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Although the role of aromatase in many estrogen-dependent reproductive and metabolic functions is well documented in vertebrates, its involvement in the ovarian development of species exhibiting temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) is incompletely understood. This is partly due to the conflicting temporal and spatial pattern of aromatase expression and activity across taxa. To help resolve this ongoing debate, we compared for the first time the embryological ontogeny of aromatase expression in turtles possessing genotypic sex determination (GSD) (Apalone mutica) and TSD (Chrysemys picta) incubated under identical conditions. As anticipated, we found no significant thermal differences in aromatase expression at any stage examined (prior to until the end of the thermosensitive period) in A. mutica. Surprisingly, the same was true for C. picta. When placed in a phylogenetic context, our results suggest that aromatase expression is evolutionarily plastic with respect to sex determination in reptiles, and that differences between reptilian TSD and GSD are not aromatase-driven. Further research across TSD and GSD species is warranted to fully decipher the evolution of functional differences among sex-determining mechanisms.  相似文献   

We monitored behavioral responses of cold-acclimated hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) indigenous to Nebraska and hatchling snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) indigenous to Nebraska and Arkansas during cooling (0.1°C/min) to temperatures as low as −19°C. All turtles made exploratory movements during cooling and locomotion occurred at temperatures as low as −2 to −4°C, but C. picta maintained relatively higher levels of locomotor activity than C. serpentina, and no differences in motility occurred between northern and southern groups of C. serpentina. Slow movements of the head and limbs were observed in supercooled hatchling C. picta at temperatures as low as −10°C, whereas at about −5°C, C. serpentina exhibited an increase in spontaneous motor activity followed by muscle contracture, immobility, and spontaneous freezing. C. picta spontaneously froze at about −16°C without exhibiting cold contracture, suggesting that they are better adapted to survive exposure to extreme cold.  相似文献   

Hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) survived freezing at -2 degrees C for 4 d, few recovered from freezing lasting 6 d, and none survived being frozen for 8 d. Whole-body glucose and lactate were low in animals that had not been subjected to cold and ice but increased precipitously in animals that were frozen for 2 d. Both metabolites continued to increase, but at a somewhat lower rate, in animals frozen for 4, 6, or 8 d. The increase in whole-body lactate reflects a reliance by frozen hatchlings on anaerobiosis, whereas the increase in glucose presumably results from mobilization of glycogen reserves to support anaerobic metabolism. Mortality of frozen hatchlings is correlated with the increase in whole-body lactate. Factors that may contribute to the observed correlation include a compromised capacity for individual organs to cope with the lactic acidosis that accompanies anaerobic metabolism and organ-specific depletion of energy reserves. Individual organs must rely on buffering and glucose reserves available in situ because blood of frozen hatchlings does not circulate. Thus, buffer from the shell cannot be transported to other organs, lactate cannot be sequestered in the shell, and glucose mobilized from liver glycogen is not available to supplement glucose reserves of other tissues. This integrated suite of physiological disruptions may limit tolerance of freezing to conditions with little or no ecological relevance.  相似文献   

Painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) typically spend their first winter of life in a shallow, subterranean hibernaculum (the natal nest) where they seemingly withstand exposure to ice and cold by resisting freezing and becoming supercooled. However, turtles ingest soil and fragments of eggshell as they are hatching from their eggs, and the ingestate usually contains efficient nucleating agents that cause water to freeze at high subzero temperatures. Consequently, neonatal painted turtles have only a modest ability to undergo supercooling in the period immediately after hatching. We studied the limit for supercooling (SCP) in hatchlings that were acclimating to different thermal regimes and then related SCPs of the turtles to the amount of particulate matter in their gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Turtles that were transferred directly from 26 degrees C (the incubation temperature) to 2 degrees C did not purge soil from their gut, and SCPs for these animals remained near -4 degrees C for the 60 days of the study. Animals that were held at 26 degrees C for the duration of the experiment usually cleared soil from their GI tract within 24 days, but SCPs for these turtles were only slightly lower after 60 days than they were at the outset of the experiment. Hatchlings that were acclimating slowly to 2 degrees C cleared soil from their gut within 24 days and realized a modest reduction in their SCP. However, the limit of supercooling in the slowly acclimating animals continued to decline even after all particulate material had been removed from their GI tract, thereby indicating that factors intrinsic to the nucleating agents themselves also may have been involved in the acclimation of hatchlings to low temperature. The lowest SCPs for turtles that were acclimating slowly to 2 degrees C were similar to SCPs recorded in an earlier study of animals taken from natural nests in late autumn, so the current findings affirm the importance of seasonally declining temperatures in preparing animals in the field to withstand conditions that they will encounter during winter.  相似文献   

Hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) were placed individually into artificial nests constructed in jars of damp soil and then were cooled slowly to temperatures between-7.7 and-12.7 °C. Distinct exotherms were recorded in all jars when water in the soil began to freeze at temperatures between-0.9 and-2.4 °C. A second (animal) exotherm was subsequently detected in some of the jars when water in hatchlings also began to freeze. An animal exotherm occurred in the temperature records for all 23 hatchlings that died in tests terminating at temperatures between-7.7 and-10.8 °C, but no such exotherm was apparent in the temperature records for the 23 turtles that survived these treatments. Moreover, the 4 hatchlings that produced exotherms in tests terminating between-11.5 and-12.7 °C failed to survive, but 5 of 7 hatchlings that produced no exotherm in these tests also died. Thus, turtles that die at subzero temperatures above-11 °C apparently succumb to freezing when ice propagates across their integument from the frozen soil, but animals that die at temperatures below-11 °C generally perish from some other cause. These findings indicate that hatchling painted turtles overwintering inside their shallow, subterranean nests survive exposure to subzero temperatures by avoiding freezing instead of by tolerating freezing.  相似文献   

After occurrence of spinal cord injury, it is not known whether the respiratory rhythm generator undergoes plasticity to compensate for respiratory insufficiency. To test this hypothesis, respiratory variables were measured in adult semiaquatic turtles using a pneumotachograph attached to a breathing chamber on a water-filled tank. Turtles breathed room air (2 h) before being challenged with two consecutive 2-h bouts of hypercapnia (2 and 6% CO2 or 4 and 8% CO2). Turtles were spinalized at dorsal segments D8-D10 so that only pectoral girdle movement was used for breathing. Measurements were repeated at 4 and 8 wk postinjury. For turtles breathing room air, breathing frequency, tidal volume, and ventilation were not altered by spinalization; single-breath (singlet) frequency increased sevenfold. Spinalized turtles breathing 6-8% CO2 had lower ventilation due to decreased frequency and tidal volume, episodic breathing (breaths/episode) was reduced, and singlet breathing was increased sevenfold. Respiratory variables in sham-operated turtles were unaltered by surgery. Isolated brain stems from control, spinalized, and sham turtles produced similar respiratory motor output and responded the same to increased bath pH. Thus spinalized turtles compensated for pelvic girdle loss while breathing room air but were unable to compensate during hypercapnic challenges. Because isolated brain stems from control and spinalized turtles had similar respiratory motor output and chemosensitivity, breathing changes in spinalized turtles in vivo were probably not due to plasticity within the respiratory rhythm generator. Instead, caudal spinal cord damage probably disrupts spinobulbar pathways that are necessary for normal breathing.  相似文献   

We performed an experiment at a field site in north-central Nebraska to assess the role of the nest environment in inducing variation in bone mineral content in hatchling painted turtles Chrysemys picta (Schneider 1783). The contents of several newly constructed nests were manipulated by reciprocal transplant, after which the eggs were allowed to incubate for 8 wk under natural conditions. The nests were then excavated, and the eggs were brought into the laboratory to complete incubation and hatch under standard conditions of temperature and moisture. The hatchlings were killed, and their carcasses and residual yolks were analyzed separately for calcium and phosphorus. More of the random variation in carcass calcium and phosphorus was related to the nest in which eggs incubated (37% and 42%, respectively) than was associated with the clutch of origin (21% and 37%). Moreover, hatchlings from some nests contained substantially more calcium and phosphorus than did hatchlings from other nests, both in terms of the absolute amounts of the elements in their carcasses (pointing to variation in body size) and in terms of the concentrations of those elements (pointing to variation in bone density). The amounts of calcium and phosphorus in carcasses of hatchlings were positively correlated with changes in mass of their eggs during the 8 wk that the eggs incubated in nests in the field, thereby indicating that the influence of the nest environment on developing embryos probably was mediated by water exchanges experienced by the eggs. These findings indicate that developmental plasticity underlies a major fraction of the variation in mineral content of hatchling painted turtles emerging from nests in the field. Phenotypic variation attributable to plasticity consequently needs to be addressed in models for life-history evolution of painted turtles and other chelonians producing eggs with soft, flexible shells.  相似文献   

