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We describe a new trirachodontid cynodont from the base of the Burgersdorp Formation (Subzone A fauna of the Cynognathus Assemblage Zone), of the South African Karoo Basin. Langbergia modisei gen. et sp. nov. is characterized by circular to ovoid in outline upper postcanines and the absence of a maxillary platform lateral to the postcanine series. Apart from the new taxon, we recognize two other species of this family in the Cynognathus Assemblage Zone: Trirachodon berryi and Cricodon metabolus , the latter also represented in the Tanzanian Manda Formation. A phylogenetic analysis of gomphodont cynodonts was conducted using a data matrix of 43 craniodental characters and 18 terminals. Trirachodontidae appears as a monophyletic assemblage, with Langbergia appearing as the sister taxon of Cricodon . The monophyly of trirachodontids is weakly supported, however, with one extra step breaking it. Traversodontid cynodont relationships were also inspected and compared with a recent phylogeny proposed for this group. Considering the resulting phylogeny and the sudden appearance and diversification of Cynognathia representatives, the origin of basal Cynognathia (i.e. Cynognathus , Diademodon , and trirachodontids) is suggested to predate their first appearance in the fossil record.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 147 , 383–413.  相似文献   

' Lydekkerina ' putterilli Broom from the Lystrosaurus Assemblage Zone (Middle Beaufort Group, South Africa) is shown to be a paedomorphic rhinesuchid ( Broomistega putterilli gen. nov.) rather than a lydekkerinid or juvenile stage of the rhinesuchid Uranocentrodon , as previously presumed. The most conspicuous characters, not related to its paedomorphic condition, include the shape of the parietals and the structure of the parasphenoid body and exoccipitals. The pattern of cranial growth changes in Broomistega has been investigated by comparison of the holotype with two hitherto undescribed immature specimens. For several characters referring to the size and position of the orbits, and re-modelling of the jugal proportions, retarded timing of growth transformations, compared to ontogenetic patterns in Permian rhinesuchids (typified by Muchocephalus ) is demonstrated. Some features of the evolution of the basicranial region of the skull, in the transition from rhinesuchids to more advanced capitosauroids, are re-evaluated. key words : temnospondyls, rhinesuchids, relict, paedomorphosis, growth changes.  相似文献   

A new galesaurid cynodont, Progalesaurus lootsbergensis gen. et sp. nov., is described on the basis of a well-preserved skull, lower jaw, right scapula and left atlantal neural arch. Autapomorphies of Progalesaurus include postcanine teeth bearing numerous mesial and distal accessory cusps that flank a recurved main cusp, a post-temporal fenestra bordered by the squamosal ventrally and a large external naris. Progalesaurus is similar to Galesaurus in possessing a poorly defined masseteric fossa on the dentary, a strongly recurved main cusp of the postcanine dentition, an incomplete secondary palate and a similar basisphenoid-parasphenoid morphology. A cladistic analysis of ten early cynodont genera resolves a monophyletic Galesauridae encompassing Cynosaurus , Progalesaurus and Galesaurus , although support for this clade is weak. Procynosuchus and Dvinia are placed at the base of Cynodontia whereas Thrinaxodon and Platycraniellus are positioned higher, but outside of Eucynodontia. The holotype and only known specimen of Progalesaurus was collected during systematic prospecting of Permo/Triassic boundary strata at New Lootsberg Pass, Graaff-Reinet District, South Africa. The discovery of Progalesaurus increases the number of valid Early Triassic cynodonts to four and sheds light on the tempo of early cynodont diversification after the end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   

Ornithischia is a morphologically and taxonomically diverse clade of dinosaurs that originated during the Late Triassic and were the dominant large‐bodied herbivores in many Cretaceous ecosystems. The early evolution of ornithischian dinosaurs is poorly understood, as a result in part of a paucity of fossil specimens, particularly during the Triassic. The most complete Triassic ornithischian dinosaur yet discovered is Eocursor parvus from the lower Elliot Formation (Late Triassic: Norian–Rhaetian) of Free State, South Africa, represented by a partial skull and relatively complete postcranial skeleton. Here, the anatomy of Eocursor is described in detail for the first time, and detailed comparisons are provided to other basal ornithischian taxa. Eocursor is a small‐bodied taxon (approximately 1 m in length) that possesses a plesiomorphic dentition consisting of unworn leaf‐shaped crowns, a proportionally large manus with similarities to heterodontosaurids, a pelvis that contains an intriguing mix of plesiomorphic and derived character states, and elongate distal hindlimbs suggesting well‐developed cursorial ability. The ontogenetic status of the holotype material is uncertain. Eocursor may represent the sister taxon to Genasauria, the clade that includes most of ornithischian diversity, although this phylogenetic position is partially dependent upon the uncertain phylogenetic position of the enigmatic and controversial clade Heterodontosauridae. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 648–684.  相似文献   

