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Summary T. mentagrophytes var.quinckeanum was isolated from a case of equine tinea and this finding is thought to be unique. Although it is considered that the fungus is closely related toT. mentagrophytes, the small differences in the relative pathogenicity for animals and man, the unusual clinical pattern which can be seen, and the downy nature of primary isolates on Sabouraud's medium are features not to be expected withT. mentagrophytes infections. The ability of this fungus to produce green fluorescence in the hairs of infected guinea pigs is felt to be its most unique feature and warrants its separate identity asT. mentagrophytes var.quinckeanum.  相似文献   

Summary Trichophyton quinckeanum was isolated from a spontaneous infection in rabbit. The hairs were also invaded by the fungus, exibiting a yellowish fluorescence in Wood's light. White mice inoculation of the isolate produced typical scutula with hair penetration fluorescing in green colour. The type of animal hair invasion is also discussed. The morphologic features ofTr. quinckeanum, together with its ability of producing scutula while inoculating the white mice, must be emphasized, when proving its separate identity.  相似文献   

Mating and sexual stimulation tests applied to 132 strains of this dermatophyte isolated in Czechoslovakia revealed among them strains ofArthroderma benhamiae (40 strains of the+mating type, one of the—mating type) andA. vanbreuseghemii (three strains of the+type, seven of the-type). No dependence was found concerning the anamorphic variety (T. mentagrophytes var.granulosum, var.interdigitale, var.mentagrophytes, var.quinckeanum), teleomorphic species, mating type and the clinical localization of dermatophytosis. Plausible reasons of different frequencies of the mating types are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Very little progress had been made on the question whether organs of higher fructification occur in dermatophytes. Only two significant studies can be noted. One was the elaboration of the hypothesis byMatruchot &Dassonville that dermatophytes because of morphological similarities with certain fungi (Myxotrichum, Gymnoascus, Arachniotus) belong with them to the Gymnoascaceae. However, this generalization was unwarranted, since their hypothesis was based on a single strain of a dermatophyte, designated by them as Trichophyton, sp. without the species having been more closely determined. Moreover, they did not produce any evidence for their generalization that all dermatophytes should, or necessarily must belong to the Gymnoascaceae. Finally,Matruchot &Dassonville had never seen either pycnidia or perithecia in their cultures. To say the least, their hypothesis, whether right or wrong, must await further demonstrations that pycnidia and/or perithecia do exist in the dermatophytes.The only apparently successful attempt at solving the question of the existence of higher organs of fructification in dermatophytes has been made byNannizzi. His findings must be considered valid, unless duplications of his experiments would prove to the contrary. However, the same objection has to be made against his generalization as was raised against the generalization ofMatruchot &Dassonville. This is that ALL dermatophytes must necessarily belong to the Gymnoascaceae.Nannizzi succeeded in producing pycnidia only in the form-genusTrichophyton, in the speciesTr. mentagrophytes (Ch. Robin, 1853) andTr. equinum Matruchot. He also was successful in his endeavor in the form—genusAchorion, in the speciesAchorion gypseum Bodin. However, his attempts to produce higher organs of fructification inMicrosporon lanosum Sabouraud and inAchorion Quinckeanum Zopf failed.
Zusammenfassung Versuche, betreffs des gegenwärtigen Standes der Fruchtkörperproduktion in Dermatophyten, die sich nun auf sechs Jahrzehnte erstrecken, sind kritisch beleuchtet worden.Es konnte nur ein einziger, anscheinend erfolgreicher Versuch verzeichnet werden, der vonNannizzi, 1926. Mit seiner speziellen Technik, indem er Dermatophyten auf natürlichen Nährböden (Federn, Leder, Knochen, Haare) züchtete, war es ihm gelungen, Pykniden in der Form-GattungTrichophyton, in den ArtenTr. mentagrophytes (Ch. Robin, 1853) undTr. equinum Matruchot hervorzurufen. In der Form-GattungAchorion sind Pykniden in der ArtAchorion gypseum Bodin produziert worden in einem Nährboden von Waldboden gemischt mit Stückchen von altem Leder. Jedoch sind seine Versuche, Pykniden inMicrosporon lanosum Sabouraud und inAchorion Quinckeanum Zopf hervorzurufen, fehlgeschlagen.

