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Notably raised rates of childhood leukaemia incidence have been found near some nuclear installations, in particular Sellafield and Dounreay in the United Kingdom, but risk assessments have concluded that the radiation doses estimated to have been received by children or in utero as a result of operations at these installations are much too small to account for the reported increases in incidence. This has led to speculation that the risk of childhood leukaemia arising from internal exposure to radiation following the intake of radioactive material released from nuclear facilities has been substantially underestimated. The radionuclides discharged from many nuclear installations are similar to those released into the global environment by atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, which was at its height in the late-1950s and early-1960s. Measurements of anthropogenic radionuclides in members of the general public resident in the vicinity of Sellafield and Dounreay have found levels that do not differ greatly from those in persons living remote from nuclear installations that are due to ubiquitous exposure to the radioactive debris of nuclear weapons testing. Therefore, if the leukaemia risk to children resulting from deposition within the body of radioactive material discharged from nuclear facilities has been grossly underestimated, then a pronounced excess of childhood leukaemia would have been expected as a consequence of the short period of intense atmospheric weapons testing. We have examined childhood leukaemia incidence in 11 large-scale cancer registries in three continents for which data were available at least as early as 1962. We found no evidence of a wave of excess cases corresponding to the peak of radioactive fallout from atmospheric weapons testing. The absence of a discernible increase in the incidence of childhood leukaemia following the period of maximum exposure to the radioactive debris of this testing weighs heavily against the suggestion that conventional methods are seriously in error when assessing the risk of childhood leukaemia from exposure to man-made radionuclides released from nuclear installations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To obtain further information about the risks of childhood leukaemia after exposure to ionising radiation at low doses and low dose rates before or after birth or to the father''s testes shortly before conception. DESIGN--Observational study of trends in incidence of childhood leukaemia in relation to estimated radiation exposures due to fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons testing during the 1950s and 1960s. SETTING--Nordic countries. SUBJECTS--Children aged under 15 years. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Incidence rates of leukaemia by age at diagnosis, sex, country, and calendar year of diagnosis or year of birth; exposure category; relation between leukaemia and exposure for children aged 0-14 and 0-4 separately. RESULTS--During the high fallout period the average estimated dose equivalent to the fetal red bone marrow was around 140 mu Sv and the average annual testicular dose 140 mu Sv. There was little evidence of increased incidence of leukaemia among children born in these years. Doses to the red bone marrow of a child after birth were higher, and during the high exposure period children would have been subjected to an additional dose equivalent of around 1500 mu Sv, similar to doses received by children in several parts of central and eastern Europe owing to the Chernobyl accident and about 50% greater than the annual dose equivalent to the red bone marrow of a child from natural radiation. leukaemia incidence and red marrow dose was not related overall, but rates of leukaemia in the high exposure period were slightly higher than in the surrounding medium exposure period (relative risk for ages 0-14: 1.07, 95% confidence interval 1.00 to 1.14; for ages 0-4: 1.11, 1.00 to 1.24). CONCLUSIONS--Current predicted risks of childhood leukaemia after exposure to radiation are not greatly underestimated for low dose rate exposures.  相似文献   

