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Proton magnetic longitudinal T1 relaxation times have been measured for acid (horse) ferrimyoglobin solutions [0.1 M NaCl and KH2PO4, 2 M NaCl and 1 M MgCl2] from 5°C to 35°C in dependence on myoglobin concentration up to 6 mM. The enhancement of the relaxation rate due to the paramagnetic haem iron. which is observed in this temperature range is compared with analogous data for the ferrihaemoglobin solution. The conclusion is that the protons exchanging from the haem pocket with bulk solvent are not those from the water molecule at the sixth ligand site of haem iron. The exchanging protons are more than 4 Å away from the haem iron being closer to it in ferrimyoglobin than in ferrihaemogiobin. This distance becomes larger in solutions with higher salt concentration, the largest difference between 0.1 M NaCl and 1 M MgCl2 being over one Angstrom unit. This indicates a conformational change of the haem pocket, possibly its tightening.  相似文献   

The proton magnetic relaxation time, T1, has been measured at 29 MHz in 0.1M KH2PO4 and 0.1M NaCI (both pH 6) aqueous solutions of human ferrihaemoglobin, the protein concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 5 mM per haem. The linear dependence on protein concentration of the enhancement in relaxation rates, Δ(1/T1), due to the presence of the paramagnetic iron in haemoglobin was confirmed at 34°C and at ~10°C. In the middle temperature range there is a thermally activated process, whose energy of activation depends on protein concentration. This dependence is different for the two salt solutions; Ea increases with cHb for 0.1M KH2PO4 and decreases for 0.1M NaCI. The model of water-proton exchange between the bulk solvent and the sixth coordination site of the haem iron was used to calculate the distance from the “liganded” water protons to the haem iron. This yields distances much larger than those determined by X-ray crystal structure analysis. A model is proposed which reconciliates both types of data. The low-temperature relaxation rates cannot be used in deriving quantitative stereochemical data for the haem pocket because of its special shape. Irrespective of the molecular model adopted, the experimental results show clearly that, both at low (~10°C) and higher (>34°C) temperatures, the interaction of paramagnetic haem iron with water protons is practically the same for the two aqueous solutions. The dynamic state of the haemoglobin molecule, as indicated by the middle-temperature range, is completely different in 0.1M KH2PO4 and 0.1M NaCl, pH 6.  相似文献   

We have measured the proton longitudinal relaxation times of tissue water of healthy and tumor-bearing mice as a function of the Larmor frequency in the range 6.7 to 90 MHz. These data can be rationalized according to , where A and B are constants specific to the tissue species. We present an interpretation of this frequency dependence within the Fast Exchange Two States model. It is shown that involving a distribution of correlation times for water proton-proton interaction does not yield consistent results, whereas a physically meaningful translational diffusion model pertinent to the dipolar interaction between water protons and macromolecules protons leads to the required frequency dependence. Essentially tissues would differ by the ‘bound’ versus ‘free’ proportion, or by structural properties of cells, rather than by the time-scales governing water motion.  相似文献   

Water proton longitudinal NMR relaxation times were measured in various tissues of healthy and tumor-bearing mice. Measurements were performed as a function of the Larmor frequency nu in the range 6-90 MHz, and at two temperatures (theta + and theta -) bracketing the 'freezing transition', at which the major part of the water signal disappears. At both temperatures, 1/T1 behaves according to: 1/T1 = A/square root nu + B A and B are obtained at theta + and theta -, and yield the proportion of bound water, which is convincingly identified with non-freezable water. The proportions found lie around 6% for tumors and 12% for other tissues. Discrimination between tissues via T1 is demonstrated to be essentially due to the bound water proportion. Bound water on the one hand and free water on the other hand behave similarly in all tissues including tumors. The activation energy for free water is found to be identical to that of pure water, although relaxation times are markedly different. It is noticed that determining the bound water proportion by signal intensity measurements at theta + and theta - is less reliable than by the T1 method.  相似文献   

The mechanism of water exchange between the haem-pocket and bulk solvent in aqueous methaemopiotein solutions was firmly substantiated by using the aliphatic protons of certain lower alcohols in an otherwise deuterated solution for measuring the incremental relaxation rates resulting from their magnetic interaction with the haem-iron. The fast-exchange condition was established for solutions of horse fluorometmyoglobin, human A fluoromethaemoglobin and Chironomus thummi aquomethaemoglobin. The distances between the exchangeable protons and the haem-iron obtained from these PMR measurements concur with the presence of the fluoride ion, while for Chironomus aquomethaemoglobin this distance is also much larger than that resulting from the location of the 6th site Water molecule. The latter finding is the first clear-cut evidence that the exchanging protons belong to the next neighbour water molecule, a previously advanced hypothesis. The exchanging water molecule may thus serve as a natural probe for comparing the haem-pocket conformational state(s) under different conditions or in various haemoproteins.  相似文献   