The major avenues of extrapulmonary oxygen uptake were determined on submerged western painted turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii) at 10 degrees C by selectively blocking one or more potential pathways for exchange. Previous work indicated that the skin, the cloaca, and the buccopharyngeal cavity can all contribute significantly in various species of turtles. O(2) uptake was calculated from the rate of fall in water P(O(2)) in a closed chamber. Two series of experiments were conducted: in Series 1, each of the potential avenues was mechanically blocked either singly or in combination; in Series 2, active cloacal and buccal pumping were prevented pharmacologically using the paralytic agent rocuronium. In addition in Series 2, N(2)-breathing preceded submergence in some animals and in one set of Series 2 experiments arterial blood was sampled and analyzed for pH, lactate, P(O(2)), and P(CO(2)). Results in both Series 1 and Series 2 revealed that prevention of cloacal and/or buccopharyngeal exchange did not significantly affect total O(2) uptake. Interfering with skin diffusion in Series 1, however, significantly reduced O(2) uptake by 50%. N(2)-breathing prior to submergence in Series 2 did not affect O(2) uptake in paralyzed turtles but significantly increased uptake in unparalyzed turtles without catheters. Blood analysis revealed that all submerged turtles developed lactic acidosis, but the rate of rise in lactate was significantly lower in paralyzed animals. We conclude that passive diffusion through the integument is the principal avenue of aquatic O(2) uptake in this species.  相似文献   

Reproductive changes have been observed in painted turtles from a site with known contamination located on Cape Cod, MA, USA. We hypothesize that these changes are caused by exposure to endocrine-disrupting compounds and that genes involved in reproduction are affected. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is an orphan receptor that is activated by environmental contaminants. AHR mRNA was measured in turtles exposed to soil collected from a contaminated site. Adult turtles were trapped from the study site (Moody Pond, MP) or a reference site and exposed to laboratory environments containing soil from either site. The red-eared slider was used to assess neonatal exposure to soil and water from the sites. The environmental exposures occurred over a 13-month period. Juveniles showed an age-dependent increase in brain AHR1. Juvenile turtles exposed to the MP environment had elevated gonadal AHR1. Adult turtles exposed to the MP environment showed significantly decreased brain AHR2. The painted turtle AHR is the first complete reptile AHR cDNA sequence. Phylogenetic analysis of the painted turtle AHR showed that it clusters with other AHR2s. Partial AHR1 and partial AHR2 cDNA sequences were cloned from the red-eared slider. MEME analysis identified 18 motifs in the turtle AHRs, showing high conservation between motifs that overlapped functional regions in both AHR isoforms.  相似文献   

The hemoglobins of two turtles (Testudines)--Chrysemys picta bellii (suborder Cryptodira) and Phrynops hilarii (suborder Pleurodira)--were investigated. In both specimens we found two hemoglobin components with two distinct alpha-chains. The alpha-chains of the component HbD of Chrysemys picta bellii and of the component CII of Phyrynops hilarii belong to the alpha D-type, which has so far been reported to occur only in birds. The complete amino-acid sequences of both alpha D-chains are presented. Our further investigations on hemoglobins of other reptiles (Crocodilia, Lacertilia, Serpentes) did not give any evidence for the expression of alpha D-globin genes in the species examined. These findings are discussed with especial reference to the physiology of respiration. It is supposed that alpha D-genes were of certain significance in earlier times. There are findings suggesting that alpha D-genes are embryonic genes with persistent expression in many adult birds and turtles.  相似文献   

