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Dipeptidyl peptidases III (DPPs III) form a distinct metallopeptidase family characterized by the unique HEXXGH motif. High susceptibility to inactivation by organomercurials suggests the presence of a reactive cysteine residue(s) in, or close to, their active site. Yeast DPP III contains five Cys, none of which is absolutely conserved within the family. In order to identify reactive residue(s), site-directed mutagenesis on yeast His6-tagged DPP III was employed to substitute specifically all five cysteine residues to serine. The variant enzymes thus obtained were enzymatically active and showed an overall structure not greatly affected by the mutations as judged by circular dichroism. Analysis by native and SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions revealed the existence of a monomeric and dimeric form in all DPP III proteins except in the C130S, implying that dimerization of yeast DPP III is mediated by the surface-exposed cysteine 130.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q is a redox active lipid essential for aerobic respiration. The Coq4 polypeptide is required for Q biosynthesis and growth on non-fermentable carbon sources, however its exact function in this pathway is not known. Here we probe the functional roles of Coq4p in a yeast Q biosynthetic polypeptide complex. A yeast coq4-1 mutant harboring an E226K substitution is unable to grow on nonfermentable carbon sources. The coq4-1 yeast mutant retains significant Coq3p O-methyltransferase activity, and mitochondria isolated from coq4-1 and coq4-2 (E121K) yeast point mutants contain normal steady state levels of Coq polypeptides, unlike the decreased levels of Coq polypeptides generally found in strains harboring coq gene deletions. Digitonin-solubilized mitochondrial extracts prepared from yeast coq4 point mutants show that Coq3p and Coq4 polypeptides no longer co-migrate as high molecular mass complexes by one- and two-dimensional Blue Native-PAGE. Similarly, gel filtration chromatography confirms that O-methyltransferase activity, Coq3p, Coq4p, and Coq7p migration are disorganized in the coq4-1 mutant mitochondria. The data suggest that Coq4p plays an essential role in organizing a Coq enzyme complex required for Q biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is commonly used as a system to study cellular ageing. Yeast mother cells are capable of only a limited number of divisions before they undergo senescence, whereas newly formed daughters usually have their replicative age "reset" to zero. Accumulation of extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA circles (ERCs) appears to be an important contributor to ageing in yeast, and we describe a mathematical model that we developed to examine this process. We show that an age-related accumulation of ERCs readily explains the observed features of yeast ageing but that in order to match the experimental survival curves quantitatively, it is necessary that the probability of ERC formation increases with the age of the cell. This implies that some other mechanism(s), in addition to ERC accumulation, must underlie yeast ageing. We also demonstrate that the model can be used to gain insight into how an extra copy of the Sir2 gene might extend lifespan and we show how the model makes novel, testable predictions about patterns of age-specific mortality in yeast populations.  相似文献   

Glucose addition to a stationary culture of wild-type Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4742 cells with zero activity of MDR pumps resuspended in a fresh medium causes pump resynthesis (measured as pump-effected diS-C3(3) efflux). In a stationary culture in its original growth medium, this glucose-induced pump resynthesis fails to occur due to depletion of essential nutrients or to extracellular metabolites produced by cells during growth. Direct pump inactivation by metabolites is excluded since exponential cells with high MDR pump activity cultured in a medium with high concentration of extracellular metabolites retain this activity for at least 2 h. The metabolites also do not affect pump synthesis on the level of gene expression as addition of concentrated growth medium or an amino acid mixture to stationary cells in spent growth medium restores glucose-induced pump synthesis. The block of MDR pump synthesis is therefore due to the lack of essential nutrients in spent medium.  相似文献   

