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Twelve singly embedded isolates (SEV) and two multiply embedded isolates (MEV) of nuclear polyhedrosis viruses from Heliothis larvae were compared by time-mortality assays in neonate H. zea larvae. The isolates could be separated into six groups based on differences in the 50% survival time (ST50) values. Isolates with identical restriction endonuclease (REN) profiles did not differ significantly in their ST50 values, whereas isolates with several different REN cleavage sites also had significantly different ST50 values. With the exception of one isolate from India, the singly embedded isolates acted faster than the multiply embedded isolates.  相似文献   

This paper describes the replication and serial passage of Heliothis zea nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) in a H. zea cell line. It was demonstrated that long-term serial passages of the H. zea NPV in homologous host cell culture decreased both the total number of polyhedral inclusion bodies (PIBs) produced and the infectivity of the supernatant as measured by TCID50. The growth curve indicated that infectious material was released from cells 24 hr postinfection (p.i.) and approached a maximal titer 3 days p.i. The kinetics of H. zea NPV decay at 4°, 27°, and 37°C were determined. Infectivity was not detected after 3 weeks at 37°C, but approximately 103.5 TCID50/ml activity was still present after 3 and 8 weeks storage at 27° and 4°C, respectively. Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of single embedded virions in the inoculated cells.  相似文献   

Experiments are described that record the change in activity of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus of Heliothis armigera on cotton and sorghum in the short-term and long-term survival of the virus on sorghum and in soil. Virus activity was lost rapidly on cotton but remained at a high level for up to 30 days on sorghum. Activity was still detectable on harvested sorghum more than 80 days after spraying and on the soil below, but soil activity fell to less than one-third of its original level during the winter.  相似文献   

Studies using [3H]chlorogenic acid and [3H]rutin demonstrated that the kinetics of uptake of these plant phenolics into the haemolymph of 5th-instar Heliothis zea (Boddie) following actue oral administration is a first-order process. The total quantity of either phenolic present in the haemolymph within 1 hr amounts to 5% or less of the total ingested dose. Based on TLC analyses, 80% or more of the radioactivity in the haemolymph occurs as the parent phenolic. Retention of [3H]-chlorogenic acid or [3H]-rutin in H. zea following chronic feeding from 1st to 3rd-instar larvae is also linearly related to dietary dose. Chlorogenic acid and rutin are both equitoxic and equivalent in bioavailability to H. zea.Loss of [3H]-rutin from the haemolymph of 5th-instar larvae following injection is biphasic. One half of the injected dose is excreted in the frass in the first 6 hr after injection; the other half is thereafter eliminated at 1/20th of the initial rate. Analyses of extracts of frass by thin-layer chromatography indicate that after either chronic or acute feeding 90% of the ingested phenolic is excreted unchanged. Possible sites and modes of action of phenolics in insects are discussed in light of these findings.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were conducted to determine effects of cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus on diapausing Heliothis virescens. Most virus-infected individuals died in the larval stage. Infected pupae yielded as many moths as healthy. Females from surviving virus-infected larvae produced fewer eggs than those from healthy larvae, but there was no statistical difference in longevity of adults between healthy and infected groups. Infected moths yielded lower than normal quantities of extracted fatty acids.  相似文献   

We measured oxygen uptake in 3- to 13-day-old Heliothis virescens (tobacco budworm) larvae. The “test” group was infected with cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) while the “control” group was not. The healthy budworms had an average oxygen uptake of 7.64 μl of O2/mg body weight, while those infected with CPV had an average uptake of 47.11 μl of O2/mg body weight/hr. The weights of larvae from the two groups were likewise recorded. Budworms from the “control” group showed an average weight of 186.9 mg, while larvae infected with CPV had an average weight of 18.3 mg.  相似文献   

Heliothis zea was reared on an artificial diet, which lacked supplementation with plant materials, in order to determine the effects of cholesterol on the development of this insect. A number of parameters of larval development were found to be dependent upon the concentration of dietary sterol including: the number of moults which the larvae completed within a particular time interval, the ability of the larvae to pupate and the survival of the larvae. The number of moults which a larva completed prior to pupation, though, was independent of the concentration of sterol.  相似文献   

