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VL30 DNA represents a retrovirus-like multigene family of mice whose genetic origin is unknown. We have now determined the primary nucleotide sequences and the adjacent sequences of the long terminal direct repeats (LTRs) possessed by a randomly selected VL30 unit. The LTR of the VL30 unit comprised 435 nucleotide base pairs and had an inverted repeat of five bases at its 5' and 3' termini. At the joints with flanking mouse DNA was the VL30 sequence (5')TG . . . CA(3') and a tetranucleotide direct repeat of flanking sequences. At the inner boundary of the 5' LTR was an 18-base sequence that is complementary to tRNApro, and at the inner boundary of the 3' LTR was a purine-rich tract ending with AATG. These results suggested that VL30 DNA used the same integration strategy that is exercised by retrovirus proviruses and transposable elements and that the VL30 LTR is synthesized in a similar way that the LTR of retroviruses is synthesized. The data thus reinforce the retrovirus-like nature of VL30 genetic information.  相似文献   

We have used deletion and recombinant long terminal repeat (LTR) mutants to examine enhancer activity differences between LTRs of the nonpathogenic Akv and the thymus lymphomagenic MCF13 murine retroviruses. Deletion mutant analysis revealed that major control regions for MCF13 and Akv LTR enhancer activity were similar but not identical. For both LTRs, major control regions were distinctly different in a murine T-cell and a fibroblast cell line. Recombinant enhancer analysis showed that LTRs could be divided into three regions capable of altering the level of enhancer activity through cooperative or antagonistic interaction. The contribution of each region to enhancer activity was dependent on its context with respect to the other regions. LTR enhancer function in different cell types appears to be the result of the interaction of enhancer modular elements.  相似文献   

The wild mouse ecotropic retrovirus (WM-E) induces a spongiform neurodegenerative disease in mice after a variable incubation period of 2 months to as long as 1 year. We isolated a molecular clone of WM-E (15-1) which was weakly neurovirulent (incidence, 8%) but was highly leukemogenic (incidence, 45%). Both lymphoid and granulocytic leukemias were observed, and these leukemias were often neuroinvasive. A chimeric virus was constructed containing the env and 3' pol sequences of 15-1 and long terminal repeat (LTR), gag, and 5' pol sequences from a clone of Friend murine leukemia virus (FB29). FB29 has been shown previously to replicate to high levels in the central nervous system (CNS) but is not itself neurovirulent. This finding was confirmed at the DNA level in the current study. Surprisingly, intraperitoneal inoculation of neonatal IRW mice with the chimeric virus (FrCasE) caused an accelerated neurodegenerative disease with an incubation period of only 16 days and was uniformly fatal by 23 days postinoculation. Introduction of the LTR of 15-1 into the FrCasE genome yielded a virus (FrCasEL) with a degree of neurovirulence intermediate between those of 15-1 and FrCasE. No differences were found in the levels of viremia or the relative levels of viral DNA in the spleens of mice inoculated with 15-1, FrCasE, or FrCasEL. However, the levels of viral DNA in the CNS correlated with the relative degrees of neurovirulence of the respective viruses (FrCasE greater than FrCasEL greater than 15-1). Thus, the env and 3' pol sequences of WM-E (15-1) were required for neurovirulence, but elements within the LTR and gag-pol regions of FB29 had a profound influence on the level of CNS infection and the rate of development of neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Polyomavirus mutants were isolated from PCC4 embryonal carcinoma cells infected with a variant strain of polyomavirus (ev 1001h) and were found to contain a tandem duplication overlapping the enhancers and the origin of replication. These mutants were able to infect several lines of embryonal carcinoma cells, including PCC4, F9, and LT1. The sequence and structure of one of these mutants are presented and compared with those of other PyEC PCC4 mutants previously described.  相似文献   

