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Rat alpha 1-inhibitor 3 clones were isolated by immunological screening of a lambda gt11 cDNA library prepared from rat liver poly(A)-rich RNA. The recombinant cDNA clones were identified by the absence of their immunoprecipitable products following hybrid-arrested in vitro translation. The size of the cognate poly(A)-rich RNA was estimated to be roughly 5000 residues. Approximately 16 h after induction of inflammation the amount of alpha 1-inhibitor 3 poly(A)-rich RNA decreases as shown by dot-blot hybridization and Northern analyses. The response of this negative acute-phase plasma protein to inflammation may therefore be considered to be at the pretranslational level. The characterized DNA constitutes an open reading frame of 225 amino acids followed by a canonical eucaryotic polyadenylation signal and a poly(A) tail. Sequence microheterogeneity, particularly in the 3'-flanking region was observed. An amino acid homology of 70% for alpha 1-inhibitor 3 with human and rodent alpha 2-macroglobulin emphasizes the evolutionary relationship of the macroglobulins.  相似文献   

Alpha 2 acute-phase macroglobulin was isolated from plasma of turpentine-injected rats. In the method conditions known to damage the biological activities of alpha 2 macroglobulin are avoided. The procedure successively involves: rivanol precipitation, concanavalin A-Sepharose chromatography and ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. Proteolytic activities were minimized throughout the purification. Thus alpha 2 macroglobulin was obtained in a 20% yield and was pure by biochemical and immunological criteria. Its molecular weight appeared to be 760 000 and it consisted of four subunits (Mr 190 000). The protein has an A1cm 1% = 8.8 and an isoelectric point = 4.8. The amino acid and carbohydrate compositions were determined. Our preparations bound 1 molecule of trypsin or 1 molecule of plasmin/molecule of alpha 2 macroglobulin. Kinetic parameters for alpha 2 macroglobulin-bound trypsin and plasmin were determined and compared with those of free trypsin and plasmin using butoxycarbonyl-L-valylglycyl-L-arginine-2-naphthylamide and benzoyl-L-arginine ethylester as substrates.  相似文献   

Screening of two rat liver cDNA libraries, one of which was constructed using an alpha 1-inhibitor 3 (alpha 1-13) specific primer, yielded overlapping cDNA clones which correspond to the full length cDNA for alpha 1-13 mRNA. On the basis of sequence microheterogeneity existing throughout the cDNA sequence we identified two alpha 1-13 mRNA species whose sequences are so grossly different in their bait regions that the amino acid homology therein is only 30%. Using oligonucleotide probes derived from their respective bait regions we investigated the regulation of the two alpha 1 I3 mRNA species and demonstrated that only one of them, alpha 1-I3 variant I, is regulated pretranslationally following experimentally induced inflammation.  相似文献   

1. Rat alpha2 acute-phase macroglobulin was isolated from turpentine-injected rats by Sephadex G-200 chromatography and ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. This method, since it does not include (NH4)2SO4 treatment, allows the study of the physicochemical as well as the biological properties of the molecule. 2. The purity of the preparation was demonstrated by ultracentrifugation, polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, fused "rocket" immunoelectrophoresis as well as double immunodiffusion. 3. The rat alpha2 acute-phase macroglobulin was characterized in terms of its main physical and chemical properties. Its isoelctric point was determined by isoelectrofocusing to be 4.55; s020,w was 18.4S and E1%/1cm at 278 nm was 6.8. The mol.wt. was determined by light-scattering to be 770000. 4. The amino acid content was compared with that of rat alpha1 macroglobulin and was found very similar. The carbohydrate composition of alpha2 acute-phase macroglobulin was determined to be: hexose, 4.25%; glucosamine, 3.4%; sialic acid, 2%; fucose, 0.2%. From these results it was concluded that alpha2 acute-phase macroglobulin, although a typical acute-phase reactant, possesses the characteristic physicochemical properties of alpha macroglobulins.  相似文献   

Rat plasma alpha 1-inhibitor3: a member of the alpha-macroglobulin family   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The overall mechanism of interaction with proteinases of alpha 1-inhibitor3, a plasma proteinase inhibitor so far specific to the rat, has been shown to be closely similar to that described for alpha-macroglobulins. This mechanism includes: (i) the cleavage of at least one susceptible peptidic bond which leads to structural changes in the molecule. (ii) The cleavage of a putative thiol ester bond in another site of the molecule which permits the covalent linkage of the enzyme. Moreover, fragmentation of alpha 1-inhibitor3 upon heating as observed for alpha-macroglobulin quarter subunits has been demonstrated. The question is raised of the presence of such a molecule in rat plasma in addition to two alpha-macroglobulin species, all of these proteinase inhibitors being antigenically unrelated.  相似文献   

