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We have investigated the mechanism of lignification during tracheary element (TE) differentiation using a Zinnia elegans xylogenic culture. In the process, we isolated ZPO-C , a peroxidase gene of Z. elegans that is expressed specifically in differentiating TEs. ZPO-C is suggested to be involved in lignification of Z. elegans TEs in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, a peroxidase gene of Arabidopsis thaliana ( AtPrx66 ), which is homologous to ZPO-C , was identified. The expression profile and functions of the gene in planta remain to be investigated. In this study, we performed promoter :: β-glucuronidase (GUS) assays to investigate the expression profiles and functions of the ZPO-C -like peroxidases in A. thaliana . We generated transgenic A. thaliana lines carrying AtPrx66, AtPrx47 or AtPrx64 (peroxidases showing high sequence similarity to AtPrx66 ) promoter :: GUS reporter gene fusions. The GUS activities of AtPrx66, AtPrx47 and AtPrx64 promoter :: GUS lines were arranged concentrically from the center to the periphery in the roots of seedlings. Furthermore, histochemical GUS assays using inflorescence stems showed that AtPrx66, AtPrx47 and AtPrx64 promoter-driven GUS were mainly expressed in the differentiating vessels, xylem parenchyma and sclerenchyma, respectively. These results suggest that the gene expressions of these three peroxidases, which showed high sequence similarity to one another, are differentially regulated in various tissues and organs. In addition, our results suggest that while AtPrx66 and AtPrx47 are associated with lignification of vessels, AtPrx64 is associated with lignification of sclerenchyma.  相似文献   

Molecular population genetic analysis of three chromosomal regions in Arabidopsis thaliana suggested that balancing selection might operate to maintain variation at three novel candidate adaptive trait genes, including SOLUBLE STARCH SYNTHASE I (SSI) , PLASTID TRANSCRIPTIONALLY ACTIVE 7(PTAC7) , and BELL-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN 10 (BLH10). If balanced polymorphisms are indeed maintained at these loci, then we would expect to observe functional variation underlying the previously detected signatures of selection. We observe multiple replacement polymorphisms within and in the 32 amino acids just upstream of the protein–protein interacting BELL domain at the BLH10 locus. While no clear protein sequence differences are found between allele types in SSI and PTAC7, these two genes show evidence for allele-specific variation in expression levels. Geographical patterns of allelic differentiation seem consistent with population stratification in this species and a significant longitudinal cline was observed at all three candidate loci. These data support a hypothesis of balancing selection at all three candidate loci and provide a basis for more detailed functional work by identifying possible functional differences that might be selectively maintained.  相似文献   

Metallochaperone-like genes in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A complete inventory of metallochaperone-like proteins containing a predicted HMA domain in Arabidopsis revealed a large family of 67 proteins. 45 proteins, the HIPPs, have a predicted isoprenylation site while 22 proteins, the HPPs, do not. Sequence comparisons divided the proteins into seven major clusters (I-VII). Cluster IV is notable for the presence of a conserved Asp residue before the CysXXCys, metal binding motif, analogous to the Zn binding motif in E. coli ZntA. HIPP20, HIPP21, HIPP22, HIPP26 and HIPP27 in Cluster IV were studied in more detail. All but HIPP21 could rescue the Cd-sensitive, ycf1 yeast mutant but failed to rescue the growth of zrt1zrt2, zrc1cot1 and atx1 mutants. In Arabidopsis, single and double mutants did not show a phenotype but the hipp20/21/22 triple mutant was more sensitive to Cd and accumulated less Cd than the wild-type suggesting the HIPPs can have a role in Cd-detoxification, possibly by binding Cd. Promoter-GUS reporter expression studies indicated variable expression of these HIPPs. For example, in roots, HIPP22 and HIPP26 are only expressed in lateral root tips while HIPP20 and HIPP25 show strong expression in the root vasculature.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The genome of Arabidopsis thaliana, which has the best understood plant genome, still has approximately one-third of its genes with no functional annotation at all from either MIPS or TAIR. We have applied our Data Mining Prediction (DMP) method to the problem of predicting the functional classes of these protein sequences. This method is based on using a hybrid machine-learning/data-mining method to identify patterns in the bioinformatic data about sequences that are predictive of function. We use data about sequence, predicted secondary structure, predicted structural domain, InterPro patterns, sequence similarity profile and expressions data. RESULTS: We predicted the functional class of a high percentage of the Arabidopsis genes with currently unknown function. These predictions are interpretable and have good test accuracies. We describe in detail seven of the rules produced.  相似文献   

With the availability of microarray technology, the expression profiles of thousands of genes can be monitored simultaneously to help determine the mechanisms of these biological processes. We conducted Affymetrix GeneChip microarray analyses of the Arabidopsis-cyst nematode interaction and employed a statistical procedure to analyze the resultant data, which allowed us to identify significant gene expression changes. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR assays were used to confirm the microarray analyses. The results of the expression profiling revealed 128 genes with altered steady-state mRNA levels following infection by the sugar beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii; BCN), in contrast to only 12 genes that had altered expression following infection by the soybean cyst nematode (H. glycines; SCN). The expression of these 12 genes also changed following infection by BCN, i.e. we did not identify any genes regulated exclusively by SCN. The identification of 116 genes whose expression changes during successful cyst nematode parasitism by BCN suggests a potential involvement of these genes in the infection events starting with successful syncytium induction. Further characterization of these genes will permit the formulation of testable hypotheses to explain successful cyst nematode parasitism.  相似文献   