Three differentially compartmentalized isozymes of isocitrate dehydrogenase (mitochondrial IDP1, cytosolic IDP2, and peroxisomal IDP3) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae catalyze the NADP(+)-dependent oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to form alpha-ketoglutarate. These enzymes are highly homologous but exhibit some significant differences in physical and kinetic properties. To examine the impact of these differences on physiological function, we exchanged promoters and altered organellar targeting information to obtain expression of IDP2 and IDP3 in mitochondria and of IDP1 and IDP3 in the cytosol. Physiological function was assessed as complementation by mislocalized isozymes of defined growth defects of isocitrate dehydrogenase mutant strains. These studies revealed that the IDP isozymes are functionally interchangeable for glutamate synthesis, although mitochondrial localization has a positive impact on this function during fermentative growth. However, IDP2, whether located in mitochondria or in the cytosol, provided the highest level of defense against endogenous or exogenous oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Like most eukaryotes, Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells contain a minor 5.8SL rRNA that, relative to the major 5.8SS species, carries several extra nucleotides at the 5'-end. The two species are produced by alternative pathways that differ in the events removing the 3'-terminal region of Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 from the 27SA2 pre-rRNA. Whereas the pathway leading to 5.8SS rRNA is well established, that producing the 5'-end of 5.8SL (called B1L) is poorly understood. Northern analysis of two different mutants of S. cerevisiae that overproduce 5.8SL rRNA revealed the presence of a fragment corresponding to the 3'-terminal region of Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 (ITS1) directly upstream from site B1L. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed this fragment to be associated with the trans-acting factor Rrp5p required for processing at the early sites A0-A3. Together these data clearly support that the 5'-end of 5.8SL rRNA is an endonucleolytic event. In vivo mutational analysis demonstrated the lack of any cis-acting sequence elements directing this cleavage within ITS1.  相似文献   

Evidence that membrane surface tension regulates water fluxes in intact cells of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain overexpressing aquaporin AQY1 was obtained by assessing the osmotic water transport parameters in cells equilibrated in different osmolarities. The osmotic water permeability coefficients (Pf) obtained for yeast cells overexpressing AQY1 incubated in low osmolarity buffers were similar to those obtained for a double mutant aqy1aqy2 and approximately three times lower (with higher activation energy, Ea) than values obtained for cells incubated in higher osmolarities (with lower Ea). Moreover, the initial inner volumes attained a maximum value for cells equilibrated in lower osmolarities (below 0.75 M) suggesting a pre-swollen state with the membrane under tension, independent of aquaporin expression. In this situation, the impairment of water channel activity suggested by lower Pf and higher Ea could probably be the first available volume regulatory tool that, in cooperation with other osmosensitive solute transporters, aims to maintain cell volume. The results presented point to the regulation of yeast water channels by membrane tension, as previously described in other cell systems.  相似文献   

A method for plasmid purification directly from yeast   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A rapid technique for purifying plasmids from yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is described that yields high-quality DNA suitable for bacterial transformation, yeast transformation, and direct DNA sequencing. The method requires only small culture volumes and proprietary bacterial plasmid miniprep kits that allow one to simultaneously prepare a large number of samples in a very short period of time while avoiding the use of toxic organic chemicals. Both yeast single-copy CEN/ARS and high-copy 2micro shuttle plasmids can be isolated using this method. This technique is useful for plasmid purification from yeast two-hybrid experiments as well as yeast genetics and molecular biology experiments.  相似文献   

Two genes coding for enzymes previously reported to be involved in the final steps of juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis in different insect species, were characterised in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Juvenile hormone acid O-methyltransferase (JHAMT) was previously described to catalyse the conversion of farnesoic acid (FA) and JH acid to their methyl esters, methyl farnesoate (MF) and JH respectively. A second gene, CYP15A1 was reported to encode a cytochrome P450 enzyme responsible for the epoxidation of MF to JH. Additionally, a third gene, FAMeT (originally reported to encode a farnesoic acid methyltransferase) was included in this study. Using q-RT-PCR, all three genes (JHAMT, CYP15A1 and FAMeT) were found to be primarily expressed in the CA of the desert locust, the main biosynthetic tissue of JH. An RNA interference approach was used to verify the orthologous function of these genes in S. gregaria. Knockdown of the three genes in adult animals followed by the radiochemical assay (RCA) for JH biosynthesis and release showed that SgJHAMT and SgCYP15A1 are responsible for synthesis of MF and JH respectively. Our experiments did not show any involvement of SgFAMeT in JH biosynthesis in the desert locust. Effective and selective inhibitors of SgJHAMT and SgCYP15A1 would likely represent selective biorational locust control agents.  相似文献   

