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Sexual reproduction is extremely widespread in spite of its presumed costs relative to asexual reproduction, indicating that it must provide significant advantages. One postulated benefit of sex and recombination is that they facilitate the purging of mildly deleterious mutations, which would accumulate in asexual lineages and contribute to their short evolutionary life span. To test this prediction, we estimated the accumulation rate of coding (nonsynonymous) mutations, which are expected to be deleterious, in parts of one mitochondrial (COI) and two nuclear (Actin and Hsp70) genes in six independently derived asexual lineages and related sexual species of Timema stick insects. We found signatures of increased coding mutation accumulation in all six asexual Timema and for each of the three analyzed genes, with 3.6- to 13.4-fold higher rates in the asexuals as compared with the sexuals. In addition, because coding mutations in the asexuals often resulted in considerable hydrophobicity changes at the concerned amino acid positions, coding mutations in the asexuals are likely associated with more strongly deleterious effects than in the sexuals. Our results demonstrate that deleterious mutation accumulation can differentially affect sexual and asexual lineages and support the idea that deleterious mutation accumulation plays an important role in limiting the long-term persistence of all-female lineages.  相似文献   

The frozen niche variation hypothesis suggests that sexuals can coexist with closely related, ecologically similar asexuals because sexuals and narrowly adapted asexual clones use different resources. However, because a collection of clones can potentially dominate the entire resource axis, such coexistence is not stable. We show that if the sexual population inhabits multiple selection regimes and asexuals are intrinsically slightly less fit than sexuals, migration load in the sexual population allows sexuals and asexuals to coexist stably at the regional level. By decreasing sexuals' fitness, migration load allows asexuals to invade the sexual population. However, as the sexuals' range contracts, migration load decreases, preventing asexuals from driving sexuals to extinction. This "buffering" effect of migration load is even more relevant in models that include more realistic conditions, such as demographic asymmetries or explicit spatial structure.  相似文献   

It is generally considered that sexual organisms show faster evolutionary adaptation than asexual organisms because sexuals can accumulate adaptive mutations through recombination. Yet, empirical evidence often shows that the geographic range size of sexual species is narrower than that of closely related asexual species, which may seem as if asexuals can adapt to more varied environments. Two potential explanations for this apparent contradiction considered by the existing theory are reproduction assurance and migration load. Here, we consider both reproductive assurance and migration load within a single model to comparatively examine their effects on range expansions of sexuals and asexuals across an environmental gradient. The model shows that higher dispersal propensity decreases sexuals' disadvantage in reproductive assurance while increasing their disadvantage in migration load. Moreover, lower mutation rate constrains adaptation more strongly in asexuals than in sexuals. Thus, high dispersal propensity and high mutation rates promote that asexuals have wider range sizes than sexuals. Intriguingly, our model reveals that sexuals can have wider geographic range sizes than asexuals under low dispersal propensity and low mutation rates, a pattern consistent with a few exceptional empirical cases. Combining reproductive assurance and migration load provides a useful perspective to better understand the relationships between species' mating systems and their geographic ranges.  相似文献   

In certain planarian species that are able to switch between asexual and sexual reproduction, determining whether a sexual has the ability to switch to the asexual state is problematic, which renders the definition of sexuals controversial. We experimentally show the existence of two sexual races, acquired and innate, in the planarian Dugesia ryukyuensis. Acquired sexuals used in this study were experimentally switched from asexuals. Inbreeding of acquired sexuals produced both innate sexuals and asexuals, but inbreeding of innate sexuals produced innate sexuals only and no asexuals. Acquired sexuals, but not innate sexuals, were forced to become asexuals by ablation and regeneration (asexual induction). This suggests that acquired sexuals somehow retain asexual potential, while innate sexuals do not. We also found that acquired sexuals have the potential to develop hyperplastic and supernumerary ovaries, while innate sexuals do not. In this regard, acquired sexuals were more prolific than innate sexuals. The differences between acquired and innate sexuals will provide a structure for examining the mechanism underlying asexual and sexual reproduction in planarians.  相似文献   

