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1. 1. The convective heat transfer coefficient of the human body is essential to predict convective heat loss from the body.

2. 2. The object of this paper is to calculate the convective heat transfer coefficient of the human body using heat flow meters and to estimate the thermally equivalent sphere and cylinder to the human body.

3. 3. The experimental formulae of the convective heat transfer coefficient for the whole body were obtained by regression analysis for natural, forced and mixed convection.

4. 4. Diameters of the thermally equivalent sphere and cylinder of the human body were calculated as 12.9 and 12.2 cm, respectively.

Author Keywords: Convective heat transfer coefficient; human body; forced convection; natural convection; heat flow meter  相似文献   

A model of facial heat exchange in cold and windy environments is presented. The tissue is depicted as a hollow cylinder and the model includes heat conduction and heat transport by blood circulation from the warmer core. A steady-state solution facilitating the estimation of wind chill equivalent temperature (WCET) as a function of the effective wind velocity, air temperature and blood perfusion rate was obtained. The results quantify and demonstrate the elevation of skin temperatures caused by increased flow of warmer blood from the inner core to the face. Elevated facial temperatures, while enhancing protection against frostbite and other cold-related injuries, also increase heat loss to the colder environment. Paradoxically, such elevated facial temperatures cause WCETs, as estimated by the prevailing definition, to attain lower rather than higher values, indicating, in fact, increased risk of frostbite. The results of this study should be useful in understanding and quantifying the effects of blood perfusion in protection against cold-related injuries. They should also be considered in the re-evaluation and re-formulation of the concept of wind chill, which has been a useful cold weather indicator for decades.  相似文献   


1. 1. This paper discusses the factors that affect the insulation and evaporative resistance provided by clothing.

2. 2. These include: fabric thickness and density, the amount of body surface area covered by garments, the evenness of the distribution of fabrics over the body surface, the increase in surface area for heat loss due to clothing, the looseness or tightness of fit, a person's body position (seated vs standing), body motion and wind.

Author Keywords: clothing; insulation; heat transfer; evaporative resistance  相似文献   

