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The variations in the body length, swimming legs and some setaeof the freshwater cyclopid Acanthocyclops robustus were analysedduring an annual cycle in the field, and in laboratory experimentsat different culture temperatures. In Lake Créteil. ashallow temperate sand-pit lake, there is a seasonal morphologicalvariation of the setae: the plumose forms were restricted tothe warmer season and the spinose ones to colder periods. Contraryto other years, the specific ‘spine formula’ ofthe swimming legs (3-4-4-4) did not vary during the referenceyear. In laboratory experiments, both sex and post-embryonicdevelopmental temperatures had an effect on the length of adults.A significant parental effect on body length was detected. Pairswith anomalous spine formulae produced offspring either withanomalous spine formulae or typical 3-4-4-4 formulae. No significanteffects of parental culture temperatures, offspring culturetemperatures and sex on the total number of spines were found.Modification of plumose into spinose setae did not occur, whateverthe offspring developmental temperatures. The results presentedhere suggest that the alterations of the appendages of the cyclopidA.robustus could be compared to the cyclomorphosis in otherzooplanktonic groups, and contribute to our understanding ofthe role of phenotypic induction in aquatic biology.  相似文献   

The female reproductive cycles of the calanoid copepod Copidodiaptomus numidicus and the cyclopoid Acanthocyclops robustus were characterized by periodic changes in the oviducts. Females oscillated between a gravid and a non-gravid condition, and the whole cycle was strongly dependent on temperature. In both species, the maturation of new oocytes took place when the old egg sacs were still being carried, thus ensuring a rapid clutch succession. The embryonic and post-embryonic development duration of C.numidicus and A.robustus was investigated at five and four different temperatures, respectively. Embryonic development time was related to oviductal cycle duration at each temperature to estimate the minimum amount of non-ovigerous females expected under non-limiting mate and food conditions. Copidodiaptomus numidicus females spent 35-19% of the cycle without carrying eggs at 7-20C. Acanthocyclops robustus females spent 31-33% of the cycle without carrying eggs at the same temperature interval. Both naupliar and copepodid durations were inverse functions of temperature with nauplii developing at a faster rate than copepodids. In general, A.robustus showed reproductive advantage over C.numidicus due to a faster oviductal cycle and shorter embryonic and post-embryonic development times. However, the influence of food quality may be crucial. Acanthocyclops robustus copepodid development may lengthen well beyond the corresponding development stages of C.numidicus when growing only on algae. This retardation of development affects especially the later development stages of the cyclopoid.   相似文献   

Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) and Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) are major pests in greenhouse crops. Recently, Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) was shown to be an effective biological control agent of both pests. Therefore, the prey preference of A. swirskii was determined using immature stages of T. urticae and B. tabaci in three various treatments based on Manly's β preference index (β). These treatments consisted of immature stages of two prey species (egg, first and second instar nymphs) with densities 12:12, 6:6 and 3:3, respectively, and with 13 replicates. After 24?h starvation, same-aged females of A. swirskii were added to the leaf discs. All experiments were done on bean leaf discs in Petri dishes (8?cm in diameter) in laboratory conditions with 25?±?2°C, 70?±?5% relative humidity and the photoperiod of 16L:8D hours. Comparing the preference indices using t-tests indicates a significant preference of the predator on eggs (t?=?10.80, df?=?24, P?t?=?8.17, df?=?24, P?T. urticae than B. tabaci. Our findings suggest that developmental stages of prey have effect on the prey selection by A. swirskii.  相似文献   

The cyclopoid copepod Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides, a dominant invertebrate predator in many shallow ponds and temporary water bodies in northern India, feeds on cladocerans, rotifers, ciliates and when present, on mosquito larvae also. We studied in the laboratory the prey consumption rates of the copepod on first and fourth instar larvae of two species of mosquito (Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus) in relation to their density. We also studied its prey selectivity with mosquito larvae in the presence of an alternate prey (the cladocerans‐either Moina macrocopa or Ceriodaphnia cornuta) in different proportions. With either mosquito species, the copepod actively selected Instar‐I larvae, avoiding the Instar‐IV larvae, and with either instar, selected Anopheles stephensi over Culex quinquefasciatus. When prey choice included the cladoceran as an alternate prey, the copepod selected the cladoceran only when the other prey was Instar‐IV mosquito larvae. Our results point to the potential and promise of M. thermocyclopoides as a biological agent for controlling larval populations of vectorially important mosquito species.  相似文献   

