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Take-all of wheat, caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var tritici (Ggt), is reduced by ammoniacal fertilizers as compared to nitrate sources. This influence of nitrogen on the disease is only observed on nodal roots at flowering. But soil conduciveness to take-all, as measured in a soil bioassay, is modified earlier. Forty days after nitrogen application at early tillering, the NH4-treated soil became less conducive than the NO3-treated one. When nitrogen applications are done at sowing and at tillering, differences in disease propagation between the two soils are enhanced. Results from four years of experimentation show that when the level of natural soil inoculum is high, disease severity is reduced by ammonium, showing an effect on the parasitic phase of Ggt. At a low level of natural inoculum the effect of the source of nitrogen is mainly observed on the percent of infected plants, indicating that the saprophytic and preparasitic phases are affected. Rhizospheric bacterial populations increase from sowing to tillering, but differences on take-all conduciveness after tillering are not correlated with differences in the amounts of aerobic bacteria or fluorescent pseudomonads isolated from soils treated with different sources of nitrogen. Qualitative changes in fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. populations, like in vitro antagonism, are more likely to explain differences in soil conduciveness to take-all than are quantitative changes in this group. Nevertheless, the introduction of Ggt in a cropped soil leads to a greater increase in fluorescent pseudomonads populations than in total aerobic bacteria.The delay between reducing soil conduciveness and reducing disease in the field with ammonium nitrogen fertilization, the qualitative change of fluorescent pseudomonads populations and the role of necroses in rhizobacteria multiplication, provide information leading to our representation of a dynamic model based on the differentiation of the wheat root system into seminal and nodal roots.  相似文献   

In a field cropped with wheat, a high and low level of soil conduciveness to take-all were induced by applying a nitrogen fertilizer with either calcium nitrate or ammonium sulphate. From these two soils, two representative populations of fluorescent pseudomonads were tested for their in situ behaviour. Take-all index and root dry weight were assessed on plants cropped in soils infested with Gaeumannomyces graminis var tritici (Ggt) and each bacterized with one of the isolates of fluorescent pseudomonads. The bacteria tested can be split into three groups: antagonists which reduce take-all, deleterious isolates which aggravate the disease and neutral without evident effect on the disease. The predominance of antagonistic fluorescent pseudomonads in the NH4-treated soil and the predominance of deleterious ones in the NO3-treated soil was confirmed after statistical analysis. The microbial impact on take-all must be more considered as the resulting effect of divergent activities of both rhizobacteria types than the only consequences of the presence of antagonistic pseudomonads. All the high cyanogenic pseudomonads were antagonists in situ and were more numerous in the NH4-treated soil than in the NO3-treated soil.  相似文献   

This research was initiated to determine whether soils suppressive to take-all of wheat caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt) occur in Montana, and to identify the organisms most likely involved in this suppression. From an initial screening of eight soils collected from different wheat growing areas of Montana, two were highly suppressive to take-all. Microbial characterization of these soils indicated that different mechanisms were involved in the suppression. In Larslan soil, mycoparasitism appeared to be the main mechanism. Two different fungi with exceptional ability to reduce the severity of take-all were isolated from this soil. One of these fungi could parasitize the hyphae of Ggt. Field tests with these fungi in Ggt infested soil showed increases of over 100% in both harvestble tillers and grain yield as compared to treatments without these two fungi. In tests with 48 different bacteria and 10 actinomycetes from Larslan soil, none were able to consistently reduce severity of take-all alone, or in mixtures. In Toston soil, antibiosis by actinomycetes and perhaps the involvement of Pseudomonas spp. in production of antibiotics and/or siderophores appeared to be the most likely mechanisms involved in take-all suppression. Increases in shoot dry weight over that in the Ggt infested control using mixtures of pseudomonads and actinomycetes ranged from 25% to 87%. Actinomycetes added individually or in mixtures to soil infested with Ggt consistently reduced the severity of the disease to a greater extent than did mixtures of Pseudomonas spp.  相似文献   