Résumé En continuant leurs recherches, en vue de contribuer à l'élucidation du problème concernant la nature saprophytique, tellurique, des dermatophytes, les auteurs ont réussi, en utilisant le procédé deVanbreuseghem, à isoler du sol leTrichophyton quinckeanum. Ils l'ont mis en évidence dans la terre qui se trouvait sous un petit abri pour le bois, abri situé près d'une maison à Bucarest. La même souche avait provoqué un herpès circiné inflammatoire chez une femme qui s'est probablement contaminée en fendant le bois sous ce même abri. La souche isolée de la terre a été inoculée, avec résultat positif, à l'homme, au cobaye et à la souris blanche. Chez l'homme, la mycose expérimentale a été accompagnée par l'apparition de godets visibles à l'oeil nu (dans un seul cas).Selon les auteurs, il serait utile de chercher systhématiquement, dans les couches superficielles du sol, tous les dermatophytes à cultures vivaces et à riche morphologie microscopique, vu qu'ils ont isolé, de la même terre et en même temps que leTrichophyton quinckeanum (et en même temps que leMicrosporon gypseum et leKeratinomyces ajelloi) leTrichophytron terrestre proche auCtenomyces mentagrophytes.
Summary In continuing their researches in order to contribute to the elucidation of the problem concerning the presence of dermatophytes as saprophytes in the soil, the authors were able to isolate from the soil, making use ofVanbreuseghem's method, a strain ofTrichophyton (Achorion)quinckeanum. The very difficult isolation of this fungus has been done from the soil of a woodshed, in a court of a house in Bucarest. The same strain caused a herpes circinatus of inflammatory type, on the wrist of the woman to whom the shed belonged. This woman probably contaminated herself by spliting wood there. The strain, isolated from the soil, was inoculated in man, guinea pig and white mouse, with positive results. In one case, the experimental lesion, obtained in man, showed the presence of little scutula. Considering that lately they were able to isolate from the soil, not only the above mentionedTrichophyton quinckeanum (in addition toMicrosporon gypseum andKeratinomyces ajelloi) but also theTrichophytron terrestre, near toCtenomyces mentagrophytes, the authors think that it would be useful to persist in searching farther, in the superficial layers of the soil, for the presence of the dermatophytes with rich microscopical morphology.

Balabanoff  V. A.  Kasărov  L. B. 《Mycopathologia》1963,21(2):119-128
Summary The cultivation of four old non-sporulating strains ofTrichophyton quinckeanum on solid nutrient medium with 15% CO2 (Sabouraud dextrose agar) gave an increased production of macroconidia. The macroconidia are multilocular with smooth walls. It is believed that the polymorphism of the macroconidia — some with pointed tip and other with round terminal cell — is characteristic of the species and has a taxonomic significance. Macroconidia with a pointed end cell are not of theMicrosporon type, since they have smooth walls and are not pointed on both ends Filiform appendages from the terminal cell occur regularly. Small and large macroconidia were seen. The microconidia are pyriform or elongated. No rounded microconidia withBotrytis type of arrangement were observed. The so-calledT. niveum is probably identical withT. quinckeannum.Together with the characteristics of the species as a parasite it is to be concluded thatT. quinckeanum is a peculiar dermatophyte species, corresponding toQuincke's -Pilz, but cannot be assimilated by the group ofT. mentagrophytes (Ctenomyces s. microides).  相似文献   

