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Threonine entry into brain is altered by diet-induced changes in concentrations of plasma amino acids, especially the small neutrals. To study this finding further, we compared effects of various amino acids (large and small neutrals, analogues, and transport models) on transport of threonine and phenylalanine across the blood-brain barrier. Threonine transport was saturable and was usually depressed more by natural large than small neutrals. Norvaline and 2-amino-n-butyrate (AABA) were stronger competitors than norleucine. 2-Aminobicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2-carboxylate (BCH), a model in other preparations for the large neutral (L) system, and cysteine, a proposed model for the ASC system only in certain preparations, reduced threonine transport; 2-(methylamino)isobutyrate (MeAIB; a model for the A system for small neutrals) did not. Phenylalanine transport was most depressed by cold phenylalanine and other large neutrals; threonine and other small neutrals had little effect. Norleucine, but not AABA, was a strong competitor; BCH was more competitive than cysteine or MeAIB. Absence of sodium did not affect phenylalanine transport, but decreased threonine uptake by 25% (p less than 0.001). Our results with natural, analogue, and model amino acids, and especially with sodium, suggest that threonine, but not phenylalanine, may enter the brain partly by the sodium-dependent ASC system.  相似文献   

Abstract: The uptake of amino acids by microvessels isolated from brains of rats was studied. Previous studies have demonstrated alterations in blood-brain amino acid transport after portacaval shunt in rats. In order to elucidate whether such changes in the blood-brain barrier were located in the microvessels, brain microvessels were isolated from both rats with portacaval shunt and controls. Brain microvessels from rats 2 weeks after shunt operations took up significantly greater amounts of 14C-labeled neutral amino acids, but not of glutamic acid. lysine, or α-methylaminoisobutyric acid than microvessels from sham-operated controls. Measurement of uptake kinetics showed a higher V max for phenylalanine and leucine uptake and a lower V max for lysine uptake in microvessels from shunted rats compared with control, whereas the respective K m's of uptake were similar in both preparations. The results suggest that changes in brain microvessel transport activity account for altered brain neutral amino acid concentrations after portacaval shunt and that such changes can be studied in vitro in isolated microvessels.  相似文献   

Portal-systemic shunting and hyperammonemia lead to an accumulation of the large neutral amino acids in brain and apparently alter transport of neutral amino acids across the blood-brain barrier. It has been proposed that portal-systemic shunting leads to a high brain concentration of glutamine, a product of cerebral ammonia detoxification, and thereby affects the transport of other neutral amino acids across the blood-brain barrier. To test this hypothesis, rats with a portacaval shunt were treated with L-methionine-dl-sulfoximine (MSO), an inhibitor of glutamine synthesis. Treatment with MSO resulted in lower concentrations of the neutral amino acids in brain of portacaval-shunted rats and a higher brain ammonia concentration, compared with untreated shunted rats. These results suggest that the accumulation of neutral amino acids in brain after portacaval shunt depends on the increased synthesis of glutamine in brain.  相似文献   

The neurological disorders seen in patients with chronic renal failure and liver cirrhosis are analogous. Previous in vivo studies have shown that the impaired blood-brain amino acid transport seen in rats with chronic renal failure is similar to that of rats with portocaval anastomosis. To elucidate whether a comparable underlying pathogenic mechanism plays a role in both pathological conditions, blood and brain amino acid levels together with amino acid transport by isolated brain microvessels have been studied in rats with chronic renal failure and in sham-operated rats. Brain microvessels isolated from rats with experimental chronic renal failure showed that the uptake of labeled large neutral amino acid, i.e., leucine or phenylalanine, but not of lysine or alpha-methylaminoisobutyric acid, was significantly increased with respect to sham-operated rats; conversely, the uptake of glutamic acid in rats with chronic renal failure was significantly lower compared with values in controls. Kinetic analysis indicated that this was mainly due to increased exchange transport activity (Vmax) of the L-system, rather than to changes in the affinity (Km) of the carrier system for the relative substrate. These data, together with the significant rise of brain glutamine levels and an increased brain-to-plasma ratio of the sum of large neutral amino acids, are analogous to what was previously observed in rats with portocaval anastomosis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: The influx of phenylalanine, tryptophan, leucine, and lysine across the blood-brain barrier of individual brain structures was studied in rats 7–8 weeks after a portacaval shunt or sham operation. The method involved a brief infusion of labeled amino acid in tracer quantity and quantitative autoradiography. The clearance rates of phenylalanine, tryptophan, and leucine were increased in proportion to each other in every region examined, but not by the same factor. Tryptophan clearance increased the most (about 200%) and leucine the least (about 30%), compared with phenylalanine (about 80%). This was unexpected, as all three amino acids are believed to be transported by the same mechanism. The changes were most marked in several limbic structures and the reticular formation, whereas the hypothalamus was least affected. Plasma clearance of lysine was decreased in all areas by about 70%. Since the circulating lysine concentration was decreased by 13%, the actual rate of lysine influx was even more reduced. The results demonstrate specific alterations in two different amino acid transport systems. The resulting excess brain neutral amino acids, some of which are neurotransmitter precursors, as well as reduced basic amino acid availability, may be of etiological significance in hepatic encephalopathy.  相似文献   

