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In young adult spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), mean arterial pressure (MAP) is higher in males than in females and inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) eliminates this sex difference. After cessation of estrous cycling in female SHR, MAP is similar to that in male SHR. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the RAS in maintenance of hypertension in aging male and female SHR. At 16 mo of age, MAP was similar in male and female SHR (183+/-5 vs. 193+/-8 mmHg), and chronic losartan (40 mg.kg-1.day-1 po for 3 wk) reduced MAP by 52% (to 90+/-8 mmHg, P<0.05 vs. control) in males and 37% (to 123+/-11 mmHg, P<0.05 vs. control) in females (P<0.05, females vs. males). The effect of losartan on angiotensin type 1 (AT1) receptor blockade was similar: MAP responses to acute doses of ANG II (62.5-250 ng/kg) were blocked to a similar extent in losartan-treated males and females. F2-isoprostane excretion was reduced with losartan more in males than in females. There were no sex differences in plasma renin activity, plasma angiotensinogen or ANG II, or renal expression of AT1 receptors, angiotensin-converting enzyme, or renin. However, renal angiotensinogen mRNA and protein expression was higher in old males than females, whereas renal ANG II was higher in old females than males. The data show that, in aging SHR, when blood pressures are similar, there remains a sexual dimorphism in the response to AT1 receptor antagonism, and the differences may involve sex differences in mechanisms responsible for oxidative stress with aging.  相似文献   

The renin-angiotensin-system is an important component of cardiovascular control and is up-regulated under various conditions, including hypertension and menopause. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of swimming training and estrogen therapy (ET) on angiotensin-II (ANG II)-induced vasoconstriction and angiotensin-(1-7) [ANG-(1-7)]-induced vasorelaxation in aortic rings from ovariectomized spontaneously hypertensive rats. Animals were divided into Sham (SH), Ovariectomized (OVX), Ovariectomized treated with E2 (OE2), Ovariectomized plus swimming (OSW) and Ovariectomized treated with E2 plus swimming (OE2 + SW) groups. ET entailed the administration of 5 μg of 17β-Estradiol three times per week. Swimming was undertaken for sixty minutes each day, five times per week. Both, training and ET were initiated seven days following ovariectomy. Forty-eight hours after the last treatment or training session, the animals’ systolic blood pressures were measured, and blood samples were collected to measure plasma ANG II and ANG-(1-7) levels via radioimmunoassay. In aortic rings, the vascular reactivity to ANG II and ANG-(1-7) was assessed. Expression of ANG-(1-7) in aortic wall was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. The results showed that both exercise and ET increased plasma ANG II levels despite attenuating systolic blood pressure. Ovariectomy increased constrictor responses to ANG II and decreased dilatory responses to ANG-(1-7), which were reversed by swimming independently of ET. Moreover, it was observed an apparent increase in ANG-(1-7) content in the aorta of the groups subjected to training and ET. Exercise training may play a cardioprotective role independently of ET and may be an alternative to ET in hypertensive postmenopausal women.  相似文献   

Tissue renin-angiotensin systems are known to behave differently from the circulating renin-angiotensin system (RAS). It has already been proposed that not only the circulating RAS, but also RAS localized in the cardiac tissue plays an important role in the heart failure. The objective of this study was to compare the gene expression of individual components of the renin-angiotensin system in hearts of normotensive and hypertensive rats. Two genetically hypertensive rat strains--spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats (HTG)--were compared with Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and Lewis (LEW) normotensive controls. In addition, developmental changes in gene expression of individual components of cardiac RAS were studied in 20-day-old fetuses, 2-day-old newborns and 3-month-old HTG and LEW rats. In our study, the angiotensinogen gene expression did not differ either among adult normotensive and hypertensive strains, or during development. In contrast, the renin gene expression was significantly increased in hearts of hypertensive compared to normotensive rats. Moreover, a 5-fold increase of renin mRNA was observed in hearts of HTG rats between day 2 and the third month of age. There was also an age-dependent increase of ACE gene expression in both HTG and LEW rats which was substantially delayed in HTG hearts. In conclusion, the results of our study suggest that overexpression of the cardiac renin gene in hypertensive strains could participate in the structural and functional changes of the heart during the development of hypertension.  相似文献   

