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Specification of the otic anteroposterior axis is one of the earliest patterning events during inner ear development. In zebrafish, Hedgehog signalling is necessary and sufficient to specify posterior otic identity between the 10 somite (otic placode) and 20 somite (early otic vesicle) stages. We now show that Fgf signalling is both necessary and sufficient for anterior otic specification during a similar period, a function that is completely separable from its earlier role in otic placode induction. In lia(-/-) (fgf3(-/-)) mutants, anterior otic character is reduced, but not lost altogether. Blocking all Fgf signalling at 10-20 somites, however, using the pan-Fgf inhibitor SU5402, results in the loss of anterior otic structures and a mirror image duplication of posterior regions. Conversely, overexpression of fgf3 during a similar period, using a heat-shock inducible transgenic line, results in the loss of posterior otic structures and a duplication of anterior domains. These phenotypes are opposite to those observed when Hedgehog signalling is altered. Loss of both Fgf and Hedgehog function between 10 and 20 somites results in symmetrical otic vesicles with neither anterior nor posterior identity, which, nevertheless, retain defined poles at the anterior and posterior ends of the ear. These data suggest that Fgf and Hedgehog act on a symmetrical otic pre-pattern to specify anterior and posterior otic identity, respectively. Each signalling pathway has instructive activity: neither acts simply to repress activity of the other, and, together, they appear to be key players in the specification of anteroposterior asymmetries in the zebrafish ear.  相似文献   

The inner ear of adult agnathan vertebrates is relatively symmetric about the anteroposterior axis, with only two semicircular canals and a single sensory macula. This contrasts with the highly asymmetric gnathostome arrangement of three canals and several separate maculae. Symmetric ears can be obtained experimentally in gnathostomes in several ways, including by manipulation of zebrafish Hedgehog signalling, and it has been suggested that these phenotypes might represent an atavistic condition. We have found, however, that the symmetry of the adult lamprey inner ear is not reflected in its early development; the lamprey otic vesicle is highly asymmetric about the anteroposterior axis, both morphologically and molecularly, and bears a striking resemblance to the zebrafish otic vesicle. The single sensory macula originates as two foci of hair cells, and later shows regions of homology to the zebrafish utricular and saccular maculae. It is likely, therefore, that the last common ancestor of lampreys and gnathostomes already had well-defined otic anteroposterior asymmetries. Both lamprey and zebrafish otic vesicles express a target of Hedgehog signalling, patched, indicating that both are responsive to Hedgehog signalling. One significant distinction between agnathans and gnathostomes, however, is the acquisition of otic Otx1 expression in the gnathostome lineage. We show that Otx1 knockdown in zebrafish, as in Otx1(-/-) mice, gives rise to lamprey-like inner ears. The role of Otx1 in the gnathostome ear is therefore highly conserved; otic Otx1 expression is likely to account not only for the gain of a third semicircular canal and crista in gnathostomes, but also for the separation of the zones of the single macula into distinct regions.  相似文献   

The two signalling proteins, Wingless and Hedgehog, play fundamental roles in patterning cells within each metamere of the Drosophila embryo. Within the ventral ectoderm, Hedgehog signals both to the anterior and posterior directions: anterior flanking cells express the wingless and patched Hedgehog target genes whereas posterior flanking cells express only patched. Furthermore, Hedgehog acts as a morphogen to pattern the dorsal cuticle, on the posterior side of cells where it is produced. Thus responsive embryonic cells appear to react according to their position relative to the Hedgehog source. The molecular basis of these differences is still largely unknown. In this paper we show that one component of the Hedgehog pathway, the Fused kinase accumulates preferentially in cells that could respond to Hedgehog but that Fused concentration is not a limiting step in the Hedgehog signalling. We present direct evidence that Fused is required autonomously in anterior cells neighbouring Hedgehog in order to maintain patched and wingless expression while Wingless is in turn maintaining engrailed and hedgehog expression. By expressing different components of the Hedgehog pathway only in anterior, wingless-expressing cells we could show that the Hedgehog signalling components Smoothened and Cubitus interruptus are required in cells posterior to Hedgehog domain to maintain patched expression whereas Fused is not necessary in these cells. This result suggests that Hedgehog responsive ventral cells in embryos can be divided into two distinct types depending on their requirement for Fused activity. In addition, we show that the morphogen Hedgehog can pattern the dorsal cuticle independently of Fused. In order to account for these differences in Fused requirements, we propose the existence of position-specific modulators of the Hedgehog response.  相似文献   