Haag CR  Roze D 《Genetics》2007,176(3):1663-1678
In diploid organisms, sexual reproduction rearranges allelic combinations between loci (recombination) as well as within loci (segregation). Several studies have analyzed the effect of segregation on the genetic load due to recurrent deleterious mutations, but considered infinite populations, thus neglecting the effects of genetic drift. Here, we use single-locus models to explore the combined effects of segregation, selection, and drift. We find that, for partly recessive deleterious alleles, segregation affects both the deterministic component of the change in allele frequencies and the stochastic component due to drift. As a result, we find that the mutation load may be far greater in asexuals than in sexuals in finite and/or subdivided populations. In finite populations, this effect arises primarily because, in the absence of segregation, heterozygotes may reach high frequencies due to drift, while homozygotes are still efficiently selected against; this is not possible with segregation, as matings between heterozygotes constantly produce new homozygotes. If deleterious alleles are partly, but not fully recessive, this causes an excess load in asexuals at intermediate population sizes. In subdivided populations without extinction, drift mostly occurs locally, which reduces the efficiency of selection in both sexuals and asexuals, but does not lead to global fixation. Yet, local drift is stronger in asexuals than in sexuals, leading to a higher mutation load in asexuals. In metapopulations with turnover, global drift becomes again important, leading to similar results as in finite, unstructured populations. Overall, the mutation load that arises through the absence of segregation in asexuals may greatly exceed previous predictions that ignored genetic drift.  相似文献   

It has recently been argued that because the genetic load borne by an asexual species resulting from segregation, relative to a comparable sexual population, is greater than two, sex can overcome its twofold disadvantage and succeed. We evaluate some of the assumptions underlying this argument and discuss alternative assumptions. Further, we simulate the dynamics of competition between sexual and asexual types. We find that for populations of size 100 and 500 the advantages of segregation do not outweigh the cost of producing males. We conclude that, at least for small populations, drift and the cost of sex govern the evolution of sexuality, not selection or segregation. We believe, however, that if sexual and asexual populations were isolated for a sufficiently long period, segregation might impart a fitness advantage upon sexuals that could compensate for the cost of sex and allow sexuals to outcompete asexuals upon their reunion.  相似文献   

In several asexual taxa, reproduction requires mating with related sexual species to stimulate egg development, even though genetic material is not incorporated from the sexuals (gynogenesis). In cases in which gynogens do not invest in male function, they can potentially have a twofold competitive advantage over sexuals because the asexuals avoid the cost of producing males. If unmitigated, however, the competitive success of the asexuals would ultimately lead to their own demise, following the extinction of the sexual species that stimulate egg development. We have studied a model of mate choice among sexual individuals and asexual gynogens, where males of the sexual species preferentially mate with sexual females over gynogenetic females, to determine if such mating preferences can stably maintain both gynogenetic and sexual individuals within a community. Our model shows that stable coexistence of gynogens and their sexual hosts can occur when there is variation among males in the degree of preference for mating with sexual females and when pickier males pay a higher cost of preference.  相似文献   

Su-Chan Park  Joachim Krug 《Genetics》2013,195(3):941-955
The adaptation of large asexual populations is hampered by the competition between independently arising beneficial mutations in different individuals, which is known as clonal interference. In classic work, Fisher and Muller proposed that recombination provides an evolutionary advantage in large populations by alleviating this competition. Based on recent progress in quantifying the speed of adaptation in asexual populations undergoing clonal interference, we present a detailed analysis of the Fisher–Muller mechanism for a model genome consisting of two loci with an infinite number of beneficial alleles each and multiplicative (nonepistatic) fitness effects. We solve the deterministic, infinite population dynamics exactly and show that, for a particular, natural mutation scheme, the speed of adaptation in sexuals is twice as large as in asexuals. This result is argued to hold for any nonzero value of the rate of recombination. Guided by the infinite population result and by previous work on asexual adaptation, we postulate an expression for the speed of adaptation in finite sexual populations that agrees with numerical simulations over a wide range of population sizes and recombination rates. The ratio of the sexual to asexual adaptation speed is a function of population size that increases in the clonal interference regime and approaches 2 for extremely large populations. The simulations also show that the imbalance between the numbers of accumulated mutations at the two loci is strongly suppressed even by a small amount of recombination. The generalization of the model to an arbitrary number L of loci is briefly discussed. If each offspring samples the alleles at each locus from the gene pool of the whole population rather than from two parents, the ratio of the sexual to asexual adaptation speed is approximately equal to L in large populations. A possible realization of this scenario is the reassortment of genetic material in RNA viruses with L genomic segments.  相似文献   