I. Alteras  M. Conu 《Mycopathologia》1962,16(3):249-254
Résumé Les auteurs rapportent l'observation d'une dermatomycose humaine dûe àTrichophyton gallinae, ce cas étant le troisième en Roumanie, dont on a pu isoler ce dermatophyte. Avec cette souche et une autre antérieure (isolée deux ans auparavant), les auteurs ont fait des investigations cliniques et mycologiques, afin de préciser l'identité probable entre leTrichophyton gallinae et leTr. quinckeanum. Basés sur la ressemblance macro- et microscopique des leurs colonies, sur les lésions expérimentales obtenues par l'inoculation à l'homme, au cobaye et à la souris blanche, de même que sur l'aspect variable des lésions humaines, dont ces deux expèces sont responsables, les auteurs arrivent à la conclusion qu'il serait possible que les deux dermatophytes soient un et le même champignon. Le caractère du pigment diffusible — dit on — particulier pourTr. gallinae — n'est pas un argument assez puissant, selon l'opinion des auteurs, pour faire de ce dermatophyte une espèce indépendente dans la classification des dermatophytes.
Summary Having the opportunity to observe a human ringworm infection, caused byTrichophyton gallinae (the third in Rumania up to now), the authors report their conclusions concerning the position of this fungus in the classification of dermatophytes. Based on their mycological research made with two stains ofTrichophyton gallinae and others belonging toTr. quinckeanum and taking into consideration the resemblance between the macro- and microscopical features of their colonies, the same as for the clinical aspect of the human and experimental lesions it provoked, the authors point out the possible identity of the two species. The red pigment diffusing through the medium, characteristic (?) — one says — forTr. gallinae (but not current, as the authors observed) could not be a strong proof, in the authors' opinion, to classifyTr. gallinae as a single and different species fromTr. quinckeanum.

Phylogeny of the genera Trichophyton using mitochondrial DNA analysis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Diversity of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was investigated in 92 Trichophyton rubrum strains, 2 T. mentagrophytes var. mentagrophytes, 2 T. m. vor. interdigitale, 2 T. m. var. goetzii, 1 T. m. var. erinacei, 2 T. quinckeanum, 2 T. schoenleinii, 1 T. tonsurans, 2 T. verrucosum var. album, 2 T. v. var. discoides, 1 T. violaceum var. violaceum, 1 Arthroderma benhamiae, and 1 A. vanbreuseghemii using endonucleases, Hae III, Msp I, Hind III, Xba I, and Bgl II. Trichophyton species were divided into 7 groups, and a phylogenetic tree was produced based on sequence divergence within mtDNA. The following results were obtained: (1) T. rubrum was divided into 2 groups Type I and Type II, and was suggested to be a complex. (2) A. benhamiae was closely related to T. m. var. erinacei. (3) T. rubrum Type II, T. tonsurans, and A. vanbreuseghemii showed identical restriction profiles, and were suggested to be closely related to each other or identical. (4) T. quinckeanum and T. schoenlenii showed identical restriction profiles, which differed slightly from those of A. vanbreuseghemii. (5) mtDNA analysis was useful in identifying pleomorphic strains.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans le but d'étudier l'action des dermatophytes sur les cultures de tissues, les auteurs ont utilisé 18 espèces et des cellules épithéliales humaines (à type de HeLa et Detroit 6) et animale (rein de lapin) et des fibroblastes de l'embryon humain, de poulet et de rat. L'ensemencement des dermatophytes choisis a été faite en des tubes contenant les cultures cellulaires, parfois additionnées de milieu liquide. L'effet protéolytique le plus rapide a été constaté pour les dermatophytes zoophyles, tels queTr. mentagrophytes etTr. quinckeanum et surtout vis-à-vis des cellules HeLa, tandis que les espèces d'origine anthropophyle ont montré une action cytotoxique un peu plus ralentie. Parmi les géodermatophytes, l'action exercée parTr. terrestre etKeratinomyces ajelloi s'approche de celle produite par les espèces d'origine animale, fait qui pourrait plaider, selon l'opinion des auteurs, en faveur de la prochaine adaptation à la vie parasitaire de ces deux derniers champignons. La lyse des cellules obtenue à la suite des produits metaboliques élaborés parTr. megninii fait incadrer ce dermatophyte dans le groupe des espèces d'origine humaine.
Summary The authors report their first observations on the cytotoxic activity of the dermatophytes inoculated in various tissue cultures. The 18 species of dermatophytes were isolated from different mycotic infections of human and animal origin; the tissue cultures were prepared from different strains of cells: HeLa, Detroit 6, rabbit kidney, human and animal embryos (rat, chicken). The contact of these cells with the dermatophytes induces a lysis which is earliest with the zoophylic species asTr. mentagrophytes andTr. quinckeanum. The geophylic dermatophytes had almost the same proteolytic activity as the human ones, fact that justifies their place in this group of fungi.Moreover the way in whichTr. terrestre andKeratinomyces ajelloi, usually saprophytes of the soil, acted on the tissue culture, as zoophylic species did, enables the authors to consider these fungi (and probably other geophylic dermatophytes), to be adapted to the parasitic life. By this same method of investigation, the problem of human or animal origin ofTr. megninii is studied and discussed.

