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We have investigated the relative merits of two commonly used methods for target site selection for ribozymes: secondary structure prediction (MFold program) and in vitro accessibility assays. A total of eight methylated ribozymes with DNA arms were synthesized and analyzed in a transient co-transfection assay in HeLa cells. Residual expression levels ranging from 23 to 72% were obtained with anti-PSKH1 ribozymes compared to cells transfected with an irrelevant control ribozyme. Ribozyme efficacy depended on both ribozyme concentration and the steady state expression levels of the target mRNA. Allylated ribozymes against a subset of the target sites generally displayed poorer efficacy than their methylated counterparts. This effect appeared to be influenced by in vivo accessibility of the target site. Ribozymes designed on the basis of either selection method displayed a wide range of efficacies with no significant differences in the average activities of the two groups of ribozymes. While in vitro accessibility assays had limited predictive power, there was a significant correlation between certain features of the predicted secondary structure of the target sequence and the efficacy of the corresponding ribozyme. Specifically, ribozyme efficacy appeared to be positively correlated with the presence of short stem regions and helices of low stability within their target sequences. There were no correlations with predicted free energy or loop length.  相似文献   

A selection system for identifying accessible sites in target RNAs   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  

Cleavage of full-length beta APP mRNA by hammerhead ribozymes.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

We obtained a partial sequence of mouse calretinin mRNA from cDNA clones, and designed hammerhead ribozymes to cleave positions within it. With a view to optimising hammerhead ribozymes for eliminating the mRNA in vivo, we varied the length and sequence of the three duplex 'arms' and measured the cleavage of long RNA substrates in vitro at 37 degrees C (as well as 50 degrees C). Precise cleavage occurred, but it could only go to completion with a large excess of ribozyme. The evidence suggests that the rate-limiting step with a large target is not the cleavage, but the formation of the active ribozyme: substrate complex. The efficiency varied unpredictably according to the target site, the length of the substrate RNA, and the length of the ribozyme; secondary structure in vitro may be responsible. We particularly investigated the degree of sequence-specificity. Some mismatches could be tolerated, but shortening of the total basepairing with the substrate to less than 14 bp drastically reduced activity, implying that interaction with weakly-matched RNAs is unlikely to be a serious problem in vivo. These results suggest that specific and complete cleavage of a mRNA in vivo should be possible, given high-level expression of a ribozyme against a favourable target site.  相似文献   

N S Lee  E Bertrand    J Rossi 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》1999,5(9):1200-1209
Subcellular localization signals for several mRNAs are positioned in their 3' untranslated regions (UTR). We have utilized the human alpha- and beta-actin 3' UTRs as signals for colocalizing hammerhead ribozymes with a lacZtarget mRNA. Ribozyme and target genes containing matched or unmatched 3' UTRs were cotransfected into 12-day-old chicken embryonic myoblast and fibroblast (CEMF) cultures and assayed by in situ hybridization (ISH) using a dual label, antibody sandwich procedure, and dual fluorescence microscopy to monitor intracellular colocalization. Beta-galactosidase localization in transfectants was visualized by incubation with X-gal and also quantitated by an o-nitrophenyl beta-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG) assay. We found that the percentage of colocalization using the matched alpha- or beta-actin 3' UTR (alpha-alpha or beta-beta) was enhanced approximately threefold relative to unmatched 3' UTRs. The increase in ribozyme-mediated inhibition of beta-galactosidase activity observed when matched 3' UTRs were used was consistent with the observed percentage of colocalization. These results represent the first direct demonstration that mRNA localization signals (zipcodes) can be utilized to enhance intracellular ribozyme efficacy.  相似文献   

Semi-random libraries of DNA 6mers and RNase H digestion were applied to search for sites accessible to hybridization on the genomic and antigenomic HDV ribozymes and their 3′ truncated derivatives. An approach was proposed to correlate the cleavage sites and most likely sequences of oligomers, members of the oligonucleotide libraries, which were engaged in the formation of RNA–DNA hybrids. The predicted positions of oligomers hybridizing to the genomic ribozyme were compared with the fold of polynucleotide chain in the ribozyme crystal structure. The data exemplified the crucial role of target RNA structural features in the binding of antisense oligonucleotides. It turned out that cleavages were induced if the bound oligomer could adapt an ordered helical conformation even when it required partial penetration of an adjacent double-stranded region. The major features of RNA structure disfavoring hybridization and/or RNase H hydrolysis were sharp turns of the polynucleotide chain and breaks in stacking interactions of bases. Based on the predicted positions of oligomers hybridizing to the antigenomic ribozyme we chose and synthesized four antisense DNA 6mers which were shown to direct hydrolysis in the desired, earlier predicted regions of the molecule.  相似文献   

