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The juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) activity in Galleria mellonella larvae was measured after exposure to different experimental conditions that affect larval-pupal transformation. The data show that stimulation of production of JHE is closely coupled with the developmental signals that intiate larval-pupal metamorphosis. Injury, which delays pupation, delays the appearance of JHE activity if the larvae are injured within 48 hr after the last larval moult. Chilling of day-0 larvae induces a supernumerary larval moult and inhibits the appearance of JHE. However, JHE activity increases in chilled larvae when their commitment for an extra larval moult is reversed by starvation. Starvation is effective in reversing the commitment for an extra larval moult if commenced within 48 hr after chilling, thereby suggesting a critical period for that commitment. These data suggest that the stimulus for JHE synthesis and/or release occurs approximately within 48 hr after the last larval ecdysis. A series of studies involving implantation of brain, suboesophageal ganglion and fat body into chilled, as well as chilled and ligated larvae suggest that a factor from the brain is involved in stimulation or production of JHE in Galleria larvae.JH, which suppresses JHE activity in day-3, -5 and early day-6 Galleria larvae, stimulates the production of JHE in late day-6 larvae, suggesting that reprogramming in larval fat body may occur on day 6 of the last larval stadium.  相似文献   

The effect of the antibiotics oxytetracycline, chloramphenicol, and penicillin on the gut flora of Galleria mellonella larvae was not only to suppress Streptococcus faecalis, a typical gut organism of all stages of the moth, but also simultaneously to cause an increase in the number of yeastlike fungi, Candida guilliermondi, Candida krusei, and Geotrichum candidum. Nystatin prevented or minimized yeast multiplication. Most pupae and adults were sterile or contained only S. faecalis, even when prepupae had contained many fungi. A combination of oxytetracycline-nystatin in a total dosage of 1 and 3 × MIC/cm2 of honeycomb surface, respectively, reduced both S. faecalis and fungal counts, so that after a 3-day incubation, most of the larvae were sterile or near sterile.  相似文献   

The predominant type of bacteria present in the gut of larval Galleria mellonella were streptococci group D identified as Streptococcus faecalis which showed bacteriolytic activity. Young larvae usually contained mixed populations with a marked dominance of fecal streptococci while normally developed mature larvae most frequently contained large uniform populations of S. faecalis. Pupal stages were found to contain the highest percentage of individuals with pure cultures of fecal streptococci.The author suggests a hypothesis that, owing to its bacteriolytic properties, S. faecalis can be considered as a component of the natural, nonspecific defense mechanism of G. mellonella against bacterial infections. The lytic enzyme released in the exponential growth phase of S. faecalis participates in the selection process stabilizing the microbial flora of wax moth larvae; it limits the population of other forms of bacteria. Larval resistance to bacterial infections to a large extent depends on the magnitude of the populations and thus on S. faecalis muramidase concentration. Bacterial lysozyme inhibited the growth of the ingested organisms and in consequence it prevented the proliferation of undesired bacteria in the digestive tract of Galleria larvae.The lytic enzyme proved to be identical with autolysin, a β-N-acetylmuramide glycanhydrolase (EC which has been isolated from trypsin-speeded wall autolysates of S. faecalis by Shockman and Cheney (1969).  相似文献   

Using radioimmunoassay the moulting hormone titres of the greater wax moth were determined during the last larval instar. Two peaks were observed, one when the larvae start to spin and another just before the pupation. The second peak exhibits the higher MH level, equivalent to 3600 ng/g ecdysterone. By TLC-RIA analysis three compounds were detected: ecdysone, ecdysterone and a very polar metabolite (VPM). The pattern of MHs during the last larval instar is described and the possible changes in the activity of enzymes of MH metabolism and ecdysone-ecdysterone conversion is discussed.  相似文献   

Prothoracic glands of last instar wax moth larvae maintain spontaneous secretory activity both in decapitated larvae and in isolated abdomens into which they have been transplanted, as judged by their ability to induce secretion of a new cuticle. Their activity is hormonally stimulated by the brain and inhibited by the prothoracic and mesothoracic ganglia. The subesophageal ganglion seems to suppress the inhibitory influence of the thoracic ganglia. The prothoracic glands of larvae decapitated at different times during the last instar all respond to brain implantation, and this response does not change when brains are implanted at increasing intervals after decapitation. The prothoracotropic activity of the isolated brain is highest in brains of pupae and adults but is relatively and consistently low in brains of last instar larvae. The results demonstrate that the control of prothoracic glands is a complex process governed by the nervous integration of various stimuli.  相似文献   

The sexual differences in the intensity of production and release of free fatty acids (FFA) as well as the differences in the absolute amount of FFA produced and released from the fat body are most conspicuous at the sixth day after the larval-pupal ecdysis. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that a significant difference exists in the lipolytic activity of the fat body between the two sexes.  相似文献   