A new scanilepiform, Beishanichthys brevicaudalis gen. et sp. nov. , is named and described based on fossils from the Lower Triassic lake deposits exposed in Beishan area, Gansu Province, China. The discovery documents a new record of this group, which is significantly older than other known scanilepiforms from China, and is slightly younger than Evenkia from the Lowest Triassic of Central Siberia. Although the Beishan beds were previously interpreted as Late Permian in age, based on megaplant fossils, this new discovery supports the reinterpretation of the deposits as Early Triassic in age, based on vertebrate fossils from the same locality and horizon. Phylogenetic analysis was conducted to resolve the relationships of Scanilepiformes with other actinopterygian clades, and the inter‐relationships within Scanilepiformes. Contrary to previous thought that scanilepiforms are closely related to the Amiidae, the phylogenetic results of this study recognize the Scanilepiformes as stem‐group neopterygians. Relationships of the Scanilepiformes and Australosomus with other neopterygians remain unresolved. With a characteristic long‐based dorsal fin, scanilepiforms represent a small group that emerged in Early Triassic freshwater environments, inhabited Eurasia and North America during the Middle–Late Triassic, briefly invaded the marine environment by the Late Triassic in Europe, and became extinct at the end of Triassic. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 161 , 595–612.  相似文献   

Mystriosuchus westphali is based on a large, well-preserved cranium and a snout fragment from the Stubensandstein (Norian) of south-west Germany. The hypodigm is redescribed and new or poorly known cranial structures in phytosaurs are discussed. For the first time, the presence of a premaxillary crest is substantiated in a phytosaur. The type specimen shows a supernumerary occipital element (='tabular') that is probably fused to the parietal in other phytosaurs, and an orbitosphenoid. A computerised parsimony analysis confirms the hypothesis that Mystriosuchus is nested within Pseudopalatinae, the most derived clade of phytosaurs, and thus does not fall within basal phytosaurs. Mystriosuchus is characterised by five unique features (slit-like interpremaxillary fossa, triangular cross-section of the postorbito-squamosal bar, strongly reduced posttemporal fenestra, and two features of the cranial sculpture), plus eight synapomorphies that also occur in some more distantly related taxa. Mystriosuchus westphali is diagnosed by, among other apomorphies, a distinct premaxillary crest, a squamosal-proo¨tic contact, absence of a posterior process of the squamosal, and a slit-like posttemporal fenestra. The type species Mystriosuchus planirostris shows, most significantly, the naris facing forward anteriorly and upward posteriorly, and the longest rostrum and the highest degree of depression of the supratemporal opening in any phytosaur. Mystriosuchus exemplifies a common pattern in phytosaurids in being a genus that includes a gracile, elongated, slender-snouted and a more robust species with a broader, often crested snout. This study demonstrates that a detailed analysis of the cranial anatomy and the rigorous application of cladistic principles to identified character states help to clarify current inconsistencies in the taxonomy and nomenclature of phytosaurs.  相似文献   