Experimental inflammation in rats led to a sevenfold increase in serum levels of alpha 1 acute-phase globulin. This increase is correlated with elevated levels of translatable mRNA for alpha 1 acute-phase globulin in the liver. Biosynthesis and secretion of alpha 1 acute-phase globulin were studied in rat hepatocyte primary cultures. An intracellular form of alpha 1 acute-phase globulin with an apparent relative molecular mass of 63 500 and a secreted form of 68 000 were found. The intracellular form of alpha 1 acute-phase globulin could be deglycosylated by endoglucosaminidase H treatment indicating that its oligosaccharide chains were of the high-mannose type. The secreted form of alpha 1 acute-phase globulin was not sensitive to endoglucosaminidase H, but was susceptible to the action of sialidase reflecting carbohydrate side-chains of the complex type. Pulse-chase experiments revealed a precursor-product relationship for the high-mannose and the complex type alpha 1 acute-phase globulin. In the hepatocyte medium newly synthesized alpha 1 acute-phase globulin was detected 30 min after the pulse. Unglycosylated alpha 1 acute-phase globulin was found in the cells as well as in the medium when the transfer of oligosaccharide chains onto the polypeptide chains was blocked by tunicamycin. Tunicamycin led to a marked delay in alpha 1 acute-phase globulin secretion.  相似文献   

cDNA clones coding for the plasma proteinase inhibitor alpha 1-inhibitor III were isolated from an acute phase rat liver library. The isolates could be divided into four groups with characteristic BamHI restriction fragment patterns. The identity of the prototype clone pRLA1I3/2J was established by comparison with the published amino acid sequence of the purified protein. It codes for a 1477-amino acid precursor polypeptide with a 24-residue signal peptide. The mature protein shares 58% overall sequence identity with rat alpha 2-macroglobulin and contains a typical internal thiolester sequence. Twenty-two of its twenty-three cysteinyl residues are conserved with alpha 2-macroglobulin implying similar tertiary structure. However, the prototype alpha 1-inhibitor III sequence differed significantly from the rat and human alpha 2-macroglobulin sequences in its bait region suggesting alpha 1-inhibitor III possesses proteinase inhibitory specificities different from those of alpha 2-macroglobulin. The variant alpha 1-inhibitor III clone pRLA1I3/2J from a second cDNA group also differed from the prototype in the bait region coding sequence, although both specify similar signal peptides and NH2 termini. The observation of variant cDNA classes suggests that acute phase rat livers produce a heterogeneous mixture of alpha 1-inhibitor III mRNA molecules. Evidence was obtained for the presence of at least four different alpha 1-inhibitor III-related genes in the rat genome. During the first 24 h of an acute phase response the abundance of hepatic alpha 1-inhibitor III mRNA was decreased 3-4-fold. This decrease was of the same order of magnitude as the reported reduction of the corresponding plasma protein concentration, suggesting that in the early phase of the acute inflammatory response the plasma concentration of this protein is mainly controlled through the abundance of its hepatic mRNA.  相似文献   

A murine pregnancy-associated protein (alpha 1-PAP) with alpha 1-electrophoretic mobility and an estimated molecular weight of 150 000 was present in serum from pregnant C57BL/10 mice but could not be detected in serum of mature non-pregnant females and males. During pregnancy alpha 1-PAP was first detected on Day 7, rose to maximum levels between Days 12 and 14, and thereafter declined during the remainder of pregnancy and was undetectable by Day 8 post partum. The protein was also detected in the serum of females, but not males, subjected to an inflammatory stimulus. Examination of the alpha 1-PAP levels during an acute-phase response in females demonstrated that the protein behaved as a typical classical acute-phase reactant, although the levels were only 10% of those observed during Days 12 to 14 of pregnancy. alpha 1-PAP therefore appears to represent a hitherto undescribed female-specific acute phase reactant in the mouse.  相似文献   

Rat major acute-phase alpha(1)protein (MAP) was characterized by determining its secondary structure, ligand binding and partial amino acid sequence. A cDNA clone expressing MAP and coding for the entire mature protein was isolated from a cDNA library in E. coli prepared from rat liver mRNA. By hybridization to nick translated cDNA, mRNA for MAP was found only in liver, where it increased 17-fold during acute inflammation. Constant proportions of rates of leucine incorporation into MAP over mRNA levels in liver indicated that the regulation of the synthesis of MAP is due to a change in the rate of synthesis and/or the stability of mRNA for MAP, but not the rate of its translation.  相似文献   