Eight years after publication of the Arabidopsis genome sequence and two years before completing the first phase of an international effort to characterize the function of every Arabidopsis gene, plant biologists remain unable to provide a definitive answer to the following basic question: what is the minimal gene set required for normal growth and development? The purpose of this review is to summarize different strategies employed to identify essential genes in Arabidopsis, an important component of the minimal gene set in plants, to present an overview of the datasets and specific genes identified to date, and to discuss the prospects for future saturation of this important class of genes. The long-term goal of this collaborative effort is to facilitate basic research in plant biology and complement ongoing research with other model organisms.  相似文献   

Atmospheric CO(2) concentration ([CO(2)]) is rising on a global scale and is known to affect flowering time. Elevated [CO(2)] may be as influential as temperature in determining future changes in plant developmental timing, but little is known about the molecular mechanisms that control altered flowering times at elevated [CO(2)]. Using Arabidopsis thaliana, the expression patterns were compared of floral-initiation genes between a genotype that was selected for high fitness at elevated [CO(2)] and a nonselected control genotype. The selected genotype exhibits pronounced delays in flowering time when grown at elevated [CO(2)], whereas the control genotype is unaffected by elevated [CO(2)]. Thus, this comparison provides an evolutionarily relevant system for gaining insight into the responses of plants to future increases in [CO(2)]. Evidence is provided that elevated [CO(2)] influences the expression of floral-initiation genes. In addition, it is shown that delayed flowering at elevated [CO(2)] is associated with sustained expression of the floral repressor gene, FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC), in an elevated CO(2)-adapted genotype. Understanding the mechanisms that account for changes in plant developmental timing at elevated [CO(2)] is critical for predicting the responses of plants to a high-CO(2) world of the near future.  相似文献   

There are approximately 69 genes encoding aspartyl protease homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana, and most of the gene products constitute a novel subfamily of aspartic proteases. However, their physiological roles are largely unknown. As an initial step to shed light on the roles of these nepenthesin-like aspartic proteases (NAPs), a phylogenetic tree was constructed, which indicated that these proteases are classified into several distinct sub-sub-groups. Based on these results, specific primers were designed for genes selected from several of these groups and their tissue expression was investigated using RT-PCR. The results indicated that these genes are widely expressed in several tissues, such as leaves, stems, seeds and pods, suggesting ubiquitous occurrence and multiple functions of the corresponding proteases in the tissues of A. thaliana.  相似文献   

During Arabidopsis embryogenesis, procambial cells undergo coordinated, asymmetric cell divisions, giving rise to vascular precursor cells (protophloem and protoxylem precursors). After germination, these cells terminally differentiate into specialized conducting cells, referred to as protophloem and protoxylem cells. Few readily identifiable markers of the onset of specification and differentiation are available, hampering the molecular genetic analysis of protophloem development. Confocal microscopy was used to investigate the patterning and differentiation of phloem cells during early plant development. Longitudinal divisions of phloem initials allowed the identification of protophloem precursor cells and adjacent metaphloem initials along the length of the plant. During germination, protophloem differentiation was observed at two independent locations, in the cotyledons and the hypocotyl. In both locations, differentiation was concomitant with cell elongation. We identified five gene-trap lines (PD1-PD5) with marker gene expression in immature protophloem elements. The spatio-temporal marker expression pattern of the lines divides them into two groups. The early specification markers PD4 and PD5 were expressed in developing organs before procambium formation and then became restricted to phloem initial cells. The protophloem precursor markers PD1-PD3 were expressed in differentiating protophloem cells at different stages of their development. All markers were expressed transiently and iteratively during the differentiation of protophloem in newly formed organs. Flanking genes were identified for four out of five gene-trap insertion lines. The possible function of these genes with respect to phloem differentiation is discussed.  相似文献   

Leaf peroxisomes are present in greening cotyledons and contain enzymes of the glycolate pathway that functions in photorespiration. However, only a few leaf peroxisomal proteins, that is hydroxypyruvate reductase (HPR), glycolate oxidase (GO) and alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase 1 (AGT1), have been characterized, and other functions in leaf peroxisomes have not been solved. To better understand the functions of leaf peroxisomes, we established a method to isolate leaf peroxisomes of greening cotyledons. We analyzed 53 proteins by MALDI-TOF MS and then identified 29 proteins. Among them, five proteins are related to the glycolate pathway, four proteins function in scavenging of hydrogen peroxide and additionally 20 novel leaf peroxisomal proteins were identified. In particular, protein kinases and protein phosphatase were first identified as peroxisomal proteins suggesting that protein phosphorylation is one of the regulatory mechanisms in leaf peroxisomes. Novel leaf peroxisomal proteins contained five PTS1-like proteins that have sequences where one amino acid is substituted with another one in PTS1 sequences. The PTS1 motif was suggested to have novel PTS1 sequences.  相似文献   

Anthranilate synthase is involved in tryptophan (Trp) biosynthesis. Functional expression of subunit I from Arabidopsis (ASA1) was achieved in bacteria as a protein fused with glutathione S-transferase (GST). The active product was purified in a single step on a glutathione-Sepharose column. The Vmax (45 nmol min-1mg-1), the apparent K(M) for chorismate (180 microM), and the feedback inhibition by Trp (complete inhibition by 10 microM Trp) of the purified fusion product (GST-ASA1) were comparable to anthranilate synthase purified from plants. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the fusion project and purified by affinity chromatography on a GST-ASA1-Sepharose column cross-reacted with a 61.5-kD protein in a partially purified anthranilate synthase preparation from corn seedlings. GST-ASA1 cleavage by thrombin, as well as site-directed mutagenesis modifications of the Trp allosteric site, inactivated the recombinant protein.  相似文献   

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