In asexual lineages, both synonymous and nonsynonymous sequence polymorphism may be reduced due to severe founder effects when asexual lineages originate. However, mildly deleterious (nonsynonymous) mutations may accumulate after asexual lineages are formed, because the efficiency of purifying selection is reduced even in the nonrecombining mitochondrial genome. Here we examine patterns of synonymous and nonsynonymous mitochondrial sequence polymorphism in asexual and sexual lineages of the freshwater snail Campeloma. Using clade-specific estimates, we found that synonymous sequence polymorphism was significantly reduced by 75% in asexuals relative to sexuals, whereas nonsynonymous sequence polymorphism did not differ significantly between sexuals and asexuals. Two asexual clades had high negative values for Tajima's D statistic. Coalescent simulations confirmed that various bottleneck scenarios can account for this result. We also used branch-specific estimates of the ratio of amino acid to silent substitutions, K(a)/K(s). Our study revealed that K(a)/K(s) ratios are six times higher in terminal branches of independent asexual lineages compared to sexuals. Coalescent-based reconstruction of gene networks for all sexual and asexual clades indicated that nonsynonymous mutations occurred at a higher frequency in recently derived asexual haplotypes. These findings suggest that patterns of synonymous and nonsynonymous nucleotide polymorphism in asexual snail lineages may be shaped by both severe founder effect and relaxed purifying selection.  相似文献   

Kim Y  Orr HA 《Genetics》2005,171(3):1377-1386
Fisher and Muller's theory that recombination speeds adaptation by eliminating competition among beneficial mutations has proved a popular explanation for the advantage of sex. Recent theoretical studies have attempted to quantify the speed of adaptation under the Fisher-Muller model, partly in an attempt to understand the role of "clonal interference" in microbial experimental evolution. We reexamine adaptation in sexuals vs. asexuals, using a model of DNA sequence evolution. In this model, a modest number of sites can mutate to beneficial alleles and the fitness effects of these mutations are unequal. We study (1) transition probabilities to different beneficial mutations; (2) waiting times to the first and the last substitutions of beneficial mutations; and (3) trajectories of mean fitness through time. We find that some of these statistics are surprisingly similar between sexuals and asexuals. These results highlight the importance of the choice of substitution model in assessing the Fisher-Muller advantage of sex.  相似文献   

Nakajima T 《Bio Systems》2012,108(1-3):34-44
Epistatic interactions between genes in the genome constrain the accessible evolutionary paths of lineages. Two factors involving epistasis that can affect the evolutionary path and fate of lineages were investigated. The first factor concerns the impact of competition with another species lineage that has different epistatic constraints. Five enteric bacterial populations were evolved by point mutation in medium containing a single limiting resource. Single-species and two-species cultures were used to determine whether different asexual lineages have different capacities for producing variants due to epistatic constraints, and whether their survival is determined by local inter-lineage competition with different species. Local inter-lineage competition quickly resulted in one successful lineage, with another lineage becoming extinct before finding a higher peak. The second factor concerns a peak-shifting process, and whether the sexual recombination between different demes can cause peak shifts was investigated. An Escherichia coli population consisting of a male (Hfr) and female strain (F(-)) was evolved in a single limiting resource and compared to evolving populations containing the male or female strain alone. The E. coli sexual lineage was successful due to its ability to escape lower peaks and reach a higher peak, not because of a rapid approach to the nearest local peak the male or female asexual lineage could reach. The data in this study demonstrate that lineage survivability can be determined by the ability to produce beneficial mutations and checked by local competition between lineages of different species. Interspecific competition may prevent a population from evolving through crossing fitness valleys or adaptive ridges if it requires many generations to achieve peak shifts. The data also show that genomic recombination between different conspecific lineages can rapidly carry the combined lineage to a higher peak.  相似文献   