Characterization and hepatic expression of rat alpha 1-inhibitor III mRNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 2.5-kilobase cDNA clone (AF7), encoding 785 amino acids, was isolated from a rat liver cDNA library constructed in the expression vector lambda gt11. M13 vector sequence analysis yielded a deduced protein primary structure that was 89% homologous to the prototype alpha 1-inhibitor III (alpha 1I3) sequence presented in the preceding paper by Braciak et al. (Braciak, T. A., Northemann, W., Hudson, G. O., Shields, B. R., Gehring, M. R., and Fey, G. H. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 3999-4012) with regard to exact matches and 92% homologous when considering chemically conserved residues. The clone also possessed 100% homology to the putative bait region of a variant clone (pRLA1I3/27J) of alpha 1I3. Such sequence data demonstrates that the AF7 clone corresponds to a member of the family of variant alpha 1I3 mRNAs. Furthermore, this report presents the entire mRNA sequence corresponding to the 3'-half of alpha 1I3 variant 27J. We have utilized AF7 cDNA to study the expression of alpha 1I3 messenger RNA encoding this liver-specific glycoprotein under conditions known to alter hepatic gene expression. Our data reveal that alpha 1I3 mRNA expression is not only regulated during the acute-phase response but is also modulated in response to a variety of changing physiological conditions, most notably liver development. Steady state levels of mRNA were quantified using Northern blot techniques and laser densitometry. During acute phase response initiated by turpentine injection, the relative abundance of alpha 1I3 mRNA decreased 4-5-fold over a period of 24 h. Following partial hepatectomy, the regenerating liver expressed six-fold less alpha 1I3 mRNA than untreated liver after 24 h. This reduced level was maintained over a 2-day period. We have also demonstrated that alpha 1I3 mRNA expression is developmentally regulated. Fetal rat liver did not contain detectable concentrations of rat alpha 1I3 mRNA even as late as 4 days prior to birth. However, trace amounts were observed from birth until approximately 20 days of age when alpha 1I3 mRNA levels increased 10-fold to maximal adult quantities over the following 2 or 3 weeks. During the course of pregnancy, alpha 1I3 mRNA remained essentially constant until approximately 4 days prior to birth when a precipitous decline to 40% of the original level was noted. Subsequently, normal values were gradually restored over a 30-day postpartum period.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Biosynthesis and processing of rat alpha 1-antitrypsin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Various biosynthetic forms of rat alpha 1-antitrypsin (alpha 1AT) have been isolated by immunoprecipitation of in vitro and in vivo synthesized products. Rat alpha 1AT is synthesized in a rabbit reticulocyte system as a 45,000-Da preprotein with a 23-amino acid signal sequence. The majority of the amino acids in the signal sequence have been identified and resemble the signal peptides of other secretory proteins with respect to the abundance and positions of hydrophobic amino acids. Evidence from the translation of rat liver RNA in the presence of dog pancreas microsomes, from the translation of rat liver polysomes, and from tunicamycin-treated rat hepatocytes established that cleavage of the signal peptide of pre-alpha 1AT results in the formation of a 42,000-Da protein, the polypeptide backbone of mature alpha 1AT. A 50,000-Da glycoprotein is immunoprecipitated from translations programmed with rat liver microsomes or with rat liver mRNA and dog pancreas microsomes. Cotranslational glycosylation of alpha 1AT appears to occur in a stepwise fashion since three glycosylated forms of alpha 1AT (approximately 45,000, 47,000, and 50,000 Da) can be detected in polysome translations. These proteins are susceptible to cleavage by endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H and are digested to the same product, indicating that they have identical polypeptide chains. Two intracellular forms of alpha 1AT were detected in cultured rat hepatocytes, a 50,000- and a 52,000-Da protein; only the larger protein was immunoprecipitated from the medium of these cells. Digestion with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H indicated that the 50,000-Da protein is a core glycosylated processing intermediate, whereas the 52,000-Da protein, which comigrated with purified serum alpha 1AT, appears to contain complex carbohydrate sidechains. When glycosylation was inhibited by incubation of hepatocytes with tunicamycin, a nonglycosylated 42,000-Da protein was immunoprecipitated from the cells and the culture medium, indicating that glycosylation of alpha 1AT is not essential for its secretion.  相似文献   