Large neutral amino acids (LNAAs) compete with each other for carrier-mediated transport through the blood-brain barrier into the brain. The relative plasma concentration, expressed as the ratio of each LNAA to the sum of LNAAs, is considered the main regulator of brain LNAA concentrations. In order to investigate the consistency of this assumption throughout a 24-h period, we have compared the relationship of plasma LNAAs to brain LNAAs among groups of rats fed diets containing various amounts of protein (in order to obtain a wide range of plasma LNAA levels) at two different phases of the light/dark cycle (0900 and 2100 hours). The relationship between plasma and brain LNAAs was found to be dependent on both diet and the time of day. Similar plasma amino acid concentrations in the morning and in the evening contrasted with different brain concentrations. Furthermore, previous findings that brain LNAA concentrations are influenced by plasma amino acid concentrations were confirmed.  相似文献   

The kinetic constants for large neutral amino acid (LNAA) transport across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) of conscious rats were determined in four brain regions: cortex, caudate-putamen, hippocampus, and thalamus-hypothalamus. Indwelling external carotid artery catheters allowed for single-bolus (200 microliters) injections directly into the arterial system of unanesthetized and lightly restrained animals. Our results showed lower brain uptake index values for conscious rats compared to previous reports for anesthetized animals which are consistent with higher rates of cerebral blood flow in the conscious animals. Km values were lower in the conscious animals and ranged from 29% to 87% of the Km values in pentobarbital-anesthetized animals whereas the KD values were about twofold higher in the conscious animals. No apparent regional differences were observed. Influx rates were determined which take into consideration flow rates and plasma amino acid concentrations. Our results showed an average amino acid influx value of 5.2 nmol/min/g, which is 53% higher than the average influx in pentobarbital-anesthetized animals. The present results in conscious animals regarding the low Km of LNAA transport across the BBB lend further support to the importance of fluctuations in plasma amino acid concentrations and LNAA transport competitive effects on brain amino acid availability.  相似文献   

Abstract: Liver failure and coma are serious complications of Jejunoileal bypass (JIB) in man. Rats underwent either a 90–95% JIB or a sham operation. Six weeks later all animals were sacrificed, and plasma and brain amino acids were determined. In the plasma of rats with JIB compared with sham operation, the concentrations of valine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, tryptophan, and tyrosine were significantly lower, while in the brain, phenylalanine, tyrosine, histidine, and glutamine were significantly higher. These changes in the brain are similar to those resulting from portalsystemic shunting in the rat.  相似文献   