Winter wheat was grown for six successive years (Expt 1) and for three successive years (Expt 2) in field experiments on different soil types. Artificial inoculum of the take-all fungus (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici cultured on autoclaved oat grains) was incorporated in the soil of some of the plots just before, or at, sowing of the first winter wheat crop. Expt 1 tested the incorporation of similar amounts of inoculum (212 kg ha-1) at different depths. Expt 2 tested different amounts of inoculum at the same, shallow depth. Early sowing (September), late sowing (October) and spring inoculation were additional treatments, applied to the first crop only, in Expt 2. Seasonal factors apart, the disease outcome in the first year after inoculation depended on amounts and placement of applied inoculum, as well as date of sowing. Deeper inoculum resulted in less disease (Expt 1). Severe take-all was produced in Expt 2 by incorporating inoculum shallowly in sufficient quantities (400 kg ha-1 or more). Less inoculum (200 kg ha-1) generated less disease, especially in earlier-sown plots. Differences in disease amongst inoculum treatments were greatest in the first year and diminished subsequently, particularly where sowing had been early in the first year. In Expt 1, where first crops exposed to artificial inoculum developed moderate-to-severe disease, disease in subsequent second and/or third crops was less. In the fourth crop a second peak of disease occurred, coinciding with a first peak in sequences without added inoculum. Take-all decline (TAD) appeared to be expressed in all sequences thereafter. In Expt 2 in sequences without added inoculum, TAD occurred after a peak of disease in the second crop. Where 400 kg ha-1 or more of inoculum were added, disease was severe in the first year and decreased progressively in successive years. Disease was less patchy in plots that received artificial inoculum. However, it remains uncertain mat severe disease caused by artificial inoculation achieved an early onset of true TAD. The infectivity of the top 12 cm of soil in the first 3 yr of Expt 1, determined by bioassay, depended on the depth of added inoculum and amount of disease in subsequent crops. However, at the time of the naturally occurring peak of disease severity (in either inoculated or non-inoculated plots) it did not predict either disease or TAD. Differences and similarities amongst epidemics developing naturally and those developing from different amounts and placement of applied inoculum have been revealed. The epidemiological implications of adding inoculum and the potential value of artificially-created epidemics of take-all in field trials are discussed.  相似文献   

Two pot experiments using naturally infested soil and a range of watering regimes were conducted to study the possible effect of level and frequency of wetting of hot soil (to simulate the period between growing seasons in Western Australia) on inoculum of the take-all fungus (Gaeumannomyces graminis var.tritici). In combination with the high soil temperatures, all watering regimes reduced infectivity and propagule number of the take-all fungus, this reduction being absent in dry soils.  相似文献   

The improvement of pastures by the use of a range of herbicides to eliminate grasses, and their effect on populations of the take-all fungus (Gaeumannomyces graminis vartritici=Ggt) were studied in the field (at Esperance Downs, on the south-coast of Western Australia) from 1982 to 1985. Field trials were conducted to evaluate three herbicide treatments (2,4-D amine+propyzamide; 2,4-D amine+paraquat; paraquat/ diquat) and an unsprayed control. A pot trial involving these treatments with two levels of nitrogen was undertaken to confirm treatment effects observed in the field trial. All herbicide treatments resulted in reduced grass composition of pastures, in both the year of spraying and in the second year of pasture, but reduced dry matter production in the year of spraying. In the year of spraying, however, inoculum ofGgt was reduced (P<0.1) only following the 2,4-D amine+propyzamide treatment and was greater (P<0.1) after 2,4-D amine+paraquat treatment than the unsprayed treatment. Despite reduced grass levels in the herbicide-treated plots in the second year of pasture,Ggt inoculum did not differ between treatments, nor did it after a wheat crop which followed a second year pasture. There was high correlation (P<0.001) between disease levels and dry weights of grasses in the pot trial. There was significantly less (P<0.001) grass in pots treated with herbicides compared to the unsprayed control but no difference (P>0.05) was evident between treatments. Inoculum levels were lower (P<0.05) in the treated pots than the unsprayed control with no evidence of differences among treatments (P>0.05). Nitrogen level had no effect on disease (P>0.05). All herbicide treatments tested reduced grass level and total dry matter, both in the field and in pots. Whereas in the pot trial reduced grass levels resulted in reducedGgt inoculum, in the field such a reduction occurred only with the 2,4-D amine+propyzamide treatment and only in the year of spraying. Herbicide treatments had no effect onGgt inoculum in second year of pasture or crop. Unknown soil and environmental factors in the field precluded a simple relationship between grass level in pasture and subsequent level ofGgt inoculum, and where such a relationship did occur (2,4-D amine+propyzamide treatment) it appeared to be shortlived.  相似文献   