Abstract Brief exposure to low (0oC) or high (40oC) temperature elicits a protective response that prevents injury when the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart, is subjected to more severe cold (-10oC) or heat (45oC). Both the low and high temperature responses were found in all developmental stages of the fly, but were most pronounced in the pupal and pharate adult stages. The protective responses generated by brief exposure to 0 or 40oC appear similar in that both result in a rapid acquisition of cold or heat tolerance and a loss of protection after the flies are returned to 25oC. The protection generated by chilling is obvious within 10 min of exposure to 0oC while a 30 min exposure to 40oC is required to induce the high temperature protection. High temperature protects against cold shock injury within a narrow range (around 36oC) but we have no evidence that low temperature can protect against heat injury. We previously demonstrated that the rapid increase in cold tolerance correlates with concomitant increases in glycerol concentration, but in this study we found no significant elevation in glycerol in heat-shocked flies. Thus the physiological and biochemical bases for the rapid responses to cold and heat appear to be different.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the thermodynamic process during the cooling of reproductive biological systems is important to assess and optimize the cryopreservation procedures. The time–temperature curve of a sample immersed in liquid nitrogen enables the calculation of cooling rates and helps to determine whether it is vitrified or undergoes phase change transition. When dealing with cryogenic liquids, the temperature difference between the solid and the sample is high enough to cause boiling of the liquid, and the sample can undergo different regimes such as film and/or nucleate pool boiling.In the present work, the surface heat transfer coefficients (h) for plastic French straws plunged in liquid nitrogen were determined using the measurement of time–temperature curves. When straws filled with ice were used the cooling curve showed an abrupt slope change which was attributed to the transition of film into nucleate pool boiling regime. The h value that fitted each stage of the cooling process was calculated using a numerical finite element program that solves the heat transfer partial differential equation under transient conditions. In the cooling process corresponding to film boiling regime, the h that best fitted experimental results was h = 148.12 ± 5.4 W/m2 K and for nucleate-boiling h = 1355 ± 51 W/m2 K. These values were further validated by predicting the time–temperature curve for French straws filled with a biological fluid system (bovine semen-extender) which undergoes freezing. Good agreement was obtained between the experimental and predicted temperature profiles, further confirming the accuracy of the h values previously determined for the ice-filled straw. These coefficients were corroborated using literature correlations.The determination of the boiling regimes that govern the cooling process when plunging straws in liquid nitrogen constitutes an important issue when trying to optimize cryopreservation procedures. Furthermore, this information can lead to improvements in the design of cooling devices in the cryobiology field.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for predicting human thermal and regulatory responses in cold, cool, neutral, warm, and hot environments has been developed and validated. The multi-segmental passive system, which models the dynamic heat transport within the body and the heat exchange between body parts and the environment, is discussed elsewhere. This paper is concerned with the development of the active system, which simulates the regulatory responses of shivering, sweating, and peripheral vasomotion of unacclimatised subjects. Following a comprehensive literature review, 26 independent experiments were selected that were designed to provoke each of these responses in different circumstances. Regression analysis revealed that skin and head core temperature affect regulatory responses in a non-linear fashion. A further signal, i.e. the rate of change of the mean skin temperature weighted by the skin temperature error signal, was identified as governing the dynamics of thermoregulatory processes in the cold. Verification and validation work was carried out using experimental data obtained from 90 exposures covering a range of steady and transient ambient temperatures between 5°C and 50°C and exercise intensities between 46 W/m2 and 600 W/m2. Good general agreement with measured data was obtained for regulatory responses, internal temperatures, and the mean and local skin temperatures of unacclimatised humans for the whole spectrum of climatic conditions and for different activity levels. Received: 20 November 2000 / Revised: 24 April 2001 / Accepted: 14 May 2001  相似文献   

Observational, correlative approaches are one of the backbones of dendrochronology. For instance, climate-growth relationships are usually quantified by calculating Pearson correlations. However, the ability to detect these relationships and the probability of declaring significant correlations by chance pose multiple challenges to such correlative framework. The R climwin package, developed a few years ago within the discipline of animal ecology, overcomes these limitations. In this paper we apply climwin to study relationships between climate and tree-ring widths and anatomy to show the advantages of using this package in the field of dendrochronology. This package allows calculating several models considering multiple windows relating a response variable to the climatic factors at different time resolutions. Then, the most parsimonious model is selected through an information-theoretic approach and randomization tests are computed to establish the significance of the selected model. We compare analyses based on Pearson correlations with climwin results using several environmental drivers (climate variables, drought indices, river flow), response variables (tree-ring width, tracheid lumen area and cell-wall thickness), and tree species from ecologically contrasting sites (cold- and water-limited conifers, Mediterranean riparian ash forests). Analyses of climate-growth/anatomy relationships based on the use of climwin showed several advantages over simple Pearson correlations: (i) they did not depend on the use of arbitrary time intervals of fixed duration, (ii) they allowed reducing probabilities associated with type I and II errors, (iii) they resulted in more consistent findings, (iv) they increased the capacity to detect differences between sites or periods in a time series, and (v) they provided more explanatory power.  相似文献   

A molecular simulation is developed to study the effect of surface nanostructures on nanoscale flows. Based on this method, particles equation of motion is solved through the Verlet algorithm. Meanwhile, a physically sound method is applied to control the momentum and temperature of the simulation box. By adding an external force on the top copper plate according to the velocity difference between on-the-fly and desired velocities, simulations on convection of argon flows between two solid walls are performed. The top wall, which holds a higher temperature, moves at a constant velocity relative to bottom one along with the streamwise direction. These simulation results show that the nanostructures particularly affect fluid density oscillations adjacent to solid wall and nanostructures. In addition, these nanostructures also have significant effects on temperature and velocity distributions in simulation system.  相似文献   