M Kaghad  L Maillet    P Brûlet 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(11):2911-2915
E.Tn sequences form a family of long moderately repeated sequences which are abundantly transcribed in the pluripotent cell lineage between day 3.5 and 7.5 of early mouse embryogenesis. The structure of the long terminal repeat (LTR) bordering the E.Tn sequences has been investigated by nucleotide sequencing, primer extension and S1 mapping experiments. This has allowed the identification of U3, R and U5 domains, and of several other structural features all of which are characteristics of retroviral LTRs.  相似文献   

Certain isolates of murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs) have, apart from a leukemogenic potential, the capability of inducing diseases of nonhematopoietic tissues in susceptible strains of mice. We have reported on the molecular cloning of a bone-tumorigenic virus, RFB-14 MuLV, which was found to induce benign bone tumors, osteomas, with 100% incidence in mice of the CBA/Ca strain (L. Pedersen, W. Behnisch, J. Schmidt, A. Luz, F. S. Pedersen, V. Erfle, and P. G. Strauss, J. Virol. 66:6186-6190, 1992). In order to analyze the bone tumor-inducing phenotype of RFB-14 MuLV, we have studied the pathogenic potential of recombinant viruses between RFB-14 and the nonosteomagenic, highly leukemogenic SL3-3 MuLV. The recombinants were constructed so as to reveal whether a major determinant of osteomagenicity maps to sequences within or outside the long terminal repeats (LTR). Our data show that a major determinant of the osteoma-inducing potential of RFB-14 MuLV maps to the non-LTR region of the genome. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a strong determinant of leukemogenicity is harbored by the non-LTR region of SL3-3 MuLV.  相似文献   

A series of recombinant molecules were constructed which direct the expression of the easily assayed gene chloramphenicol acetyltransferase. We have used these recombinants to show that the 73/72-base-pair tandem repeat unit from the Moloney murine sarcoma virus long terminal repeat shares a number of properties with the prototypic enhancer element, the simian virus 40 72-base-pair repeat. Specifically, the Moloney murine sarcoma virus sequence significantly enhances the level of gene expression at both 5' and 3' locations and in either orientation relative to the test gene. It is able to enhance gene activity both from its own promoter and from a heterologous (simian virus 40) promoter. The 73/72-base-pair subunits of the Moloney murine sarcoma virus enhancer differ in sequence by four nucleotides and also in the strength of their enhancer function. The promoter distal A repeat is at least three times as active as the promoter proximal B repeat in enhancing chloramphenicol acetyltransferase expression. Results of these studies also show that the enhancer sequence alone is unable to induce gene activity but requires other promoter elements, including a proximal GC-rich sequence and the Goldberg-Hogness box.  相似文献   

R Hanecak  P K Pattengale    H Fan 《Journal of virology》1991,65(10):5357-5363
Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) is a replication-competent retrovirus which induces T-lymphoblastic lymphoma 2 to 4 months after inoculation. Enhancer sequences in the U3 region of the M-MuLV long terminal repeat, primarily the 75-bp tandem repeats, strongly influence the disease specificity and latency of M-MuLV. We investigated the role of GC-rich sequences downstream of the tandem repeats in the disease specificity of M-MuLV. A recombinant M-MuLV lacking 23 bases of a GC-rich sequence (-174 to -151), Delta 27A M-MuLV, was tested for pathogenesis in neonatal NIH Swiss mice. Delta 27A M-MuLV induced disease with a longer latency than did M-MuLV (7 versus 3 months) in greater than 85% of inoculated mice. More interestingly, this virus showed an expanded repertoire of hematopoietic diseases. Molecular analyses and histopathologic examinations indicated that while 39% of mice inoculated with Delta 27A M-MuLV developed T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma typical of wild-type M-MuLV, the majority developed acute myeloid leukemia, erythroleukemia, or B-cell lymphoma. Viral DNA corresponding to Delta 27A M-MuLV was detectable in most of the tumors analyzed. These findings indicate that the GC-rich region significantly influences the disease specificity and latency of M-MuLV.  相似文献   

