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Summary Following a phase of predominantly siliciclastic sedimentation in the Early and Middle Jurassic, a large-scale, low-latitude carbonate depositional system was established in the northern part of the Tabas Block, part of the central-east Iranian microplate, during the Callovian and persisted until the latest Oxfordian/Early Kimmeridgian. Running parallel to the present eastern block margin, a NNW/SSE-trending carbonate platform developed in an area characterized by reduced subsidence rates (Shotori Swell). The growth of this rimmed, flat-topped barrier platform strongly influenced the Upper Jurassic facies pattern and sedimentary history of the Tabas Block. The platform sediments, represented by the predominantly fine-grained carbonates of the Esfandiar Limestone Formation, pass eastward into slope to basin sediments of the Qal'eh Dokhtar Limestone Formation (platform-derived allochthonites, microbialites, and peri-platform muds). Towards the west, they interfinger with bedded limestones and marlstones (Kamar-e-Mehdi Formation), which were deposited in an extensive shelf lagoon. In a N−S direction, the Esfandiar Platform can be traced for about 170 km, in an E-W direction, the platform extended for at least 35–40 km. The width of the eastern slope of the platform is estimated at 10–15 km, the width of the western shelf lagoon varied considerably (>20–80 km). During the Late Callovian to Middle Oxfordian, the Esfandiar Platform flourished under arid climatic conditions and supplied the slope and basinal areas with large amounts of carbonates (suspended peri-platform muds and gravitational sediments). Export pulses of platform material, e.g. ooids and aggregate grains, into the slope and basinal system are interpreted as highstand shedding related to relative sealevel variations. The high-productivity phase was terminated in the Late Oxfordian when the eastern platform areas drowned and homogeneous deep water marls of the Upper Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian Korond Formation onlapped both the Qal'eh Dokhtar Limestone Formation and the drowned Esfandiar Limestone Formation. Tectonic instability, probably caused by faulting at the margins of the Tabas Block in connection with rotational movements of the east-central Iranian block assemblage, was responsible for the partial drowning of the eastern platform areas. In some areas, relicts of the platform persisted to produce shallow-water sediments into the Kimmeridgian.  相似文献   

The Callovian–Lower Kimmeridgian Kamar-e-Mehdi Formation of the Tabas Block (east-central Iran) is an up to 1,350-m-thick, fine-grained, marly-calcareous unit containing a basal Echellon Limestone Member (up to 180 m thick) and a terminal Nar Limestone Member (up to 100 m thick). The formation was deposited in a relatively deep shelf-lagoon that was part of the large-scale carbonate system of the Esfandiar Subgroup, extending N–S for about 500 km along the strike with a width of up to 100 km. The lagoonal Kamar-e-Mehdi Formation shows sedimentation rates of 150 m/myr, twice as high as those of the shelf-edge carbonate barrier (Esfandiar Platform). The repetitive lithologies and uniform depositional environment suggest equilibrium conditions between sedimentation and subsidence, related to constant slow rotation of the Tabas fault-block around a horizontal axis, the platform sitting on the crest, and the lagoon occupying the dip-slope. Lagoonal sedimentation was dominated by suspended carbonate mud and peloids from the eastern Esfandiar Platform whereas the subordinate siliciclastic material was derived from the west (Yazd Block). The diverse macrobenthos (mainly bivalves) suggests fully marine conditions for the major part of the Kamar-e-Mehdi Formation. However, towards the upper part, biotic impoverishment and the deposition of skeletal-poor, evaporitic sediments indicate increasing restriction. The overlying Magu Gypsum Formation marks the end of an arid basin-fill cycle and possibly forms an effective seal for hydrocarbon reservoirs in that area. The Esfandiar Subgroup was a Neotethys-facing carbonate margin, forming part of a belt of carbonate systems tracking the margins of the Iran Plate during Callovian to Late Jurassic times.  相似文献   