In zebrafish, Hedgehog (Hh) signalling is required to specify posterior otic identity. This presents a conundrum, as the nearest source of Hh to the developing inner ear is the ventral midline, in the notochord and floorplate. How can a source of Hh that is ostensibly constant with respect to the anteroposterior axis of the otic vesicle specify posterior otic identity? One possibility is that localised inhibition of Hh signalling is involved. Here we show that genes coding for three inhibitors of Hh signalling, su(fu), dzip1 and hip, are expressed in and around the developing otic vesicle. su(fu) and dzip1 are ubiquitously expressed and unaffected by Hh levels. The expression of hip, however, is positively regulated by Hh signalling and has a complex, dynamic pattern. It is detectable in the neural tube, otic vesicle, statoacoustic ganglion, brain, fin buds, mouth, somites, pronephros and branchial arches. These expression domains bear some similarity, but are not identical, to those of ptc1, a Hh receptor gene that is also positively regulated by Hh signalling. In the neural tube, for instance, hip is expressed in a subset of the ptc1 expression domain, while in other regions, including the otic vesicle, hip and ptc1 expression domains differ. Significantly, we find that initial expression of hip is higher in and adjacent to anterior otic regions, while ptc1 expression becomes progressively restricted to the posterior of the ear. Hip-mediated inhibition of Hh signalling may therefore be important in restricting the effects of Hh to posterior regions of the developing inner ear.  相似文献   

During development of the zebrafish inner ear, regional patterning in the ventral half of the otic vesicle establishes zones of gene expression that correspond to neurogenic, sensory and non-neural cell fates. FGF and Retinoic acid (RA) signalling from surrounding tissues are known to have an early role in otic placode induction and otic axial patterning, but how external signalling cues are translated into intrinsic patterning during otic vesicle (OV) stages is not yet understood. FGF and RA signalling pathway members are expressed in and around the OV, suggesting important roles in later patterning or maintenance events. We have analysed the temporal requirement of FGF and RA signalling for otic development at stages after initial anteroposterior patterning has occurred. We show that high level FGF signalling acts to restrict sensory fates, whereas low levels favour sensory hair cell development; in addition, FGF is both required and sufficient to promote the expression of the non-neural marker otx1b in the OV. RA signalling has opposite roles: it promotes sensory fates, and restricts otx1b expression and the development of non-neural fates. This is surprisingly different from the earlier requirement for RA signalling in specification of non-neural fates via tbx1 expression, and highlights the shift in regulation that takes place between otic placode and vesicle stages in zebrafish. Both FGF and RA signalling are required for the development of the otic neurogenic domain and the generation of otic neuroblasts. In addition, our results indicate that FGF and RA signalling act in a feedback loop in the anterior OV, crucial for pattern refinement.  相似文献   

