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Stoichiometric amounts of chloroplast thylakoids photophosphorylate free AMP to tightly bound ADP. Free ADP is a poor competitor for this AMP photoreaction, which saturates below 16 micronAMP. The inhibitor, diadenosine pentaphosphate, abolishes AMP photophosphorylation, and inhibits dark ADP binding. Taken together, these data imply that this photoreaction involves the high affinity nucleotide binding site(s) of chloroplast coupling factor CF1, and that little mixing with free nucleotides occurs.  相似文献   

The ATPase activity of CF1 isolated from pea chloroplasts with epsilon-ATP, the fluorescent analog of ATP and ATP used as substrates, in the presence of Mg2+, Ca2+ and sodium sulfite (stimulator of the ATPase activity) was studied. The rate of epsilon-ATP hydrolysis in the presence of Mg2+ is nearly two times as low as that of ATP; an addition of sodium sulfite to the reaction mixture increases the reaction rate without changing the above ratio. The rate of Ca2+-dependent hydrolysis of epsilon-ATP is rather low as compared to that in the presence of Mg2+. epsilon-ADP is a competitive inhibitor of Mg2+-dependent ATPase reaction and inhibits this process in the presence of Ca2+, the inhibition being of a mixed type. Modification of CF1 by covalent binding of epsilon-ADP results in a 70-80% decrease of the Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity, the Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity is changed only insignificantly thereby. The differences in the activation of ATP and epsilon-ATP hydrolyses by Ca2+ and Mg2+ can be accounted for by the existence of two sites in the active center of CF1, which are specific for Mg2+ and Ca2+, respectively. It is concluded that the binding of epsilon-ADP occurs in the Mg2+-dependent ATPase site of the active center.  相似文献   

Mizuho Komatsu  Satoru Murakami 《BBA》1976,423(1):103-110
ATP and pyrophosphate at high concentration (> 1 mM) inhibited photophosphorylation of isolated spinach chloroplasts in the normal salt medium and did not cause stimulation of electron transport. The inhibition of photophosphorylation by ATP or pyrophosphate was shown to be abolished by the addition of excess MgCl2, ADP and phosphate. It has been demonstrated that the rates of photophosphorylation in the absence and presence of ATP or pyrophosphate are determined similarly by the concentrations of magnesium-ADP (Mg · ADP?) and magnesium-phosphate (Mg · Pi) complexes.It is highly probable that Mg · ADP? and Mg · Pi, but not free ADP and free phosphate, are the active form of the substrates of photophosphorylation. This is in support of the view that ATP inhibits photophosphorylation by decreasing the concentration of Mg2+ which is available for the formation of the complex with ADP and phosphate.  相似文献   

ATP concentrations were measured in isolated intact spinach chloroplasts under various light and dark conditions. The following results were obtained: (1) Even in darkened chloroplasts and in the absence of exogenous substrates, ATP levels in the chloroplast stroma were significant. They decreased on addition of glycerate, phosphoglycerate or dihydroxyacetone phosphate. When dihydroxyacetone phosphate and oxaloacetate were added together, ATP levels increased in darkened chloroplasts owing to substrate level phosphorylation. (2) Under illumination with saturating single turnover flashes, oxygen evolution in the presence of phosphoglycerate, whose reduction requires ATP, was no lower on a unit flash basis at the low flash frequency of 2 Hz than at higher frequencies. Quenching of 9-aminoacridine fluorescence, which indicates the formation of a proton gradient in intact chloroplasts, decreased with decreasing flash frequencies, until there was no significant fluorescence quenching at a flash frequency of about 2 Hz. In contrast to intact chloroplasts, broken chloroplasts did not phosphorylate much ADP at the low flash frequency of 2 Hz. (3) Flashing at extremely low frequencies (0.2 Hz) caused ATP hydrolysis rather than ATP synthesis in intact chloroplasts. At higher flash frequencies, synthesis replaced hydrolysis. Still, even at high frequencies (10 Hz), the first flashes of a series of flashes given after a long dark time always decreased chloroplast ATP levels.From these results, it is concluded that the enzyme, which mediates ATP synthesis in the light, is inactive in darkened intact chloroplasts. Its light activation can be separated from the formation of the high energy condition, which results in ATP synthesis. After its activation, the enzyme catalyzes a reversible reaction.  相似文献   

ATP and pyrophosphate at high concentration (greater than 1 mM) inhibited photophosphorylation of isolated spinach chloroplasts in the normal salt medium and did not cause stimulation of electron transport. The inhibition of photophosphorylation by ATP or pyrophosphate was shown to be abolished by the addition of excess MgCl2, ADP and phosphate. It has been demonstrated that the rates of photophosphorylation in the absence and presence of ATP or pyrophosphate are determined similarly by the concentrations of magnesium-ADP (Mg - ADP-) and magnesiumphosphate (Mg - Pi) complexes. It is highly probable that Mg - ADP- and Mg - Pi, but not free ADP and free phosphate, are the active form of the substrates of photophosphorylation. This is in support of the view that ATP inhibits photophosphorylation by decreasing the concentration of Mg2+ which is available for the formation of the complex with ADP and phosphate.  相似文献   