Previously, suppression of the S100A4 mRNA by an endogenously expressed ribozyme in osteosarcoma cells was shown to inhibit their metastasis in rats. As a prelude to performing similar studies with exogenous, synthetic ribozymes, we compared a series of hammerhead ribozymes targeted against different sites in the mRNA. The ribozymes differed only in the 7-base flanking sequences complementary to the substrate and were protected against nucleases by chemical modification. Cleavage efficiency varied widely and was not obviously related to the predicted secondary structure of the target RNA. The most active ribozyme of the series was chosen for further optimization. Lengthening its flanking sequences was counterproductive and reduced cleavage even when using excess ribozyme. Using excess substrate (multiple-turnover kinetics), cleavage was fastest with the (6+8) ribozyme having 6 nucleotides (nt) in stem III and 8 nt in stem I. Although these stems strongly influence ribozyme performance, their optimization is still empirical. Faster cleavage was obtained by adding facilitator oligonucleotides to ribozymes with shorter stems of (6+6) and (5+5) nt. Stimulation was particularly strong in the case of the (5+5) ribozyme, which was poorly active by itself. The enhancement caused by different facilitator oligonucleotides paralleled their expected ability to hybridize to RNA as a function of length and chemical modification.  相似文献   

Hammerhead ribozymes were transcribed from a dsDNA template containing four random nucleotides between stems II and III, which replace the naturally occurring GAA nucleotides. In vitro selection was used to select hammerhead ribozymes capable of in cis cleavage using denaturing polyacrylamide gels for the isolation of cleaving sequences. Self-cleaving ribozymes were cloned after the first and second rounds of selection, sequenced and characterised. Only sequences containing 5'-HGAA-3', where H is A, C or U, between stems II and III were active; G was clearly not tolerated at this position. Thus, only three sequences out of the starting pool of 256 (4(4)) were active. The Michaelis-Menten parameters were determined for the in trans cleaving versions of these ribozymes and indicate that selected ribozymes are less efficient than the native sequence. We propose that the selected ribozymes accommodate the extra nucleotide as a bulge in stem II.  相似文献   

Group I introns have been engineered into trans-splicing ribozymes capable of replacing the 3'-terminal portion of an external mRNA with their own 3'-exon. Although this design makes trans-splicing ribozymes potentially useful for therapeutic application, their trans-splicing efficiency is usually too low for medical use. One factor that strongly influences trans-splicing efficiency is the position of the target splice site on the mRNA substrate. Viable splice sites are currently determined using a biochemical trans-tagging assay. Here, we propose a rapid and inexpensive alternative approach to identify efficient splice sites. This approach involves the computation of the binding free energies between ribozyme and mRNA substrate. We found that the computed binding free energies correlate well with the trans-splicing efficiency experimentally determined at 18 different splice sites on the mRNA of chloramphenicol acetyl transferase. In contrast, our results from the trans-tagging assay correlate less well with measured trans-splicing efficiency. The computed free energy components suggest that splice site efficiency depends on the following secondary structure rearrangements: hybridization of the ribozyme's internal guide sequence (IGS) with mRNA substrate (most important), unfolding of substrate proximal to the splice site, and release of the IGS from the 3'-exon (least important). The proposed computational approach can also be extended to fulfill additional design requirements of efficient trans-splicing ribozymes, such as the optimization of 3'-exon and extended guide sequences.  相似文献   

Hammerhead ribozymes were synthesized in which the tetranucleotide loop II was replaced by non-nucleotidic linkers of 7, 13, 17 and 19 atoms length. Ribozymes with 17 and 19 atom linkers, in combination with a 4 base pair stem II, had catalytic efficiencies which were 2 fold increased to that of the parent ribozyme with a tetranucleotide loop. Ribozymes with these linkers, but in combination with a 2 base pair stem II, showed a 2 fold decrease in catalytic efficiency when compared to the parent ribozyme. Prolonged preincubation in the presence of MgCl2 was required for hexaethylene glycol linker-modified ribozymes to obtain maximum activity and reproducible kinetic data.  相似文献   

