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While investigating the distribution of Leptomonas wallacei in the intestine of the insect host Oncopeltus fasciatus, promastigotes and cyst-like forms of L. wallacei were observed only in the midgut ventricles V(3) and V(4) and the hindgut. In video-microscopy, once contact had occurred, the parasites remained attached to the midgut epithelium. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the adhesion of flagellates and cyst-like forms to the midgut wall and to the rectal pads of the hindgut. Using transmission electron microscopy, we observed that adhesion occurred mainly between the flagellum and the perimicrovillar membranes secreted by the midgut epithelium. No modifications were observed either in the parasite or in the epithelial cells. In the hindgut, adhesion to the superficial wax layer of the epithelial cells of the rectal pads was via flagellum. Host cell morphology appeared unaffected by L. wallacei.  相似文献   

Three new species of monoxenous parasites from the Neotropical Heteroptera are described on the basis of the ultrastructure of cells in culture, as well as gene sequences of Spliced Leader (SL) RNA, glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and small subunit (SSU) rRNA. The results have highlighted a striking discrepancy between the morphological (dis)similarities and the phylogenetic affinities among the insect trypanosomatids. Although each of the new species is characterized by a distinct set of morphological characters, based on the predominant promastigotes observed in culture, each of them has been provisionally assigned to the genus Leptomonas pending the future revision of this genus. Yet, instead of the phylogenetic affinity with the other members of this polyphyletic genus, the new species are most closely related to Crithidia species. Thus, the extremely long promastigotes of Leptomonas acus sp. n. and the unique morphological features found in Leptomonas bifurcata sp. n. sharply contrast with their respective relatives C. fasciculata and C. deanei both of which are typical choanomastigotes. The results clearly show that the current classification at the genus level is misleading and needs to be revised. The phylogenetic clades potentially representing the candidate new genera of monoxenous trypanosomatids have started to emerge from the presented analyses.  相似文献   

Species distribution of staphylococci from small wild mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A total of 197 isolates of Staphylococcus from small wild animals (insectivores and rodents) were identified by partial sequencing of the rpoB and dnaJ genes. Among the identified isolates the predominant species was S. succinus (28%), followed by S. xylosus (20.8%) and S. stepanovicii (18.3%). The other 14 Staphylococcus species were occasionally isolated. PCR-RFLP of the rpoB gene digested by Hpy8I was a fast and simple method to distinguish the two subspecies of S. succinus. More than 90% of the 55 S. succinus strains isolated belonged to S. succinus subsp. casei and only 9% to S. succinus subsp. succinus. Moreover, the present study describes the first ever isolation of S. fleurettii from healthy animals.  相似文献   

Summary Leptomonas samueli possesses in its cytoplasm a membrane-bounded organelle which can reach a length of 2.8 m and a diameter of 0.2 m. Catalase activity, which is inhibited by 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole, was detected at the ultrastructural level in the matrix of the organelle by using an alkaline diaminobenzidine medium. Freeze-fracture studies showed the presence of a large number of intramembranous particles on both the P and the E faces of the membrane of the organelle. Based on these data as well as on previous observations, it is suggested that the trypanosomatids possess an organelle that can be considered to be a peroxisome.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the effects of different carbohydrates on the lysis of Trypanosoma cruzi, Trypanosoma rangeli and erythocytes caused by the bacteria Serratia marcescens variants SM 365 and RPH. High concentrations of d-mannose were found to protect T. cruzi and T. rangeli markedly diminishing the lysis caused by S. marcescens. However, this carbohydrate is unable to interfere with the hemolysis induced by SM 365 and RPH variants. These results showed that the trypanolytic effect induced by S. marcescens SM 365 and RPH variants is dependent on d-mannose and distinct from the hemolytic activity, strongly suggesting that bacterial fimbriae are relevant to S. marcescens in lysis of parasites.  相似文献   

Diseases that are caused by non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) continue to pose difficult clinical problems, and the epidemiological aspect of NTM-caused diseases is of great importance. In the case of Mycobacterium gordonae there is no adequate genotyping scheme. Here we present a potential rapid and reproducible genetic assay that uses trinucleotide repeat sequence-based PCR (TRS-PCR) for genotyping M. gordonae. The proposed method constitutes a useful single-primer PCR screen for genotyping this species. Among 10 TRS-containing primers, after applying (CAC)4-based PCR to 36 strains of M. gordonae, we found a discriminatory index of 0.975. The accuracy of this analysis was supported by a reasonable reproducibility of 92%. These results were compared with the Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus Sequences (ERIC)-PCR typing scheme which had lower discriminatory index of 0.93 and its reproducibility was only 86.3%.  相似文献   