Geographical affinities of the Cape flora, South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim The flora characteristic of the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) is dominated by a relatively small number of clades that have been proposed as ‘Cape clades’. These clades have variously been suggested to have African or Austral affinities. Here we evaluate the support for these conflicting hypotheses. In addition, we test the hypothesis that these clades share a common time of differentiation from their geographical neighbours. Location The Cape Floristic Region, South Africa Methods We use both published and unpublished phylogenetic information to investigate the geographical sister areas of the Cape clades as well as the timing and the direction of biogeographical disjunctions. Results Almost half of the Cape clades for which unambiguous sister areas could be established show a trans‐Indian Ocean disjunction. The earliest trans‐Indian Ocean disjunction dates from 80 Ma. Other disjunctions date from various times in the Cenozoic, and we suggest that the process of recruiting lineages into the Cape flora might be ongoing. Relatively few Cape clades show a sister relationship with South America and tropical Africa, despite their relative geographical proximity. Numerous Cape clades contain species also found on tropical African mountains; in all cases tested, these species are shown to be embedded within the Cape clades. While many Cape clades show a relationship with the Eurasian temperate flora, this is complicated by their presence in tropical Africa. The single case study addressing this to date suggests that the Cape clade is nested within a European grade. Main conclusions Although many Cape clades show Austral rather than African relationships, there are numerous other patterns suggestive of a cosmopolitan flora. This spatial variation is echoed in the temporal data, from which, although there is wide variance around the dates of disjunctions, it is clear the Cape flora has been assembled over a long time period. There is no simple hypothesis that can account for the geographical sources of the currently distinctive Cape flora. The phylogenetic positions of Afromontane members of Cape clades suggest a history of dispersal from the CFR, rather than the reverse.  相似文献   

Although ratites have been studied in considerable detail, avian systematists have been unable to reach a consensus regarding their relationships. Morphological studies indicate a basal split separating Apterygidae from all other extant ratites, and a sister‐group relationship between Rheidae and Struthionidae. Molecular studies have provided evidence for the paraphyly of the Struthionidae and Rheidae, with respect to a clade of Australasian extant ratites. The position of the extinct Dinornithidae and Aepyornithidae also remains hotly debated. A novel pattern of diversification of ratites is presented herein. The phylogenetic analysis is based on 17 taxa and 129 morphological characters, including 77 new characters. The resultant tree yields a sister‐group relationship between New Zealand ratites (Apterygidae plus Dinornithidae) and all other ratites. Within this clade, the Aepyornithidae and Struthionidae are successive sister taxa to a new, strongly supported clade comprising the Rheidae, Dromaiidae, and Casuariidae. The link between South American and Australian biotas proposed here is congruent with numerous studies that have evidenced closely related taxa on opposite sides of the Southern Pacific. These repeated patterns of area relationships agree with current knowledge on Gondwana break‐up, which indicates that Australia and South America remained in contact across Antarctica until the earliest Tertiary. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 156 , 641–663.  相似文献   

A New Basal Lystrosaurid Dicynodont from the Upper Permian of South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new genus and species of late Permian dicynodont, Kwazulusaurus shakai , is described on the basis of a complete skull from the late Permian Dicynodon Assemblage Zone of the South African Beaufort Group. It is an advanced form which shows characters, such as the shape of the snout and the loss of the ectopterygoid, that link it to the early Triassic genus Lystrosaurus. Kwazulusaurus represents the most basal member of the lystrosaurian lineage. The phylogeny of progressive pristerodontian dicynodonts is discussed. It appears possible that the Kannemeyeriiformes and Lystrosauridae do not form a monophylum, as previously assumed. Instead a sister-group relationship between lystrosaurids and dicynodontids plus kannemeyeriiforms is suggested.  相似文献   

Summary A unique small bioherm, 0.7 m in diameter and 0.25 m high, is described from the Lower Keuper in South Germany. Its core consists of the attached right valves of the tiny oyster-like lamellibranchPlacunopsis ostracina (Pectinacea). It is overgrown by a cm-thick laminated stromatolitic crust formed by microbial mats and sponges. The bioherm was dolomitized during early diagenesis and represents the temporary transition from restricted marine to more saline depositional environments. It is one of the stratigraphically youngestPlacunopsis bioherms found so far in the Germanic Triassic.  相似文献   

The temnospondyl Wantzosaurus elongatus Lehman, 1961, from the Lower Triassic of Madagascar, is redescribed on the basis of a new specimen, which is the most complete trematosaur ever found. Detailed osteological observations and comparisons provide new data on the anatomy, ontogeny, palaeobiology and palaeoecology of this peculiar marine 'amphibian'. The morphology of this aquatically readapted taxon is compared to that of marine 'reptiles': Wantzosaurus might have been able to swim by undulation. A phylogenetic analysis of the trematosaurs is performed for the first time and suggests that Wantzosaurus is a derived taxon within the clade Trematosauridae. The family is defined on the basis of derived character states and is shown to be monophyletic.  相似文献   