Amino acids and glucosamine are present on the surface of Heliothis zea larvae. The amino acid compositions vary among instars and with time following completion of the gross molting process. Larvae collected from ears of corn have many surface amino acids. All amino acid combinations found on larval surfaces are sufficient for initiation of germination and growth by Beauveria bassiana. Amines and peptides are also present; these do not inhibit germination of B. bassiana or Aspergillus niger.  相似文献   

The polyhedral envelope of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus of Heliothis virescens was separated from the matrix proteins and nucleocapsids by alkaline dissolution and differential centrifugation. Spectrophotometric analyses and histochemical staining demonstrated that the envelope was composed of carbohydrates. The envelope contained 60.9% (by weight) hexose and 29.1% pentose. Further examination revealed significant amounts of uronic acids (8.4%) and hexosamines (1.6%).  相似文献   

Several alternate hosts were tested for their relative susceptibility to an isolate of Galleria mellonella nuclear polyhedrosis virus. Neonate Trichoplusia ni, Heliothis zea, and Manduca sexta were all susceptible to per oral administration of purified polyhedra. Of the three alternate species tested, T. ni was the most susceptible, and exhibited the most variable mortality response over the dose range tested, while M. sexta was the least susceptible. We believe this represents the first report of a lethal virus infection in a sphingid species, and useful parameters for the successful inoculation of alternate hosts are discussed.  相似文献   

Per os inoculations of 4- to 6-day-old larvae of the corn earworm, Heliothis zea, with suspensions containing 106 spores of Nosema acridophagus or 104, 105, and 106 spores of Nosema cuneatum retarded the growth and development of the larvae. Migratory grasshoppers, Melanoplus sanguinipes, inoculated with N. acridophagus produced fewer spores than similarly inoculated corn earworms, but spore production was similar in these insects when they were inoculated with N. cuneatum. Standard bioassay procedures showed that spores of both microsporidians were some-what more virulent when they were produced in corn earworms than when they were produced in grasshoppers. Spores of these microsporidians might be produced more efficiently in corn earworm larvae than in grasshoppers.  相似文献   

When conidia of Beauveria bassiana are injected into the hemocoel of corn earworm larvae, it appears that a positive correlation exists between exocellular proteolytic activity of the fungus and entomopathological manifestations. Once inside the hemolymph, defense mechanisms (including phagocytosis) are incapable of overcoming the fungus and one important event in a terminal mycocidal cascade involves preferential invasion of the gut wall. Such invasion helps explain the observed inhibition of feeding by infected larvae. Although histopathological changes seen in gut tissues suggest that a gut toxin is produced, evidence for such a toxin could not be obtained in preliminary tests. Biochemical changes are seen in hemolymph components; however, these are viewed as being due to general starvation rather than to specific activities of the fungus, at least up to the time that a general mycosis is established. With the host larva under physiological stress (starvation, nutrient depletion, and, possibly, toxin production in gut tissues) and failure of defense mechanisms, the infection spreads quickly and a terminal mycosis results.  相似文献   

Detailed examination of abdominal tip extracts from adult female Heliothis armigera revealed the presence of two components which elicit electroantennographic responses from the male moth. These olfactory stimulants have been fully identified as (Z)-11-hexadecenal (I) and (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-ol(II), and detected in airborne volatiles from a ‘calling’ female moth. A third olfactory stimulant was detected only in female tip extracts from some moths of Malawi origin, and this was tentatively identified as (Z)-9-hexadecenal (III). No other olfactory stimulants could be found, although hexadecenal (IV) and 1-hexadecan-1-ol (V) were detected by gas chromatography. In field tests in Malawi, (Z)-11-hexadecenal (I) attracted a few male H. armigera moths to traps but was very much less attractive than the virgin female moth. The attractiveness of (I) was not consistently affected by addition of alcohol (II), aldehydes (III) and (IV), or (E)-11-hexadecenal. Significant numbers of male Earias biplaga moths were found to be attracted to (Z)-11-hexadecenal (I).  相似文献   