Alpha 1-Microglobulin (alpha 1-m), or protein HC, a low molecular weight plasma protein with immunoregulatory properties, was isolated from rat serum by affinity chromatography using Sepharose-coupled monoclonal anti-alpha 1-m antibodies. High molecular weight forms of alpha 1-m were then separated from the low molecular weight alpha 1-m by gel chromatography of the eluted proteins. The apparent Mr (28,000), the charge heterogeneity, the N-linked carbohydrate, and yellow-brown chromophore suggest that the low molecular weight alpha 1-m is the serum counterpart to urinary alpha 1-m, which was purified previously. A high molecular weight complex of alpha 1-m was also isolated by the gel chromatography. It was homogeneous as judged by nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecule was bound by antibodies against human alpha 2-macroglobulin, and experiments with antisera against the three alpha-macroglobulin variants in rat serum, alpha 1-macroglobulin, alpha 2-macroglobulin, and alpha 1-inhibitor-3 (alpha 1I3) suggested that alpha 1I3 was the complex-partner of alpha 1-m. An antiserum raised against high molecular weight alpha 1-m was then used to isolate the complex-partner of alpha 1-m from rat serum with affinity chromatography, and this molecule was positively identified as alpha 1I3 by its physicochemical properties. Gel chromatography of the alpha 1I3.alpha 1-m complex suggested a molecule with an Mr of 266,000. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, however, it migrated as three major molecular species with apparent molecular weights of 224,000, 205,000, and 194,000 and several minor species of both higher and lower molecular weights, suggesting a complex subunit structure. alpha 1-m and alpha 1I3 could be detected in all three major species by Western blotting, and NH2-terminal amino acid sequencing suggested a molar ratio of 1:1 of alpha 1-m and alpha 1I3 in all three species. alpha 1I3.alpha 1-m was colorless, did not show light absorbance beyond 300 nm which is typical of low molecular weight alpha 1-m and was electrophoretically homogeneous, suggesting that it lacks the chromophore. Finally, the serum concentrations of the alpha 1I3.alpha 1-m complex and free alpha 1-m were determined as 0.16 and 0.010 g/liter, respectively. Thus, alpha 1I3.alpha 1-m constitutes 1-3% of the total alpha 1I3 in rat serum (w/w) and approximately 60% of the total alpha 1-m.  相似文献   

大鼠肝癌中α—抑制因子3基因表达及基因结构的...   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The expression and structure of alpha 1-inhibitor 3 (alpha 1-I3) gene were investigated in 16 primary rat hepatomas induced by diethylnitrosamine. In most tumor samples (75%, 12/16), the expression of alpha 1-I3 gene manifested markedly diminished or undetectable level of alpha 1-I3 mRNA. Further study indicated that the abnormal expression of alpha 1-I3 gene in the hepatomas examined might be due to, at least in part, the gene hypermethylation, insertion of repeat sequence(s) or base substitutions at the recognition sequences of some restriction endonucleases which caused certain alteration in the gene structure. The significance of alpha 1-I3 as an endogenous antitumor factor in hepatocarcinogenesis was also discussed.  相似文献   

Alpha 1-macroglobulin was purified from rat plasma by gel filtration (Sephacryl S-300) and ion exchange chromatography (DE52). Analysis of the purified alpha 1-macroglobulin by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed two polypeptides: a light chain which could be resolved into a double band (36/38 kDa) and a heavy chain (160 kDa). Under non-reducing conditions complexes of 200 and 400 kDa could be demonstrated. Antibodies were raised against both chains of alpha 1-macroglobulin which did not cross-react with either rat alpha 2-macroglobulin or rat alpha 1-inhibitor 3. It was shown that in the medium of [35S]methionine-labeled hepatocytes the two subunits of alpha 1-macroglobulin are linked by disulfide bridges. Intracellularly, however, a high molecular mass polypeptide (185 kDa) could be immunoprecipitated with either the antiserum to the heavy or the light chain of alpha 1-macroglobulin, indicating the existence of a polyprotein precursor. Also in a cell-free translation system alpha 1-macroglobulin was synthesized as a polyprotein consisting of heavy and light chains (162 kDa). In a pulse-chase experiment using tunicamycin to block N-glycosylation, alpha 1-macroglobulin secretion was totally inhibited. This finding reflects the importance of the oligosaccharide side chains for the proteolytic processing to the two subunits and/or secretion of alpha 1-macroglobulin.  相似文献   

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