Calcareous algae of the Permian Jamal Formation were studied in three sections of the Shotori Mountains, located in northeastern Iran. In this paper, four genera including Imperiella Elliott and Süssli, Nanjinoporella Mu and Elliott, Tabasoporella nov. gen., and Pseudotabasoporella nov. gen. are described from the Howz-e Dorah locality, which is exposed about 2 km northeast of the type section of Jamal Formation in Mount Jamal. Tabasoporella nov. gen. is characterized by metaspondyl arrangement of phloiophore and wine-glass-shaped laterals with a stalk grouped to tufts. The individual tufts are separated by a ring-like cavity appearing as triangular, oval, or trapezoid in longitudinally dissected section. The arrangement and shape of the laterals in Pseudotabasoporella nov. gen. is similar to Tabasoporella nov. gen., but there are no cavities between the tufts. All four genera are highly developed and limited to the Permian period. They disappear at the end of Permian and are not found in the Triassic sediments. Until today, two species of Imperiella are found in Iran and Afghanistan. I. iranica Elliott and Süssli was described only from the Ruteh Formation of Alborz Mountains in north Iran and I. afghanica was described from the Permian of Afghanistan. The Jamal Formation of the Shotori Mountains is the second locality where both species are discovered. Moreover, species I. crassiparietalis and I. gracilis are the two new species described here. The genus Nanjinoporella—with type species N. pagoda Mu and Elliott—was known from the Permian (Artinskian) Chishia Formation of Nanjing, China. We describe the new species Nanjinoporella iranica from the Permian Jamal Formation of the Shotori Mountains, northeast Iran.  相似文献   

Minor bedforms within the mudstone-dominated Early Jurassic Hettangian Saltford Shale Member (Liasicus up to Angulata Chronozone) of the Blue Lias Formation in central England, indicate weak seafloor erosion in a mid to outer ramp setting. Distal storm flows below maximum storm wave base are proposed as the most likely generative mechanism for silty scour and gutter casts that enclose concentrations of well-preserved schlotheimiid ammonites and arthropod trace fossils. Within the upper part of the Saltford Shale (probably Angulata Chronozone), a discrete layer of reworked and bioencrusted limestone nodules signifies an episode of more persistent seafloor erosion. The immediately overlying strata, transitional to the Hettangian–Sinemurian Rugby Limestone Member, are relatively bioturbated and feature fossils of macrobenthos, as well as shell concentrations resembling relatively proximal storm beds. This suggests that the reworked nodule horizon marks sea-level fall, rather than stratigraphic condensation associated with sediment starvation. The biostratigraphic evidence raises the possibility that this erosional episode correlates with a mid-Angulata Chronozone hiatus documented from the Wessex Basin, southwest England. Equally however, it could be linked to contemporaneous movement on one or more nearby faults, affecting the southern part of the English East Midlands Shelf.  相似文献   

A study of the Upper Ordovician–Lower Silurian strata in Jämtland, central Sweden, shows that large-scale changes in shelf deposition took place close to the systems boundary. These changes include unconformity development and the replacement of a siliciclastic shelf with a carbonate-dominated shelf, suggesting the interaction of allocyclic controls such as changing eustatic sea-level and climate. The 6-m-thick Ede Formation is a key lithosome for interpretation of this transition. Its sediments were deposited in the Caledonian foreland basin, situated east of the closing Iapetus Ocean on the western margin of the Baltic craton. A major part of the late Caradoc to late Ashgill (into the Hirnantian) was characterised by continuous and uniform deposition over wide areas (Kogsta Formation), whereas erosional surfaces and complex lateral facies relationships characterise the Ordovician–Silurian boundary strata (Ede Formation and lateral equivalents). The Ede Formation represents the end of terrigenous deposition, which in the middle Aeronian was followed by regional expansion of carbonate deposition (Berge Formation). A syn-sedimentary erosional surface, with at least 1 m of relief locally, forms the lower boundary of the Ede Formation. This surface is overlain by two types of conglomerate. Lower parts of the Ede Formation consist of medium to thick-bedded quartzites. A second erosional surface with only minor (few centimetres) relief occurs on top of these quartzites. The upper parts of the Ede Formation consist of a thin, basal favositid biostrome overlain by thin bedded, calcareous sandstones, limestones and intensely bioturbated shales. Analysis of stratigraphic boundaries and the facies succession suggests that the lower Ede Formation represents a major downward shift in coastal onlap and by-pass sedimentation that created the lower erosional surface. The erosional surface in the middle of the Ede Formation is inferred to have formed during the subsequent maximum lowstand or as a ravinement surface, and is interpreted as an unconformity. The succession is subdivided into four facies associations, each corresponding to a specific systems tract: (a) a Shale–Siltstone Association (uppermost Kogsta Formation), deposited during a highstand situation in mid-outer shelf areas; (b) a Quartzite Association (the lower Ede Formation), deposited during forced regression in a shoreface environment; (c) a Mixed Carbonate–Siliciclastic Association (the upper Ede Formation), deposited during transgression in a wave-dominated, proximal shelf environment when clastic supply was reduced; and (d) a Micritic Limestone Association (lowermost Berge Formation), deposited during a second highstand situation in a low-energy, offshore environment.