Antagonism tests on agar-plates and glasshouse screening indicated that three isolates of Trichoderma harzianum varied in their ability to antagonize the take-all fungus (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici). Isolate 71 which was the most effective in suppressing take-all of wheat, produced two pyrones and other undetermined analogues. Isolates of T. koningii and T. hamatum shown to suppress take-all, produced a simple pyrone compound. Although T. harzianum isolates 70 and 73 did not produce any pyrones, they reduced the disease albeit to a much lesser extent than isolate 71; with isolate 73 showing distinct host growth promotion effects. It is proposed that the success of isolate 71 of T. harzianum was related to the pyrones it produces and that the ability of isolates 70 and 73 to reduce take-all may be related to mechanisms other than those involving antibiotics.  相似文献   

The relationship between micronutrient efficiency of four wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes, tolerance to take-all disease (caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis (Sacc.) Arx and Olivier var. tritici Walker), and bacterial populations in the rhizosphere was tested in soil fertilized differentially with Zn and Mn. Plant growth was reduced by Mn or Zn deficiency and also by take-all. There was an inverse relationship between micronutrient efficiency of wheat genotypes when grown in deficient soils and the length of take-all lesions on roots (efficient genotypes had shorter lesions than inefficient ones). In comparison to the rhizosphere of control plants of genotypes Aroona and C8MM receiving sufficient Mn and Zn, the total numbers of bacterial cfu (colony forming units) were greater in the rhizosphere of Zn-efficient genotype Aroona under Zn deficiency and in Mn-efficient genotype C8MM under Mn deficiency. These effects were not observed in other genotypes. Take-all decreased the number of bacterial cfu in the rhizosphere of fully-fertilized plants but not of those subjected to either Mn or Zn deficiency. In contrast, the Zn deficiency treatment acted synergistically with take-all to increase the number of fluorescent pseudomonads in the rhizosphere. Although numbers of Mn-oxidising and Mn-reducing bacteria were generally low, take-all disease increased the number of Mn reducers in the rhizosphere of Mn-efficient genotypes Aroona and C8MM. Under Mn-deficiency conditions, the number of Mn reducers in the rhizosphere increased in Aroona but not in C8MM wheat. The results suggest that bacterial microflora may play a role in the expression of Mn and Zn efficiency and tolerance to take-all in some wheat genotypes.  相似文献   

Both antibiotics and siderophores have been implicated in the control of soilborne plant pathogens by fluorescent pseudomonads. In Pseudomonas fluorescens 2–79, which suppresses take-all of wheat, the importance of the antibiotic phenazine-1-carboxylic acid was established with mutants deficient or complemented for antiobiotic production and by isolation of the antibiotic from the roots of wheat colonized by the bacteria. Genetic and biochemical studies of phenazine synthesis have focused on two loci; the first is involved in production of both anthranilic acid and phenazine-1-carboxylic acid, and the second encodes genes involved directly in phenazine synthesis. Because the antibiotic does not account fully for the suppressiveness of strain 2-79, additional mutants were analyzed to evaluate the role of the fluorescent siderophore and of an antifungal factor (Aff, identified as anthranilic acid) that accumulates when iron is limiting. Whereas strains producing only the siderophore conferred little protection against take-all, Aff+ strains were suppressive, but much less so than phenazine-producing strains. Iron-regulated nonsiderophore antibiotics may be produced by fluorescent pseudomonads more frequently than previously recognized, and could be partly responsible for beneficial effects that were attributed in the past to fluorescent siderophores.  相似文献   

