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Drosophila virilis stocks differing in reaction to high temperature (32°C) were studied. The sizes of the larval salivary glands, ring gland, and imaginal discs of the heat-sensitive stock 147, whose pupal (p) esterase was activated at 32°C, were found to be significantly smaller at high temperature than at 25°C. In larvae of the heat-resistant stock 101, whose p-esterase was inactivated at 32°C, the salivary glands and imaginal discs were larger under conditions of high temperature than those of the control larvae. Treatment of stock 147 larvae with ecdysone at 32°C did not affect p-esterase activity and was 100% lethal. By contrast, the juvenile hormone activated p-esterase under these conditions and normalized the development of stock 147 larvae. A scheme is suggested for the role of p-esterase in the regulation of the hormonal status of D. virilis under high temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Tsuno  Kendo  Aotsuka  N. T.  Ohba  Shigeru 《Biochemical genetics》1984,22(3-4):323-337
Reexamination of the electrophoretic mobilities of esterases encoded by the Est- and the Est- alleles of Drosophila virilis was carried out in detail using both thin-layer agar gel and polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. Many allelic products with fine differences in their electrophoretic mobilities were found and designated by a new system. Some esterases separable by the agar gel method were indistinguishable using the polyacrylamide gel method. But the polyacrylamide gel method uncovered two multiband homozygotes, (d).77 and (d)1.28. Some allelic frequencies on the basis of the new designation were estimated in two natural populations. As a result, it is proposed that the total scope of allelic variation at the two esterase loci of Drosophila virilis is composed of discrete distribution patterns of gene frequencies, each histogram of which shows a bell-shaped pattern.  相似文献   

Wild-type (Oregon-K) Drosophila melanogaster males were X-irradiated and mated to Oster females (y scs1 In49sc8; bw; st pp) that had received a 20 R X-ray exposure (Group MF) or no irradiation (group M). Mature spermatozoa of the irradiated males were sampled and the frequencies of dominant lethals, sex-linked recessive lethals and 2–3 translocations were measured. In the group in which the irradiated males were mated to irradiated females, the survival of eggs was significantly higher than in the group in which only the males were irradiated. However, there was no consistent and detectable difference between the two groups with respect to the frequencies of recessive lethals and translocations.The relatively higher egg survival in the MF group is amenable to an interpretation based on an inducible repair process in females that acts on radiation damage induced in spermatozoa but, such an explanation is inadequate to explain the other results. It is concluded that the observations considered together preclude a general and unifying interpretation based on a low-dose-X-ray-inducible genetic repair process in females (acting on damage in spermatozoa). Possible reasons for the discrepancy between the expectation of differences in response between the MF and M groups (in sex-linked lethal and translocation frequencies) and the observation of no consistent differences between them are discussed.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1991,21(2):145-147
The effect of some inhibitors and activators of mammalian DT-diaphorase on diaphorase-1 (DIA-1) and diaphorase-2′ (DIA-2′) purified from Drosophila virilis was studied. The inhibitors and activators changed the activity of these diaphorases in a different way, revealing a similarity between mammalian DT-diaphorase and D. virilis DIA-1 on the one hand and on the other between the D. virilis DIA-1 and the diaphorase purified from Bombyx mori eggs. These effects also confirm the independent genetic control of DIA-1 and DIA-2′ in D. virilis and make possible the differentiation of these diaphorase activities in crude enzyme extracts.  相似文献   