Christoph Giersch 《BBA》1983,725(2):309-319
Amines have been shown recently to stimulate at low concentrations the steady-state rate of photophosphorylation by unbroken chloroplasts (Giersch, C. (1982) Z. Naturforsch. 37c, 242–250). In the present contribution it is demonstrated that not only amines but also the carboxylic ionophores nigericin and monensin at concentrations of 10 and 150 nM, respectively, stimulate the phosphorylation rate. The ATP2e ratio is not decreased upon the addition of nigericin at concentrations that stimulate phosphorylation. Nigericin-induced stimulation is observed only in the presence of sufficient external potassium, indicating that the observed stimulation is unlikely to be a side-effect of the uncoupler but is related to H+-K+ exchange. The proton permeability of the thylakoid membrane is increased and the proton gradient decreased by amounts of nigericin that stimulate phosphorylation. The membrane potential is not affected in the steady state, indicating that the proton-motive force is slightly reduced upon addition of the ionophore. Data on the proton-motive force were related to maximum values of the phosphorylation potential, which was 45 000–50 000 M?1 in the absence and 30 000–35 000 M?1 in the presence of 10 nM nigericin. The observation that the ATP2e ratio is not decreased in the presence of uncoupler-induced proton leakage is suggested to indicate that the thylakoid lumen does not represent a homogeneous phase of constant proton electrochemical potential. The results presented here are in agreement with the chemiosmotic concept as far as energetic aspects are concerned but seem to be at variance with the postulated free mobility of protons inside the thylakoids. A tentative model of uncoupler-induced stimulation of phosphorylation is presented.  相似文献   

Suspensions of pea chloroplasts, prepared by differential centrifugation, catalyzed oxaloacetate-dependent O(2) evolution (mean rate of 29 determinations 10.9 micromoles per milligram of chlorophyll per hour, sd 3.2) with the concomitant production of malate. At optimum concentrations of oxaloacetate, both reactions were light-dependent, inhibited by 3-(3,4- dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea and oxalate, and enhanced 2.5- to 4-fold by 10 millimolar NH(4)Cl. At concentrations of oxaloacetate (<50 micromolar), 10 millimolar NH(4)Cl was inhibitory. The ratio of O(2) evolved to malate produced was 0.39 to 0.58. The ratio of O(2) evolved to oxaloacetate supplied was commensurate with the theoretical value of 0.5.Chloroplast suspensions contained both NAD- and NADP-malate dehydrogenase activities. It was concluded from oxalate inhibition studies and the promotion of oxaloacetate-dependent O(2) evolution by shocked chloroplasts by NADPH (but not NADH) that the reaction was mediated via the NADP enzyme.  相似文献   

ATP concentrations were measured in isolated intact spinach chloroplasts under various light and dark conditions. The following results were obtained: (1) Even in darkened chloroplasts and in the absence of exogenous substrates, ATP levels in the chloroplast stroma were significant. They decreased on addition of glycerate, phosphoglycerate or dihydroxyacetone phosphate. When dihydroxyacetone phosphate and oxaloacetate were added together, ATP levels increased in darkened chloroplasts owing to substrate level phosphorylation. (2) Under illumination with saturating single turnover flashes, oxygen evolution in the presence of phosphoglycerate, whose reduction requires ATP, was no lower on a unit flash basis at the low flash frequency of 2 Hz than at higher frequencies. Quenching of 9-aminoacridine fluorescence, which indicates the formation of a proton gradient in intact chloroplasts, decreased with decreasing flash frequencies, until there was no significant fluorescence quenching at a flash frequency of about 2 Hz. In contrast to intact chloroplasts, broken chloroplasts did not phosphorylate much ADP at the low flash frequency of 2 Hz. (3) Flashing at extremely low frequencies (0.2 Hz) caused ATP hydrolysis rather than ATP synthesis in intact chloroplasts. At higher flash frequencies, synthesis replaced hydrolysis. Still, even at high frequencies (10 Hz), the first flashes of a series of flashes given after a long dark time always decreased chloroplast ATP levels. From these results, it is concluded that the enzyme, which mediates ATP synthesis in the light, is inactive in darkened intact chloroplasts. Its light activation can be separated from the formation of the high energy condition, which results in ATP synthesis. After its activation, the enzyme catalyzes a reversible reaction.  相似文献   