Macit Ilkit 《Mycopathologia》2010,170(3):143-154
Tinea capitis favosa, a chronic inflammatory dermatophyte infection of the scalp, affects over 90% of patients with anthropophilic Trichophyton schoenleinii. T. violaceum, T. verrucosum, zoophilic T. mentagrophytes (referred to as ‘var. quinckeanum’), Microsporum canis, and geophilic M. gypseum have also been recovered from favic lesions. Favus is typically a childhood disease, yet adult cases are not uncommon. Interestingly, favus is less contagious than other dermatophytoses, although intrafamilial infections are reported and have been widely discussed in the literature. Clinical presentation of T. schoenleinii infections is variable: this fungus can be isolated from tinea capitis lesions that appear as gray patches, but symptom-free colonization of the scalp also occurs. Although in the past T. schoenleinii was the dominant fungus recovered from dermatophytic scalp lesions, worldwide the incidence has decreased except in China, Nigeria, and Iran. Favus of the glabrous skin and nails are reported less frequently than favus of the scalp. This review discusses the clinical features of favus, as well as the etiological agents, global epidemiology, laboratory diagnosis, and a short history of medical mycology.  相似文献   

P. Pinetti 《Mycopathologia》1943,4(1):222-234
Autoriassunto L'A. ha studiato le attività glicoassimilative e glicolitiche di 94 ceppi di dermotomiceti di recentissimo isolamento (4Microsporum, 2 Achorion Schönleini, 10Epidermophyton inguinale e 78Tricophyton delle specieviolaceum, cerebriforme, gipseum, plicatile, fumatum, interdigitale, ecc.).Sono stati seguiti in tali ricerche il metodo auxanografico di Beijerink opportunamente modificato per le particolari esigenze dello studio dei dermatomiceti ed il classico metodo per la fermentazione degli idrati di carbonio.Il metodo auxanografico ha permesso di mettere in evidenza sostanziali differenze di comportamento tra i quattro generi di dermatomiceti presi in esame (Microsporum, Achorion, Epidermophyton edTricophyton), differenze che si ripetono in alcuni casi con assoluta costanza o con notevole frequenza nei diversi ceppi della stessa specie esaminati, ma che seconde l'A. sarebbe ancora prematuro ed azzardato voler considerare definitivamente come caratteri assoluti peculiari di un determinato genere o specie.Risultati assai irregolari e di significato molto scarso ha dato invece l'esame dell'attività fermentativa sugli idrati di carbonio.
Summary The Author studied the glycoassimilative and glycolythic activities of 94 strains of very recent isolated dermatomycetes (4Microsporum, 2Achorion, 10Epidermophyton inguinale and 78Tricophyton violaceum,cerebriforme, gipseum, plicatile, fumatum, ecc.).Beijeirink's auxanographic method was followed in such researches suitably modified for the particular requirements in the study of dermatomycetes as well as the classical method for the fermentation of carbonium hydrates.The auxanographic method enabled to point out the striking difference in the behaviour between the four genus of dermatomycetes tested (Microsporum, Achorion, Epidermophyton andTricophyton) differences which occur in many cases with an absolute constancy or remarkable frequency for different strains tested of sam genus or species. According to the A. itz would be still before time and rather hazardous to state definitively these differences as absolute characters peculiar for a genus or species.The examination of fermentative activity on the carbonium hydrates gave on the contrary irregular or small important results.