The effect of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and juvenile hormone (JH) on the glutathione pathway of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was determined by investigating glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione S-transferases (GST), and glutathione reductase (GR) activities as well as reduced and oxidized glutathione (GSH and GSSG) content with respect to developmental stage. The continuous decreases of GSH-Px and GST activities dependent on the growth period of G. mellonella occurred in JH and 20E groups over and under their controls, respectively. While the GR activities of G. mellonella showed increases in young pupa (YP) for both control and in old larvae (OL) for the 20E groups after the minimum at these periods, they also increased after old pupa (OP) for the JH group with a maximum in OL period. Although GR activity levels in the JH group were significantly higher compared with controls and 20E groups up to OP period, the activity levels for the control and 20E groups were higher than those of the JH group at adult (AD) and old pupa (OP) periods, respectively. In spite of increases in the GR activity of 20E and control groups of G. mellonella, decreased GSH and increased GSSG levels were observed at aging period. GSH levels in the JH group reached a maximum at prepupa (PP) and then decreased with non-significant changes from OL to AD period. According to the results, GSH and GSSG levels, as well as GSH/GSSG ratios, were below and over control levels in 20E and JH groups, respectively, during all of the investigated developmental stages. On the contrary, the LPO levels were higher than the control for 20E and lower for the JH groups during the developmental period. These results show that while ecdysone hormone has a negative effect on the glutathione-related detoxication capacity of G. mellonella, the juvenile hormone has a positive effect on this process.  相似文献   

Localization and concentration of acid phosphatase in the nerve cord of metamorphosing Galleria mellonella were studied using sodium-α-naphtholphosphate (AS-BI) as substrate. Enzymatic activity is present in all stages of development in the cortex as well as in the neuropil and the connectives. Histochemical investigations indicated that much of the acid phosphatase activity is localized in the giant glial cells which adjoin the perilemma, and which branch extensively among the neuron perikarya. By 12 to 24 hr after pupal ecdysis this increased activity is striking. At 12 hr spectrophotometric tests of nerve cord extracts revealed a threefold increase in activity beyond that present in lightly spun-up larvae.  相似文献   

Cooling of larvae of G. mellonella in the final instar results in a serious disturbance in their later development. Such disturbance concerns the transition to additional larval stages, loss of the ability to spin cocoons, and the formation of individuals incapable of continuing normal development.The kind of disturbances and their degree depends on the age of cooled larvae and the cooling time applied. Cooling of 1- and 2-day-old larvae results in their transition to additional larval stages, while cooling larvae aged from 3 to 7 days of the duration of instar VII causes the formation of a large number of individuals incapable of further development. The loss of the capacity to spin cocoons depends solely on the cooling time applied.  相似文献   

Within the first 48 hr of the last-larval instar of Galleria mellonella the silk glands grow but silk production is restrained. This ‘preparatory phase’ of the glands is probably maintained by juvenile hormone. Silk production and accumulation are stimulated in the ‘accumulation phase’ between 60 and 132 hr by unknown factors in the absence of juvenile hormone. The rate of RNA synthesis culminates at 84 hr but the RNA content increases until the end of cocoon spinning at 144 hr. In the following ‘regression phase’ (144–160 hr), when the glands exhibit high activities of acid and alkaline DN-ases and of acid phosphatase, the RNA and protein contents rapidly decrease, but that of DNA remains high. This phase is typical of moulting insects, is independent of juvenile hormone, and seems to be caused either by an increase in ecdysteroids or by lack of nutrients. The following ‘degeneration phase’ occurs when the surge of ecdysteroids terminates the larval-pupal transformation. Disintegration of silk glands by autolysis and phagocytosis is completed after pupal ecdysis (180 hr). Treatment of larvae with a juvenoid (ZR 512) at 48 or 132 hr in the last instar dramatically alter the composition, synthetic and cytolytic activities of silk glands. At the next ecdysis the glands attain a state very similar to that of the preparatory phase. They are capable of intensive silk production and completion of developmental cycle when the supernumerary larvae prepare for pupation. The results indicate that juvenile hormone can reverse the development of the silk glands.  相似文献   

A phagocytosis-stimulating activity against the normally nonphagocytosable cells of Bacillus thuringiensis subtoxicus develops in the hemolymph of larvae of Galleria mellonella at different periods after injection with readily phagocytosable latex beads. The phagocytosis-stimulating factor can be transferred into new animals with the cell-free hemolymph of treated larvae. It is not detectable in the hemolymph of normal larva but is present in the supernatant of homogenates of the skin. The fractionation of activated hemolymph on Sephadex shows that the active substance has a low molecular weight. It appears to have a biological effect in cellular defense reactions as in the case of lymphokine in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The degradation of 14C-trioleate by the homogenate of fat body of normally developing specimens of both sexes of Galleria mellonella at different days after the larval-pupal ecdysis, and of specimens subjected to different experiments was studied. It has been confirmed that the lipolytic activity of female fat body being low after the larval-pupal ecdysis, rises distinctly by about 6 days later. In contrast to this, the lipolytic activity of this tissue in males is high and does not appear to undergo changes.Ovariotectomy causes a significant fall of lipolytic activity.Preincubation of fat body of ovariotectomized females in the medium containing ovaries of pharate adults 6 days after the larval-pupal ecdysis brings about a rise of lipolytic activity of this tissue.  相似文献   