Din7 is a DNA damage-inducible mitochondrial nuclease that modulates the stability of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. How DIN7 gene expression is regulated, however, has remained largely unclear. Using promoter sequence alignment, we found a highly conserved 19-bp sequence in the promoter regions of DIN7 and NTG1, which encodes an oxidative stress-inducible base-excision-repair enzyme. Deletion of the 19-bp sequence markedly reduced the hydroxyurea (HU)-enhanced DIN7 promoter activity. In addition, nuclear fractions prepared from HU-treated cells were used in in vitro band shift assays to reveal the presence of currently unidentified trans-acting factor(s) that preferentially bound to the 19-bp region. These results suggest that the 19-bp sequence is a novel cis-acting element that is required for the regulation of DIN7 expression in response to HU-induced DNA damage.  相似文献   

The import of cytochrome c into the mitochondrial intermembrane space is not understood at a mechanistic level. While the precursor apocytochrome c can insert into protein-free lipid bilayers, the purified translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) complex supports the translocation of apocytochrome c into proteoliposomes. We report an in organello analysis of cytochrome c import into yeast mitochondria from wild-type cells and different mutants cells, each defective in one of the seven Tom proteins. The import of cytochrome c is not affected by removal of the receptor Tom20 or Tom70. Moreover, neither the transfer protein Tom5 nor the assembly factors Tom6 and Tom7 are needed for import of cytochrome c. When the general import pore (GIP)-protein Tom40 is blocked, the import of cytochrome c is moderately affected. Mitochondria lacking the central receptor and organizing protein Tom22 contain greatly reduced levels of cytochrome c. We conclude that up to two components of the TOM complex, Tom22 and possibly the GIP, are involved in the biogenesis of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Isozymes of NADP+-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDP) provide NADPH in cytosolic, mitochondrial, and peroxisomal compartments of eukaryotic cells. Analyses of purified IDP isozymes from yeast and from mouse suggest a general correspondence of pH optima for catalysis and pI values with pH values reported for resident cellular compartments. However, mouse IDP2, which partitions between cytosolic and peroxisomal compartments in mammalian cells, exhibits a broad pH optimum and an intermediate pI value. Mouse IDP2 was found to similarly colocalize in both cellular compartments when expressed in yeast at levels equivalent to those of endogenous yeast isozymes. The mouse enzyme can compensate for loss of yeast cytosolic IDP2 and of peroxisomal IDP3. Removal of the peroxisomal targeting signal of the mouse enzyme precludes both localization in peroxisomes and compensation for loss of yeast IDP3.  相似文献   

The nutritional value of isogenic yeast strains and two microalgal species for gnotobiotically grown Artemia was examined. Yeast cell wall mutants were always better feed for Artemia than their respective wild type. Yeast cells harbouring null mutants for enzymes involved early in the biochemical pathway for cell wall mannoproteins synthesis performed best as feed for Artemia. Yeast cells defective in chitin or β-glucan production were scored in second order. The mnn6 isogenic yeast mutant, harbouring a null mutation for mannoprotein phosphorylation, performed poorly as feed for Artemia, although with good growth. These results suggest that any mutation affecting the yeast cell wall scaffolding by reducing the amount of covalent links between the major components of yeast cell wall, namely mannoproteins, β-glucans and chitin, is sufficient to improve the digestibility for Artemia. The results with microalgae indicated that within one species, strains can have different nutritional value under gnotobiotic conditions. The growth phase was another parameter influencing feed quality, although here it was not possible to reveal the exact cause. It is anticipated that the standard Artemia gnotobiotic growth test is an excellent tool to study the mode of action of bacteria, with a probiotic as well as with a pathogenic character.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gup1p is a membrane-bound O-acyltransferase. Previous works involved GUP1 in a wide range of crucial processes for cell preservation and functioning. These include cytoskeleton polarization and secretory/endocytic pathway, GPI-anchor remodelling, wall composition and integrity, and membrane lipids, with a reduction in phospholipids and an increase in acylglycerols. DRM fractions were found in considerably lower amounts in gup1Δ than in wt strain. Additionally, the proteins presumably associated with lipid micro domains, Gas1p and Pma1p, were present in much smaller amounts in the mutant DRMs. Pma1p is also found in minor quantities in the whole cells extracts of the gup1Δ mutant. Accordingly, H+-ATPase activity was reduced in about 40%. Deletion of GUP1 resulted in higher sensibility to specific sphingolipid biosynthesis inhibitors and a notorious resistance to ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors. Furthermore, the majority of mutant cells displayed an even (less punctuated) sterol distribution. The present work presents improvements to DRMs extraction methodology and filipin-sterol staining, provides evidence supporting that Gup1p is involved in lipid metabolism and shows the direct consequences of its absence on the plasma membrane sphingolipid-sterol-ordered domains integrity/assembly.  相似文献   