Résumé L'A. a étudié les activitées glycoassimilatives et glycolithiques de 94 souches de dermatomycetes tout recemment isolées (4Microsporum, 2Achorium Schöleini, 10Epidermophyton et 78Tricophyton des espècesviolaceum, cerebriforme, gipseum, plicatile, fumatum, interdigitale, etc.).On a employé dans ces recherches la méthode auxanographique de Beijerink modifiée en vue des particulières exigéances de l'étude des dermatomycetes et la methode classique de la fermentation des hydrates de carbon.A l'aide de la méthode auxanographyque l'A. a réussi à mettre en évidance parmi les quatre genres de dermatomycetes examinés (Microsporum, Achorium, Epidermophyton, etTricophyton) des differences substantielles de comportement que dans certains cas se répètent avec une absolue constance ou une considérable fréquence dans les diverses souches de la même espèce examinées. L'A. croit cependant qu'il serait encore prémature et hazardeux de considérer ces differences comme des caractères absolus particuliers à chaque genre ou espèce.L'examen de l'activité fermentative sur les hydrates de carbon a donné des résultats tout à fait irréguliers et de signification assez restreinte.

In 525 patients with onychomycoses by dermatophytes, collected in Bucharest (45% of the cases being females), the toe-nails were found to be affected in 65% of the cases, while the finger-nails only in 20%. In order of frequency, the following agents were isolated:T. rubrum (55%),T. mentagrophytes (interdigitale — 26%),T. violaceum (12%),E. floccosum (3%),T. schonleinii (1.3%). Only sporadically were found other species, viz.:M. canis (4),T. tonsurans (3),T. verruccosum (2),T. quinckeanum (1) andM. audouinii (1). Tinea pedis was the main manifestation associated with the respective cases.  相似文献   

Summary The authors were able to isolate from the superficial layers of the soil,Ctenomyces interdigitalis (Epidermophyton interdigitale, Epidermophyton Kaufmann-Wolf). The morphological macro- and microscopical features of the cultures, as well as those of the experimental lesions, obtained by inoculation in man and animal, proved that the isolated fungus was reallyCtenomyces interdigitalis and notCtenomyces mentagrophytes orTrichophyton (Achorion)quinckeanum. The isolated strain caused a dysidrosis of the palm. The patient, a woman 34 years old, infected herself by scooping with her left hand the earth mixed with dead (withered) leaves which were found in a watering pond. The authors did not find, up to now in the literature, any mention about the presence of this dermatophyte in the soil, which would be proved by direct investigation, although its presence in this medium was accepted by those who observed tinea pedis developing after the contact of the feet with the earth.
Résumé Les auteurs ont réussi à isoler, de la terre, leCtenomyces interdigitalis (Epidermophyton interdigitale, Epidermophyton deKaufmann-Wolf). Les caractères morphologiques, macro- et microscopiques des cultures, ainsi que ceux des lésions expérimentales, obtenues par son inoculation à l'homme et à l'animal, ont précisé qu'il s'agissait bien duCtenomyces interdigitalis et non duCtenomyces mentagrophytes ou duTrichophyton (Achorion)quinckeanum. La souche isolée avait provoqué une dysidrose palmaire chez une femme âgée de 34 ans. La malade s'est contaminée en creusant, de sa main gauche, la terre mélangée à des feuilles mortes qui se trouvait dans une bouche d'arrosage. D'après la littérature consultée, il semble que ce dermatophyte n'a pas été isolé, directement, jusqu'à présent, des couches superficielles du sol, bien que sa présence dans ce milieu fut admise par nombre d'auteurs qui ont vu l'Epidermophytie plantaire se développer après le contact, des pieds nus, avec la terre.

