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Upon laser flash photolysis of β-carotene in chloroform instantaneous bleaching of β-carotene and concomitant formation of near infrared absorbing species are observed. One species, absorbing with maximum at 920 nm, is formed during the laser pulse (10 ns) and is practically gone in one millisecond, the decay showing a bi-exponential behaviour. The second species, absorbing with maximum at 1000 nm, is formed from the species absorbing at 920 nm by first order kinetics with a rate constant of 4.9·104 s-1 at 20°C. This second species decays by second order kinetics and is gone within a few milliseconds. An additional slow bleaching of β-carotene and formation of the species absorbing at 920 nm is observed. This slow bleaching/formation of transient absorption is probably due to processes involving free radicals generated during the instantaneous bleaching. The species absorbing at 920 nm is suggested to be either (i) a free radical adduct formed from β-carotene and chloroform or (ii) β-carotene after abstraction of a hydrogen atom. The species absorbing at 1000 nm is most likely the radical cation. Formation and decay of the near infrared absorbing species and bleaching of β-carotene are independent of whether oxygen is present or absent in the solutions.  相似文献   

Effects of the combination of vitamin E, selenium, and β-carotene on oxidative damage to rat heart, kidney, lung, and spleen were studied by measurement of the production of oxidized heme proteins (OHP) during spontaneous and prooxidant-induced oxidation. Male SD rats were fed with a vitamin E and selenium deficient diet or a diet supplemented with vitamin E, selenium, and β-carotene, Homogenates of heart, kidney, lung, and spleen were incubated at 37°C with and without the presence of bromotrichloromethane (CBrCl3). The diet supplemented with antioxidants showed a strong protective effect against oxidative damage to heme proteins during the early stages of both spontaneous and CBrCl3-induced oxidation in contrast to the antioxidant deficient diet. Synergism of multiple antioxygenic nutrients against oxidative damage to various animal tissues is discussed.  相似文献   

The photoprotective potential of the dietary antioxidants vitamin C, vitamin E, lycopene, β-carotene, and the rosemary polyphenol, carnosic acid, was tested in human dermal fibroblasts exposed to ultraviolet-A (UVA) light. The carotenoids were prepared in special nanoparticle formulations together with vitamin C and/or vitamin E. Nanoparticle formulations, in contrast to dimethylsulphoxide, stablized lycopene in the cell culture medium and allowed efficient cellular uptake. The presence of vitamin E in the formulation further increased the stability and cellular uptake of lycopene. UVA irradiation of the human skin fibroblasts led to a 10–15-fold rise in metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1) mRNA. This rise was suppressed in the presence of low μM concentrations of vitamin E, vitamin C, or carnosic acid but not with β-carotene or lycopene. Indeed, in the presence of 0.5–1.0 μM β-carotene or lycopene, the UVA-induced MMP-1 mRNA was further increased by 1.5–2-fold. This increase was totally suppressed when vitamin E was included in the nanoparticle formulation. Heme-oxygenase 1 (HO-1) mRNA expression was strongly induced by UVA irradiation but none of the antioxidants inhibited this effect at the concentrations used in this study. Indeed, β-carotene or lycopene (0.5–1.0 μM) led to a further 1.5-fold rise in the UVA-induced HO-1 mRNA levels. In conclusion, vitamin C, vitamin E, and carnosic acid showed photoprotective potential. Lycopene and β-carotene did not protect on their own but in the presence of vitamin E, their stability in culture was improved and the rise in MMP-1 mRNA expression was suppressed, suggesting a requirement for antioxidant protection of the carotenoids against formation of oxidative derivatives that can influence the cellular and molecular responses.  相似文献   

