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The DNA coding for RNase H from a mutant strain of Escherichia coli (FB2) was cloned into plasmid pBR322. DNA sequence analysis and the exchange of a portion of the mutant and wild-type genes revealed that a single-base alteration (C-->T) in the coding region of the structural gene for RNase H is responsible for the difference in RNase H activity of the wild-type and mutant cells.  相似文献   

Summary Escherichia coli rnh mutants deficient in ribonuclease H (RNase H) are capable of DNA replication in the absence of protein synthesis. This constitutive stable DNA replication (SDR) is dependent upon the recA + gene product. The requirement of SDR for recA + can be suppressed by rin mutations (for recA+-independent), or by lexA(Def) mutations which inactivate the LexA repressor. Thus, there are at least three genetically distinct types of SDR in rnh mutants: recA +-dependent SDR seen in rnh - rin+ lexA+ strains, recA +-independent in rnh - rin- lexA+, and recA +-independent in rnh - rin+ lexA(Def). The expression of SDR in rin - and lexA(Def) mutants demonstrated a requirement for RNA synthesis and for the absence of RNase H. The suppression of the recA + requirement by rin mutations was shown to depend on some new function of the recF + gene product. In contrast, the suppression by lexA-(Def) mutations was not dependent on recF +. The lexA3 mutation inhibited recA +-dependent SDR via reducing the amount of recA + activity available, and was suppressed by the recAo254 mutation. The SDR in rnh - rin- cells was also inhibited by the lexA3 mutation, but the inhibition was not reversed by the recAo254 mutation, indicating a requirement for some other lexA +-regulated gene product in the recA +-independent SDR process. A model is presented for the regulation of the expression of these three types of SDR by the products of the lexA +, rin+ and recF + genes.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the structural gene for Escherichia coli exonuclease I has been determined. The coding region corresponds to a 465-amino acid protein with molecular weight of 53,174. The partial amino acid sequence of purified exonuclease I agrees with that predicted by the DNA sequence. Two putative weak promoters have been localized by S1 nuclease analysis. The sbcB coding sequence contains many non-optimal codons, characteristic of many poorly expressed E. coli genes.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli K-12, sbcB/xonA is the structural gene for exonuclease I, an enzyme that hydrolyzes single-stranded DNA to mononucleotides in the 3'-to-5' direction. This enzyme has been implicated in the DNA repair and recombination pathways mediated by the recB and recC gene products (exonuclease V). We have cloned several sbcB/xonA mutant alleles in bacterial plasmids and have partially characterized the cloned genes and their protein products. Two of the mutations (xonA2 and xonA6) retain no detectable exonucleolytic activity on single-stranded DNA. The xonA6 allele was shown to harbor an insertion of an IS30-related genetic element near the 3' end of the gene. Two other mutations, sbcB15 and xonA8, exhibited significantly reduced levels of exonuclease I activity as compared to the cloned wild-type gene. A correlation was observed between levels of exonuclease I activity and the ability of the sbcB/xonA mutations to suppress UV sensitivity in recB and recC strains. Also, recombinant plasmids bearing either the sbcB15 or xonA6 allele exhibited a high degree of instability during growth of their bacterial hosts. The results suggest that the sbcB/xonA gene product is a bi- or multifunctional protein that interacts with single-stranded DNA and possibly with other proteins in the suppression of genetic recombination and DNA-repair deficiencies in recB and recC mutants.  相似文献   

To determine the essentiality and role of RNase T in RNA metabolism, we constructed an Escherichia coli chromosomal rnt::kan mutation by using gene replacement with a disrupted, plasmid-borne copy of the rnt gene. Cell extracts of a strain with mutations in RNases BN, D, II, and I and an interuppted rnt gene were devoid of RNase T activity, although they retained a low level (less than 10%) of exonucleolytic activity on tRNA-C-C-[14C]A due to two other unidentified RNases. A mutant lacking tRNA nucleotidyltransferase in addition to the aforementioned RNases accumulated only about 5% as much defective tRNA as did RNase T-positive cells, indicating that this RNase is responsible for essentially all tRNA end turnover in E. coli. tRNA from rnt::kan strains displayed a slightly reduced capacity to be aminoacylated, raising the possibility that RNase T may also participate in tRNA processing. Strains devoid of RNase T displayed slower growth rates than did the wild type, and this phenotype was accentuated by the absence of the other exoribonucleases. A strain lacking RNase T and other RNases displayed a normal response to UV irradiation and to the growth of bacteriophages but was severely affected in its ability to recover from a starvation regimen. The data demonstrate that the absence of RNase T affects the normal functioning of E. coli, but it can be compensated for to some degree by the presence of other RNases. Possible roles of RNase T in RNA metabolism are discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented to show that Escherichia coli JC7618, JC7621, and JC7623, previously regarded as having a recB recC sbcB genotype, carry an additional mutation in a new gene designated sbcC at minute 9 on the standard genetic map. In the absence of the sbcC mutation these strains are sensitive to mitomycin C and have a reduced efficiency of recombination. Cultures of recBC sbcB (sbcC+) strains grow slowly, contain many inviable cells, and rapidly accumulate fast-growing variants due to mutation of sbcC. sbcC has been identified on recombinant plasmids and tentatively located by Tn1000 mutagenesis to a 0.9-kilobase DNA section between proC and phoR.  相似文献   