Summary Out of 750 soil samples collected from various regions of Romania, during 1958–1967, a positive percentage of 86 was positive for keratinophilic fungi. Among the 13 isolated species, the most prevalent wereM. gypseum (54.6 %),C. keratinophilum (40.1 %) andK. (T.)ajelloi (27 %). BesideT. terrestre, found in 8.9 % of the examined soil samples, the percentage of the remaining species is low, not exceeding 4 %. In order of frequency:C. (T).evolceanui (3.2 %),M. cookei (2.2 %),T. mentagrophytes (2 %),T. quinckeanum (0.9 %),C. (T.)indicum (0.6 %). There have been also isolated, but only once;M. canis, A. multifidum, T. georgiae andT. vanbreuseghemii.The studies carried out on the immunobiological properties of the Romanian soil isolates (including intracutaneous tests, serological reactions and therapeutic efficiency), have showed a close relationship between these fungi and the common pathogenic dermatophytes. The pathogenic power of the keratinophilic fungi is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Dermatophytoses of animals in Romania are reviewed. Ringworm infections have been found in cattle (whereT. verrucosum was the only isolated agent), horses (the causative organisms beingT. verrucosum, T. mentagrophytes andM. equinum), cats (dermatophytes isolated:M. canis andT. quinckeanum), dogs (M. canis andM. gypseum), fowlsT. gallinae). From the laboratory animals: guinea pigs (T. mentagrophytes, M. audouinii, T. rubrum), mice (T. quickeanum andT. mentagrophytes), rats (T. mentagrophytes), rabbits (T. mentagrophytes andM. canis) and hamster)T. mentagrophytes). Among the wild animals, only the chamois had a ringworm infection byM. gypseum, other large or smaller wild animals harboring only saprophytically some poozhilic and geophilic dermatophytes.  相似文献   

Biochemical Alterations of Dermatophytes during Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Alterations in the biochemical constituents of mycelia were studied during the growth, development, and starvation of Microsporum quinckeanum. On the basis of dry weight, growth of this dermatophyte could be divided into four phases: lag, log, stationary, and death. The percentage of total nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus, ribonucleic acid (RNA), and protein increased rapidly during the lag phase. The percentage of protein remained constant after the initial increase; however, inorganic phosphate and RNA decreased in older mycelia. Acid-soluble materials in the cells increased in concentration as the organism aged. Chitin was present in the spores at a much higher concentration than in the mycelia. The percentage of this compound decreased rapidly until the end of the lag phase. An increase and subsequent decrease in per cent chitin occurred during the log phase. Inorganic phosphorus in the mycelia increased from the value in the spore stage to a maximum in the early log phase, and then decreased rapidly during the remainder of the growth cycle. Compounds involved in protein synthesis increased rapidly during the lag phase of growth. Changes in chemical composition of the mold during starvation indicate that carbohydrate does not form the principal endogenous reserve of M. quinckeanum, whereas lipids may represent the primary reserve material.  相似文献   

Résumé Pour toutes les classifications introduites entre 1923 et 1930, y compris le genreSabouraudides de la classificationOta &Langeron 1923, nous avons utilisé comme diagnoses celles que j'ai donné en 1924.Ces mêmes diagnoses peuvent être appliquées aux anciens genres cliniquesAchorion, Microsporon, Trichophyton etEpidermophyton, que les Dermatologistes préfèrent. Ces genres auront de ce fait une valeur mycologique basée sur les formes de reproduction des espèces et, ce que les Mycologues ne sauraient valablement contester. Nous pouvons ainsi adopter une seule classification sans préjudice pour le progrès de la Mycologie et qui sera en même temps accepté par les Dermatologistes que les nouveaux noms créés par les diverses classifications ont choqué et cet avis a été soutenu déjà par le Prof.Benedek.  相似文献   

