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杨扇舟蛾性引诱行为的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨扇舟蛾羽化高峰在19~21时,羽化后4小时左右性成熟,雌蛾分泌性外激素,对雄蛾产生性引诱;以羽化当日性引诱力最强;这种性行为直至交配或死亡为止。活雌蛾性外激素粗提液对雄蛾也有引诱力,但诱雄蛾效果不如活雌蛾。  相似文献   

1975年我组合成了梨小食心虫性外激素顺-8-十二碳烯醋酸酯,并于1975年夏季和1976年春季在北京市通县果园进行了田间诱蛾试验。试验结果表明:合成的梨小食心虫性外激素具有强烈的诱蛾活性。在顺-8-十二碳烯醋酸酯中加入少量反式异构体能显著提高诱蛾活性,当反式异构体的含量为10%时活性最好。在田间试验中我们还发现,这种合成的昆虫性外激素对另一种重要害虫棉卷蛾(已知它的性外激素是顺-9-和顺-11-十四碳烯醋酸酯混合物)也有一定引诱作用,当反式异构体的含量为12%时诱蛾活性最高。我们对影响梨小食心虫诱蛾效果的其它因素进行了观察和研究。在一般天气下,梨小食心虫的交配活动主要在傍晚前后进行,春天在下午5—6点,夏天在下午8—9点,这时捕蛾量最多。刮大风或下大雨时它们很少活动,几乎捕不到雄蛾。  相似文献   

为了探索棉铃虫的性引诱作用,1975年棉铃虫第四、五代发生期间,我们在潜江县三江公社三江大队进行了雌蛾诱杀雄蛾的反复试验,在53天内投放雌蛾171头(319盆次),共诱获雄蛾2,029头,平均每头诱获11.85头。第四、五代发蛾高峰期,每盆次诱蛾量均在20头以上,单盆最高一日的诱蛾量达59头。在试验中我们发现: 1.凌晨3—5时雄蛾趋向诱盆最多,诱获量最大,上半夜和天亮以后则无雄蛾投盆。 2.雌蛾羽化后3—4天,对雄蛾的引诱力最大。 3.每台诱捕器以雌蛾2—3头较为适宜。用量增  相似文献   

<正> 萍螟是稻田养萍和水面饲料——水浮莲的主要害虫。为摸索防治它的新途径,我们对黑萍螟Nymphula enixlos Swinhoe的性活动及性外激素粗提物进行了观察试验。初步明确了雌蛾羽化后于下半夜即开始交配,并释放较强的性外激素,其各日龄性引诱力强弱依次为第二天>第一天>第三天。 田间试验:利用活体雌蛾在水浮莲地放置了82钵次的诱杀器,其诱雄蛾1,739头,平均21.2头/钵。将羽化24小时的雌蛾腹部第8节  相似文献   

二点螟性外激素的化学结构及田间诱蛾效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用触角电位(EAG)技术,从70种合成的标样化合物中,确定顺-11-十六碳烯醇(Z11-16:OH)、顺-11-十六碳烯醛(z11-16:ALD)为二点螟性外激素的候选化合物。借助气相色谱(GC)、薄层色谱(TLC)和酯化反应,对此虫雌蛾腹尖提取物分析,显示出仅有与烯醇相同保留时间的活性峰,排除了烯醛存在的可能性,用田间诱蛾试验验证室内分析的结果证明:烯醇张烯醛以不同的比例混合后,随着烯醛在混合物中的比例增加,诱蛾活性也越来越低,只有烯醇单独存在时,才具有最高的诱蛾活性,而且高于一头未交配的活雌蛾诱蛾活性。用气相色谱一质谱(GC—MS)对雌蛾腹尖提取物进行分折,也证实了二点螟的性外激素成分是Z11-16:OH。  相似文献   

枫杨枝把在田间对棉铃虫的引诱作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察了枫杨枝把和性诱剂在田间对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) 的引诱作用。结果表明,枫杨枝把在田间对棉铃虫成虫有较强的引诱作用,所诱雌蛾略多于雄蛾。枫杨枝把上所诱雄蛾量与上把的雌蛾量呈正相关。棉铃虫性诱剂对枫杨枝把的诱蛾作用没有显著的影响。讨论了枫杨枝把在田间引诱棉铃虫的作用。  相似文献   