Plasma concentrations of renin, angiotensinogen, kininogen, total protein, and renal renin concentration were measured in rats before spontaneous birth, immediately after vaginal delivery, during the subsequent 48 h, as well as at the ages of 10, 20 and 80 days. Preterm rats had a plasma renin concentration about 15 times higher than adults, which increased further in 1 h-old vaginally-delivered rats. Thereafter renin fell to very low levels within 2 h, rose again during the first day and remained at 4 times the adults level until day 10. Renal renin content and concentration increased over the whole observation period, except for a slight fall of renin concentration in the first 3 h after birth. In pre- and full-terms rats, angiotensinogen concentration was only 20% that of adults, reaching even lower values immediately after delivery, due to excessive consumption by renin. Thereafter, angiotensinogen increased more than 10 fold within 48 h. Kininogen concentration in plasma was higher than in adults and stable up to the 10th postnatal day. We conclude that vaginal delivery is a strong stimulus for renin release, the resulting high concentration of renin being responsible both for the increased turnover of angiotensinogen and the subsequent inhibition of renin release. The cause and biological significance of the dramatic increase of angiotensinogen during the first 48 h of life remains obscure.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the components of the renin-angiotensin system in the periphery and in the central nervous system (CNS) of the spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR). On the other hand, the norepinephrine (NE) content of the different areas and of the mesenteric artery were also measured. Sixteen SHR and 9 Wistar Kyoto (WKY) control animals were used at about 6 months of age. Blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples were collected. The brain was dissected into several areas and the mesenteric artery was excised. Plasma renin activity (PRA), plasma angiotensinogen concentration (P1AoC), brain renin (RC) and angiotensinogen concentrations (AoC) were evaluated by radioimmunoassay. NE was determined in all the tissues by a fluorimetric technique. PRA, P1AoC and NE concentration in the mesenteric artery were similar in both groups. An increase in the NE content of the cerebellum was detected in the SHR without changes in the other areas of the CNS. AoC was decreased in the CSF and in the brain stem of the SHR animals. RC was evaluated in the hypothalamus, brain stem, cerebral cortex and cerebellum of the same strain of rats. These results seem to indicate the some alteration of the peptidergic system in the CNS is present in the hypertensive animals.  相似文献   

Hypertensive cardiac hypertrophy is associated with the accumulation of collagen in the myocardial interstitium. Previous studies have demonstrated that this myocardial fibrosis accounts for impaired myocardial stiffness and ventricular dysfunction. Although cardiac fibroblasts are responsible for the synthesis of fibrillar collagen, the factors that regulate collagen synthesis in cardiac fibroblasts are not fully understood. We investigated the effects of angiotensin II on cardiac collagen synthesis in cardiac fibroblasts. Cardiac fibroblasts of 10 week old spontaneously hypertensive rats and age-matched Wistar-Kyoto rats were prepared and maintained in culture medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum. The expression of mRNA of the renin-angiotensin system (renin, angiotensinogen, angiotensin converting enzyme) was determined by using a ribonuclease protection assay. Basal collagen synthesis in cardiac fibroblasts from spontaneously hypertensive rats was 1.6 fold greater than that in the cell of Wistar-Kyoto rats. Angiotensin II stimulated collagen synthesis in cardiac fibroblasts in a dose-dependent manner. The responsiveness of collagen production to angiotensin II was significantly enhanced in cardiac fibroblasts from spontaneously hypertensive rats (100 nM angiotensin II resulted in 185 ± 18% increase above basal levels, 185 ± 18 versus 128 ± 19% in Wistar-Kyoto rats p < 0.01). This effect was receptor-specific, because it was blocked by the competitive inhibitor saralasin and MK 954. These results indicate that collagen production was enhanced in cardiac fibroblasts from spontaneously hypertensive rats, that angiotensin II had a stimulatory effect on collagen synthesis in cardiac fibroblasts, and that cardiac fibroblasts from spontaneously hypertensive rats were hyper-responsive to stimulation by angiotensin II.Level of angiotensin and renin mRNA expressed in ventricles, and angiotensinogen mRNA expressed in fibroblasts from SHR were higher than those from WKY.These findings suggest that the cardiac renin-angiotensin system may play an important role in collagen accumulation in hypertensive cardiac hypertrophy.  相似文献   

A defect in the renin-angiotensin system has been shown in diabetic patients and experimental animals, in particular with nephropathy or autonomic neuropathy. The mechanism for this low plasma renin activity (PRA) is poorly understood. In order to clarify this defect, the renin-angiotensin system was studied in alloxan-induced diabetic and age-match control mice. In diabetic animals, kidney renin activity (KRA) was significantly lower than that of the controls, while plasma renin substrate (PRS) concentration was slightly higher and PRA was normal. The amount of injected radiolabeled renin extracted by the kidney was normal, but the amount extracted by the liver was significantly decreased in diabetic animals. On the other hand, the degradation of the extracted renin by both the kidney and the liver was elevated as compared to the controls. This high degradation rate was accompanied by a slight increase in lysosomal protease activity in the kidneys. In in vivo studies, isoproterenol-induced PRA was 20-fold in control animals. In diabetics, isoproterenol-induced PRA was attenuated and rose only four- to fivefold over basal level. The angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity in the kidney was significantly decreased in the diabetic state. It is concluded that there were multiple defects in the renin-angiotensin system in this diabetic model, namely, a depletion of renin storage with subsequent loss of maximal responsiveness to the adrenergic agonist in renin release, an elevation of intrarenal renin degradation together with a deficiency in ACE which would possibly lead to a decrease in intrarenal formation of angiotensin II.  相似文献   