Conodont data, together with a previously reported Hirnantia fauna, constrain the position of the Ordovician–Silurian boundary to the lower 1.65 m of the Ede Formation, or less likely, to the uppermost metre of the underlying Kogsta Formation, i.e., within a 2.65-m-thick uncertainty interval. The base of the Berge Formation is about 4 m above the top of the uncertainty interval, and is dated as being mid-Aeronian in age, suggesting condensation and/or a hiatus close to, or at, the Ordovician–Silurian boundary. These data tie the unconformity and the regional facies change from a siliciclastic to a carbonate-dominated shelf to Late Ordovician–Early Silurian eustatic and climatic changes.  相似文献   

Skeletal encrusters and carbonate hardgrounds are rare in siliciclastic sands and gravels because of high levels of abrasion and sediment movement. An exception to this is the Maastrichtian Qahlah Formation of the Oman Mountains, a sequence of coarse siliciclastic sediments deposited on a shallow marine shelf above wavebase and at an equatorial palaeolatitude. This unit contains intercalated carbonate hardgrounds and other hard substrates which were encrusted and bored. The hard substrates, comprising carbonate and silicate clasts, calcareous bioclasts (mollusc shells and coral fragments) and wood, supported a diverse encrusting and boring fauna dominated in biomass by the oyster Acutostrea . There are twelve bryozoan species and at least two serpulid worm species, most living cryptically. Other encrusters on exposed surfaces include the agglutinated foraminiferan Placopsilina and several species of colonial corals. Borings in the carbonate clasts and shells are predominantly those of bivalves ( Gastrochaenolites ), with subsidiary clionid sponge ( Entobia ) and acrothoracican barnacle ( Rogerella ) borings. The woodgrounds are thoroughly bored by teredinid bivalves ( Teredolites ). Of the common substrate types, carbonate hardground clasts support the greatest number of taxa, followed by chert clasts, with limestone rockground pebbles being depauperate. Clast composition and relative stability probably explain these differences. Individual clasts probably had variable and typically long colonisation histories. Detailed palaeoecological interpretation is constrained by taphonomic loss, time-averaging and clast transportation and reorientation. Evidence from the Qahlah Formation shows that tropical rocky-shore biotas in the Cretaceous were not impoverished as previously believed.  相似文献   

Stabilization of sediments by microbial mats and biofilms were studied in detail in Lake Aghormi, Siwa Oasis, Egypt. The study has shown that microbial mat assemblages, particularly filamentous cyanobacteria, with their extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are capable of effectively stabilizing sediments. The microbial mats in the siliciclastic environments of Lake Aghormi display distinctive sedimentary structures (microbially induced sedimentary structures), including multidirected ripple marks, microbial patches, petee structures, erosional remnants and pockets, and gas domes. Scanning electron microscopy study of the sediment surface colonized by cyanobacteria revealed that filamentous types are the most effective stabilizing organisms. Filamentous cyanobacteria and their EPS construct a network, interweave depositional grains of the sediment surface, envelope the particles, and glue them together. The studied biofilm is so thick forming a spider-web structure that totally coat the particles in such a way the morphology of the particles is masked.  相似文献   

