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Induction of the tetracycline-resistance genes function by the inducer of the DNA-repair and mutability SOS-system, UV-light, has been tested. Activity of the tet-genes residing on the plasmid RP4 in Escherichia coli cells has been shown to be inducible by the low doses of tetracycline as well as by the mutagenic doses of UV-light. The induction was quantitatively registered by measuring the activity of beta-galactosidase of bacteriophage Mud1 (Ap, Lac) inserted into the tet-genes of the plasmid RP4. The bacteriophage integration inactivates the tet-genes function of the constructed plasmid fusing the lac-operon to a promoter of inactivated genes. Precise excision of bacteriophage restores the activity of the tet-genes proving together with the plasmid DNA-restriction analysis the fusion of tet-promoter with Iac-operon. The tet-genes of RP4 are concluded to be a part of the SOS-regulon, a set of genes inducible by the conditions harming the bacterial cell. Preliminary data on the mutagenic activity of tetracycline obtained in the bacterial test-system of mutagens are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The region of the phage lambda chromosome containing the attachment site (P · P) and the genes int and xis, excised by the action of endonuclease R.EcoRI, has been inserted into the unique site for that enzyme on the promiscuous conjugative plasmid, RP4, generating the recombinant plasmid RP4att. Transformants containing the hybrid plasmid were recognised by their ability to allow efficient lysogenization by phage b2 (Weil and Signer, 1968; Echols et al., 1968) containing the mutant attachment site · P. The construction and properties of the hybrid plasmid RP4att are described.  相似文献   

A small plasmid containing the entire nif gene cluster of Enterobacter agglomerans 333 as an excisable cassette has been constructed, using pACYC177 as a vector. Two cosmid clones taken from a gene library of E. agglomerans plasmid pEA3 were used as a source of nif genes. A SmaI fragment of peaMS2-2, containing the H,D,K,Y,E,N,X,U,S,V,W,Z,M,L,A and B genes and an ApaI fragment of peaMS2-16 containing nifA,B,Q,F and J were selected to construct pMH2. The resulting plasmid of 33 kb carries the complete nif gene cluster as a nif cassette on a single XbaI fragment. The nif construct pMH2 in Escherichia coli strains has significant nitrogenase activity compared to wild-type E. agglomerans 333. The nif gene cluster construct was found to be very stable.  相似文献   

V N Mironov  V K Gordeev 《Genetika》1984,20(9):1457-1462
We have tested possibilities of Escherichia coli strains dependent on drugs streptomycin and paromomycin for selection of spontaneous mutations in the RP4 kan gene specifying resistance to aminoglycosids--kanamycin, neomycin and paromycin. A set of kan gene mutations were obtained, classified ad mapped.  相似文献   

Various deletion mutants of the identical broad-host-range plasmids RP4 and RK2, obtained after conjugative transfer of these plasmids from Escherichia coli to Alcaligenes eutrophus H16, were tested with respect to their segregation behaviour. Although the parent plasmids and some of the deletion mutants were completely stable in both A. eutrophus and E. coli, other derivatives were lost under non-selective conditions. The analysis of these deletion mutants allowed the identification and mapping of a region encoding a partitioning system (par) between the tra2 region and the kanamycin resistance gene of RP4 (RK2). This area corresponds to the PstI-C restriction fragment of RP4 (RK2). Cloning of this fragment into several unstable vector plasmids including pBR322 and pACYC177 resulted in all cases in an increase of segregational stability. By insertion of the par-region into an unstable broad-host-range mobilizable plasmid and transfer to a series of gram-negative bacteria, it could be shown that the cloned par-region of RP4 is functional in a broad-host-range.  相似文献   

A physical and genetical map of the plasmid pEA3 indigenous to Enterobacter agglomerans is presented. pEA3 is a 111-kb large plasmid containing a 23-kb large cluster of nif genes which shows extensive homology (Southern hybridization and heteroduplex analysis) to the entire nif gene cluster of Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp) M5a1. All the nif genes on pEA3 are organized in the same manner as in K. pneumoniae, except nifJ, which is located on the left end of pEA3 nif gene cluster (near nifQB). A BamHI restriction map of pEA3 and a detailed restriction map of the 23-kb nif region on pEA3 is also presented. The nif genes of pEA3 showed a low level of acetylene reduction in Escherichia coli, demonstrating that these genes are functional and contain the whole genetic information required to fix nitrogen. The origin of vegetative replication (OriV) of pEA3 was localized about 5.5 kb from the right end of the nif gene cluster. In addition to pEA3, large plasmids from four other strains of E. agglomerans showed homology to all the Kp nif genes tested, indicating that in diazotrophic strains of E. agglomerans nif genes are usually located on plasmids. In contrast, in most of the free-living, nitrogen-fixing bacteria the nif genes are on chromosome.  相似文献   

