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Previously we have shown that the major antigenic determinant of human intestinal mucin is associated with its glycopeptide monomers and not the 118 kDa 'link' component. In the present study, the size and nature of the functional unit containing the antigenic determinant has been assessed by radiation inactivation and immunological assays. Increasing doses of radiation led to a monoexponential decay in antigenic reactivity due to a progressive loss of antigenic determinants. From three independent mucin preparations, a value of 78500 +/- 7000 was determined for the Mr of the functional antigenic unit. Prolonged pronase digestion of native mucin released large degraded glycopeptide monomers containing all the mucin carbohydrate, and low molecular weight peptides. The antigenicity of the glycopeptides decreased with digestion but could not be recovered in the peptide fractions, suggesting that determinants were released and destroyed by the enzyme. Treatment of native mucin with trifluoromethanesulphonic acid caused a major loss of carbohydrate (approx. 70%), but the protein component was unchanged in amino acid profile and remained antigenic. Subsequent thiol reduction, however, abolished the antigenicity of the deglycosylated mucin. We conclude that antigenicity is associated with a non-glycosylated segment of the peptide backbone of the glycopeptides and that a large functional unit of Mr 78500 which is stabilized by disulphide bonds is important for full antigenic activity.  相似文献   

The human commensal Bacteroides fragilis binds intestinal mucin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Huang JY  Lee SM  Mazmanian SK 《Anaerobe》2011,17(4):137-141
The mammalian gastrointestinal tract harbors a vast microbial ecosystem, known as the microbiota, which benefits host biology. Bacteroides fragilis is an important anaerobic gut commensal of humans that prevents and cures intestinal inflammation. We wished to elucidate aspects of gut colonization employed by B. fragilis. Fluorescence in situ hybridization was performed on colonic tissue sections from B. fragilis and Escherichia coli dual-colonized gnotobiotic mice. Epifluorescence imaging reveals that both E. coli and B. fragilis are found in the lumen of the colon, but only B. fragilis is found in the mucosal layer. This observation suggests that physical association with intestinal mucus could be a possible mechanism of gut colonization by B. fragilis. We investigated this potential interaction using an in vitro mucus binding assay and show here that B. fragilis binds to murine colonic mucus. We further demonstrate that B. fragilis specifically and quantitatively binds to highly purified mucins (the major constituent in intestinal mucus) using flow cytometry analysis of fluorescently labeled purified murine and porcine mucins. These results suggest that interactions between B. fragilis and intestinal mucin may play a critical role during host-bacterial symbiosis.  相似文献   

The role of disulphide bonds in human intestinal mucin   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Goblet-cell mucin (mucin 1) was isolated and purified from human small-intestinal scrapings. After application of mucin 1 to DEAE-Bio-Gel (A) columns, most of the glycoprotein (76-94% of hexoses) was eluted in the first peak (designated mucin 2). Minor amounts of acidic glycoproteins were eluted with 0.2m- and 0.4m-NaCl in later peaks. Analyses of mucin 1 and mucin 2 revealed mucin 2 to be a monodisperse highly glycosylated glycoprotein containing 6.3% by wt. of protein, N-acetylgalactosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, galactose and fucose. Mucin 1 was similar in composition, but was polydisperse and contained more protein (12.3% by wt.) as well as N-acetylneuraminic acid. Analytical CsCl-gradient ultracentrifugation showed both mucin 1 and mucin 2 to have a major component with an average buoyant density of 1.47000g/ml. Mucin 1 also contained a slightly less-dense minor glycoprotein component. After exhaustive reduction and alkylation mucin 1 retained its major component, but partly dissociated into two lighter glycoprotein components. Mucin 2, in contrast, did not change its density distribution after reduction. Band ultracentrifugation in (2)H(2)O-containing iso-osmotic buffers showed that mucin 1 contained a major fast-sedimenting component (s(o)=37+/-2S), and a minor amount of a slower-sedimenting component. After reduction there was an increased quantity of the latter component, for which an s(o) value of 14.5S was calculated. In contrast, mucin 2 was unaltered by reduction (s(o)=33+/-2S). These findings indicate that the major component of goblet-cell mucin (mucin 2) does not dissociate after S-S-bond reduction, and thus does not apparently rely for its polymeric structure on the association of subunits through covalent disulphide bonds. However, the effects of reduction on mucin 1 suggest that in the native mucin intramolecular disulphide bonds in the minor glycoproteins may stabilize their structure, permitting secondary non-covalent interactions to develop with the major dense mucin (mucin 2) protein.  相似文献   