In vitro activity of minimised hammerhead ribozymes.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A number of minimised hammerhead ribozymes (minizymes) which lack stem II have been kinetically characterised. These minizymes display optimal cleavage activity at temperatures around 37 degrees C. The cleavage reactions of the minizymes are first order in hydroxide ion concentration up to around pH 9.3 above which the cleavage rate constants decline rapidly. The reactions show a biphasic dependence on magnesium-ion concentration; one of the interactions has an apparent dissociation constant of around 20 mM while the other appears to be very weak, showing no sign of saturation at 200 mM MgCl2. The minizymes are significantly less active than comparable, full-size ribozymes when cleaving short substrates. However, at a particular site in a transcribed TAT gene from HIV-1, minizymes are more effective than ribozymes.  相似文献   

Most researchers who intend to suppress a particular gene are interested primarily in the application of ribozyme technology rather than its mechanistic details. This article provides some background information and describes a straightforward strategy to generate and test a special design of a ribozyme: the asymmetric hammerhead ribozyme. This version of a hammerhead ribozyme carries at its 5' end the catalytic domain and at its 3' end a relatively long antisense flank that is complementary to the target RNA. Asymmetric hammerhead ribozymes can be constructed via polymerase chain reaction amplification, and rules are provided on how to select the DNA oligonucleotides required for this reaction. In addition to details on construction, we describe how to test asymmetric hammerhead ribozymes for association with the target RNA in vitro, so that RNA constructs can be selected and optimized for fast hybridization with their target RNA. This test can allow one to minimize association problems caused by the secondary structure of the target RNA. Additionally, we describe the in vitro cleavage assay and the determination of the cleavage rate constant. Testing for efficient cleavage is also a prerequisite for reliable and successful application of the technology. A carefully selected RNA will be more promising when eventually used for target suppression in living cells.  相似文献   

Kinetics of intermolecular cleavage by hammerhead ribozymes.   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
M J Fedor  O C Uhlenbeck 《Biochemistry》1992,31(48):12042-12054
The hammerhead catalytic RNA effects cleavage of the phosphodiester backbone of RNA through a transesterification mechanism that generates products with 2'-3'-cyclic phosphate and 5'-hydroxyl termini. A minimal kinetic mechanism for the intermolecular hammerhead cleavage reaction includes substrate binding, cleavage, and product release. Elemental rate constants for these steps were measured with six hammerhead sequences. Changes in substrate length and sequence had little effect on the rate of the cleavage step, but dramatic differences were observed in the substrate dissociation and product release steps that require helix-coil transitions. Rates of substrate binding and product dissociation correlated well with predictions based on the behavior of simple RNA duplexes, but substrate dissociation rates were significantly faster than expected. Ribozyme and substrate alterations that eliminated catalytic activity increased the stability of the hammerhead complex. These results suggest that substrate destabilization may play a role in hammerhead catalysis.  相似文献   

A trans-cleaving asymmetric hammerhead ribozyme directed against an AUC decreases target motif within an RNA specific for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was generated. The AUC decreases motif of the target RNA was permutated in order to generate all 12 variants of an NUX decreases consensus target motif, wherein N = A, C, G or U and X = A, C or U. Four asymmetric hammerhead ribozymes differing in the nucleotide that is complementary to N were generated, of which each was specific for three of the 12 target motifs. The residual sequence context within helices I and III remained unchanged. All 12 combinations resulted in cleavage of the target RNA. Using single-turnover conditions, the detectable cleavage rate constants at 37 degrees C were determined, which varied considerably depending on the NUX decreases motif. The NUC decreases motifs were cleaved more efficiently, with AUC decreases being cleaved best. Comparison with previous studies indicates that the sequence context of the NUX decreases motif plays a major role for the detectable cleavage activity.  相似文献   

In vivo decay kinetic parameters of hammerhead ribozymes.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Weinberg MS  Rossi JJ 《FEBS letters》2005,579(7):1619-1624
trans-Cleaving hammerhead ribozyme variants were generated with mimicked non-conserved internal loop motifs derived from five structurally diverse natural cis-cleaving ribozymes. Most modified trans-cleaving variants showed enhanced single-turnover cleavage rates relative to minimal counterparts that lack tertiary interactions between internal loop motifs I and II, and relative to controls with sequence changes in loop I. The trans-cleaving ribozyme derived from the positive strand of peach latent mosaic viroid had the highest observed cleavage rate, suggesting a structurally optimized motif that facilitates rapid formation of the ribozyme catalytic center in a trans-reaction.  相似文献   

A new method for predicting signal sequence cleavage sites.   总被引:635,自引:20,他引:635       下载免费PDF全文
A new method for identifying secretory signal sequences and for predicting the site of cleavage between a signal sequence and the mature exported protein is described. The predictive accuracy is estimated to be around 75-80% for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins.  相似文献   

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