The understanding of host specificity of predacious insects is one of the most important problems in the investigation of biological control. Prey preference and the potential for prey switching in Anthocoris minki Dohrn (Hem.: Anthocoridae) was assessed in two- choice experiments under environmentally controlled conditions. Manly's preference index was used to compare A. minki predation on Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt and Lauterer (Hem.: Psyllidae) versus Psyllopsis repens Loginova (Hem.: Psyllidae) but showed no statistically significant evidence for preference. Anthocoris minki did prefer psyllids (Agonoscena pistaciae and Psyllopsis repens) over aphids (Forda hirsuta Mordvilko (Hem.: Pemphigidae) and Aphis craccivora Koch (Hem.: Aphididae)). The predator also consumed significantly more 2nd instar than 4th instar nymphs of P. repens. Switching behavior experiments showed that A. minki did not preferentially attack the most abundant prey when the prey combination was either biased toward A. pistaciae or toward F. hirsuta. Linear regression between preference indices and prey ratios indicated an overall preference for psyllids over aphids. The results suggest that a psyllid-specialized feeder such as A. minki is more likely to be effective biocontrol agent against psyllid species and less effective at reducing the numbers of other pest species that might co-occur with psyllids.  相似文献   

A new species of Acanthocyclops Kiefer is described from central Mexico. It differs from its congeners by a combination of characters including mainly: 11–13 antennular segments, a spine formula of 3444 and modified setae on legs 2–4. The presence of a compound distal antennular segment is aberrant within the Cyclopoida. The new species seems to be related to Nearctic forms of the vernalisrobustus clade. Ancestors of this lineage probably reached central Mexico as a result of glaciation events and the new species is a remain of stranded postglacial populations; some of these forms were succesful in colonizing tropical lands. A key for the identification of the species of Acanthocyclops recorded in Mexico is included. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report on the effects of previous foraging experience on prey-selection by the bivalve feeding polychaete Halla okudai, including whether there was evidence of frequency-dependent predation. Three separate batches of H. okudai were maintained for 30 days on clams, mussels, or oysters, before being offered a choice among these three prey. Initially individuals from all three treatments consumed more clams than mussels, and no oysters. As the number of clams was depleted the polychaetes shifted their diet to include a greater proportion of mussels, but even after 20 days oysters were only eaten by polychaetes that had been previously acclimated to them. Nevertheless, polychaetes from each treatment inspected significantly more of the prey species to which they had initially been acclimated, suggesting that previous experience may increase the likelihood of certain prey being detected. When individuals of H. okudai were repeatedly offered the same prey species, handling time did not decrease (and therefore prey profitability did not increase) with experience, which may be because H. okudai paralyses its prey with toxic mucus. Since repeated experience of the same prey species gives no advantage in terms of reduced handling time, we suggest this may be why this species does not show frequency-dependent prey-selection.  相似文献   

We report on the effects of previous foraging experience on prey-selection by the bivalve feeding polychaete Halla okudai, including whether there was evidence of frequency-dependent predation. Three separate batches of H. okudai were maintained for 30 days on clams, mussels, or oysters, before being offered a choice among these three prey. Initially individuals from all three treatments consumed more clams than mussels, and no oysters. As the number of clams was depleted the polychaetes shifted their diet to include a greater proportion of mussels, but even after 20 days oysters were only eaten by polychaetes that had been previously acclimated to them. Nevertheless, polychaetes from each treatment inspected significantly more of the prey species to which they had initially been acclimated, suggesting that previous experience may increase the likelihood of certain prey being detected. When individuals of H. okudai were repeatedly offered the same prey species, handling time did not decrease (and therefore prey profitability did not increase) with experience, which may be because H. okudai paralyses its prey with toxic mucus. Since repeated experience of the same prey species gives no advantage in terms of reduced handling time, we suggest this may be why this species does not show frequency-dependent prey-selection.  相似文献   

