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An experiment to induce anadromy in a population of wild brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis , was conducted near Sept-Iles, Quebec, in 1978–1979. Brook trout were captured from the Matamek River, tagged and transported to the Matamek River estuary during late spring and early summer, and allowed free movement between an impassable waterfall 0.7 km upstream and the sea. Fish were recaptured in autumn as they returned to fresh water. Over two years, 34.0% of the released fish were recaptured. Best returns were in the 2+ and 3+ age classes with 38.0 and 62.1% recaptured, respectively. Straying of transplanted fish appeared to be <1%. All age classes included sea run brook trout (sea trout) but the largest percentages of sea trout occurred in older fish. Growth was better in sea trout than in fish which did not develop anadromy, presumably a function of an increased food supply at sea. Severe tagging effects stunted growth and probably suppressed anadromy, especially among younger fish. Sexual characteristics of recaptured fish indicated suppressed maturation of gonads in sea trout compared to fish remaining in fresh water and there was a shift to a larger percentage of females in the sea trout. Comparisons between our results and data on other anadromous Salvelinus species underscore the potential for sea-ranching of trout and char as a moderate effort, high yield aquaculture technique.  相似文献   

Summary The radiant energy per unit area required to trigger retinomotor responses was determined for eight wavelengths. The curve's maximum at 520 nanometres corresponds to two microwatts per steradian per square metre. The threshold requires the absorption of 7000 quanta per second per square degree of the field by the scotopic pigment.
Zusammenfassung Die je Einheitsbereich erforderliche Strahlungsenergie für die Auslösung der retinomotorischen Reaktion wurde für acht Wellenlängen gemessen. Das Maximum der Kurve (520 Nanometer) entspricht zwei Mikrowatt pro Steradian pro Quadratmeter. Im Bereiche des Schwellenwertes ist eine Absorption des Feldes durch das skotopische Pigment von 7000 Quanten pro Sekunde, pro Quadratgrad benötigt.

Supported by a grant from the National Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

A self-recording linear gradient tank and procedures are described in which individual brook trout fingerlings unstressed by recent transfer, unaccustomed surroundings or the presence of an observer could move freely in 16 oxygen concentration gradients within the limits of 1 and 8.9 mg O21−1. They avoided oxygen concentrations below 4 mg 1−1 most of the time and preferred 5 mg 1−1 or higher more than half the time, which supports the field-derived belief that fish avoid oxygen concentrations below 5 mg l−1 in the natural environment if they can.  相似文献   

A cell was found in freshwater brook trout which was similar to a chloride cell as it was mitochondria-rich with an extensive tubular network, but differed in having a dark cytoplasm, large round vesicles in the apical cytoplasm, and large membrane-bound bodies near the nucleus. The base of the cell was separated from the basement membrane by cytoplasm from another epithelial cell. The cell was more rarely found in trout adapted to brackish water and salt water.  相似文献   

The Speckled Trout blastoderm at the late high blastula stage is characterized by two different cell populations. The “light” blastomeres comprise one cell type while the “dark” and “medium” blastomeres appear to differ from one another only in degree and thus may be considered as the second type. “Dark” and “medium” blastomeres are irregular in shape, are located centrally and deep in the blastoderm, have an abundance of smooth endoplasmic reticulum with associated 520 Å glycogen particles and a single mitochondrial profile. The “light” blastomeres have randomly arranged glycogen particles in minimal quantities in contrast to the “medium” and “dark” blastomeres and in addition exhibit three mitochondrial profiles, which could however represent artifacts. It is postulated that in the Speckled Trout cellular differentiation has commenced by the third day of incubation at 10°C and that this is manifested visually by the appearance of two different cell populations; the more differentiated “dark” and “medium” blastomeres possibly destined to give rise to the hypoblast and the less differentiated “light” blastomeres.  相似文献   