Developmental exposure of turtles and other reptiles to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), including bisphenol A (BPA) and ethinyl estradiol (EE2, estrogen present in birth control pills), can induce partial to full gonadal sex-reversal in males. No prior studies have considered whether in ovo exposure to EDCs disrupts normal brain sexual differentiation. Yet, rodent model studies indicate early exposure to these chemicals disturbs sexually selected behavioral traits, including spatial navigational learning and memory. Thus, we sought to determine whether developmental exposure of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) to BPA and EE2 results in sex-dependent behavioral changes. At developmental stage 17, turtles incubated at 26⁰C (male-inducing temperature) were treated with 1) BPA High (100 μg /mL), 2) BPA Low (0.01 μg/mL), 3) EE2 (0.2 μg/mL), or 4) vehicle or no vehicle control groups. Five months after hatching, turtles were tested with a spatial navigational test that included four food containers, only one of which was baited with food. Each turtle was randomly assigned one container that did not change over the trial period. Each individual was tested for 14 consecutive days. Results show developmental exposure to BPA High and EE2 improved spatial navigational learning and memory, as evidenced by increased number of times spent in the correct target zone and greater likelihood of solving the maze compared to control turtles. This study is the first to show that in addition to overriding temperature sex determination (TSD) of the male gonad, these EDCs may induce sex-dependent behavioral changes in turtles.  相似文献   

John W. Rowe 《Oecologia》1994,99(1-2):35-44
Interpopulation variation in egg size, clutch size and clutch mass was studied 3 years in four populations of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii) from western Nebraska. Body size varied among all populations and was larger in two large (56–110 ha), sandhills lake populations than in two populations in smaller habitats (1.5–3.6 ha) of the Platte River floodplain. Reproductive parameters (egg mass, clutch mass, and clutch size) generally increased with maternal body size within populations. Clutch wet and dry mass varied among populations but largely as a function of maternal body size. Clutch size was largest in the sandhills lake populations, both absolutely and relative to maternal body size. Egg mass was smallest in the sandhills lakes and varied annually in one population. Over all populations, an egg sizeclutch size trade-off was detected (a negative correlation between egg mass and clutch size) after statistically removing maternal body size effects. Egg wet mass and clutch size were negatively correlated over all years within the sandhills populations and in some years in three populations. Although egg size varied within populations, egg size and clutch size covaried as expected by optimal offspring size models. Thus, patterns of egg size variation should be interpreted in the context of proximate or adaptive maternal body size and temporal effects. Comparisons among populations suggest that large egg size relative to maternal body size may occur when juvenile growth potential is poor and mean maternal body size is small.  相似文献   

Estrogens play a key role in the development and evolution of breast cancer tumors. Estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) mediates many of the biological activities of estrogens, and its expression is associated with low invasiveness and good prognosis. Recent epidemiological reports suggest that long-term exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is implicated in the increased incidence of breast cancer in exposed women. TCDD interferes with the expression of some ERalpha-dependent genes and inhibits estradiol (E2)- dependent growth of breast cancer cells in vitro. However, E2-dependent xenographs of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells resumed growth after a 2-week exposure to TCDD. The mechanisms involved in the resumption of cell growth are not completely understood. In this study, we show that short term-exposure (16 days) to 1 nM TCDD results in the suppression of ERalpha protein expression, while chronic exposure for more than 1 year (LTDX cells) results in the partial re-expression of the receptor. Immunocytochemistry studies showed that re-expression of ERalpha in LTDX cells occurred in some of the cells. Analysis by Western immunoblots indicated that four out of five LTDX clones expressed ERalpha at levels comparable to those in unexposed MCF-7 cells. Removal of TCDD treatment for 16 days restored the expression of ERalpha in the ERalpha-negative clonal cells. These results suggest that MCF-7 cells chronically exposed to TCDD contain at least two cell subpopulations that may respond differently to the ERalpha-mediated effects of TCDD.  相似文献   

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