Between 1948 and 1960, the Mayak nuclear weapons facility in Ozyorsk, Russia discharged relatively high levels of radionuclides, primarily (131)I, into the atmosphere, resulting in appreciable exposure to the residents of Ozyorsk. To evaluate the association between thyroid diseases and childhood exposure to radioiodines, we screened 894 Ozyorsk residents born between 1952 and 1953. The study population was comprised of 581 exposed individuals living in Ozyorsk during the years of heaviest exposure and 313 nonexposed individuals who moved to Ozyorsk when radiation exposure from Mayak largely had ended. The screening protocol included a patient interview, palpation of the thyroid, cervical lymph nodes and salivary glands, an ultrasound examination, and measurement of fT4, TSH and TPOAb. Twenty-eight percent of the study group was diagnosed with a thyroid abnormality. The prevalence of nodular disease was significantly higher in the exposed group (20.7%) compared with the nonexposed (14.4%) group (relative risk = 1.4, 95% CI = 1.1; 1.9). Risks were larger for solitary nodules and for nodules > or = 10 mm in diameter. Expansion of the study to increase the number of persons screened as well as detailed dose estimation would offer an unique opportunity to evaluate thyroid disease in relation to chronic exposure to radioiodines during childhood.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine if a relation exists between paternal exposure to relatively high levels of radiation in the Scottish nuclear industry and the risk of leukaemia and non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma is subsequently conceived children. DESIGN--Matched case-control study with three controls for each case. SETTING--The whole of Scotland. SUBJECTS--The fathers of 1024 children with leukaemia and 237 children with non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma diagnosed in Scotland below the age of 25 among those born in Scotland since nuclear operations began (in 1958) and the fathers of 3783 randomly chosen controls. The fathers of 80 children with leukaemia and 16 with non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma in north Cumbria were also covered since some workers at one Scottish nuclear site live over the border in that area. Details of all fathers were then matched against records of the nuclear industry. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Paternal preconceptional radiation exposures, particularly relatively high levels, both lifetime and in the six and three months before conception. RESULTS--No significant excess was observed in any subgroup and there was no significant trend: fathers of three controls but no cases were exposed to lifetime preconceptional levels of 100 mSv or greater (Fisher''s exact p value 0.84). In the six months before conception, fathers of two cases and three controls received 10 mSv or more, odds ratio 2.3 (95% confidence interval 0.31 to 17.24). In the three months before conception the fathers of one case and two controls received 5 mSv or more, odds ratio 1.7 (0.10 to 30.76). The results for leukaemia and non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma combined were similar. CONCLUSIONS--No significant excess of leukaemia or of leukaemia and non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma was found at any radiation level in any preconceptional period.  相似文献   

A recent study examining the relationship between distance to nearby power lines and childhood cancer risk re‐opened the debate about which exposure metrics are appropriate for power frequency magnetic field investigations. Using data from two large population‐based UK and German studies we demonstrate that distance to power lines is a comparatively poor predictor of measured residential magnetic fields. Even at proximities of 50 m or less, the positive predictive value of having a household measurement over 0.2 µT was only 19.4%. Clearly using distance from power lines, without taking account of other variables such as load, results in a poor proxy of residential magnetic field exposure. We conclude that such high levels of exposure misclassification render the findings from studies that rely on distance alone uninterpretable. Bioelectromagnetics 30:183–188, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A registry of the rural population in the Altai region exposed to fallout from nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site (STS) was established more than four decades after the first Soviet nuclear explosion on August 29, 1949. Information about individuals living in an exposed and a control area was collected using all available local sources, such as kolkhoz documentation, school registries, medical treatment records and interviews with residents. As a result, a database comprising an exposed group of 39 179 individuals from 53 Altai region villages, 6769 external and 3303 internal controls was compiled. For several settlements, effective dose estimates reached the level of 1.5 Sv, while the average effective dose estimate in the exposed group was 340 mSv. Dosimetric data, vital status information and health records gathered at rayon and village medical facilities are held in the registry. Cause-of-death information for deceased residents is obtained from death registration forms archived at the Altai region vital statistics office. At present, a follow-up of approximately 40% of the population exposed in 1949 has been done. More will be added by searching for migrants to the larger towns of the Altai region, i.e. Barnaul, Rubtsovsk and Biisk. In order to assess the influence of radiation exposure, analytical studies with a case-control design for stomach and lung cancer are currently being prepared. The number of known cases is sufficient to detect an odds ratio of 1.5 at the 95% confidence level. Epidemiological studies in populations affected by fallout from STS may be equally important to the atomic bomb survivors’ study for the direct quantification of radiation effects. The range of exposure rates experienced will extend the acute high-dose-rate findings from Hiroshima/Nagasaki towards acute and protracted lower exposures, which are more relevant for radiation protection issues. Received: 3 March 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 8 June 1999  相似文献   