Karl Krainer 《Geobios》2007,40(5):625
The Late Paleozoic (early Kasimovian-late Artinskian) sedimentary sequence of the Carnic Alps (Austria/Italy) is composed of cyclic, shallow-marine, mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sedimentary rocks. It contains different types of skeletal mounds in different stratigraphic levels. The oldest mounds occur at the base of the Auernig Group, within a transgressive sequence of the basal Meledis Formation. These mounds are small and built by auloporid corals. Algal mounds are developed in the Auernig Formation of the Auernig Group, forming biostromes, and Lower Pseudoschwagerina Limestone of the Rattendorf Group forming biostromes and bioherms. The dominant mound-forming organism of these mounds is the dasycladacean alga Anthracoporella spectabilis. In mounds of the Auernig Formation subordinately the ancestral corallinacean alga Archaeolithophyllum missouriense is present, whereas in mounds of the Lower Pseudoschwagerina Limestone a few calcisponges and phylloid algae occur locally at the base and on top of some Anthracoporella mounds. Mounds of the Auernig Formation formed during relative sea level highstands whereas mounds of the Lower Pseudoschwagerina Limestone formed during transgression. The depositional environment was in the shallow marine, low-turbulence photic zone, just below the active wave base and lacking siliciclastic influx. The algal mounds of the Carnic Alps differ significantly from all other algal mounds in composition, structure, zonation and diagenesis; the formation of the mounds cannot be explained by the model proposed by Wilson (1975). The largest mounds occur in the Trogkofel Limestone, they are composed of Tubiphytes/Archaeolithoporella boundstone, which shows some similarities to the “Tubiphytes thickets” of stage 2 of the massive Capitan reef complex of the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico/West Texas.  相似文献   

Lower Devonian late Emsian (Bois Blanc and Clear Creek Limestones; Schoharie Formation) level-bottom communities in New York, Michigan and Illinois were moderately cosmopolitan and diverse and dominated by brachiopods and solitary rugose corals. Subsequently (Early Eifelian?), there was an important episode of cratonal patch reef building in New York (Edgecliff Member, Onondaga Limestone), southwestern Ontario (Formosa Reef Limestone, lower Detroit River Group), and the Hudson Bay Lowland (Kwataboahegan Formation) by highly diverse endemic communities. The Edgecliff reefs were built by corals whereas the Formosa and Kwataboahegan reefs were built primarily by stromatoporoids. The strong correlation between high diversity and high endemism during the reef-building episode suggests that these communities contained numberous, small species populations belonging to several major taxa — an example of rapid speciation by geographic isolation and genetic drift.  相似文献   

The use of rocky palaeoshore bioerosion analysis as a tool to solve stratigraphic and tectonic issues is beginning to bear fruits. The occurrence of an extensive intra-Miocene marine abrasion platform in southern Portugal at Oura (Albufeira) has been identified on the basis of bioerosion trace fossils analysis. The observed ichnodiversity is rather low, with bivalve boring Gastrochaenolites being dominant. Nevertheless, the ichnoassemblage may be assigned to the Entobia ichnofacies. The palaeoichnological study of the Oura hardground confirmed the existence of an important intra-Miocene stratigraphic gap (ca. 3 Ma hiatus), represented by a razor-sharp erosional contact that separates the two main Neogene units in the Algarvian region: the lower carbonate sequence of Lagos–Portimão Formation (Langhian/Serravallian) and the upper siliciclastic sequence of the Cacela Formation (Upper Tortonian).  相似文献   