Extracellular levels of amino acids were estimated in dialysates of the rat striatum that were collected 1, 2, and/or more than 5 days after surgery, before (resting release) and during exposure to high K concentrations (50 mM) or electroconvulsive shocks. The resting release of several amino acids (Glu, Asn, Thr, Tau, Tyr, Gly, and Ala) was higher 9 days as compared to 1 day after surgery. In the 1-day preparation the resting release correlated highly with that observed with push-pull cannulas. The correlation with the tissue content of the amino acids was high only when they were divided into two groups (putative transmitters and metabolic intermediates). High K exposure produced increased output of Ala, ethanolamine (Eam), Asp, Glu, Tau, and Gly and a decrease in the egress of Gln 1 or 2 days after surgery. The effects on Asp and Glu had disappeared, and that on Gln reversed after 4-9 days. Electrically induced convulsions produced increased output of Ala, Gln, and Eam 1 or 2 days and 2 weeks after implantation of the probe. Changes were seen not only during but also (and some cases even more prominent) after the seizure. This study shows the usefulness of dialysis to monitor extracellular transmitter amino acids in the striatum of conscious rats (also bilateral dialysis was possible) for only a limited time after implantation of the probe. The dialysis method is suitable for longer time, when metabolic changes in amino acids are to be followed. In addition to transmitter release, glycolysis can be monitored by the measurement of Ala in the dialysate.  相似文献   

The transport of amino acids across the blood-brain barrier was measured with the single-pass carotid injection method. The pH of the injected bolus varied between 4.5 and 8.5. Arginine and lysine uptakes were inhibited 24% at pH 5.5 and 59% at pH 4.5. The uptakes of 2-aminobicyclo (2,2,1) heptane-2-carboxylic acid and phenylalanine were unaffected at this pH. There were also no changes observed in choline, glucose, or butanol transport. The Ki of arginine transport inhibition by H+ was 2.4 +/- 0.5 microM; i.e., pH 5.6 +/- 0.1. No change with pH occurred in the Km of arginine transport, while a significant decrease (p less than 0.01) was observed in the Vmax (10.2 +/- 2.3 nmol min-1 g-1 and 5.6 +/- 2.3 nmol min-1 g-1 at pH 7.5 and pH 5.5, respectively). This noncompetitive inhibition was found to be transient as arginine uptake at pH 7.5; it was measured by carotid injection 30 sec following a previous bolus which was buffered to pH 4.5, and was not significantly different from the control. This selective inhibition of the blood-brain barrier basic amino acid carrier demonstrates the advantage of the carotid injection approach in exposing the capillary exchange site to extreme alterations in chemical composition which could not be tolerated systemically.  相似文献   

The effects of pH (3.5-7.5) on the brain uptake of histidine by the blood-brain barrier (BBB) carriers for neutral and cationic amino acids were tested, in competition with unlabeled histidine, arginine, or phenylalanine, with the single-pass carotid injection technique. Cationic amino acid ( [14C]arginine) uptake was increasingly inhibited by unlabeled histidine as the pH of the injection solution decreased. In contrast, the inhibitory effect of unlabeled histidine on neutral amino acid ( [14C]phenylalanine) uptake decreased with decreasing pH. Brain uptake indices with varying histidine concentrations indicated that the neutral form of histidine inhibited phenylalanine uptake whereas the cationic form competed with arginine uptake. Since phenylalanine decreased [14C]histidine uptake at all pH values whereas arginine did not, it was concluded that the cationic form of histidine had an affinity for the cationic carrier, but was not transported by it. We propose that the saturable entry of histidine into brain is, under normal physiological circumstances, mediated solely by the carrier for neutral amino acids.  相似文献   

Effects of isoproterenol (3 mg kg-1, i.p. for 60 min) and salbutamol (3, 10 mg kg-1, i.p. for 60 min) on large neutral amino acid concentrations in rat plasma and brain were assessed. Phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine were measured by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection; tyrosine and tryptophan were measured by HPLC with electrochemical detection. These drugs induced increases in brain tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine, and valine and decreases in plasma tryptophan, tyrosine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Effects of salbutamol (3 mg kg-1, i.p. for 60 min) were assessed following chronic administration of phenelzine sulfate and desipramine.HCl (each drug 10 mg kg-1 per day, s.c. via Alzet 2ML4 osmotic minipumps for 28 days). There were no effects of these antidepressants on basal levels of large neutral amino acids in brain and plasma. In both brain and plasma, salbutamol-induced changes in large neutral amino acids were unaffected by these antidepressants. The results indicate that beta-adrenoceptor-regulated availability of plasma and brain large neutral amino acids is unaffected by chronic administration of tricyclic or monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressants.  相似文献   