The regulation of juvenile hormone esterase in last-instar diapause and nondiapause larvae of Ostrinia nubilalis was investigated using topically applied juvenile hormone I and a juvenile hormone mimic, methoprene. The influence of the head on juvenile hormone esterase was also investigated. Both juvenile hormone and methoprene caused increases in esterase levels when applied to feeding animals. Neither the hormone nor methoprene was capable of elevating nondiapause esterase activity to levels comparable to those found in untreated prediapause larvae. The esterase levels could be elevated in the larval body, without the head, during prepupal development of nondiapause larvae and in post-feeding diapause larvae. In both cases, juvenile hormone or methoprene induced juvenile hormone esterase activity in head-ligated animals. Topically applied methoprene prolonged feeding and delayed the onset of diapause. When methoprene was applied to larvae that had entered diapause, it disrupted diapause by inducing a moult.  相似文献   

Three hours after parenteral administration of 32P-labeled exotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis to caterpillars of Galleria mellonella, 80% of the radioactivity was localized in the hemolymph in the form of the original exotoxin. The remaining radioactivity occurred in the organs of the caterpillar, especially in the spinning glands and the intestine. After peroral administration, the exotoxin does not pass the intestinal wall into the hemolymph to a measurable degree. In this case, the exotoxin is split in the intestinal wall and the products of 32P reutilization have been found in the hemolymph. The mechanism of action of the exotoxin in the insect organism is discussed; presumably it depends on different ways of administration of the substance.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of apolipophorin-III (apoLp-III), a lipid-binding hemolymph protein from the greater wax moth,Galleria mellonella, was determined by protein sequencing. The mature protein consists of 163 amino acid residues forming a protein of 18,075.5 Da. Its sequence is similar to apoLp-III from other Lepidopteran species, but remarkably different from the apoLp-IIIs of insects from other orders. As shown by mass spectrometric analysis, the protein carries no modifications. Thus, all of its known physiological functions, including its recently discovered immune response-stimulating activity, must reside in the protein itself.  相似文献   

The high molecular fraction of the extract from Metarhizium anisopliae grown on wheat bran contains proteolytic enzymes which are toxic for Galleria mellonella larvae. The complex of proteases was fractionated using precipitation with ammonium sulfate, gel filtration, and electrofocusing. Two components have been found: one with the optimum of activity on hemoglobin at pH 6.5, and the second with the optimum around pH 9. The prevailing protease acting at pH 6.5 was inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and the inhibition was followed by decrease of toxicity. The molecular weights of the enzymes are 35 × 103 and 71 × 103.  相似文献   

We have investigated the influence of juvenile hormone (JH) on the intestinal epithelium of G. mellonella, in vivo and in vitro. The larvae undergoing a supernumerary instar present a typical larval epithelium with columnar (CL) and globlet (CF) cells; the spinning period is characterized by a delay and a loss of synchronism in the process of differentiation of intermediates cells (Ci) typical of the pharate pupa. The larval-pupal intermediates show true mosaïcs in which Ci and CF are juxtaposed; however, the ratio of Ci in the epithelium progressively increases.The injection of JH at the beginning of spinning induces the appearance of CF just as Ci should normally grow. Hormone administration during the second half of the spinning period modifies the differentiation of epithelial cells: they become taller. We consider them to be cells engaged in pharate pupal differentiation, and which have then been partially oriented toward larval differentiation.These results show that the intestinal epithelium is a competent tissue, the sensibility of which to JH, is higher than that of the epidermis. The basal cell plasticity is very important and the action of JH on their differentiation may lead to CL or CF, to tall cells, and to Ci, depending on hormonal rate. In vitro, the experiments show that the action of JH is probably direct on the target tissue. The fact that JH can act very late as a modifier of the differentiation of the growing epithelial cells exclude the possibility that the hormone exercises its control through DNA replication.  相似文献   

Changes in the activities of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes in the gut and fat body of Galleria mellonella and Barathra brassicae larvac infected by the microsporidans Nosema plodiae and Pleistophora schubergi were studied by means of dise electrophoresis. In the normal last instar G. mellonella gut and fat body three isoenzymes, LDH-1, LDH-2-3, and LDH-4, and in B. brassicae two isoenzymes, LDH-1 and LDH-2-3, were present. In the fat body of both the animals infected by N. plodiae, the isoenzyme LDH-2-3 increased in activity substantially by the fifth day of infection. The gut LDH isoenzymes were not affected by the microsporidan. The same LDH-2-3 effect could be provoked by some enzymes toxic for G. mellonella larvae such as phospholipase-C and protease preparations.  相似文献   

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