Seven aphid species (Eucalipterus tiliae, Tuberculatus annulatus, Euceraphis betulae, Cavariella konoi, Acyrthosiphon ignotum, A. pisum, Macrosiphoniella artemisiae) were tested as prey for larvae of Anatis ocellata and all were essential prey. Nine aphid species (Chaitophorus tremulae, Cavariella konoi, Aphis farinosa, Eucalipterus tiliae, Euceraphis betulae, Macrosiphoniella artemisiae, Acyrthosiphon ignotum, Aphis spiraephaga, Aphis fabae) were tested as prey for Calvia quatuordecimguttata. The former six species were 'essential' food, while the latter three aphid species were unsuitable food for C. quatuordecimguttata. The experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions with no choice of prey. Some of the checked 'essential' prey apparently do not represent food in the field as they occur in other habitats than the studied coccinellid species that are common on trees.  相似文献   

Synopsis The body shape of the estuarine clupeidGilchristella aestuarius from the St. Lucia system is different from that of the same species in other estuaries. The morphology ofG. aestuarius is discussed in relation to long term food availability in the St. Lucia system.  相似文献   

Effects of enhanced ultraviolet B (UV-B, 280-320 nm) on copepods have gained particular attention in recent years. In this study, we investigated the effects of UV-B radiation on ingestion, fecundity, population dynamics and antioxidant enzyme activities of copepod Schmackeria inopinus exposed to varying doses of UV-B irradiance. Artificial UV-B radiation resulted in an increased mortality of nauplii, copepodites and adults with increasing UV-B doses. Nauplii and copepodites were more sensitive to UV-B radiation than adults, and adult males had a higher UV-B radiation susceptivity in comparison with adult females. Both ingestion rates and proportion of gravid females decreased with the increase of UV-B doses; and at the same time, we also observed that adult females had higher ingestion rates as compared with adult males. In comparison with the control, the abundance of the treatment significantly decreased. Antioxidant enzyme (GPx and GR) activities attained a significant increase at lower UV-B radiation doses when compared to the control, but declined at higher UV-B doses. These results suggested that enhanced UV-B radiation might change the species composition of copepods. Our study also showed that antioxidant enzymes might protect S. inopinus against UV-induced oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), are one of the most serious pests of horticultural crops worldwide. Despite one third of its lifecycle being in the soil, the potential for biological control of WFT in the soil is poorly understood and requires further elucidation. A number of studies report that polyphagous predatory mites prey on pupal stages of WFT in the soil, but little has been done on consumption rates. Therefore, we designed a laboratory study to examine the rate of consumption of WFT pupae in potting media, by the soil-dwelling mite Hypoaspis sclerotarsa (Costa). Five predator densities were evaluated (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8) against four densities of WFT prey (5, 10, 15 and 20 pupae). Pupal consumption was assessed at 2 hourly intervals over a six-hour period. The study confirmed that H. sclerotarsa did consume WFT pupae and that the rate of consumption increased with increasing density of H. sclerotarsa. The rate of consumption also increased with the density of WFT pupae. However, this was not consistent because, as the numbers of WFT pupae increased, so did the ratio of WFT pupae remaining to those consumed, increase. This paper is the first report of H. sclerotarsa in Kenya, and of its potential as a biocontrol agent of WFT. Further studies are now needed to understand interaction of foliar and soil dwelling predatory mites (H. sclerotarsa) for control of WFT under field conditions.  相似文献   