Summary Three mutations clustered at 45.5 min of the genetic map of E. coli K12 have been shown previously (Lengeler, 1975a) to affect specifically galactitol transport via an enzyme II-complexGat (gatA) of the PEP dependent phosphotransferase system and a soluble, NAD dependent dehydrogenase (gatD). In the present report data are given further supporting the existence of a gat operon, made up by a control gene gatC and the structural genes gatA and gatD. The enzyme II-complexGat is shown to catalyze the formation of galactitol-1-P and the dehydrogenase to catalyze the reversible conversion of galactitol-1-P and D-tagatose-6-P. Loss of a phosphofructokinase activity controlled by the gene pfkA prevents growth on galactitol and concomitantly the formation of D-tagatose-1,6-P2, while the suppressing mutation pfkB-1 restores a phosphofrucokinase activity and growth on galactitol.As shown further the erratic growth behaviour of E. coli K12, B and C on galactitol is apparently due to a temperature sensitive ketose-bis-phosphate aldolase inactive at temperatures >35° C. This enzyme reacts with D-tagatose-1,6-P2 and to a lesser extent with D-fructose-1,6-P2 and thus is able to suppress fda mutations. It is controlled by a new gene locus kba located within 1 min of the marker argG, remoted from the gat operon and the gene fda. Galactitol dissimilation in E. coli K12 thus seems to be via galactitol-1-P-D-tagatose-6-P-D-tagatose-1,6-P2 to dihydroxyacetone-P+glyceraldehyde-P, controlled by the genetic loci gatC A D, pfkA, pfkB-1 and kba respectively.  相似文献   

Cells of Escherichia coli K12 were sensitive to 100 mM-methylammonium when cultured under nitrogen limitation, and resistant when grown with an excess of either NH4Cl or glutamine. Glutamine synthetase activity was required for expression of the methylammonium-sensitive phenotype. Mutants were isolated which were resistant to 100 mM-methylammonium, even when grown under nitrogen limitation. P1 bacteriophage transduction and F' complementation analysis revealed that the resistance-conferring mutations mapped either inside the glnA structural gene and/or elsewhere in the E. coli chromosome. Glutamine synthetase was purified from the wild-type and from some of the mutant strains. Strains carrying glnA-linked mutations that were solely responsible for the methylammonium-resistant phenotype yielded an altered enzyme, which was less active biosynthetically with either ammonium or methylammonium as substrate. Sensitivity to methylammonium appeared to be due to synthesis of gamma-glutamylmethylamide by glutamine synthetase, which was synthesized poorly, if at all, by mutants carrying an altered glutamine synthetase enzyme.  相似文献   

Two high-molecular-mass proteases have been detected in E.coli K12 and isolated from the periplasmic fraction released by osmotic shock. The two proteases, designated Protease peri7 and Protease peri8, have similar molecular masses (greater than 2000 kDa) and degrade alpha- and beta-casein, but not insulin B chain. Protease peri7 is a metalloprotease activated 3-6 fold by ATP, dATP and GTP but inhibited by AMP. Nucleotide hydrolysis occurs during protein breakdown. Protease peri8, in contrast, is a serine protease unaffected by nucleotides or metal chelators. The two proteases appear by electron microscopy to be ring-shaped particles of approximately 125 A degrees in diameter. These proteases appear to be very similar to the multi-protease complexes (Proteasomes) detected in a variety of eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells with mutations in recBC genes are defective for the main RecBCD pathway of recombination and have severe reductions in conjugational and transductional recombination, as well as in recombinational repair of double-stranded DNA breaks. This phenotype can be corrected by suppressor mutations in sbcB and sbcC(D) genes, which activate an alternative RecF pathway of recombination. It was previously suggested that sbcB15 and DeltasbcB mutations, both of which inactivate exonuclease I, are equally efficient in suppressing the recBC phenotype. In the present work we reexamined the effects of sbcB15 and DeltasbcB mutations on DNA repair after UV and gamma irradiation, on conjugational recombination, and on the viability of recBC (sbcC) cells. We found that the sbcB15 mutation is a stronger recBC suppressor than DeltasbcB, suggesting that some unspecified activity of the mutant SbcB15 protein may be favorable for recombination in the RecF pathway. We also showed that the xonA2 mutation, a member of another class of ExoI mutations, had the same effect on recombination as DeltasbcB, suggesting that it is an sbcB null mutation. In addition, we demonstrated that recombination in a recBC sbcB15 sbcC mutant is less affected by recF and recQ mutations than recombination in recBC DeltasbcB sbcC and recBC xonA2 sbcC strains is, indicating that SbcB15 alleviates the requirement for the RecFOR complex and RecQ helicase in recombination processes. Our results suggest that two types of sbcB-sensitive RecF pathways can be distinguished in E. coli, one that is activated by the sbcB15 mutation and one that is activated by sbcB null mutations. Possible roles of SbcB15 in recombination reactions in the RecF pathway are discussed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 mutants with altered flagellum antigenicity were isolated by introducing random deletions into the flagellin gene. The deletions were identified in the central region of the gene. It is suggested that this region corresponds to the flagellin domain molecule which affects flagellum antigenicity.  相似文献   

The Streptomyces coelicolor gene SCC88.10c encodes a protein (RNase ES) which is homologous to endoribonucleases in the RNase E/G family. We expressed S. coelicolor RNase ES as a 6 x His-tagged protein in an Escherichia coli mutant carrying a rng (which encodes RNase G) or a rne (which encodes RNase E) mutation to study whether S. coelicolor RNase ES is able to complement these mutations in host E. coli cells. The results clearly indicated that the S. coelicolor RNase ES can partially abrogate either the rng::cat or rne-1 mutation, as measured by the ability to suppress the several aberrant phenotypes resulting from the rng or rne mutation. Thus, S. coelicolor RNase ES appears to have the dual ability to supplant the functions of both RNase G and RNase E in E. coli.  相似文献   

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