Many metazoans convert the reproductive modes presumably depending upon the environmental conditions and/or the phase of life cycle, but the mechanisms underlying the switching from asexual to sexual reproduction, and vice versa, remain unknown. We established an experimental system, using an integrative biology approach, to analyze the mechanism in the planarian, Dugesia ryukyuensis (Kobayashi et al., 1999). Worms of exclusively asexual clone (OH strain) of the species gradually develop ovaries, testes and other sexual organs, then copulate and eventually lay cocoons filled with fertilized eggs, if they are fed with sexually mature worms of Bdellocephala brunnea (an exclusively oviparous species). This suggests the existence of a sexualizing substance(s) in sexually mature worms. Random inbreeding of experimentally sexualized worms (acquired sexuals) produces an F1 population of spontaneous sexuals (innate sexuals) and asexuals in a ratio of approximately 2:1. All regenerants from various portions of innate sexuals become sexuals. In the case of acquired sexuals, head fragments without sexual organs regenerated into asexuals though regenerants from other portions became sexuals. Thus, we conclude that neoblasts, the totipotent stem cells in the planarians, of acquired sexuals remain "asexual" and the worms require external supply of a sexualizing substance for the differentiation of sexual organs and gametes. On the other hand, some, if not all, neoblasts in innate sexuals are somehow "sexual" and do not require external supply of a sexualizing substance for the eventual differentiation of themselves and/or other neoblasts into sexual organs and gametes. It is also shown that sexuality in acquired sexuals is maintained by the putative sexualizing substance(s) of their own. The sexualization is closely coupled with cessation of fission, and the worms seem to have an unknown way of controlling the karyotype. Our integrative approach integrates multiple fields of study, including classic breeding, regeneration, and genetics experiments, as well as karyotyping, and biochemical and molecular biological analyses; none of which would have revealed much about the intricate mechanisms that regulate sex and fission in these animals.  相似文献   

M Neiman  A D Kay  A C Krist 《Heredity》2013,110(2):152-159
The predominance of sexual reproduction despite its costs indicates that sex provides substantial benefits, which are usually thought to derive from the direct genetic consequences of recombination and syngamy. While genetic benefits of sex are certainly important, sexual and asexual individuals, lineages, or populations may also differ in physiological and life history traits that could influence outcomes of competition between sexuals and asexuals across environmental gradients. Here, we address possible phenotypic costs of a very common correlate of asexuality, polyploidy. We suggest that polyploidy could confer resource costs related to the dietary phosphorus demands of nucleic acid production; such costs could facilitate the persistence of sex in situations where asexual taxa are of higher ploidy level and phosphorus availability limits important traits like growth and reproduction. We outline predictions regarding the distribution of diploid sexual and polyploid asexual taxa across biogeochemical gradients and provide suggestions for study systems and empirical approaches for testing elements of our hypothesis.  相似文献   

What advantage do sexually reproducing organisms gain from their mode of reproduction that compensates for their twofold loss in reproductive rate relative to their asexual counterparts? One version of the Red Queen hypothesis suggests that selective pressure from parasites is strongest on the most common genotype in a population, and thus genetically identical clonal lineages are more vulnerable to parasitism over time than genetically diverse sexual lineages. Our surveys of the ectoparasites of an asexual gecko and its two sexual ancestral species show that the sexuals have a higher prevalence, abundance, and mean intensity of mites than asexuals sharing the same habitat. Our experimental data indicate that in one sexual/asexual pair this pattern is at least partly attributable to higher attachment rates of mites to sexuals. Such a difference may occur as a result of exceptionally high susceptibility of the sexuals to mites because of their low genetic diversity (relative to other more-outbred sexual species) and their potentially high stress levels, or as a result of exceptionally low susceptibility of the asexuals to mites because of their high levels of heterozygosity.  相似文献   

The presence and extent of mitonuclear discordance in coexisting sexual and asexual lineages provides insight into 1) how and when asexual lineages emerged, and 2) the spatial and temporal scales at which the ecological and evolutionary processes influencing the evolution of sexual and asexual reproduction occur. Here, we used nuclear single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and a mitochondrial gene to characterize phylogeographic structure and the extent of mitonuclear discordance in Potamopyrgus antipodarum. This New Zealand freshwater snail is often used to study the evolution and maintenance of sex because obligately sexual and obligately asexual individuals often coexist. While our data indicate that sexual and asexual P. antipodarum sampled from the same lake population are often genetically similar, suggesting recent origin of these asexuals from sympatric sexual P. antipodarum, we also found significantly more population structure in sexuals vs. asexuals. This latter result suggests that some asexual lineages originated in other lakes and/or in the relatively distant past. When comparing mitochondrial and nuclear population genetic structure, we discovered that one mitochondrial haplotype (‘1A’) was rare in sexuals, but common and widespread in asexuals. Haplotype 1A frequency and nuclear genetic diversity were not associated, suggesting that the commonness of this haplotype cannot be attributed entirely to genetic drift and pointing instead to a role for selection.  相似文献   