In this paper circadian changes in the liver enzyme activities of rat housed under highly standardized conditions with 12:12 hour light-dark cycle are shown. Activities of acid phosphatase, arylsulphatase, β-galactosidase and β-N-acetyl-d-glucosaminidase in microsomal and lysosomal fractions and crude homogenate were estimated every 4 hr during one 24-hr period. The enzyme activities were related to 1 mg of protein, 1 mg of DNA and 1 g fresh tissue. Daily changes of enzyme activities were found. In case of activity calculated per 1 mg DNA two maxima at 0500 and at 2100 hr were observed, while activity calculated per 1 mg protein showed one maximum at 0500 hr. Activity calculated per 1 g fresh tissue showed the maximum at 0500 hr for each enzyme only in microsomal fraction. As far as acrophase table is concerned for all enzymes and fractions the acrophase occurred during the night. The obtained results are discussed in relation to lysosomal enzymes synthesis process as well as different reference values.  相似文献   

The effect of oxygen transfer rate (OTR) on β-carotene production by Blakelsea trispora in shake flask culture was investigated. The results indicated that the concentration of β-carotene (704.1 mg/l) was the highest in culture grown at maximum OTR of 20.5 mmol/(l h). In this case, the percentage of zygospores was over 50.0% of the biomass dry weight. On the other hand, OTR level higher than 20.5 mmol/(l h) was found to be detrimental to cell growth and pigment formation. To elucidate the effect of oxidative stress on β-carotene synthesis, the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide during fermentation under different OTRs was determined. A linear response of β-carotene synthesis to the level of H2O2 was observed, indicating that β-carotene synthesis is stimulated by H2O2. However, there was an optimal concentration of H2O2 (2400 μM) in enhancing β-carotene synthesis. At a higher concentration of H2O2, β-carotene decreased significantly due to its toxicity.  相似文献   

Production of β-glycosidases: β-xylosidase and β-glucosidase by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum was optimized in the presence of different carbon sources. Immobilization supports with different physico-chemical characteristics were evaluated for use in continuous reactors. Immobilization and activity yields were calculated. Among the adsorption on Duolite, Amberlite, Celite and DEAE-sepharose, and entrapment in polyacrylamide gel or reticulation using glutaraldehyde, highest yields were obtained when β-xylosidase was adsorbed on Duolite A 7 and when β-glucosidase was adsorbed on DEAE-sepharose.

Enzyme preparations from S. sclerotiorum cultures were used in a biphasic (alcohol/aqueous) medium for the synthesis of alkyl-glycosides by trans-glycosylation of sugars and long-chain alcohols. The synthesis was studied under different conditions with primary and secondary alcohols as substrates, in the presence of free or immobilized enzyme. Xylan and cellobiose were used for the synthesis of alkyl-xylosides and alkyl-glucosides, respectively. The majority of the immobilized preparations were unable to catalyze the synthesis of alkyl-glycosides.

Highest yields were obtained when using xylan and C4–C6-alcohols. The reaction produced alkyl-β-xyloside and alkyl-β-xylobioside, as confirmed by MS/MS. Up to 22 mM iso-amyl-xyloside and 14 mM iso-amyl-xylobioside were produced from iso-amyl alcohol and xylan.  相似文献   

In the past ten years, laboratory studies and open pond experiments at Hutt Lagoon, in Western Australia, have developed a commercial process, for extracting the food colouring, β-carotene, from algal cultures. The hypersaline microscopic alga, Dunaliella salina, is grown in 50 ha of open ponds, harvested, and the β-carotene extracted, concentrated and packaged as 2% and 20% suspensions in vegetable oil.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1994,340(3):185-188
Membrane-associated phosphoinositide-phospholipase C (PI-PLC)-β (150 kDa) and its truncated forms (100 kDa and 45 kDa) were purified from human platelets. The 100 kDa PI-PLC-β was found to be activated to a greater extent by brain G-protein βγ subunits compared to the intact 150 kDa enzyme. Furthermore, treatment with μ-calpain of the intact PI-PLC-β (150 kDa) caused a marked augmentation of its activation by βγ subunits. This enhanced PLC activation by βγ subunits was due to truncation by μ-calpain, producing a 100 kDa PI-PLC, but not by another protease,thrombin.  相似文献   