The U3 region of mouse intracisternal A-particle (IAP) long terminal repeats (LTRs) contains several nuclear protein-binding domains. Two of these contain sequences with homology to the SV40 enhancer core. We refer to these two domains as Enh1 and Enh2. The Enh2 domain is an important determinant of promoter activity in vivo. We report here the isolation of nuclear fractions from human 293 and mouse MOPC-315 cells which interact with Enh1 and Enh2. Purification was achieved via DNA-affinity chromatography on a multimerized oligonucleotide representing the Enh2 region from the LTR of the mouse genomic IAP element, MIA14. Glycerol gradient sedimentation suggested a native Mr of approximately 80-100 for the binding component(s) in both crude and affinity-purified fractions. UV cross-linking showed that the binding activity involved two polypeptides within this size range. The affinity-isolated fraction from each cell line was highly purified, as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and in vitro binding analysis. Exonuclease III footprinting showed that the two polypeptides interacted preferentially with the Enh1 and Enh2 domains within a 139-base pair segment from the MIA14 LTR. The polypeptides interacted in a sequence-specific manner with oligonucleotides representing these domains within the IAP LTR and with oligonucleotides containing the enhancer core sequence from SV40 and polyoma virus. Equilibrium binding studies indicated that the apparent dissociation constants for the polypeptides binding to the enhancer core sequence from MIA14, SV40, and polyoma virus were similar. Therefore, this affinity-purified fraction may represent a novel enhancer core-binding component which is distinct from the previously characterized rat CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein, C/EBP.  相似文献   

Wolff L  Koller R  Hu X  Anver MR 《Journal of virology》2003,77(8):4965-4971
Retroviruses can be used to accelerate hematopoietic cancers predisposed to neoplastic disease by prior genetic manipulations such as in transgenic or knockout mice. The virus imparts a second neoplastic "hit," providing evidence that the initial hit is transforming. In the present study, a unique retrovirus was developed that can induce a high incidence of myeloid disease and has a broad host range. This agent is a Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MuLV)-based virus that has most of the U3 region of the long terminal repeat (LTR) replaced with that of retrovirus 4070A. Like Mo-MuLV, this virus, called MOL4070LTR, is NB-tropic and not restricted by Fv1 allelles. MOL4070LTR causes myeloid leukemias in ca. 50% of mice, a finding in contrast to Mo-MuLV, which induces almost exclusively lymphoid disease. The data suggest that the LTR of the 4070A virus expands the tissue tropism of the disease to the myeloid lineage. Interesting, MCF recombinant envelope was expressed in the lymphoid but not the myeloid neoplasms of BALB/c mice. This retrovirus has the potential for accelerating myeloid disease in genetically engineered mice.  相似文献   

An infectious NZB xenotropic murine leukemia virus (MuLV) provirus (NZB was molecularly cloned from the Hirt supernatant of NZB-IU-6-infected mink cells, and the nucleotide sequence of its env gene and long terminal repeat (LTR) was determined. The partial nucleotide sequence previously reported for the env gene of NFS-Th-1 xenotropic proviral DNA (Repaske, et al., J. Virol. 46:204-211, 1983) is identical to that of the infectious NZB xenotropic MuLV DNA reported here. Alignment of nucleotide or deduced amino acid sequences, or both, of xenotropic, mink cell focus-forming, and ecotropic MuLV proviral DNAs in the env region identified sequence differences among the three host range classes of C-type MuLVs. Major differences were confined to the 5' half of env; a high degree of homology was found among the three classes of MuLVs in the 3' half of env. Alignment of the nucleotide sequence of the LTR of NZB xenotropic MuLV with those of the LTRs of NFS-Th-1 xenotropic, mink cell focus-forming, and ecotropic MuLVs revealed extensive homology between the LTRs of xenotropic and MCF247 MuLVs. An inserted 6-base-pair repeat 5' to the TATA box was a unique feature of both NZB and NFS-Th-1 xenotropic LTRs.  相似文献   

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