The vertebrate inner ear develops from an ectodermal placode adjacent to rhombomeres 4 to 6 of the segmented hindbrain. The placode then transforms into a vesicle and becomes regionalised along its anteroposterior, dorsoventral and mediolateral axes. To investigate the role of hindbrain signals in instructing otic vesicle regionalisation, we analysed ear development in zebrafish mutants for vhnf1, a gene expressed in the caudal hindbrain during otic induction and regionalisation. We show that, in vhnf1 homozygous embryos, the patterning of the otic vesicle is affected along both the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes. First, anterior gene expression domains are either expanded along the whole anteroposterior axis of the vesicle or duplicated in the posterior region. Second, the dorsal domain is severely reduced, and cell groups normally located ventrally are shifted dorsally, sometimes forming a single dorsal patch along the whole AP extent of the otic vesicle. Third, and probably as a consequence, the size and organization of the sensory and neurogenic epithelia are disturbed. These results demonstrate that, in zebrafish, signals from the hindbrain control the patterning of the otic vesicle, not only along the anteroposterior axis, but also, as in amniotes, along the dorsoventral axis. They suggest that, despite the evolution of inner ear structure and function, some of the mechanisms underlying the regionalisation of the otic vesicle in fish and amniotes have been conserved.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are known to play roles in inner ear development of higher vertebrates. In zebrafish, there are several reports showing that members of the BMP family are expressed in the otic vesicle. We have isolated a novel zebrafish mutant gallery, which affects the development of the semicircular canal. Gallery merely forms the lateral and the immature anterior protrusion, and does not form posterior and ventral protrusions. We found that the expression of bmp2b and bmp4, both expressed in the normal optic vesicle at the protrusion stage, are extremely upregulated in the otic vesicle of gallery. To elucidate the role of BMPs in the development of the inner ear of zebrafish, we have applied excess BMP to the wild-type otic vesicle. The formation of protrusions was severely affected, and in some cases, they were completely lost in BMP4-treated embryos. Furthermore, the protrusions in gallery treated with Noggin were partially rescued. These data indicate that BMP4 plays an important role in the development of protrusions to form semicircular canals.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog is involved in eye field separation along the proximodistal axis. We show that Hh signalling continues to be important in defining aspects of the proximodistal axis as the optic vesicle and optic cup mature. We show that two other Hedgehog proteins, Banded hedgehog and Cephalic hedgehog, related to the mouse Indian hedgehog and Desert hedgehog, respectively, are strongly expressed in the central retinal pigment epithelium but excluded from the peripheral pigment epithelium surrounding the ciliary marginal zone. By contrast, downstream components of the Hedgehog signalling pathway, Gli2, Gli3 and X-Smoothened, are expressed in this narrow peripheral epithelium. We show that this zone contains cells that are in the proliferative state. This equivalent region in the adult mammalian eye, the pigmented ciliary epithelium, has been identified as a zone in which retinal stem cells reside. These data, combined with double labelling and the use of other retinal pigment epithelium markers, show that the retinal pigment epithelium of tadpole embryos has a molecularly distinct peripheral to central axis. In addition, Gli2, Gli3 and X-Smoothened are also expressed in the neural retina, in the most peripheral region of the ciliary marginal zone, where retinal stem cells are found in Xenopus, suggesting that they are good markers for retinal stem cells. To test the role of the Hedgehog pathway at different stages of retinogenesis, we activated the pathway by injecting a dominant-negative form of PKA or blocking it by treating embryos with cyclopamine. Embryos injected or treated at early stages display clear proximodistal defects in the retina. Interestingly, the main phenotype of embryos treated with cyclopamine at late stages is a severe defect in RPE differentiation. This study thus provides new insights into the role of Hedgehog signalling in the formation of the proximodistal axis of the eye and the differentiation of retinal pigment epithelium.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling patterns many vertebrate tissues. shh mutations dramatically affect mouse ventral forebrain and floor plate but produce minor defects in zebrafish. Zebrafish have two mammalian Shh orthologs, sonic hedgehog and tiggy-winkle hedgehog, and another gene, echidna hedgehog, that could have overlapping functions. To examine the role of Hedgehog signaling in zebrafish, we have characterized slow muscle omitted (smu) mutants. We show that smu encodes a zebrafish ortholog of Smoothened that transduces Hedgehog signals. Zebrafish smoothened is expressed maternally and zygotically and supports specification of motoneurons, pituitary cells and ventral forebrain. We propose that smoothened is required for induction of lateral floor plate and a subpopulation of hypothalamic cells and for maintenance of medial floor plate and hypothalamic cells.  相似文献   