The incidence of leukaemia and non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma in young people (aged under 25) living in a predefined area around the nuclear power station at Hinkley Point, Somerset, was examined for the period 1959-86 by using cancer registry data. During the period since Hinley Point began operations--that is, 1964-86--there were 19 cases in the area compared with 10.4 expected from national rates, giving a standardised registration ratio of 1.82 (95% confidence interval 1.10 to 2.85). The incidence in the rest of Somerset was also high, however (standardised registration ratio 1.18; 95% confidence interval 0.98 to 1.41), and the high rate around Hinkley Point may simply have been reflecting the high local incidence (ratio of the two standardised registration ratio''s 1.54; 95% confidence interval 0.90 to 2.52). Analysis of predetermined five year periods showed that the excess cases in the Hinkley Point area were concentrated in the 10 years 1964-73 after commissioning of the station, at a time when rates in the rest of Somerset were close to the national average. In particular the nine cases occurring in the five years 1969-73 were about four times the number expected from national rates (standardised registration ratio 3.96; 95% confidence interval 1.81 to 7.52). Rates in the Hinkley Point area after 1973 were fairly low, especially as compared with the rest of Somerset. In the five years 1959-63 (that is, before Hinkley Point was commissioned) rates throughout Somerset (including the Hinkley Point area) were higher than the national rate. These findings should be interpreted with caution, and further studies are required to test the plausibility of theories relating to radiation and viruses.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify factors associated with dermal exposure to cypermethrin and assess the health risks among young children in an agricultural community in Thailand. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with the parents/caregivers of 58 children (aged 1–3 years). Wipe samples were analyzed for cypermethrin by gas chromatography-microelectron capture detection (GC-µECD). Health risk assessments were based on the cypermethrin concentration on the children’s hands and feet. Spearman’s correlation indicated significant associations among cypermethrin concentrations on the hands, feet, floors/wooden beds, and toys (rho?=?0.438–0.613, p-value <0.001). Cypermethrin concentrations on the hands were significantly and inversely correlated with the child’s caregiver being the child’s mother and insecticide use (p?<?0.01). Concentrations on the feet were significantly correlated with insecticide use (p?<?0.05) and showering (p?<?0.01). The hazard quotient calculated from dermal exposure via the hands and feet showed no risk for potential noncarcinogenic effects (5.586?×?10?5 in the dry season and 4.301?×?10?4 in the wet season). These findings suggest that young children might not be at risk for cypermethrin exposure through the dermal route. Residential exposure among young children may be reduced by improved hygiene. Health risk assessments of environmental insecticide exposure via the oral and inhalation routes require further investigation.  相似文献   

The issue of adverse human health effects due to exposure to electromagnetic fields is still unclear, and congenital anomalies are among the outcomes that have been inconsistently associated with such exposure. We conducted a population-based, case-control study to examine the risk of congenital anomalies associated with maternal exposure to magnetic fields (MF) from high-voltage power lines during pregnancy in a community in northern Italy. We identified 228 cases of congenital malformations diagnosed in live births, stillbirths, and induced abortions among women living in the municipality of Reggio Emilia during the period 1998-2006, and a reference group of healthy newborns was matched for year of birth, maternal age, and hospital of birth. We identified maternal residence during early pregnancy and used Geographic Information System to determine whether the residences were within geocoded corridors with MF ≥0.1 μT near high-voltage power lines, then calculated the relative risk (RR) of congenital anomalies associated with maternal exposure. One case and 5 control mothers were classified as exposed, and the RR associated with MF ≥0.1 μT was 0.2 (95% CI: 0.0-2.0) after adjusting for maternal education. While small or moderate effects may have gone undetected due to low statistical power, the results of this study overall do not provide support for major effects of a teratogenic risk due to exposure to MF during early pregnancy.  相似文献   