The relation between perfusion and heat transfer in tissue can be formulated in terms of local symmetry components of the vascular system. It is shown that the order of symmetry (dipole, quadrupole etc. symmetry) gives the order of magnitude of perfusion heat transfer. A unidirectional flow component results in a D'Arcy like bulk flow. A non unidirectional flow component contributes to heat transfer at least by a second order term. It acts like an additional effective heat diffusivity. Comparison with experiments confirm the theoretical results.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinshcaft.  相似文献   

The problem, whether excited-state energy transfer occurs between Trp residues in a multi-tryptophan proteins and if it does, what kind of changes it induces in different parameters of protein fluorescence, is currently under active investigation. In our previous paper [Biophys. Chem. 72 (1998) 265], the energy transfer was found and studied in detail for Na,K-ATPase. It was shown that this transfer influences all parameters of fluorescence emission, which is detected at site-selective conditions (red-edge of excitation, blue and red edges of emission). Present experiments were performed on unusually tryptophan-rich protein, bacterial penicillin acylase (28 Trp per dimer of 82 kDa) and were aimed to extend these observations. They demonstrate substantial heterogeneity in the environments of tryptophan residues within the protein structure. This suggests, that in the present case, if the energy transfer exists, it should be directed from short-wavelength-emitting to long-wavelength-emitting tryptophan residues and thus could be easily observed by a number of time-resolved and steady-state fluorescence techniques. Unexpectedly, no signature of inter-tryptophan energy transfer was found.  相似文献   

Although the immediate effects of temperature stress are well documented, the longer‐term effects of such stresses are more poorly known. In these experiments, we investigate the effects of suboptimal and supraoptimal temperatures during pharate adult development on fecundity in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart. A 1 h cold shock at ?10°C during the red‐eye pharate adult stage decreases the fecundity of both sexes. Induction of rapid cold hardening by pre‐treatment at 0°C for 2 h partially prevents reproductive impairment. Heat shock of pharate adults for 1 h at 45°C also reduces fecundity in both sexes, but inducing thermotolerance by pre‐treatment at 40°C for 2 h affords protection only to females. Males heat shocked at 45°C or first pre‐treated at 40°C consistently fail to transfer sperm to the females. The injury inflicted on males by heat shock is most pronounced when the stress is administered to pharate adults or adults; wandering larvae and true pupae are unaffected. The implications of these data for naturally occurring populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Heart rate variability (HRV) is a proxy measure of autonomic function and can be used as an indicator of swine stress. While traditional linear measures are used to distinguish between stressed and unstressed treatments, inclusion of nonlinear HRV measures that evaluate data structure and organization shows promise for improving HRV interpretation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the inclusion of nonlinear HRV measures in response to an acute heat episode. Twenty 12- to 14-week-old growing pigs were individually housed for 7 days and acclimated to thermoneutral conditions (20.35°C ± 0.01°C; 67.6% ± 0.2% RH) before undergoing one of the two treatments: (1) thermoneutral control (TN; n = 10 pigs) or (2) acute heat stress (HS; n = 10 pigs; 32.6°C ± 0.1°C; 26.2% ± 0.1% RH). In Phase 1 of the experimental procedure (P1; 60 min), pigs underwent a baseline HRV measurement period in thermoneutral conditions before treatment [Phase 2; P2; 60 min once gastrointestinal temperature (Tg) reached 40.6°C], where HS pigs were exposed to heated conditions and TN pigs remained in thermoneutral conditions. After P2, all pigs were moved back to thermoneutral conditions (Phase 3; P3; 60 min). During each phase, Tg data were collected every 5 min and behavioural data were collected to evaluate the amount of time each pig spent in an active posture. Additionally, linear (time and frequency domain) and nonlinear [sample entropy (SampEn), de-trended fluctuation analysis, percentage recurrence, percentage determinism (%DET), mean diagonal line length in a recurrence plot] HRV measures were quantified. Heat stressed pigs exhibited greater Tg (P = 0.002) and spent less time in an active posture compared to TN pigs during P2 (P = 0.0003). Additionally, low frequency to high frequency ratio was greater in HS pigs during P3 compared to TN pigs (P = 0.02). SampEn was reduced in HS pigs during P2 (P = 0.01) and P3 (P = 0.03) compared to TN pigs. Heat stressed pigs exhibited greater %DET during P3 (P = 0.03) and tended to have greater %DET (P = 0.09) during P2 than TN pigs. No differences between treatments were detected for the remaining HRV measures. In conclusion, linear HRV measures were largely unchanged during P2. However, changes to SampEn and %DET suggest increased heat stress as a result of the acute heat episode. Future work should continue to evaluate the benefits of including nonlinear HRV measures in HRV analysis of swine heat stress.  相似文献   