The effect of aqueous extract from R. rosea root on lifespan and the activity of antioxidant enzymes in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been studied. The supplementation of the growth medium with R. rosea extract decreased survival of exponentially growing S. cerevisiae cells under H2O2-induced oxidative stress, but increased viability and reproduction success of yeast cells in stationary phase. The extract did not significantly affect catalase activity and decreased SOD activity in chronologically aged yeast population. These results suggest that R. rosea acts as a stressor for S. cerevisiae cells, what sensitizes yeast cells to oxidative stress at exponential phase, but induces adaptation in stationary phase cells demonstrating the positive effect on yeast survival without activation of major antioxidant enzymes.  相似文献   

Production of recombinant proteins by yeast cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Yeasts are widely used in production of recombinant proteins of medical or industrial interest. For each individual product, the most suitable expression system has to be identified and optimized, both on the genetic and fermentative level, by taking into account the properties of the product, the organism and the expression cassette. There is a wide range of important yeast expression hosts including the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia pastoris, Hansenula polymorpha, Kluyveromyces lactis, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Yarrowia lipolytica and Arxula adeninivorans, with various characteristics such as being thermo-tolerant or halo-tolerant, rapidly reaching high cell densities or utilizing unusual carbon sources. Several strains were also engineered to have further advantages, such as humanized glycosylation pathways or lack of proteases. Additionally, with a large variety of vectors, promoters and selection markers to choose from, combined with the accumulated knowledge on industrial-scale fermentation techniques and the current advances in the post-genomic technology, it is possible to design more cost-effective expression systems in order to meet the increasing demand for recombinant proteins and glycoproteins. In this review, the present status of the main and most promising yeast expression systems is discussed.  相似文献   

Xenobiotics are widely used as pesticides. The detoxification of xenobiotics frequently involves conjugation to glutathione prior to compartmentalization and catabolism. In plants, degradation of glutathione-S-conjugates is initiated either by aminoterminal or carboxyterminal amino acid cleavage catalyzed by a γ-glutamyl transpeptidase and phytochelatin synthase, respectively. In order to establish yeast as a model system for the analysis of the plant pathway, we used monochlorobimane as a model xenobiotic in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mutants thereof. The catabolism of monochlorobimane is initiated by conjugation to form glutathione-S-bimane, which is then turned over into a γ-GluCys-bimane conjugate by the vacuolar serine carboxypeptidases CPC and CPY. Alternatively, the glutathione-S-bimane conjugate is catabolized by the action of the γ-glutamyl transpeptidase Cis2p to a CysGly-conjugate. The turnover of glutathione-S-bimane was impaired in yeast cells deficient in Cis2p and completely abolished by the additional inactivation of CPC and CPY in the corresponding triple knockout. Inducible expression of the Arabidopsis phytochelatin synthase AtPCS1 in the triple knockout resulted in the turnover of glutathione-S-bimane to the γ-GluCys-bimane conjugate as observed in plants. Challenge of AtPCS1-expressing yeast cells with zinc, cadmium, and copper ions, which are known to activate AtPCS1, enhanced γ-GluCys-bimane accumulation. Thus, initial catabolism of glutathione-S-conjugates is similar in plants and yeast, and yeast is a suitable system for a study of enzymes of the plant pathway.  相似文献   

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