The survival, development and adult size of Orius vicinus were studied on five prey species, the mites Aculus schlechtendali, Panonychus ulmi and Tetranychus urticae, and larvae of the insects Dasineura mali and Thrips obscuratus. Survival was high (74-100%) and O. vicinus was able to complete development on all prey species in an average of 22-26 days at 20 C. The most rapid development occurred on T. obscuratus, T. urticae and P. ulmi. Adult size was estimated from the length of the fifth instar cast skin, which averaged 2.18 to 2.48 mm on different prey. The largest bugs were obtained from feeding on T. obscuratus or D. mali. O. vicinus, which were fed A. schlechtendali, were the slowest to develop and produced the smallest adults. The results are discussed in relation to prey availability and observed predation in the field, and are compared with previous feeding studies.  相似文献   

广西扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠的食物选择   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2002年3~10日在广西南宁地区的宁明县和龙州县,用超声波监测和网捕法确定扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠的捕食区,在捕食区内用粘捕法调查潜在的食物量;用粪便分析法确定食物组成。在宁明县和龙州县扁颅蝠和褐扁颅蝠的潜在食物量都是以双翅目昆虫为主(45.93%以上),其次为鞘翅目(12.59%以上)和膜翅目(7.47%以上);但双翅目、膜翅目在两地差异显著。宁明县扁颅蝠的食物组成以双翅目(40.33%)和膜翅目(38.46%)为主,鞘翅目(16.07%)次之;龙州县扁颅蝠和褐扁颅蝠食物组成中以膜翅目(63.37%,62.34%)为主,其次为双翅目(21.57%,29.62%)、鞘翅目(11.59%,5.96%);对比两地扁颅蝠的食物组成发现,膜翅目和双翅目差异极显著。对比食物组成与潜在食物量发现,两种蝙蝠对膜翅目为正选择,对其他目负选择或无选择,均为选择性捕食者。  相似文献   

Several experiments have been performed on three congenericspecies of the calanoid copepod Acartia to determine the effectsof small-scale turbulence on metabolic rates. Both inorganicnitrogen and phosphorus excretion rates significantly increased  相似文献   

Consumption of planktonic algae by Cyclops vicinus living in Lake Balaton were studied in eighteen feeding experiments during 1980–1981. Gut contents of 284 adult C. vicinus were analysed in comparison with the natural phytoplankton assemblage. Rates of algal cells elimination were also studied and compared to controles which did not contain animals. C. vicinus in Lake Balaton was found to be an omnivore.  相似文献   

盐碱池塘细巧华哲水蚤对浮游植物的摄食生态研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
赵文  董双林 《生态学报》2002,22(5):682-687
利用常规显微镜直接计数法和叶绿素 a法研究了盐碱池塘细巧华哲水蚤 ( Sinocalanustenellus)对浮游藻类的原位摄食率及其影响因素。测得该水蚤对水柱浮游植物的滤水率为 1 .73~ 1 5 5 .1 6μl/ ( ind.· h) ,摄食率为 92~ 2 5 38cell/( ind.· h)或 0 .7~ 2 7.7ng C/ ( ind.· h)。两种方法测定的滤水率和摄食率基本相符 ( p>0 .5 ,t检验 )。该水蚤可有选择地滤食诸如小色球藻、光甲藻、绿裸藻 ,单生卵囊藻和小环藻等 ,其选择性指数分别为 0 .81、0 .75、0 .72、0 .6 1和 0 .35。不同光处理下细巧华哲水蚤的滤食率多数情况是无光时摄食率高。在本实验的条件下该水蚤在饥饿后的滤水率和摄食率与正常情况相比均显著降低 ( P<0 .0 1 ,t检验 )。  相似文献   

