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木质藤本是热带森林的一个重要组分, 直接或间接地影响着森林中树木的生长和更新, 改变森林树木的种类组成, 并且可以通过改变森林碳固定量等方式在生态系统水平上发挥作用。全球气候的变化, 以及热带森林片断化程度的加剧, 将很大程度上影响着木质藤本的多样性和丰富度, 其特殊的生物学特性将在森林动态中发挥更加重要的作用。本文结合国内外目前木质藤本研究现状, 概述了木质藤本的一般知识(包括木质藤本的定义和生物学特性等), 介绍了木质藤本全球分布格局、其多样性维持机理以及木质藤本在森林生态系统中的功能与作用, 并就存在的一些问题以及需进一步开展的工作展开了讨论。  相似文献   

陈亚军  文斌 《广西植物》2008,28(1):67-72
调查滇南勐宋山地雨林沟谷与坡地两种生境中木质藤本种的丰富度、径级分布、攀缘方式以及样地中被藤本缠绕的树木(dbh≥5cm)的数量和比率。结果表明:沟谷与坡地胸径≥1cm的木质藤本平均密度分别为95.7株/0.1hm2、57株/0.1hm2。调查样地内木质藤本共64种,隶属30个科。茎缠绕是最主要的攀缘方式,占总个体数的57%,卷须缠绕种所占比重最小,仅占3%;沟谷与坡地所调查树木被木质藤本缠绕的比例分别为43.7%和28.6%。与亚洲其它热带地区森林相比,勐宋地区藤本的多样性低,但是木质藤本的密度相当高,并且在一些样地中出现了大型木质藤本,这些可能与该地区森林的演替状态有关。  相似文献   

木质藤本是维持森林物种多样性的组成部分。近年来,热带、亚热带森林尤其是次生林内的木质藤本数量的过度增长给森林的恢复和健康发展造成了威胁。至今,国内尚少有研究对森林木质藤本过多的现象、增长机制与生态效应进行综合认识。该文梳理国内外相关文献,从木质藤本数量增长的机制与生态效应进行分析和总结,综合相关研究认为:(1)木质藤本数量的增长与干旱化加剧、大气CO2浓度上升、自然干扰和森林破碎化有关,在环境变化的情况下,木质藤本在形态、行为、生理等方面比树木更具优势,表现为更快的生长速率、更强的繁殖力和可塑性以及资源利用效率。(2)木质藤本主要通过遮荫胁迫、资源竞争和机械压力与损伤等方式对树木造成影响。(3)木质藤本过度增长在个体水平上会阻碍树木生长、生殖并引起树木死亡,在群落水平上会改变物种组成、降低多样性,在生态系统水平上会降低森林碳储量,改变碳、矿质养分和水分循环过程等。因此,建议结合野外长期监测与控制实验开展木质藤本数量动态与环境变化关系、森林干扰对木质藤本生长的影响、木质藤本对环境变化的响应及适应机理、木质藤本数量过度增长的生态效应评价研究。同时,应积极探索合理的森林...  相似文献   

海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林木质藤本垂直结构特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
赵科  陶建平  郝建辉  乌玉娜 《生态学报》2010,30(12):3173-3181
木质藤本植物是热带森林结构和功能的重要组分,但对于其垂直分布的研究较少。通过对海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林坡地8条样带内胸径≥0.5cm的攀援木质藤本进行调查,比较分析了其多度、物种丰富度、径级结构、攀援方式组成、物种组成的垂直结构特征。结果表明:(1)随着高度级增加,木质藤本多度和物种丰富度都呈现出一种先增加后降低的单峰型曲线变化规律。(2)随着高度级增加,木质藤本个体趋于分布在更大径级。在森林底层(05m)和林冠层(≥15m)分别以0.51cm和≥2cm径级的木质藤本占优。(3)不同高度级间,不同攀援方式木质藤本个体比例存在显著差异。主茎缠绕类木质藤本在各高度级都占优势,卷须类木质藤本个体比例随高度增加显著降低,根攀类木质藤本呈现相反趋势。(4)随着高度级增加,木质藤本物种优势度明显发生变化。总体来看,木质藤本呈现出一种复杂、有序的垂直结构,这可能决定其对森林动态的影响。  相似文献   

木质物残体在森林生态系统中的功能评述   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
郝占庆  吕航 《生态学进展》1989,6(3):179-183

森林生态系统中的粗死木质残体及其功能   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
粗死木质残体(Coarse Woody Debris,CWD)是指所有地上和地下小头直径>2.5cm的死木质物,林分中CWD主要来源于个体的死亡和干扰所造成的死亡,在森林群落的生长发育过程中,CWD的数量变化呈“U”型,CWD的分解是动物和微生物吸收吸收养分,淋溶和自然破碎综合作用的结果,CWD的分解过程就是其发挥功能的过程,在此过程中各阶段都会有不同类型的生物群体利用其提供生境食物;CD具有吸收和释放养分的能力,是植物生长的营养库,是森林树木更新的良好介质;CWD是许多陆生生物和水生生物的食物来源,栖息地,避难所,哺育地,迁移通道等,在生物多样性保持方面发挥着不同替代的,在CWD的形成过程产生了林窗斑块,推动了森林生态系统的小循环,因此,CWD是森林生态系统中重要的结构性和功能性组成要素,在保持森林生态系统和水生生态系统的生物多样性及其生态过程完整性等方面起着不可替代的作用,应当给予了充分的重视。  相似文献   

