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The preparation of rat-liver soluble ribonucleic acid   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Ribosomes containing 23S rRNA with one scission per molecule were found to be inactive in the synthesis of lysozyme, total protein, and polyphenylalanine at 9.1 mm Mg2+. Increasing the Mg2+ concentration to 12.0 mm restored synthesis of lysozyme and total proteins. Ribosomes with two or more scissions in 23S rRNA were fully active in the synthesis of lysozyme, total protein, and polyphenylalanine at 9.1 mm Mg2+. It appears that one scission in the 23S rRNA molecule in a 70S ribosome allows the structure of the ribosome to change so as to disorient ribosomal proteins or rRNA. A second scission in 23S rRNA or an increase in Mg2+ concentration reverses the change which occurred with the first scission.  相似文献   

1. Liver soluble RNA (s-RNA) and, to a smaller extent, Escherichia coli s-RNA inhibited the stimulation of [(14)C]leucine incorporation into protein in an E. coli S-30 system brought about by liver microsomal RNA or polyuridylic acid as template. 2. The inhibitory activity was associated with the fraction of the s-RNA possessing transfer-RNA activity. 3. The inhibition was exercised at a stage after charging of the s-RNA with amino acid. 4. Neither the method of preparation of the s-RNA nor its state of amino acid acylation affected its inhibitory action. 5. Stimulation of [(14)C]phenylalanine incorporation by polyuridylic acid or by liver microsomal RNA was not inhibited by addition of s-RNA. 6. It appears that excess of s-RNA inhibits the ambiguous incorporation of leucine with polyuridylic acid and also that something similar occurs with a natural template. 7. Estimation of messenger activity of samples of RNA should be carried out only after removal of s-RNA.  相似文献   

Changes in the cell content and rate of synthesis of mRNA were studied in auxotrophs of Escherichia coli recovering from a period of amino acid deprivation. Parallel studies were carried out on bacterial strains inhibited with trimethoprim, when glycine and methionine were added to relieve an amino acid deficiency. In the latter case, protein synthesis was still severely inhibited through a lack of N-formylmethionyl-tRNA(fMet) for chain initiation, so that fewer ribosomes were attached to mRNA chains. (1) In RC(str) strains recovering from amino acid starvation, there was a transient oversynthesis of mRNA, but the amounts returned to normal after about a 15-min period of recovery. RC(rel) strains did not show this effect; any extra mRNA accumulated during the previous starvation period was rapidly lost, but no oversynthesis occurred during the resumption of growth. (2) In trimethoprim-inhibited cultures supplemented with glycine and methionine, mRNA was produced at the same rate, relative to stable RNA species, as during normal growth. The evidence implied that decreased rates of ribosome attachment had no effect on the functional or chemical lifetime of the mRNA fraction. This suggests that mRNA stability does not depend on the frequency of translation by ribosomes. (3) Changes in the mRNA contents of trimethoprim-inhibited RC(str) and RC(rel) cultures were noted soon after supplementation with glycine and methionine. These closely followed those observed in cultures recovering from simple amino acid withdrawal.  相似文献   

A study was made of the kinetics of labelling of the stable ribonucleic acids (rRNA+tRNA) and the unstable mRNA fraction in cultures of Escherichia coli M.R.E.600, inhibited by the addition of 0.1g of rifampicin/l. Labelling was carried out by adding either [2-14C]- or [5-3H]-uracil as an exogenous precursor of the cellular nucleic acids. From studies using DNA RNA hybridization, the kinetics of the synthesis and degradation of mRNA was followed in the inhibited cultures. Although a considerable proportion of the mRNA labelled in the presence of rifampicin decayed to non-hybridizable products, about 25% was stabilized beyond the point where protein synthesis had finally ceased. It therefore seems unwise to extrapolate the results of studies on mRNA stability in rifampicin-inhibited cultures to the situation existing in the rate of steady growth, where there appears to be little, if any, stable messenger. The kinetics of labelling of RNA in inhibited cultures indicated that the clapsed time from the addition of rifampicin to the point at which radioactivity no longer enters the total cellular ribonucleic acids is a measure of the time required to polymerize a molecule of rRNA. At 37°C, in culture grown in broth, glucose–salts or lactate salts media, exogenous [2-14C]uracil entered rifampicin-inhibited cells and was incorporated into RNA for 2 3min after the antibiotic was added. Taking this time as that required to polymerize a complete chain of 23S rRNA, the polymerization rate of this fraction in the three media was 25, 22 and 19 nucleotides added/s to the growing chains. Similar experiments in cultures previously inhibited by 0.2g of chloramphenicol/l showed virtually identical behaviour. This confirmed the work of Midgley & Gray (1971), who, by a different approach, showed that the polymerization rate of rRNA in steadily growing and chloramphenicol-inhibited cultures of E. coli at 37°C was essentially constant at about 22 nucleotides added/s. It was thus confirmed that the rate of polymerization of at least the rRNA fraction in E. coli is virtually unaffected by the nature of the growth medium and therefore by bacterial growth rate.  相似文献   

The rate of polymerization of ribosomal ribonucleic acid chains was estimated for steadily growing cultures of Escherichia coli M.R.E.600, from the kinetics of incorporation of exogenous [5-3H]uracil into completed 23S rRNA molecules. The analytical method of Avery & Midgley (1971) was used. Measurements were made at 37°C, in the presence or the absence of chloramphenicol, in each of three media; enriched broth, glucose–salts or sodium lactate–salts. The rate of chain elongation of 23S rRNA was virtually constant in all media at 37°C, as 24±4 nucleotides added/s. Accelerations in the rate of biosynthesis of rRNA by chloramphenicol in growth-limiting media are due primarily to an increase in the rate of initiation of new RNA chains, up to the rates existing in cultures growing rapidly in broth. Thus, in poorer media, only a small fraction of the available DNA-dependent RNA polymerase molecules are active at any given instant, since the chain-initiation rate is limiting in these conditions. In cultures growing rapidly in enriched broth, antibiotic inhibition caused a rise of some 12% in the rate of incorporation of exogenous uracil into total RNA. This small acceleration was due entirely to the partial stabilization of the mRNA fraction, which accumulated as 14% of the RNA formed after the addition of chloramphenicol. In cultures growing more slowly in glucose–salts or lactate–salts media, chloramphenicol caused an immediate acceleration of two- to three-fold in the overall rate of RNA synthesis. Studies by DNA–RNA hybridization showed that the synthesis of mRNA was accelerated in harmony with the other affected species. However, just over half the mRNA formed after the addition of chloramphenicol quickly decayed to acid-soluble products, whereas the remainder was more stable and accumulated in the cells. The mRNA fraction constituted about 6% of the total cellular RNA after 3h inhibition. A model was suggested to explain the partial stabilization and accumulation of the mRNA fraction and the acceleration in the rate of synthesis of mRNA when chloramphenicol was added to cultures in growth-limiting media.  相似文献   

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