The Belarus-American (BelAm) thyroid study cohort consists of persons who were 0-18 years of age at the time of exposure to radioactive iodine fallout from the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident and who have undergone serial thyroid screenings with referral for fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) using standardized criteria. We investigated thyrocyte nuclear abnormalities in cytological samples from FNABs in 75 BelAm subjects with single and multiple thyroid nodules and 47 nodular goiter patients from Leningrad, Russia, unexposed to Chernobyl fallout. Nuclear abnormalities examined included internuclear chromosome bridges and derivative nuclei with broken bridges (i.e., "tailed" nuclei), which are formed from dicentric and ring chromosomes and thus may be cellular markers of radiation exposure. Among subjects with single-nodular goiter, thyrocytes with bridges were present in 86.8% of the exposed BelAm cohort compared with 27.0% of unexposed controls. The average frequency of thyrocytes with bridges and with tailed nuclei was also significantly higher in the BelAm subjects than in controls. Among subjects with multinodular goiters, thyrocytes with bridges were present in 75.7% of exposed BelAm patients compared with 16.7% of unexposed controls; thyrocytes with tailed nuclei were observed in all of the BelAm subjects but in only 40% of controls, and the mean frequencies of bridges and tailed nuclei were significantly higher in the exposed group. Unusually, long bridges were detected in 29% of BelAm patients with single-nodular goiters and 35% of those with multinodular goiters, while no such abnormalities were observed among patients from the Leningrad region. In the exposed subjects from BelAm, we also found positive correlations between their estimated dose of Iodine-131 from Chernobyl fallout and the frequency of tailed nuclei (p = 0.008) and bridges (p = 0.09). Further study is needed to confirm that these phenomena represent consequences of radiation exposure in the human organism.  相似文献   

The former Soviet Union conducted a nuclear test program in the Semipalatinsk region of northeastern Kazakhstan in 1949-1989. The population in the vicinity of the test site was chronically exposed to radiation fallout, especially from above-ground tests during 1949-1956. Male:female sex ratio has been proposed as a measure of reproductive health, with some reports suggesting an alteration in the sex ratio of offspring of parents exposed to radiation. We investigated the impact of radiation exposure and other factors on the sex ratio in the population inhabiting the exposed region. A total of 11,464 singleton births of 3,992 mothers exposed to radiation during 1949-1956 were analyzed. The overall sex ratio was 1.07, similar to the current sex ratio in Kazakhstan (1.06). The sex ratio increased from 1.04 where mothers received <20.0 cSv to 1.12 where mothers received > or =60.0 cSv. However, the linear trend across exposures was not significant (P = 0.42). No consistent association was found between the sex ratio and the time since parental radiation exposure, parental age at exposure, or year of birth. Sex ratio was significantly associated with maternal age, birth order and possibly ethnicity but not with paternal age, parental educational level or season. In conclusion, no significant association was found between radiation exposure level and sex ratio, but some previously suggested demographic factors were positively associated with sex ratio.  相似文献   

After the disintegration of the USSR in end of 1991, it became possible for foreign scientists to visit Kazakhstan, in order to investigate the radiological consequences of nuclear explosions that had been conducted at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site (SNTS). Since the first visit in 1994, our group has been continuing expeditions for soil sampling at various areas around SNTS. The current level of local fallout at SNTS was studied through γ-spectrometry for 137Cs as well as α-spectrometry for 239,240Pu. Average values of soil inventory from wide areas around SNTS were 3,500 and 3,700 Bq m?2 for 137Cs and 239,240Pu, respectively, as of January 1, 2000. The average level of 137Cs is comparable to that in Japan due to global fallout, while the level of 239,240Pu is several tens of times larger than that in Japan. Areas of strong contamination were found along the trajectories of radioactive fallout, information on which was declassified after the collapse of the USSR. Our recent efforts of soil sampling were concentrated on the area around the Dolon village heavily affected by the radioactive plume from the first USSR atomic bomb test in 1949 and located 110 km east from ground zero of the explosion. Using soil inventory data, retrospective dosimetry was attempted by reconstructing γ-ray exposure from fission product nuclides deposited on the ground. Adopting representative parameters for the initial 137Cs deposition (13 kBq m?2), the refractory/volatile deposition ratio (3.8) and the plume arrival time after explosion (2.5 h), an absorbed dose in air of 600 mGy was obtained for the 1-year cumulative dose in Dolon village, due to the first bomb test in 1949. Considering possible ranges of the parameters, 350 and 910 mGy were estimated for high and low cases of γ-ray dose in air, respectively. It was encouraging that the deduced value was consistent with other estimations using thermal luminescence and archived monitoring data. The present method can be applied to other settlements affected by local fallout from SNTS.  相似文献   