The changes occurring in several components of the rat renin-angiotensin system (RAS) were studied for the brief postnatal period, between the fourth and tenth week of life. The parameters were: plasma renin activity (PRA), plasma renin concentration (PRC), plasma renin substrate (PRS) and the plasma angiotensin II concentration (AII). A gradual decrease in PRA with age was noticed. Between the fourth and the eighth weeks of life, this was attributed to a corresponding decline in both PRC and PRS. However, between the eighth and tenth weeks, no changes in PRA could be detected, but PRC and PRS increased, perhaps as a consequence of the changes in renal function and the AII increase observed. In this second period, simultaneously with the RAS changes described, there was reduced sodium chloride excretion as the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) stabilized. The data presented suggest that this postnatal period is critical, in rats, for the maturation of the RAS component control mechanisms; they appear to be closely related to the development of the renal function.  相似文献   

Evidence accumulates that intrarenal angiotensin II (AngII) plays important roles in the regulation of renal functions. To determine the mechanism and site of the intrarenal formation of AngII, we employed histochemical and cell biological methods. Immunohistochemical studies have revealed the coexistence of renin and AngII in juxtaglomerular (JG) cells, and electron microscopic studies and subcellular organelle fractionation have demonstrated the colocalization of renin and angiotensin in renin granules. The mechanism of this AngII accumulation has been investigated. Immunoreactive angiotensin I (AngI) appeared slowly in JG cells after prolonged administration of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Cloned and cultured renin-containing cells derived from rat kidney were also found to contain renin, ACE, and AngI and AngII. The subcellular fractionation of renin granules from rat kidney homogenate demonstrated AngI and AngII in the renin granule fractions. These findings suggest the formation of both angiotensins in JG cells. To study the release of AngII, we determined the presence of the angiotensins in renal lymph. Renin was found in renal lymph at a high concentration. Both AngI and AngII were also present in renal lymph in moderate concentrations. It is possible that AngII in the interstitial fluid may play a role in the regulation of renal functions. From these results it has been concluded that AngII is formed in JG cells in the kidney and is secreted with renin into interstitial fluid and plasma, and that AngII formed in the kidney cells may participate in various renal functions.  相似文献   

Angiotensinase activities in the kidney of renovascular hypertensive rats   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In spite of the well-known contribution of angiotensin II (Ang II) in the pathogenesis of Goldblatt two-kidney one clip (G2K1C) hypertension, the importance of other Ang peptides, such as Ang III, Ang IV or Ang 2-10, is scarcely understood. The functional status of these peptides depends on the action of several aminopeptidases called angiotensinases. The metabolism of Ang III to Ang IV by aminopeptidase M (AlaAP) and of Ang I to Ang 2-10 by aspartyl aminopeptidase (AspAP) was evaluated in the renal cortex and medulla of normotensive (Sham-operated) and hypertensive (G2K1C) rats, treated or not with the AT(1) receptor antagonist valsartan. The results demonstrated a highly significant increase of membrane-bound (MEMB) AlaAP in the cortex of the non-ischemic kidney of G2K1C rats compared with the kidney of normal rats and with the clipped kidney of G2K1C rats. This suggests an increased formation of Ang IV in the non-clipped kidney of G2R1C rats. Valsartan reduced MEMB AlaAP and AspAP activities in the renal cortex of normotensive and in the clipped kidney of hypertensive rats. The reduced metabolism of Ang III may prolong its half-life in valsartan-treated animals. These results suggest a role for AlaAP in renovascular hypertension. In addition, the higher AspAP activity of the renal cortex compared to medulla reflects its relative functional difference between both locations.  相似文献   

Diabetes aggravates the clinical severity and represents an additional independent risk factor of hypertension. Since both diseases separately concur to cardiomyocyte apoptosis, a mechanism at least partly involving unbalanced oxidative stress, we investigated whether the combination of diabetes and hypertension potentiated cardiac cell death in experimental models, compared to either disease alone. We also evaluated the short-term effects of different drugs in these models. Streptozotocin-induced diabetic normotensive (WKY) or hypertensive (SHR) rats were treated for one week with a DA(2)/alpha(2) agonist (CHF-1024), a selective beta1 adrenergic blocker (metoprolol), an angiotensin II-receptor blocker (valsartan) or a radical scavenger (tempol). In separate experiments, isolated cardiomyocytes were cultured in high glucose medium (25 mM) containing the same drugs. Although the number of apoptotic cardiomyocytes and the myocardial density of oxygen radicals were higher in non diabetic hypertensive than in normotensive controls, diabetes raised these variables to comparable absolute levels in both strains. All drugs except metoprolol significantly reduced apoptosis and oxidative stress in the diabetic animals of both strains and in the isolated myocytes cultured with high glucose. In conclusion, hypertensive rat is no more susceptible than its normotensive control to acute apoptosis induced by diabetes. Oxidative stress might be considered the common trigger for cardiac myocyte apoptosis in both conditions.  相似文献   