A new rhynchosaur, Hyperodapedon huenei sp. nov., is described from the Upper Triassic Santa Maria Formation of the Paraná Basin, Brazil. The holotype is an almost complete skull and mandible, collected at Inhamandá, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The diagnosis of the genus Hyperodapedon Huxley is revised to include not only H. huxleyi Lydekker and H. gordoni Huxley (as generally accepted), but also the new species described here, various specimens usually assigned to ' Scaphonyx fischeri ' Woodward, and ' S '. sanjuanensis Sill. H. huenei sp. nov. exhibits a number of plesiomorphic features and appears to be the least derived species of Hyperodapedon , forming a sister taxon to the remaining members of the genus. A preliminary phylogenetic analysis for the more derived rhynchosaurs is presented. ' Scaphonyx ' sulcognathus Azevedo and Schultz represents the sister taxon of Hyperodapedon , while ' Rhynchosaurus ' spenceri Benton is considered to be a more derived Middle Triassic rhynchosaur. key words : Rhynchosauria, Hyperodapedon , Triassic, Brazil.  相似文献   

An isolated, large recurved and finely serrated tooth found associated with the prosauropodEuskelosaurus from the Late Triassic part of the Elliot Formation is described here. It is compared to the Triassic thecodonts and carnivorous dinosaurs and its possible affinity is discussed. The tooth possibly belongs to a basal theropod and shows some features similar to the allosauroids. This tooth is of significance, as dinosaur remains except for some footprints and trackways, are poorly known in the Late Triassic horizons of southern Africa.  相似文献   

Although the group played an important role in the evolution of Late Mesozoic terrestrial ecosystems, the early evolutionary history of the ornithischian dinosaurs remains poorly understood. Here, we report on a new primitive ornithischian, Eocursor parvus gen. et sp. nov., from the Late Triassic (?Norian) Lower Elliot Formation of South Africa. Eocursor is known from a single specimen comprising substantial cranial and postcranial material and represents the most complete Triassic member of Ornithischia, providing the earliest evidence for the acquisition of many key ornithischian postcranial characters, including an opisthopubic pelvis. A new phylogenetic analysis positions this taxon near the base of Ornithischia, as the sister taxon to the important and diverse clade Genasauria. The problematic clade Heterodontosauridae is also positioned basal to Genasauria, suggesting that an enlarged grasping manus may represent a plesiomorphic ornithischian condition. This analysis provides additional phylogenetic support for limited ornithischian diversity during the Late Triassic, and suggests that several major ornithischian clades may have originated later than generally believed. There are few morphological differences between Late Triassic and Early Jurassic ornithischians, supporting previous suggestions that the Early Jurassic ornithischian radiation may simply represent the filling of vacant ecological space following Late Triassic terrestrial extinctions.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the palatoquadrate ossifications of the Lower Triassic archosauromorph Proterosuchus fergusi from South Africa is described. It consists of two ossifications, the epipterygoid and the quadrate, which were joined by cartilage in life. The margins of the cartilage are clearly indicated by ridges and grooves on the dorsal surface of the pterygoid. The epipterygoid ossification consists of two structures: the anteroposteriorly expanded basal portion and, dorsally from it, an extending, slender, ascending process. From the anterior margin of the basal portion of the epipterygoid, a plate‐like structure, herein called the lamina epipterygoidea anteromedialis, extends anteromedially to form the anterolateral wall of the cavum epiptericum. Comparisons with the similarly constructed embryonal and adult epipterygoid components of Sphenodon punctatus show that the anteromedial lamina of the epipterygoid of P. fergusi is an additional component of the epipterygoid of this species and that this lamina is absent in the former species. However, a structure in a topologically similar position to the anteromedial lamina of the epipterygoid of P. fergusi is present in the palatoquadrate of Alligator mississippiensis. In the latter species, the structure is called the lamina palatoquadrati anterior; it ossifies in membrane and forms the dorsolateral cover of the huge trigeminal ganglion. It is hypothesized here that the anteromedial lamina of the epipterygoid of P. fergusi and the anterior lamina of the palatoquadrate of A. mississippiensis are most probably homologous structures and are present in both the basal and one of the crown taxa of the archosauromorph clade, respectively.  相似文献   