Carbonate sedimentation concurrent with submarine volcanism is very rare in the geologic record but is well displayed in the Early to Middle Miocene Conejo Volcanics of the central Santa Monica Mountains of southern California. Limestone occurs as lenticular deposits on the surface of composite flows units, as matrix within breccia of pebble- to cobble-size volcanic clasts, within primary voids extending down from flow surfaces, as lenses between flows within composite flow units, and as neptunian dikes. The common depositional sequence is of limestone lying on a flow and being overlain by hyaloclastic breccia. Limestone is not deposited on hyaloclastic breccia. Limestone deposition was controlled locally by relief on the sea floor that formed as the volcanic rocks accumulated. The limestone is predominantly skeletal packstone; volcanic clasts ranging in size from silt to boulders are locally common. Major constituent fossils are shallow-water bivalve mollusks, barnacles, serpulids, and regular echinoids; most are epifaunal and hard-substrate taxa in contrast to the soft-substrate and burrowing infaunal biota otherwise dominant in Cenozoic strata along the Pacific Coast of North America. The biota is diagnostic of a non-tropical, warm temperate environment. The limestone was deposited within a local basin that formed along the plate boundary at the western margin of the North American Plate. While volcanic rocks accumulated in the basin at bathyal depth, carbonate sediment accumulated on the outer-shelf margin of the basin and was transported intermittently into the basin by gravity flow. Neogene limestone occurs at only a few other sites in southern California. These have an origin that is similar to those in the Conejo Volcanics but differ in occurring with basin fill of diatomaceous sedimentary rocks rather than of submarine volcanics.  相似文献   

The stratigraphie and regional distribution of Oxfordian scleractinian reef corals in the Korallenoolith Formation (NW German Malm Group) is described from the Süntel, Deister, Kleiner Deisler and Osterwald Mountains. In the study area four horizons with (par-) autochthonous corals are developed two of which can be traced region-wide (Untere Korallenbank Member andflorigemma-Bank Member / Obere Korallenbank Member). The coral fauna of the biostromes, forming the Untere Korallenbank Member, is impoverished and dominated by ubiquitous r-strategists. In contrast, the reefal bioconstruetions of theflorigemma-Bank Member show a high variability in their regional appearances, partly forming highly diverse coral associations. The highest diversity is developed in the patch reefs from the Obere Korallenbank Member of the Osterwald Mountains (about 40 species). Corals are an important part of the Korallenoolith fauna. Altogether, 20 species belonging to 15 genera have been identified which were formerly unknown from NW German Oxfordian successions.  相似文献   

本文通过对北羌塘盆地北坳陷中南部胜利河、东湖及毛毛山等地区侏罗纪布曲组6条剖面及其中丰富的腕足类、双壳类等古生物资料和岩石组合特征的研究,将布曲组地质时代划为中侏罗世巴通期(Bathonian)至早卡洛夫期(Callovian),还可能跨入早巴柔期(Bajocian)。通过本文研究和区域对比,认为布曲组的沉积时代在北羌塘盆地存在穿时性。依据岩石组合特征,布曲组沉积充填物三分性明显,下部和上部为一套以微晶结构、粒泥结构为主的低能碳酸盐岩,中部为一套以高能的亮晶粒屑灰岩为主的碳酸盐岩。结合古生物生态习性,布曲组沉积环境总体为近岸浅水开阔台地–台地边缘碳酸盐岩沉积体系,构成多个沉积旋回。这一基础资料对下一步分析北羌塘盆地坳陷中南部布曲组岩相古地理提供了支撑。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Late Ordovician vertebrate faunas occur in clastic sedimentary units along the length of the Rocky Mountains from Colorado to Montana, and across the border into Canada. Most research has, however, been conducted on localities in the southern part of the outcrop belt, particularly the Harding Sandstone Formation of Colorado. Micropalaeontological sampling of the coeval South Piney Member (Winnipeg Formation) in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming has revealed an abundant vertebrate fauna. The vertebrate assemblage includes a low-abundance fauna of 13 conodont taxa that together indicate an undatus Chronozone age (mid-Mohawkian; mid-Caradoc; Late Ordovician). The pteraspidomorphs Astraspis desiderata Walcott and Eriptychius americanus Walcott are also present together with one new taxon, Eleochera glossa gen. et sp. nov., which is interpreted as a derived stem-gnathostome on the basis of its scale histology and morphology. The fauna bears a strong similarity to that of the Harding Sandstone but is of lower diversity. In particular, it lacks the fine-grained, deeper water component of the Harding Sandstone that contains, inter alia , thelodonts and stem-chondrichthyans.  相似文献   