Takemori K  Ishida H  Ito H 《Life sciences》2005,77(18):2233-2245
To investigate the short-term blockade of angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor at the prehypertensive stage and its effects on hypertensive sequelae after maturation, we administered AT1 receptor blocker (ARB, 1 mg/kg/day) to male stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP) from 5 to 10 weeks of age. Although blood pressure in the treated group was significantly lower than in the control group at 10 weeks of age, it gradually increased within 2-3 weeks and reached approximately 250 mm Hg at 17 weeks after cessation of the treatment (27 weeks of age), and reached parity with the control after 20 weeks of age. Nonetheless, hypertensive end-organ damage such as cerebral lesion, cardiac hypertrophy and nephrosclerosis were markedly suppressed in the treated group. Plasma renin activity (PRA), plasma angiotensin II (AII) levels and cerebral angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity were also significantly lower in the treated group than in the control group, indicating continuous suppression of the circulating and local renin-angiotensin system (RAS). In the brain, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) mRNA expression was significantly lower in the cerebral cortex of the treated group than in the control group, while AT1 receptor expression was similar. Such beneficial effects by ARB treatment were not found in the hydralazine-treated group, even though blood pressure changes were similar in both groups. These results demonstrated that early and transient treatment by ARB effective for the prevention of hypertensive end-organ damage. This may be due to the low concentration of plasma angiotensin II by continuous inhibition of RAS even after maturation.  相似文献   

The content of mRNA of renin-angiotensin system (RAS) genes was measured in the kidney and heart of hypertensive ISIAH and normotensive WAG rats using the real-time PCR. A statistically significant decrease in the mRNA level of RAS genes was registered in the kidney of ISIAH rats, including Ren (by 45%), Ace (43%), AT1A (34%), COX-2 (50%). The level of myocardial expression of AT1A decreased by 28% while Ace expression increased by 80%. These results suggest reduction of renal RAS basal activity in the hypertensive ISIAH rats, and therefore this strain of rats may be referred to the group of models of low-renin hypertension. The ISIAH rats were also characterized by a two-fold increase in the connective tissue sodium concentration and also by a small (but statistically significant) increase in plasma sodium concentration (139 ± 0.3 mmol/l versus 136 ± 0.25 mmol/l in WAG rats). These results together with a tendency to a decrease of plasma aldosterone level also support existence of a classical low-renin hypertension in the ISIAH rats. It is suggested that altered function of renal ion channels represents a basis for the development of low renin hypertension in the ISIAH rats. In addition, impairments in renal system of NO synthesis may also contribute to the pathogenesis of arterial hypertension in the ISIAH rats.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1995,56(21):PL401-PL408
Acetylcholine (ACh)-induced vasodilation is mainly due to endothelium-derived nitric oxide (EDNO) and hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF). To explore the mechanisms underlying attenuated endothelium-dependent vasodilation in hypertensive arteries, we measured the EDNO released from isolated kidneys of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) using a sensitive chemiluminescence assay system of NO. ACh-induced renal vasodilation was significantly smaller in SHR than in the normotensive control, Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY). However, ACh-induced NO release did not differ between SHR and WKY (10−7 M: SHR +37 ± 2 [SE] vs. WKY +32 ± 4 fmol/min/g kidney). Perfusion with a 20 mEq/L high-K+ buffer, which is reported to inhibit action of EDHF, significantly reduced ACh-induced vasorelaxation in WKY but not in SHR, resulting in identical renal perfusion pressure in SHR and wKY under these conditions. These results indicate that attenuated ACh-induced vasorelaxation in the SHR kidney may be attributed to a decrease in EDHF rather than that in EDNO.  相似文献   

Shao DC  Lu LM 《生理科学进展》2011,42(4):246-250
糖尿病肾病(diabetic kidney disease,DKD)作为诱发终末期肾脏病(end-stage renal disease,ESRD)的主要原因,至今其病理机制仍不十分清楚.DKD病程中蛋白尿持续增多并伴随肾素-血管紧张素系统(renin-angiotensin system,RAS)过度激活.阻断RAS能改善蛋白尿,有良好的临床肾脏保护作用.足细胞表达RAS的各成员,作为肾小球滤过的最后屏障,其损伤与蛋白尿的发生关系密切.本文就RAS与足细胞损伤在DKD病理中作用作一简单综述.  相似文献   

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