A root assessment tray was designed for the meticulous assessment of take-all on wheat seedling roots from soil bioassays. Subsequently, the detection of lateral root infections (in addition to the more obvious infections on main axes of seminal roots) resulted in increased estimates of propagule numbers of the take-all fungus (Gaeumannomyces graminis var.tritici) for 196 of the 368 soil samples bioassayed in a field study conducted in Western Australia between 1984 and 1986.  相似文献   

Take-all is a world-wide root-rotting disease of cereals. The causal organism of take-all of wheat is the soil-borne fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var tritici (Ggt). No resistance to take-all, worthy of inclusion in a plant breeding programme, has been discovered in wheat but the severity of take-all is increased in host plants whose tissues are deficient for manganese (Mn). Take-all of wheat will be decreased by all techniques which lift Mn concentrations in shoots and roots of Mn-deficient hosts to adequate levels. Wheat seedlings were grown in a Mn-deficient calcareous sand in small pots and inoculated with four field isolates of Ggt. Infection by three virulent isolates was increased under conditions which were Mn deficient for the wheat host but infection by a weakly virulent isolate, already low, was further decreased. Only the three virulent isolates caused visible oxidation of Mn in vitro. The sensitivity of Ggt isolates to manganous ions in vitro did not explain the extent of infection they caused on wheat hosts. In a similar experiment four Australian wheat genotypes were grown in the same Mn-deficient calcareous sand and inoculated with one virulent isolate of Ggt. Two genotypes were inefficient at taking up manganese and were very susceptible to take-all, one was very efficient at taking up manganese and was resistant to take-all, and the fourth genotype was intermediate for both characters. All genotypes were equally resistant under Mn-adequate conditions.  相似文献   

Differential resistance of four Triticum aestivum L. genotypes to isolates of take-all fungus (Gaeuman-nomyces graminis var. ritici Walker) was tested in a complete factorial experiment set up in a growth chamber using Mn-deficient Wangary sand amended with four rates of Mn. Mn-efficient cultivars produced more dry matter at low supply of Mn. Fertilization with Mn significantly increased its accumulation in roots and shoots. The most sensitive measure of take-all infection was the total length of root stellar lesions; these lesions were reduced by Mn fertilization and were shorter in Mn-efficient genotypes. The resistance-enhancing effect of Mn was the most obvious in the Mn-inefficient genotype (Bayonet) and the least obvious in the Mn-efficient one (C8MM). Phenolics biosynthesis in roots was clicited by fungal infection, especially in the case of the highly virulent isolate. The weakly virulent isolate increased phenolics concentration in roots much more if no Mn was added, indicating that the resistance-enhancing effect of Mn may not be directly exerted through the effects on phenolics biosynthesis. Lignin concentration in roots decreased due to Mn fertilization, while no effect of take-all infection was noted. It appears that biosynthesis of phenolics and lignin in wheat roots has a low Mn requirement which can be satisfied at environmental Mn concentrations below those necessary for optimum plant growth. ei]Section editor: A C Borstlap ei]Section editor: H Lambers  相似文献   

Summary In glasshouse experiments,Microdochium bolleyi (Mb) significantly reduced infection of wheat roots by the take-all fungus,Gaeumannomyces graminis vartritici (Ggt), when inocula were dispersed in soil at ratios of 10∶1 (Mb:Ggt) or more. Spread of take-all lesions up roots from a layer of inoculum also was reduced when Mb was inoculated immediately below the crown. In contrast,Periconia macrospinosa did not control take-all even at an inoculum ratio of 100∶1. M. bolleyi interfered with growth on roots byPhialophora graminicola, a known biocontrol agent of take-all. It is suggested that this phenomenon and control of take-all by these fungi occur by competition for cortical cells that senesce in the normal course of root development.  相似文献   