PurposeEmbryo cryopreservation represents a central procedure in in-vitro fertilization (IVF) programs. This report documents a Case of a successful pregnancy following the replacement of embryos that had to be re-vitrified due to the forced cancellation of the frozen embryo-transfer (FET).Principle resultsThe 37- year-old patient was referred to our Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) unit for idiopathic infertility and recurrent implantation failures. The collection cycle resulted in 8 grade-A cleavage embryos (8–10 blastomeres), that were all vitrified to prevent ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). The first frozen embryo transfer (FET) ended in a biochemical pregnancy and the second in an ectopic pregnancy. In the third attempt, three embryos were warmed but the provider could not complete the transfer due to cervical stenosis. The two surviving embryos were therefore re-vitrified. The final FET attempt, 4 months later, was successful and ended with the live birth of a healthy female baby.ConclusionsThe transfer of re-vitrified twice-warmed embryos may represent a possible option when embryo transfer cannot be performed.  相似文献   

Lignocellulosic biomass such as agri‐residues, agri‐processing by‐products, and energy crops do not compete with food and feed, and is considered to be the ideal renewable feedstocks for biofuel production. Gasification of biomass produces synthesis gas (syngas), a mixture primarily consisting of CO and H2. The produced syngas can be converted to ethanol by anaerobic microbial catalysts especially acetogenic bacteria such as various clostridia species.One of the major drawbacks associated with syngas fermentation is the mass transfer limitation of these sparingly soluble gases in the aqueous phase. One way of addressing this issue is the improvement in reactor design to achieve a higher volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa). In this study, different reactor configurations such as a column diffuser, a 20‐μm bulb diffuser, gas sparger, gas sparger with mechanical mixing, air‐lift reactor combined with a 20‐μm bulb diffuser, air‐lift reactor combined with a single gas entry point, and a submerged composite hollow fiber membrane (CHFM) module were employed to examine the kLa values. The kLa values reported in this study ranged from 0.4 to 91.08 h?1. The highest kLa of 91.08 h?1 was obtained in the air‐lift reactor combined with a 20‐μm bulb diffuser, whereas the reactor with the CHFM showed the lowest kLa of 0.4 h?1. By considering both the kLa value and the statistical significance of each configuration, the air‐lift reactor combined with a 20‐μm bulb diffuser was found to be the ideal reactor configuration for carbon monoxide mass transfer in an aqueous phase. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2011  相似文献   

A number of assessment frameworks have been proposed to provide a mechanism to demonstrate protection of the environment from ionising radiation. Whilst some of these are being used for assessment purposes they have largely not been validated against field measurements. In this paper we compare the predictions of transfer parameters recommended by one of these frameworks (FASSET) with observed whole-body 90Sr and radiocaesium activity concentrations in a range of mammal and invertebrate species sampled within the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Predicted activity concentrations were generally within the observed ranges and mean predictions for reference organisms were similar to, or circa one order of magnitude higher than, the observed means. However, some predictions were more than one order of magnitude lower than observed values. No data were available to test predictions for the other radionuclides released by the Chernobyl accident. In a separate paper the outputs of this assessment will be used to estimate doses to reference organisms and compare these to observed radiation induced effects reported within the Chernobyl zone.  相似文献   