The occurrence of wrinkle structures in Middle Devonian deep‐water siliciclastic sequences of the Prague Basin (Roblín Member, Srbsko Formation, Givetian) is reported and interpreted to be microbially induced. Current and/or gravitational forces are considered the simplest explanation of the origin of these structures. Taking into account the tectonic activity linked with ongoing Variscan orogeny, the wrinkle structures could also be interpreted as soft sediment deformation structures originating due to exposure of mat‐bearing sediment to seismic shocks. The distribution of n‐alkanes and isoprenoids suggests two types of prevailing biological sources, namely phytoplankton, representing organic material from the water column, and benthic bacteria. Judging from the sedimentary facies and lack of petrographic characteristics suggestive of light competition, the microbial mats are interpreted to be formed by non‐autotrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

Before the formation of the Central American Isthmus, there was a Central American Peninsula. Here we show that southern Central America existed as a peninsula as early as 19 Ma, based on new lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and strontium chemostratigraphic analyses of the formations exposed along the Gaillard Cut of the Panama Canal. Land mammals found in the Miocene Cucaracha Formation have similar body sizes to conspecific taxa in North America, indicating that there existed a terrestrial connection with North America that allowed gene flow between populations during this time. How long did this peninsula last? The answer hinges on the outcome of a stratigraphic dispute: To wit, is the terrestrial Cucaracha Formation older or younger than the marine La Boca Formation? Previous stratigraphic studies of the Panama Canal Basin have suggested that the Cucaracha Formation lies stratigraphically between the shallow-marine Culebra Formation and the shallow-to-upper-bathyal La Boca Formation, the latter containing the Emperador Limestone. If the La Boca Formation is younger than the Cucaracha Formation, as many think, then the peninsula was short-lived (1–2 m.y.), having been submerged in part by the transgression represented by the overlying La Boca Formation. On the other hand, our data support the view that the La Boca Formation is older than the Cucaracha Formation. Strontium dating shows that the La Boca Formation is older (23.07 to 20.62 Ma) than both the Culebra (19.83–19.12 Ma) and Cucaracha (Hemingfordian to Barstovian North American Land Mammal Ages; 19–14 Ma) formations. The Emperador Limestone is also older (21.24–20.99 Ma) than the Culebra and Cucaracha formations. What has been called the “La Boca Formation” (with the Emperador Limestone), is re-interpreted here as being the lower part of the Culebra Formation. Our new data sets demonstrate that the main axis of the volcanic arc in southern Central America more than likely existed as a peninsula connected to northern Central America and North America for much of the Miocene, which has profound implications for our understanding of the tectonic, climatic, oceanographic and biogeographic history related to the formation of the Isthmus of Panama.  相似文献   

Two diastems in the King Ferry Shale Member (Ludlowville Formation) are the result of local submarine erosion. These discontinuities, traceable from the Cayuga Valley to Seneca Lake, are marked by bioencrusted hiatus-concretions, and both diastems display westward erosional overstep of underlying beds. Hiatus-concretions show complex sequential histories of in situ formation, exhumation, and biodegradation. Activity of bottom organisms influenced erosion; substrate modification by infauna acted to trigger or accelerate sediment loss in a low energy setting. Both diasterns are developed along a depth related paleoenvironmental gradient; submarine erosion in this area is controlled, in part, by the presence of a gentle northwest dipping paleoslope. Juxtaposition of three conditions: bioturbation of surface muds, episodic wave or current impingement on these muds, and substrate inclination resulted in local sea floor erosion through a process of downslope sediment transport and dispersion. King Ferry diastems are termed stratomictic . Stratomictic discontinuities are erosional breaks which lack discrete hiatal surfaces due to vertical sediment mixing by infauna. They include several other examples from the New York Devonian and probably have analogs in numerous sedimentary sequences world-wide.  相似文献   