油茶毒蛾 Euproctis pseudoconsporsa Strand俗名油茶毛虫,属鳞翅目、毒蛾科。近几年在我县慈化公社危害猖獗。我们用油茶毛虫性外激素进行了诱捕试验,初获成效。 将羽化后1—2天的雌蛾腹部摘下,置二氯甲烷溶剂中浸泡20至24小时之后,用研钵将组织研碎,使之充分溶解后,用滤纸过滤。将滤液按一定雌蛾量涂于滤纸卷上,分别置于纸筒和水盆两种诱捕器中,每天傍晚悬挂于油茶林中,次日早8点检查效果。 本次试验共试雌蛾282头,挂出诱捕器21个,共诱到雄蛾779头,平均37头/器,而四个对照均未诱到蛾子。总之,油茶毛虫雌蛾性外激素粗提物对雄蛾具  相似文献   

加拿大杨树枝把田间诱蛾试验,单把日平均诱蛾4.17头,雌性比为1.72;在加拿大杨树枝把中加入棉铃虫性诱剂诱芯后,单把日平均诱蛾5.5头,雌性比为1.86.鲜加拿大杨树叶粗提物对棉铃虫刚羽化处女雌蛾引诱效果为26.67%;经过堆放2天的杨树叶粗提物对棉铃虫刚羽化的处女雌蛾引诱效果为44.44%.  相似文献   

我们根据1975年全国粘虫防治研究协作会议提出的课题,于1976年对粘虫 Pseudaletia separata的性引诱进行了研究,取得了以下的初步结果。 一、成虫性引诱的节律 (一)雌蛾分泌性外激素的时间 以雄蛾被雌蛾吸引而伸出抱器作为雌蛾分泌性外激素的主要标志。将羽化后性成熟而未经交尾的雌蛾一头,装入两端蒙尼龙纱的小圆筒玻璃罩内,横放于装有20头同日羽化而亦未交尾的雄蛾大纱笼内,饲以10%蜂蜜水,在室温23℃下,从傍晚至清晨以手电筒蒙两层绿纸进行观察,共观察雌蛾8头,持续五夜。现将其中4头的记录绘图1。从而看出:(1)雌蛾的分  相似文献   

1975年在三化螟发蛾期间,我们将三化螟雌蛾放在长15厘米、直径3厘米的塑料纱养虫笼内,置于水盆上,盆内保持适量皂粉水,盆口略高于稻苗,傍晚放,早晨收。 通过试验表明,雄蛾在性引诱盆内的消长规律,一般能反映客观实际情况,与预测灯下蛾量消长情况基本相吻合。三化螟蛾在性引诱盆中和诱测灯下的始盛期均在8月12—13日,二次发蛾高峰也均在8月16—17日和8月19—21日。 在螟蛾性引诱试验中,我们有如下几点看法: 1.雌蛾羽化后,当晚即可交尾,且表现较强的性引诱能力,至第三天性引诱力明显下降。在养虫笼内,雌蛾寿命一般仅三天左右,为了系统掌握蛾量消长情况,  相似文献   

Abstract The sex attractant pheromone of the tea tussock moth, a serious economic pest of tea plantations in southern China, has been identified as 10,14-dimethylpentadecyl isobutyrate. A synthesis of the racemic form of the pheromone was developed, and traps baited with the synthetic compound at doses of 40–1000 micrograms captured male moths. The synthetic pheromone was as effective as a trap bait as, virgin female moths, or extracts of female moths.  相似文献   