Otoliths are biomineralised structures required for the sensation of gravity, linear acceleration and sound in the zebrafish ear. Otolith precursor particles, initially distributed throughout the otic vesicle lumen, become tethered to the tips of hair cell kinocilia (tether cilia) at the otic vesicle poles, forming two otoliths. We have used high-speed video microscopy to investigate the role of cilia and ciliary motility in otolith formation. In wild-type ears, groups of motile cilia are present at the otic vesicle poles, surrounding the immotile tether cilia. A few motile cilia are also found on the medial wall, but most cilia (92-98%) in the otic vesicle are immotile. In mutants with defective cilia (iguana) or ciliary motility (lrrc50), otoliths are frequently ectopic, untethered or fused. Nevertheless, neither cilia nor ciliary motility are absolutely required for otolith tethering: a mutant that lacks cilia completely (MZovl) is still capable of tethering otoliths at the otic vesicle poles. In embryos with attenuated Notch signalling [mindbomb mutant or Su(H) morphant], supernumerary hair cells develop and otolith precursor particles bind to the tips of all kinocilia, or bind directly to the hair cells' apical surface if cilia are absent [MZovl injected with a Su(H)1+2 morpholino]. However, if the first hair cells are missing (atoh1b morphant), otolith formation is severely disrupted and delayed. Our data support a model in which hair cells produce an otolith precursor-binding factor, normally localised to tether cell kinocilia. We also show that embryonic movement plays a minor role in the formation of normal otoliths.  相似文献   

Wnts have been shown to provide a posteriorizing signal that has to be repressed in the anterior neuroectoderm for normal anteroposterior (AP) patterning. We have previously identified a zebrafish frizzled8a (fz8a) gene expressed in the presumptive anterior neuroectoderm as well as prechordal plate at the late gastrula stage. We have investigated the role of Fz8a-mediated Wnt8b signalling in anterior brain patterning in zebrafish. We show that in zebrafish embryos: (1) Wnt signalling has at least two different stage-specific posteriorizing activities in the anterior neuroectoderm, one before mid-gastrulation and the other at late gastrulation; (2) Fz8a plays an important role in mediating anterior brain patterning; (3) Wnt8b and Fz8a can functionally interact to transmit posteriorizing signals that determine the fate of the posterior diencephalon and midbrain in late gastrula embryos; and (4) Wnt8b can suppress fz8a expression in the anterior neuroectoderm and potentially affect the level and/or range of Wnt signalling. In conclusion, we suggest that a gradient of Fz8a-mediated Wnt8b signalling may play crucial role in patterning the posterior diencephalon and midbrain regions in the late gastrula.  相似文献   

The secreted molecule Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is crucial for floor plate and ventral brain development in amniote embryos. In zebrafish, mutations in cyclops (cyc), a gene that encodes a distinct signal related to the TGF(beta) family member Nodal, result in neural tube defects similar to those of shh null mice. cyc mutant embryos display cyclopia and lack floor plate and ventral brain regions, suggesting a role for Cyc in specification of these structures. cyc mutants express shh in the notochord but lack expression of shh in the ventral brain. Here we show that Cyc signalling can act directly on shh expression in neural tissue. Modulation of the Cyc signalling pathway by constitutive activation or inhibition of Smad2 leads to altered shh expression in zebrafish embryos. Ectopic activation of the shh promoter occurs in response to expression of Cyc signal transducers in the chick neural tube. Furthermore an enhancer of the shh gene, which controls ventral neural tube expression, is responsive to Cyc signal transducers. Our data imply that the Nodal related signal Cyc induces shh expression in the ventral neural tube. Based on the differential responsiveness of shh and other neural tube specific genes to Hedgehog and Cyc signalling, a two-step model for the establishment of the ventral midline of the CNS is proposed.  相似文献   

The posteriorly expressed signaling molecules Hedgehog and Decapentaplegic drive photoreceptor differentiation in the Drosophila eye disc, while at the anterior lateral margins Wingless expression blocks ectopic differentiation. We show here that mutations in axin prevent photoreceptor differentiation and lead to tissue overgrowth and that both these effects are due to ectopic activation of the Wingless pathway. In addition, ectopic Wingless signaling causes posterior cells to take on an anterior identity, reorienting the direction of morphogenetic furrow progression in neighboring wild-type cells. We also show that signaling by Decapentaplegic and Hedgehog normally blocks the posterior expression of anterior markers such as Eyeless. Wingless signaling is not required to maintain anterior Eyeless expression and in combination with Decapentaplegic signaling can promote its downregulation, suggesting that additional molecules contribute to anterior identity. Along the dorsoventral axis of the eye disc, Wingless signaling is sufficient to promote dorsal expression of the Iroquois gene mirror, even in the absence of the upstream factor pannier. However, Wingless signaling does not lead to ventral mirror expression, implying the existence of ventral repressors.  相似文献   