The maxicircle control region [also termed divergent region (DR)] composed of various repeat elements remains the most poorly studied part of the kinetoplast genome. Only three extensive DR sequences demonstrating no significant similarity were available for trypanosomatids (Leishmania tarentolae, Crithidia oncopelti, Trypanosoma brucei). Recently, extensive DR sequences have been obtained for Leishmania major and Trypanosoma cruzi. In this work we have sequenced DR fragments of Leishmania turanica, Leishmania mexicana, Leishmania chagasi and two monogenetic trypanosomatids Leptomonas seymouri and Leptomonas collosoma. With the emergence of the additional extensive sequences some conserved features of DR structure become evident. A conserved palindromic sequence has been revealed in the DRs of the studied Leishmania species, L. seymouri, and T. cruzi. The overall DR structure appears to be similar in all the Leishmania species, their relative L. seymouri, and T. brucei: long relatively GC-rich repeats are interspersed with clusters of short AT-rich repeats. C. oncopelti, L. collosoma, and T. cruzi have a completely different DR structure. Identification of conserved sequences and invariable structural features of the DR may further our understanding of the functioning of this important genome fragment.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorized users in the online version of this article at Nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper are available in the GenBank™, EMBL and DDBJ databases under the accession numbers DQ107351, DQ107352, DQ107354-DQ107358, DQ239759-DQ239765, DQ492251-DQ492256.  相似文献   

The regurgitation of metacyclic stages from the sand fly cardia is thought to be the prevailing mechanism of Leishmania transmission. This regurgitation may result through damage of the stomodeal valve and its mechanical block by the parasites. We found this phenomenon in three sand fly-Leishmania models and also in avian trypanosomes transmitted by Culex mosquitoes. Phlebotomus duboscqi, Phlebotomus papatasi, Lutzomyia longipalpis, and Culex pipiens were membrane-fed on blood containing Leishmania major, Leishmania chagasi (syn. infantum) and an unidentified avian Trypanosoma from Trypanosoma corvi clade, respectively. Females with the late-stage infections were processed for the optical and transmission electron microscopy. Localization of the parasites and changes to the stomodeal valve were in some aspects similar in all vector-parasite pairs studied: (i) a large plug of flagellates was observed in cardia region, (ii) parasites were attached to the chitin lining of the stomodeal valve by the formation of zonal hemidesmosome-like plaques. Leishmania promastigotes were found both attached to the valve as well as unattached in the lumen of midgut. The stomodeal valve of infected sand flies was opened, its chitin lining was destroyed and the unique filamentous structures on the apical end of cylindrical cells were degraded. In the Culex-Trypanosoma model, the whole population of epimastigotes was found in close contact with the chitin lining, and degenerative changes of the valve were less pronounced. We suggest that the phenomenon involving a blocked valve facilitating the regurgitation of parasites into the vertebrate host may occur generally in heteroxenous trypanosomatids transmitted by the bite of nematoceran Diptera.  相似文献   

Morillas-Marquez, F., Martin-Sanchez, J., Acedo-Sanchez, C., Pineda, J. A., Macias, J., and Sanjuan-Garcia, J. Leishmania infantum (Protozoa, kinetoplastida): Transmission from infected patients to experimental animal under conditions that simulate needle-sharing. Experimental Parasitologym100, 71-74.  相似文献   

Specimens of fleas Ctenocephalides felis felis (1052 female symbol/448 male symbol), obtained from 150 dogs in Centro de Controle de Zoonoses de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, were dissected and examined for endosymbionts. Three protozoan, Nolleria pulicis, a gregarine (Actinocephalidae) and Leptomonas sp., together with one cestode, Dipylidium caninum were identified. Infections by N. pulicis and Leptomonas sp. occurred mainly in the warm-rainy period. The prevalence and distribution of these endosymbionts in fleas derived from Brazil and South America, and the their variation according to sex and season, are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

The folate metabolic pathway has been exploited successfully for the development of antimicrobial and antineoplasic agents. Inhibitors of this pathway, however, are not useful against Leishmania and other trypanosomatids. Work on the mechanism of methotrexate resistance in Leishmania has dramatically increased our understanding of folate and pterin metabolism in this organism. The metabolic and cellular functions of the reduced form of folates and pterins are beginning to be established and this work has led to several unexpected findings. Moreover, the currently ongoing sequencing efforts on trypanosomatid genomes are suggesting the presence of several gene products that are likely to require folates and pterins. A number of the properties of folate and pterin metabolism are unique suggesting that these pathways are valid and worthwhile targets for drug development.  相似文献   

The distribution of Hohorstiella lata, Colpocephalum turbinatum, Campanulotes bidentatus compar, and Comlumbicola columbae on domestic pigeons were determined. Each species laid its eggs on a different part of the body but all fed on the fluffy part of the body feathers. H. lata also fed on blood, and C. turbinatum on its own eggs and nymphs. Reduction of the efficiency of preening led to an increase in the number of lice and more widespread distribution of nymphs and adults but not to a rapid change in the distribution of eggs. It is suggested that preening has played a major selective role, and that the morphological and behavioural adaptions of the lice are to ensure that they and their eggs survive this type of predation.  相似文献   

Emergent trees may have an influence on the volume and the spatial distribution of water input into agroforestry stands and may thus affect water availability for the main crops. Our goal was to analyze the influence of such trees on rainfall distribution in a cacao agroforest area in the rainforest margin zone of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The emergent trees studied belong to the species Bischofia javanica (Phyllanthaceae) and were 15 m high remnants from the natural forest. A set of 96 throughfall gauges was systematically distributed underneath canopies of cacao only, and underneath canopies of cacao plus emergent trees (cacao plus trees). From an earlier study we knew that stemflow can safely be estimated with less than 1% of gross precipitation (Pg).  相似文献   