There have been no studies of the effect of take-all on leaf gas-exchange rates, despite the fact that take-all severely restricts plant water and nutrient uptake, which results in significant biomass and grain yield reduction. Here we describe the effect of inoculation with Gaeumannomyces graminis (Sacc.) var. tritici (Ggt) on carbon assimilation rate (A) and biomass production of wheat plants grown under two water regimes. We show that the impact of Ggt inoculation on plant growth and leaf A may be through reduced photosynthetic capacity of the leaves and not water stress per se. The nature of this reduced photosynthetic capacity remains uncertain but may involve nutrient deficiency and different enzymes produced by the fungus. In each of the 3 years the experiment was conducted, Ggt significantly reduced A, i.e. at anthesis by 18% in 2000, 15% in 2001, and 12% in 2002. In agreement with other field studies, Ggt reduced tiller number and production of all plant components, mostly root dry mass and grain mass per plant. Highly significant negative correlations were found between disease rating and A in all years, showing that at disease ratings equal or higher than 3 (on a scale from 1 to 4) A could practically be zero. While A decreased, intercellular CO2 concentration increased or did not change, and stomatal conductance was relatively high. In addition, A was more reduced under high than under low soil moisture content. These results support the idea that water stress per se did not contribute to the observed reduction of A. The mechanism of photosynthetic capacity reduction due to the Ggt root-rotting fungus is of interest as it may lead to the molecular mechanisms of plant resistance and ultimately to the development of take-all resistant plants.  相似文献   

Summary The hypothesis that wheat plants deficient in managenese are predisposed to infection byGaeumannomyces graminis is outlined, and a test of the hypothesis in a soil system is reported. The results supported the hypothesis: wheat plants growing in managanese-deficient soil, although not showing foliar symptoms, were markedly more susceptible to infection; plant analysis confirmed the nutrient status of the plants. A review of the literature on take-all in wheat coupled with the results of our experiments suggests a reinterpretation of the etiology of this disease, since those edaphic factors which promote infection by this organism are those which also render managese unavailable to the host. Managenese nutrition is proposed as a common factor in many of the environmental conditions which influence the host-pathogen balance.  相似文献   

Summary The potential of a number of fluorescent pseudomonad strains to promote growth of guayule plants in the greenhouse and in the field was studied. A number of bacterial strains collected from guayule roots and rhizospheres promoted growth of greenhouse-grown plants but not field-grown plants. Percent increase in shoot dry weight of 12-week-old, greenhouseinoculated guayule plants ranged from 17 to 75 nine weeks after inoculation compared to non-inoculated plants. The increased growth of plants in the greenhouse could reduce production cost by shortening the time required to maintain plants in the nursery prior to transplanting to the field.Journal Series Article no 3816 of the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Summary Soil pH, NH 4 + and NO 3 concentrations in soil, and take-all root rot of winter wheat grown in the field were measured concurrently from sowing to anthesis in order to relate disease development to liming and N fertilization practices. Experimental variables included soil pH (5.5 and 6.0) and three N sources (NH4NO3, (NH4)2SO4, NH4Cl) banded with the seed at sowing in factorial combination with the same three N sources topdressed in the spring. Take-all severity was increased by increasing soil pH and by fertilization with NO 3 . Disease severity on crown roots increased exponentially following spring N fertilization and was affected more by soil pH and N-form than was severity on seminal roots. Grain yield ranged from 4.70 Mgha−1 with spring NH4NO3 at soil pH 6.0 to 7.65 Mgha−1 with spring NH4Cl at soil pH 5.5. Sixty-six percent of the variability in grain yield was explained by the number of take-all infected crown roots per tiller at anthesis. Oregon Agric. Exp. Stn. technical paper no. 7707.  相似文献   