Vasopressin receptors have been reported in the endothelium of brain capillaries. The function of these receptors is not known. To test the prediction that vasopressin receptors in brain capillary endothelium affect amino acid transport across the blood-brain barrier and to assess the role of vasopressin transport across the cerebral vascular endothelium, we measured (a) the endothelial permeability to the large neutral amino acid leucine in the absence and presence of arginine vasopressin (AVP) and (b) the permeability of the blood-brain barrier to AVP relative to manitol. In brain regions protected by the blood-brain barrier, after circulation for 20 s, coinjection of leucine and AVP intravenously led to a decrease of leucine transport unrelated to changes of blood flow. The decrease was most pronounced in hippocampus (42%) and least pronounced in olfactory bulb and colliculi (17 and 19%, respectively). In the latter regions, the endothelial permeability to AVP did not significantly exceed that of mannitol. In hippocampus and in regions with no blood-brain barrier (pituitary and pineal glands), AVP retention in excess of mannitol retention was blocked by unlabeled AVP. The findings do not contradict the hypothesis of a role for AVP in the regulation of large neutral amino acid transfer into brain tissue.  相似文献   

On treatment with collagenase, brain microvessels, together with several protein components, lose some enzymatic activities such as alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, whereas no change occurs in the activities of 5'-nucleotidase and glutamine synthetase. The energy-requiring "A-system" of polar neutral amino acid transport is also severely inactivated, whereas the L-system for the facilitated exchange of branched chain and aromatic amino acids is preserved. In the collagenase-digested microvessels, this leads to loss of the transtimulation effect of glutamine on the transport of large neutral amino acids, because such transtimulation is due to a cooperation between the A- and L-systems. By contrast, NH4+ maintains (and even enhances) its ability to stimulate the L-system of amino acid transport, presumably through glutamine synthesis within the endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Postmortem Changes of Amino Compounds in Human and Rat Brain   总被引:6,自引:9,他引:6  
Abstract: Contents of 35 amino acids and related compounds were measured in whole rat brain, and in superficial areas of biopsied and autopsied human brain, after incubation for various intervals at temperatures simulating those likely to occur in cadavers under mortuary conditions. These data should aid interpretation of values for amino compounds determined in autopsied brain from patients with neurological or psychiatric disorders. The contents of glutamic acid, glutamine, taurine, phosphoethanolamine, cystathionine, and homocarnosine remain unchanged for long periods in human brain. Aspartic acid content is stable for 4 h after death, but thereafter rises rapidly. Glycine content rises rapidly, as do the contents of most amino acid components of proteins. Glutathione content drops rapidly in human brain after death. GABA content is stable for about 30 min, and rises to a maximum 2 to 3 h after death, after which it remains unchanged for at least 24 h. In rat brain, GABA content rises more rapidly, aspartate content rises more slowly, homocarnosine content decreases progressively, and glycerophosphoethanolamine content decreases more rapidly than in human brain.  相似文献   