The addition of a carboxyl-modifying reagent N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) to thiamine-binding protein isolated from rice bran resulted in a remarkable loss of its binding activity with [14C]thiamine. Thiamine and chloroethylthiamine substantially protected the protein against inactivation by DCCD, whereas thiamine phosphates did not. Another carboxyl reagent N-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline (EEDQ) also inactivated rice bran thiamine-binding protein. Inactivation of the thiamine-binding protein was accompanied by covalent binding of DCCD to the protein as shown by the use of [14C]DCCD. The binding of [14C]DCCD to the thiamine-binding protein was specific, and significantly inhibited by the addition of thiamine. The loss of thiamine-binding activity was proportional to the specific binding of [14C]DCCD. For complete inactivation of the thiamine-binding activity, the binding of 2.46 mol of [14C]DCCD per mol of thiamine-binding protein was required. Furthermore, limited proteolysis of the binding protein by trypsin yielded two polypeptides with molecular weights of 35,000 (large polypeptide) and 12,500 (small polypeptide) which were separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The binding sites of [14C]DCCD were found to be located on the large polypeptide. These results suggest that a specific carboxyl residue in the large polypeptide releasable from rice bran thiamine-binding protein by trypsin digestion when modified by DCCD is involved in the binding of thiamine.  相似文献   

Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) is a potent stimulant of superoxide generation in guinea-pig peritoneal and bovine blood neutrophils. The dependence of DCCD-elicited respiratory burst on the composition of the medium was investigated. At 37 degrees C, the superoxide generation was short-lived and a rapid losses of enzymatic activity was observed; at 0 degree C, the activity could be preserved for hours. Superoxide generation by whole cells was accompanied by exocytic degranulation. Prolonged incubation with DCCD at 37 degrees C resulted also in a progressive loss of cellular integrity evidenced by the release of a fraction of lactate dehydrogenase. Km values of the particulate NADPH oxidase isolated from DCCD-triggered guinea-pig and bovine cells were 31.7 and 50.0 microM, respectively. Cells pre-equilibrated with the potential sensitive dye Di-S-C3-(5) exhibited changes in the transmembrane potential upon stimulation. Stimulation with DCCD resulted also in the release of membrane-associated calcium, indicated by quenching of the fluorescence of chlortetracycline-loaded neutrophils. Both effects were observed also in human neutrophils which did not generate superoxide upon exposure to DCCD. The mechanism of DCCD-induced responses is discussed.  相似文献   

Three components of the chloroplast protein translocon, Tic110, Hsp93 (ClpC), and Tic40, have been shown to be important for protein translocation across the inner envelope membrane into the stroma. We show the molecular interactions among these three components that facilitate processing and translocation of precursor proteins. Transit-peptide binding by Tic110 recruits Tic40 binding to Tic110, which in turn causes the release of transit peptides from Tic110, freeing the transit peptides for processing. The Tic40 C-terminal domain, which is homologous to the C terminus of cochaperones Sti1p/Hop and Hip but with no known function, stimulates adenosine triphosphate hydrolysis by Hsp93. Hsp93 dissociates from Tic40 in the presence of adenosine diphosphate, suggesting that Tic40 functions as an adenosine triphosphatase activation protein for Hsp93. Our data suggest that chloroplasts have evolved the Tic40 cochaperone to increase the efficiency of precursor processing and translocation.  相似文献   

1. Trialkyltin, triphenyltin and diphenyleneiodonium compounds inhibited ADP-stimulated O(2) evolution by isolated pea chloroplasts in the presence of phosphate or arsenate. Tributyltin and triphenyltin were the most effective inhibitors, which suggests a highly hydrophobic site of action. Phenylmercuric acetate was a poor inhibitor of photophosphorylation, which suggests that thiol groups are not involved. 2. Triethyltin was a potent uncoupler of photophosphorylation by isolated chloroplasts in media containing Cl(-), but had little uncoupling activity when Cl(-) was replaced by NO(3) (-) or SO(4) (2-), which are inactive in the anion-hydroxide exchange. It is suggested that uncoupling by triethyltin is a result of the Cl(-)-OH(-) exchange together with a natural uniport of Cl(-). Tributyltin, triphenyltin and phenylmercuric acetate had low uncoupling activity, probably because in these compounds the uncoupling activity is partially masked by inhibitory effects. 3. At high concentrations the organotin compounds caused inhibition of electron transport uncoupled by carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone or NH(4)Cl. At these high concentrations the organotin compounds may be producing a detergent-like disorganization of the membrane structure. In contrast, diphenyleneiodonium sulphate inhibited uncoupled electron transport at low concentrations; however, this inhibition is less than the inhibition of photophosphorylation, which suggests that the compound also inhibits the phosphorylation reactions as well as electron transport. 4. The effects of these compounds on basal electron transport were complex and depended on the pH of the reaction media. However, they can be explained on the basis of three actions: inhibition of the phosphorylation reactions, uncoupling and direct inhibition of electron transport. 5. The inhibition of cyclic photophosphorylation in the presence of phenazine methosulphate by diphenyleneiodonium sulphate shows that it inhibits in the region of photosystem 1.  相似文献   

Malyan  A.N. 《Photosynthetica》2018,56(4):1365-1369
Photosynthetica - Dependence of ATP hydrolysis kinetics by the chloroplast coupling factor (CF1) on medium viscosity was studied at varying temperatures. For samples with oxidized and reduced CF1...  相似文献   

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