The times of proton magnetic relaxation in dilute (<1%), aqueous solutions of dextrans, having a molecular weight range of 17 x 103?500 x 103, are highly sensitive to the temperature—time prehistory of the samples investigated. Reliable results have been obtained only after preliminary heating of the solutions at 100° for 30 min. On the basis of the model of “two states of water in a solution”, the dependence of the degree of hydration of a dextran on its molecular weight has been obtained. In the molecular weight range 17 x 103?110 x 103, only a fraction of the D-glucose residues are hydrated, the degree of hydration increasing with the molecular weight. The data obtained are considered to be a consequence of intersegmentary interaction in a dextran macromolecule.  相似文献   

By use of D2O we found that the shortening of the longitudinal proton relaxation time which occurs in the investigated aqueous yeast DNA solutions (≦ 2.4% with 2% protein) was not based on a hydration effect, but was caused by magnetic impurities only. An estimate shows that the mobility of the hydrated water molecules is reduced by less than two orders of magnitude in comparison with the free water molecules.  相似文献   

The complex dielectric constant of collagen in aqueous solutions (polymer concentration, Cp = 0.02–0.2%) was measured at 10°C in the frequency range from 3 Hz to 30 kHz. The loss peak for Cp = 0.02% is located at 90 Hz and the dielectric relaxation time τD is estimated to be 1.8 ± 0.3 msec. The τD agrees well with the rotational relaxation time estimated from the reduced viscosity, and the relaxation is ascribed to the end-over-end rotation of the molecule. The Cp dependence of τD and the dielectric increment Δε are interpreted in terms of the aggregation of molecules. The dipole moment of a molecule, obtained from Δε at Cp = 0.02% and pH 6.5, is (5.2 ± 0.2) × 104D, which is explained by the asymmetrical distribution of the ionized side chains of the molecule.  相似文献   

(13)C spin-lattice relaxation times (T(1)) and nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOE) were measured as a function of temperature and magnetic field strength for the hetero-polysaccharide hyaluronan in water solutions. The relaxation data of the endocyclic ring carbons were successfully interpreted in terms of chain segmental motions by using the bimodal time-correlation function of Dejean de la Batie, Laupretre and Monnerie. On the basis of the calculated correlation times for segmental motion and amplitudes of librational motions of the C-H vectors at the various carbon sites of the HA repeating unit, we concluded that intramolecular hydrogen bonding of the secondary structure of HA plays a major role in the conformational flexibility of this carbohydrate molecule. The internal rotation of the free hydroxymethyl groups about the exocyclic C-5-C-6 bonds superimposed on segmental motion has been described as a diffusion process of restricted amplitude. The rate and amplitude of the internal rotation indicate that the hydroxymethyl groups are not involved in intramolecular hydrogen bonding. Finally, the motional parameters describing the local dynamics of the HA chain were correlated with the secondary structure of HA in aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

Nanosecond relaxation processes in aqueous mononucleoside solutions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
L M Rhodes  P R Schimmel 《Biochemistry》1971,10(24):4426-4433

Field-dependent measurements of the paramagnetic relaxation enhancement for water protons in the presence of Mn(II) complexes ( S=5/2), reported recently, are re-interpreted using theoretical models that take into consideration the fact that the relaxation of the electron spin for S>1 is multiexponential (even in the Redfield limit) and that are valid for an arbitrary relation between the electronic Zeeman interaction and the zero-field splitting in the complex.  相似文献   

Dielectric relaxation of DNA in aqueous solutions.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a four-electrode cell and a new electronic system for direct detection of the frequency differences specturm of solution impedance, the complex dielectric constant of calf thymus DNA (Mr = 4 × 106) in aqueous NaCl at 10°C is measured at frequencies ranging from 0.2 Hz to 30 kHz. The DNA concentrations are Cp = 0.01% and 0.05%, and the NaCl concentrations are varied from Cs = 10?4 M to 10?3 M. A single relaxation regions is found in this frequency range, the relaxation frequency being 10 Hz at Cp = 0.01% and Cs = 10?3 M. At Cp = 0.05% it is evidenced that the DNA chains have appreciable intermolecular interactions. The dielectric relaxaton time τd at Cp = 0.01% agrees well with the rotational relaxation time estimated from the reduced visocisty on the assumption that the DNA is not representable as a rigid rod but a coiled chain. It is concluded that the dielectric relaxiatioinis ascribed to the rotation of the molecule. Observed values of dielectric increment and other experimental findings are reasonably explained by assuming that the dipole moment of DNA results from the slow counterion fluctuation which has a longer relaxation time than τd.  相似文献   

Structural alterations of the haem vicinity of the high-spin derivatives of bovine ferric myoglobin (metmyoglobin) and human haemoglobin and the changes of the interaction with inositol hexaphosphate induced by ethanediol were monitored by solvent-proton magnetic relaxation. On addition of ethanediol up to 60% the fluoromet derivatives exhibit a gradual increase in the accessibility of the haem for the molecules from the solvent. In aquomethaemoglobin solutions with more than 25% ethanediol there is no unique explanation of proton magnetic relaxation. Ethanediol enhances the binding of inositol hexaphosphate to methaemoglobin, but the structural consequences of this binding on the haem-pockets seem to be diminished. The mechanisms of the observed structural and functional alterations of myoglobin as well as haemoglobin tetramer are discussed here.  相似文献   