Summary The discovery of the hidden, built-in macroconidia in the four members of the Faviform Group of the dermatophytes, i.e.,Achorion schoenleinii, Trichophyton violaceum, Trichophyton verrucosum andMicrosporon ferrugineum, is described.To bring the hidden, built-in macroconidia to full fructification, i.e., to force the production of imperfect and perfect organs of fructification (macroconidia, cleistothecia), two entirely different techniques have been used: 1) the hair-soil method, 2) the yeast extract method.The two techniques, entirely independent from each other, yielded the same result: the ancestral form of the four members of the Faviform Group of dermatophytes. The imperfect form is described asFavomicrosporon pinettii,Benedek, 1965, sp. nov. The perfect form isAnixiopsis stercoraria (Hansen)Hansen, 1897.The ancestral form was found not only in and cultured from the strains of those dermatophytes derived from pathological material, but it was also recovered from its saprophytic habitat, from the soil (potting soil).
Zusammenfassung Die Entdeckung der verborgenen, eingebauten Makrokonidien in den vier Representanten der Faviformen Gruppe der Dermatophyten, i.e.Achorion schoenleinii, T. violaceum, T. verrucosum, Microsporon ferrugineum, wird beschrieben.Um die verborgenen, eingebauten Makrokonidien zur vollen Fruchtbildung zu bringen, i.e. um die Produktion der imperfekten und perfekten Organe der Fruktifikation (Makrokonidien, Kleistothecien) zu erzwingen, sind zwei völlig verschiedene Methoden benutzt worden: 1) die Haar-Erde-Methode, und 2) die Hefeextrakt-Methode.Beide Methoden, völlig unabhängig von einander, haben zu demselben Ergebnis geführt, i.e. zur Entdeckung der Urform von den vier Representanten der Faviformen Gruppe der Dermatophyten. Die imperfekte Form wird alsFavomicrosporon pinettii,Benedek, 1965, sp. nov. beschrieben. Die perfekte Form istAnixiopsis stercoraria (Hansen)Hansen, 1897.Die ancestrale Form wurde nicht nur aus den Stämmen jener Dermatophyten gezüchtet, die aus pathologischen Produkten gewonnen worden sind, sondern auch aus dem natürlichen Habitat: von der Erde (potting soil).

Résumé La découverte des macroconidies occultes et encastrées dans les quatre membres du Groupe Faviforme des dermatophytes:Achorion schoenleinii, Trichophyton violaceum, Trichophyton verrucosum etMicrosporon ferrugineum, est décrite.Pour forcer les macroconidies occultes et encastrées à la fructification complète, i.e. de produire des organs de reproduction imparfaits et parfaits, macroconidies et cleistothecia, on a fait l'usage de deux techniques complètement différentes: 1) des cheveux sur sol et 2) de l'extraction de levure.Toutes les deux méthodes, complètement indépendantes l'une de l'autre, ont produit le même résultat: la forme ancestrale des quatre membres de la Groupe Faviforme des dermatophytes. La forme imparfaite est décrite commeFavomicrosporon pinettii,Benedek, 1965, sp. nov. et la forme parfaite commeAnixiopsis stercoraria (Hansen)Hansen, 1897.La forme ancestrale a été trouvée non seulement dans les souches des dermatophytes indiquées et en cultivées, provenantes des produits pathologiques, mais aussi du sol, du terrain jardinier.

Summary The actual state of dermatophytes in Romania is briefly reviewed. From the 20 species discovered, up to now, 14 belonged to the group of human and animal origin, the other 6 to geophilic dermatophytes.The most frequently isolated wereT. mentagrophytes, (var.interdigitale),M. audouinii, T. violaceum andT. rubrum, which altogether caused more than 50 % of the human ringworm found in the last 15 years.WhileT. mentagrophytes still remains the agent no. 1 of tinea pedis in Romania andT. rubrum keeps the first place in the nail involvements by dermatophytes, the first organism of tinea capitis areM. audouinii andT. violaceum, the former causing mainly the epidemic foci. Such epidemics may also be due toT. ferrugineum. The number of cases byT. schönleinii is more and more reduced. The infections byT. verruccosum are increasing. The rarity of cases due toT. gallinae, toT. equinum and toT. mengninii are pointed out.From the so called geophilic dermatophytes,M. gypseum, K. ajelloi andChrysosporium keratinophilum are mostly isolated from the Romanian soil.T. terrestre, T. evolceanui, T. indicum andM. cookei are infrequently found. A few isolates ofT. mentagrophytes andT. quinckeanum were also discovered in the soil.  相似文献   

Unhatched eggs removed from the brood pouches of two species of littoral amphipods were placed in dishes either with their mothers, other mothers of the same species, or mothers of the other species. Females either ate the eggs, left them alone, or placed them in their brood pouches. In contrast, males of both species ate every egg presented to them. Gammarus mucronatus females treated all classes of eggs about the same way. But G. palustris replaced more and ate fewer G. palustris than G. mucronatus eggs.  相似文献   

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