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Two outer capsid rotavirus proteins, VP3 and VP7, have been found to elicit neutralizing-antibody production, but the immunogenicity of these proteins during human rotavirus infection has not been determined. The relative amounts of serum neutralizing antibody against the VP3 and VP7 proteins of the CJN strain of human rotavirus were, therefore, determined in adult subjects before and after infection with this virus. Reassortant strains of rotavirus that contained the CJN gene segment for only one of these two neutralization proteins were isolated and used for this study. The geometric mean titer of serum neutralizing antibody to a reassortant virus (CJN-M) that contained VP7 of CJN and VP3 of another human rotavirus was 12.7 times less than that of antibody to CJN before infection and 20.3 times less after infection. This indicated that most neutralizing antibody was against the VP3 rather than the VP7 protein of CJN. This result was confirmed with other reassortants between CJN and animal rotavirus strains (EDIM and rhesus rotavirus). These findings suggest that VP3 is the primary immunogen that stimulates neutralizing antibody during at least some rotavirus infections of humans.  相似文献   

The death of human neuroblastoma cells undergoing productive infection with virulent poliovirus was prevented by addition of antiserum against the virus a few hours after the onset of infection; this treatment, however, did not prevent reproduction of the virus. Despite the presence of the viral antigen, the cells retained the ability to divide. Upon further cultivation in the absence of antiserum, the cells developed specific postinfection immunity or resistance to superinfection with poliovirus.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural alterations of human erythrocytes infected with asexual forms of Plasmodium falciparum were studied in naturally infected Saudi patients. These included surface knobs and nodules as well as invaginations associated with cytopasmic vesicles observed in erythrocytes infected with asexual forms of the parasites. Such nodules and surface invaginations have been previously described only in erythrocytes infected with P. ovale and P. vivax, respectively. Within the cytoplasm of infected erythrocytes were membrane-bound clefts, similar to those that appear to be a common characteristic in all red cells infected with malaria parasites. Vacuolations were often seen in the peripheral cytoplasm and may represent hemolyzed areas. Collapsed cells with an internal-lucent interior and surrounded by an irregularly folded membrane may represent completely hemolyzed erythrocytes. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Isolation of human monoclonal antibodies that neutralize human rotavirus   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A human antibody library constructed by utilizing a phage display system was used for the isolation of human antibodies with neutralizing activity specific for human rotavirus. In the library, the Fab form of an antibody fused to truncated cp3 is expressed on the phage surface. Purified virions of strain KU (G1 serotype and P[8] genotype) were used as antigen. Twelve different clones were isolated. Based on their amino acid sequences, they were classified into three groups. Three representative clones-1-2H, 2-3E, and 2-11G-were characterized. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with virus-like particles (VLP-VP2/6 and VLP-VP2/6/7) and recombinant VP4 protein produced from baculovirus recombinants indicated that 1-2H and 2-3E bind to VP4 and that 2-11G binds to VP7. The neutralization epitope recognized by each of the three human antibodies might be human specific, since all of the antigenic mutants resistant to mouse monoclonal neutralizing antibodies previously prepared were neutralized by the human antibodies obtained here. After conversion from the Fab form of an antibody into immunoglobulin G1, the neutralizing activities of these three clones toward various human rotavirus strains were examined. The 1-2H antibody exhibited neutralizing activity toward human rotaviruses with either the P[4] or P[8] genotype. Similarly, the 2-3E antibody showed cross-reactivity against HRVs with the P[6], as well as the P[8] genotype. In contrast, the 2-11G antibody neutralized only human rotaviruses with the G1 serotype. The concentration of antibodies required for 50% neutralization ranged from 0.8 to 20 micro g/ml.  相似文献   

健康儿童与轮状病毒感染儿童肠道菌群结构的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的比较分析轮状病毒感染个体与健康个体肠道菌群结构的差异。方法采集11例轮状病毒感染个体及6例健康个体的粪便样品,提取粪便样品中细菌的混合DNA,先通过ERIC-PCR结合分子杂交的技术分析两组个体之间肠道微生物组成的相似性;再扩增粪便样品中菌群的16SrRNA基因,利用PCR—TGGE技术分析肠道菌群的组成情况。结果轮状病毒感染个体与健康个体相比,肠道菌群中GC含量较低的菌明显减少,同时肠道菌群有宿主专一性。结论轮状病毒感染会导致儿童肠道内菌群结构失调。  相似文献   