两种光照下木质藤本和树木幼苗的生理生态学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈亚军  朱师丹  曹坤芳 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6034-6042
对比研究生长在两种光照环境(4%和35%)下的7种热带木质藤本和5种常见的雨林冠层树种幼苗叶片的光合能力、色素含量和形态解剖特征。结果表明:(1)与树木相比,低光下木质藤本光合能力(Pmax)较弱,光强升高,木质藤本光合能力提高86.4%,树木提高61.5%,且木质藤本具有更高的光合能力。其光合作用光补偿点(LCP)和饱和点(LSP)较高。(2)木质藤本和树木正午光化学效率(Fv/Fm)下降,非光化学耗散(NPQ)升高。相同处理条件下,木质藤本光化学效率高于树木,正午光系统Ⅱ受到光抑制的程度较小。(3)光强升高,木质藤本和树木单位叶面积叶绿素含量减少。木质藤本比树木单位面积均具有更高的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素总量和类胡萝卜素含量,以及更高的叶绿素a/b的比值。(4)与研究树木相比,木质藤本具有更大的叶片厚度,并且具有更大的比叶面积(SLA),反映出其较低的叶片密度。  相似文献   

为揭示喀斯特生境中藤本植物的生态策略,对中国科学院普定喀斯特生态系统观测研究站的陈旗流域中9种木质藤本的叶片功能性状及其相关性进行了研究.结果表明,叶面积、叶厚度、叶绿素含量、比叶面积、叶组织密度和叶干物质含量6个叶功能性状均存在不同程度的变异,性状的种间变异为9.24%~98.18%,种内变异为0.64%~39.71...  相似文献   

木质藤本是森林生态系统的重要组分。本研究在元江干热河谷地区随机设置了30个20 m×20 m的样方,调查样方中胸径≥0.5 cm的木质藤本多样性及其与宿主树木之间的关系。结果显示:30个样方中记录到胸径≥0.5 cm的木质藤本植物共945株(隶属于22种20属11科),其中,豆科木质藤本的丰富度和多度最高;胸径≤2 cm的木质藤本占个体总数的63.7%;茎缠绕类木质藤本的个体数最多。样方中胸径≥5 cm的树木共有1060株(隶属于38种31属16科),36.0%的树木上至少附藤1株。不同径级和不同树皮粗糙度的树木被木质藤本侵扰的百分比之间存在极显著差异(P0.001)。随着宿主树木平均枝下高的增加,附藤率呈下降趋势。76.5%的木质藤本选择离其根生长点最近的树木进行攀援。表明元江干热河谷中的木质藤本以小径级占优势,树木胸径、枝下高、树皮粗糙度和木质藤本根生长点到树木的距离是影响木质藤本侵扰树木的重要因素,支持木质藤本对宿主树木的侵扰具有选择性的假说。研究结果对中国西南干热河谷退化植被的恢复与物种多样性保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

热带森林植物功能群及其动态研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
臧润国  张志东 《生态学报》2010,30(12):3289-3296
热带森林极高的物种多样性和结构复杂性给生态学研究带来了很多挑战。植物功能群是对特定环境响应相似或对主要的生态过程具有相似作用的物种组合。应用植物功能群的方法是有效减少热带森林群落复杂性,并揭示其格局和过程的良好途径。在介绍植物功能群概念和划分途径的基础上,分析了热带森林植物功能群的时空动态规律。一般来讲,划分植物功能群通常有3种途径,并可通过5个步骤来完成。热带森林植物功能群的空间分布常受景观格局的制约,而环境异质性往往是影响不同植物功能群组配比例变化的直接原因。不同类型的植物功能群随演替过程发生显著的替代,而干扰体系和全球气候变化对功能群的动态过程具有重要的驱动作用。以功能群为基础的动态模型在模拟热带林群落动态和预测植被潜在分布等方面具有广阔的发展前景。探索有效的植物功能分类方法、构建完善的植物功能性状数据库、开发更为精确的功能群动态模型以及加强基于景观水平的植物功能群动态机制的认识等是未来热带森林植物功能群及其动态研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

In the tropical rainforest of Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, lianas (woody‐climbing plants) had a clumped distribution on trees, and 63.3 percent of trees ≥10 cm in diameter carried at least one liana. Trees with larger diameters supported more lianas and a higher total basal area of lianas than trees with smaller diameters. There was no relationship between liana diameter and the number of trees a liana climbed, but tendril climbers climbed on more trees than stem‐twiners.  相似文献   