The increased frequency of random and radiation-induced mutation was registered in germ cells of drosophila irradiated male descendants of the first generation. The effect observed depended on of radiation dose delivered to parent males, test dose to progeny, type of mutation registered, and sex of the descendants under study.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA from Drosophila contains high “A+T”-rich region. Its DNA replication starts in the “A+T”-rich region and proceeds unidirectionally around the molecule. In order to determine precise location of the DNA replication origin and elucidate unique feature of its nucleotide sequence, the “A+T”-rich region of mitochondrial DNA from Drosophilavirilis has been cloned in Escherichiacoli. The chimeric plasmid DNA containing the “A+T”-rich region stimulates invitro DNA replication system from Drosophilavirilis mitochondria about ten fold higher than the parental plasmid DNA, as does native mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation can induce chromosome instability that is transmitted over many generations after irradiation in the progeny of surviving cells, but it remains unclear why this instability can be transmitted to the progeny. To acquire knowledge about the transmissible nature of genomic instability, we transferred an irradiated human chromosome into unirradiated mouse recipient cells by microcell fusion and examined the stability of the transferred human chromosome in the microcell hybrids. The transferred chromosome was stable in all six microcell hybrids in which an unirradiated human chromosome had been introduced. In contrast, the transferred chromosome was unstable in four out of five microcell hybrids in which an irradiated human chromosome had been introduced. The aberrations included changes in the irradiated chromosome itself and rearrangements with recipient mouse chromosomes. Thus the present study demonstrates that genomic instability can be transmitted to the progeny of unirradiated cells by a chromosome exposed to ionizing radiation, implying that the instability is caused by the irradiated chromosome itself and also that the instability is induced by the nontargeted effect of radiation.  相似文献   

This paper reports a set of experiments designed to determine whether the radiation-quality effect, reported for the induction of somatic recombination, could be also demonstrated for meiotic recombination. Males heterozygous for markers on the 2nd chromosome were given an exposure of 600 R with either 55 kV or 100 kV X-irradiation. Treated spermatocytes were sampled by irradiating young pupae and then taking the first day sperm from the emergent adult males. When 2-h old pupae were irradiated there were significantly fewer centric and more non-centric recombinants, than when 4--6 h old pupae were irradiated. No radiation-quality effect was found.  相似文献   

Two of seven sucrose-fermenting Salmonella strains obtained from clinical sources were found capable of conjugal transfer of the sucrose fermentation (Scr+) property to the Escherichia coli K-12 strain WR3026. The genetic elements conferring this Scr+ property, designated scr-53 and scr-94, were then conjugally transmissible from Escherichia coli WR3026 Scr+ exconjugants to other strains of Escherichia coli at frequences of 5 times 10- minus 6 to 5 times 10- minus 3 for the scr-53 element and 10- minus 6 to 10- minus 5 for the scr-94 element. In Escherichia coli hosts, both of these elements were compatible with F-lac and with each of six previously characterized transmissible lac elements. No antibiotic resistance characteristics or colicin production were discovered to be associated with either scr-53 or scr-94. Neither scr element generated a male host response to the female-specific phage phiII, but the scr-53 element rendered its Escherichia coli host sensitive to the male-specific phage R-17. Escherichia coli hosts containing scr-53 were susceptible to lysis by P1vir, and transduction of the scr-53 element was accomplished with this phage. The scr-53 element was isolated from Escherichia coli WR3026, Scr+ transductants, and Escherichia coli WR2036 Scr+ exconjugants as a covalently closed circular deoxyribonucleic acid molecule with a molecular weight (determined by electron microscopy) of approximately 52 times 10-6. Receipt of the scr-94 element rendered Escherichia coli hosts of this element unsusceptible to lysis by P1vir, although adsorption of the phage by an Escherichia coli WR3026 exconjugant containing scr-94 occurred as efficiently as it did on WR3026 itself. Repeated examination of Escherichia coli strains harboring scr-94, as well as of the Salmonella strain which initially contained it, did not reveal the presence of circular deoxyribonucleic acid. The synthesis of the sucrose cleaving enzyme was inducible in Escherichia coli exconjugants containing either scr-53 or scr-94.  相似文献   