The extent and structure of the genetic diversity of plant populations from the Semipalatinsk region of Kazakhstan, adjacent to a former major nuclear test site, have been studied using RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) marker analyses. The DNAs from three perennial species, Stipa capillata, Hordeum bogdanii, and Agropyron pectinatum, each collected from heavily (HPZ), moderately (MPZ) and lightly polluted zones (LPZ) have been analyzed using RAPDs. The results show a significantly higher level of variability in plants collected from the highest radiation pollution area compared with the moderately and lightly radiation contaminated zones for A. pectinatum and H. bogdanii. Variation was five times as higher in heavily exposed H. bogdanii, and two times higher in A. pectinatum populations compared to their lightly contaminated populations. H. bogdanii appears to be very sensitive to radiation and as such is a good indicator species for mapping radiation pollution at nuclear test sites or nuclear accidents.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Semipalatinsk historical cohort study and, in particular, examines the association between combined external and internal radiation exposure and esophagus cancer. Esophagus cancer is the most frequent single cancer site in the cause of death follow-up for the Semipalatinsk cohort. Set up in the 1960s, this historical cohort included 10 exposed settlements in the vicinity of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in East Kazakhstan as well as 6 comparison settlements in a low exposure area of the same region. The external and internal radiation doses to the population of the settlements under study were mainly due to local fallout from atmospheric nuclear testing (1949-1962). The database includes dosimetry and health information for 19.545 inhabitants of exposed and comparison villages in the Semipalatinsk region, comprising a total of 582.750 person-years of follow-up between 1960 and 1999. Cumulative effective dose estimates in this cohort range from 20 mSv to -4 Sv, with a mean dose of 634 mSv in the exposed group. Relative risks were calculated in terms of rate ratios, using a Poisson regression model for grouped person-time data. Esophagus cancer was found substantially elevated, with a statistically significant increase of the relative risk with dose and an ERR/Sv of 2.37 (1.45; 3.28) for the total cohort. If the data set was restricted to the exposed group only, the ERR/Sv was found considerably lower (0.18 (-0.16; 0.52)), whereas the dose-response remained significant only in women. Overall, our results based on the Semipalatinsk historical cohort indicate an association between fallout exposure and the risk of esophagus cancer that should be further investigated.  相似文献   

Although overweight and obesity in childhood are related to risk factors of cardiovascular (CVD), most studies have examined these relationships separately. Internal cut-points were used to examine the relation of overweight (>85th and ≦90th percentile) and obesity (>90th percentile) to risk factor clustering in a sample of 2731 14-year-old children from Lower Silesia, Poland, examined cross-sectionally in 1996–97. All subjects went through anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, and fasting serum levels of lipid, lipoproteins and glucose were estimated. All risk factor (>90th percentile) prevalence increased greatly at higher levels of Body Mass Index (BMI) (kg/m2). Nearly every second obese child had elevated systolic blood pressure and every third child had elevated serum levels of triglycerides. Among overweight boys 24.7% were found to have at least one risk factor, whereas among obese boys every fourth had at least one risk factor. 25% overweight girls and nearly 18% obese girls showed at least one risk factor. Standardized odds ratios for associations between overweight and obesity, and risk factor clustering, indicated that obese boys were 4.8 times more likely to have an elevated level of at least two factors; the probability increasing to 16.1 in the case of three and more factors in comparison to their lean peers. Obese girls showed more then a 7 time higher probability of having three and more risk factors in relation to their lean peers.  相似文献   

A pronounced variation in the total amount and spectrum of chromosome aberrations of rat myelocarycytes was found at later times following long-term exposure to tritium oxide and external gamma-radiation (137Cs). Cells with atypical chromosomes (symmetrical exchanges) were 1.5-2 times more frequent in bone marrow of tritium-treated rats throughout the entire lifetime.  相似文献   

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