Ariel E. Lugo 《Biotropica》2009,41(5):589-591
In 1966 Eugene P. Odum delivered a speech before the Ecological Society of America that transformed the way ecologists looked at succession. His comparison of mature and successional systems lead ecologists to place secondary forests in an inferior position relative to mature ones to the point that today, prominent tropical biologists argue for and against the conservation value of secondary forests. Nevertheless, we live in the era of secondary forests that is rapidly giving way to a new era of novel tropical forests. Research in Puerto Rico documents the emergence of novel forests, which are different in terms of species composition, dominance, and relative importance of species from forests that were present before the island was deforested. These novel forests emerged without assistance. They are a natural response to the new environmental conditions created by human activity. Natural processes have remixed or reassembled native and introduced plant and animal species into novel communities adapted to anthropogenic environmental conditions. Novel forests are expected to protect soils, cycle nutrients, support wildlife, store carbon, maintain watershed functions, and mitigate species extinctions. The dawn of the age of tropical novel forests is upon us and must not be ignored.  相似文献   

The complexity of factors driving tropical deforestation demand integrated approaches from concerned researchers and policy makers. Strict protection is sometimes the most appropriate mode of conservation, but conservation through management is often the better option. In either case, this essay highlights the importance of considering the social/cultural, economic, and political contexts in which these forests are threatened. By attempting to understand the cultural settings, institutional architectures and dynamics, and local expectations, and then by combining the concepts and tools of a range of disciplines, researchers will be more likely to forge lasting partnerships and increase their potential for sustained improvement in resource management and overall forest conservation.  相似文献   

Principles of Natural Regeneration of Tropical Dry Forests for Restoration   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
Tropical dry forests are the most threatened tropical terrestrial ecosystem. However, few studies have been conducted on the natural regeneration necessary to restore these forests. We reviewed the ecology of regeneration of tropical dry forests as a tool to restore disturbed lands. Dry forests are characterized by a relatively high number of tree species with small, dry, wind‐dispersed seeds. Over small scales, wind‐dispersed seeds are better able to colonize degraded areas than vertebrate‐dispersed plants. Small seeds and those with low water content are less susceptible to desiccation, which is a major barrier for establishment in open areas. Seeds are available in the soil in the early rainy season to maximize the time to grow. However, highly variable precipitation and frequent dry spells are important sources of mortality in seeds and seedlings. Collecting seeds at the end of the dry season and planting them when soil has sufficient moisture may increase seedling establishment and reduce the time they are exposed to seed predators. Germination and early establishment in the field are favored in shaded sites, which have milder environment and moister soil than open sites during low rainfall periods. Growth of established seedlings, however, is favored in open areas. Therefore, clipping plants around established seedlings may be a good management option to improve growth and survival. Although dry forests have species either resistant to fire or that benefit from it, frequent fires simplify community species composition. Resprouting ability is a noticeable mechanism of regeneration in dry forests and must be considered for restoration. The approach to dry‐forest restoration should be tailored to this ecosystem instead of merely following approaches developed for moister forests.  相似文献   

Tropical secondary forests form an important part of the landscape. Understanding functional traits of species that colonize at different points in succession can provide insight into community assembly. Although studies on functional traits during forest succession have focused on trees, lianas (woody vines) also contribute strongly to forest biomass, species richness, and dynamics. We examined life history traits of lianas in a forest chronosequence in Costa Rica to determine which traits vary consistently over succession. We conducted 0.1 ha vegetation inventories in 30 sites. To examine the establishment of young individuals, we only included small lianas (0.5–1.5 cm diameter at 1.3 m height). For each species, we identified seed size, dispersal mode, climbing mode, and whether or not the seedling is self‐supporting. We found a strong axis of variation determined by seed size and seedling growth habit, with early successional communities dominated by small‐seeded species with abiotic dispersal and climbing seedlings, while large‐seeded, animal‐dispersed species with free‐standing seedlings increased in abundance with stand age. Contrary to previous research and theory, we found a decrease in the abundance of stem twiners and no decrease in the abundance of tendril‐climbers during succession. Seed size appears to be a better indicator of liana successional stage than climbing mode. Liana life history traits change predictably over succession, particularly traits related to seedling establishment. Identifying whether these trait differences persist into the growth strategies of mature lianas is an important research goal, with potential ramifications for understanding the impact of lianas during tropical forest succession.  相似文献   

There is growing concern about the potential impact of reseatchers on tropical forest ecology, but few data. The aim of this paper is to examine the effects of collecting botanical specimens from tropical forest trees on their subsequent survivorship, using mortality data from plots in Amazonian Peru that were established in 1989 and reinventoried in 1994. In total, 2017 trees were originally tagged and collections were made from 948 trees. Making voucher collections always involved using unsterilized telescopic plant collecting poles to cut representative small branches, and sometimes also involved using iron-spiked tree-climbing gear to gain access to the canopy. Annual mortality in the four plots averaged 1.99 percent. Among the whole population of dicotyledenous trees, there was no detectable difference between the mortality rate of collected trees (1.96%) and noncollected trees (2.29%). We conclude that in spite of the physical damage caused to collected trees, collecting voucher specimens from tropical moist forest trees may not affect their survivorship, at least in the short-term. Further studies are needed to fully evaluate the potential impacts of research activities on petmanent forest plots in the tropics.  相似文献   

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