Plasmid RP4 transfer between introduced pseudomonads was studied in non-rhizosphere and rhizosphere soil. The addition of nutrients to the non-rhizosphere soil stimulated plasmid transfers between introduced donor and recipient cells, and no transfer was detected in nonamended soil. Transfer was also detected in soil in a model rhizosphere, but not in corresponding non-rhizosphere soil. Colony hybridization with whole plasmid RP4 DNA as a probe was employed to detect transfers to indigenous organisms in soil. Although transfers to introduced recipient cells were easily detected in parallel controls, no indigenous organisms were identified that had received RP4. Background levels of soil organisms with the RP4 resistance pattern were considerable, and about 10% of these populations contained DNA sequences with homology to RP4. However, no plasmids could be detected in any of 20 isolates, nor was resistance transfer to aPseudomonas fluorescens recipient detected in filter matings.  相似文献   

Determination of a 28,793-base-pair DNA sequence of a region from the Azotobacter vinelandii genome that includes and flanks the nitrogenase structural gene region was completed. This information was used to revise the previously proposed organization of the major nif cluster. The major nif cluster from A. vinelandii encodes 15 nif-specific genes whose products bear significant structural identity to the corresponding nif-specific gene products from Klebsiella pneumoniae. These genes include nifH, nifD, nifK, nifT, nifY, nifE, nifN, nifX, nifU, nifS, nifV, nifW, nifZ, nifM, and nifF. Although there are significant spatial differences, the identified A. vinelandii nif-specific genes have the same sequential arrangement as the corresponding nif-specific genes from K. pneumoniae. Twelve other potential genes whose expression could be subject to nif-specific regulation were also found interspersed among the identified nif-specific genes. These potential genes do not encode products that are structurally related to the identified nif-specific gene products. Eleven potential nif-specific promoters were identified within the major nif cluster, and nine of these are preceded by an appropriate upstream activator sequence. A + T-rich regions were identified between 8 of the 11 proposed nif promoter sequences and their upstream activator sequences. Site-directed deletion-and-insertion mutagenesis was used to establish a genetic map of the major nif cluster.  相似文献   

Transfer of plasmid RP4 to indigenous bacteria in bulk soil could only be detected in soil with nutrient amendment. Lack of physiological active donor and recipient cells was apparently one of the limiting factors in un-amended bulk soil. Plasmid transfer was detected both in the spermosphere and rhizosphere of barley seedlings. Transfer occured from seed coated donor bacteria (i) to introduced recipient bacteria and (ii) to indigenous bacteria present in soil. Plasmid transfer was also detected from donor bacteria introduced to the soil to seed coated recipient bacteria. Transfer efficiencies in the rhizosphere were significantly below the transfer efficiencies obtained in the spermosphere. The transfer efficiencies detected in the barley spermosphere were among the highest reported from any natural environment.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage Mu genome has been transferred into the cells of Pseudomonas methanolica and Methylobacterium sp. SKF240, that are naturally resistant to the bacteriophage, as a fragment of a hybrid plasmid RP4::Mu cts62. Temperature induction of the bacteriophage results in host cell lysis. Plasmid RP::Mu cis62 is maintained in methylotrophic cells presenting a cointegrative structure.The genetic and electrophoretic, analyses of the DNA isolated from transconjugant cells have confirmed the conclusion. Bacteriophage Mu propagation has been shown to be restricted in methylotrophic cells.  相似文献   

Chromosomal transfer promoted by the promiscuous plasmid RP4.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
M D Watson  J G Scaife 《Plasmid》1978,1(2):226-237
We have studied the properties of the recombinant plasmid RP4λatt. This plasmid possesses the EcoRI-generated fragment of phage λ containing the genes att-int-xis (srIλ2–3) inserted into the single EcoRI site of the promiscuous plasmid RP4. The insertion of this λ fragment has no detectable effect on normal plasmid functions. However, it confers the ability to promote low-frequency polarized chromosomal transfer by int-promoted integration into the host λ attachment site attλ. We have succeeded in isolating an Hfr derivative which has the plasmid stably integrated at attλ. The Hfr derivative is unusual in having both an integrated and an autonomous RP4λatt stably coexisting in the same cell.  相似文献   