Oxygen-derived free radicals mediate an important step in the initiation of experimental acute pancreatitis. Thereby, it seems that these reactive oxygen metabolites are generated at an early stage of disease. The source of the enhanced production of oxygen radicals still remains unclear. Experimentally, the efficiency of scavenger treatment varied between different models, whereby these differences depended on the experimental model and not on the form of pancreatitis which was induced. Most studies pretreated the experimental animals before inducing acute pancreatitis. This does not mirror the clinical reality, since patients are admitted to the hospital after onset of the disease. It was shown in Cerulein pancreatitis, however, that scavenger treatment also mitigated the pancreatic tissue damages after induction of acute pancreatitis. Moreover, antioxidant treatment also attenuated the extrapancreatic complications, thus improving the final outcome of the disease. The first indirect observations also suggest that in human acute recurrent and chronic pancreatitis, oxygen free radicals are generated and add to the damages seen. Therefore, well-defined controlled clinical studies with patients suffering from acute pancreatitis are needed to validate the role of oxygen radicals in this disease.  相似文献   

Benzyl β-D-glucopyranoside was prepared by an enzyme-catalysed direct reaction between D-glucose, or better cellobiose, and benzyl alcohol in the presence of a minimum amount of water. The enzyme β-glucosidase was used in the immobilized form (adsorbed onto macroporous polyethylene terephthalate or covalently bound on polyglycidyl methacrylate), enabling multiple application.  相似文献   

Phenoxyl radicals generated by laser flash photolysis were found to react with β-carotene with concomitant β-carotene bleaching in two parallel reactions with similar rates: (i) formation of a β-carotene adduct with a (pseudo) first order rate constant of 1-1.5 ± 104 s-1 with absorption maximum around 800 nm, and (ii) formation of a β-carotene radical cation with a (pseudo) first order rate constant of 2-3 ± 104 s-1 with absorption maximum around 920 nm. Both β-carotene radicals decay on a similar time scale and have virtually disappeared after 100 ms, the β-carotene adduct by a second order process. Oxygen had no effect on β-carotene bleaching or radical formation and decay. The reduction of phenoxyl radicals by β-carotene may prove important for an understanding of how β-carotene acts as an antioxidant.  相似文献   

Microsomal and cytosolic fractions of mammalian livers were screened for their capacity to resolve racemic mixtures of trans -2,3-epoxy-l-alkanols. The epoxide hydrolase activities showed some specificity for the 2S, 3S enantiomers which were attacked at the proximate carbon atom. The best resolutions were observed with guinea pig liver microsomal enzymes.  相似文献   

Rat liver microsomal and lysosomal β-glucuronidase-derived glycopeptides were obtained by extensive Pronase digestion followed by N-[14C]acetylation and desialylation by neuraminidase treatment. These glycopeptides were studied by sequential chromatography on lectin-affinity columns such as concanavalin A, lentil lectin, Phaseolus vulgaris erythroagglutinin, Ricinus communis agglutinin I, Triticum vulgaris agglutinin, Glycine max agglutinin and Ulex europaeus agglutinin. Using serial lectin affinity chromatography approach combined with neuraminidase treatment allowed us to show the unexpected presence of complex tri- and/or tetraantennary type glycans (40.8 and 17.0% for microsomal and lysosomal enzyme, respectively). Moreover, the application of neuraminidase treatment revealed that complex biantennary type glycans, present on lysosomal β-glucuronidase, are almost fully sialylated while the same type of glycans present on microsomal enzyme do not contain sialic acid. Furthermore, the results obtained confirmed that microsomal and lysosomal β-glucuronidases possess high mannose and/or hybrid type glycans (19.6 and 36.6%, respectively), and complex biantennary type glycans (38.9 and 46.4%, respectively).  相似文献   

Lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH)–dependent lipid peroxidation was induced in α-linolenic acid (LNA)-loaded hepatocytes by adding Fe, Cu, V, or Cd ions at concentrations from 20 to 500 μM. The effects of structurally related flavonoids at concentrations from 10 to 500 μM on the lipid peroxidation were examined. The results with regard to each flavonoid subclass are as follows: (i) Flavonols such as myricetin, quercetin, fisetin, and kaempferol, but not morin, showed dose-dependent antioxidative activity against metal-induced lipid peroxidation at all metal concentrations. Myricetin, quercetin, and fisetin were the most effective antioxidants, although their efficacies depended on the metal ion. Kaempferol and morin had antioxidative activity equal to the other flavonols in the presence of Cu ions, but were much less effective for the other three metal ions. (ii) Flavones, luteolin, apigenin, and chrysin were antioxidative at low Fe concentrations, but were pro-oxidative at high Fe concentrations. Luteolin exhibited antioxidative activity similar to that of catechol-containing flavonols in the presence of the other three metal ions. Apigenin and chrysin also acted as pro-oxidants with V or with all metal ions, respectively. (iii) Taxifolin, a flavanone, also showed both anti- and prooxidative activity, depending on Fe concentrations, but with other metal showed only antioxidative activity ions. (iv) Epigallocatechin, a flavanol, was antioxidative with all metal ions, and its activity was similar to that of catechol-containing flavonols. The various effects of flavonoids on metal-induced lipid peroxidation in LNA-loaded hepatocytes is discussed with regard to the change in redox potential of flavonoid–metal complexes.  相似文献   

Opiate binding sites in five brain regions were labeled with the μ and δ markers, 3H-morphine and 3H-[D-Ala2,D-leu5]enkephalin, respectively. The highest densities of both 3H-morphine and 3H-DADLE labeled sites are found in striatum and frontal cortex. Hypothalamus and midbrain contain predominantly 3H-morphine labeled sites. The selectivity of the opioid peptides [D-Ala2,D-leu5]enkephalin, β-endorphin and dynorphin(1–13) for the two opiate sites was investigated by comparing the potency of these unlabeled compounds against the μ and δ markers in different brain regions. This determination has the effect of controlling for the breakdown of peptides within each region. While the enkephalin analogue shows a preference for the δ binding site and β-endorphin is more nearly equipotent towards the two binding sites, dynorphin(1–13) shows a high affinity and selective preference for the μ binding site over the δ site. The potency of the opioid peptides in displacing the μ and δ markers varies from region to region according to the relative densities of the two opiate binding site populations.  相似文献   

Dunaliella accumulates massive amounts of β-carotene when cultivated under high light intensity and growth-limiting conditions. The pathway for biosynthesis of β-carotene was elucidated by analysis of the effect of selected inhibitors. The presence of the inhibitors elicited the accumulation of the following intermediates: β-zeacarotene, lycopene, ζ-carotene, phytofluene, phytoene and a few unidentified long-chain isoprenoids. Each of the accumulated intermediates was composed of about equal amounts of two stereisomers, as is the case for β-carotene in the untreated algae. It is deduced, therefore, that the isomerization reaction occurs early in the pathway of β-carotene biosynthesis, at or before phytoene.The unique caratenogenesis properties of Dunaliella led to the development of a new biotechnological process for mass-cultivation of the alga. Commercial production facilities for β-carotene rich Dunaliella exist today in Israel, USA, Australia, Spain and China. Recent developments, which indicate that the stereoisometric mixture of β-carotene present in Dunaliella is preferentially absorbed in animal tissues, coupled with new evidence for the efficacy of β-carotene in reducing the incidence of cancer, have opened new vistas of potential markets for the high β-carotene algae.  相似文献   