The Traversodontidae is a Triassic family of nonmammalian cynodonts, recorded worldwide, characterized by its bucco-lingually expanded postcanines. A recently discovered fauna in the locality of Santa Cruz do Sul, corresponding to the Santa Maria Formation of the Brazilian Middle/Upper Triassic (Ladinian/Carnian), is made up exclusively of nonmammalian cynodonts with an abundance of traversodontids. A new taxon, Santacruzodon hopsoni gen. et sp. nov . , the most commonly recorded traversodontid cynodont in the fauna, is described here. It is diagnosed by an autapomorphy, a very large posterolabial cusp in the upper postcanine, representing more than half of the labial crest, and a suite of traits present in other traversodontids. Among these features are the descendent flange of the jugal developed as a ball-shaped projection, also known in the Madagascan traversodontid Dadadon isaloi , and the presence of symmetrical incisors with numerous mesial and distal marginal cuspules, feature shared with the North American taxon Arctotraversodon plemmyridon . A phylogenetic analysis of traversodontids from Gondwana, based on a data matrix of 28 characters (mostly dental) and 15 terminals (13 traversodontids, including the new species, plus Diademodon and Trirachodon ) was performed. The new traversodontid appears as the sister taxon of Dadadon . A monophyletic Carnian group composed of Exaeretodon , Menadon and Scalenodontoides , with the Carnian Gomphodontosuchus , and the Ladinian Massetognathus as successive outgroups is also supported. In line with a recent phylogenetic hypothesis, a nonmonophyletic relationship for Scalenodon 'species' from the Anisian Manda beds also results from our analysis. Based on the cladogram obtained, morphological trends of change in the dentition of traversodontids throughout the Triassic are suggested.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 139 , 529−545.  相似文献   

The first stem tetrapod from Gondwana, Ossinodus pueri gen. et sp. nov, is described from fragmentary material that includes a skull table and many important parts from the postcranial skeleton. It was recovered together with a typically non-marine to marginal (near) marine fish fauna from the Lower Carboniferous (mid Viséan) Ducabrook Formation, Queensland, Australia. Phylogenetic analysis hypothesises that Ossinodus belonged to a clade that includes Whatcheeria and Pederpes , positioned on the stem of the crown tetrapods, one step crownward of Tulerpeton . Hind limb morphology suggests that small specimens of Ossinodus were primarily aquatic but that larger ones were less so.  相似文献   

The discovery of well preserved and almost complete fossil coleoid cephalopods near Osteno in northern Italy has allowed the original study of a single specimen by Pinna (1972) to be enhanced. The unusual structure of the ten arms, showing a clear differentiation in the shape of the arm hooks (long and thin on six arms and short and stocky on the other four), is a distinctive character which is not present in any Jurassic family of coleoids known to date. We distinguish two new genera: Ostenoteuthis, with the species O. siroi sp. nov., and Uncinoteuthis, with the species U. cuvieri sp. nov. The new family Ostenoteuthidae (Order uncertain) is erected for them. The systematic position of this family within the fossil coleoids is discussed.  相似文献   

A nearly complete skull and associated osteoderms from the Middle/Upper Triassic Madygen Formation of Kyrgyzstan are referred to a new chroniosuchid genus and species. The new taxon is characterized by a parabolic skull outline, pustular ornamentation, tabular‐squamosal contact, marked postparietal embayments, and the lack of an antorbital fontanelle. The palate is only preserved in part, showing broad palatines and ectopterygoids. Presence of a preorbital fenestra and characteristic osteoderm morphology are synapomorphies shared with all other chroniosuchids. According to the phylogenetic analysis performed, the new chroniosuchid nests with Chroniosaurus, with which it shares the wide, transversely extended osteoderms and pustular ornamentation. The chroniosuchians are robustly supported as a natural group, but their position within the reptiliomorph (stem‐amniote) clade is not adequately understood. Whereas the parasphenoid is similar to that of anthracosaurs, most other characters support a higher nesting of chroniosuchians within the stem‐amniotes. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 515–530.  相似文献   

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