The location of proteins on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of Drosophila virilis was investigated by Me3 psoralen photoreaction of mitochondria isolated from embryos. After photoreaction the mtDNA was purified and the pattern of DNA cross-linking was determined by electron microscopy of the DNA under totally denaturing conditions. The transcribed regions of the mtDNA molecule contained some uncross-linked regions, but such regions were infrequent and randomly distributed. In contrast, the A + T-rich region around the origin of replication of the mtDNA was usually protected from psoralen cross-linking. The data were best fit by two protected sites, each approximately 400 base pairs, compared to the four 400 base pair sites observed in the equivalent region of D. melanogaster mtDNA [Potter et al. (1980) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 77, 4118-4122]. Thus this region of the mtDNA appears to be involved in a DNA-protein structure that is highly conserved even though the DNA sequence has diverged rapidly relative to protein-coding sequences.  相似文献   

Cecropin is a type of antibacterial peptide that is synthesized in response to infection and has been characterized in many insect species and one mammal. The Cecropin locus of Drosophila melanogaster also contains the gene Andropin, which has been identified only in this species and encodes a male-specific antibacterial peptide. As a first step in studying the molecular evolution of the cecropin and andropin genes among Drosophila species, we have isolated genomic clones that cover the Cecropin locus in Drosophila virilis. The cloned region totals approximately 25 kb, within which a 9-kb fragment contains four cecropin genes and one pseudogene. All four genes have a high level of sequence homology to D. melanogaster Cecropin, about 80% identity in the coding regions, and the intron positions are conserved. As in D. melanogaster and other insects, κB-related cis-regulatory elements are found upstream of these cecropin genes. An Andropin-related sequence was not identified in D. virilis; however, genome Southern hybridizations suggest that Andropin-related sequences are present in at least the melanogaster species subgroup. Analysis of 19 insect cecropin genes identifies a common ancestral Cecropin before the divergence of Diptera and Lepidoptera. In addition, D. melanogaster and D. virilis can be identified by monophyletic clades for Cecropin. In contrast, the Lepidopteran species show polyphyletic relationships for duplicated cecropin genes. Received: 12 August 1996 / Accepted: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

Males of Drosophila pseudoobscura carrying the sex-ratio chromosome (SR) were studied to determine the cause of X/O male progeny that they produce. It was found that among 3671 X/O progeny virtually all resulted from nullo-X sperm. The experiment also revealed a dramatic clustering of the frequency of X/O progeny among SR/Y males. This is interpreted to indicate that premeiotic events in the male germ line are the cause of nullo-X sperm.  相似文献   

A slow-migrating -esterase (S-esterase) is described which has been detected in Drosophila montana, Drosophila imeretensis, and some stocks of Drosophila virilis when mixtures of - and -naphthyl acetate are used as substrates in histochemical reactions after electrophoresis. Sexual dimorphism for S-esterase has been demonstrated. This esterase is contained in male genitalia only, predominantly in the ejaculatory bulb (waxy plug). It appears 3–4 days after emergence of flies. In hybrids between S+ and S0 species, the activity of the slow esterase is either decreased or inhibited. An autonomous synthesis of the S-esterase in the ejaculatory bulb was established by transplantation of imaginal genital discs into larvae of different Drosophila stocks. Based on analysis of physicochemical and immunochemical properties, S-esterase is suggested to be an independent fraction of esterase, possibly dimeric, which does not cross-react with -esterase antiserum.  相似文献   

Possible ways of studying the genetic bases of speciation have been shown on the example of published data and authors' results. The data were used, which were obtained on different Drosophila species. Possible application of mapping by localization of the gene of quantitative traits and genetic transformation for solution of the problems of speciation is discussed.  相似文献   

Three alcohol dehydrogenases from Drosophila simulans, Drosophila virillis and Drosophila melanogaster adhS (which possesses an alloenzyme with slow electrophoretic mobility) were purified essentially to homogeneity. The purification procedure involves a new step of affinity chromatography, which efficiently lowers the amount of contaminants in the final preparation, producing a very stable enzyme. The purification procedure developed consists of a salmine sulphate precipitation, two CM-Sepharose CL-6B colume-chromatography steps, an affinity-chromatography step and a Sephacryl gel filtration. A minimum of 30-fold purification is obtained and the yield is not less than 34%. The isoelectric points and molar absorption coefficients were determined.  相似文献   

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