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Human T lymphocytes precultured for 36 hr in the presence of soluble HLA-DR antigens suppress the MLR response of autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes to allogeneic stimulating cells. The suppression is DR antigen-specific in that it appears that the MLR stimulating cell donor and the soluble suppressor-inducing antigen must share DR specificities. The soluble DR antigens were fractionated from the sera of normal donors using QAE-Sephadex chromatography and CNBr-activated Sepharose immunoadsorption. Similarly prepared HLA-A and -B antigens failed to induce suppressive activity. The suppressive activity of DR-antigen cultured T cells is resistant to mitomycin C treatment and, further, the antigen specificity is maintained with or without mitomycin C treatment. The kinetics of suppressor cell induction as well as the kinetics of suppression in the test MLR cultures are presented. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The soluble proteins of adenovirus type 1 have been separated and purified. Their antigenic characteristics were compared in different precipitation experiments performed in electric field. Both two-dimension immune electrophoresis and rocket electrophoresis can successfully be applied for quick diagnostic purposes. Quantitative determination of virus proteins is also feasible by rocket electrophoresis. The isoelectric point values of hexon, penton and fibre were pI 4.55, pI 4.69 and pI 7.07, respectively. The amino acid composition of type 1 adenovirus and its capsid components was determined from separated and purified protein preparations. The former differed in amino acid composition from the tissues used for virus propagation.  相似文献   

Virus-specific cytoplasmic RNA was isolated from rat cell lines transformed by fragments of adenovirus type 5 DNA, and the RNAs were translated in cell-free systems derived from wheat germ or rabbit reticulocytes. RNA was isolated from cell lines transformed by the following fragments: XhoI-C (leftmost 15.5%), HindIII-G (leftmost 8%), and HpaI-E (leftmost 4.5%). In addition, the adenovirus type 5-transformed human embryonic kidney line 293.C31 was investigated. The products were immunoprecipitated with serum from tumor-bearing hamsters and analyzed by electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. The results show that all transformed cells investigated contain early region 1a-specific RNAs which can be translated into proteins with molecular weights of 34,000 (34K), 36K, 40K, and 42K. Transformed cells that also contain an intact early region 1b synthesized RNA which can be translated into proteins with molecular weights of 19K and 65K. Minor proteins of 15K, 16K, 17.5K, 18K, 25K, and 29K were also observed, but these proteins could not be mapped unambiguously. Cells transformed by the 8% HindIII-G apparently lack RNA encoding the 65K protein, but they do contain RNA coding for the 19K protein.  相似文献   

A soluble Ad2 DNA synthesizing complex was prepared from Ad2-infected KB cell nuclei and purified by exclusion chromatography on a BioGel A-50m column. The purified complex was able to synthesize DNA from all regions of the virus genome, as indicated by EcoRI restriction endonuclease analysis of in vitro labeled DNA. Experiments were performed to identify Ad2-induced early polypeptides present in the complex. Ad2-infected and mock-infected cells were labeled with [35S]methionine 7–10 h postinfection, then incubated for 8 h to allow the 35S-labeled early polypeptides to become associated with the complex. The polypeptides in the purified complex and each of the cell fractions were identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. The major components of the purified complex were the 73K DNA binding phosphoprotein and 11K, two adenovirus 2-induced early polypeptides. The 11K has a preferred nuclear location. Small quantities of other Ad2-induced early proteins, 21K, 15K, and possibly 8.3K were also associated with the complex.  相似文献   

Some patients with Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium infections were shown to have soluble schistosomal antigen in their plasma. Antibody to this antigen and to other antigens of adult worms were also present. These findings may be relevant to schistosomal-related immune-complex disease, especially the nephrotic syndrome.  相似文献   

The uncoating of adenovirus type 2 and a temperature-sensitive mutant, tsl, was studied. HEp-2 cells were infected with 32P- OR 125I-labeled purified virions for various lengths of time, and the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions were analyzed by sucrose gradient velocity sedimentation and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis. Within 1 h of infection, virions were converted into three subviral structures: (1) subviral structures in the cytoplasm with a density greater than virions but which qualitatively still contained all virus polypeptides; (ii) corelike structures associated with both the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions and composed of viral DNA and polypeptides VIa2, V and PVII; and (iii) putative DNA-terminal protein complexes in the nuclei. The kinetic and compartmentalization studies suggested that the DNA-terminal protein complex is the end product of uncoating. The virions which were synthesized by tsl at the nonpermissive temperature and contained the precursor polypeptides PVI and PVII were found to be blocked in uncoating at the corelike stage. This block in uncoating provides the explanation for the lack of infectivity of these virions. A model for the uncoating of adenovirus is proposed.  相似文献   

Replicating chromosomes, called intermediate DNA, have been extracted from the adenovirus replication complex. Compared to mature molecules, intermediate DNA had a greater buoyant density in CsCl gradients and ethidium bromide-cesium chloride gradients. Digestion of intermediate DNA with S1 endonuclease, but not with RNase, abolished the difference in densities. These properties suggest that replicating molecules contain extensive regions of parental single strands. Although intermediate DNA sedimented faster than marker viral DNA in neutral sucrose gradients, single strands longer than unit length could not be detected after alkaline denaturation. Integral size classes of nascent chains in intermediate DNA suggest a relationship between units of replication and the nucleoprotein structure of the virus chromosome. Adenovirus DNA was replicated at a rate of 0.7 x 10-6 daltons/min. Although newly synthesized molecules had the same sedimentation coefficient and buoyant density as mature chromosomes, they still contained single-strand interruptions. Complete joining of daughter strands required an additional 15 to 20 min.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive mutants of type 5 adenovirus belonging to eight complementation groups were complemented in mixed infection by type 12 adenovirus, whereas mutants of 7 other groups were not enhanced. In some crosses, phenotypic mixing took place. No evidence of recombination between type 5 ts mutants and type 12 was found.  相似文献   

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