The blood group substances Chido (Cha) and Rogers (Rga) represent two electrophoretic variants of human C4. Based on the observation that anti-Cha and anti-Rga antisera agglutinated human red blood cells prepared in sucrose-activated autologous serum (LIS cells) at 37 degrees C, it has been assumed that the Cha and Rga antigenic determinants reside in the C4d fragment of C4. Here, we present evidence indicating that C4d is not present on those cells. In order to identify structurally the C4 fragments deposited, LIS cells were prepared at 37 degrees C and 4 degrees C in autologous serum to which 125I-C4 was added. Membranes of LIS cells were solubilized and analyzed by SDS-PAGE in 5 to 15% gradient gels followed by autoradiography. C4d was not deposited on LIS cells prepared at 37 degrees C, whereas C4c (beta, gamma, alpha 3 alpha 4) was. Cells prepared at 4 degrees C carried C4d (alpha 2) and C4c. Anti-Cha and anti-Rga antisera agglutinated both cell types, although C4d was not present on the cells prepared at 37 degrees C. Purified C4, C4c, C4d, and alpha-, beta- and gamma-chains of C4, as well as alpha 3 and alpha 4, were used to neutralize these antisera. C4 and the alpha-chain C4d and alpha 4 fragment of C4c, but neither the alpha 3 fragment nor the beta- or gamma-chains, were capable of neutralizing anti-Cha and anti-Rga antisera. These results strongly suggest that C4d and alpha 4 share an antigenic determinant, both of which are recognized by anti-Cha and anti-Rga antisera.  相似文献   

W Pruzanski  M Armstrong  D Roelcke 《Blut》1981,43(5):307-313
Presence of antigenic determinants reacting with homogeneous IgM/kappa cold agglutinin (CA) of a new specificity, tentatively called Sa, was investigated by bithermic cytotoxicity assay and by immunofluorescence. CA Sa killed on average 38% allogeneic peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and up to 74% of autologous PBL. There was preferential kill of B-PBL compared to T-PBL. Some preference toward B cells was also noted using tonsillary B and T lymphocytes. Cytotoxic activity of CA Sa against chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells of B-type was almost equal to that of potent anti-I CA and much stronger than anti-i CA. Presence of additional B-cytotoxic factor in the serum was excluded by the use of red blood cell eluate composed solely of homogeneous CA. Thymocytes and helper-type T cells from a patient with T cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia were very susceptible to the cytotoxic action of Sa. CA Sa killed 39% of monocytes, but there was almost no kill of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Lymphocytotoxicity of CA Sa was abolished by sialyllactose and was not influenced by I-active glycoproteins. Comparison of CA Sa to CA of other specificities showed marked differences, supporting the view that Sa has new, previously unrecognized specificity.  相似文献   

Invasion of epithelial cells by Shigella is an early step in their pathogenesis. Adherence is generally presumed to be a prerequisite for invasion. This study examined the possibility of intestinal mucins serving as initial binding sites for clinical isolates of S. boydii and S. sonnei. The interactions of Shigella with rat and human small intestinal and colonic mucin were investigated. In solid phase binding assays, [35S] labelled Shigella did not show any preferential binding to rat/human small intestinal mucin or to rat colonic mucin. On the other hand, Shigella bound specifically to human colonic mucin in a concentration-dependent manner. This specific binding to human colonic mucin was not by weak hydrophobic interactions and could not be attributed to the presence of contaminating glycolipids in the mucin preparation. The human colonic mucin receptor was sensitive to periodate treatment suggesting the involvement of the carbohydrate portion of the mucin. Reduction and alkylation of mucin enhanced adherence probably by exposing buried binding sites. The monosaccharides present in mucins were ineffective as hapten inhibitors as was the lectin wheat germ agglutinin suggesting that the mucin receptor is a more complex one. This study identifies, for the first time, the presence of a specific Shigella-binding site on the carbohydrate portion of human colonic mucin, which is not present in rat colonic mucin or in rat/human small intestinal mucin.  相似文献   

To examine the possible effects of zinc deficiency on mucin composition a mucin was prepared by proteolysis of sheep intestinal mucosa, and fractionated by centrifugation and ethanol precipitation. The composition of these fractions was different when the mucin was obtained from zinc-deficient and from zinc-supplemented sheep.  相似文献   

Partially purified native-pig gastric mucus and purified pig gastric mucin, prepared by column chromatography and caesium chloride (CsCl) density-gradient ultracentrifugation, were subjected to pepsin digestion. The products of peptic digestion were chromatographed on Sepharose CL-2B, and fractions were assayed for carbohydrate by the periodic acid-Schiff reaction. The polymeric gastric mucin in the purified mucin samples was readily degraded by pepsin. In sharp contrast, the polymeric mucin in the partially purified mucus was relatively resistant to pepsin digestion. In 45 min, pepsin degraded 40% of the polymeric mucin in the purified samples, whereas it produced no significant degradation (less than 10%) in the partially purified mucus samples. In partially purified gastric mucus, treated with CsCl but not fractionated by ultracentrifugation, digestion with pepsin was also slow and incomplete. This showed that differences in susceptibility between partially purified and purified preparations are not due to the chaotropic effects of CsCl. In addition, the recombination of low-density nonmucin fractions in CsCl ultracentrifugation with the mucin also resisted pepsin digestion. Finally, we have shown that the low-density fractions in mucus exhibited a strong inhibitory effect of peptic activity in vitro. We conclude that under our experimental conditions, pepsin has little effect on partially purified mucus, and our findings indicate an inhibitor of peptic digestion is present in native gastric mucus. It is likely, but unproven, that this inhibitor is a noncovalently bound lipid present in the low-density fraction.  相似文献   