Abstract: Since protein synthesis in the developing brain may, under certain conditions, be limited by amino acid availability, the present studies were undertaken to characterize the kinetics of large neutral amino acid transport through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) of the newborn rabbit. The Km, Vmax, and KD of the transport of eight amino acids were determined by a nonlinear regression analysis of data obtained with the carotid injection technique. Compared with kinetic parameters observed for the adult rat, the Km, Vmax, and KD of amino acid transport were all two- to threefold higher in the newborn. Albumin was found to bind tryptophan actively in vitro , but had no inhibitory effect on tryptophan transport through the newborn BBB. Glutamine was transported through the BBB of the newborn at rates severalfold higher than are seen in the adult rat. However, glutamine transport was not inhibited by high concentrations of N -methylaminoisobutyric acid (NMAIB), a model amino acid that is specific for the alanine-preferring or A-system present in peripheral tissues. In conclusion, these studies show that the BBB neutral amino acid transport system of the newborn rabbit has a lower affinity and higher capacity than does the BBB of the adult rat. Under conditions of high plasma amino acids, the increased capacity of the newborn transport system allows for a higher rate of amino acid transport into brain than would occur via the lower capacity system present in the adult rat brain.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article evaluates the influence of an opening of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) on compounds in brain extracellular fluid. The concentrations of amino acids and some other primary amines were determined in dialysates sampled from the right parietal cortex of rats before and after an intracarotid infusion of protamine sulfate. Extravasated plasma proteins were visualized by Evans blue/albumin and immunohistochemistry. CSF albumin— an indicator of blood-CSF barrier opening—was quantified with immunoelectrophoresis. The brains were macroscopically edematous after 10 mg but not after 5 mg of protamine sulfate. The higher dose led to a 50% death rate. The concentrations of amino acids did not change 10 min after the BBB opening. No significant alterations in the amino acid concentrations were observed after the lower dose. The concentrations of glutamate, aspartate, GABA, glycine, taurine, and phosphoethanolamine increased significantly within 50–80 min after the infusion of 10 mg of protamine sulfate. CSF albumin levels were significantly increased 1 h after infusion. We conclude that a dysfunction of the BBB, of a degree known to induce brain edema (10 mg of protamine sulfate), significantly increases the extracellular concentration of excitatory amino acids, GABA, taurine, and phosphoethanolamine in the extracellular space.  相似文献   

The possible effects of elevation of the plasma phenylalanine level secondary to the ingestion of aspartame on brain amino acid uptake in human subjects have been investigated by means of positron emission tomography (PET). 1-[11C]Aminocyclohexanecarboxylate [( 11C]ACHC) is a poorly metabolized synthetic amino acid that crosses the blood-brain barrier by the same carrier that transports naturally occurring large neutral amino acids. Quantitative test-retest PET studies were performed on 15 individuals. Seven received two identical baseline scans, whereas eight received a baseline scan followed by a scan performed approximately 40-45 min following ingestion of an orange-flavored beverage containing 34 mg/kg of body weight of the low-calorie sweetener aspartame, a dose equivalent to the amount in 5 L of diet soft drink consumed all at once by the study subjects, weighing an average of 76 kg. The 40-45-min interval was selected to maximize the detection of possible decreases in ACHC uptake resulting from increased competition for the carrier, because the plasma phenylalanine level is known to peak at this time. We observed an 11.5% decrease in the amino acid transport rate constant K1 and a smaller decrease in the tissue distribution volume of ACHC (6%). Under conditions of normal dietary use, aspartame is thus unlikely to cause changes in brain amino acid uptake that are measurable by PET.  相似文献   

鼠脑微透析液痕量氨基酸的激光诱导荧光检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用自制微透析探针和活动体位生化取样装置以及自行组装的毛细管电泳-增强型电荷耦合器件-激光诱导荧光系统,对鼠脑透析液中的痕量氨基酸以异硫氢酸荧光黄(FITC)进行柱前衍生后进行了分离和检测. 鼠脑海马CA3区微透析液中游离氨基酸的浓度为10-8~10-6 mol/L, 并将其用于学习与记忆的研究, 为无损伤研究活体脑内神经递质和其他痕量生化物质的动态变化提供了一种新方法.  相似文献   

Abstract: Cationic amino acids are transported from blood into brain by a saturable carrier at the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The transport properties of this carrier were examined in the rat using an in situ brain perfusion technique. Influx into brain via this system was found to be sodium independent and followed Michaelis-Men-ten kinetics with half-saturation constants (Km) of 50–100 μM and maximal transport rates of 22–26 nmol/min/g for L-lysine, L-arginine, and L-ornithine. The kinetic properties matched that of System y+, the sodium-independent cationic amino acid transporter, the cDNA for which has been cloned from the mouse. To determine if the cloned receptor is expressed at the BBB, we assayed RNA from rat cerebral microvessels and choroid plexus for the presence of the cloned transporter mRNA by RNase protection. The mRNA was present in both cerebral microvessels and choroid plexus and was enriched in microvessels 38-fold as compared with whole brain. The results indicate that System y+ is present at the BBB and that its mRNA is more densely expressed at cerebral microvessels than in whole brain.  相似文献   

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