Four prenylated acetophenones 2,6-dihydroxy-4-geranyloxyacetophenone (1), 4-geranyloxy-2,6,β-trihydroxyacetophenone (2), 2,6-dihydroxy-4-geranyloxy-3-prenylacetophenone (3), and 4-geranyloxy-3-prenyl-2,6,β-trihydroxyacetophenone (4) have for the first time been isolated from Melicope obscura (1 and 2) and Melicope obtusifolia ssp. obtusifolia var. arborea (3 and 4). The distribution of prenylated acetophenones in Rutaceae is reviewed and the results, including the new records, indicate that prenylated acetophenones are valuable as chemotaxonomic markers for the subfamily Rutoideae, tribe Xanthoxyleae sensu Engler.  相似文献   

Small nucleolar RNAs constitute a family of newly discovered non-coding small RNAs, most of which function in guiding RNA modifications. Two prevalent types of modifications are 2'-O-methylation and pseudouridylation. The modification is directed by the formation of a canonical small nucleolar RNA-target duplex. Initially, RNA-guided modification was shown to take place on rRNA, but recent studies suggest that small nuclear RNA, mRNA, tRNA, and the trypanosome spliced leader RNA also undergo guided modifications. Trypanosomes contain more modifications and potentially more small nucleolar RNAs than yeast, and the increased number of modifications may help to preserve ribosome function under adverse environmental conditions during the cycling between the insect and mammalian host. The genome organisation in clusters carrying the two types of small nucleolar RNAs, C/D and H/ACA-like RNAs, resembles that in plants. However, the trypanosomatid H/ACA RNAs are similar to those found in Archaea and are composed of a single hairpin that may represent the primordial H/ACA RNA. In this review we summarise this new field of trypanosome small nucleolar RNAs, emphasising the open questions regarding the number of small nucleolar RNAs, the repertoire, genome organisation, and the unique function of guided modifications in these protozoan parasites.  相似文献   

Nucleoside diphosphate kinases (NDPKs) are multifunctional enzymes involved mainly in the conservation of nucleotides and deoxynucleotides at intracellular levels. Here we report the characterization of two NDPKs from the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease. TcNDPK1 and TcNDPK2 were biochemically characterized presenting different kinetic parameters and regulation mechanisms. NDPK activity was mainly detected in soluble fractions according to the digitonin extraction technique; however 20% of the activity remains insoluble at digitonin concentrations up to 5 mg ml−1. TcNDPK1 is a short enzyme isoform, whereas TcNDPK2 is a long one containing a DM10 motif. In addition, two other putative NDPK genes (TcNPDK3 and TcNDPK4) were detected by data mining at the T. cruzi genome database. The large number and diversity of NDPK isoforms are in agreement with those previously observed for other T. cruzi phosphotransferases, such as adenylate kinases.  相似文献   

By amplifying and sequencing longer sequences, an extended multi locus sequence typing (EMLST) theme was developed for Brucella. 61 isolates were genotyped by the EMLST with increased resolution. This strategy could be extended to other bacteria to improve MLST genotyping resolution without additional loci.  相似文献   

Mysids are an important component of estuarine hyperbenthos and a major prey item in the food web of many estuaries. Understanding the abiotic and biotic mechanisms determining mysid distributions is therefore important to comprehend the general processes structuring estuarine communities. We carried out field surveys and exposure-survival experiments for three species of mysids, Neomysis integer Leach Mesopodopsis slabberi van Beneden and Rhopalophthalmus tartessicus Vilas-Fernandez, Drake and Sorbe, to link salinity tolerances of different sex and life stages (adults and juveniles) to their spatial distributions within the Guadalquivir estuary, SW Spain. Despite being euryhaline, the three species of mysids were unevenly distributed along the saline gradient, with salinity being the environmental variable which best explained structure changes in the estuarine mysid assemblage. R. tartessicus remained confined to the outer and more marine part of the estuary and showed a higher temporal variation in its salinity-related distribution (position within the salinity gradient). M. slabberi and N. integer displayed wider estuarine distributions but remained associated with intermediate and low salinities, respectively. We found considerable inter- and intra-specific differences in tolerance to sudden salinity changes: N. integer, and juveniles of M. slabberi and R. tartessicus, showed a high tolerance to sudden salinity changes, whereas adults of M. slabberi and R. tartessicus were only tolerant to salinities close to their isosmotic points. For the less euryhaline species M. slabberi and R. tartessicus acclimation to unfavourable salinities decreased survival after exposure to sudden salinity changes. Both location and strength of the salinity gradient were important factors in determining spatial distribution, either directly to avoid osmotic stress and mortality risk (R. tartessicus and M. slabberi) or indirectly to reduce inter-specific mysid competition (N. integer). We suggest inter- and intra-specific euryhalinity differences determine the spatial distribution of mysids and the specific strategies they use to maintain this spatial structure in a highly variable environment.  相似文献   

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