Factors involved in the dissolution of polyhedra of Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV) by digestive fluid collected from fifth stage Trichoplusia ni larvae were studied in vitro. Observations were made at timed intervals using phase contrast microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. When digestive fluid was heated at 50°C proteases retained activity. Exposure of polyhedra to digestive fluid previously heated to 50°C resulted in polyhedral matrix dissolution and envelope disruption in a manner similar to that of unheated digestive fluid, only delayed slightly. After exposure of polyhedra for 3 min, only enveloped virons were observed. Heating the digestive fluid to 60° or higher inactivated the proteases and altered the effect on polyhedra. Dissolution of the occlusion body matrix occurred but the polyhedral envelope remained and only a few weakened areas were observed in its structure. Within the polyhedral envelope, enveloped virons were not observed, only nucleocapsids and capsids. Exposure of polyhedra to 0.1 m sodium carbonate buffer at pHs of 9.5 or higher had effects similar to those of the digestive fluid with heat (60°C)-inactivated proteases. The addition of trypsin and chymotrypsin to the 0.1 m sodium carbonate buffer had no effect, while the addition of a bacterial protease (Streptomyces griseus) at pHs of 9.5 or higher resulted in dissolution of the matrix and disruption of the polyhedral envelope like the digestive fluid. Material infectious to TN-368 cells was obtained by exposure of AcNPV to T. ni digestive fluid. Maximum infectivity resulted from a 5-min exposure to unheated digestive fluid, with a dramatic decrease in infectivity with longer exposure. Exposure to digestive fluid with heat (60°C)-inactivated proteases resulted in a slower release of infectious material from the occlusion body, with a steady increase in the level of infectivity throughout the 30-min digestion period.  相似文献   

The emergence of the 2009 H1N1 virus pandemic was unexpected, since it had been predicted that the next pandemic would be caused by subtype H5N1. We also had to learn that a pandemic does not necessarily require the introduction of a new virus subtype into the human population, but that it may result from antigenic shift within the same subtype. The new variant was derived from human and animal viruses by genetic reassortment in the pig, supporting the concept that this animal is the mixing vessel for the generation of new human influenza viruses. Although it is generally believed that the 2009 outbreak was mild, there have been severe cases particularly among the young and the middle-aged. Pathogenicity and host range are determined to a large extent by the polymerase, the haemagglutinin and the NS1 protein of influenza A viruses. There is evidence that mutations of these proteins may change the pathogenicity of the new virus.  相似文献   

The structural proteins of Autographa californica (AcMNPV) and Heliothis zea (HzSNPV) nuclear polyhedrosis viruses were detected by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The immunoassay detected less than 1 ng of AcMNPV protein. The extent of immunological relatedness between AcMNPV-occluded virus and AcMNPV polyhedral protein, AcMNPV-nonoccluded virus, Estigmene acrea granulosis virus, Amsacta moorei entomopoxvirus Heliothis zea NPV, and Lymantria dispar NPV was determined. No immunological relatedless was detected between HzSNPV, AcMNPV, and a persistent rod-shaped virus isolated from the Heliothis zea cell line (IMC-Hz-1). The polyhedral proteins of HzSNPV and AcMNPV were found to be immunologically identical.  相似文献   

Heliothis zea was reared on artificial diets which lacked supplementation with plant materials but were supplemented with different sterols in order to determine how certain structural features of a sterol molecule affect the development of this insect. We found that sitosterol and cholesterol supported a more rapid rate of growth than did campesterol. Larvae did not moult when they ingested 5-pregnen-3β-ol. Larvae utilized spinasterol more efficiently than lathosterol. Such a pronounced effect was not observed in the Δ5-series. The substitution of a Δ7-bond (spinasterol, dihydrospinasterol, lathosterol) for the Δ5-bond (stigmasterol, sitosterol, cholesterol) in the 24-ethyl- and desalkylsterols reduced the rate of growth of the larvae. Although larvae developed normally on cholesterol, the addition of a Δ7-bond to give the Δ5,7-diene system apparently altered the functionality of the molecule because 7-dehydrocholesterol did not support larval development. The growth of larvae was also inhibited, although not prevented, when they consumed diets which contained ergosterol. In contrast, the larvae completed their development more rapidly on brassicasterol which lacked the Δ7-bond. Cholestanol supported the complete development of the insect. H. zea is unusual among investigated insects because it develops both on cholestanol and lathosterol but does not utilize ergosterol efficiently and fails to grow on 7-dehydrocholesterol.  相似文献   

A variant of the baculovirus, Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus, has been isolated in Idaho during an epizootic disease in a field population of A. californica. Genotypic characterization indicates that the virus is distinct from variants previously characterized. Analysis of five clones, derived by plaque purification in cell culture, indicates relative homogeneity of the original virus isolate. Further exploration of the factors involved in natural genetic variability of baculoviruses is appropriate.  相似文献   

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