Finite populations of asexual and highly selfing species suffer from a reduced efficacy of selection. Such populations are thought to decline in fitness over time due to accumulating slightly deleterious mutations or failing to adapt to changing conditions. These within‐population processes that lead nonrecombining species to extinction may help maintain sex and outcrossing through species level selection. Although inefficient selection is proposed to elevate extinction rates over time, previous models of species selection for sex assumed constant diversification rates. For sex to persist, classic models require that asexual species diversify at rates lower than sexual species; the validity of this requirement is questionable, both conceptually and empirically. We extend past models by allowing asexual lineages to decline in diversification rates as they age, that is nonrecombining lineages “senesce” in diversification rates. At equilibrium, senescing diversification rates maintain sex even when asexual lineages, at young ages, diversify faster than their sexual progenitors. In such cases, the age distribution of asexual lineages contains a peak at intermediate values rather than showing the exponential decline predicted by the classic model. Coexistence requires only that the average rate of diversification in asexuals be lower than that of sexuals.  相似文献   

Substantial differences in both life-table characteristics and reproductive patterns distinguish bdelloid from monogonont rotifers. Bdelloids reproduce only asexually, whereas most monogononts are cyclical parthenogens. We explore some of the adaptive consequences of these life-history differences using a computer model to simulate the evolutionary acquisition of new beneficial mutations. A one-locus mutation-selection regime based on the life-history characteristics of bdelloids indicates that asexuals can maintain higher levels of both allelic and genotypic diversity over a longer time period than obligate sexuals. These results are produced by differences in the magnitude of random genetic drift (RGD) associated with the different types of reproduction. Cyclical parthenogens have significantly higher evolutionary rates than sexual forms in a single-locus model, but incorporate beneficial mutations more slowly than sexuals in a two-locus simulation. Our results are therefore strongly influenced by the number of loci being evaluated as well as the pattern of reproduction. The asexual life history was found to maintain higher levels of allelic diversity than any pattern including sexual reproduction. This intriguing finding is amplified as the number of loci undergoing selection is increased. We end by considering the adaptive consequences of the remarkably divergent life histories found in typical bdelloid and monogonont rotifers.  相似文献   

Where sexual and asexual forms coexist within a species, the asexuals are often found to be prevalent in marginal habitats. This asexual distribution pattern has received evolutionary attention linked to the paradox of sex. In many marine species, there is a distributional trend of asexual modes being more common in lower salinity waters regarded as the ecogeographic marginal, being explained by negative effects of low salinities on sexual reproductive success. However, the distribution pattern of estuarine species recently adapted to low salinity waters has remained unknown. The brackish macroalga Ulva prolifera being a major benthic component of estuarine ecosystems includes a sexual variant and obligate asexual variants by means of motile spores. We examined the sexual–asexual distribution pattern of this alga along a salinity gradient in river estuaries. Surprisingly, opposite to the distributional trend of marine organisms, the results clearly showed the persistent predominance of sexuals in the lower salinity reaches than the asexuals. In addition, a frequent alternating of dioecious gametophytes and sporophytes in the sexual population was observed, suggesting the sexual reproductive process would be robustly performed in the low salinity waters. Considering U. prolifera had evolved from the ancestral marine species to become a true estuarine species of which the core habitat is the low salinity reaches, in a broad sense its sexual–asexual distribution pattern would be involved in asexual marginal occupations of the species range previously reported in other organisms. Based on the frozen niche variation model, we can give a concise explanation for the evolutionary process of this pattern; multiple asexuals with frozen genotypic variation had arisen from sexual ancestors undergoing low salinity adaptation and share the estuarine habitat with the sexuals at present.  相似文献   

We measured the mean fitness of populations of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii maintained in the laboratory as obligately sexual or asexual populations for about 100 sexual cycles and about 1000 asexual generations. Sexuality (random gamete fusion followed by meiosis) is expected to reduce mutational load and increase mean fitness by combining deleterious mutations from different lines of descent. We found no evidence for this process of mutation clearance: the mean fitness of sexual populations did not exceed that of asexual populations, whether measured through competition or in pure culture. We found instead that sexual progeny suffer an immediate loss in fitness, and that sexual lines maintain genetic variance for fitness. We suggest that sexual populations at equilibrium with selection in a benign environment may be mixtures of several or many epistatic genotypes with nearly equal fitness. Recombination between these genotypes reduces mean fitness and creates genetic variance for fitness. This may provide fuel for continued selection should the environment change.  相似文献   

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