A succession of Sirius Group glacigene sediments which crop out along the western margins of the Beardmore valley between Cherry Icefall and Hewson Glacier, below The Cloudmaker, is designated as the stratotype of the Cloudmaker Formation. This new formation overlies a multiply glaciated pavement (Dominion Erosion Surface) cut into the Precambrian Goldie Formation, and is disconformably overlain by the Meyer Desert Formation (Sirius Group). The Cloudmaker Formation comprises bedded and massive diamictons, bedded sands and silts, and laminated clays. Assemblages of foraminifera occur throughout the Cloudmaker Formation and indicate that these basal Sirius Group sediments were deposited in brackish glacial marine environments. The general absence of diatoms suggest these marine waters were ice-covered. Similar marine assemblages are also present in basal Sirius Group sediments at Oliver Bluffs, Dominion Range. Recycled marine diatom assemblages in the Sirius Group at the latter locality indicate that the host sediments have an age of < 3.8 Ma (Pliocene). The Cloudmaker Formation is placed in the Pliocene, although a latest Miocene age for the basal sediments cannot be ruled out.Stratigraphie, sedimentologic, and paleontologic evidence suggests that Beardmore valley was occupied by a fjord and tidewater glacier system that extended at least 165 km through the Transantarctic Mountains from the southwestern Ross Sea. The stratigraphy of The Cloudmaker Formation consists of a succession of members separated by disconformities. It is hypothesised that these strata were deposited by a dynamic valley glacier system that underwent a history of glacier advance and grounding alternating with glacier retreat and flotation over a marine water column. A combination of fjord basin sediment filling and sea-level oscillations may also have influenced the pattern of glacier ice advance and retreat within Beardmore Paleofjord. The marine Cloudmaker Formation is overlain by the terrestrial diamicton dominated Meyer Desert Formation. At Oliver Bluffs, the Meyer Desert Formation diamictons are interbedded with fluvial, and lacustrine sediments; successions that contain in situ vascular plant fossils (principally the Southern Beech Nothofagus), mosses, and beetle remains. A Magellanic-type flora and fauna occupied the coastal margins of the Beardmore Paleofjord. The vertical transition from the basal marine Cloudmaker Formation to terrestrial Meyer Desert Formation provides a sea-level datum that can be used to assess the extent of post-Sirius Group tectonic uplift. Uplift rates at the Cloudmaker section, 90 km inland from the Transantarctic Mountain front or rift shoulder margin in the Queen Alexandra Mountain block are determined to be ~ 429 or ~ 350 m/Myr. This assumes a total uplift of 1331 m for the uppermost marine sediments of the Cloudmaker Formation, and maximum diatom-based ages for the Sirius Group of < 3.1 Ma or < 3.8 Ma. Gross similarities in stratigraphy and interpreted paleoenvironments are apparent between The Cloudmaker succession (Beardmore Paleofjord) and the upper Miocene-Pliocene successions at the mouth of Taylor Paleofjord, 800 km to the north. Contrasting present day elevational settings for these two widely separated marine successions indicates the post-Sirius rate of tectonic uplift for the Transantarctic Mountains has been significantly greater in the Queen Alexandra block.  相似文献   

Fluvial palaeochannels of coastal plain sediments of the Lower Jurassic Sose Bugt Member of the Rønne Formation exposed in the coastal cliffs at Sose Bugt, Bornholm, contain abundant dinosaur or other large vertebrate tracks in the form of deformation structures exposed in vertical section. The tracks are represented by steep‐walled, flat‐to‐concave‐bottomed depressions, with a raised ridge at each side. The tracks are filled with laminated sediments, draping the contours of the bottom of the depression. Underprints, stacked concave deformations beneath the prints, are present beneath each track. Contemporary Upper Triassic – Lower Jurassic strata from southern Sweden and Poland contain a diverse track fauna, supporting our interpretation. This is the earliest evidence of dinosaur activity in Denmark.  相似文献   

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