Absorption, resonance Raman, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning microcalorimetry were employed to study the interaction of hypocrellin A with human serum albumin. The identification of the binding place for hypocrellin A as well as the model for the albumin-hypocrellin A complex are proposed. In this model hypocrellin A interacts with albumin through more than one binding site placed on the protein surface. This model of non-specific interaction could explain why the absorption spectrum of hypocrellin A does not change in the presence of albumin and why the presence of the drug does not change significantly the thermodynamic parameters of the protein, while the Raman spectra show evident changes concerning both the protein and the drug structure. Even if hypocrellin A does not interact with an interior binding site, it can affect deeply the general albumin structure.  相似文献   

The infectivity of metacestodes of Asian Taenia saginata, now tentatively called Taenia saginata taiwanensis, in human host was confirmed. The metacestodes used in experimental infection were collected from the livers of naturally infected domestic pigs at an abattoir in Cheongju City, Korea. The first gravid proglottid was spontaneously discharged 76 days after infection. Two worms were recovered two years later by chemotherapy. The scolex was unarmed. The number of main uterine branches, varying from 16 to 21, was similar to that of classical Taenia saginata. The liver of pigs was confirmed to be an infection source of Asian T. saginata in Korea.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of naturally occurring rotavirus infection in rabbits   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The epidemiology of naturally acquired rotavirus infection in commercial rabbitries was studied. Antibody titers to rotavirus were determined by an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Studies of antibody levels over time within individual rabbit litters and in a colony of rabbits of different ages showed that transplacentally derived maternal antibodies had declined to low levels by about one month of age. More than half of the 88 rabbits 1 to 2 months of age had antibody titers of less than 1/100. All 98 rabbits over 2 months old had titers above 1/100 and 83 had titers over 1/1000. Rotavirus was detected in 25% of diarrheic feces and in 10% of normal feces.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis is a significant threat to non-human primates and their caretakers. The diagnosis of tuberculosis in living non-human primates is currently based on the tuberculin skin test, which is cumbersome and sometimes inaccurate. Development of an accurate serodiagnostic test requires identification of the key antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis involved in antibody production. When sequential serum samples obtained from 17 cynomolgus, rhesus, and African green monkeys up to seven months since experimental infection with M. tuberculosis Erdman were screened for antibody against purified proteins of M. tuberculosis, three highly seroreactive antigens were identified. One protein, ESAT-6, reacted with sera from all infected animals. Two additional proteins, alpha-crystallin and MTSA-10, were recognized by sera from approximately 90% of infected animals. Time course analysis of antibody production indicated that the earliest response was usually to ESAT-6 alone or to ESAT-6 and other antigen(s). These results provide experimental evidence of the potential value of ESAT-6 as an antigen for use in serodiagnosis of tuberculosis in non-human primates.  相似文献   

Wheat genotypes consisting of seven homozygous lines and 40 segregate families were studied at two sites naturally infested with the take-all pathogen, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici. The numbers of seminal and coronal roots infected with G. graminis and other root pathogens were recorded. The genotypes differed in infection with G. graminis, with little evidence of genotype × environment interactions. The incidence of G. graminis and Rhizoctonia solani was negatively associated, but the association did not greatly influence differences between wheats in infection with G. graminis. The distribution of R. solani was negatively associated with the severity of take-all at only one site. Of symptoms of infection with G. graminis, wheat genotypes differed most in incidence of deadheads, but differences were not consistent over environments, and were associated with earliness of maturity. Wheats differed more in expression of disease than in infection with G. graminis. The course of disease was deduced from associations between the incidence of pathogens and components of plant growth and yield. G. graminis was the dominant pathogen at both sites, and caused a yield loss of 0–15% at one site, and an average 62% loss at the other. More components of yield were affected where disease was most severe.  相似文献   

Antigenic specificity of monoclonal antibodies to human myoglobin   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Two monoclonal antibodies directed against different sites of the human myoglobin molecule have been tested for their cross-reactivities against several myoglobins including seven from mammalian species. The relation between their cross-reactivities and their amino acid sequences had led to a possible localization of two antigenic domains in human myoglobin. Each domain includes residues previously considered not to be directly involved in the antigenic structure of myoglobin. Unlike polyclonal serum antibodies, monoclonal hybridoma antibodies directed to a native protein often fail to bind to supposedly antigenic protein fragments. This is explicable in terms of the concept of antigenic domains. Such domains are numerous and overlapping, each comprising a number of contributory amino acid side chains which need not necessarily include continuous sequences of amino acids and which need not exhibit measurable antigenicity in isolation from the rest of the domain.  相似文献   