Riviere a la Truite, a tributary of the Moisie River, is probably a focus of Salmincola edwardsii transmission within the system. Differences in prevalence of the copepod on fish between Riviére à la Truite and the main river suggested that up to 41% of anadromous brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis , in the Moisie River system overwinter in the tributary. Infected fish were generally less than 200 mm long and copepods were attached almost exclusively to the fins and their bases. The primary site of copepod attachment at low intensities of infection was the adipose fin but at high intensities the dorsal fin was most frequently infected. This displacement in attachment location with increased intensity may result in density-dependent mortality of copepods. Copepods were overdispersed on the host population at each major sampling time and data fit a negative binomial distribution (k ranged from 0.2 to 0.8).  相似文献   

Wild herring larvae were sampled from the Firth of Clyde, Scotland in 1980 and 1981 to assess the suitability of otolith ageing methods for herring larval studies. The ages and growth rates were estimated directly from otolith ring counts, by comparison of ring counts with the results of validation studies on reared larvae of known age, and by back-calculation. Growth rates based on otolith data were compared with indirect calculations based on length at capture. The assumption of daily ring deposition, even allowing for a period of lag before the initiation of daily ring deposition, led to incorrect predictions for age at yolk-sac absorption, and back-calculations led to overestimated growth rates, indicating that ring deposition does not begin at hatching and that light microscope counts give a rate different from one ring per day in wild herring larvae.  相似文献   

A 12‐week feeding trial was conducted to determine the optimum dietary protein requirement of brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, at 15 and 19°C. Twelve iso‐energetic (22 MJ · kg?1) and iso‐lipidic (23%) diets (36–58% protein at 2% increments) were prepared. Fish (29.45 ± 3.25 g · fish?1) were fed 2% of body weight per day, divided into two equal rations. The specific growth rate (SGR, % · day?1), feed efficiency ratio (FER), productive protein value (PPV), productive lipid value (PLV) and productive energy value (PEV), apparent digestibility of diet (ADDM) and protein (ADCP) were significantly higher at optimum temperature (15°C). Increasing PPV with increasing dietary carbohydrate and with decreasing dietary protein content was due to the protein‐sparing effect of carbohydrates. A piecewise regression (broken line) model between the SGR and digestible dietary protein level revealed that the digestible dietary protein requirement of brook trout was 44 and 40% at 15 and 19°C, respectively. When PPV (digestible protein retention basis) was modelled with a broken line, the digestible protein requirement of brook trout was 39 and 35% at 15 and 19°C, respectively. A reduction in dietary protein content balanced by increased gelatinised carbohydrate might be useful for improving the protein utilization efficiency for growth at 15 and 19°C; however, the growth and feed efficiency was lower at the elevated temperature.  相似文献   

Competition for females generally results in some males adopting alternative reproductive tactics to acquire matings. For fish, the ecological and evolutionary consequences of these tactics are not well understood because of an inability to link directly the interactions of individuals on the breeding grounds with genetic data. This study combines behavioural observations with genetic estimates of male reproductive success within an intensively studied wild population of lacustrine brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Male brook trout exhibit a conditional reproductive strategy with small males adopting a peripheral position to that of larger dominant males in their proximity to spawning females. Parentage analysis of eggs collected from wild redds confirmed the reproductive success of individual males. Males relegated to peripheral positions during spawning participated frequently in spawning events, but in most cases the first male to spawn was the sole contributor, and no more than two males contributed successfully to a single brood. While behavioural observations of salmonines suggests that reproduction is partitioned among males in a manner dependent upon body size and proximity to spawning females, the genetic evidence from this study suggests a more limited distribution of reproductive success in the field. The genetic contributions of male brook trout are highly skewed towards larger males for this population. A review of the salmonine literature suggests little difference in individual reproductive success for males exhibiting size-related tactics within a conditional mating strategy vs. precocial maturation. Collectively, these genetic studies provide new insights on the evolution of alternative life histories among salmonines.  相似文献   

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