G P South  E H Grant 《Biopolymers》1974,13(9):1777-1789
Recent advances in dielectric theory are applied to two models representing an aqueous solution of dipolar macromolecules. In one model the water is treated as a dielectric continuum and the macromolecule as a finite-sized sphere; in the other both components are represented as point dipoles suspended in a background dielectric. The predicted frequency dependences of the complex permittivity in these two cases agree and the validity of the dielectric technique for estimating macromolecular size and shape is established. The model in which water is treated as a dielectric continuum predicts a larger dielectric dispersion in the radio frequency region, which is consistent with the experimental data available for myoglobin. The validity of the Debye formula for relaxation time and the effect of “dielectric friction” in macromolecular solutions are also discussed.  相似文献   

Time dependence of the proton relaxation times of regenerating rat liver   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The proton longitudinal relaxation time of regenerating rat liver has been found to increase during the first 24 hours after hepatectomy and to drop back to normal in the following hours. The decreased relaxation rate may be related to the increase of the water mobility due to the expansion of the intercellular spaces during the massive proliferation of the first day, or to the increased cell hydration which is known to occur during active cell proliferation. Equations have been derived for the proliferation process, and the competing inhibition process, active from the 24th hour, which can quantitatively account for the proton relaxation behaviour.  相似文献   

The longitudinal, transverse, and spin-locked rotating frame relaxation rates have been measured for water protons in aqueous solutions of the human serum proteins albumin, fibrinogen, and alpha 2-macroglobulin in the physiological concentration range below 50 g/liter, corresponding to an upper limit for molarity of 725, 147, and 69 microM, respectively. The linear concentration dependence of all the relaxation rates measured at 100 MHz was used to provide the molar sensitivities of each relaxation process for each of the protein solutes. Both the solute dependence and the relaxation-process dependence of the molar sensitivities have been analyzed in terms of a model that has emerged from previous R1 dispersion measurements. This analysis demonstrates consistency between our data and that model for the active motions and their motional rates.  相似文献   

A Lanir  S Gradstajn  G Navon 《Biochemistry》1975,14(2):242-248
Longitudinal and transverse proton relaxation rates of water in solutions of manganese(II) bovine carbonic anhydrase have been measured by pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry as a function of temperature (2-35 degrees), frequently (5-100 MHz) and pH. The pH dependence of the longitudinal relaxation rate was fitted to a sigmoidal curve with a pK value at 7.8, while the esterase activity of the manganese(II) enzyme in the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate revealed an inflection point at pK = 8.2. The hydration number of manganese(II) carbonic anhydrase could be derived using either the frequency dependence of T1p or the T1p/T2p ratio at only one (high) frequency. Both treatments are in agreement with a model in which one water molecule is bound to the metal at high pH. At low pH the relaxation data imply that no-H20 exists in the first coordination sphere of the manganese ion. The various parameters which are responsible for the proton relaxation mechanisms have been evaluated and are compared to other manganese(II) enzyme systems. The pH dependence of the binding constant of manganese to apocarbonic anhydrase is also reported.  相似文献   

The interaction of solvent water protons with the bound paramagnetic metal ions of beef heart cytochrome c oxidase has been examined. The observed proton relaxation rates of enzyme solutions had a negative temperature dependence, indicating a rapid exchange between solvent protons in the coordination sphere of the metal ions and bulk solvent. An analysis of the dependence of the proton relaxation rate on the observation frequency indicated that the correlation time, which modulates the interaction between solvent protons and the unpaired electrons on the metal ions, is due to the electron spin relaxation time of the heme irons of cytochrome c oxidase. This means that at least one of the hemes is exposed to solvent. The proton relaxation rate of the oxidized enzyme was found to be sensitive to changes in ionic strength and to changes in the spin states of the metal ions. Heme a3 was found to be relatively inaccessible to bulk solvent. Partial reduction of the enzyme caused a slight increase in the relaxation rate, which may be due to a change in the antiferromagnetic coupling between two of the bound paramagnetic centers. Further reduction resulted in a decreased relaxation rate, and the fully reduced enzyme was no longer sensitive to changes in ionic strength. The binding of cytochrome c to cytochrome c oxidase had little effect on the proton relaxation rates of oxidized cytochrome oxidase indicating that cytochrome c binding has little effect on solvent accessibility to the metal ion sites.  相似文献   

On the mechanism of dielectric relaxation in aqueous DNA solutions.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The complex dielectric response of calf thymus DNA in aqueous saline solutions has been measured from 1 MHz to 1 GHz. The results are presented in terms of the relaxation of the incremental contributions to the permittivity and conductivity from the condensed counterions surrounding the DNA molecules. Measurements of the low-frequency conductivity of the samples also lends support to the condensed counterion interpretation.  相似文献   

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