuity across the frontal midline. In this paper, we revisit the problem of inhomogeneous spatial sampling in three fields of cat auditory cortex. In each field, we confirm that neural responses tend to be greatest for lateral positions, but show the greatest modulation for near-midline source locations. Moreover, identification of source locations based on cortical responses shows sharp discrimination of left from right but relatively inaccurate discrimination of locations within each half of space. Motivated by these findings, we explore an opponent-process theory in which sound-source locations are represented by differences in the activity of two broadly tuned channels formed by contra- and ipsilaterally preferring neurons. Finally, we demonstrate a simple model, based on spike-count differences across cortical populations, that provides bias-free, level-invariant localization—and thus also a solution to the “binding problem” of associating spatial information with other nonspatial attributes of sounds.  相似文献   

The ventriloquist effect results from near-optimal bimodal integration   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Ventriloquism is the ancient art of making one's voice appear to come from elsewhere, an art exploited by the Greek and Roman oracles, and possibly earlier. We regularly experience the effect when watching television and movies, where the voices seem to emanate from the actors' lips rather than from the actual sound source. Originally, ventriloquism was explained by performers projecting sound to their puppets by special techniques, but more recently it is assumed that ventriloquism results from vision "capturing" sound. In this study we investigate spatial localization of audio-visual stimuli. When visual localization is good, vision does indeed dominate and capture sound. However, for severely blurred visual stimuli (that are poorly localized), the reverse holds: sound captures vision. For less blurred stimuli, neither sense dominates and perception follows the mean position. Precision of bimodal localization is usually better than either the visual or the auditory unimodal presentation. All the results are well explained not by one sense capturing the other, but by a simple model of optimal combination of visual and auditory information.  相似文献   

 The directionally sensitive acoustics of the pinnae enable humans to perceive the up–down and front–back direction of sound. This mechanism complements another, independent mechanism that derives sound-source azimuth from interaural difference cues. The pinnae effectively add direction-dependent spectral notches and peaks to the incoming sound, and it has been shown that such features are used to code sound direction in the median plane. However, it is still unclear which of the pinna-induced features play a role in sound localization. The present study presents a method for the reconstruction of the spatially relevant features in the spectral domain. Broadband sounds with random spectral shapes were presented in rapid succession as subjects made saccadic eye movements toward the perceived stimulus locations. The analysis, which is based on Bayesian statistics, indicates that specific spectral features could be associated with perceived spatial locations. Spectral features that were determined by this psychophysical method resemble the main characteristics of the pinna transfer functions obtained from acoustic measurements in the ear canal. Despite current experimental limitations, the approach may prove useful in the study of perceptually relevant spectral cues underlying human sound localization. Received: 2 December 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 23 October 2001  相似文献   

Spike timing is precise in the auditory system and it has been argued that it conveys information about auditory stimuli, in particular about the location of a sound source. However, beyond simple time differences, the way in which neurons might extract this information is unclear and the potential computational advantages are unknown. The computational difficulty of this task for an animal is to locate the source of an unexpected sound from two monaural signals that are highly dependent on the unknown source signal. In neuron models consisting of spectro-temporal filtering and spiking nonlinearity, we found that the binaural structure induced by spatialized sounds is mapped to synchrony patterns that depend on source location rather than on source signal. Location-specific synchrony patterns would then result in the activation of location-specific assemblies of postsynaptic neurons. We designed a spiking neuron model which exploited this principle to locate a variety of sound sources in a virtual acoustic environment using measured human head-related transfer functions. The model was able to accurately estimate the location of previously unknown sounds in both azimuth and elevation (including front/back discrimination) in a known acoustic environment. We found that multiple representations of different acoustic environments could coexist as sets of overlapping neural assemblies which could be associated with spatial locations by Hebbian learning. The model demonstrates the computational relevance of relative spike timing to extract spatial information about sources independently of the source signal.  相似文献   