The structure of an antigenic determinant in a protein   总被引:179,自引:0,他引:179  
The immunogenic and antigenic determinants of a synthetic peptide and the corresponding antigenic determinants in the parent protein have been elucidated. Four determinants have been defined by reactivity of a large panel of antipeptide monoclonal antibodies with short, overlapping peptides (7-28 amino acids), the immunizing peptide (36 amino acids), and the intact parent protein (the influenza virus hemagglutinin, HA). The majority of the antipeptide antibodies that also react strongly with the intact protein recognize one specific nine amino acid sequence. This immunodominant peptide determinant is located in the subunit interface in the HA trimeric structure. The relative inaccessibility of this site implies that antibody binding to the protein is to a more unfolded HA conformation. This antigenic determinant differs from those previously described for the hemagglutinin and clearly demonstrates the ability of synthetic peptides to generate antibodies that interact with regions of the protein not immunogenic or generally accessible when the protein is the immunogen.  相似文献   

Trypsin digestion of pilin monomers from EDP208 conjugative pili causes cleavage of Lys12 to yield an N-terminal dodecapeptide, ET1 (Mr approximately equal to 1,500), and the remaining C-terminal fragment, ER (Mr approximately equal to 10,000). Using the amino acid sequence for ET1 provided by Frost et al. (J. Bacteriol. 153:950-954), we synthesized the N-terminal dodecapeptide chemically, conjugated it to bovine serum albumin, and subjected it to immunological studies. Antisera prepared against intact EDP208 pili as well as against the synthetic ET1-BSA conjugate were used in experiments involving an enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay and electrophoretic transfer of proteins from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels to nitrocellulose sheets. Both experimental approaches showed strong reactivity between the synthetic dodecapeptide and antiserum raised against whole pili. It was also found that antiserum raised against the synthetic peptide was reactive against intact pilus protein, indicating that the N-terminal dodecapeptide is an important antigenic determinant of the EDP208 pilus protein. Additional studies showed that the C-terminal fragment, ER, may contain one or two additional antigenic sites.  相似文献   

The Mg antigen is a well known rare mutation of the MN blood group system. The amino-terminal pentapeptide related to human glycophorin AMg, Leu-Ser-Thr-Asn-Glu, as well as pentapeptides representing the peptide backbone of glycophorin AM, AN and AMc and other analogs, were synthesized to serve both as glycosyl transferase acceptors and as artificial antigens. These compounds were obtained by a stepwise peptide coupling strategy in solution.  相似文献   

1. A monoclonal antibody (TG7A) reacts with a Mr 90,000 mammalian protein, accumulating during virus infection and heat shock. 2. This protein is encoded by a member of the Mr 90,000 heat shock gene family present in a range of organisms form yeast to man. 3. The antibody also recognises a Mr 94,000 protein in E. coli which similarly accumulates in virus infection and heat shock. 4. This protein has been identified as the Lon protease of E. coli. 5. The shared epitope and similar stress inducibility of the two proteins suggests that a functional and/or evolutionary relationship exists between them.  相似文献   

Primary structure of murine class I histocompatibility antigens has been analysed to select possible antigenic determinant. Hexapeptide Leu-Gln-Gln-Leu-Ser-Gly, homologous to the region 95-100 of the H-2Db antigen heavy chain, was synthesised by stepwise elongation of peptide chain beginning from the COOH-terminal Gly. Rabbit anti-hexapeptide antibodies were obtained and shown to interact specifically with purified H-2Db antigen as well as with the native antigen on cell surface. These antibodies bind to lymphocytes of H-2b haplotype (C57BL/6 mice) but not H-2d (BALB/c) or H-2k (CBA). These data suggest that the region 95-100 is responsible for serologic differences between the alleles of H-2 antigens, i.e. it may be a xenotypic as well as an allotypic antigenic determinant. The latter was confirmed by study of interaction of the hexapeptide with allogeneic monoclonal antibodies specific to H-2Db antigen.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of cDNAs derived from a novel human intestinal mucin gene   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
A human small intestinal lambda gt11 cDNA library was screened with antibodies to deglycosylated small intestinal mucin. Four partial cDNA clones were isolated that define a novel human mucin gene. These include two partial cDNA clones, SIB 124 and SIB 139, that contain 51 nucleotide tandem repeats which encode a seventeen amino acid repetitive peptide with a consensus sequence of HSTPSFTSSITTTETTS. SIB 139 hybridized to messages produced by small intestine, colon, colonic tumors and also by high mucin variant LS174T colon cancer cells. The gene from which cDNAs SIB 124 and SIB 139 are derived (proposed name MUC 3) maps to chromosome 7, distinct from other known human mucin genes.  相似文献   

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