A membrane preparation of calf heart left ventricle has been used to study the effect of radical stress on the β-adrenoceptor complex. To this end the membranes were incubated for 30 minutes with several concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. This resulted in a dose dependent peroxidation of the membrane lipids. Preincubation with hydrogen peroxide in the concentration range 10--7--10--3M caused an increase in specific (—)-[125I]-Iodocyanopindolol binding. possihly due to a decrease in membrane fluidity as a result of lipid peroxidation, thus making the receptor protein more accessible. Higher concentrations H2O2 reduced the specific (—)-[125I]-lodocyanopindolol binding, which is most likely the effect of deterioration of the receptor protein by the more pronounced radical stress induced by these higher concentrations. Also adenylate cyclase activity was affected by radical stress. Basal cyclic-AMP production and cyclic-AMP production induced by NaF (10--2 M) or guanylylimidodiphosphate (10--4 M), was suppressed after pretreatment with concentrations of H2O2 above 10--4 M. This indicates a higher sensitivity of the adenylate cyclase toward radical stress when compared to the receptor protein. Our results show that radical stress can perturb β-adrenoceptor function considerably in the heart.  相似文献   

A method is described for evaluation of fat-soluble vitamin in human adipose tissue with the aim to obtain, accurately and within the shortest analysis time, a time-integrated measure of exposure to vitamins from the diet. Fat tissue was deproteinized with ethanol and extracted with n-hexane. Normal-phase HPLC was performed in a Lichrosorb Si60 column with a gradient of n-hexane–2-propanol at 1 ml/min. Detection was accomplished using a diode-array system (for retinol and β-carotene) in series with a fluorescence detector (α-tocopherol). The method was validated and applied to human adipose tissue in a total of 140 subjects. The mean contents found were 0.43, 0.84, 240.3 μg/g for retinol, β-carotene and α-tocopherol, respectively. The method is sensitive enough for detecting the compounds in 1.6 mg of adipose tissue considering the lowest concentration found.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe the localization of diacylglycerol lipase‐α (DAGLα) in nuclei from adult cortical neurons, as assessed by double‐immunofluorescence staining of rat brain cortical sections and purified intact nuclei and by western blot analysis of subnuclear fractions. Double‐labeling assays using the anti‐DAGLα antibody and NeuN combined with Hoechst staining showed that only nuclei of neuronal origin were DAGLα positive. At high resolution, DAGLα‐signal displayed a punctate pattern in nuclear subdomains poor in Hoechst's chromatin and lamin B1 staining. In contrast, SC‐35‐ and NeuN‐signals (markers of the nuclear speckles) showed a high overlap with DAGLα within specific subdomains of the nuclear matrix. Among the members of the phospholipase C‐β (PLCβ) family, PLCβ1, PLCβ2, and PLCβ4 exhibited the same distribution with respect to chromatin, lamin B1, SC‐35, and NeuN as that described for DAGLα. Furthermore, by quantifying the basal levels of 2‐arachidonoylglycerol (2‐AG) by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC‐MS), and by characterizing the pharmacology of its accumulation, we describe the presence of a mechanism for 2‐AG production, and its PLCβ/DAGLα‐dependent biosynthesis in isolated nuclei. These results extend our knowledge about subcellular distribution of neuronal DAGLα, providing biochemical grounds to hypothesize a role for 2‐AG locally produced within the neuronal nucleus.


Particulate β-d-glucan was isolated from baker's yeast using autolysis and delipidization of the cells, followed by alkaline and acid treatment. The residual water-insoluble glucan termed cerevan has a β-(1→ 3)-linked backbone with β-(1 → 6)-linked short side chains. In order to achieve water solubility of the glucan, various derivatives were prepared (car☐ymethyl-, car☐yethyl-, hydroxyethyl-, sulfoethyl-), and the β-glucan was oxidized to glucuronoglucan. Their solubility, degree of substitution (DS), and molecular weight distribution (Mw) were compared. The immunomodulatory activity of these preparations was investigated in mitogenic and co-mitogenic tests on rat thymocytes. Cerevan showed higher stimulation indices compared with the known immunomodulator zymosan. Of the water-soluble derivatives, sulfoethylglucan was found to be the most active. Of the car☐ymethyl derivatives of various DS, the preparation with DS=0.75 exhibited the highest activity. Water-soluble car☐ymethyl preparations with DS > 1.0 and low-molecular-weight glucuronoglucan were inactive.  相似文献   

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