The absorption of oxygen in aqueous–organic solvent emulsions was studied in a laboratory-scale bubble reactor at a constant gas flow rate. The organic and the gas phases were dispersed in the continuous aqueous phase. Volumetric mass transfer coefficients (kLa) of oxygen between air and water were measured experimentally using a dynamic method. It was assumed that the gas phase contacts preferentially the water phase. It was found that addition of silicone oils hinders oxygen mass transfer compared to air–water systems whereas the addition of decane, hexadecane and perfluorocarbon PFC40 has no significant influence. By and large, the results show that, for experimental conditions (organic liquid hold-up ≤10% and solubility ratio ≤10), the kLa values of oxygen determined in binary air–water systems can be used for multiphase (gas–liquid–liquid) reactor design with applications in environmental protection (water and air treatment processes).  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation (NF) by alfalfa and nitrogen transfer (NT) from alfalfa to associated timothy was studied under different environmental conditions in controlled growth chambers, using the15N dilution technique. Evidence was obtained of NT from alfalfa to the associated timothy. Conditions that favored NF by alfalfa resulted in an increase in its NT. Of 3 different temperature regimes (25/20, 16/14, and 12/9°C day/night), 16–25/14–20°C was the best range for NF by alfalfa and resulted in the greatest NT. High light intensity (550 uE.m−2.sec−1) and long days (16–20 h) also caused increased NF by alfalfa and benefitting timothy more than in a regime of low light intensity (by shading 50% or 75%) or short days (12/12 or 16/8 h day/night). When the inoculated (Rhizobium meliloti) root systems of plants were kept free from other microorganisms (axenic condition) to minimize possible decomposition of dead tissues, lower NT from alfalfa was observed, especially at later cuts, compared to non-axenic plants. This suggests that both direct excretion and decomposition of dead alfalfa tissues are sources of N benefit from alfalfa to associated timothy. Contribution no 1065 of the Plant Research Centre.  相似文献   

Rabin Y 《Cryobiology》2003,46(2):109-120
This report presents a technique for estimating the propagation of uncertainty in measurements into mathematical simulations of heat transfer. The motivation for this report is to show the dramatic uncertainty associated with estimating the value of the so-called "lethal temperature," even in a case where a perfect correlation appears to exist between histo-pathologic observations and a corresponding heat transfer simulation. Although the example presented in this report relates to cryosurgery, the technique proposed in this report is rather general and can be applied to any heat transfer problem. The uncertainty analysis presented in this report can be considered as an extension of the well-known concept of the rule of the square root of the sum of the square errors. A comparison of the new technique with the worst case scenario concept is also presented. In conclusion, it is recommended that the proposed technique be routinely applied when presenting simulated results, whether as a part of a theoretical study, or in comparison with experimental data.  相似文献   

Direct gene transfer to protoplasts is one of several methods developed for the production of transgenic plants. This method utilizes the efficient uptake of DNA from the surrounding medium by protoplasts (cell wall-less plant cells). Where a suitable protoplast system exists large numbers of transformant clones can be efficiently produced and often regenerated to normal fertile plants. This review concentrates on the fate of the DNA which is taken up into the protoplasts. Particular emphasis is given to the factors which can influence the integration and form of the transferred DNA, the expression of transferred genes, and the inheritance in further generations of those genes. The information available suggests (1) that DNA is taken up by a large proportion of the cells in a transformation mixture, (2) that this DNA forms complexes sometimes involving carrier DNA, (3) that fewer cells actually take up DNA into the nucleus, and (4) that the complex may be rearranged and/or amplified and then integrated into the genome. If the DNA is arranged in such a way that a gene can be expressed it does so in a normal manner and is stably inherited both mitotically and meiotically.  相似文献   

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