Observations made overseas of predation by blue mussels and zebra mussels on mesozooplankton (>200 μm) have raised concern within New Zealand that the Greenshell mussel, Perna canaliculus, which is cultured in large tonnages throughout hundreds of marine farms within the New Zealand coastal zone, could exert ecologically detrimental effects by preying on zooplankton. We conducted experiments at Clova Bay, Pelorus Sound in May 2002 to determine the rates that P. canaliculus ingests prey, up to and including the mesozooplankton size range. Single mussels from farms were incubated with seawater enriched with zooplankton (>60 μm) in gently circulated 15-l pails. Depletion of chlorophyll-a (chl-a), ciliate microzooplankton, and nauplii, copepodites, and adults of copepods was determined over 5 h, relative to controls with no mussels. Two experiments were made over consecutive days. Gut contents of these experimental mussels, and of mussels examined soon after collection from a farm, were described.Gut contents of experimental and of freshly collected mussels (standard shell length ∼90 mm) had numerous copepod parts, whole copepods and larval bivalves present. Experimental mussels cleared chl-a and ciliates from 59- to 137-l individual−1 day−1, respectively, averaged across the two experiments. Faster ciliate than chl-a clearance was probably caused by the high proportion (56%) of phytoplankton below the retention size for P. canaliculus (ca. 5 μm) and by faster ciliate grazing in controls than treatments. The average clearance rates of adult, copepodite, and naupliar copepod stages by mussels were 20, 31, and 49 l individual−1 day−1, respectively. The clearance rates of each copepod stage were not significantly different between the two experiments. Clearance of nauplii was significantly greater than of adults and copepodites, while adult and copepodite clearance rates were nearly significantly different. The mean lengths of the adult, copepodite, and naupliar copepods were 430, 265, and 165 μm, respectively. The decreasing clearance rates with increasing size and development of prey (from ciliates, through naupliar, copepodite to adult copepods), suggested that prey escape ability, related to body size and/or morphology, affected capture rates. Mussel faecal samples indicated complete digestion of the gut contents. Pseudofaecal samples showed very low rejection rates of mesozooplankton by mussels. The results are considered in context of current biophysical modelling studies of impacts of large mussel farms in New Zealand. Designs of future experiments to improve accuracy of estimates of mesozooplankton clearance rates by P. canaliculus are considered.  相似文献   

G. Maier 《Hydrobiologia》1989,178(1):43-58
The seasonal cycle of Thermocyclops crassus was studied from 1985 to 1987, in the Gronne, a shallow, productive lake. T. crassus was present from late April to early October, while water temperature was above 10 °C. It produced three generations per year. Population peak was usually reached by the second generation, in August. Abundance was positively correlated with water temperature. Females carried 18.3 to 32.3 eggs on average. Reproduction rates were highest in July and August. Sex ratio was low, as females generally outnumbered males. Between October and April copepodites 4 went in diapause, predominantly in the deepest part of the lake and 0–4 cm deep in the bottom mud. Variations in body size were low across the year. T. crassus coexisted with the cyclopids, Cyclops vicinus and Mesocyclops leuckarti. In 1985 and 1986, abundances of M. leuckarti were low, while those of T. crassus and C. vicinus were high. In 1987 lower water temperatures, caused by cold weather, resulted in a marked decrease of the population density of T. crassus, while the abundance of M. leuckarti increased, and density of C. vicinus remained high. Comparison of the egg duration times of T. crassus, C. vicinus and M. leuckarti showed that at 15 °C and below T. crassus may be outcompeted by its comparatively longer egg development times. However, experiments in limnocorrals showed that T. crassus has an advantage over C. vicinus when fish predation is high.Department of Biology III, University of Ulm  相似文献   

A case of local feeding specialization in the European badger (Meles meles), a carnivore species with morphological, physiological and behavioural traits proper to a trophic generalist, is described. For the first time, we report a mammalian species, the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), as the preferred prey of badgers. Secondary prey are consumed according to their availability, compensating for temporal fluctuations in the abundance of rabbit kittens. We discuss how both predator (little ability to hunt) and prey (profitability and predictability) features, may favour the observed specialization, as predicted by foraging theory. Badgers show a trend to specialize on different prey in different areas throughout the species range. It is suggested that changes in prey features can reverse the badger feeding strategy at the population level. Such dynamic behavioural responses make difficult to label badgers as generalists or specialists at the species level.  相似文献   

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