茶毛虫性引诱剂诱杀效果分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20 0 2年在贵州省都匀茶场研究了茶毛虫性信息素引诱剂大面积诱杀茶毛虫的防治效果 ,并观察了不同浓度以及不同高度设置对诱蛾效果的影响。结果表明 :越冬代试验 2 0d ,诱杀成虫 42 60头 ,第1代试验 44d ,诱杀成虫 1 3 42 3头 ;防治后田间落卵量以及后代幼虫数分别比对照区减少 5 3 3 3 %和60 5 3 % ;诱蛾效果以浓度为 1 5mg 枚的诱芯效果最好 ,诱盆设置高度以 90cm左右为佳。  相似文献   

Topical application of 10 μg of Altosid, a juvenile hormone analogue to adult female moths of the spruce budworm significantly reduced their electroantennogram responses to their own synthetic female sex pheromone provided the EAG recordings were performed at least 10–15 hr after JHA treatment. Newly emerged moths were more sensitive to JHA treatment than older moths. Acetone-treated moths (control) showed an increase in EAG response to sex pheromone with increasing age. These age related responses of moths to their sex pheromone and their reduction by Altosid treatment are discussed in terms of endogenous JH titres.  相似文献   

Abstract An active component of the female sex pheromone of Chinese locust moth, Cydia Trash Meyrick, was identified as (E, E)-8, 10-dodecadienyl acetate (E8, E10–12:Ac) by GC, GC—MS analyses and microchemical reactions. The results of field trials showed that synthetic E8, E10—-12: Ac was very attractive to the male moths.  相似文献   

【目的】鉴定杨小舟蛾Micromelalopha sieversi雌蛾性信息素活性成分的结构信息。【方法】采用正己烷浸提的方法提取杨小舟蛾性成熟处女雌蛾性腺中的活性成分;利用气相色谱-触角电位联用(GC-EAD)技术对其活性成分进行定位;性腺提取物与4-甲基-1,2,4-三唑啉-3,5-二酮(MTAD)进行微量化学反应,获得衍生物;利用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术分别对性腺提取物及MTAD衍生物进行质谱特征离子分析。【结果】GC-EAD结果显示,杨小舟蛾雄蛾触角对雌蛾性信息素腺体提取物中的一种成分有较好的反应;GC-MS分析结果表明,能引起雄蛾触角电生理反应的成分为十八碳的不饱和醛;MTAD衍生物的GC-MS结果显示,该活性成分的两个双键分别位于碳链的13和15位。【结论】本研究鉴定出杨小舟蛾雌蛾性信息素活性成分的平面结构为13,15-十八碳二烯醛,但双键的立体构型有待合成标准化合物进一步鉴定。本研究为杨小舟蛾性信息素备选化合物的筛选提供了方向,为信息素的结构确证奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is one of the most important pest insects in cotton fields in China. Female moths were captured by waterbasin traps with a synthetic female sex pheromone blend in cotton fields over three years. The blend contained (Z)‐11‐hexadecenal and (Z)‐9‐hexadecenal with a ratio of 97:3. Each pheromone dispenser was impregnated with 2.0 mg of pheromone blend and 0.2 mg of antioxidant dissolved with 0.1 mL of hexane, and there was a control dispenser with a similar amount of antioxidant and solvent only. Waterbasin traps were deployed in three configurations in the fields. ‘A’ was pheromone traps only, ‘B’ was both pheromone and control traps, ‘C’ was control traps only. (i) In four plots of ‘A’, the average weekly female catch was 1.5, and more females were captured by centrally located pheromone traps, (ii) In three plots of ‘Brsquo;, control traps also captured female as well as male moths, but average weekly female catches of control traps was significantly lower than that in pheromone‐baited traps. (iii) There were significant linear relationships between the average weekly female catch and the corresponding layer in pheromone‐baited traps in both ‘A’ and ‘B’ plots, and in quadratic equations in control in ‘B’ plots. (iv) With the increase of the interval of traps, average weekly female catches per trap increased but average weekly female catches per hectare decreased. (v) Among the female moths captured by pheromone traps, 88.3% were mated female moths which each containing 1.46 spermatophores, while in control traps 86.9% of the mated female moths had 0.90 spermatophores. There was a significant difference between the average numbers of spermatophores of mated females in pheromone traps and in controls.  相似文献   