Seed treatments containing fluquinconazole, silthiofam or a standard fungicide mixture with no activity against take‐all were compared in all combinations of sequences in successive second and third winter wheat crops in five field experiments and second to fourth crops in a sixth experiment. Compared with the standard treatment, silthiofam decreased take‐all more effectively than fluquinconazole when crops were sampled at tillering. In samples taken in summer, during grain filling, silthiofam often decreased the incidence of take‐all (percentage of plants with root symptoms) more than fluquinconazole, but fluquinconazole more effectively decreased the incidence of severe take‐all (percentage of plants with more than 75% of their root systems blackened). It is suggested that these differences are a consequence of more effective control of primary infection of roots by silthiofam and of secondary, root‐to‐root, infection by fluquinconazole. Silthiofam usually increased yield more than did fluquinconazole, perhaps as a consequence of better early protection during tiller and/or spikelet formation. Treatment with either of the fungicides affected epidemic development in the treated crop and in crops grown subsequently. In particular, decreased take‐all had the effect of delaying the year‐to‐year epidemic, so that nontreatment of a subsequent crop resulted in an upsurge in disease. Treatment with either take‐all fungicide of a crop grown after a treated crop was relatively effective if the epidemic in the comparable nontreated crop sequence was continuing to increase. It was, however, detrimental if the disease was approaching its peak in the first treated crop, particularly if a treated (fourth wheat) crop was being compared with a similar crop in a nontreated sequence in which take‐all decline had developed. These results provide a basis for recommendations for the use of seed treatment fungicides in sequences of wheat crops.  相似文献   

In a field experiment on winter wheat, take‐all on plants and the infectivity of the soil were studied in crop sequences with different combinations of sowing dates. Take‐all was negligible in the first wheat crop, but thereafter the mean disease intensity (measured using a take‐all rating, TAR, with a maximum of 300) was 108, 190, 118 and 251 in the second to fifth successive crops. In each growing season, the disease differed amongst sequences and built up more rapidly and was more intense on plants sown in mid‐September than on plants sown in mid‐October. In late‐sown plots, where volunteers had been present during the mid‐September to mid‐October period, take‐all reached an intensity intermediate between that in early‐sown plots and that in late‐sown plots that had been kept free of volunteers. Volunteers, therefore, partially offset the expected beneficial effect of decreased disease with later sowing. Differences in take‐all amongst sequences were most pronounced in the second wheat crop and early sowing of the previous wheat increased intensity of disease. In the following (third) crop, differences in disease intensity amongst sequences were smaller. Soil infectivity (measured by seedling bioassay after harvest) built up progressively from a low level after the first crop to peak after the third crop. In this build‐up phase, soil infectivity estimates were always numerically greater after harvest of early‐sown treatments than after later‐sown treatments, although never significant at P= 0.05. The greatest difference (P= 0.06) was recorded in October before sowing of the third crop, where the comparison was between soil after two previous early sowings and soil after two previous later sowings and control of volunteers. In the same autumn, presence of green cover (i.e. volunteers) was associated with a smaller loss of soil infectivity between harvest and later sowing than occurred in an absence of green cover. In 2nd–4th crops, where comparisons were available and mean TARs indicated moderate levels of take‐all, sowing later had no yield benefit, despite more take‐all and greater soil infectivity associated with early sowing. Important considerations for the management of crops at risk of take‐all are 1) choosing appropriate sowing dates to minimize take‐all or to encourage take‐all decline and 2) controlling volunteers and weed hosts where crops are sown late to minimise take‐all.  相似文献   

Rhizobacteria live around roots but also inside the cortical root tissues by utilizing organic substances released from root cells into the intercellular spaces and the root environment. The effects of metabolites of these rhizosphere-inhabiting bacteria on root physiology and plant development have hardly been studied. However, recent studies indicate that, depending on environmental factors and plant species, certain strains of rhizosphere Pseudomonas spp. and some of their metabolites such as HCN may inhibit or enhance plant establishment or inhibit development of plant disease. Cultural practices such as cropping frequency, no tillage, and soilless cultivation, as well as edaphic factors seem to determine these rhizosphere interactions.  相似文献   

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