Animals utilize a variety of active sensing mechanisms to perceive the world around them. Echolocating bats are an excellent model for the study of active auditory localization. The big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus), for instance, employs active head roll movements during sonar prey tracking. The function of head rolls in sound source localization is not well understood. Here, we propose an echolocation model with multi-axis head rotation to investigate the effect of active head roll movements on sound localization performance. The model autonomously learns to align the bat’s head direction towards the target. We show that a model with active head roll movements better localizes targets than a model without head rolls. Furthermore, we demonstrate that active head rolls also reduce the time required for localization in elevation. Finally, our model offers key insights to sound localization cues used by echolocating bats employing active head movements during echolocation.  相似文献   



Barn owls integrate spatial information across frequency channels to localize sounds in space.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We presented barn owls with synchronous sounds that contained different bands of frequencies (3–5 kHz and 7–9 kHz) from different locations in space. When the owls were confronted with the conflicting localization cues from two synchronous sounds of equal level, their orienting responses were dominated by one of the sounds: they oriented toward the location of the low frequency sound when the sources were separated in azimuth; in contrast, they oriented toward the location of the high frequency sound when the sources were separated in elevation. We identified neural correlates of this behavioral effect in the optic tectum (OT, superior colliculus in mammals), which contains a map of auditory space and is involved in generating orienting movements to sounds. We found that low frequency cues dominate the representation of sound azimuth in the OT space map, whereas high frequency cues dominate the representation of sound elevation.


We argue that the dominance hierarchy of localization cues reflects several factors: 1) the relative amplitude of the sound providing the cue, 2) the resolution with which the auditory system measures the value of a cue, and 3) the spatial ambiguity in interpreting the cue. These same factors may contribute to the relative weighting of sound localization cues in other species, including humans.  相似文献   

In mammalian auditory cortex, sound source position is represented by a population of broadly tuned neurons whose firing is modulated by sounds located at all positions surrounding the animal. Peaks of their tuning curves are concentrated at lateral position, while their slopes are steepest at the interaural midline, allowing for the maximum localization accuracy in that area. These experimental observations contradict initial assumptions that the auditory space is represented as a topographic cortical map. It has been suggested that a “panoramic” code has evolved to match specific demands of the sound localization task. This work provides evidence suggesting that properties of spatial auditory neurons identified experimentally follow from a general design principle- learning a sparse, efficient representation of natural stimuli. Natural binaural sounds were recorded and served as input to a hierarchical sparse-coding model. In the first layer, left and right ear sounds were separately encoded by a population of complex-valued basis functions which separated phase and amplitude. Both parameters are known to carry information relevant for spatial hearing. Monaural input converged in the second layer, which learned a joint representation of amplitude and interaural phase difference. Spatial selectivity of each second-layer unit was measured by exposing the model to natural sound sources recorded at different positions. Obtained tuning curves match well tuning characteristics of neurons in the mammalian auditory cortex. This study connects neuronal coding of the auditory space with natural stimulus statistics and generates new experimental predictions. Moreover, results presented here suggest that cortical regions with seemingly different functions may implement the same computational strategy-efficient coding.  相似文献   

Perception of movement in acoustic space depends on comparison of the sound waveforms reaching the two ears (binaural cues) as well as spectrotemporal analysis of the waveform at each ear (monaural cues). The relative importance of these two cues is different for perception of vertical or horizontal motion, with spectrotemporal analysis likely to be more important for perceiving vertical shifts. In humans, functional imaging studies have shown that sound movement in the horizontal plane activates brain areas distinct from the primary auditory cortex, in parietal and frontal lobes and in the planum temporale. However, no previous work has examined activations for vertical sound movement. It is therefore difficult to generalize previous imaging studies, based on horizontal movement only, to multidimensional auditory space perception. Using externalized virtual-space sounds in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) paradigm to investigate this, we compared vertical and horizontal shifts in sound location. A common bilateral network of brain areas was activated in response to both horizontal and vertical sound movement. This included the planum temporale, superior parietal cortex, and premotor cortex. Sounds perceived laterally in virtual space were associated with contralateral activation of the auditory cortex. These results demonstrate that sound movement in vertical and horizontal dimensions engages a common processing network in the human cerebral cortex and show that multidimensional spatial properties of sounds are processed at this level.  相似文献   

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