Hedgehog signals regulate multiple aspects of gastrointestinal development   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
The gastrointestinal tract develops from the embryonic gut, which is composed of an endodermally derived epithelium surrounded by cells of mesodermal origin. Cell signaling between these two tissue layers appears to play a critical role in coordinating patterning and organogenesis of the gut and its derivatives. We have assessed the function of Sonic hedgehog and Indian hedgehog genes, which encode members of the Hedgehog family of cell signals. Both are expressed in gut endoderm, whereas target genes are expressed in discrete layers in the mesenchyme. It was unclear whether functional redundancy between the two genes would preclude a genetic analysis of the roles of Hedgehog signaling in the mouse gut. We show here that the mouse gut has both common and separate requirements for Sonic hedgehog and Indian hedgehog. Both Sonic hedgehog and Indian hedgehog mutant mice show reduced smooth muscle, gut malrotation and annular pancreas. Sonic hedgehog mutants display intestinal transformation of the stomach, duodenal stenosis (obstruction), abnormal innervation of the gut and imperforate anus. Indian hedgehog mutants show reduced epithelial stem cell proliferation and differentiation, together with features typical of Hirschsprung's disease (aganglionic colon). These results show that Hedgehog signals are essential for organogenesis of the mammalian gastrointestinal tract and suggest that mutations in members of this signaling pathway may be involved in human gastrointestinal malformations.  相似文献   

Changes in retinoic acid signaling alter otic patterning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Retinoic acid (RA) has pleiotropic functions during embryogenesis. In zebrafish, increasing or blocking RA signaling results in enlarged or reduced otic vesicles, respectively. Here we elucidate the mechanisms that underlie these changes and show that they have origins in different tissues. Excess RA leads to ectopic foxi1 expression throughout the entire preplacodal domain. Foxi1 provides competence to adopt an otic fate. Subsequently, pax8, the expression of which depends upon Foxi1 and Fgf, is also expressed throughout the preplacodal domain. By contrast, loss of RA signaling does not affect foxi1 expression or otic competence, but instead results in delayed onset of fgf3 expression and impaired otic induction. fgf8 mutants depleted of RA signaling produce few otic cells, and these cells fail to form a vesicle, indicating that Fgf8 is the primary factor responsible for otic induction in RA-depleted embryos. Otic induction is rescued by fgf8 overexpression in RA-depleted embryos, although otic vesicles never achieve a normal size, suggesting that an additional factor is required to maintain otic fate. fgf3;tcf2 double mutants form otic vesicles similar to RA-signaling-depleted embryos, suggesting a signal from rhombomere 5-6 may also be required for otic fate maintenance. We show that rhombomere 5 wnt8b expression is absent in both RA-signaling-depleted embryos and in fgf3;tcf2 double mutants, and inactivation of wnt8b in fgf3 mutants by morpholino injection results in small otic vesicles, similar to RA depletion in wild type. Thus, excess RA expands otic competence, whereas the loss of RA impairs the expression of fgf3 and wnt8b in the hindbrain, compromising the induction and maintenance of otic fate.  相似文献   

In Drosophila embryos, segment boundaries form at the posterior edge of each stripe of engrailed expression. We have used an HRP-CD2 transgene to follow by transmission electron microscopy the cell shape changes that accompany boundary formation. The first change is a loosening of cell contact at the apical side of cells on either side of the incipient boundary. Then, the engrailed-expressing cells flanking the boundary undergo apical constriction, move inwards and adopt a bottle morphology. Eventually, grooves regress, first on the ventral side, then laterally. We noted that groove formation and regression are contemporaneous with germ band retraction and shortening, respectively, suggesting that these rearrangements could also contribute to groove morphology. The cellular changes accompanying groove formation require that Hedgehog signalling be activated, and, as a result, a target of Ci expressed, at the posterior of each boundary (obvious targets like stripe and rhomboid appear not to be involved). In addition, Engrailed must be expressed at the anterior side of each boundary, even if Hedgehog signalling is artificially maintained. Thus, there are distinct genetic requirements on either side of the boundary. In addition, Wingless signalling at the anterior of the domains of engrailed (and hedgehog) expression represses groove formation and thus ensures that segment boundaries form only at the posterior.  相似文献   

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