[目的]明确稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis生理状态对性信息素和花香气味的嗅觉行为反应的影响,以及在田间性信息素和花香气味诱蛾量的动态.[方法]于2020年在广西、湖南、浙江、四川5个试验点,通过田间网捕、花香气味和性信息素诱捕稻纵卷叶螟成虫,结合解剖卵巢和精巢,比较性信息素和花香诱捕的基本迁...  相似文献   

Mating disruption is an environmentally safe plant protection strategy that uses a synthetic copy of an insect pheromone to interfere with sexual communication and hence reproduction. To date, a number of pest moths have been controlled with applications of formulated pheromones as mating disruptants. Recently, however, the first example of resistance to mating disruption was documented in one of the major tea pests in Japan, the smaller tea leafroller moth, Adoxophyes honmai Yasuda (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). To avoid other such cases, it is important to elucidate the mechanism(s) by which the disruptant lost its effectiveness. To this end, we imposed further selection by rearing field‐collected resistant insects with a synthetic pheromone in the laboratory. After more than 70 generations of selection, a strain with quite strong resistance was established, males of which could find and copulate with their mates even in the presence of 1 mg l?1 of disruptant. Although the mating ability of this strain was greatly increased, the composition and blend ratio of the sex pheromone produced and emitted by females were not obviously changed in comparison with those of females sensitive to mating disruption. However, male response to the pheromone blend was markedly broadened after selection so that resistant males could locate a synthetic pheromone source even when it lacked a pheromone component that is normally necessary for attraction. Males capable of locking onto off‐ratio pheromone blends may be better able to find calling females in pheromone‐treated environments than narrowly tuned males because of greater capability of overcoming sensory imbalance.  相似文献   

本文用EAG技术研究棉铃虫对性外激素和植物气味物质的嗅觉反应。供试的气味物质有棉铃虫性外激素的二种主要组分和36种与棉铃虫寄主植物有关的植物气味物质。试验结果表明:1)只有棉铃虫雄蛾对性外激素组分产生反应,二种性外激素的组分中,Z-11-16:AL能引起较强的EAG反应。2)对植物气味物质,雌雄棉铃虫之间的嗅觉反应没有明显的差异。棉铃虫对性外激素和植物气味组分的嗅觉感受过程是一个有选择性的感受过程:不同种类的气味物质能引起不同的EAG反应。只有棉铃虫雄蛾才对性外激素组分起反应,在二种性外激素组分中:主要组分:Z-11-16:AL引起的EAG反应最高,高于大多数植物气味物质。次要组分Z-9-16:AL引起的EAG反应很弱。雌、雄棉铃虫对植物气味组分的嗅觉反应的选择性表现出一致的规律:对苯甲醛和绿叶气味物质的反应最高。单萜类中的萜烯衍生物(萜类醇、醛、酯等)的触角电位反应次之。棉铃虫对大多数的供试化合物的EAG反应都很小。最后,作者讨论了性外激素和植物气味物质对棉铃虫行为的作用。  相似文献   

大袋蛾性信息素分泌的时辰节律和内分泌控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵博光 《昆虫学报》1988,(3):236-242
本文报道用定量生测方法发现在成虫期短、无多次生殖循环、成虫不取食的鳞翅目昆虫中存在内分泌对性信息素的控制.大袋蛾Clania variegata雌虫的信息素腺体含量表现每日双峰的时辰节律.将雌虫饲养于两种光暗条件下,不同雌虫的峰期被错开,将恰在峰期前的雌虫中抽取的血淋巴注射于处于低含量期的雌虫中能诱导被注射的雌虫显著增加信息素的分泌.除头、摘除咽侧体或切断心侧体与咽侧体之间的神经均有效地消除信息素的分泌,但对摘除咽侧体的雌虫重植咽侧体却未能恢复其信息素的分泌.然而对低含量期的雌虫注射保幼激素类似物738,能诱导其显著增加信息索的分泌,而江射却未能恢复交配后雌虫的信息素分泌能力.根据本文结果讨论了Barth(1965)的假说.  相似文献   

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