The two major DNA-binding proteins of human serum (DNA-binding protein 1 and DNA-binding protein 2) were shown to bind preferentially to single-stranded polynucleotides rich in guanine residues. Equilibrium competition experiments using a nitrocellulose filter assay system containing labeled human lymphocyte DNA and various competing natural and synthetic polynucleotides indicated that both proteins recognized sequences of bases containing a keto group in either position 6 (purines) or 4 (pyrimidines) and that these keto groups must be readily accessible for effective binding to occur. Guanine was shown to be the preferred nucleotide through inhibition experiments using a series of synthetic homopolymers and a series of bacterial DNAs of differing G + C content. The relationship between protein affinity and G + C content was shown to be directly proportional. The equilibrium constants for the binding of the human lymphocyte DNA by both proteins were on the order of 10(-6) M, and the length of the nucleotide sequence necessary for effective binding was found to be 12 to 18 bases using a series of oligomers of poly(dG).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop an immunoenzyme method for the determination of anti-AGE antibodies in human serum. Human aortic elastin glycatedin vitro (AGE-elastin) was used as an antigen, expressing AGE-epitopes, common to all glycated proteins.Polyclonal serum from guinea-pig against AGE-Hemocyanin was obtained according to Nakayamaet al. [(1989)Biochem Biophys Res Commun 162: 740–45] and its specificity was tested via direct and competitive ELISA. Sera of 20 type 1 diabetic patients and 20 healthy subjects were tested using the method described. Seventeen patients had elevated levels of competing factors that may be anti-AGE antibodies, compared with the healthy group. The method could be used for investigation of different clinical groups of type 1 diabetic patients. Such a study would help in understanding the pathogenic role of autoantibodies against advanced glycation end products of proteins for the development of long-term diabetic complications.  相似文献   

Engineered human IgG antibodies with longer serum half-lives in primates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) plays an important role in regulating the serum half-lives of IgG antibodies. A correlation has been established between the pH-dependent binding affinity of IgG antibodies to FcRn and their serum half-lives in mice. In this study, molecular modeling was used to identify Fc positions near the FcRn binding site in a human IgG antibody that, when mutated, might alter the binding affinity of IgG to FcRn. Following mutagenesis, several IgG2 mutants with increased binding affinity to human FcRn at pH 6.0 were identified at Fc positions 250 and 428. These mutants do not bind to human FcRn at pH 7.5. A pharmacokinetics study of two mutant IgG2 antibodies with increased FcRn binding affinity indicated that they had serum half-lives in rhesus monkeys approximately 2-fold longer than the wild-type antibody.  相似文献   

Rubisco large subunit methyltransferase (PsLSMT) is a SET domain protein responsible for the trimethylation of Lys-14 in the large subunit of Rubisco. The polypeptide substrate specificity determinants for pea Rubisco large subunit methyltransferase were investigated using a fusion protein construct between the first 23 amino acids from the large subunit of Rubisco and human carbonic anhydrase II. A total of 40 conservative and non-conservative amino acid substitutions flanking the target Lys-14 methylation site (positions P(-3) to P(+3)) were engineered in the fusion protein. The catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)) of PsLSMT was determined using each of the substitutions and a polypeptide consensus recognition sequence deduced from the results. The consensus sequence, represented by X-(Gly/Ser)-(Phe/Tyr)-Lys-(Ala/Lys/Arg)-(Gly/Ser)-pi, where X is any residue, Lys is the methylation site, and pi is any aromatic or hydrophobic residue, was used to predict potential alternative substrates for PsLSMT. Four chloroplast-localized proteins were identified including gamma-tocopherol methyltransferase (gamma-TMT). In vitro methylation assays using PsLSMT and a bacterially expressed form of gamma-TMT from Perilla frutescens confirmed recognition and methylation of gamma-TMT by PsLSMT in vitro. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of the PsLSMT homologue (NtLSMT) in transgenic tobacco plants resulted in a 2-fold decrease of alpha-tocopherol, the product of gamma-TMT. The results demonstrate the efficacy of consensus sequence-driven identification of alternative substrates for PsLSMT as well as identification of functional attributes of protein methylation catalyzed by LSMT.  相似文献   

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