Two mechanisms necessary for the stable inheritance of plasmid RP4   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Plasmid RP4 is stably maintained in strains of Escherichia coli and other Gram-negative bacteria. Inactivation of the plasmid primase gene (pri) or removal of the PstIC fragment gave RP4 derivatives that are slightly unstably maintained in E. coli. Removal of the Tn 1 multimer resolution system (res and tnpR) did not lead to any detectable plasmid loss. Removal of all three of these regions, however, gave rise to pNJ5000 which is lost at high frequency. We have dissected the mechanisms causing this phenomenon. In contrast to RP4, pNJ5000 accumulates significantly as plasmid multimers in a Rec+ host; in a recA host, multimers are not seen and the plasmid is stably maintained. Multimers therefore appear to form by recA-mediated homologous recombination and cause plasmid instability, perhaps by interfering with partition. We demonstrate a mechanism provided by the PstIC fragment which acts on multimers analogously to the Tn1/3 resolution system on plasmid cointegrates, being effective only when cloned in cis. The loss of pri, on the other hand, can be complemented in trans. Our results are consistent with the view that primase prevents multimers forming (rather than resolving them once formed), perhaps by binding specifically to single-stranded regions of the plasmid and preventing homologous pairing.  相似文献   

D M Gol'dfarb  E I Popov 《Genetika》1979,15(11):1963-1970
Interaction of conjugative plasmids F'colV colB trp and PR4 in Escherichia coli host was studied during the transfer of the plasmids from cell to cell. The plasmid F'colV colB trp is found to stimulate the transfer of RP4 from the diplasmid strain. This seems to be due to stabilization of the conjugating pairs which require normal pili coded by the plasmid F'colV colB trp.  相似文献   

A 14-kilobase (kb) fragment of Rhizobium trifolii Sym plasmid containing nodulation (nod) genes or the pSym plasmid of R. trifolii cointegrated with a broad-host-range vector R68.45 (pPN1) were transferred to Lignobacter strain K17 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO5 by conjugation. Lignobacter transconjugants carrying Sym plasmid pPN1 formed nodules on white, red, and subterranean clover plants. Lignobacter transconjugants containing a 14-kb fragment of nod genes cloned into a multicopy plasmid nodulated only white and subterranean clover plants, whereas transconjugants carrying the same fragment cloned into a low-copy plasmid vector nodulated only white clover plants. All nodules formed by Lignobacter transconjugants showed bacterial release from the infection threads into the host cytoplasm. Pseudomonas transconjugants with plasmid pPN1 formed nodule-like structures on white clover plants. These structures were not invaded by bacteria; however, a few bacteria were found within the intercellular spaces of the outermost cells of the structures. Pseudomonas transconjugants carrying the 14-kb fragment of R. trifolii nod genes did not form nodules on tested clover plants. All clover plants inoculated with either Pseudomonas or Lignobacter transconjugants containing a 14-kb fragment of nod genes (but not entire Sym plasmid) showed the "thick-and-short-root" response when compared to the control plants inoculated with the R. trifolii wild-type strain.  相似文献   

Summary We used the hybrid plasmid pAS8 in order to conduct the genetic analysis of RP4 plasmid. The presence of two replicons in the hybrid plasmid permitted to expand the spectrum of deletion mutants of RP4 isolated, which are capable to autonomous replication. The shortening of the hybrid plasmid was achieved by P22 transduction, by induction of deletion mutants using mitomycin C, as well as by selection of Tra- mutants on the basis of resistance of cells to P-specific phages. These techniques have lead to isolation of clones possessing different combinations of plasmid resistance determinants.Comparison of phenotypic characteristics of deletion plasmids pAS9, pAS10, pAS11, pAS12 and pAS10-2 permitted to propose the map for pAS8 plasmid with the following sequence of markers: trakan-ColE1-amp-tet...Heteroduplex analysis of deletion mutants of pAS8 permitted to construct a physical map and to elaborate in greater detail the functional map of RP4 plasmid. The correlation between the ability of mutants to replicate in polA (TS) strain at nonpermissive conditions and the length of the deleted segment permitted to map rep genes of RP4 on a region with coordinates 9.8–17.3 kb. A relationship between the manifestation of incompatibility of mutants with Inc P-1 plasmids and the length of deletions points out that inc genes are located on DNA region with coordinates 2.1–9.8 kb. The analysis of replication of deletion mutants and the manifestation of incompatibility just as of the data about the size of appropriate deletions permitted to make the conclusion about the functional and genetic independence of the replication control and incompatibility control in RP4 plasmid.  相似文献   

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